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Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 3 Project development

Jhon Ederson Buriticá Moreno

C.C: 1106894407
Yudy Caterine Garzón Rubio
C.C: 1111197824

Curso: Food Packaging

Grupo: 216006_7

Tutor: Laura Maria Reyes

Ingeniería de alimentos

Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia

Escuela de ciencias básicas tecnología e ingeniería


Select a SPECIFIC PRODUCT or beverage from one of the groups presented below that
can be packaged in the material selected collaboratively in Phase 2.:

 Alcoholic drinks

1. From the selected product set: Traditional and novel packaging (active, intelligent and/or
biodegradable) available in the market for the selected product (Used images).

In the market, there are different types of beer packaging, including traditional, active, smart, and
biodegradable containers. Below is a brief description of each:
1. Traditional Packaging: Traditional beer packaging includes glass bottles. These
containers are widely used and have established characteristics. Glass bottles are known
for preserving the flavor of the beer and are recyclable. These packages are durable and
offer a good barrier against light and oxygen (Zcastro 2023).

2. Active Packaging: Active packaging refers to containers that incorporate technology to

enhance the quality and freshness of beer throughout its shelf life (García 2023). These
containers may feature oxygen purging systems or components that help maintain the
beer in optimal conditions. For instance, some beer cans use an inner lining that reduces
oxygen transfer, thus preserving the beer's flavor and extending its shelf life.

3. Smart Packaging: Smart packaging utilizes advanced technology to provide real-time
information about the beer and its consumption. This may include labels or QR codes
that allow consumers to access information about the beer, such as its origin, flavor, and
food pairings. They may also incorporate sensors that indicate when the beer is cold and
ready to be consumed. These packages offer an enhanced consumption experience and
can be useful for brand promotion (QR Code Generator, 2019).

4. Biodegradable Packaging: Biodegradable packaging is designed to reduce the

environmental impact of beer. These packages are made from materials that naturally
decompose and can be recycled or composted. Examples include cardboard containers,
recycled paper packaging, and biodegradable plastic bottles. These packages are a
sustainable option that contributes to the reduction of plastic waste and environmental

2. Physicochemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of food or drink

Beer is an alcoholic beverage made using water, malt, yeast, and hops (Castorena-García, 2020).
The composition of beer ranges from 88% to 95% water, which contributes in part to the sensory
characteristics of beer; its purity and hardness are key factors for excellent-quality beer
(Castorena-García, 2020). Malt is the result of a process that transforms the starch of barley or
another cereal into simple sugars that are easily fermentable by yeast. Hops are used to provide
flavor and aroma to the beer, as well as to balance the sweetness of the malt and act as a natural
preservative. Yeast is responsible for fermenting the sugars from the malt, producing alcohol and
carbon dioxide.

Regarding the physicochemical characteristics, beer can vary in alcohol content, bitterness, color,
total phenols, acidity, alcohol by volume, carbonation, copper, arsenic, pH, density, astringency,
turbidity, and foam (Mendoza 2022). The modification of traditional beers by adding adjuncts
such as wheat, corn, rice, and fruits can introduce new sensory characteristics to the beverage,
but it can also increase the levels of bioactive compounds (Castorena-García, 2020).

Here are some of the physicochemical parameters measured to characterize beer:

Original Gravity (OG): It is the amount of organic and inorganic components found in the wort
before fermentation. It is measured to determine the amount of fermentable sugars and, therefore,
the amount of alcohol that can be obtained.

Brix Degrees: It is a measure of sugar concentration in the wort before fermentation. It is

measured using a refractometer and is used to estimate the alcohol content in the beer (Dolores,
pH: It is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the beer. The optimal pH for beer fermentation
is around 5.2 to 5.5.
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Beers must have an alcohol by volume between 2.5 and 12 degrees
(Decree 162 2012).

Regarding the nutritional characteristics, beer contains carbohydrates, proteins, B-group

vitamins, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as
antioxidants. However, it also contains alcohol, which can be harmful to health if consumed in
excess. In terms of sensory characteristics, taste and aroma are the sensory attributes that most
influence the choice of a beer. The addition of adjuncts and other ingredients can modify these
characteristics, leading to the creation of craft beers with unique flavors and aromas (Mendoza
2022). Each of these sensory and physical properties is important, and a defect in any of them
can lead to the complete rejection of the product.

Nutrient Amount per 12 oz (355 ml) of beer

Calories Approximately 150-200 kcal (FatSecret, n.d.)
Fat 0g

Saturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 0 mg
Carbohydrates Approximately 10-15 g

Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 0g

Protein Approximately 2-3 g

3. Conservation requirements (Temperature, Humidity, Oxygen, Preservatives, Stiffness /

Resistance of the packaging, Controlled or modified atmospheres)
The preservation of beer is important to maintain its quality and flavor over time. Beer storage
requirements include factors such as temperature, humidity, oxygen, preservatives, container
rigidity/strength (usually glass), and, in some cases, the use of controlled or modified atmospheres.
Here are the details of each of these aspects:
Temperature: Proper temperature is a critical factor in beer storage. Most beers are best stored
at cool and stable temperatures, typically between 7 and 13 degrees Celsius (45 to 55 degrees
Fahrenheit) (Judge, 2023), especially in the case of hoppy beers like IPAs and APAs. It is
recommended to store beer in the refrigerator but not in the freezer. Beers with lower alcohol
content benefit from a temperature of around 10°C to 12.8°C, while medium-alcohol beers benefit
from storage at temperatures around 10°C to 12.8°C (Del Cervecero, 2018).

Humidity: Excessive humidity can damage beer labels and cardboard packaging, so it's
important to store beer in a dry place. However, the relative humidity inside the bottle is not a
critical factor for beer preservation.

Light: Beer should be kept away from direct light, especially sunlight, as it can cause beer to
become "light-struck" and develop a skunky taste (Secom, 2021). It's best to store beer in a dark
place, like a cupboard or pantry (Sedovinc, 2023).

Oxygen: Beer should be kept away from oxygen, as it can cause it to oxidize and develop
unpleasant flavors. Once a beer is opened, it should be consumed within a few days to avoid
oxidation (Azul, 2023).

Preservatives: Some beers may contain preservatives to help extend their shelf life, but these
can affect the taste of the beer (Quintana, 2021). Many beers use hops as a natural preservative
due to their antimicrobial properties. Hop acids provide antibacterial stability and serve as a
natural preservative, helping to maintain beer freshness and extend its shelf life (Xavi, 2005).

Container Rigidity/Strength: Glass bottles are the most common container for beer due to their
ability to protect it from light and oxygen. Glass bottles also provide an effective barrier to
maintain beer quality. Cans are also popular and offer protection against light and oxygen, though
they may not be as resistant to moisture.

Controlled or Modified Atmospheres: Some breweries use modified atmospheres, such as

nitrogen or carbon dioxide, to package their beer to help preserve its flavor and aroma (DouGall’s,
it is best to store beer in a cool and dark place, away from oxygen and direct light, and in a sturdy
container. It is also important to consume beer within a reasonable time after opening it to avoid
4. Main reactions or processes of physicochemical, microbiological and sensory deterioration of
the selected food or drink during storage.
"They can undergo a series of physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory changes during
their storage due to the interaction of various factors. Here are some of the main reactions or
deterioration processes that can affect this beverage (beer):"

Microbiological Deterioration:

Lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria are some of the microorganisms that can lead to the
deterioration of beer (José C., 2022). Additionally, indirect beer spoilage microorganisms may
be present in raw materials, such as bacteria and yeast, which can result in unpleasant flavors
and odors (Scanco & Scanco, 2019).

Physicochemical Deterioration:

Oxidation: Beer oxidation, i.e., the uptake of oxygen in beer, is the most significant factor
inducing beer deterioration (Guerard, 2021).
Color Degradation: Exposure to sunlight and temperature can also impact the quality and safety
of beer (Guerard, 2021).

Sensory Deterioration:

Aroma Degradation: Beer aging can lead to a decrease in bitterness and the fruity and floral
flavors and aromas, which negatively impacts the hop flavors and aromas over time (Guerard,
2021). Additionally, chemical changes resulting from composition and external environmental
factors such as temperature and light can affect the sensory properties of beer.

Changes in taste: these can be caused by physical, chemical, or microbiological processes, which
can alter the taste perception of the product. (Lic. Mailén 2022).

Changes in aroma: these can be caused by oxidation, microbial activity, or other factors,
affecting the fragrance and bouquet of the product (Lic. Mailén 2022).

Changes in mouthfeel: these can be caused by the loss of carbonation, turbidity, or other
factors, which can modify the texture and the tasting experience of the product.

5. Indicate additional to the selected packaging, additives or other additional substances or

agents to preserve the product, for example: gases (modified atmosphere), antioxidants,
antimicrobials, ripening sensors, among others.

When it comes to preserving alcoholic beverages like beer, there are several additives and substances
that can be used. Some of these include:
• Gases (modified atmosphere): This is a technique used to preserve beer by replacing the air
in the container with a mixture of gases that help maintain the quality and freshness of the
beer. The most commonly used gases are carbon dioxide and nitrogen (Juárez, 2022).
• Antioxidants: These are substances that help prevent oxidation, which can cause beer to spoil.
Common antioxidants used in beer production include ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and alpha-
tocopherol (vitamin E) (López-García, 2022).
• Antimicrobials: These are substances that help prevent the growth of microorganisms, such
as bacteria and fungi, which can spoil beer. Common antimicrobials used in beer production
include benzoates and sorbates (López-García, 2022).
• Maturation sensors: These are devices that can be used to monitor the beer maturation
process and ensure it is at the optimal stage for consumption. These sensors can measure
factors such as temperature, pH, and alcohol content.
It is worth noting that some of these additives and substances are controversial, and there are ongoing
debates about their safety and effectiveness. For example, benzoates have been associated with the
formation of benzene, a carcinogenic compound, under certain circumstances. However, regulatory
bodies such as the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) have established
safe levels of consumption for these additives.
6. According to the properties of the selected packaging material (Phase 2), indicate if it meets
the storage conditions of the product considering the processes of permeability to water
vapor and gases, absorption, diffusion and migration of compounds from the packaging to
the product.

Glass is an inert material and does not chemically interact with its contents, making it ideal for
storing natural products for extended periods due to its inertness (Tech, 2023). Additionally, glass
is resistant to the manufacturing process and can accommodate hot or cold, antiseptic,
pasteurized, or sterilized products (Tech, 2023). Amber glass bottles are commonly used for
storing beer because the amber color helps protect the beer from harmful UV rays that can alter
its flavor (Julio, 2023). Therefore, glass meets the storage conditions for beer since it does not
allow permeability to water vapor and gases, absorption, diffusion, and migration of compounds
from the container to the product. Furthermore, glass is durable and does not degrade in the

7. Sanitary requirements at national and international level. Establish the critical or relevant
aspects established in the national or international regulations for the commercialization of
the selected product

NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014 establishes sanitary and labeling specifications for alcoholic beverages.
The maximum limit of higher alcohols for Whisky and Cognac must not exceed 1000 mg/100 ml of
anhydrous alcohol.
Establish the technical regulations on the sanitary requirements that must be met for the
manufacturing, production, hydration, packaging, storage, distribution, transportation, marketing,
sale, export, and import of alcoholic beverages intended for human consumption (Decree 1686 of

 Malt alcohol: it is the alcohol obtained from special distillation, with a maximum of 70
alcoholometric degrees, of fully malted barley fermented broths, and it must possess
characteristics that indicate its origin (Decree 1686 of 2012).

 Decree 1686 of 2012 establishes the technical regulations for the sanitary requirements that must
be met for the manufacturing, production, hydration, packaging, storage, distribution,
transportation, marketing, expenditure, export, and import of alcoholic beverages intended for
human consumption. All alcoholic beverages supplied directly to the public, whether branded or
unbranded, must have a sanitary registration issued by the National Institute of Drug and Food
Surveillance (Invima) (GOV.CO 2102).

 Advertising for alcoholic beverages does not require prior authorization from Invima. In any case,
all advertising must comply with the requirements established in Chapter VIII of Decree 1686 of
2012. Making claims about medicinal, preventive, curative, nutritive, therapeutic.

 In any advertising or promotional incentive for alcoholic beverages, it is prohibited to make

claims about medicinal, preventive, curative, nutritive, therapeutic.

 Display the warnings "Prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors" and "Excessive
alcohol consumption is harmful to health."

 The minimum alcoholic content is 2.5 alcoholometric degrees (Decree 1686 of 2012). • Alcoholic
beverages must not have therapeutic indications (Decree 1686 of 2012).

 Alcoholic beverages must not contain denatured ethanol (Decree 1686 of 2012).

Physical-Chemical Parameters:
Parameter Range or Limit
Alcohol Content 4-7%

Specific Gravity 1.040-1.060

pH 4.0-4.6

Color (EBC or SRM) 5-40 EBC

Carbonation X g/L 2-3 g/L

Microbiological Parameters:

Parameter Range or Limit

Microorganism Count CFU/mL <10 CFU/mL

Microbiological Contaminants Absence of Salmonella,

E. coli

Quality Parameters:
Parameter Requirement
Taste and Aroma Comply with style standards

Appearance Comply with style standards of

Decree 1366 of 2020

Labeling Comply with labeling regulations

Resolution 2492 of 2022


The choice of packaging for alcoholic beverages, such as beer, is essential for their preservation and
quality. There are various types of packaging in the market, ranging from traditional glass bottles to
active, smart, and biodegradable containers. Beer is a complex beverage, and its quality is influenced
by parameters such as alcohol content, pH, and aroma. Proper storage, controlling factors like
temperature and light, is crucial for maintaining its freshness. Additionally, compliance with national
and international regulations is required, covering aspects from labeling to advertising and health
warnings. Taking all these factors into consideration, producers ensure quality and compliance with
legal regulations when marketing beer.

Bibliographic references

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