Performance Task FORMAT

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Imus City, Cavite FIRST QUARTER, SY 2022-2023
Tchr. Nash Vargas
Committed to Learners Success

Performance Task
(from Curriculum Guide)
Transfer Goal
Goal Role Audience Situation Product Standards

I am Ready! A Geologic Disaster Preparedness Seminar

Since the destructive earthquake/volcanic eruption/Tsunami experienced by your province last year, the local
government has taken a serious and extensive disaster awareness and preparedness efforts to all the communities in
their projects. As part of private organization that focuses on disaster preparedness, your team was tasked by the
Barangay captain to prepare and present a video seminar to the community on the earthquake/volcanic eruption/Tsunami
safety tips to remind the public of the basic do’s and don’ts before, during and after a disaster. Your Video seminar should
also include the list of emergency hotlines, relevant websites, evacuation areas, and other important information that can
be used on the event of a geologic disaster. The video seminar will be uploaded to a YouTube account to increase the
awareness and to lessen the impact, damage and casualties during disaster. It will be evaluated based on the content,
organization, delivery, creativity and material.


Topic Lesson Competencies Scaffold Activities

4 3 2 1 COMMENTS

The seminar is tightly The seminar is

focused and relevant to adequately focused The seminar would benefit The seminar lacks
disaster preparedness; relevant to disaster from more focus; relevance or focus;
contains accurate preparedness; major Presentation contains some presentation contains
information with no fact facts are accurate and fact errors or omissions. multiple fact errors
errors generally complete
Most ideas are in Some ideas not presented in
Ideas are presented in Ideas are not presented in
logical order with proper
logical order with proper order; transitions
adequate transitions order; transitions are needed
Organization/ effective transitions are lacking between
between most major between
Clarity between major major ideas; several parts
ideas; presentation is some ideas; some parts of
ideas; presentation is of presentations are wordy
generally clear and presentation
clear and concise or unclear
understandable may be wordy or unclear
Good volume and
Adequate volume and
energy; proper pace More volume/energy needed Low volume or energy;
energy; generally
and diction; avoidance at times; pace too slow or pace too slow or fast; poor
good pace and diction;
of distracting fast; some distracting diction; distracting gestures
Delivery few or no distracting
gestures; professional gestures or posture; adequate or posture; unprofessional
gestures; professional
appearance; appearance; visual aids could appearance; visual aids
appearance; visual
visual aids used be improved poorly used
aids used adequately
Very original
presentation of Some originality
Little or no variation; material Repetitive with little or no
material; uses the apparent; good variety
Creativity presented with little originality variety; insufficient use of
unexpected to full and blending of
or interpretation multimedia
advantage; captures materials/media
audience’s attention
The video is well edited Any problems are so There are some problems There are many problems
Video Editing and effective. Length minimal that they don't with the video that distract with the video that distract
was between 5 min. to distract from the from its effectiveness. from its effectiveness.
effectiveness of the Problems may include
Problems may include sound
message. Length was sound issues, poor
10 min. issues, poor information, not
between 5 min. to 10 information, not enough
enough pictures, length, etc.
min. pictures, length, etc.

Performance Task Requirements

1. Earthquake/Volcanic Eruption/Tsunami Disaster Management Seminar Video.

2. Individual Performance Check list

Performance Task Guidelines

1. Performance task is 40% of grade in Science

2. The group will prepare and present a seminar about what to do before, during and after Earthquake/Volcanic
Eruption/Tsunami to increase the awareness of the community and lessen the impact and damage brought by
Earthquake/Volcanic Eruption/Tsunami.
3. The group should have their own organization name, and during the video seminar, they should wear badges that represent
their organization.
FINAL GRADE ROLE Individual Grade Group Grade Total Score
4. Remember that your audience is a community or barangay. Your seminar must be simple and based on the level of their
understanding. So local dialect is encouraged to be used.
5. Appropriate attire for the seminar is highly encouraged.
6. Deadline of Video Seminar will be on November 6, 2020 5:00pm.
7. The Video will be uploaded in one of the Channel of your groupmates. Links only will be sent to your teacher.
8. The leader will delegate the roles and task to each member (presenter, editor, researcher etc.).
9. The leader shall distribute effectively the different task to his/her group mates. If a leader complains that one of his/her group
members is not doing the assigned work during the project making, then that group member shall do an individual project.
10. A uniform individual evaluation checklist of task will be accomplished for this performance task. The leader will evaluate all the
members of the group. The result will be averaged and will be considered in getting the individual grade. Then, an output
score range will be observed. Refer to the table below for the checklist and output range score.

Evaluated by: _________________________ Date: _________________

Subject Coordinator

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