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Stefanus Krisma / 221214116

Diva Olivia G / 221214119

Sabina Shinta Nove Ardea / 221214125
Yosephine Amelia Christie / 221214139

"Finding Happiness on the College Journey: Challenges and Benefits"

What first comes to mind when you hear the word 'happiness'? Who is not familiar with the
term happiness? Of course, everyone is familiar with the term happiness, and there are tons of
answers about happiness. Happiness is a profound state of mind that creates the foundation for a
true quality of life. We all want it, seek it, and hope to have it throughout our lives. However,
happiness is not always easy to achieve, especially for college students. Because, basically, student
happiness is a journey, not a destination. Students experience many challenges, such as academic
demands, parental pressure, and uncertainty about the future. This causes them to feel unhappy and
dissatisfied with their lives. For more details, below we will discuss the cause and effect of
happiness so that happiness continues to increase in every student.

In college life, there are so many factors that make students happy. But there is one thing
that makes students feel guilty in college: stress. All of you may know about stress, right? Stress is a
state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding
circumstances. When you have a lot of tasks and the deadlines for every task are so close, you are
confused, guilty, and panicked. When your friend makes you mad at the same time because they
don’t contribute to tour group work and other things that do not go according to your plan.

Based on several experiences we had during college, we have four positive impacts of
learning with happiness. First, when students are happy, they are more likely to be motivated to set
goals for themselves and put in the effort to achieve those goals. Second, with a sense of happiness,
they are more likely to pay attention in class, participate in discussions, and complete their
assignments on time. Third, happy students are more likely to be persistent in their learning. So,
when they face challenges, they are more likely to keep trying and not give up. In addition, they are
also more likely to have positive relationships with their classmates and professors.

This essay has highlighted that happiness is a profound state of mind that creates the
foundation for a true quality of life, and while college students face various challenges that can
impede their happiness, fostering happiness among students can have positive impacts on their
motivation, academic performance, persistence, and relationships. In conclusion, happiness is
something we all want in life, but it can be tough to find, especially for college students. College
brings many challenges, like lots of work and stress. But being happy in college is essential. When
students are happy, they do better in school, stay motivated, and have good relationships. So,
remember, happiness is a journey, and even with the challenges, it's worth pursuing for a better
college experience.

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