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Broken marriages among Overseas Filipino Workers

One of the major problems that the country faces today is the issue of broken marriages among
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). One of the major problems of OFWs is the struggle of broken families,
these are caused by the feeling of loneliness, and the feeling of freedom from the long distance with
their wives or husbands. This may also be caused by a situation that OFWs encounter, which is an active
extramarital relationship (Pinoy OFW, 2012). The main problem here is the necessity to work abroad. If
this situation is not handled, the consequences not only affect the couple but it greatly affects the child.
The parents are most likely to be emotionally, financially troubled, and the worst is being socially
stigmatized. (Government of Singapore, 2006). Severe psychological and behavioral problems are two to
three times more prone to children with divorced families compared to non-divorced. The solution to
this problem is to deal with the local problems of the country. The decision to go abroad is an economic
choice, many Filipinos aim to invest to further their goals, professionals are paid poorly locally compared
to the income opportunity that are open in different countries.

A reason why Filpinos go abroad is the fact that companies locally offer low salary. This local disruption
leads to the problem on which families have to be separated and possibly destroy their marriage.

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