Test Polity

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Test Booklet Series

Parishram Polity Test 1

2023 Roll No.

Parishram Prelims Test Series for 2024

Time Allowed:60 Maximum Marks: 100


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1) Consider the following pairs 2) Article 22 of the Indian Constitution

(Judgement) :: (Case) provides provisions related to
protection against arrest and
1.Supreme Court said that Parliament detention. Which of the following
can amend the :: Shankari Prasad Case statements is true about Article 22?
Fundamental rights under article 368
1. The first part of Article 22 deals with
2. Supreme court clarified that Basic the cases of ordinary law so it applies
Structure doctrine would apply :: to civil arrest and arrest on failure to
Waman Rao Case pay income tax.
To constitutional amendments enacted
after April 24, 1973 2.The 44th Amendment Act of 1978
allowed for detention of a person under
3.In judging the validity of a preventive detention law for more
Constitutional Amendment Act, one :: than three months without the opinion
IR Coelho Case of an advisory board.
have to be guided by the impact test
i.e. Right Test 3.In case of detention of a person
under a preventive detention law, the
4.The Supreme Court ruled that the authority can decline to disclose
Parliament cannot take :: Champakam certain facts to the person related to
Dorairajan Case grounds of his arrest, if the authority
away or abridge any of the feels that such disclosure may be
Fundamental Rights, which against public interest.
are ‘sacrosanct’ in nature.
4. Preventive detention could be used
only to prevent public disorder.
How many of the statements given
above are incorrect? How many of the statements given
above are correct?

a. Only one
a. Only one

b. Only two
b. Only two

c. Only three
c. Only three

d. All four
d. All four
3) With reference to the Writs Consider 4) Consider the following statements
the Following Statements
1. Article 31A saves laws such as
1. Supreme Court can empower any agricultural land reforms, industry and
other court to issue writs. commerce from being challenged and
invalidated on the ground of
2. The writ of Mandamus (‘we contravention of the fundamental
command’) can be issued to enforce rights conferred by Article 14 and
contractual obligation Article 19.

3. Prohibition is issued by a higher 2. Article 31B saves the acts and

court to a lower court or tribunal to regulations included in the Ninth
prevent the latter from exceeding its Schedule from being challenged and
jurisdiction or usurping a jurisdiction invalidated on the ground of
that it does not possess. contravention of any of the
fundamental rights.
4. In ADM Jabalpur vs Shivakant Shukla
also known as Habeas Corpus case, the 3. Article 31C, as inserted by the 25th
Supreme Court ruled that the writ of Amendment Act of 1971, contain that
Habeas Corpus can be suspended at No law that seeks to implement the
the time of emergency. socialistic directive principles specified
in Article 39 or shall be void on the
How many of the statements given ground of contravention of the
above are incorrect? fundamental rights conferred by Article
or Article 19.

a. Only one 4. Supreme Court in Kesavananda

Bharati case ruled that there could not
be any blanket immunity from judicial
b. Only two
review of laws included in the Ninth
c. Only three
How many of the statements given
above are correct?
d. All four

a. Only one

b. Only two

c. Only three

d. All four
5) With reference to the Indian 6) With reference to the concept of
Constitution, consider the following Liberty, consider the following
statements: statements:

1. There is no theory of 'Equality of 1. Liberty means the absence of

State Rights' underlying the federal restraints on the activities of
scheme in our Constitution. individuals.
2. Absolute liberty is provided for in the
2. In our Constitution, there is no Fundamental Rights of the
equality of representation of the states Constitution.
in the Council of States. 3. The right to liberty is protected
under Article 21 of the Indian
3. The Union of India consists of the Constitution.
territories of the states, the UTs, and 4. The concept of negative liberty
any territory that may be acquired in focuses on self-mastery and self-
the future. realization, while positive liberty
emphasizes on the absence of external
4. The concept of Independent Judiciary constraints
goes against the principle of federalism
as enshrined in the constitution. How many of the statements given
above are correct?
How many of the statements given
above are correct?

a. Only one
a. Only one

b. Only two
b. Only two

c. Only three
c. Only three

d. All four
d. All four

7) With reference to the Indian legal 8) With reference to the Territorial

system, consider the following Extent of Central and State Legislation,
statements: consider the following statements:

1. All pre-constitutional as well as post- 1. The Parliament has the ability to

constitutional laws that are make laws for the whole or any part of
inconsistent with or in derogation of the territory of India without any
any of the fundamental rights shall be restrictions or exceptions.
2. A state legislature's laws are
2. A constitutional amendment is not a applicable outside the state only if
law and hence cannot be challenged in approved by the President of India.
the Supreme Court. 3. The Parliament's 'extraterritorial
legislation' is limited to Indian citizens
3. Rule by law is when the law is used and does not apply to Indian
as an instrument of suppression, companies operating abroad.
oppression and social control in the
course of implementing a political 4. The President's power to make
agenda. regulations for Union Territories
extends to all Union Territories, and
4. While the rule of law is declared a these regulations can neither repeal
basic feature of the Constitution, rule nor amend any act of Parliament.
by law is the antithesis of all that is
represented by rule of law. How many of the statements given
above are correct?
How many of the statements given
above are correct?

a. Only one

a. Only one
b. Only two

b. Only two
c. Only three

c. Only three
d. None

d. All four

9) With reference to the Parliamentary 10) With reference to the Allocation of

Legislation in the State List, consider Taxing Powers in India, consider the
the following statements: following statements:

1. If the Rajya Sabha passes a 1. The Parliament's exclusive power to

resolution by simple majority that it is levy taxes includes the imposition of
necessary in the national interest for gift tax, wealth tax, and expenditure
Parliament to make laws on a matter in tax, however these specific taxes are
the State List, the Parliament becomes not enumerated in the Union List.
competent to make laws on that
matter. 2. The state legislature can impose
taxes on subjects not mentioned in any
2. During a National Emergency, the of the three lists if it receives special
Parliament acquires the power to permission from the Parliament.
legislate on matters in the State List,
and the laws become inoperative on 3. The 101st Amendment Act of 2016
the expiration of six months after the conferred concurrent power upon
emergency has ceased to operate. Parliament and State Legislatures to
make laws governing goods and
3. When legislatures of two or more services tax, but this amendment did
states pass resolutions requesting the not alter the residuary power of
Parliament to enact laws on a matter in taxation vested in the Parliament.
the State List, the state legislature
retains the power to amend or repeal 4. The Concurrent List, despite not
that law. containing any tax entries, allows for
shared legislative competence between
4. During President's Rule, a law made the Centre and the states in matters
by the Parliament with respect to any related to the administration of
matter in the State List in relation to particular taxes.
that state becomes inoperative once
the President's Rule ends. How many of the statements given
above are correct?
How many of the statements given
above are correct?

a. Only one

b. Only two
a. Only one

c. Only three
b. Only two

d. All four
c. Only three

d. All four

11) With reference to the adjudication 12) With reference to the Indian
of inter-state water disputes in India, Constitution and its amendments,
consider the following statements: consider the following statements:

1. Article 262 allows the Parliament to 1. The 24th Constitution Amendment

enact laws for the adjudication of any Act of 1971 affirmed the power of the
dispute or complaint with respect to Parliament to amend any part of the
the use, distribution, and control of Constitution, including the
waters of any inter-state river and river Fundamental Rights, and made it
valley, and to exclude the jurisdiction mandatory for the President to provide
of the Supreme Court and other courts assent to for such amendments.
in such disputes.
2. The 61st Constitution Amendment
2. The River Boards Act (1956) was Act of 1988 reduced the voting age for
enacted by the Parliament under the the Lok Sabha and State Legislative
provision of Article 262, to set up Assembly elections from 21 to 18
boards in order to settle disputes with years, and the age of candidacy from
respect to sharing waters of inter-state 30 to 25.
3. The 74th Constitution Amendment
3. The decision of the tribunal set up Act of 1992 provided for the
for the adjudication of inter-state water establishment of Municipalities in
disputes under the Act is subject to urban areas, including the constitution
appeal in the High Court of the of Wards Committees, including the
concerned states. Scheduled Areas and tribal areas.

4. The need for an extra-judicial 4. The 97th Constitution Amendment

machinery to settle inter-state water Act of 2011 introduced provisions
disputes is based on the experience related to cooperatives, including the
that legal rights or interests in water formation of a State Co-operative
supplies do not afford a satisfactory Election Authority, but it mandated that
basis for settling disputes between the maximum number of directors of a
states where public interests are co-operative society shall not exceed
involved. 21.

How many of the statements given How many of the statements given
above are correct? above are correct?

a. Only one a. Only one

b. Only two b. Only two

c. Only three c. Only three

d. All four d. All four

13) With reference to the Motion of 14) With reference to the Law
Thanks on the President's Address, Commissions in India, consider the
consider the following statements: following statements:

1. Notices of amendments to the 1. The first Law Commission was

Motion of Thanks can be tabled before established in 1834 under the Charter
the President has delivered his Act of 1833, marking the beginning of
Address. legal reform in British India.

2. Amendments to the Motion of 2. The second Law Commission,

Thanks may refer only to matters constituted in 1853, focused on the
contained in the Address and cannot adaptation of Hindu and Muslim
include matters that the Address has personal laws to the British legal
failed to mention. system, while the third and fourth Law
Commissions, in 1861 and 1879
3. The Motion of Thanks must be respectively, emphasized the
passed in both the Lok Sabha and the codification of civil and criminal
Rajya Sabha, and the failure to do so procedural laws.
does not have any significant 3. The First Law Commission of
consequences for the government. Independent India was established in
1955, and it was chaired by the then
4. The Speaker in the Lok Sabha and Chief Justice of India, Mr. M. C.
the Chairman in the Rajya Sabha have Setalvad.
the authority to consider the
appropriate form of amendments to the 4. The Law Commissions have been
Motion of Thanks. instrumental in recommending legal
reforms, and their recommendations
How many of the statements given are legally binding on the government.
above are incorrect? How many of the statements given
above are incorrect?

a. Only one
a. Only one

b. Only two
b. Only two

c. Only three
c. Only three

d. All four
d. All four

15) Consider the following statements 16) Consider the following statements:
regarding the e-Courts Project in India:
1. The principle of the rule of law
1. The e-Courts Project was empowers the judiciary to exercise
conceptualized under the National e- oversight over the executive branch,
Governance Plan and initiated in 2007, particularly when it oversteps its
with Phase I focusing on ICT jurisdiction, thereby ensuring a system
enablement of the District Courts and of checks and balances.
Phase II extending to the High Courts.
2. Article 105 and Article 194 of the
2. The 'National Policy and Action Plan Indian Constitution stand as exceptions
for Implementation of Information and to the rule of law, conferring specific
Communication Technology in Indian privileges and immunities to Members
Judiciary' was formulated by a of Parliament and State Legislatures,
committee chaired by the Chief Justice respectively.
of India, providing a roadmap for the e-
Courts Project. 3. The rule of law is inherently linked to
the concept of equality, implying that
3. The e-Courts Project is a Pan-India all individuals, regardless of their
initiative, with funding provided by the status, are subject to the same legal
Department of Justice, Ministry of Law framework.
and Justice, Government of India, and
implementation monitored by the e- 4. The doctrine of the rule of law is
Committee of the Supreme Court. explicitly enshrined within the Indian
Constitution, forming the cornerstone
4. The e-Courts Project aims to enable of the nation's legal system.
electronic filing of cases, virtual court
proceedings, and online case status How many of the statements given
tracking, with an additional focus on above are correct?
integrating Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) mechanisms within
the digital platform.
How many of the statements given a. Only one
above are incorrect?
b. Only two

a. Only one c. Only three

b. Only two d. All four

c. Only three

d. All four

17) Which of the following is/are the 18) Which of the following statements
features of Federalism? is/are correct regarding the distinctions
between Articles 358 and 359 of the
1. Different tiers of government have Indian Constitution?
their own jurisdiction as defined by
constitutional provisions. 1. Article 358 is confined to
Fundamental Rights under Article 19,
2. The existence and authority of each while Article 359 may extend to all
tier of government are constitutionally those Fundamental Rights whose
guaranteed. enforcement is suspended by the
Presidential Order.
3. In India, the Finance Commission
constituted by the President of India 2. Article 358 operates only in case of
governs the financial relationship Internal Emergency, whereas Article
between the Centre and the States. 359 operates in both External and
Internal Emergency.
4. Off-Budget borrowings mean all
borrowings not provided for in the 3. Article 358 suspends Article 19 for a
Budget but whose repayment liabilities period specified by the president but
also do not fall on the Budget. Article 359 suspends fundamental
rights for the entire duration of the
How many of the statements given emergency.
above are correct?
4. Article 358 extends to the entire
a. Only one country, while Article 359 may extend
to a part of the country or the entire
b. Only two

How many of the statements given

c. Only three above are correct?

d. All four

a. Only one

b. Only two

c. Only three

d. All four

19) The Right to Protest involves the 20) How many of the following items
exercise of which of the following have been placed in the 11th schedule
fundamental rights: of the Indian Constitution:
1. Equality before Law 1. Agriculture
2. Freedom of Resistance 2. Implementation of Land Reforms
3. Freedom to assemble peacefully 3. Primary & Secondary School
4. Freedom of speech and expression Education
How many of the statements given 4. Public Distribution System
above are correct? 5. Marriage & Divorce
6. Public health, sanitation conservancy
and solid waste management.

Select the correct answer code:

a. Only one

b. Only two
a. Only two

c. Only three
b. Only three

d. All four
c. Only four

d. Only five

21) Consider the following statements 22) Consider the following statements:
regarding President's Rule in India: 1. The Nation celebrates 24th April of
every year as National Panchayati Raj
1. Article 356 requires a governor's Day to mark the passing of the 73rd
report for the President to act, and Constitutional Amendment Act, which
Article 365 allows the President to act if came into force on this day in 1993.
a state fails to comply with the Centre's
direction. 2. The Government of India celebrates
April 21 every year as 'Civil Services
2. President's Rule can be extended Day' in honor of Sardar Vallabhbhai
beyond one year only if a National Patel's address to the probationers of
Emergency is in operation, and the Administrative Services Officers on this
Election Commission certifies that date in 1947.
general elections cannot be held.
3. The National Science Day is
3. During President's Rule, the celebrated on January 30th to
President may assume powers of the commemorate the discovery of the
concerned state high court and Raman Effect by Indian physicist Sir
suspend its constitutional provisions. C.V. Raman.

4. Laws enacted during President's 4. The National Maritime Day is

Rule become inoperative immediately observed on April 5th to honor the
after the cessation of the President's maritime history of India and the
Rule, and cannot be altered by the contribution of the shipping industry.
state legislature.
How many of the statements given
How many of the statements given above are correct?
above are correct?

a. Only one a. Only one

b. Only two b. Only two

c. Only three c. Only three

d. All four d. All four

23) With regards to the Government of 24) Consider the following statements
India Act of 1919, examine the regarding the Delimitation Commission
following statements: and the process of delimitation in India:

1. It introduced, for the first time, 1. The Delimitation Commission is

bicameralism and direct elections in appointed by the Prime Minister of
the country. India.
2. It tightened the central control over 2. The last delimitation exercise that
the provinces by giving legislation over changed the state-wise composition of
provincial subjects to the central the Lok Sabha was completed in 1996.
3. The 87th Amendment Act of 2003
3. It separated, for the first time, provided for the delimitation of
provincial budgets from the Central constituencies on the basis of the 2001
budget and authorized the provincial census.
legislatures to enact their budgets.
4. The Delimitation Commission's
How many of the statements given orders can be challenged in court.
above are correct?
How many of the statements given
above are correct?

a. Only one

a. Only one
b. Only two

b. Only two
c. All three

c. Only three
d. None

d. All four

25) The Digital Personal Data 26) Which among the following deals
Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP Act) in with Habeas Corpus
India has introduced new regulations
for digital personal data processing.
Consider the following statements:
a. State of Uttar Pradesh v. Raj Narain
1. The DPDP Act will replace Section
43A of the Information Technology Act
b. Additional district Magistrate of
and its corresponding rules, including Jabalpur v. Shiv Kant Shukla
the SPDI Rules.

2. The DPDP Act mandates that Data c. Menaka Gandhi v. Union of India
Fiduciaries must provide consent
mechanisms in English only. d. Nandini Satpathy vs Dani (P.L.)

3. The DPDP Act allows the Central

Government to classify 'significant data
fiduciaries' based on factors like data
volume and sensitivity. Non-
compliance with additional obligations
for these fiduciaries can result in
penalties up to INR 100 crore.

4. The DPDP Act applies to Data

Fiduciaries and Data Processors
processing digital personal data both
within and outside India, subject to
certain exemptions.

How many of the statements given

above are correct?

a. Only one

b. Only two

c. Only three

d. All four

27) Consider the following statements 28) In the context of the

regarding First Constitutional disqualification of legislators under the
Amendment Act Representation of People Act 1951,
consider the following statements:
1. It empowered States to ‘make any
special provision for the advancement 1. Section 8(3) of the Representation of
of any socially and educationally People Act states that a person
backward classes of citizens or for the convicted and sentenced to
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled imprisonment for not less than two
Tribes’. years shall be disqualified from the
date of conviction.
2. It allowed the State to enact laws
curbing citizens’ rights to freedom of 2. The Supreme Court's judgment in
expression and to practice any trade, Lily Thomas vs Union of India (2013)
occupation or business. struck down Section 8 (4) of the Act,
leading to instant disqualification
3. It also prevents States from making without a three-month appeal period.
laws permitting them to acquire any
citizen’s estate. 3. The President of India has the
authority to declare a sitting legislator
4. The amendment also added a ninth disqualified under Article 103.
schedule to the Constitution, listing a
number of State laws which cannot be 4. The judgment in Lily Thomas has led
challenged in courts. to a significant reduction in the
criminal proclivity of politicians.
How many of the above statements are Which of the statements given above
correct? are correct?

a. Only one a. Only one

b. Only two b. Only two

c. Only three c. Only three

d. All four d. All four

29) Consider the following statements: 30) Consider the following statements:
“The act provides for slave constitution
1. Charter act of 1853 provided that that attemps to strengthen and
the Company’s territories in India were perpetuate the economic bondage of
held by it ‘in trust of His Majesty, His India”
heirs and successors’.
The above statement was said by INC
2. Charter act of 1833 introduced local with reference to which act?
representation in the Indian Legislative

3. The viceroy during the Indian a. Indian Council Act 1892

Council Act 1892 was Lansdowne.
b. Indian Council Act of 1909
4. Through Morley minto reform
members of the legislative councils
were allowed to ask supplementary c. Government of India Act 1919
questions,move resolutions on the
d. Government of India Act 1935

How many of the above statements are


a. Only one

b. Only two

c. Only three

d. All of the above

31) Consider the following statement 32) Consider the following statements
regarding Press Council of India: regarding constituent assembly:

1. It is a statutory body. 1. The demand for constituent

assembly was finally accepted in
2. Recently Ranjana prakash Desai principle by British government in
became the second women Cripps Mission.
chairperson of PCI.
2. The constituent assembly was
3. Chairman is selected by Lok sabha constituted in November 1946 under
speaker, Rajya sabha chairman and a the scheme formulated by Cabinet
member elected by PCI. Mission plan.

4. It also consists of 5 members from 3. The constituent assembly held its

parliament,three nominated by lok first meeting on December 9,1946.The
sabha speaker and two nominated by meeting was attended by 211
chairman of Rajya sabha. members.
How many of the above statements are
correct? 4. It adopted the national flag on July

How many of the above statements are

a. Only one correct?

b. Only two

a. Only one
c. Only three

b. Only two
d. All of the above

c. Only three

d. All of the above

33) Consider the following features of 34) With reference to Indian

Pitt's India Act, 1784, select the correct interpretation of Secularism, examine
one: the following statements:

1. The Act established a Board of 1. The State does not favor any
Control to guide and control the work particular religious matter whatsoever.
of the Court of Directors and the
Government of India. 2. The state is not allowed make any
discrimination on the basis of religion
2. The Act laid the foundation of a in matters of employment.
centralized administration.
3. All educational institutions are free
3. The Act stated that the Presidencies to impart religious instruction of any
of Madras and Bombay were religion.
independent of the Presidency of
Bengal in all matters of war and peace. How many of the statements given
above are incorrect?
4. The offices of the Governor General
and the Commander-in-Chief were to
be united in the same person.
a. Only one
How many of the above statements are
b. Only two

c. All three
a. Only one

d. None
b. Only two

c. Only three

d. All Four

35) Second schedule of the constitution 36) Consider the following pairs with
contains provisions relating to the respect to addition to 8th Schedule
emoulments,allowances,privileges of languages:
followings: Language Amendments
1. Cabinet Minister 1. Sindhi : 21st amendment act
2. Judges of Supreme court and High 2. Bodo,dogiri : 71st amendment act
court Mithali,santahli
3. CAG 3. Konkani,Manipuri : 92nd amendment
4. Attorney General act
How many of the above are correct? Nepali
How many pairs are correctly

a. Only one

a. Only one
b. Only two

b. Only two
c. Only three

c. All three
d. All four

d. None of the above

37) Consider the following statement 38) Consider the following statements
regarding preamble of the constitution: regarding Directorate of
1. Like any other part of the Enforcement(ED):
Constitution, the Preamble was also
enacted by 1. ED is multidisciplinary organization
the Constituent Assembly; but, after mandated to investigate economic
the rest of the Constitution was already crimes and violations of foreign
enacted. exchange laws.

2.’We the people’ is borrowed from 2. It works against the Department of

U.S.A. Revenue,Ministry of Finance.

3.The preamble Is based on the 3. ED Director is appointed as per the

‘objective resolution’drafted and provisions of Central Vigilance
moved by pandit Nehru. Commission Act 2003.

4.The preamble states that Indian 4. Tenure of the director should not be
brand of socialism is ‘democratic less than 3 years and any transfer has
socialism’ as highlighted by G.B PANT to be approved by appointing
UNIVERSITY VS STATE OF UP (2006) committee chaired by CVC.
How many of above statements are How many of the above statements are
correct? correct?

a. Only one a. Only one

b. Only two b. Only two

c. Only three c. Only three

d. All of the above d. All of the above

39) Consider the following statements 40) Consider the following:

regarding rules of suspension of MPs
from parliament: 1. The State shall endeavour to
1.Rule 373 of lok sabha states that if promote cottage industries in urban
the speaker believes that the conduct areas.
of the member is grossly
disorderly,speaker may direct the 2. The State shall take steps to secure
member to withdraw from the house. the participation of workers in the
management of undertakings,
2.Rule 374 of lok sabha states that the establishments or other organisations
speaker can name a member who engaged in any industry.
disregards the chair’s authority or
persistenly obstructs the house 3. The State shall endeavour to
business. promote voluntary formation and
functioning of co-operative societies.
3.Rule 374A of lok sabha states that if
a member causes grave disorder by How many of the statements given
coming into the well of the house or above are covered under Directive
persistently obstructing business,they Principles of State Policy?
are automatically suspended.
How many of the above statements are
a. Only one

b. Only two
a. Only one

c. All three
b. Only two

d. None
c. All three

d. None

41) Which of the following is/are 42) With reference to the

common to both ‘interest groups’ and representation of people belonging to
‘people’s movements? Scheduled Castes (SCs)
and Scheduled Tribes (STs) while
1. Both attempt to influence politics implementing reservation in promotion
without directly taking part in electoral in India, consider the following
competition. statements:
2. Both have a loose organization,
where decision-making is informal and 1. The State is obligated to collect
flexible. quantifiable data showing the
3. Both are largely dependent on inadequacy of representation of a
spontaneous mass participation. section of people in public
Select the correct answer using the
code given below. 2. Assessment on the inadequacy of
representation of the reserved
in promotional posts is left to the
a. Only one Central Government.

Which of the statements given above

b. Only two
c. All three

d. None
a. 1 only
b. 2 only

c. Both 1 and 2

d. Neither 1 nor 2

43) Which of the following situations 44) Consider the following statements:
can be considered 'proper' for the
imposition of President’s Rule in a 1. The Rajya Sabha can detain an
state? ordinary bill for a maximum period of
six months whereas a State Legislative
1. Maladministration in the state or Council can detain or delay the bill for
allegations of huge corruption a period of four months.
2. A government is deliberately acting
against the Constitution. 2. A bill originating in the State
3. A constitutional direction of the Legislative Council and rejected by the
Central government is disregarded by State Legislative Assembly would
the state government require joint setting.

Select the correct answer using the Which of the above statements is/are
code given below. correct?

a. Only one a. 1 only

b. Only two b. 2 only

c. All three c. Both 1 and 2

d. None d. Neither 1 nor 2

45) Which of the following are the 46) Which of the following countries
methods of Parliamentary control over have agreed to share technology on
public finance in India? “K9 Vajra” to strengthen defence
1. Placing Annual Financial Statement
before the Parliament
2. Withdrawal of moneys from
Consolidated Fund of India only after a. India and Russia
passing the Appropriation Bill
3. Setting the Monetary Policy Target.
b. India and South Korea
4. A periodic or at least a mid-year
review of programme of the c. India and Japan
Government against macroeconomic
forecasts and expenditure by a
d. India and Israel
Parliamentary Budget Office
5. Introducing Finance Bill in the

Select the correct answer using the

codes given below:

a. Only two

b. Only three

c. Only four

d. All five

47) MPOWER measure is related to: 48) Consider the following countries:

1. Tanzania and Malawi

2. Zambia and Zimbabwe
a. Alcohol 3. South Africa and Eswatini
4. Rwanda and Kenya
b. Tobacco
How many countries are bordering
c. Both a and b

d. Neither a nor b
a. Only one

b. Only two

c. Only three

d. All

49) With reference to the Cell-Free DNA 50) NIDHI Program, recently seen in
(cfDNA), consider the following news is an initiative of which of the
statements: following ministry?

1. It is released into the extracellular

environment under different
circumstances, including cell death or
other cellular processes. a. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
2. The 'GEMINI' test utilizes cfDNA
sequencing to detect lung cancer. b. Ministry of Finance

Which of the statements given above

is/are correct? c. Ministry of Science and Technology

d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

a. 1 only

b. 2 only

c. Both 1 and 2

d. Neither 1 nor 2

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