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Topic: Critical thinking

Group Names: Cagalpin, Samantha Nicole L.
Dimaunahan, Princess Jerica F.
Objectives: The ultimate goal of critically thinking is to solve problems or make decisions. This is
achieved by mentally processing information in a clear, logical, reasoned, and reflective manner so you
can understand things better.

A. Introduction
Critical Thinking involves striving for understanding; to have an inquisitive yet open-
minded and flexible approach to exploring ideas. It also requires the ability to evaluate
information and draw clear conclusions based on the evidence to hand.

B. Discussion
What is Critical Thinking? The ability to analyze, criticize, and advocate ideas; to reason
inductively and deductively; and to reach factual or judgmental conclusions based on sound
inferences drawn from unambiguous statements of knowledge or belief.


Critical thinking is important in our society because it is a universal concept that applies to
anyone, regardless of race, culture, economic status, or religion. Moreover, our future hinges
on critical thinking, because societies and economies need it to solve problems effectively
and efficiently.
Whenever an individual controls the dimensions of a problem, he or she can solve the
problem through a personal decision.
For example, if the problem is whether to go to the basketball game tonight, if tickets are not
too expensive and if transportation is available, the decision can be made individually. But if
a friend’s car is needed to get to the game, then that person’s decision to furnish the
transportation must be obtained.

Advantage of individual decision

An individual generally makes prompt decisions. While a group is dominated by various

people, making decision-making very time consuming. Moreover assembling group
members consumes lot of time.

Individuals do not escape responsibilities. They are accountable for their acts and
performance. While in a group it is not easy to hold any one person accountable for a wrong

Individual decision making saves time, money and energy as individuals make prompt and
logical decisions generally. While group decision making involves lot of time, money and

Individual decisions are more focused and rational as compared to group.

Disadvantage of individual decision

A group has potential of collecting more and full information compared to an individual
while making decisions.

An individual while making any decision uses his own intuition and views. While a group
has many members, so many views and many approaches and hence better decision making.

Decisions may be reached by group discussion when the members of the group (1) agree that
a problem exists, (2) have compatible standards or values, (3) have compatible purposes, (4)
are willing to accept the consensus of the group, and (5)are relatively few in number. When
these conditions are met and when all relevant evidence and arguments are carefully
weighed, group discussion is a reasoned means of decision making.

The purpose of group discussion

The purpose of a group discussion is not to win an argument or to amuse your classmates.
The purpose of a discussion is to help each group member explore and discover personal
meanings of a text through interaction with other people.

The Importance of group discussion

It improves your thinking, listening and speaking skills. It also promotes your confidence
level. It is an effective tool in problem solving, decision making and

Personality assessment. GD skills may ensure academic success, popularity and good
admission or job offer.

Purposeful persuasion is defined as communication intended to influence the acts, beliefs,
attitudes, and values of others. Clearly, one method of persuasion is debate. Persuasion is
not, however, limited to seeking carefully reasoned judgments, as is debate, nor does
persuasion require logical arguments both for and against a given proposition.

The 5 steps in persuasion

1. Attention
2. Need
3. Satisfaction
4. Visualization
5. Action

●Propaganda is a way to deliver a message that appeals to the emotions instead of presenting
solid evidence to support a point. It is used by advertisers, salespeople, and politicians who
may lack adequate facts to persuade people to support their point of view. ●Purpose of
propaganda. The aim of propaganda is to influence people’s opinions or behaviors actively,
rather than merely to communicate the facts about something
●Propaganda is material that aims to push a particular political point of vie or agenda, often
by using biased or misleading information.
Political groups will spread propaganda in order to influence people and serve their own
●There are many forms of propaganda, including posters, videos, text, and images.
Propaganda is most often used in times of conflict. Governments will use propaganda to
spread misinformation about their enemy, and also to make the public aware of rules and
regulations that are in place.

Types of Propaganda

●Bandwagon – this aims to encourage people to do something simply because a lot of other
people are doing it.
●Testimonial – this relies on experts and respected sources to promote a particular idea.
●Transfer – this associates the traits of a well-known person with a product to promote or
demote it. Linking an item to a respected person is positive transfer. Creating an analogy
between a disliked person and a product is negative transfer.
●Repetition – repeating a message helps it stick in the mind of the audience.
●Emotive language – this gives a message an emotional weight and appeals to the audience.
●Glittering Generally – this types of propaganda uses a completely opposite approach to
glittering generalities. As the name suggests this propaganda techniques involves using
derogatory phases to create a negative opinion about someone or some other brands
●Plain Folk Propaganda - the ultimate goals here is to demonstrate how the product is meant
for everybody and will provides value to everyone. This method is commonly used in the
world of advertising as the general public has started to grow skeptical toward paid celebrity

is the use of force or threats to control a person’s actions. As such, it is different from
persuasion and manipulation, it is allegedly an integral part of the law and the state, and it
vitiates consent and exculpates wrongdoing. If someone is coerced into consenting to sex or
to a medical procedure, their consent will be invalid , and if someone is coerced into
damaging another person’s property, they will normally not be blameworthy, or at least less.
Coercion is compelling a party to act in an involuntary manner by the use of threats,
including threats to use force against a party. It involves a set of forceful actions which
violate the free will of an individual in order to induce a desired response.

Ethical decision-making

refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent
with ethical principles. In making ethical decisions, it is necessary to perceive and eliminate
unethical options and select the best ethical alternative.

7 steps in Ethical Decision Making

1.Stop and Think. One of the most important steps to better decisions is the oldest advice in
the word is think ahead.
2.Clarify Goals
3.Determine Facts
4.Develop Options
5.Consider Consequences
7.Monitor and Modify.
●Seven steps are as follows. Determining whether there is an ethical dimension to the issue
requiring a decision. Collecting relevant information for ethical analysis. Evaluating
information collected on the basis of whether the decision to be made will be in compliance
With established regulations and values. Considering alternatives that can be made in the
process to ensure the decision and the result are ethical. A decision should be made and
implemented after the considerations. The final step is the review of the consequences
resulting from the decision.

C. Summary
The summary of our report is critical thinking, the main goal here is the ability to solve
problems or make decisions. Not only in groups but also in making decisions on one’s own
and our report also includes the importance of critical thinking. Critical thinking also
includes individual decision and This is where your own decision on how to solve the
problem will come in and then the group discussion will follow, this one has five conditions
that each member must have, persuasion in the conversation, persuasion. Other people’s

CAGALPIN, Samantha Nicole L.
1.Differentiate the debatable and non-debatable motions. 10 pts.
Debatable claims are those that other people may or may not agree with. These are referrer to as “arguments” at times.
Non-debatable claims are those that no one would typically contest Or dispute. They are sometimes referred to as “facts.”

2.Why it is necessary to know techniques in preparation for debate? 10pts.

They are extremely useful when you need to persuade others, show them they are mistaken, develop Critical thinking,
or assist others in understanding your point of view.
(Same criteria)
B. Critical Thinking
Individual decisions. For one week, make a journal of important decisions you made. How did you make
Your decisions? 100 points Note: Be creative.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


Humans have both a sexual orientation and a gender identity. Sexual orientation
refers to a person’s “emotional, affectional and sexual attraction to…individuals of
a different gender or the same gender or more than one gender. Heterosexuality,
homosexuality and bisexuality are all sexual orientations. The terms lesbian, gay
and bisexual also refer to an individual’s sexual orientation.

Gender identity refers to “each person’s deeply felt internal and individual
experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at
birth.Many individuals identify as male or as female. However, some individuals
may identify with a non-binary gender or with no gender at all. A person’s gender
identity may be different than the gender that society might attribute to that person
on the basis of external signifiers such as clothing or mannerisms. Transgender
individuals identify with a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth.

Additionally, intersex persons are individuals who are “born with sexual
anatomy, reproductive organs and/or chromosomal patterns that do not fit the
typical definition of male or female.This term is used to describe a wide variety of
characteristics. Intersex persons, like others, have a sexual orientation and gender
identity. Collectively, members of sexual minority groups are frequently referred to
using the acronym “LGBTI,” which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and
intersex. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity also
affects individuals whom others merely assume or perceive to belong to a sexual
Background of the study

Bisexual individuals are attracted to people of their own gender and another
gender; pansexual people experience attraction in which sex, gender identity, or
gender expression do not play a role; asexual people do not experience sexual
attraction or have little or no interest in sexual activity, and demisexual people
require an emotional connection in order to develop sexual attraction. Both
demisexuality and asexuality exist on a spectrum. Additional categories may be
used to categorize the more nuanced aspects of sexual identity, including pansexual
(being gender-blind or attracted to others regardless of their sex or gender identity),
or polysexual (attraction to many, but not all genders, sometimes used instead of

The term sexual preference largely overlaps with sexual orientation, but is
generally distinguished in psychological research. A person who identifies as
bisexual, for example, may sexually prefer one sex over the other. Sexual
preference may also suggest a degree of voluntary choice, whereas sexual
orientation is not a choice.Issues of sexual orientation have long fascinated
scientists interested in determining what causes one individual to be straight while
another is gay. For many years, people believed that these differences arose because
of different socialization and familial experiences. However, research has
consistently demonstrated that family backgrounds and experiences are very similar
among people from all sexual orientations.
Propositio and Partitio

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people often suffer from various forms
of discrimination, stigma and social exclusion – including physical and
psychological abuse, bullying, persecution, or economic alienation. Moreover,
experiences of discrimination may occur in various areas, such as employment,
education and health care, but also in the context of meaningful interpersonal
relationships, including family. Accordingly, several studies strongly suggest that
experiences of discrimination and stigmatization place LGBT people at higher risk
for mental distress.

For example, LGB populations may be at increased risk for suicide, traumatic
stress reactions, major depression disorders , generalized anxiety disorders or
substance abuse. In addition, transgender people have been identified as being at a
greater risk for developing: anxiety disorders. Depression social phobia and
adjustment disorders substance abuse or eating disorders. At the same time, data
on suicide ideation and attempts among this population are alarming found the
percentage of attempted suicides to be as high as 40% in transsexual men and 20%
in transsexual women., using a sample of 500 transgender women, found that
around 30% had already attempted suicide, around 35% had planned to do so, and
close to half of the participants expressed suicide ideation. In particular,
adolescence has been identified as a period of increased risk with regard to the
mental health of transgender and transsexual people.
Conformatio/ Reputatio

Persistent evidence of employment discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual,

and transgender (LGBT) people has prompted policymakers in some states and
local jurisdictions to outlaw such discrimination. Twenty-one states and the District
of Columbia currently ban sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI)
discrimination in employment, and one additional state bans only sexual orientation
discrimination. Half of the LGBT population lives in states that do not have any
laws prohibiting discrimination in private employment.1 In those remaining states,
24 have one or more cities and counties that offer some orm of protection.

Findings highlight the need of collecting more evidence that contributes to the
improvement of protocols, measures and politics to protect all the members of the
LGBTQ community. A better understanding of violence based on sexual
orientation, gender identity discrimination may guide national and international
governments to improve the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer and intersex persons.
Cagalpin, Samantha Nicole L.


1. Give the distinction between argumentation and debate.

Debate or debating is a formal discussion when it comes to its audience and the debate is very broad while
the argument or argumentation is not formal and it is based on or supported by the issue that came to him.

2. Explain why argumentation is essential in establishing sound human relations.

Argumentation is important in order to have a good relationship with other people because through this mediation
we can better explain to them things that are not immediately understood or that are misunderstood, for example,
when something cannot be agreed upon through argument, it is more they can easily understand what is right.

Cagalpin, Samantha Nicole L.


What is a prima facie case? In debates in real life, what is the effect of the failure of the affirmative to

Make out a prima facie case?

A prima facie case is the establishment of a legally required rebuttable presumption. A prima facie case is a cause of
action or defense that is sufficiently established by a party’s evidence to justify aVe n his or her favor, provided such
evidence is not rebutted by the other party.The prosecution in a Criminal case carries the burden of proof (with the
exception of affirmative defenses, which the Defendant must prove). This means that the prosecution has to present a
prima facie case that the Defendant is guilty of the crime charged. If the prosecution cannot present evidence
supporting each Element (part) of a crime, the defendant must be acquitted (even without having presented any
Can the death penalty be effective?
Disagree; there is insufficient proof to support the claim that the death penalty
deters crime more effectively than a lengthy jail sentence. In comparison to states
without such laws, states with death penalty legislation do not have lower crime or
murder rates. Additionally, no appreciable changes have been seen in crime or
murder rates in jurisdictions that have abolished the death penalty.
There is no deterrence impact of the death penalty. The idea that a specific
number of murders are prevented by each execution has been completely debunked
by social science studies. Most murders are committed in the heat of the moment,
while high on drugs or alcohol, or due to mental illness, with little or no
consideration for the potential repercussions of their actions.Only a few murderers,
like professional executioners, plot their crimes in advance, and they anticipate to
get away with it by not being caught. Even some self-destructive people may desire
to be apprehended and put to death.
Death penalty laws mislead the populace into believing that the government has
taken effective action to reduce crime and murder. In actuality, these laws offer
little defense against the crimes of dangerous criminals for ourselves or our

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