Lecture-9 - Genetics - 14626617 - 2023 - 11 - 07 - 13 - 26

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“cltscorlPnuie ws orgautser due to permanent clu x Tern Mutatiou -' + He observed 834 mudatfous fn a populate Sy3ys plauts ch Oeuotera Jamas ckcfana (- HIST seferstiffe Stucly of mutate u Morgan (fn Ilo) when aa] ou fd} fly. x S00 mudauls + Hysoplita have been aU over He world. x Term Sport” far mutalfou wars fim PA Das win. x erm “Sattatlou" ( Singde step Jaige Vastartou) was giseu by Bateson: x 9n fost gs yea mos} studies velated jo meaten have been made fa Neurospora ( Red Mould) — €:coly BackrPo phages - Charge in Shucture &, Lwomosonv (shuctusal ctremosomaD abbevr allow’ ) v change fn Amount 6} op cluromosome ‘ ee L A v Leletfou Lup¥eatior Gnversion Freud Locathton | Lebfe eney Adon — eS fasacerilate Pevieutsfe : Fermin) Intersting gnversion cletetion — detetion Saversion Chauge fn Amount of, Deletion A loss. strageg et of, clgomosome Terminad Onlercalary ov a . gnterstltfad. 2 on fe ae D 9 Bo ONG a exp, Cat-du chat Synctome aor) + Heletfou + geus from Short aim of sth claomos oro No chaugqe in Amouxt of claomosome- 1 $ co | gnvers fon x whe two breaks OCCuy fn q ctaomosomo aud byeaked Past ylate 180° aud rejoined ph ee 5 ae é a 3 a Sa exe’ Baw exe chatacter fn Oyoso pista Os Opals y Vorauslocelion OY dLteg? cal Crossing Over. Ov False crossing Over A NegtiSmate yaad : Recfprecal feansLocal ean a mutual exchange bf geues betweeu {wo non-homologous Clraomosom. Cmu Ruverit's Lyme J Cetsonte myeloge wou uteink) I 4 non -reeiprocal trausLecalion non- veePprocal OL qeues perween (9 X 224] trauslocation be jurren Clyomoso me € Plsladetpifa ¢lsoo) ¥ Type sl blood comer nes oT Cheuge Pn number eis (Heleva Aneuploidy . d % Org avis chiomosome Or which fe vwohole no- Che mutthpte of barfe ctaiomosome no- catted hoss or additfou of, ctsomosone fn whol set fe an. x' Con be Yepresented Mt Qut x J@cause fn non- diff junction X Oecers dusing anaphase of ob upon arama Cen afutsion -meuon catled OS euploldy L | L Hypoptoid Hyper por di d th ‘t 44, Loss 44, cL&omosome 54 addftion of clemson from an. ( 3n-) Pa Qn. ( ant) monosomy Nutlfromy oud Frfsomy — Tehrasomy Houble B monosomy (Qnt]) (ant2) brtsomy oo? (an-1-1) i eantiah hoc I AoC Ne ay oo ate c Se Furnr’s Syndsome - , ‘ ( YS clromosome) — Audofoma (una xo) tomy 4+ 9n9 ( barr body negittiuc) # Helerosoma) o¥ DNosomal Afsordey a Le ClSomesSOMea Lsorder 4 S fatav's Sondaons Edward Sqedtome Down's Syn (‘Vafsomy 13) (txtomy 18) CTHsomg a fo KtfeakeLees Specs Jee tow ‘a ( Wy) Catan speiow OCURRE Me x Occurs fy oF (4a + iy ; » pera : Shas aaa y onclfu fol 9 having two Gels of cldomosomys qnafordued hautu singe basic set +f, Claomarome » % Represented ft an ¢ lio mesomes Noles: 4} Ahowld be xP afploids= 3 baste noted Rat haplotdy Cm a fs AP Heyent from Jefraplotd = dee menoploidy. (eulaploid = 5% a Hey aplor'd = 6% ( wheal fer example common O71 et) se wheat plaur fs Mot (Cola fs ve nexoptoid 6x=42 er ae but “wong as y Houce $ts monoploidy % =F Yaplo id f= aL pout hah de nb} Pomadte clvcme ore fs wagered Catted as qemat cluomosorn mo’ ot fOsoros : : A\usopolyP loidy . ‘ ANopblyplotdy =) Numerfeal frerease Of He dame geuone Of, Same specres - exe org aulsm wf th, ging Le qeuome = 4: Haptord, r ” Awo simile peuome AA Guloliplerd ne tee et GO) Baa v foly ' idy —2 JoubOn Gs A\\lophoidy -: epee of, claomesomes ” Haougd ha bof FS tao belweeu nN pecies, q Exocmphe wheak, cotton, tobacco. L AA X 68 J J 4 A B wae AQ— Fy Hybrid — Serie [colette ine foeafmed— ANABB — Alotetaploid or Ampladi'p ree si 6| Atlop olyp ‘ U * (St man made _attnayee + Produced ny kan Radish (aap satis) analeR a OR ee 48 qetank — Fr [coteufetae WBRtBB —an=36 R hanobrassica x whR root Mike yadtsh 4 upper feu OF ec cabbage - x Grfttcabe - \S+ man made ¢x0p ov Cereal ¢ Produwd by Rimpar . froducd by Crossing weak ( tottecum dur) Qn=2B Q ewopear vye (Secale cereak = 2m= rm Jofoum dium an =99 Secale Cereale UN= Jy Tebraptoidy | J (Cross betwee Gecmlatecan! nee) Fetraploid wheal i a 1 Geuc mulation ( Gntragenfe mucdactiion) Pera ON CT CEE (etcas arcana f cleange fin nucleotide Sequence af qeue or segmout of, ONAL: 1S recorded by Sei wrfghh (1941) Tn Ancon steep (short legged sucep:) Geuc Mutation On Re baste ot Iypeo} Couts OE SIERO Uae Hegaploidy ——— Somat&e mulation Gewninal mutation X Occurs fr non veproducttee 4 Occurs fn repreductter cetls cars. Re fn * alon- fulerFable ota ee * Raw material fer evolution, Cour mutatidn On Jue basis 4, Oireclon. glia J Mud Gackwasd mutate as exe: Heaminateon = Hupurinc ton Bepyrinidation multe ; Produces! evrtife Fa mutation Wwwsopufla wh Hee bebe af i x. vay. Leaminadion -! Heamination-; Removal of ~“MHa gwoup from some No “bases Adenine Weamfoatio, Hypoxeutein, Cuanine Accuninal fautletr Cytoctne _Seam{n cies sac, ey ° o 2 BO) Wefirtiaitn |cxpyrintshelin Renalal aa ov fyrfonid furs ducto breakage ef, Pycosidfe bond. wiih create, AP stte ( Apurtafe ste) ° a Geue mutation Onitiaykasls of cfd, v4 furfue fs replaced & rine aud Pyrimidfus fs veplawd ba Sogxfiatar Y Heuce 4 tyres e} draus'tfows Tee Hence & types Ue Possible Ghe Porstbue. erp: Sickle cen auacmfa fr an example of, Point mutatcon Frameslots mutation ae! a 4 - AdditConad Frames léf+ Welelfonas Famald fr or gnsbytoual fans litt Mm Wleu sone bass 4 when fon extra bus au ane deleted , Added . Nypes of Mulaten onthe batts o} change fa Penida oO ee ee ts mutation ya ony Uésual effet Same Sense on @ Neutral mutation » —* Mutat occurs 40 far codon bad ; pub code equivaleut cunino acta. i ‘ rllmuleom: pci Fudp curo fier , “codon

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