Lecture-11 - Genetics - 14626621 - 2023 - 11 - 07 - 13 - 27

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fuctagens are ageuts whith cause Mutagons -° a oe mutaticous fn a aus we Use of Kr as mnectoige¢ cigeut was [Sr shown yos op le. BH Mutter (199%) fir 4 -« Latevon by Ley Gyadlen fn mafze and Boulet: Muragews ke Chemical mutagen feat Plupsfecd mutagen t Racdfatfous- pes Lge ‘ o. o 40 Tous tng Racdfathd us Non- pasind Radialtous: exp. Uv yoy S$. Kenp Kays Prays Y-va45. Proto) Abuhons- * They have jow peucheatty a yg Pevchatus power (ower. x Ty und fn fyduced mutation x qluy wed fa mfere. Where nucleus fs deep seated orgasismn L Gotten gates exp. Seed, Stem. ete, where nucleus cre neaX dae Suspace - ¥ Uv vadfalfors ate also Yesponstble fox Yeyvderma Figrnento te C sich Caueor) Fy hema wor . a os Ba medifiers BoM auoloputt cau fof agerdmalaten aiegetg eget I Hydhow yertteg Leaminatlu: ages) agers Cawt Beis Add. auicyl group: Cause chamination ere Hydioxy amine do DNA: oh N- bases. Ce cans AR fd. stotine ——> Aioxylamino ° GIP nous acfd: cytosine A ON cine methy |abcer Aaeufine —> Hy porauttbe ( mispeates wrth Huy leclen wefclr maispechs adoutne of He base wih cytostne) = fos Wwlick S NSE aime uscd fo pafy why? (mispais wita) noymal bus. Cites, Yautine . Examples of Alkylateug Ageut EMS ( CAliglmettaue sulpionate) m sii ms (tat eulone,stponai) 54 Guauine Ems, no en 0 shyrrir / 4 a bp n ° (B) Bast Anolegus ; Thy have statis Shuclass Akar normal bay ( nuctee tide) o jleuce cau be Incorporated by ONAL Polymerase “9 vepUcaton. etPi) 5- Bu (S$ Broroge ol) Anol oe nine mus pes wi adewino cy 3-aP (2: amino pusint) Anoloque t aceuins mespats wiih Hey raing « (¢) acres oti Heterocyclic Compounds y they aga plat molecule Wich Cau Slip behwce bases fn Ona ais which Sliguily uawind tLe ANA a volicle ar bdistauo belweeu bses- framestéft muldten ; a 6 94 fe ctesebed fn fom idfogvam faieg cr gdfoyvam fo a photograph of, melaphaste ¢ of au organise wich ase arvauged fn homologo aie according. to fuohY decreasing Size. ¥ Sex clsomosomes are Placed at tHe eud ( bur in | Hu Hrocopléla Karyotype Sex cliomosome placed pa x For kasyoty Ping cetts aie cuttwed fn uffro aud admiuicleved be Colclfcine to arrest Cell dure fon fn metaphase . KIn cast oh Human, Wels DP sifa cots ore usually cultured. 6 pee Katjolyre -s Human ctsomosomal Ppreparatens were jst made bd F lernnning fn 22 ¥ ford aud pammrton (1969) studied Human Claomosome fn Festes - ¥ Tyio and bevau found sal- somal Sa cells have a clyomosomes - Accosding te Oenves ystern +} pleeed In In groves clsomosoma Ot Group c Cfze BLAIS Roige’ Seka SURES Loge Submetacedl ; mudsum gubmetocdsic redfum Acyoculsic Smau Submetaceulsie Sma meter ceulsrc Smabtest — Acrocedlsfe Bax body » Ser. dso mating: Hosage compensaiion geek a eee is Barr aud Bertram Sdatuing body fn Pulew plage neve Cats that wai abseut Pa similar cell of N vlife Ghactuan wok Calica commas Bode i Dengagee Sag clsomotin : ye Susumu Ohno wor He Ist Fo suggesk Ral Bor vod artes from one ef the Yo clsomosome: 494 ene ae ee yg cluomosomnes es @inacteve Rn ue catls of fomed™®, que dosage of gout Reyamatn yah Cou Be expend f mats aud female wit be equivalent Nov 64 Bari body = No: ¢f x-L dyon nyporees fs : wfc mh clyuomos on’ f 590 mom 5 fractevated ? matiau females | Out y.cldomosome ts of maternal orga, aud oer fs ot falernal onfgin - gon 1901 mn tyon, & Russel fndepeuceutly pro posed O hypothesis lo answer Bis - 5 MH inackvation clsommosome i occuxs randomly f, omatfe cells ab ie in fact d poivh eatly in embryoure cal ae st Oe y dorfug blaslocysl- stage of, development ™ aaron Pe = os ft@ue Guigewes pregerier on with destrable avd ys ake x Fexson with d pot fexs guperfor characte aud $ are preveue eucoraged for -yeproduelion - a ’ yeproductan. ® ; (a) manfag cone: (b) segregation -! Peopr2 wth interior auarachers ghoute’ be gegreg ud away From oto 40 Prevent pert mnining wrth noma People © pists couho}. (CD) slertiz abion- ¢) gmeviqredicn coho) . uper fer char a (om *

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