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Intensive Care Med (1992) 18:97-100

9 Springer-Verlag 1992

Comparison of hydrophobic heat and moisture exchangers

with heated humidifier during prolonged mechanical ventilation
J.P. R o u s t a n 1, J. K i e n l e n ~, P. A u b a s 2, S. A u b a s ~ a n d J. d u C a i l a r t

1D6partement d'Anesth6sie R6animation A and 2D~partement de l'Information M~dicale, H6pital Lapeyronie, Montpellier, France

Received: 28 July 1991; accepted: 15 January 1992

Abstract. I n s p i r e d gases m u s t b e w a r m e d a n d h u m i d i f i e d w o u l d therefore a p p e a r to b e a simple alternative. T h e

d u r i n g m e c h a n i c a l ventilation. I n a p r o s p e c t i v e r a n d o m - P A L L BB 2215, a n antiviral a n d a n t i b a c t e r i a l filter used
ized s t u d y we c o m p a r e d t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f a h e a t e d hu- in m e c h a n i c a l ventilators, has also b e e n used for its ther-
m i d i f i e r ( H H ) (Draegger A q u a p o r t ) a n d a h e a t a n d m o i s - m o h y g r o m e t r i c properties. T h e a i m o f this s t u d y was to
ture exchanger ( H M E ) (Pall Filter BB 2215). A t o t a l o f c o m p a r e o n clinical g r o u n d s the H M E P A L L BB 2215
116 p a t i e n t s requiring m e c h a n i c a l v e n t i l a t i o n (Servo with a H H (Draegger A q u a p o r t ) in ventiled patients in a n
9 0 0 C Siemens) were e n r o l l e d into t h e s t u d y a n d were ran- intensive care unit (ICU).
d o m l y assigned to 2 groups. Patients in g r o u p I were ven-
t i l a t e d with a t r a d i t i o n a l b r e a t h i n g circuit with H H a n d
p a t i e n t s in g r o u p I I using a s i m p l i f i e d circuit w i t h H M E . Methods
Pre-existing a n d h o s p i t a l a c q u i r e d atelectasis a n d p n e u -
m o n i a , o c c u r r e n c e o f e n d o t r a c h e a l t u b e (ET) o c c l u s i o n A prospective randomized study was designed to assess patients over a
a n d v e n t i l a t o r y p a r a m e t e r s (respiratory rate, t i d a l vol- 3-month period in an ICU at the University Hospital, Montpellier. All
u m e ) were studied. N o statistical difference was f o u n d be- patients requiring MV (Servo 900C Siemens), were enrolled in this
study. Exclusion criteria consisted of weight less than 35 kg and patients
tween g r o u p s for each p a r a m e t e r except t h e greater fre- requiring high frequency jet ventilation. All patients were initially in-
q u e n c y o f E T occlusions in t h e II g r o u p (0/61 vs 9/55) tubated via the nose with an endotracheal tube (ET) size 7.5, 8 or 8.5
(19 = 0.0008). Pall F i l t e r (PF), a h y d r o p h o b i c filter, hu- (Mallinckrodt HiLo). When MV was judged to continue more than 8
m i d i f i e s the d r y gases f r o m t h e c o n d e n s e d water which is days, tracheostomy was performed (9ram i.d. Vygon tracheostomy
p u t d o w n o n t h e H M E surfaces d u r i n g c o o l i n g o f saturat- tube). The patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups.
e d expired gases. This p u r e l y physical p r o p e r t y is linked Patients in group I were ventilated with a traditional breathing cir-
cuit [2] with HH (Draegger Aquaport). Patients in group II were venti-
to the m a g n i t u d e o f the t h e r m i c g r a d i e n t b e t w e e n the ex-
lated utilizing a simplified circuit (without HH, water trap and ther-
p i r e d gases a n d t h e a m b i a n t temperature. P e r f o r m a n c e mometer) with an HME (PALL BB 2215) positioned between the ET
i m p a i r m e n t o f P F in o u r s t u d y m i g h t b e due to high a m - and the Y piece. Sterile water was used to maintain adequate levels in
b i a n t t e m p e r a t u r e in t h e intensive care unit (usually the HH of group I, the circuit was decontaminated on a daily basis and
a r o u n d 28 ~C) w h i c h reduces t h e r m i c g r a d i e n t a n d water the temperature was controlled to be between 31 and 32~ at the Y
exchanges. We c o n c l u d e t h a t efficiency o f P F m a y b e piece. The only intervention in the group II circuit was a daily change
of the HME. Tracheal suction was performed every 2 h on all patients
w e a k in s o m e c o n d i t i o n s o f a m b i a n t temperature.
using a sterile technique. As recommended by the PALL manufacturer,
in group II, 4 ml of sterile isotonic saline were instilled prior to suction-
Key words: E q u i p m e n t - M e c h a n i c a l v e n t i l a t i o n - H e a t ing.
a n d b a c t e r i a l filter Data collection for each patient included age, sex, Simplified Acute
Physiologic Score (SAPS) [3] as well as durations of MV, weaning, ICU
stay and outcome. Pre-existing and hospital acquired lung atelectasis
and pneumonia were noted. Moreover, the occurence of ET occlusion
was recorded. Ventilatory parameters including respiratory rate (RR)
It is i m p e r a t i v e t h a t i n s p i r e d gases d u r i n g p r o l o n g e d me- and tidal volume (VT) were checked every 4 h. Three pathophysio-
c h a n i c a l v e n t i l a t i o n (MV) be w a r m e d a n d h u m i d i f i e d . logical groups were identified; A: institution of MV not resulting from
H e a t e d h u m i d i f i e r s ( H H ) , t h e present g o l d s t a n d a r d , p r o - acute respiratory pathology, B: MV for acute parenchymal or parietal
v i d e a d e q u a t e w a r m i n g a n d h u m i d i f i c a t i o n over a wide respiratory pathology, and C: acute phase of chronic obstructive pulmo-
range o f m i n u t e ventilation. T h e i r efficiency, however, is nary disease requiring MV. Pneumonic processes were diagnosed ac-
c o u n t e r e d b y v a r i o u s d r a w b a c k s l i n k e d to t h e a c c u m u l a - cording to Johanson's criteria [4]. The diagnosis of atelectasis included
chest radiograph criteria and the necessity to perform bronchial suction
t i o n o f water in t h e circuit a n d to its p o s s i b l e b a c t e r i a l with a fiberscope. The diagnosis of ET occlusion was defined as the in-
c o l o n i z a t i o n [1]. H e a t a n d m o i s t u r e exchangers ( H M E ) ability to pass a suction catheter (10 gauges of external diameter). Lon-

gitudinal sections o f the E T were then examined to confirm the diagno- Table 3. Clinical characteristics o f patients developing endotracheal
sis. tube (ET) occlusion
Both groups were compared using Student's t-test and the M a n n -
Wbithney test for differences between means. X2 analysis and Fisher's Case Diagnosis VT RR Occlusion a i.d. E T b Day c
exact test were used for differences in frequencies. T h e search for predic- (L) (b/min) (mm)
tive factors for the incidence o f nosocomial pneumonia, atelectasis a n d
E T occlusion was performed using stepwise regression analysis. Statisti- i S U R G + SEPS 0.65 20 Complete 7.5 7
cal significance was a s s u m e d when p < 0.05. 2 TRAU 0.72 20 Partial 9 7
3 PANC 0.60 19 Partial 9 37
4 SURG+CODE 0.73 21 Partial 9 13
Results 5 TRAU 0.62 15 Complete 7.5 9
6 SURG+COPD 0.72 20 Complete 9 22
A total of 116 patients entered into this study: 61 in group 7 INTO + A S P R 0.65 20 Partial 9 10
I and 55 in group II. No difference was found between 8 SEPS 0.70 21 Partial 8.5 6
groups with respect to age, sex, SAPS, pathophysiological 9 SURG + COPD 0.60 19 Partial 9 19
group distribution, frequency of pre-existing pneumonia Abbreviations: SURG, postoperative; SEPS, sepsis syndrome; T R A U ,
and atelectasis (Table 1). multitrauma; P A N C , pancreatifis; CODE, cardiorespiratory arrest;
No difference could be demonstrated between groups C O P D , chronic obstructive lung disease; INTO, intoxication; A S P R ,
for durations of MV, weaning, ICU stay and outcome aspiration
(Table 2). Incidence of nosocomial pneumonia did not a Type o f ET occlusion: complete with asphyxia or partially
significantly differ between groups I and II (9/61 vs 5/55, b Internal diameter of ET 7.5 m m and 8.5 m m are nasotracheal tubes,
9 m m are tracheostomy tubes
Z --0.876, p > 0.25). This incidence was correlated with e D a y of H M E use before E T occlusion
pre-existing pneumonia (F = 7.99, p< 0.001). No differ-
ence could be observed in the incidence of atelectasis be-
tween groups I and II (9/61vs10/55, Z2=0.294,
p = 0.587). Incidence of atelectasis was correlated with associated with the inability to pass a suction catheter.
duration of ventilation (F = 12.54, p<0.001). ET ob- These 6 partially occluded tubes were also changed. ET
struction was more frequent in the II group (9/55 vs 0/61, occlusions were correlated with HME utilization
p = 0.0008) occurring after the 6th day of MV (6 to 37 (F = 11.98, p < 0.001) and pre-existing atelectasis
days, median 10 days). ET were totally occluded inducing (F = 10.89, p<0.001). The cases of ET occlusions are
acute asphyxia in 3 cases. In the other cases wheezing was characterized in Table 3.
No difference existed between groups with respect to
ventilatory parameters. Furthermore, in group II ven-
Table 1. Clinical data of studied patients
tilatory parameters for patients who experienced ET ob-
Group I Group II
struction did not differ from those of other patients:
RR=19.7+_0.72vs19.1_+0.86 breaths/min and VT=
Patients n = 61 n = 55 0.665+0.053 vs0.625+0.046 L. Ex vivo examination of
Sex (M/F) 35/26 33/22 NS obstructed ET demonstrated adherent solidified secre-
Age (yr) a 49.3 + 18.7 52.7 _+ 18.5 NS tions forming circular deposits which spanned several
SAPS a 11.5+ 4.8 11.5+_ 4.9 NS
centimeters and which could not be dislodged using clas-
Pathophysiological A = 38 A = 26 ~
group distribution b B = 19 B = 24 ) NS sical aspiration techniques.
C=4 C=5
Pre-existing atelectasis n = 10 n = 7 NS
Pre-existing p n e u m o n i a n = 11 n = 10 NS Discussion

a Values are expressed as m e a n ___1 standard deviation This study clearly demonstrates the increased risk of ET
b Pathophysiological groups: A, Institution of M V not resulting from occlusion in ICU patients submitted to prolonged MV
acute respiratory pathology; B, MV secondary to acute parenchymal or with a PALL filter (PF) (9/55: 16~ Some authors also
parietal respiratory pathology; C, acute phase of chronic obstructive report ET occlusion with this device, sometimes leading
p u l m o n a r y disease to life-threatening accident [5, 6]. Furthermore, when ET
NS, no significance
were removed, cement-like casts lining the entire inner
portion of the lumen were observed.
Table 2. Clinical variables collected during I C U stay Therefore, it was obvious that airway humidification
was inadequate in group II. Such ET occlusion did not
Group I G r o u p II p Value
occur during this study in group I and clinical reports on
Stay duration (day) a 9.3 _+ 10.2 13.9 + 16.6 NS the complications of MV report ET occlusion as a rare
Duration of MV (day) a 8.2+_11.9 10.9+14.5 NS event when adequate humidification is used [7]. Inspired
Duration of weaning (day) a 1.0_+ 2.9 2.4+6.6 NS gas can be at a wide range of temperatures and humidity
Outcome 15 death 10 death NS but alveolar gas is fully saturated with vapour at body
Nosocomial p n e u m o n i a n= 9 n = 5 NS temperature. A thermohydric gradient therefore exists be-
Atelectasis n = 9 n = 10 NS
ET occlusions n = 0 n = 9 p = 0.0008
tween the nose and the point where gas reaches 37 ~ and
10007o relative humidity [8, 9]: this isothermic saturation
a Values are expressed as m e a n +- 1 standard deviation boundary under physiological conditions is just below

the carina. Above this point, natural and artificial air- midifles the dry gases coming from the ventilator and
ways act as a counter current heat and moisture exchang- cools the filter (latent vaporization heat) [25]. This cool-
ing system allowing fresh gas to pick up water while being ing of the HME is essential to allow continuation of the
heated. Secretions deposited on the inert walls of the ET cycle. Furthermore low thermal conductivity of ceramic
also interact with the inspired gases, and when these are fibers maintains a temperature gradient between the pa-
not sufficiently heated and humidified, the secretions dry tient-end and the ventilator-end of the filter. The impor-
out progressively. This can then result in ET occlusion tance of this thermic gradient determines the amount of
with tenacious deposit. So airway occlusion depends on water exchanged [26]. This gradient is developed between
2 factors: 1) thermic gradient between inspired gases and a maximum determined, on the patient-end, by the tem-
body temperature and 2) presence of secretions which will perature of expired gas, and a minimum, on the ventila-
themselves provide additional water. Plugs will appear tor-end, slightly below ambiant temperature (because en-
where the gradient is maximal: in the ET. Tracheal in- ergy is consumed in the formation of humidity: latent
stillations may facilitate the cleaning of the tracheal tube vaporization heat) [27, 28]. Performance impairment of
before the occurence of dry thick incrustations which be- PF in our study might be due to high ambiant tempera-
come unremovable [10]. In our study the bolus saline in- ture in the ICU (around 28 ~ which reduces the ther-
stillations through ET failed to prevent such occlusions. mic gradient between both sides of the HME. Only a
The interest of this technique is subject to controversy measure of hygrometric levels in ventilatory gas flows
[11, 12]. could confirm this hypothesis: this measure was not done
No difference in the incidence of atelectasis could be in this study, because of lack of available fast response-
demonstrated between both groups. Onset of atelectasis time hygrometers [29].
could only be correlated to the duration of MV. Inade- The rate of nosocomial pneumonia was not signifi-
quate humidification provokes changes in bronchial epi- cantly lessened by the use of PF (5/55 vs 9/61 in group
thelium, but this harmful effect does not spread to sec- I). These filters provide adequate protection of the circuit
ondary bronchi or more peripherally [13, 14]. So atelec- [30, 31] but their influence on the incidence of pneumo-
tasis may depend more on many others factors than on nia has to be confirmed. Effectively the ventilation circuit
humidification only [15]. is not the only pathway for pulmonary contamination
ET obstructions have not been described in most [321.
studies. But these studies included only intraoperative or Based on our experience, we conclude that some cau-
stable postoperative patients and they have not evaluated tion in the use of PF must be stressed. Performance of
HME use over prolonged period of time [16, 17, 18]. In this device depends on ambiant temperature. In high am-
our study, the occlusions appeared to be delayed and con- biant temperature conditions (Burn center, Air fluidized
stantly occurred after the sixth day of MV. In recent stud- bed u n i t . . . ) and when high VT are used, the risk of ET
ies focused on ICU patients, the results are divergent: obstruction increases over the time period. So these de-
some reports emphasize dramatic increase in ET occlu- vices are not adequate for replacement of HH in all cir-
sion with the use of PF [5, 6]; but Tenaillon et al. do not cumstances.
report any ET occlusions [19].
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