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Adverbul de mod

Adjectiv + ly
Beautiful – beautifully
Ex. She dances beautifully. – Ea danseaza frumos.

Careful – carefully
Ex. My mother drives carefully. She is a careful driver.

Terrible – terribly
Ex. I am terribly sorry. It was a terrible experience.

Easy – easily
Ex. I become easily annoyed when you make bad jokes. – Ma enervez usor atunci cand faci
glume rele.

Athletic – Athletically
Magical – magically

Good – well
Ex. You speak English very well.

Fast – fast
Ex. You drive fast. Your car is fast.

Hard – hard, hardly

Ex. I work hard at school. I hardly skip any lesson.

Nu toate cuvintele care se termina in –ly sunt adverbe!

- Adjective (lonely, lovely, friendly…)
- Verbe (reply, apply, rely…)
- Substantive (ally, Italy…)

In a friendly way – My neighbour behaves in a friendly way with me.

1. Polite – politely
2. General – generally
3. Wonderful – wonderfully
4. Hard – hardly, hard
5. Short – shortly
6. Perfect – perfectly
7. Generous – generously
8. Friendly – in a friendly way
9. Silent – silently
10. Fast – fast
11. Bad – badly
12. Easy – easily
13. Extreme – extremely
14. Loud – loudly
15. Quick – quickly
16. Happy – happily
17. Cosy – cosily
18. Lonely – in a lonely way
19. Good – well
20. Basic – basically

Homework: bold, careful, faithful, accidental, honest, sad, patient, poor, shy, rough, mad, wild,
sensible, clear, kind
Mary was poorly treated at her job.
The 31st of October 2023
Exercitii adverb si adjectiv
1. George slowly opens his present. (slow)
2. My dad is a terrible cook. (terrible)
3. My friend answers cleverly. (clever)
4. He talks very seriously. (serious)
5. He is a very serious person. (serious)
6. Don’t drive so slowly. (slow) We are going to be late!
7. Your flat looks so tidy. (tidy)
8. This burger tastes so good (good).
9. Your flower shop smells beautiful (beautiful).

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