93 C 46 App 2310

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Hitachi Europe Ltd. ISSUE : app023/1.


93C46 CMOS Serial Electrically Erasable PROM

This Routine has been written to interface to a SGS 93C46A Serial EEROM, in word mode, from a H8-325
Microcontroller. Although based on the 325 device, it can easily be adapted to other H8-300 members.

The method of communication is by bit manipulation of i/o ports to produce a clock, data output, CE and to
read data i/p. Four port lines are used and the pin assignment is as follows:-

P70 - CE,
P55 - SK,
P61 - DI,
P62 - DO.

A summary of the function of each routine is as follows:-

1.0 WREN - writes an 8 bit command to enable writing to the 93C46.

Passed - void.
Return - void.

2.0 WRDIS - writes an 8bit command to disable writing to the 93C46.

Passed - void.
Return - void.

3.0 WRITE - writes a 16bit data word to a specified address.

Passed - unsigned int data, unsigned char address.
Return - void.

4.0 READ - Reads a 16bit data word from a specified address.

Passed - unsigned char address.
Return - unsigned int data.

5.0 CHK_SUM - reads and sums the first 17 locations. The summed value is
compared to the checksum value stored in location 63. If in error
a '1' is returned else a '0'. The 17 locations are summed with a
fixed seed value of 0xAA55.
Passed - void.
Return - unsigned char error flag.

6.0 Write_Delay - produces an 11 .78ms delay for a crystal frequency of 12MHz.

Passed - void.
Return - void.

7.0 STO - This calculates and writes a new checksum. Once written further
writes are disabled.
Passed - void.
Return - void.

8.0 Serial_Write_8 - writes 8 bit data to 93C46.

Passed - unsigned char data.
Return - void.

9.0 Serial_Write_16 - writes 16 bit data to 93C46.

Passed - unsigned int data.
Return - void.

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Hitachi Europe Ltd. ISSUE : app023/1.0

10.0 Serial_Read_16 - reads 16 bit data from 93C46.

Passed - void.
Return - unsigned int data.

The order in which the routines should be called are as follows:-

Write - 1.0 WREN()

2.0 WRITE() - as required.
3.0 STO().

Read - 1.0 READ() - as required.


#include "ioh8325.h"

#define BIT00 0x0001

#define BIT01 0x0002
#define BIT02 0x0004
#define BIT03 0x0008
#define BIT04 0x0010
#define BIT05 0x0020
#define BIT06 0x0040
#define BIT07 0x0080
#define BIT08 0x0100
#define BIT09 0x0200
#define BIT10 0x0400
#define BIT11 0x0800
#define BIT12 0x1000
#define BIT13 0x2000
#define BIT14 0x4000
#define BIT15 0x8000

#define M9346_CE_CLEAR P7DR&=~BIT00

#define M9346_CE_SET P7DR|=BIT00

#define M9346_SK_CLEAR P5DR&=~BIT05

#define M9346_SK_SET P5DR|=BIT05

#define M9346_DI_SET P6DR|=BIT01

#define M9346_DI_CLEAR P6DR&=~BIT01


Function Prototypes

void WREN(void);
void WRDIS(void);
void WRITE(unsigned int num,unsigned char addr);

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unsigned char CHK_SUM(void);
unsigned int READ(unsigned char addr);
void Write_Delay(void);
void STO(void);
void Serial_Write_8(unsigned char Data);
void Serial_Write_16(unsigned int Data);
unsigned int Serial_Read_16(void);


void WREN(void)
Routine to enable writing to the 93C46

unsigned char x=0;
Serial_Write_8(0x30); /* EWEN instruction */
for(x=0; x<=2; x++); /* delay of 25us */

void WRDIS(void)
Routine to disable writing to the 93C46

unsigned char x=0;

Serial_Write_8(0x00); /* EWDIS instruction */

for(x=0; x<=2; x++);

void WRITE(unsigned int num,unsigned char addr)

Routine to write an integer to a set address in the

unsigned char x=0;

Serial_Write_8(0x40 | addr); /* send write address */

for(x=0; x<=2; x++);
Serial_Write_16(num); /* send hi byte */
for(x=0; x<=2; x++);
M9346_CE_CLEAR; /* cs low */

unsigned int READ(unsigned char addr)

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Hitachi Europe Ltd. ISSUE : app023/1.0

Routine to read an integer from a given address.


unsigned char x;
unsigned int num;

Serial_Write_8(0x80 | addr); /* send read command */

for(x=0; x<=2; x++);
for(x=0; x<=2; x++);
M9346_CE_CLEAR; /* cs low */

unsigned char CHK_SUM(void)

Routine to check the contents of the 93C46 for the correct
unsigned int x,tword,word=0xAA55;

for(x=0; x<=16; x++) word+=READ(x); /* sum 17 words */

return (word != tword) ? 1 : 0; /* Checksum error flag */

void Write_Delay(void)
unsigned int x;
for (x=0;x<2000;x++); /* 11.78ms delay */

void STO(void)

Writes new checksum value and then disables any further writes.

unsigned int num = 0xAA55;
unsigned char x;

for(x=0; x<=16; x++) num+=READ(x); /* Calculate new checksum */

/* write new checksum */

Serial_Write_8(0x40 | 63); /* send write address - note checksum is

stored in location 63 */
for(x=0; x<=2; x++);
Serial_Write_16(num); /* send data */
for(x=0; x<=2; x++);
M9346_CE_CLEAR; /* cs low */

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WRDIS(); /* disable further writes */


void Serial_Write_8(unsigned char Data)

unsigned char x,y;

M9346_SK_SET; /* send start bit */
for(x=0; x<=2; x++);

for (x=0;x<8;x++)

if (Data&0x80)


for(y=0; y<=2; y++);


void Serial_Write_16(unsigned int Data)

unsigned char x,y;
unsigned int z;

for (x=0;x<16;x++) /* for 16 bits */

z = Data>>15; /* MSBit first */

if (z)

for(y=0; y<=2; y++); /* clock high time */

Data*=2; /* next bit */


unsigned int Serial_Read_16(void)

unsigned char x;

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unsigned int Data=0;

for (x=0;x<16;x++)

M9346_SK_SET; /* clock high */

Data|=(P6DR>>2)&BIT00; /* read data */

M9346_SK_CLEAR; /* clock low */


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1, This document may, wholly or partially, be subject to change without notice.

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