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#1: The Hershey Factory in Hershey, PA

A lot of children wonder about an upcoming field trip before they go

to bed thinking things like “I wonder where the field trip is going to be”?
Well, I am no different, and what I have spent time wondering about, is
what it would be like to go on a field trip to The Hershey Factory in Hershey,

The main reason is we get to see the chocolate go from cacao

beans to chocolate and that is a process which means change, and change
is our theme every year in G.A.T.E.

Another reason is the location and price. It is located in Hershey,

Pennsylvania. It is a little bit of a drive, but it is not too far. I know this to be
true because when I go on Google maps it is only 7 hours and 59 minutes
away. While there will be costs for a hotel, the visit, gas, and the toll booths,
we can fundraise by using the talents God has given us. For me, it is
baking, or someone could do art to raise money. I also sent a letter to the
CEO of Hershey and asked her if she could do an all expenses paid trip to
the factory, if you pick this one (picture will be at the bottom). I will let you
know the answer when it comes!

The last and final reason is we will need chaperones which

means family involvement. I bet they will learn something too. We can have
one or two chaperones in the car that are able to drive because if we do
that then they can take turns driving if they need some rest. The trip there
is about a school day just an hour longer so we can do a day driving to a
hotel, then a day at the factory, and finally a day driving back. That is a total
of three days but we will be able to spend time with friends and one of our
parents. Also sometimes children want to be away from school for a little
bit. If we do this, we will be somewhere else but still learning.

Now you know why I want to go to the Hershey Factory: 1) see

change in action; 2) use our talents to raise money; and 3) have quality
time with friends and family. I hope you pick this for our field trip. Thank you
for reading!
#2: Michigan History Museum

GATE Field Trip 🖼️

This is amazing news! Your class gets to go on a field trip-but here’s
the fun part-you and your classmates get to decide on where to go. Most of
your classmates' heads are full of ideas and some just don’t have any so
far. Some of you already know where you want to go and why, while some
people are still deciding. This was a hard question to answer, but I have the
perfect place for field trips, and that is the Michigan History Museum, and
by the end of this paper you will agree with me.

You may, and are likely can be thinking, “ Museums are very popular
when it comes to field trips, so I will have the same experience as everyone
else, BORING!” but your class has been learning about change, and the
Michigan History Museum is a historical museum! You and your classmates
can see how things have changed overtime.

Another reason I think the Michigan History museum is an excellent

place to visit is because it is in Lansing, which means we will not have to
travel far. When we don’t have to travel far we get to where we want to
earlier, and we would also have more time there.

I think Museums are very good field trips because they expose
students to a diversity of ideas, people, places and time periods. Museums
teach you how things have changed overtime, and the story of how they
Now you know why Museums/ The Michigan History Museum are
very good choices for field trips, because you are learning about change, it
does NOT take long to get there, and students are exposed to a diversity of
ideas, people, places, and time periods. Now that you’ve read my paper,
where will you go for your next field trip?
#3: Sloan Museum in Flint, MI
Have you ever been to a museum and thought “This exhibit is really
cool but it isn't very fun?” Well, I have! That’s why for our GATE field trip
this year I would like to go to the Sloan Museum in Flint, MI, and you will
too at the end of this paper!

The first reason why is that there are many interactive events. When I
was looking through the website I saw lots of videos where kids were the
ones doing the science. At most museums, kids watch scientists do all the
fun stuff. Kids are welcome to touch and experiment with a lot of the
exhibits at the Sloan museum.

Another reason is that kids can have fun and learn at the same time.
Other places you either learn OR have fun. In the discovery lab, there are
lots of cool looking places where you can also learn. Throughout the
museum, exhibits will catch your eye because they are fun but when you
reach them you will see that they have lots of educational value as well.

My final reason is that visiting the Sloan museum is affordable and

not a long drive away. The price for a group of twenty or more to visit the
museum and planetarium is $11.50 per person. The drive is only about an
hour long.

Please consider this idea about taking a field trip to the Sloan
Museum. Thank you.
#4: King’s Island
I think that we should go to King’s Island for a class field trip.

One reason is that it would be a fun experience because of all the rides and
activities to do.

Another reason is that you could buy food. This is good because if you
forget your lunch you do not have to worry.

A third reason is the tickets. They cost around $85 and you can get them at
the front gate. It will also accept ApplePay, Google Pay, and they also have
cash to card Kiosks.

My conclusion is that I think that we should go to Kind’s island for a field trip
because of the rides, lunches, and tickets. This is where I think we should
go for a class field trip.
#5 Detroit Historical Museum

🏫Have you ever been to a museum? If you have, you know that it
can be fun or not, depending on the exhibits. Some people don't like
museums, but this one has many cool exhibits that everyone would like. I
think the Detroit Historical Museum would be a great place to go on a field
trip because of its great exhibits, it's not very expensive, and it's a close

One reason why I think the Detroit Historical Museum is a great field
trip destination is because there are great exhibits. Some examples of
exhibits are America’s Motor City and Underground Railroad. These
exhibits will help us learn a lot about America’s history. I learned this from
the Detroit Historical Museum website.

Another reason why I think the Detroit Historical Museum is a great

place to have a field trip is because it is not very expensive. It is only $10
for adults and $6 for children. And for every 10 kids, 1 chaperone receives
free admission. We would not have to worry about money and just focus on
having fun. This too, was found on the Detroit Historical Museum website.

My last reason why this museum is an amazing field trip place is

because it is less than an hour away, so we can spend less time driving
and more time having fun looking at different exhibits. By choosing this
location, we can drive less and learn more. I calculated the distance and
time it would take to drive there by using Google Maps.
Overall, the Detroit Historical Museum would be a great place to have
a field trip. Our class would learn about the history of our area and not
waste time and money during the experience.

Detroit Historical Museum (Paper 2)

I believe the Detroit Historical Museum is the best place to go on a

field trip. It has different exhibits about the city of Detroit. It involves

previous GATE units such as Explore, Discover, Reveal, and Perspectives.

In our current unit, Literary Reflections, we will start to be able to reflect on

what we see. After that, we could apply what we did and reflect on different

types of literature. It will not cost much, only 6-10 dollars. It is only 40-50

minutes away, while most field trips are at least an hour away.

It involves previous GATE units such as Explore, Discover, Reveal,

and Perspectives. We would learn other perspectives and how others see

things differently. We could see which exhibits they prefer. It will involve our

Explore, Discover, Reveal unit because we have not learned about Detroit.

When we explore each exhibit, we will discover and reveal things we have

not known before. That is why it involves previous GATE units.

It involves what we are learning in the GATE unit, Literary

Reflections. By reflecting on what we saw and learned at the Museum, we

could apply what we did and then quickly learn how to make reflections on

different types of literature. Because we already know how to reflect on the

world, it will be easier to make literary reflections. That is how it involves

what we are currently learning.

It does not cost much and is not that far away. Going on a field trip,

you usually pay around 10-20 dollars per person. But, when you go to the

Detroit Historical Museum, it only costs 6-10 dollars per person. It is only

40-50 minutes away, while the last field trip we went on was 1 hour and 30

minutes away. It is 40 fewer minutes of having to drive. That is how much

less it costs and how much shorter the drive is.

In summary, the best option to go on a field trip is to the Detroit

Historical Museum. This is because it involves many GATE units, including,

Explore, Discover, Reveal, Perspectives, and Literary Reflections. It costs

6-10 dollars, while field trips usually cost 10-20 dollars. It is 40-50 minutes

away, while field trips are at least an hour away.

Detroit Historical Museum (Paper 3)

I think we should go to the Detroit Historical Museum for our field trip

because it is reasonably priced, mean the prices are good (at $8 for

children and $10 for adults) for example, if we want to bring about 6-15

kids, it would cost $48-$112 and if we want to bring 2-8 adults, it would cost

$20-$80 and in total it would be $68-$192. It is also only 40 minutes away

from St. Peter, other places could be an hour or more away which means

we’d get to experience a bit less or have to come to school a bit earlier to
make it in time. Also we would be learning about the history of Detroit and

seeing and learning things about our past and history 9which in my opinion

would be fun0. So I think we should go to the Detroit Historical Museum

because it is reasonably priced, it's only about 40 minutes away, and it's

educational so we would be learning lots of things if we went there.

#6 Cedar Point
A field trip for gate would be so fun and awesome! We could go to a
park, a library, or evan a museum! Out of everywhere we could go I would
pick Cedar Point, and here is why!

First, I want to do this because I am a natural born thrill seeker, but

this isn’t just about me. One con about this is we would have to wait for
everybody while they are waiting in line. Over that though I think we would
have a great time and experience!

Second, instead of having our parents pay for our ti;ckets we could all
start fundraising for ticket money! Also, instead of taking the risk of losing
someone we could do a buddy system and wear bright colored shirts! We
could also have parents come for extra help!
Lastly, I think we would all enjoy it so much! We can make limits for
rides, and if someone isn’t tall enough for the ride I think nobody should go
on it so it’s fair for everyone ! We could also make a rule, you’re only
allowed to go on a ride if an adult is going! Anybody who isn’t going on the
ride goes to the exit of the ride, so when they get off the ride they’re not lost
looking for everybody!
In conclusion, I would like to state that this is not a very safe field trip,
but it would be way more fun than anything! I hope you enjoyed my paper!

#7 Meadow Brook Mansion

Meadow Brook Mansion is a great place for a GATE field trip. It is about a
thirty minute drive from our school. It is located in Rochester Hills,
Michigan. The home is a rich part of Michigan history.

Meadow Brook Mansion was built between 1926-1929 by Matilda Dodge

Wilson. It is the fourth largest historic mansion. It is an 88,000 square foot
mansion with 110 rooms on 100,00 acres of land.

The mansion was modern for its time. It was fully electric with two
elevators, a central heating system, three kitchens, and a full size home
theater. The house is carved with elaborate wood, stone elements, ornate
plaster ceilings, tiffany stained glass, custom made hardware and fine art.
There are 24 fireplaces and 39 uniquely designed brick chimneys that line
the rooftop.

The mansion and the surrounding property and buildings were donated to
the state of Michigan to fund Michigan State - Oakland or also known as
Oakland University.

They have tours and events for people of all ages. Much of the original
artwork is still there. People from all over the world come during the
holidays to enjoy the Holiday Walk and Winter Wonder Lights.

Meadow Brook Mansion is an interesting and rich historical place to see for
a GATE field trip. We can see how a wealthy family lived about 100 years

#8: Six Flags Great America

We will get to enjoy a day of Math, science, and physics fun. Workbook will

also be available for us to work on there. We will be observing the roller

coaster and talking about physics, friction, etc. We will also be riding the

rides. The tickets for each person will be around $40.00. We would

probably go there by car and that would be around 6 hours and 20 minutes.

So U was thinking that a field trip could be on a Monday and the day before

we will leave which will be Sunday and probably leave Chicago on

Tuesday. And we could rent out a couple hotel rooms.

#9 Cranbrook Planetarium
I picked Cranbrook Planetarium for the class trip because it's cheap

and not too far. It costs $18.50 for each person to get in. My mom’s class

went there before and they said it was really good. The planetarium

includes the three different GATE themes: Explore, Change, and


When my moms class went to the museum she said they enjoyed it

and said there was a variety of things to do. She talked about things like

the geological exhibit and a rock museum, not to be confused with the

music, though rocks do roll. She also talked about an ice age museum and

many more things. Meaning, that if we have extra time we can go to those.

One of the best things about the museum is that it is not too far away,

only being 27 miles away. Also, the price isn’t bad either being $18.50 for

admissions and $5 for the planetarium. There are also plenty of other

things to do there that the admissions pays for. Meaning that after the

planetarium we could go to those.

Finally, it covers our GATE themes (Explore, Change, and

Perspective). Cranbrook will let us explore outer space, observe changes in

outer space, and view different perspectives on outer space.

The reason I think we should go is because I think me and everyone

else in GATE will enjoy it and learn from it. Also, it includes our GATE

themes that are important for our learning.

#10 Michigan Escape Room

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