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Course: Effective Communication Skills.

Couse Code: MPU 2232

Lecturer: Ms Nanthini Apatura
Instructions to Students:
1. This assignment contains questions that is set in English.
2. Answer in English only.
3. Use Microsoft word.
4. Your assignment should be types using 12-point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.
5. Your assignment should follow the number of words required in each assignment question. Do not copy the
assignment question and instructions to your answer. Only assignment answer developed within the
approximate word limit will be assessed.
6. You should not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.
7. Please take note that PENALTY will be imposed on late submission of assignment.

Assignment 1 (10%)
Individual Assignment
Deadline 2/6/2023

Make a Scrapbook for Introduction to Effective Communication. Your Scrap Book should include the
1. Definition of Communication
2. Process of Communication
3. Models of Communication
4. Non-verbal Behaviours(body language)
5. Do’s and Don’ts in communication
6. Communication Logo (explain the logo and it should include all the 6 elements of communication

Assignment 2 (10%)
Deadline: 15/6/2023

You are required to present a speech of any topics of your interest. Your speech should be at least 10 minutes.
You should include some supporting materials such as videos, pictures, notes etc. You should have 5 minutes
of Q&A session before you end your speech. Also, include an evaluation form for your speech to be distributed
to your audience at the end of your speech.
Assignment 3 (10%)
Deadline 6/7/2023

Watch Dananjaya Hettiarachchi speech video on Youtube. The link is given below:

Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions based on the video.
1. What was his Speech Topic?

2. How he started his speech?

3. Which phrase he repeatedly used in his speech that had grabbed the audience attention?

4. How were the audience responses throughout his speech?

5. How he concluded his speech?

6. In your opinion, was his speech interesting? Why?

7. State TWO (2) interesting or attention grabber techniques that he used in speech.

8. Suggest some improvements that he can do for future speeches?

9. Conclude what did you learn from the speech.

MID-Term (10%): 22/6/2023

Assignment 4 (20%)
Deadline: 20/7/2023

You are required to answer a set of questions as a quiz. This will be given during class.

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