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Correlation Between CO2 Levels In Water and Salinity

Tajneen Islam

Common water parameters, such as CO2 levels and salinity, are regularly tested to ensure
proper maintenance of the water health and ecosystem. Salinity is the dissolved content of salt in
a body of water. CO2 levels are the amounts of dissolved CO2 gas within a body of water. When
salinity levels start to rise, it can become detrimental to the ecosystem, becoming harder for plant
species to absorb nutrients from the water. More oxygen is also required to maintain life in the
ecosystem. To look further into this, students from the Marine Academy of Technology and
Environmental Science (MATES) conducted research at Cedar Run Dock Road on February 16,
2023. Using the LaMotte CO2 Testing Kit and a refractometer, 23 samples were collected
throughout 4 different sites. The data of the two parameters were compared to determine a
correlation. Linear regressions and a T-Test were used. Results showed that there was a weak
correlation with a positive slope, concluding that as CO2 levels increase, salinity increases.


Salinity is the dissolved salt content in a body of water. It is a critical water parameter

when analyzing bodies of water, as it affects heat capacity, density, and other factors (United

States Environmental Protection Agency, 2022). When it starts to lower or rise, it can have

harmful side effects. In wetland ecosystems, it can decrease the population of macroinvertebrates

and macrophytes, primary producers in the marine ecosystem, which can disrupt the food chain

(Hart et al., 1990). The rate of denitrification of nitrates in water decreases over time when

salinity levels increase, causing a buildup in nutrients which can harm the environment (Berger

et al., 2013). One of the causes for salinity rising is the increase of CO2 in water. CO2, when

dissolved from the atmosphere into bodies of water, helps with the calcification of crustaceans

and photosynthesis of marine plants (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2020).

However, when CO2 levels exceed its limits, ocean acidification takes place. This causes many

crustaceans‘ shells, which contain calcium carbonate, to disintegrate. These released ions

increase the salinity in the water and thus creates a “chain reaction” (Henry et al., 2020). In order
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to further investigate the relationship between CO2 and salinity levels, data was collected to

determine if a correlation exists.


Students from the “Research Methods and Field Ecology” class at MATES gathered data

at Cedar Run Dock Road on February 16, 2023. The collection was done at coordinates

39.6553082 N, 074.2566761 W (Figure 1). Across 4 sites, 11 samples were collected for CO2,

and 12 samples were collected for salinity. The LaMotte Carbon Dioxide Testing Kit was used to

test CO2 levels in samples of water, and a refractometer was used to measure salinity levels. At

each site, 3 samples were collected of each parameter, resulting in 12 samples altogether for 4

sites. Once data was collected and recorded on a spreadsheet, a linear regression analysis was run

to determine the relationship between CO2 levels and salinity. This was done with a confidence

interval of 95%. Bar graphs were also created using the averages of each site to compare the

differences and an ANOVA single factor test was also used. T-Tests were used to analyze if there

was a significant difference between the differences of data values for the two parameters. The

T-Test was done with an alpha value of 0.05.


After analyzing the graphs, there was a weak correlation between CO2 levels and salinity.

This could be due to the location and/or inconsistency with collection of data. Different students

collected the data in different ways using the same instruments, which could have affected the

results. When analyzing through a linear regression chart (Figure 2), it overall showed a positive

slope. The R2 value was 0.2251, indicating a weak correlation. However, when doing a linear
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regression chart (Figure 3) using the averages of CO2 levels and salinity for all 4 sites, the R2

value increased significantly, with a value of 0.7356. This shows that however, with the

averages, there was a significantly higher correlation. When a T-Test was performed to compare

the differences in data values between the two parameters, there was no significant difference.

The P-value was 0.3284, which is over 0.05. As shown in Figure 4, an ANOVA test was run

with the mean CO2 levels and salinity levels across the 4 sites, giving a P-value = 0.590801.

This shows that there is no significant difference between the means of the two parameters.

Overall, the results show that as CO2 levels increase, salinity increases. This supports the claim

mentioned earlier that salinity does increase with CO2 due to the erosion of calcium carbonate

shells (Henry et al., 2020).


In conclusion, there is correlation between CO2 levels and salinity. Although weak, there

was a positive slope in the tests performed. Some factors could have affected results, such as lack

of data points and inconsistencies with collection of data. With the erosion of the ozone layer,

CO2 levels continue to rise in the atmosphere, causing bodies of water to absorb too much CO2

and acidification taking place. As a result, loss of marine life, overflow of nutrients, and other

effects take place, as mentioned previously (Berger et al., 2013).


I would like to thank Mr. Jason Kelsey and Dr. John Wnek for providing equipment and

knowledge needed to collect the data and perform statistical analyses for this report. I would also

like to thank the bus driver, Gus, for providing transportation to and from the designated site
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needed to collect data. Lastly, I would like to thank my peers for working together diligently to

gather the data needed for this report.

Figure 1: Satellite image taken of the location where data was collected, Cedar Run Dock Road,
on February 16, 2023.
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Figure 2: Linear regression chart of CO2 levels and salinity. Weak correlation (R2 value =
0.2251) was determined with a positive slope.

Figure 3: Linear regression of mean CO2 levels and salinity. R2 value became significantly
higher than Figure 2, with a R2 value of 0.7356 and a positive slope.
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Figure 4: Mean salinity levels (ppt) vs. mean CO2 levels (ppt), with N=23. All 4 sites were
compared (error +/- 5%, ANOVA p = 0.590801).

Works Cited:

Berger, E., Frör, O., & Schäfer, R. B. (2018). Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes: a

critical mini-review. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological

Sciences, 374(1764), 20180010.

Henry, J., Patterson, J., & Krimsky, L. (2020, March 19). FA220/FA220: Ocean Acidification:

Calcifying Marine Organisms.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (2020, April 1). Ocean Acidification.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

US EPA, O. (2013, November 27). Indicators: Salinity.

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