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This chapter covers the research method used, respondent of the study, sampling design,

data gathering, validation of instrument, distribution and administration of questionnaire, data

gathering procedure and statistical date mixed with type of research, research method, and the

research locale where the study was conducted.

Research Design

This study aims to determine the level of competency on emergency response of nursing

students at Batangas State University - The National Engineering University. With this,

correlational research under the quantitative research were used in company with the

questionnaire as the primary instruments in means of gathering data.

Quantitative methods is a type of research where numerical data are being gathered

through several methods and was statistically examined to aggregate the following data, compare

the, and present relationships among the variables. This research method primarily includes

questionnaires (Sreekumar, 2023). Moreover, correlational research under quantitative research

is defined as a type of non-experimental research that aims to put an answer on the relationship

between two or more variables. It is used to determine if there is a relationship between

variables. (Pallister, 2023)

Moreover, the researchers used this type of research design to be able to know if there is

a significant relationship between the respondent’s demographic profile and the level of

competency on emergency response through the use of questionnaires as the main instrument in

gathering the data.

Respondents of the Study

The respondent of the study is composed of the students in the community of the nursing

department at Batangas State University – The National Engineering University. As per

assessing the level of competency in emergency response of the nursing students at Batangas

State University – TNEU, the researchers highly believe that this community is the best locale

for gathering respondents.

In this study, the respondents are composed of 284 nursing students (70 second year

students, 100 third year students, and 114 fourth year students). Each of the following selected

year of nursing students from level two to level four are chosen by the researchers for the reason

that they are suitable, applicable, and will provide the best responses to the study.

Sampling Design and Technique

Stratified random sampling procedure was used in selecting respondents in this study.

This technique was used to guarantee an equal representation of the different variables for the

study. With this method, the overall number of populations is being divided into smaller groups

also known as strata to be able to accomplish the process of sampling. The researchers gathered

the respondents to the second year, third year, and fourth year nursing students of Batangas State

University – The National Engineering University. It has come to distribute the number of

respondents by having the size of 70 for second year, 100 for third year and 114 for fourth year

nursing student. The researcher’s basis in the distribution of respondents are the characteristics of

each student per year level.

Data Gathering Instruments

The data gathering instrument used in the study was a self-structured questionnaire using

Google Forms. The questionnaire was divided into two parts: part one: Dealt with the

demographic profile of the respondents which included the age, year level, and sex. Part two:

dealt with the questions regarding the types of emergency in the different skill areas, namely, the

Vehicular Accidents, Emergency Childbirth,.

Questionnaire. The questionnaire is the most common and practical way of data

gathering instruments. It will be a basis for confirming or disconfirming the hypothesis

(Bhandari, 2021). The questionnaire serves as the most appropriate and useful data gathering

device in any type of research. In this study, it was used to identify the level of competency on

emergency response of nursing students at Batangas State University – The National Engineering


Construction of Questionnaire. The instrument was developed based on the statement of

the problem, personal experiences, and some concepts found after studying some related

literature that covered the importance of the level of competency in emergency response. The

questionnaire dealt with the assessment of the nursing students from second year to fourth year

level at Batangas State University – The National Engineering University.

Validation of Questionnaire. The first draft of the questionnaire prepared by the

researchers was checked by the thesis adviser for corrections and improvements. The corrected

questionnaire was then submitted to the people who shared their expertise in validating,

specifically a grammarian, a statistician, and the Dean of College of Nursing and Allied Health

After the corrections and revisions, the questionnaire was approved for reproduction and

distribution to the intended respondents from second year to fourth year level at Batangas State

University – The National Engineering University.

Scoring of Responses. In determining the level of competency on emergency response of

nursing students at Batangas State University – The National Engineering University, the scale of

1 to 5 was utilized. The score given was based on the answer of the second year to fourth year

level nursing students at Batangas State University – The National Engineering University.

Table 1

Scoring of Responses

Options Verbal Interpretation

5 High level of competence

4 Moderately high level of competence

3 Average level of competence

2 Low level of competence

1 No level of competence

Distribution and Administration of Questionnaires

The researchers distributed the first draft of the self constructed questionnaire and was

checked by the nursing thesis adviser for corrections and improvements. The corrected

questionnaire was then submitted to the people who shared their expertise in validating,

specifically a grammarian, a statistician, and the approval of the Dean of College of Nursing and

Allied Health Sciences. After the approval, the researchers waited for the respondents’ answers.

Data Gathering Procedures

Once their research instruments were approved, the researchers approached the Dean of

Nursing for permission in conducting a survey. The nursing students per block as well as the

number of target respondents are enlisted to help in providing basic databases. After being

accepted, the researchers chose a number of participants who could access the internet and who

had to have a Google account in order to complete the research questionnaire.

Through the use of a Google form and a link address, the researchers allowed participants

to respond to the questionnaire by sending a private message via Messenger or through their

respectful class officers and diminishing them through their blocks. Before beginning to answer

the questionnaire, each respondent had to log into their own Google account. Prior to the

meeting, the researchers communicated with the participants regarding the time allotted for

completing the questionnaire, which was on the day of submission. Once all the questionnaires

had been collected, the results were totaled and sent to their statistician. The results were

evaluated and interpreted by the researchers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Data is transformed from uninterpreted form into something comprehensible through the

statistical processing of the data. It enables the researchers to properly interpret the data based on

clients feedback.

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

A data display that indicates the percentage of observations for each data point or grouping of

data points is called a frequency and percentage distribution.

Finding the total number of observations to be presented and counting the total number of

observations within each data point or grouping of data points are the first steps in creating a

frequency and percentage distribution.


𝑃= 𝑁
× 100


P = percentage

F = frequency

N = number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean:

A type of average is the weighted mean. Certain data points carry more weight than others when

it comes to the final mean, rather than every data point contributing equally (Gong & Goksel,


Formula: 𝑥 = 𝑛

X = weighted mean

f = frequencies given

W = weights
n = total number of respondents


Bhandari, P. (2021, July 15). Questionnaire Design | Methods, Question Types & Examples.


Sreekumar, D. (2023, March 23). What is Quantitative Research? Definition, Methods, Types,

and Examples | Researcher.Life.


Vishak (2023, April 21). Statistical Treatment of Data for Survey: The Right Approach. Survey

Sparrow. Statistical Treatment of Data for Survey: The Right Approach


Gong, Y., & Goksel, O. (2019). Weighted mean curvature. Signal Processing, 164, 329-339.

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