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Exercise #4: All the sentences are incomplete, since you have not underlined all

the stressed words. Remember that Content Words are the ones that are stressed in
sentences, that is, there is more than 1 word that is stressed in a sentence.
Therefore, review the list of Content words again and do the exercise again.
Remember that "Verbs", "adjectives", "nouns" etc, are stressed.

Exercise #5: The word "Tan" is incorrect, since there is a sound missing. Look
carefully in which sound this transcription /ˈtæŋ/ ends.

Exercise #7: Check which are the PALATAL consonants because neither of the examples
contain a Palatal sound.
Check which are the INTER-DENTAL consonants because neither of the examples contain
a Interdental sound.

Exercise #9: There is a mistake in the transcription "I hate eaten soup" (check
the verb /ˈiːtɪŋ/)

There is a mistake in the transcription "They always eat worms" (check the subject
of the sentence /bɜːdz/)

The video: your pronunciation is pretty great and your fluency is decent. However,
you are not doing the pronunciation exercise correctly. Remember that you have to
apply the word stress in the Paragraph, so you should stress and de-stress words
depending whether it is a Content word or a Function. But you are not de-stressing
the function words, in fact you are stressing them. Function words are faintly
pronounced, since these words do not carry the meaning of the phrase or sentence,
so they are de-stress.

Exercise #2: The word "Opposite" is a Preposition. Are prepositions content words?

Exercise #4: In "Ecstasy is an extremely dangerous drug." the words "Dangerous

drug" should be underline, since they are Adjetive and Noun respectively.

In "Jack bought a new car last Friday." you did not underline the main verb

In "They are looking forward to your visiting them next January." there are several
words that should be underline; check how many content words are in this sentence.

In "Exciting discoveries lie in Tom's future." you did not underline the Main verb

In "Would you like to come over and play a game of chess?" there are several words
that should be underline; check the content words in the sentence.

In "They have been having to work hard these last few months on their challenging
experiment" you did not underline the Verbs.

In "Shakespeare wrote passionate, moving poetry" you did not underline the main
verb and 1 adjetive.
Exercise #9: there is a mistake in the transcription "Birds always eat warms"
(check the las word /wɜːmz/".

Exercise #2: the word "Drive" is not a function.

The word "Opposite" is a Preposition, so it is not a Content.

Exercise #3: The syllable stress in "Derelict" is incorrect.

The syllable stress in "Dermatitis" is incorrect.
The syllable stress in "Derogatory" is incorrect.
The syllable stress in "Discrimination" is incorrect.
The syllable stress in "Dishonest" is incorrect.

Exercise #5: the word "thru" is a Nonstandard spelling of "through", so it is


Exercise #9: There is a mistake in the transcription "They always eat worms" (check
the last word /wɜːmz/)

The video: your pronunciation is pretty decent and the syllable stress/word stress
have been applied correctly. The only aspect that I would improve your fluency.
Fluency makes you pronounce faster and more efficient. But, in the Paragraph you
are not being fluent, that's why it seems you are not de-stressing words. So, you
should practice fluency and de-stress.

Please, check the following mistakes in the Workshop:

Exercise #2: the word "Drive" is not a function.

The word "Opposite" is a Preposition, so it is not a Content.
The name "Peter" is not a Function. (remember that proper names are content)
The word "Kitchen" is not a Function.

Exercise #4: In "Ecstasy is an extremely dangerous drug." the word "Drug" is a

noun, therefore is a content word.

In "Jack bought a new car last Friday." you did not underline the main verb
(bought) and the noun "Car".

In "Exciting discoveries lie in Tom's future." you did not underline the Main verb

In "Would you like to come over and play a game of chess?" there are several words
that should be underline; check the content words in the sentence.

In "Would you like to come over and play a game of chess?" you forgot to underline
"over". In this case, "come over" is a Phrasal verb, so the whole expression should
be underline.

In "Shakespeare wrote passionate, moving poetry" you did not underline the main

In " As you might have expected, he has just thought of a new approach to the
problem" there are several words that should be underline.

Exercise #5: The word "Then" is incorrect. Choose another word for /ðæn/

The word "You" is incorrect. Choose another word for /ˈhuː/

The word "Ten" is incorrect. Choose another word for /ˈhuː/

Exercise #6: The word "Her" does not begin with /ɜ:/. Check the phonetic
transcription of "Her".

Exercise #7: Check which are the Glottal consonants because neither of the examples
contain a Glottal sound.

Exercise #9: There are 2 mistakes in the transcription "pets always eat warms"
(check the subject of the sentence /bɜːdz/ and the last word /wɜːmz/)

Exercise #9: There is a mistake in the transcription "Birds always it worms"; the
word "it" is incorrect.

Exercise #11: check the final sound of "Fifths". Look carefully how the word ends.

Please, make the suggested corrections

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