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BS AEE 2-4

1) What is the difference between angle of attack and angle of incidence?

In a typical airfoil of an aircraft there are two major angles present: the angle of
attack and the angle of incidence. The angle of attack is referred to as the aerodynamic
incidence, an angle taking its place between the chord line and the relative ratio. The
angle of incidence is defined as angle formed still between the chord line but the
horizontal axis of the aircraft. the major difference of the two angles is angle of attack
is oriented by the flow of the wind while incidence angle is all about geometry. Most
aircrafts have fixed angle of incidence except for a crusader who uses a variable angle
of incidence. In flight, angle of incidence remains always constant while the angle of
attack is differentially changing.

2) What is the function of a servo tab on an aircraft control surface? Discuss and

The main function of the servo tab is to have the pilot of the plane smoothly
maneuver the aircraft’s control surfaces. This mechanism is directly and freely linked
to the control surface in which when a pilot inputs a force to control stick, the tab will
deflect as well as the control surface until an equilibrium position is reached. This
happens without making any movement in the control surface but only in the servo
tab. Servo tabs are usually mounted on older variants of large aircrafts.

3) Why do most high-performance aircraft use slotted flaps? Discuss and explain.

Slotted Flaps works similarly with plain flaps, but it allows high pressure of
airflow to flow between the low pressure above the slot of the flap. This type of design
allows constant airflow to remain attached to the wings then creates a better lift. These
kinds of flaps are most commonly used by high performance aircrafts ranging from
small to large sizes due its major advantages. It increases the wing camber, delays
airflow separation, and produces the less amount of excessive drag while still having
additional lifts.
4) What is the purpose of a movable slat in the leading edge of some airplane wings?
Discuss and explain.

Slats are often describing as the type of high lift devices that are most
commonly found to fixed wing aircrafts. Their main functions are to increase lift during
low-speed operations, as well as aid in take-off, initial climb approach and landing of
the aircraft. The main reason behind this is slats increases the surface area and the
camber of the wing when deploying outwards and drooping downwards from the
leading edge of the wings. They work along slide with Krueger flaps with the same
function that will provide additional lift to the aircraft.

5) Why are the control cables of large airplanes normally equipped with automatic
tension regulators? Discuss and explain.

In the case of aircraft rigging, it is mostly essential that large aircrafts are
equipped with automatic tension regulator. The main reason behind this aircraft struct
is composed mostly of temperature sensitive materials like aluminum. Therefore, when
temperature lowers during flight these structures contracts causing the control cables
to become dangerously loose. Engineers have incorporated the use of this automatic
tension regulator to provide a constant tension in each cable as these main airframes
change its dimensions.
6) Why is it important that any repairs to the control surfaces of an airplane not change
their original condition of balance about their hinge line? Discuss and explain

In any repairs made in an aircraft when its minor or major, it is very critical that
the original condition of balance is still intact with respect to their hinge line to maintain
its streamline shape during flight. If the repair or rebalancing method was not followed
closely, it would cause the control surfaces to violently move and in extreme cases
major fluttering and buffeting would incur that would cause to complete loss of control
to an aircraft. Furthermore, these vertical vibration due to unstable and wrong
balancing will tear of the control surfaces to the aircraft.

7) Why is there a need for duplicate inspections in regards to aircraft flight controls
system? Discuss and explain.

All aircraft undergoes inspection process given mainly by the regulatory board
of their country. In spite of this, when talking about the flight control surfaces of the
aircrafts there is a need of what we called duplicate inspections. Duplicate Inspections
or in modern terminology is called as independent inspection is referred to a type of
inspection that happens where two different persons are needed to sign and make the
Return of Service certificate of the aircraft. The first signature complies on the issue
relating the particular component in this case the flight controls like ailerons. The next
signature is to attests the work made and give satisfactory proof that no deficiencies
have been made. The main purpose of this two signatures is provide a more quality in
terms safety as well as the parts needed are the one can lead to a catastrophic events
during flight.


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Christian Palileo
BS AeE 2-4

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