Soal Ujian Tengah Semester Semester Ganjil Ta. 2020 - 2021: Online Close Book

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Dosen : Noni Marlianingsih, S. S. M. Hum.
Sifat Ujian : Online Close Book

1. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal

2. Jawaban diupload melalui SSO
3. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk saling mencontoh sesama teman, jika terjadi ada jawaban
yang kalimatnya sama persis antar teman maka keduanya tidak akan diberi nilai.

Test questions taken from Test questions created by:

Topnotch book Lecturer’s Team
Authorized And Revised By:
Dr. Mostafa Nabil, M.Par, MBA
Stiami’s English Coordinator
Part one : Reading
Instruction: Read the text. Then, answer the following questions. (25

Picture response questions

1. Look at the picture. What is this place? How do you know?

2. Look at the couple buying tickets. What movie do you think they will choose?

3. Look at the man who is looking at his watch and the woman with him. What do you think
she will say to him?
4. Look at the couple on the far right. What do you think they are saying to each other? Make
up a short conversation between them. Have each person say one thing.

5. Look at the man and woman on the locket box. Please mention their job desks.

Part two : VOCABULARY ( 20 points )

Read each group of words. Choose the word or phrase that does NOT belong.
Example: A. Hi B. Hello C. Agree. D. Good morning

1. A. shake hand B. bow C. hug D. meet

2. A. job B. loan C. weather D. family

3. A. take a tour B. climb C. take a rest D. take a picture

4. A. a drama B. a story C. a comedy D. a musical

5. A. romantic B. violent C. boring D. weird

6. A. fascinating B. thrilling C. diving D. frightening

7. A. single B. double C. suite D. house

8. A. king B. kids C. queen D. rollaway

9. A. shop B. hangers C. an iron D. towels

10. A. pool B. party C. gift shop D. wifi

Part three : Grammar Part, Choose the right answers ….( 30 points )
1. We had breakfast at 8, but we haven’t __________ lunch yet.
a. eat
b. ate
c. eaten
d. eating

2. My younger brother ___________ a new laptop

a. has been bought
b. has bought
c. bought
d. have bought
3. Has Jack ___________ our new English teacher?
a. meet
b. meets
c. met
d. meeting

4. How long have you been here?

I have been here _____________ ten minutes
a. since
b. for
c. already
d. just

5. Have you seen a good movie __________?

a. yesterday
b. recently
c. last week
d. at the moment

6. What is the worst movie have you _______ seen?

a. ever
b. never
c. sometimes
d. often

7. We will sing a song this Saturday.

Change into negative sentence:
a. We willn’t sing a song this Saturday
b. We willnot sing a song this Saturday
c. We won’t sing a song this Saturday
d. We want to sing a song this Saturday

8. What will you _______ in New York?

a. doing
b. done
c. did
d. do

9. I am _______ to call him at 4.

a. go
b. went
c. going
d. gone

10. Who will _______ us to the airport tonight?

a. taking
b. took
c. take
d. takes
Part four : Choose one ( 1 ) of the topics below and write about the topics you
have chosen ( 25 points )

1. My experience staying in a hotel

2. The best movie I have ever seen
3 . Customs (Culture Differences) around the world

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