Ortiz-Eleasah-C - SHS LP Oral-Com

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February 1, 2021

Content Standard: The learner realizes the rigors of crafting ones.

Performance Standard: The learner proficiently delivers various speeches using the
principles of effective speech delivery.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. Determine the physical and vocal aspects of speech delivery;
b. Apply the rules and conventions in orally interpreting a particular speech; and
c. Reflect how important vocal and physical elements in speech delivery through Q
and A’s.
Learning Competency: Uses principles of effective speech delivery
(EN11/12OC-IIcj-26; EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.1-26.5)
Sipacio, P. J., & Balgos, A. G. (2016). Oral communication in context. Quezon City: C &
E Publishing Inc., Curriculum Guide, and Teachers Manual.
Dapat, J., et al. Oral Communication in Focus. Lori Mar Publishing
Teaching Learning English. Principles of Speech Delivery. Oral Communication. How to
Deliver a speech.
Time Allotment: 60 Minutes
 LED TV/ Projector
 Laptop
 Slides presentation
 Pictures and video clips

 Preliminary Activities (5 Minutes)
1) Prayer
2) Greetings
3) Checking of Attendance
4) Review of the previous lesson
5) Motivation (2 Minutes)
 The teacher will present a video clip on the different reactions of the
listeners to a certain speaker.
 The teacher will let the students’ give their observations to the delivery of
the speaker.
 Then, the teacher will process the students’ answer.

A. ACTIVITY (10 Minutes)

 The class will be divided into four (4) groups.
 Each group will list down ten (10) habits for a good delivery that a
speaker needs to develop by watching a video clip of Dananjaya

Eleasah C. Ortiz I 2/1/2021 I pg. 1

Hettiarchchi of Sri Lanka, 2014 Champion on the World’s Champion of
Public Speaking competition organized by Toastmasters International.
 Each member of the group must share insights.
 After watching the video clip, the groups will be given three (3) minutes
to prepare the list and show it to the class.
 The teacher will process the students’ answer.

Example: Practice in front of people and get their feedback.


B. ANALYSIS (5 Minutes)
 The teacher will ask the following questions:
a) Do you find the style of delivery appropriate to his audience?
b) Aside from the speech content, is the delivery essential to his
c) Is the speaker seemed so natural and ease? How do say so? Site
d) Do you think effective speakers are made, or are they naturally
born as effective speakers? Defend your answers.
 The teacher will process the students answer.

C. ABSTRACTION (15 Minutes)

 The teacher will then discuss the lesson about using principles of effective
speech delivery.
What is Delivery?
 Refers to the actual presentation of the speech
 Consist of vocal and physical elements
Vocal and physical elements are essential in speech delivery
Vocal Elements
 Speaker’s voice
Can be achieved through vocal trainings
 Pitch
Refers to the Highness or lowness of the sound.
 Rate
Rate of speech is the number of words an individual utters on one minute.
 Volume
The intensity or loudness and softness of your voice.
 Articulation
Refers to the clarity and enunciation of words, phrases and sentences in a
 Pronunciation
Describes the combination of vowels, consonants, syllables and accent a
speaker uses to emphasize specific words.

Pause, emphasis and phrasing must be taken attention.

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Pauses are breaks or interruptions in speech that separates thoughts and
Physical or Bodily aspects
 Eye contact
In speech delivery it is important to have eye contact
 Gesture
A movement of the parts of the body, especially hand or the head, to
express an idea.
 Movement
It is a movement of the upper body.
 Posture
Includes standing up straight with feet apart and shoulders squared facing
the audience.
 Facial expression
Body language plays a big role in speech delivery.

D. APPLICATION (15 Minutes)

 With the same groups. Perform using the scenario below.
You are the tourism ambassadors of the Philippines who are tasked to
promote the best features of the country and its overall positive image to
the local and foreign visitors. Your task is to prepare and deliver a three-
minute speech in a World Tourism Expo in London to convince the
participants to visit the Philippines.

 The groups will be given 10 minutes to prepare the speech. Everyone

should have a speaking task. And make sure that the speech is clear and
persuasive applying the physical and vocal aspects of speech delivery.
 After the group performance, each group will give feedback to the
presentation of the others based on the following questions.
a) What do you like most about the presentation?
b) How do you think can the speech be improved?
 The teacher will process and rate the group’s performance based on the
Performance Rubric
Category Scoring Criteria VGE GE SE LE N
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Speech style was conversational.
Fillers were avoided.
Volume was well adjusted to audience
Rate of speed of speaking was varied.
Voice was modulated.
Pauses were effectively used.
Words were pronounced and
enunciated well.
Eye contact was effectively used.
Speaker was prepared and confident.
Distracting movements or mannerisms
were avoided.
Facial expressions were appropriate to
the message.
Mastery of the speech was evident.
VGE – To a very great extent; GE – To a great extent; SE – To some
extent; LE – To a little extent; N – Not at all
VGE – 49-60; GE – 37-48; SE – 25-36; LE – 13-24; N – 12

Eleasah C. Ortiz I 2/1/2021 I pg. 3

*how important our vocal and physical elements in speech delivery?
(3 Minutes sharing of thoughts)
 Speech and oral interpretations is a personal way of pulling words from a
speech and also giving life to it through a speaker’s voice and body.
 According to the saying, “you can speak well if your tongue delivers the
message of your heart.”

IV. EVALUATION (3 Minutes)

½ Sheet of paper
Write down the 6 vocal elements and 5 Physical aspect of speech delivery and list
down the importance of each elements. (2 points each)

V. ASSIGNMENT (2Minutes)
Deliver the speech you had written last meeting via video format of your choice and let
your classmate evaluate your speech delivery using the rubrics presented indicated the
strengths of the delivery as well as the areas for improvement.
 For teachers copy, send your video format to the email address

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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