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Debunking the


Credit Myths
Activity: Individual
ž ž3 0 M I N U T E S
Materials: Students Hand out the student activity sheet.
will need their course
materials and the activity
handout. Review the components of a persuasive essay
Objectives: The purpose of
this activity is for students »» Introductory paragraph: Provide a clear statement of your position in the
to assess information, for- topic sentence. Give two clear arguments that support this position.
mulate an argument, and
write a persuasive essay »» Two supporting paragraphs: Each argument stated above should be covered
based on a myth presented
in the chapter. Students in a separate paragraph. Support each paragraph with specific examples, facts
will also be able to refute and reasoning.
the opposing argument in
the essay. »» One paragraph stating the opposite viewpoint: Use an opposing statement
C C S S S TA N D A R D CCSS. and then refute it. For example, you might say, “One could argue that (state
ELA-Literacy.RH.11–12.8: opposite viewpoint), but I believe that (state your viewpoint).”
Evaluate an author’s
premises, claims and »» Closing paragraph: Restate the position. Reaffirm the most compelling
evidence by corroborating
or challenging them with
argument. Do not introduce new arguments in the conclusion.
other information
As a class, go over the components of a persuasive essay using a specific myth as
Credit and
Debt Standard 1: Identify an example.
the costs and benefits of
various types of credit.
• Specific standard will
be determined by the
“credit myth” chosen by
the student.

Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition


Debunking the Credit Myths

Pick one of the myths presented in the Debt chapter. Write a persuasive essay to someone who believes that
particular myth to be true.

Remember that a persuasive essay attempts to convince someone that your point of view is valid. In your
essay, be sure to discuss both sides of the position so you can effectively counter the opposing view.

Use one other source of information besides your student text to support your argument. You can search for
information at or use a search engine and type a summary of your myth in the search box
(for example, “lottery tax on poor”).
Your persuasive essay will include the following five paragraphs:
»» Introductory paragraph: Provide a clear statement of your position in the topic sentence. Give two clear
arguments that support this position.
»» Two supporting paragraphs: Each argument stated above should be covered in a separate paragraph.
Support each paragraph with specific examples, facts and reasoning.
»» One paragraph stating the opposite viewpoint: Use an opposing statement and then refute it. For
example, you might say, “One could argue that (state opposite viewpoint), but I believe that (state your
»» Closing paragraph: Restate the position. Reaffirm the most compelling argument. Do not introduce new
arguments in the conclusion.

CH A P TER 4 Foundations in Personal Finance High School Edition

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