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A human factor in managing where they are members of the social systems of many

organizations. (MULTIPLICITY OF ROLE)

Art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward
the achievement of group goals. (LEADERSHIP)

A general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes, and similar forces.

A Douglas McGregor’s motivation theory where the manager is pessimistic, static and rigid, and
where control is primarily external, imposed on the subordinate by the manager. (THEORY X)

One factor of Frederick Herzberg’s motivation theory where it cannot motivate employees but
can minimize dissatisfaction. (HYGIENE OR HYGIENE FACTOR)

It is a degree to which the work necessary to achieve organizational goals is broken down into

They are means for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems within the
organization, from social responsibility to accounting control. (MANAGEMENT AUDIT)

A distinct area, division, or branch of an organization over which a manager has authority for the
performance of the specified activities. (DEPARTMENT)

The process of measuring progress toward planned performance and, if necessary, applying
corrective measures to ensure that performance is on the line with manager’s objectives.

It is an influence that people or groups may exercise because people believe in them and their

Specification of task activities associated with a particular job (e.g. a job as an administrative
assistant may include typing, filing and photocopying, or it could involve such activities as
coordinating travels and meetings, investigating trouble spots, and making decisions about a
certain range of issues). (JOB DESIGN)

Refers to the shifting of an employee to a new position to which both his status and
responsibilities are increased. (PROMOTION)
Practice of periodically shifting workers through a set of jobs in a planned sequence. (JOB

A span of management where there is a close coordination of the manager to it’s subordinates.

A leadership style where one uses power very little, if at all, giving subordinates a high degree
of independence. (FREE-REIN LEADER)
Demonstrate persistence, tenacity, determination, and synergetic communication skills

Management is often associated with what characteristics of a leader (Transactional Leaders)

Staffing is undertaken to match people with jobs so that the realization of the organization’s
objectives will be facilitated

Extrinsic Motivation are those that are referred to as the payoffs granted to the individual by
another party that may be through promotions, recognitions and/or praise.

Non-verbal communication describes the process of conveying meaning in the form of non-
word messages and also called silent language and plays a key role in human day to day life.

Participative Leader and/or Democratic Leaders consults with subordinates and

encourages their participation

The following are the impact of effective leading EXCEPT Employees are open to change and
development, become hopeful and inspired to attain these goals, making them feel that they are
part of the team and in the end, they will be tired and dissatisfied because they will feel that they
are taken advantage of.

Charismatic Leadership is based on the leader's ability to communicate and behave in ways
that reach followers on a basic, emotional way, to inspire and motivate.

Intrinsic Motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task
itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure or specifically

Grapevine also known as gossip or rumor

Informal Communication can connect almost anyone in an organization to anyone else, they
skip over hierarchical levels and between departments and functions and it is the primary way
an information is spread and work gets done.

Voluntary Separation is when employee resigned by himself/herself for reasons like looking for
better employment, getting married or find the work not making him grow as an individual.

Social responsibility is an ethical framework that suggests that an entity, be it an organization or

individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. From a business
perspective, it can be defined as the consistent commitment to behave in an ethical manner and
contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of a company’s
employees and their families—as well as local communities, the environment, and society as a
whole. This is a best practice for Leading and Directing.
Authority is an element of delegation where the person has the power and the right to give
orders, draws upon resources, and do whatever else is necessary to fulfill the responsibility.

Job Simplification is an approach to job design where skill variety is stripped down to create a
more focused task, often one of the advantage of this job design is, it enables the employees to
learn tasks rapidly and gain mastery in smaller or less complicated job units

All statements are true.

I: Managing requires the creation and maintenance of an environment in which individuals work
together in groups toward the accomplishment of common objectives.
II: Managers should thus have an understanding of the roles assumed by people and the
individuality and personalities of people.

I: Charismatic leadership is based on the leader's ability to communicate and behave in ways
that reach followers on a basic, emotional way, to inspire and motivate.

II: Recruitment as part of staffing is attracting qualified persons to apply for vacant positions in
the company so that those best suited to serve the company may be selected.

II: The purpose of selection in giving right position for the right person is to evaluate each
candidate and to pick the most suited for the position available.

I: Formal communication systems are the methods used to convey information necessary for
conducting the business of the organization.

I: Clayton Adelfer’s ERG motivation theory is based from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.
II: Clayton Adelfer’s ERG motivation theory has three core types of needs which are existence,
relatedness and growth.

I: The managerial grid was developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, and it consists of two
dimensions: concern for people and concern for production.
II: The managerial grid (5,5) is basically a compromising style wherein the leader tries to
maintain a balance between goals of company and the needs of people.


I: Standardized management is a level of managerial activity below setting goals and above
tactics. It provides over-all direction to an enterprise.
II: Standardized Objective Management is a component of objective controls. Objective controls
is a management control system that can be assessed by any browser.
I: Sensor is an element of managing control where interaction should be carefully worded, as
communication and interpretation of data can lead to costly mistakes.
II: Concurrent Control focuses on the regulation of inputs to ensure that they meet the standards
necessary for the transformation process.

I: Anthonette suggests that organizational planning and control can be segmented into three
categories, strategic planning, management control and task control.
II: Task control is the process by which the managers influence other member of the
organization to implement the organizations strategies.


Leading and
Staffing Planning Organizing Communicating
Barista Gardener Vice President Coffee Buddy Electrician
Expertness of a
Legitimate Power Inferential Power Reward Power Coercive Power
Quantity Time Cost Quality Personality
Pervasive Related with
End Function Statutory Process Forward Looking
Function Planning
Improved Team Task Middle-of-the-
Country Club
Management Management Management Road
Self-Realization Esteem Social Safety Physiological
Upward Crosswise Downward Lengthwise Diagonal
Comparison with Standards
Condition Characteristic Sensor
Standards Interpreter
Monitoring of Extended Control Risk Management
Internal Controls Management Management Reporting

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