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Your Sales Strategy

What's your current brand marketing strategy (activities like blogging, podcasting,
and sharing content on social media)? What's your current direct response strategy
(activities like list building and engagement, mini-workshops and webinars, sales
funnels, and discovery calls)? Where are you currently getting new leads and clients
(warm traffic sources like referrals, lead magnets, and email subscribers or cold
traffic sources like organic or paid social media)?
3 Elements of a Clearly Defined Sales Strategy
1. A clear understanding of the difference between brand marketing and direct
response sales (and creating content that includes the best elements of both)
2. A succinct sales goal that is specific, measurable, and scheduled
3. A clearly defined strategy that’s direct, employs one effective tactic, and is held
until the sales goal is achieved or the deadline passes

The difference between marketing and sales1:

● Marketing activities build awareness, attention, permission, and trust.
● Sales activities earn interest, enrollment, and investment.

Most independent coaches spend all their time marketing (trying to post on every
platform) and using every tactic (funnel software, challenges, webinars,
mini-workshops, Facebook Groups, etc.).

This approach is exhausting, and it doesn’t work.

A streamlined, integrated approach incorporating the best elements of brand

marketing and direct response sales shared across just a few platforms can catalyze
the right prospects to the next level of engagement (or even skip steps).

WARNING! Before fixing your sales problem, you must have enough clarity about your
offer and audience (and have already defined and developed your signature solution

Set your sales goal, strategy, and tactic(s).

● A goal is a specific, measurable, and scheduled objective in service of a vision or
● Strategy is a clear and direct plan for achieving your goal.
● Tactics are easy and essential actions you take daily to execute your strategy.

Wait to change your goal or strategy until your goal is achieved or the deadline passes.
(Hint—there’s great value in setting small, achievable short-term goals so you can
iterate and improve over more extended periods.)

Using our previous example, I might craft the following sales strategy.

I approach my sales goals by first dialing in and selling out my core or premium offer.
For this example, I’ll define that as a 30-day program that teaches my 3-step process
for helping exhausted female sales professionals recapture 3-hours/week.

Click here to watch a 30-minute video about Online Sales Mastery for a more in-depth exploration of the
difference between marketing and sales (and how to combine them effectively).
This process is taught through weekly 1:1 calls and practiced in weekly group coaching
calls. The price tag is $3,000.00.

My goal is to sell 3 of these packages per month.

My strategy is to initiate conversations with ideal clients that lead to calls that I can
convert into sales. Conversation is the fastest path to connections that convert.

My tactic is creating short-form content (text or video) that includes the headline and
promise of value from my offer, delivers actionable value, and a clear call to action to
respond to a question or provide another kind of response.

I then share new content like this with my list and existing social media channels
three times per week and follow up on the days in between.

For instance, I might post:

Exhausted female sales professional looking to take control of your schedule so you
can spend more time with your kids and still make your sales goals?

Here are three of my top five tips from my 30-day program that guarantees you can
recapture 3-hours every day without a loss of income.

After listing my top three tips, I’d invite readers/viewers to comment.

Share which tip works best for you in the comments, and I’ll share the other two tips
via private message.

When readers comment, I ask follow-up questions to get more context before
delivering the other two tips via private message.

I will also share additional insights or resources based on our earlier conversation.

I then share that these 5 tips are part of a more extensive process I teach in a 30-day
program that guarantees participants reclaim three hours of every day.

I might ask if they’d like more information or wait to see if they ask.
FWIW, I close all my new client sales using this sales strategy using organic lead
generation sources (my email list and social media outposts).2

Your Sales Strategy

Define your sales goal and strategy below.

Click here to watch a 15-minute video of my Social Media Posting Plan using three post templates
developed by my Facebook ad coach, Laurel Portié

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