Create Prosperity Using Your Own Internal Powers: Lee Milteer 'S Millionaire Smarts Coaching Program

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Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program

Create Prosperity Using Your Own Internal Powers

By Lee Milteer

REPORT 1: Your Personal Power

Dear Millionaire Smarts® Member:

If you are sincere about wanting more personal power,
prosperity, confidence, and ways to break through current
barriers in life, now is the time to utilize the greatest prosperity
tool of all time: Mental Images that attract good into your reality.
Since the thoughts that come from our brain influence our
future, we want to use our imagination to put pictures or references of success into our
mind-computers. This imagination process is known by many names, such as mental
imaging, mental rehearsal, guided imagery, self-hypnosis, and
behavior modification. Scientists refer to it as imprinting or
I want to make you aware that labels affect the way
people respond to learning. Please don’t be one of those people
that let a label of something keep them from trying it. The truth is,
no matter what this tool is called, it is one of the most important
tools for creating your future the way you want to experience it. Whatever you
decide to call your imagination process is okay, but please just develop this skill.
The images in your mind’s eye are very important because images are the
language of the brain. As I’ve said before, taking the time to decide exactly what images
you want to go into your personal mind-computer is a powerful way to aid you in your
quest to be successful. Taking charge of the caliber of information that goes into your
sub-conscious mind allows you to create new references or pictures.
When you are imagining the positive outcomes you want to experience in your
life, you will become more enthusiastic about your future. The word enthusiasm comes
from the Greek “en theos,” with a root meaning of “God-inspired.” Once you have
imagined good things coming to pass in your mind’s eye, you feel a sense of
eagerness. When you are aflame with enthusiasm, your power expands and your
wholehearted involvement becomes contagious. You feel the motivation and inspiration,
and you receive the intuition, or guidance, to make your mental rehearsals absolutely
real. You literally become a success magnet by attracting people and opportunities to
Recently I was asked this question by a television interviewer: “Lee if you could
only use one tool for success, what would it be?” I replied without a second’s
hesitation—the tool of imagination. The old saying about “If you can see it, you can do

REPORT 1: Your Personal Power 1

it” is so true. If you can see yourself being successful in whatever you want, from
business to losing weight, then you will have the confidence and direction to aim and
use your life energy to make that vision a reality.
There is nothing mysterious about using your
imagination; it is simply a practical, proven application
to create a better existence. When you use your
imagination, you are experiencing your true power. You
connect with the part of yourself that centers you and is
the part of you that has a deep sense of knowingness,
certainty of power, love, and wisdom.
The best way to prepare for success in life is to
imagine yourself being successful. Your imagination is
your own personal workshop of the mind. In it, you can see all the possibilities of the
future and exactly how to go about creating those dreams. You can rehearse the
possibilities, create plans, and visualize ways to succeed, all in the privacy of your mind.
Unless you allow it to be so, your imagination is not bound by limiting beliefs,
fears, or past conditioning. Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Everything we create in the physical world starts as an idea.
It is said that all that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve are the direct
result of his own thoughts. In his book, University of Success, the late Og Mandino
said, “All achievements, whether in the business,
intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of definitely
directed thought, are governed by the same law, and are
of the same method. Whatever your present environment
may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts,
your Vision, your Ideal. You will become as small as your
controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.”
By using your God-given talent to imagine your desires for success in your mind,
you add to your capacities of achieving that which you imagine. What you focus on
expands. Focus your thoughts on what you want in life and try not to give focus to what
you do not want in your life. When you use your imagination, or focus, you are
envisioning behavioral changes that will show up automatically in your reality. At this
time, more than ever in our lifetimes, we need to not be reactive to our reality but
instead, be proactive and start to get clear about exactly what we want for our future!

Making Your Imagination Work for You

There are the four basic understandings or guidelines you must follow to make
your imagination work for you:
1. Desire is the starting point of all creation.
2. Believe that YOU can manifest YOUR goals.
3. Give Yourself permission to have what YOU want.

REPORT 1: Your Personal Power 2

4. After YOU have visualized what you want, let go of attachment to the details
of how it will arrive at YOUR doorstep, and just listen to YOUR inner guidance
as to what STEPS you should take next.


Look through your personal library and find all the books on Prosperity that
you may have. It is a known fact that wealthy people have large libraries and poor
people have large TVs in their homes! If you don’t have any books on Prosperity,
please do yourself a huge favor and go to the bookstore and buy some or go
online and order a few. First thing every single day, make a point to read
something that inspires you and gives you information that supports you! For
suggestions, here is a partial list of the authors in my personal library who have
books on prosperity:

 Napoleon Hill
 Benjamin Franklin
 James Allen
 Wallace D. Wattles
 Ernest Holmes Special For Millionaire Smarts
 Florence Scovel Shinn Members
 Joseph Murphy
 Jack and Cornelia Addington
 Catherine Ponder
 Dan Kennedy
 Deepack Chopra

Every single one of these authors highly suggest and give

proof on why you should have the daily practice of
deliberately using customized Mental Images to attract good
into your reality. These authors range from current to as early
as the 1930s! So your real homework is to TAKE BACK Please come check out my
YOUR OWN POWER TO CREATE YOUR REALITY and not brand-new book just released
fall victim to the negative mentality that is being shoved down
POWER—only available on
your throat every day by the news media! Amazon. When you invest in
this book, get a special gift
THINK PROSPERITY! worth $75: Reinvent Your Life:
Blessings and Love to you, Success Self-Programing which
Your Coach has sold over one million
copies! Go
milteer/ to find out more about
Lee Milteer the Book and how you can
receive this free gift to add to
P.S. IMPORTANT: Be sure to go to the Millionaire Smarts® your Success Tools.
member site at least once a month to download the materials.

REPORT 1: Your Personal Power 3

They’re great to refer to, specially when you’re dealing with setbacks and need encouragement.
You should also send your top staff to the site so they, too, can be on the same page as
you. Remember, success doesn’t come by yourself; it comes from others helping you. The more
you SHARE the Millionaire Smarts® program with your spouse, teenagers, and top office
people, the more you will all come from a common place and the more you will manifest.

BONUS: Please also be sure to download the your

Millionaire Smarts December 2022 FACULTY REPORTS:

How Sales Coaching Changes Your Belief System and Helps You Develop a New
Mental Paradigm for Success| By Steve Clark – The Sales Psychologist

The Fastest 5 Quick-n-Dirty SecretsTo Writing Great Email Subject Lines | By

Jack Turk – World’s Fastest Copywriter

The First Seven Things to Do When You Get Promoted | By Kevin Eikenberry –
Leadership Coach

Time for a Sales Turnaround (Yes. I’m talkin’ to you!) Transform Your Bottom
Line by Year-End | By Melanie Rembrandt – PR Wizard

United’s Unfriendly Skies | By Keith Lee – Customer Services Expert

Powerful Words and Phrases in Marketing | By Travis Lee – Direct Mail Expert

Here’s how to get them:

 Go to
 In the menu, click on the tab “Millionaire Smarts® SPONSORS Sign In”
 Click on the red “SIGN IN” button
 Type in your code – NEW for Dec. 2022: 394058#
Once on the membership site, you can also access:
 Lee’s mindset-altering video
 The audio portion of the interview (downloadable)
 A transcript of the interview (downloadable)
 4 Reports from Lee (downloadable)

Lee Milteer Inc. |

Reprint permission granted for Lee Milteer Inc. sponsors and their members, for personal use only.
© 2004-2022 Lee Milteer Inc.

REPORT 1: Your Personal Power 4

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