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The year was 2035.

People were gathering around their televisions to see the first human
mission to Earth. NASA was most busy that day. They had to make sure there weren’t any
problems or threats to the landing.

On the other side, the Astronauts were preparing themselves. They got into their suits and
prepared their engines. The entire world was watching.

If this mission succeeds, this would prove the world of what humans are capable of. However,
the main purpose of it was to prove that life once existed on Mars. It was about an hour before

They closed in the solar panels and went to the control room. There were 6 Astronauts
altogether. Nasa made sure that there wasn’t any emotional contact between them and their

Finally, it was time to land. The astronauts braced themselves. They prepared for the 7 minutes
of terror. The atmosphere of Mars is so thin and different from Earth that it’s almost impossible
for anything to land.

They entered the atmosphere. The rocket was shaking as if an asteroid struck it. The rocket was
free falling. The plan was to fall until they were dangerously close to the ground.

Then it happened. As it approached ground, the rocket boosted and landed. Everyone cheered
and some even wept. The whole world was happy. The astronauts slowly got out of the
spaceship. They were wearing white spacesuits.

But right as they landed, they encountered something unexpected. A human like green creature
with slimy skin was coming towards them.

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