ILAC034 Returnassignment

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The second submission is whether the action of the Barrater regime is morally wrong.

First,we taken a close look from the standards of morality. A moral standard pertains to the
guidelines we hold regarding actions that we consider morally permissible or morally
impermissible.These standards specifically address matters that can have significant impacts on
human well-being,either positively or negatively. Standard was used to determine as to what
amounts to moral or immoral behaviour activities or conduct also different widely depending on
various approach to morality such as positive morality,utilitariansm,critical morality and divine
command theory.
From the dependant perspective,it is more suitable to applied utilitarianism in our
argument.According to the utilitarians,an act is moral if it is useful in 'bringing about a desirable
good or end'.According from Jeremy Bentham,he stated that insight is that morally appropriate
behaviour will not harm others,but instead increase happiness or ‘utility’.He also promulgated
the principle of utility as the standard of right action on the part of governments and
Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism because it rests on the idea that it is the
consequences or results of actions,laws,policies,and so on that determine whether they are
good or bad,right or wong.This standards also show the option that ”maximizes utility”,which
explain that action or policy that produces the largest amount of good for the greatest number.
For example,population control and mandatory vaccination.Based on the view,the act of putting
the interest of oneself instead of prioritizing the greater good or the bigger picture would be
considered as immoral.
If this view were to applied,Connor’s action that prioritising and refused to attend the national
services because he has to work to help his poor family over than the government of Barrat's
order whose goal is to improve their military defensive is consider as immoral here.From the
facts,which is stated that Barrat's military are strictly defensive.We can concluded that the
action of Barrat's government given the authority to national services mandatory to enforce the
regime which states that every male who has attained the age of 18 years old will have to
attend national servieces for 2 years is consider moral as the objection of the government is to
strengthen their defensive of millitary and not for causing harm to others.
The facts that Barrat is a small developing nation surrounded by way bigger nations in every
corner' should be taken as it is show that the country is trying to envolving in term of defensive
and try to develop.Therefore,the Barrat's government can claim that they are trying to stabilize
their country with enforce the new law.
To apply in this situation of Mr Connor,the plaintiff refused to obey the law that are being
enforce by the government which to bring good for the community as the objective of the law is
to develop nation and to strengthen Barrat defensive military.
In conclusion ,we can say that just as the procedures taken by the government are valid as
prescribed by the law.The law does not violate the plaintiff's rights as the government already
state that for those who did not fulfil their national service would be sentenced to death or
being placed on the frontline of the Barrat army.The law that are being enforce by the Barrat
government is clearly not for personal purpose,but for the public purpose and for the common
good.Therefore,we can concluded that the action of the Barrat's regime is consider as moral.

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