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Dataverse direct integration with

Microsoft Fabric
Dataverse direct integration with Microsoft Fabric enables organizations to extend their
Dynamics 365 enterprise applications and business processes into Fabric. “View in Microsoft
Fabric” feature built into PowerApps maker portal makes all your Dynamics 365 data available
for analysis in Microsoft Fabric without having to copy data, build ETL pipelines, or use third-
party integration tools. With just one click, you’ll get more insights from your business data
stored in Dataverse.

Dynamics 365 data doesn’t leave the Dataverse governance boundary. As data gets updated,
changes are reflected in Microsoft Fabric automatically. Dataverse also generates an enterprise-
ready Synapse Lakehouse and SQL endpoint for your Dynamics 365 data. This makes it easier for
data engineers and DB admins to combine data from multiple sources and build custom
analytics with Spark, Python, or SQL.
Microsoft Fabric’s lake-centric approach helps to eliminate data silos. Combine data from your
applications and devices—web sites, mobile apps, sensors, and signals from your warehouse
and factories—with data from your business processes in Dynamics 365—sales, cases, inventory,
and orders—to predict potential delays or shortages that affect keeping your promises to

Makers can build low-code apps and automations to orchestrate business processes and react
to insights found in Microsoft Fabric using connectors to over 1,000 apps. Add those insights
back to Dataverse as external or virtual tables through the SQL endpoint and makers can turn
them into low-code apps with Power Apps, Power Pages, or Power Automate using skills they
already have.

Dataverse direct integration with Microsoft Fabric is currently in private preview. To join the
preview, visit

View in Microsoft Fabric in PowerApps maker portal

Low code makers can use PowerApps maker portal to work with their data and build new Apps
and automations using PowerApps, Power Automate and other tools already available in the
Power platform.

Now, makers can choose one or more tables from Dataverse and launch Microsoft Fabric
directly. First time, System creates a workspace in Anna’s own Power BI subscription and creates
shortcuts to Dataverse data. System also creates a Synapse Lake house and a default data
warehouse, enabling Anna to explore data with SQL or work with Spark and other Fabric tools.

Makers can continue to add more data and launch Microsoft Fabric from the maker portal.
Default Synapse Lakehouse and the Data warehouse gets updated with new data.
Build Apps and automations with data from Microsoft Fabric and
One Lake
Makers can build Apps and automations with enterprise-wide data available in One Lake – the
data store behind Microsoft Fabric. They can define external tables using the SQL endpoint
available for Microsoft Fabric data and work with the data as if they were native Dataverse

IT admins can direct link to Microsoft Fabric

Synapse Link feature in Dataverse is used by IT admins to integrate Dynamics and PowerApps
data with Azure Synapse. Synapse Link helped with configuring and provisioning Azure
resources in the past. IT admins had to work with Synapse query and integrate Power BI for
reporting (or Azure data factory to integrate data).

Now Synapse Link enables IT admins to direct link to Microsoft Fabric and work with SQL and
other workloads without provisioning Synapse and other services.


1. This scenario is available for Dataverse provisioned One lake, aka. “Managed Store” at
this point in preview.
2. You need to create a Synapse Link profile and enable Delta/ parquet conversion for this
option to be available. This option is not available for Synapse Link profiles that use the
CSV output format.
Configure your environment
1. You can use an existing PowerApps environment or create a new developer environment
using the link here: Create a developer environment - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
2. Launch Power apps maker portal with the URL (notice additional parameters switches
you need to include to enable the new experiences)
3. This feature is only available in Power BI premium workspaces. If you don’t have Power BI
premium capacity, you can sign-up for a Free Fabric trial capacity by visiting here: Fabric
(preview) trial - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn
4. It is highly recommended that you create a new Power BI workspace to direct link to
Dataverse. You can use this workspace to validate Synapse Link scenario.
5. To confirm that you can create a premium workspace. Choose workspace settings >
premium and ensure that you have Trial or Premium capacity selected.

6. Launch Power BI with Microsoft Fabric with the URL

Create a connection to your PowerApps environment

1. This is a onetime operation for your Power BI tenant for your Power Apps environment –
this pre-requisite is temporary and may go away in the future.
2. Choose Power BI settings (Gear icon on top right of Power BI window) and select
Manage connections and gateways
3. In the Data (preview) window, choose + New option to create a new connection.
4. Choose Cloud and choose Connection type as dataverse
5. Provide Connection name and the Data source path. You can obtain the connection
name from the power platform Admin center. You must enter the Environment URL you
get from admin center into both the fields. Remember to remove https:// and the trailing

6. Choose OAth2 as the Authentical model

7. Choose the Edit credentials link and confirm your credentials.
8. Review the connection information and choose Create.
View in Microsoft Fabric experience from PowerApps
As discussed in the overview section, you can view your data in Microsoft Fabric with several

Choose tables and view in Microsoft Fabric

1. Launch Power apps maker portal with the URL

2. Choose Tables on the left navigation and choose Account table.

3. Right click and choose view in Microsoft Fabric.
4. For the first time, you will see a dialog box confirming the name of the Power BI
workspace. Select OK
5. Synapse Lake house should launch in a separate browser window

NOTE: The system may take ~15 mins to update data in managed lake including conversion
to Delta-parquet format. If you have selected a larger table, the initial load time make take a
little longer.

Launch Microsoft Fabric from the Synapse Link UI

1. Launch Power apps maker portal with the URL

2. You will notice a default Synapse link profile called Managed Store. All tables chosen in
the maker experience (ie. previous step) will be included in the Managed Store. You can
choose view in Microsoft Fabric by selecting Managed store.
NOTE: “Managed store” is a temporary name. The name may change in the future.
3. If you launched maker portal and selected tables first, system should launch Power BI
workspace in a new browser window, otherwise, system will ask you to choose a Power
BI workspace. You can provide the workspace you created earlier.
4. Choose a Power BI workspace and select OK
5. Synapse Lakehouse will launch in a separate window

NOTE: Depending on the size of data, the initial copy may take longer to complete. For
subsequent updates, system may take ~15 mins to update data in managed lake including
conversion to Delta-parquet format.

Create a new Synapse Link or use an existing Synapse Link

1. If you created a Synapse Link with a “bring your own” Data Lake, you can enable choose
the link and select view in Microsoft Fabric
a. You need to choose the “Enable Parquet/ Delta lake option” to enable view in
Microsoft Fabric.
b. Existing Synapse profiles (even where you have chosen “enable Parquet/ Delta
lake option”) may not be enabled for this feature. We are working to enable
existing Synapse Link profiles.
2. System will create a lake house and launch Microsoft Fabric

Working with Dataverse data in Microsoft Fabric

You can view the Synapse Lakehouse, SQL endpoint and the default dataset generated by
Dataverse in the Microsoft Fabric workspace you have chosen earlier.

When you choose view in Microsoft Fabric I PowerApps maker portal or in Synapse Link,
Synapse lake house will be launched. You can navigate into other Fabric features yourself and
work with Fabric and Power BI.

Explore Synapse Lakehouse

You will notice the tables you have selected being added to the Synapse Lakehouse as shown

NOTE: During preview, the system make take ~15minute or more to reflect the tables. You may
see table names as undefined during that time.
Explore data with SQL
You can launch SQL endpoint and query your data with SQL and generate views in Microsoft

Auto create a Power BI report

You can choose the default dataset generated by Dataverse and choose Auto create a report.
The system generates a PowerBI report with the data you have selected as shown below.

Build Apps and automations with Fabric data in Maker portal

You can create tables and views in Microsoft fabric using SQL, Spark as well as other capabilities.
You can define Dataverse external tables using Fabric data.

1. You can work with tables from One Lake in the maker portal. For this, choose SQL
endpoint for the Synapse Lakehouse.
a. Select the gear icon on top left as shown in (1)
b. Copy the SQL connection string in the properties Windows as shown by (2)

2. Launch PowerApps maker portal and select Tables.

Known limitations.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How much will this feature cost?

There are no additional licenses of add-ons you need to buy to enable this feature.

Customers are licensed for Dataverse when they buy Dynamics apps or Power Apps licenses.
You will receive Dataverse entitlements when you buy respective licenses (ex. amount of data
storage, amount of API calls).

Use of view in Microsoft Fabric feature is included in Dataverse along with other features. When
you use view in Microsoft fabric feature, you may consume Dataverse storage (ex. Managed
tore) and/or API calls – which are offset against the entitlements you receive. See here for more
on licensing and entitlements.

Depending on the services you consume in Microsoft Fabric, you will consume Microsoft Fabric
capacity or Power BI premium capacity.

What is “managed store” and how much will it cost?

Dataverse contains a pre-provisioned Data lake, aka. Managed Store which is used by Dynamics
apps as well as services such as Power platform data flows to store analytical data. Now, you can
use managed store to integrate your data with Microsoft Fabric. Managed store maintains a
read-replica of Dataverse data without impacting operational workloads. Data in Managed store
is saved in Delta/ parquet format (same format used by Microsoft Fabric) and is accessible via
Microsoft Fabric.

Data in Managed store is shown under the Capacity tab > File usage section in Power platform
admin center. When you add tables to managed store (ie. view in Microsoft Fabric) or via
manage tables option in Synapse Link, table names are shown in the graph. System appends
_analytics tag to distinguish the file from others.

NOTE: If you use the Long term data retention (LTR) feature, you will be billed separately for
Long term retained data. While LTR does use managed lake under the cover, your LTR data is
not shown under file storage.

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