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Insights: Parents, Families and exceptionalities


Parents, Families and Exceptionalities are variables that should

work hand in hand to attain an educational experience fit and ideal for a
child with disability. Reading through the topic gave me a clearer view of
how an educational system in special education should be delivered in
terms of family involvement.
It was good to note how the acceptance and involvement of
family in the educational system evolved. Although there were sad days
when the family were blamed of the disability, hope and change were
present along the way until it reached its present status when children
with disabilities and their families enjoy all the rights and privileges they
deserve accompanied with their respective responsibilities.
Various aspects should be looked into when creating a program
for a child with disabilities and should always see to it that family
members are included in all aspects: assessment, intervention, decision,
placement are among them. This does not only show respect to the
family but creating relationship with them as well, which is vital to
achieve maximum potential of all our plans for the learners.
Involving the family also means accepting and understanding the
process they go through faced with the fact that they have a special
child. It was also noted that families vary in the manner and pace of
acceptance of a disability. Learning about these actually allows us
teachers to provide support to the family and develop plans on how we
can help them and the learner.
I am just happy that I came to expand my knowledge about the
rights and privileges of families and my role as a teacher. These things I
learned will surely be applied as I plan for the educational experience of
my own learners.

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