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vr Trot! ons. A pexfodtc vibvations of a body Th 4ne absence, of any extemal force on tt ase cabled natal or foe, vibvedions. Wwhet ane the cause of nochusual, Ulbrodfors? when the body disturbs slightly ftorn Ths yest position starts vibyoting |t is because. of the forces developed fy te bocky veto its elasticity, tanct -te restore Hu booly to Hs ovigihal position once tie, A uenee of force. tae body ctosds “to ont fro motion asiound te undistunbed “ position. Point -to remembex + The time od or frequency of nahmol vibrations deperads vpon We crepe and Size or stochuin of the body. +The time, pestiod of nosural vibrattonsis called natiral pertod anol thefreguency [5 called paotunoal Frequency . sly vorcum ,oumplitvdle, remedint Constenct but Tr, cury Sthert madiivn EE gyadvalty decreases. Examples CF natural yieratfons + simple, ™m . oP biocat ee frequency of simple pendulum ts deter witreol by the length of te pendulum anc accelar Cae te growity, ak ok place ie, acceleration + Alood suspended from SPYING When It (c stretched Or complersed Gud than whoore dl starts Vibrating with tts hadwral frequency. Frequency of His uibredion alepe cols bpen mars of ihe load aud sping frce coustact. Keke constant Cons + Wht a tuning fork fS stuck again a lestd ruben pad t& vibrates wotth Ths ws Frequincyy. + When cur ain column ih a Fle is mode to ibvorle , it vibrates wit tts nobwial frequency whith f& hnversely propationas to Han | of Ae ais Columin when ditfeneud “poles fi tt One elased, eset) Th an organ pipe oF given length open at both ends , lif fe mend modes © of vibrations ane pyoduced where frequencirs ont inte matio 4.223... Case Cit) organ pipe: with one endl closed, frequenciis of diffenttheles One iy Hae HOHO 123.5... When a sbing fh fushumernts like chan guiteat, sonometos ete is plucked once the transvence, vibrators ofa definite ° . batinal OY ome. produced fh, the Sting. Tos Fequeney of paimasion in @ Stretchall “sting is directly pe iT fer fo DAV om’ = 16a sting ts wre mn!= masc per vwit lergtr lute th Hae middle shiing vibrates tn ome loop "Lue vibration Ts called printipak note” of frequency, +E asbing ts pluck one -fourtt, of leg) Hl, Fe vibrates tr hwo loops tt vibyation fs colted first subsidiary vibration of Frequinty FL 2 [Ha string, js plocle ome sixth of length H vibvades fh tee loops the whrodion is catled second subsiciany of fiequency Bf. a — —f + Se fe Frequency =f i peneys 2F Frequency = 2f Principal note. rat sonia) second eohetdtanty If fs the length of the Shing stretthed behveen it ends, the wowelengih of diffencet “modes 2£,2.2/2,20/3 thay ant fh the Aatfo 6:512. Nature of notumol vibradions Netured vibrations axe simple barwmic vibrations unde the vestering Force, the ampitude and Frequency oF which yemaiins Coustounk> a daps,--—-- Damped Vibyations + The pexfodic vibrations, two forces got i Gee teats whedon atten tae vibrating body: GD) fictional Cor resisttve.) force +The amplitude Of motion clecreases dusty tre sick Force. “The fxctfonal farce at ony fasta its proposticnal tome . velocity oF the. body dnd it has the, tendency te yesise motion, +The vote, ok whith the eneigy is lost to the sureunelt soe, of decease, of conpttoates depends oy, eats ve Cie. viseasthy density etc.) of the, Surrounding medivm also on the shape anol size of the broking! becky one : g igplacement~ time. graph By chomped tbyatie 1 cromplos of damped vibrations + when oa slim branch of ates is pulled and then suleased + Atuning fark whon strolead on a swubber pod -Asimple pendulum oscillating th aii Gr any then medivnd + The vibyedtions of @ spring having amass ek tts end tin ain Nakyrol Vvibyations 5 | Dounped vibrations = Te amplitude ef patovedk vibyations| “Te, Nitvoke. u ompl OF cloumped yernains constant and the vibrotions graduolly decreases vibrations covdinve forever, with me and ult . sat vibrations cease . Tene fs no less of energy ty In each vibration, tune te seme! wodurcal vibrations. loss of enangy th the form of beak. + No external fyce acts on the | tn addition to te iestovi, vibrating body. The vibrations | aftctonal or i ig foe “ ing force. Seed MB teeing | ati ely ce + Te fequency of vibratfons depends | The HOY of vilyouty ~ onahe stze ond shope of the Tess tis ta nadetos 7 body ond 1 vemaint Constant. | The leorcaye in femur paver on the damping ree? The vibrations of ab: which take place under thre frfluence of an oa pentoslic force, acrid om tt, one, colted forced vibatte.w. +The body executing Sri tbyodions ic a by tt : (the vetoing Gree” “pO by Honea (iD the Fictional (or veststive, or, The) Citi) the external periodic force Cov driving farce) F libodle of the forced vibrations depends om the FeRgvency of Se etennal forte. Avene vi + When the stem of a vibrating tnt fia proved against the top o¢ otable, tre BIKg fork poduee forced vibration in lable top she vibvedtins proaucad th ths. afoplangen of a rnicrophone. sound box with Fequencits corres Ing bo He speech of tag spankin + naguitan, when an artist pays on fks stings by hisfingenss He vibrations, th them Cause -ferced vibrations, + in Sotuged tnstrwmurcs provided wtth o hallow Sound box contatating ain, strings ara. made tp vibrate. by plucking which produce ~ forced Svibyations tn thw Ain of the sound bow. 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ a 4 ‘ 4 Notusxet vibradtons Forced Vibrations “ +The vibrations of body tn Tae, vibrodons of a bodky Tr 0 medium absence of any resistive or in presence CF an extemnat perioclic forte tre called fore One Called Rrced vibratious. hotuncl vibrationk. The frequency of vibyodion The Frequency oF vibration Ts depen! Son the shape. and equot.t hes Araquonty of the size, een aac ‘vod applied force . +The Geqvency oF vibration The frequency of vibration changes yemaink corctank. with tha, Je tn the Frequency of the applted~ face. Ths. amplitude of vibration clepends 2 Thc amplitude of vibration om the fequenty of the oppliod force. vernains Constunt with time Ife odic Fouce. When the frequency of the ex applied pertodic on abodly ts all ik Met beagle be body readily begins sto vibrate with an incteased amplitude. Thi phenomenon is tenon as WSonance. Londikfon for reaynonce — Resonance, overs only whan the applied force causes forced Vsreniom fa ancl tar fequency of He lied! force, kay equat to vou Fequatey of woe gaat Forced vibrations. Resonduck vibrokions The vibrotions of a body Undled | The vibrations of a body unclor on dental pontouke force OF | an external peniodic 2. OF Fequoncny different Fon te frequency exactly equal tots, hohool wencey of the body, | * Feguancy OF Hre body, onecalted -syced ~vilbyadioud. ant. called rescnomt vibrotions, + Tr omplituole of vibration The. litucle, of vibrotion iegmall. iS vend donge + The vibvedions of tue booty ane | Tht vibenkions OF Hae Ont in Wet in place with Uaerteunal | phase with tt edoed Penedlte orce.. peniodic frre. * Tse vibrations last for a These vibrations last fer a | smalt time after the penfodic | time ator due periodic force Free hax ceared te act has ceased to ack. Examples of Resnduce * Resonant vibvodions of pendlullums Re somoenrce in mathine parte * Resonance fi a stretehed Shing ancl sound box of mui cal, instromerts ound sono rater « Resonance fr aiM column om dl tuning foole + Resonance tna bridge Resonance. in vodlio ard tv receivers

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