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The Central Amygdala and Alcohol: Role

of g-Aminobutyric Acid, Glutamate, and

Marisa Roberto1, Nicholas W. Gilpin2, and George R. Siggins3

Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla,
California 92037
Department of Physiology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans,
Louisiana 70112
Molecular and Integrative Neurosciences Department, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla,
California 92037

Alcohol dependence is a chronically relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug

seeking and drug taking, loss of control in limiting intake, and the emergence of a withdrawal
syndrome in the absence of the drug. Accumulating evidence suggests an important role for
synaptic transmission in the central amygdala (CeA) in mediating alcohol-related behaviors

and neuroadaptative mechanisms associated with alcohol dependence. Acute alcohol

facilitates g-aminobutyric acid-ergic (GABAergic) transmission in CeA via both pre- and
postsynaptic mechanisms, and chronic alcohol increases baseline GABAergic transmission.
Acute alcohol inhibits glutamatergic transmission via effects at N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) and AMPA receptors in CeA, whereas chronic alcohol up-regulates N-methyl-
D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-mediated transmission. Pro- (e.g., corticotropin-releasing
factor [CRF]) and anti-stress (e.g., NPY, nociceptin) neuropeptides affect alcohol- and
anxiety-related behaviors, and also alter the alcohol-induced effects on CeA neurotransmis-
sion. Alcohol dependence produces plasticity in these neuropeptide systems, reflecting a
recruitment of those systems during the transition to alcohol dependence.

lcoholism (i.e., dependence on alcohol) is a is not limited to, dysphoria, sleep disturbances,
A complex and dynamic disease process. Al-
cohol dependence is a chronically relapsing dis-
disruption of autonomic processes, and in-
creases in anxiety and irritability (ICD-10 and
order characterized by (1) compulsive drug DSM-IV). Many years of research have shaped
seeking and drug taking, (2) loss of control in the current view that excessive alcohol con-
limiting intake (in terms of amount of drug per sumption is largely mediated by an organism’s
bout and number of drug-taking bouts), and past experience with alcohol (e.g., intake pat-
(3) the emergence of a withdrawal syndrome tern and frequency), and is driven by the emo-
in the absence of the drug that includes, but tional disturbances, rather than the physical

Editors: R. Christopher Pierce and Paul J. Kenny

Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at
Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012195
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M. Roberto et al.

disturbances, associated with alcohol withdraw- major constituents of the extended amygdala
al and abstinence (Koob 2003; Heilig et al. are the CeA, the lateral portion of the bed nu-
2010). Although the central amygdala (CeA) is cleus of stria terminalis (BNST), and nucleus
known to play a role in such negative affective accumbens (NAc) shell (Heimer and Alheid
alcohol responses, the neuronal circuitry un- 1991). These regions show similar morphology,
derlying these behavioral stages is still under a high degree of interconnectivity, and overlap-
considerable scrutiny. This article will focus ping afferents from limbic cortices, hippocam-
on neurotransmission in the central amygdala pus, and basolateral amygdala (BLA). The out-
and its role in driving the negative affect char- puts of the extended amygdala project largely
acteristic of the withdrawal phase of alcohol ad- to effector regions, including lateral hypothala-
diction. Throughout this article, acute alcohol mus and various brain stem regions, that pro-
exposure refers to in vitro application of alcohol duce behaviors related to fear and anxiety (Da-
onto the slice preparation, whereas chronic al- vis et al. 2010).
cohol exposure refers to long-duration (at least The role of the extended amygdala in fear
several weeks) in vivo alcohol exposure. and anxiety has been previously described in
detail (Ciocchi et al. 2010; Davis et al. 2010).
The CeA and BNST are integral in mediating
fear and anxiety responses. The BLA receives
significant sensory input from thalamus and
Chronic consumption of large quantities of cortex, sends prominent glutamatergic projec-
drugs, including alcohol, promotes a transition tions to CeA and BNST, and is integral in both
from casual drug use to drug dependence that is conditioning (Phelps and LeDoux 2005) and
defined in part by down-regulation of dopamine extinction (Quirk and Mueller 2008) processes.

signaling in the mesocorticolimbic reward sys- The CeA is composed mostly of g-aminobutyric
tem, hyperactivity of glutamate signaling, and acid-ergic (GABAergic) projection neurons and
dysregulation of brain stress systems (Koob and interneurons (Sun and Cassell 1993; Veinante
Volkow 2010). Chronic alcohol effects on brain and Freund-Mercier 1998), and the BNST is a
stress systems can refer to either alcohol-induced major target of CeA projection neurons (Krettek
changes in neuroendocrine function (i.e., hypo- and Price 1978; Weller and Smith 1982; Sun and
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal [HPA] axis; Kiefer Cassell 1993; Veinante and Freund-Mercier
and Wiedemann 2004; Clarke et al. 2008) or the 1998). Of major relevance for this article, con-
recruitment of extrahypothalamic brain stress nections between CeA and BNST often contain
systems such as the amygdala (Koob 2009). neuropeptide cotransmitters. For example, the
The present article details the effects of acute CeA is a major source of corticotropin-releas-
and chronic alcohol on synaptic transmission ing factor (CRF) in the BNST (Sakanaka et al.
and plasticity in the CeA and neighboring re- 1986). Therefore, the CeA is uniquely situat-
gions, and the role of these regions in mediat- ed to convert sensory information into behav-
ing alcohol-related behaviors. We also will re- ioral and physiological responses, and this is
view the literature on peptidergic modulation particularly true for stress- and alcohol-related
of inhibitory and excitatory transmission in stimuli.
the central (and extended) amygdala, because Neuropeptides in the CeA are important for
these peptides share a common cellular target producing the negative affective state observed
and interact with each other and alcohol. during withdrawal from drugs, including alco-
Many of the long-term emotional distur- hol (Koob 2008). Here we will describe alcohol-
bances associated with alcohol abuse and de- induced neuroadaptations in select peptidergic
pendence are attributed to neurotransmission systems (CRF, nociception, and NPY), largely
within a conceptual macrostructure in the basal in the context of the CeA. It is becoming in-
forebrain called the “extended amygdala” (Koob creasingly evident that these peptides inter-
2008). In the context of drug addiction, the act in complex ways in the CeA to modulate

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Central Amygdala and Alcohol

GABAergic inhibitory and glutamatergic excit- regions of the extended amygdala suppressed
atory transmission, and that dysregulation of alcohol drinking by nondependent rats, but
these peptide systems by alcohol alters the way this effect was most potent and selective for
in which they modulate such neurotransmis- alcohol when infused into the CeA. Another
sion. Conceptually, these neuropeptides have study showed that antagonism of GABAARs in
been divided into prostress peptides and anti- the BNSTreversed decreases in alcohol drinking
stress peptides that respectively, promote and elicited by a D2 receptor antagonist infused into
rescue negative affective disturbances during the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of alcohol-
drug abstinence following heavy drug use. Pro- preferring (P) rats (Eiler and June 2007). Inter-
stress peptides include CRF, dynorphin, orexin, estingly, infusion of a GABAAR agonist directly
and vasopressin, whereas antistress peptides in- into the amygdala suppresses drinking by alco-
clude neuropeptide Y (NPY), enkephalin, and hol-dependent rats without affecting intake by
nociceptin; however, owing to space limitations nondependent controls (Roberts et al. 1996).
we will discuss only a select few of these pep- Although there are considerable methodolog-
tides. ical differences between these studies, they sug-
gest that (1) chronic alcohol produces neuro-
adaptations in GABAergic neurotransmission
and changes sensitivity to GABAergic com-
pounds, (2) GABAergic neurotransmission reg-
GABA, the major inhibitory transmitter in ulates alcohol drinking, and (3) in the case of
the brain, acts on two classes of GABA recep- excessive alcohol consumption by alcohol-de-
tors: GABAA (which includes GABAA-rho sub- pendent rats, the CeA is a strong candidate re-
class—formerly GABAC) and GABAB. GABAA gion for localization of these effects.

receptors are ligand-gated ion channels, where-

as GABAB receptors are G protein coupled.
There is considerable evidence that GABAergic
transmission mediates some aspects of alcohol-
drinking behavior, but there is ambiguity in the The acute effects of alcohol on GABAAR func-
literature with respect to the directions of these tion has been extensively studied, mostly in in
effects. Early studies showed that systemic ad- vitro brain slice preparations, an approach that
ministration of GABAAR agonists increased vol- allows multiple methods for detecting changes
untary alcohol drinking, whereas GABAAR an- in presynaptic transmitter release (for a review,
tagonists and benzodiazepine inverse agonists see Criswell and Breese 2005; Siggins et al. 2005;
decreased alcohol drinking (Boyle et al. 1993; Weiner and Valenzuela 2006; Lovinger and Ro-
Rassnick et al. 1993). Infusion of both GABAAR berto 2011). Alcohol (1 – 100 mM) selectively en-
agonists and antagonists into the nucleus ac- hances the function of GABAARs containing
cumbens (NAcc) suppressed alcohol drinking certain subunit compositions, but such findings
by nondependent rats (Hodge et al. 1995). Sys- have been inconsistent across laboratories test-
temic administration of a GABABR agonist sup- ing heterologous systems (reviewed in Aguayo
pressed alcohol drinking by all rats, but alcohol- et al. 2002; Lovinger and Homanics 2007).
dependent rats were more sensitive to this effect, Alcohol increases GABAergic synaptic trans-
suggesting an up-regulation of GABABR func- mission in the CeA (Roberto et al. 2003) and
tion (Walker and Koob 2007). Other studies BLA (Zhu and Lovinger 2006) via increased
highlight a role for GABA circuitry in alcohol- presynaptic GABA release. Specifically, alcohol
drinking behavior, particularly in regions impli- augments evoked inhibitory postsynaptic cur-
cated in the negative reinforcing properties of rents (IPSCs), decreases paired-pulse facilita-
the drug (i.e., extended amygdala). Hyytia and tion (PPF) of evoked IPSCs, and increases the
Koob (Hyytia and Koob 1995) found that injec- frequency of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic
tion of GABAAR antagonists in the three major currents (mIPSCs) (i.e., in Tetrodotoxin to

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M. Roberto et al.

eliminate action potential firing) in most CeA quency of mIPSCs in CeA neurons. Interesting-
neurons, suggesting that alcohol increases vesic- ly, acute alcohol augments IPSCs, decreases PPF
ular GABA release. of IPSCs, and increases mIPSC frequency simi-
Although the molecular mechanism(s) for larly in alcohol-dependent and alcohol-naı̈ve
alcohol effects have yet to be identified, we rats, suggesting a lack of tolerance for these
showed that activation of adenylyl cylase (AC) acute effects of alcohol (Roberto et al. 2004a).
and/or protein kinase C (PKC) mediate GA- In vivo microdialysis studies indicate a fourfold
BAergic transmission in CeA synapses (Bajo increase of baseline dialysate GABA concentra-
et al. 2008; Cruz et al. 2011). In CeA slices of tions in the CeA of alcohol-dependent rats rel-
mice lacking PKC1 or pretreated with a PKC1 ative to naı̈ve controls, as well as lack of toler-
antagonist, the ability of acute alcohol to aug- ance for acute alcohol-induced increases in
ment IPSCs is impaired (Bajo et al. 2008), sug- dialysate GABA levels (Roberto et al. 2004a),
gesting that PKC1 facilitates alcohol-elicited strongly suggesting that both acute and chronic
vesicular GABA release. Notably, basal GABA alcohol alter presynaptic elements of GABAergic
release is greater in CeA of PKC1 knockout synapses in the CeA. Future studies need to de-
than wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting that un- termine the molecular mechanisms responsi-
der normal conditions in WT neurons, PKC1 ble for chronic alcohol-induced adaptations
limits spontaneous GABA release. Therefore, in CeA neurons and their behavioral implica-
PKC1 serves at least two roles in the CeA: (i) tions in alcohol-dependent and/or alcohol-
limiting baseline GABA release, and (ii) facili- withdrawn organisms. These ongoing studies
tating alcohol-stimulated release of GABA. may elucidate the mechanism(s) underlying re-
The ability of alcohol to facilitate GABA ductions in alcohol withdrawal hyperexcitability
neurotransmission may be limited by GABA produced by GABAmimetic drugs (Ticku and

feedback onto presynaptic GABABRs (Wan et al. Burch 1980; McCown et al. 1985; Breese et al.
1996; Ariwodola and Weiner 2004). For exam- 2006; Roberto et al. 2008), and could impact
ple, acute alcohol facilitates GABAergic trans- treatment of pathological alcohol-drinking be-
mission in hippocampus (Wu and Saggau 1994; haviors.
Wan et al. 1996; Ariwodola and Weiner 2004) Chronic alcohol exposure produces toler-
and nucleus accumbens (Nie et al. 2000) only if ance to many behavioral effects of the drug, in-
GABAB receptors are blocked. However, in the cluding the anxiolytic, sedative, ataxic, and pos-
CeA, GABAB receptor blockade is not required itive reinforcing effects (Kumar et al. 2004,
for the enhancement of IPSPs by acute alcohol 2009). Chronic alcohol also produces physical
nor does it potentiate this effect (Roberto et al. and motivational dependence, and alcoholwith-
2003). Thus, the involvement of GABAB recep- drawal is associated with increased neuronal ex-
tors in alcohol-induced GABA release may de- citability in several brain regions (but not CeA)
pend on the presence of presynaptic GABAB (Kliethermes 2005; Weiner and Valenzuela 2006).
receptors in certain brain regions (Ariwodola Chronic alcohol effects may reflect, in part, com-
and Weiner 2004; Breese et al. 2005). pensatory adaptations to the facilitatory effects
of alcohol on GABAergic synapses (Siggins et al.
2005; Weiner and Valenzuela 2006). We showed
that evoked IPSCs in CeA slices from alcohol-
dependent rats are significantly larger than those
Our in vitro electrophysiological results show from naive controls (Roberto et al. 2004a). Some
that chronic alcohol exposure augments GABA CeA neurons from alcohol-dependent rats also
release in the CeA (Roberto et al. 2004a). Com- show increased mIPSC amplitudes relative to
pared to alcohol-naı̈ve controls, alcohol-depen- naı̈ve rats, suggesting a postsynaptic effect of
dent rats show larger baseline evoked GABAA- chronic alcohol (Roberto et al. 2004a). Substan-
mediated IPSP/C amplitudes, smaller baseline tial evidence suggests that alcohol-induced be-
PPF of evoked IPSCs, and higher baseline fre- havioral and neural adaptations are attributable

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Central Amygdala and Alcohol

to changes in GABAAR subunit composition In contrast to its potentiating effects on

rather than changes in the number of GABAARs GABA systems, alcohol generally inhibits gluta-
(Morrow et al. 1992; Eckardt et al. 1998; Grobin mate neurotransmission in the brain (Lovinger
et al. 1998; Papadeas et al. 2001; Kumar et al. and Roberto 2011). Dysregulation of glutamate
2004, 2009). systems may contribute to hyperexcitability and
In alcohol-naı̈ve rats, a GABABR antagonist craving associated with alcohol withdrawal (Pul-
increased the amplitude of evoked IPSCs and virenti and Diana 2001). In the CeA of alcohol-
decreased PPF of IPSCs in CeA, suggesting tonic preferring (P) rats, long-term consumption of
activation of presynaptic GABABRs (Roberto high quantities of alcohol increases expression of
et al. 2008). Conversely, a GABAB agonist mark- mGluRs, NMDA receptor subunits, and a scaf-
edly depressed evoked IPSC amplitudes and in- folding protein regulating expression of these
creased PPF of IPSCs in the CeA of alcohol-na- receptors in the cell membrane (Obara et al.
ı̈ve rats, indicating decreased presynaptic GABA 2009). Group II mGluRs also may block stress-
release. These effects of GABABR agonists and and cue-induced reinstatement of alcohol-seek-
antagonists were absent or greatly attenuated in ing behavior via neuronal activation in CeA
the CeA of alcohol-dependent rats, suggesting or BNST (Zhao et al. 2006). Excitatory trans-
chronic alcohol-induced down-regulation of mission in the CeA may also mediate some of
the GABABR system that may explain the in- the aversive aspects of withdrawal from abused
creased GABAergic tone observed in the CeA drugs [e.g., morphine (Watanabe et al. 2002)].
of dependent rats (Roberto et al. 2008). These Acamprosate, approved for treatment of al-
alcohol dependence-induced neuroadaptations coholic patients, modulates glutamate trans-
of the GABABR system also may account for mission via actions at NMDARs and/or mGluRs
chronic alcohol-induced changes in gabapentin (Berton et al. 1998; Blednov and Harris 2008;

effects on inhibitory transmission in CeA. Ga- Mann et al. 2008). Interestingly, acamprosate
bapentin, a structural analog of GABA (Sills dampens the increased glutamate levels in absti-
2006), increases the amplitudes of evoked IPSCs nent alcoholics measured by magnetic resonance
in CeA neurons from nondependent rats (an spectroscopy (Umhau et al. 2010) and reduces
effect blocked by a GABABR antagonist), but excessive alcohol drinking in alcoholics, pre-
decreases IPSC amplitudes in CeA of alcohol- sumably by reducing craving and negative affect
dependent rats. Notably, gabapentin infused (for a review, see Littleton 2007). AMPARs may
into the CeA reverses dependence-induced in- be important in regulating relapse-like behav-
creases in operant alcohol responding, but tends iors without playing a central role in alcohol
to increase alcohol drinking by nondependent consumption per se (Sanchis-Segura et al. 2006).
rats (Roberto et al. 2008).
We showed that acute alcohol (5–66 mM) de-
Glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmit- creases excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs)
ter has long been implicated in the reinforc- and currents (EPSCs) in the CeA, and that these
ing actions of alcohol. Glutamate receptors in- effects are mediated by both NMDAR and non-
clude three major classes of ionotropic receptors NMDAR mechanisms (Roberto et al. 2004b). In
(iGluRs), with varying ratios of selectivity for contrast to alcohol effects on GABA release, the
Naþ, Kþ, and Ca2þ. The iGluRs include AMPA majority of studies indicate that acute alcohol
(AMPARs), NMDA (NMDARs), and kainate either has no effect on or inhibits glutamate re-
receptors (KARs). Additionally, there are vari- lease (for a review, see Siggins et al. 2005) and
ous subclasses of metabotropic glutamate re- inhibits NMDAR, AMPAR, and KAR function
ceptors (mGluRs) that are G-protein-coupled in some neuron types (for a review, see Lovinger
receptors (GPCRs). and Roberto 2011).

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M. Roberto et al.

CHRONIC ALCOHOL EFFECTS ON ly cycled through periods of alcohol withdraw-

GLUTAMATERGIC TRANSMISSION IN CeA al, and/or innately anxious. The CeA contains
high concentrations of prostress (e.g., CRF) and
Chronic alcohol exposure produces neuroadap-
antistress (e.g., NPYand nociceptin) neuropep-
tation in glutamatergic synaptic transmission.
tides, and many effects of these neuropeptides
For example, acute alcohol decreases NMDAR-
on anxiety- and alcohol-related behaviors have
mediated EPSPs and EPSCs in the CeA of alco-
been localized to the CeA. Here we review the
hol-dependent rats more than in alcohol-naı̈ve
actions of a few neuropeptides on inhibitory
controls. With local NMDA application, acute
transmission in the CeA, with focus on the
alcohol inhibits NMDA currents more in slices
CRF system that is heavily recruited during
from alcohol-dependent rats, suggesting that al-
the transition from casual alcohol use to depen-
cohol dependence sensitizes NMDARs to alco-
dence (Koob 2010).
hol (Roberto et al. 2004b, 2006). NMDARs con-
The CeA is the major output center of the
taining the NR2B subunit are most sensitive to
amygdala, and about 95% of CeA neurons are
chronic alcohol exposure (Floyd et al. 2003; Car-
medium spiny GABAergic neurons (McDonald
penter-Hyland et al. 2004; Roberto et al. 2004b;
1982). The CeA is not a homogeneous neuro-
Kash et al. 2009). Chronic alcohol increases
anatomical structure, and can be subdivided
NR2B mRNA and/or protein levels (Roberto
into lateral (CeL) and medial (CeM) aspects
et al. 2006; Kash et al. 2009) in the CeA and
that differ in neuropeptide content, origin of
BNST, but not in other brain regions (Cebers
afferents, and target sites of efferent projections
et al. 1999; Floyd et al. 2003; Lack et al. 2005).
(for a review, see Pitkanen et al. 2000). The
It is not yet clear if increased NR2B subunit ex-
CeL contains a much higher density of neuro-
pression is the major driving force behind alco-
peptides (e.g., dynorphin, CRF [Veening et al.

hol-induced increases in NMDAR function, or

1984; Cassell et al. 1986; Shimada et al. 1989])
what molecular mechanisms underlie these sub-
than the CeM, receives input from cortex and
unit changes.
thalamus, and projects to the substantia in-
Microdialysis experiments in the amygdala
nominata. In contrast, the CeM receives prom-
show increases in glutamate release following
inent inputs from other amygdaloid nuclei
chronic alcohol exposure (at 2– 8 h withdrawal
(especially glutamatergic afferents from BLA),
in CeA: Roberto et al. 2004b; at 24 h withdrawal
and projects to effector regions such as hypo-
in BLA: Lack et al. 2007). Our laboratory found
thalamus and brain stem nuclei (Krettek and
that chronic alcohol exposure unmasks the ab-
Price 1978). Both the CeL and CeM project to
ility of acute alcohol to increase presynaptic glu-
the BNST (Sun et al. 1991).
tamate release in CeA (Roberto et al. 2004b),
and that this effect persists 2 weeks into absti-
nence (Roberto et al. 2006). Collectively, these CRF AND ALCOHOL-RELATED BEHAVIOR
data suggest that multiple factors contribute to
CRF plays a central role in arousal and hormon-
increased extracellular glutamate levels and in-
al, sympathetic, and behavioral responses to
creased glutamatergic transmission following
stress. The CeA, BNST, and BLA contain abun-
chronic alcohol exposure and withdrawal.
dant CRF neurons and receptors (De Souza et al.
1984; Sakanaka et al. 1986). Hyperfunction of
CRF systems in the CeA, BLA, and BNST pro-
duce increases in anxiety-like behavior (Sajdyk
et al. 1999; Rainnie et al. 2004; Lee et al. 2008).
Neuropeptides play prominent roles in regulat- Extracellular CRF levels in CeA are elevated fol-
ing anxiety-like and alcohol-drinking behaviors lowing exposure to stress and development of
in subjects that are either alcohol dependent, alcohol dependence (Merlo Pich et al. 1995;
genetically vulnerable to developing excessive Zorrilla et al. 2001), and alcohol withdrawal
drinking (e.g., via selective breeding), repeated- increases CRF synthesis and release in CeA

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Central Amygdala and Alcohol

(Funk et al. 2006; Sommer et al. 2008; Roberto et CRF1R antagonists and CRF1R knockouts also
al. 2010b). Likewise, alcohol withdrawal increas- block the alcohol-induced augmentation of
es extracellular CRF in BNST (Olive et al. GABAergic transmission in CeA. Both CRF-
2002), and these increases are normalized by al- and alcohol-induced facilitation of GABAergic
cohol consumption. CRFR antagonists suppress transmission in CeA require the PKC1 signaling
dependence-induced increases in alcohol drink- pathway (Bajo et al. 2008). Alcohol-dependent
ing during acute withdrawal and protracted rats show increased sensitivity to the effects of
abstinence (Valdez et al. 2002) and reverse in- CRF and CRF1R antagonists on GABA release in
creases in stress-induced anxiety during pro- CeA, suggesting up-regulation of the CRF-
tracted abstinence (Valdez et al. 2003). CRF re- CRF1R system. These findings are further sup-
peatedly administered into the CeA, BLA, or ported by increased CRF and CRF1R messenger
dorsal BNST exaggerates alcohol withdrawal- RNA (mRNA) levels seen in the CeA of alcohol-
induced increases in anxiety-like behavior via dependent rats, and by reversal of dependence-
CRF1Rs (Huang et al. 2010). Conversely, antag- induced elevations in amygdalar GABA dialy-
onism of CRFRs in the CeA blunts the increases sate by a CRF1R antagonist (Roberto et al.
in anxiety-like behavior in rats during withdraw- 2010b). CRF also increases GABAergic trans-
al from chronic high-dose alcohol exposure mission in the BNST, likely via actions at post-
(Rassnick et al. 1993). synaptic CRF1Rs (Kash and Winder 2006; Fran-
CRF1R antagonists block the anxiogenic ef- cesconi et al. 2009).
fects of many stressors (Arborelius et al. 2000;
Zorrilla and Koob 2004). CRF1R antagonists
also block increases in alcohol self-administra-
tion elicited by stressors and withdrawal (Hans-

son et al. 2006; Funk et al. 2007; Gehlert et al. Nociceptin is an opioid-like peptide (Meunier
2007; Marinelli et al. 2007; Lowery et al. 2008). et al. 1995; Reinscheid et al. 1995; Meunier
Chronic treatment with a CRF1R antagonist 1997) that acts at opioid-like (NOP) receptors,
abolishes dependence-induced escalation of although it does not bind to opioid receptors
drinking in rats chronically exposed to high and opioids do not bind to NOP receptors
doses of alcohol (Roberto et al. 2010b). Like- (NOPRs). Nociceptin is abundantly expressed
wise, (1) stressors and alcohol withdrawal in- in the CeA and BNST (Neal et al. 1999) and is
crease CRF1R expression in limbic brain regions described as a functional CRF antagonist (Cic-
(Aguilar-Valles et al. 2005; Sommer et al. 2008); cocioppo et al. 2003). Nociceptin and other
(2) rats bred for high alcohol preference show NOPR agonists have an anxiolytic-like profile
increased anxiety-like behavior and CRF1R lev- in animal studies (Jenck et al. 1997, 2000). No-
els (Ciccocioppo et al. 2006); and (3) CRF1R ciceptin knockout mice show increased anxiety-
knockout mice show decreased anxiety-like be- like behavior (Koster et al. 1999) and are more
havior (Muller et al. 2003) and decreased drink- sensitive to social stress (Ouagazzal et al. 2003).
ing following withdrawal from chronic high- Nociceptin suppresses alcohol drinking and
dose alcohol (Chu et al. 2007). prevents relapse-like behavior in rats (Cicco-
cioppo et al. 2004; Kuzmin et al. 2007). Noci-
ceptin blocks reinstatement of alcohol-seeking
behavior by cues predictive of alcohol availabil-
ity and footshock stress (Martin-Fardon et al.
We showed that CRF robustly increases GA- 2000; Ciccocioppo et al. 2004), a behavior me-
BAergic transmission in CeA of rats (Roberto diated by brain CRF systems (Ciccocioppo et al.
et al. 2010b) and mice (Nie et al. 2004, 2009). 2004). Generally, rats bred for high alcohol
CRF increases, and CRF1R antagonists decrease, intake show increased sensitivity to the sup-
presynaptic GABA release, suggesting tonic fa- pressive effects of nociceptin on drinking and
cilitation of GABA release by endogenous CRF. related behaviors (Economidou et al. 2008,

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M. Roberto et al.

2011). Human alcoholics express decreased lev- synaptic Y1 and presynaptic Y2 receptors (Y1Rs
els of mRNA for NOPR1 in the CeA (Kuzmin and Y2Rs) are implicated in the effects of NPYon
et al. 2007), suggesting that the CeA is a critical anxiety-like behavior and alcohol consumption.
site for a role of nociceptin in alcoholism. Early studies suggested roles for amygdalar Y1Rs
(Heilig et al. 1993) and Y2Rs (Sajdyk et al. 2002)
in anxiety-like behavior. Mouse studies indicate
that Y1Rs mediate the suppressive effects of NPY
on alcohol drinking (Thiele et al. 2002; Sparta
We found that nociceptin dose-dependently and et al. 2004; Eva et al. 2006). Likewise, acute stress
reversibly reduced GABAAR-mediated IPSCs in and alcohol withdrawal increase amygdalar Y1R
CeA (Roberto and Siggins 2006). Nociceptin expression in rodents (Aguilar-Valles et al. 2005;
increased PPF of evoked IPSCs and decreased Eva et al. 2006; Sommer et al. 2008).
the frequency of mIPSCs in CeA, suggesting de-
creased presynaptic GABA release. Notably, no-
ciceptin both prevented (when applied before
alcohol) and totally reversed (applied during Our lab found that NPY in CeA prevents acute
alcohol) acute alcohol-induced increases in alcohol-induced increases in evoked IPSPs and
evoked IPSC amplitudes and mIPSC frequen- mIPSC frequency (Gilpin et al. 2011) and PPF
cies and decreases in PPF, thus preempting the decreases, suggesting that NPYeffects arise from
usual alcohol-induced increase in GABA release decreased presynaptic GABA release. Tests with
in CeA. Further, the ability of nociceptin to de- antagonists confirm the presynaptic site of ac-
crease GABAergic transmission in CeA is aug- tion and suggest that NPY blocks alcohol effects
mented following alcohol dependence, suggest- via actions at presynaptic Y2Rs. NPY also nor-

ing that the nociceptin system in the CeA adapts malizes alcohol dependence-induced increases
during chronic alcohol exposure (Roberto and in GABA release in CeA, suggesting that chronic
Siggins 2006). exposure causes neuroadaptations in NPY sys-
tems that affect inhibitory transmission here.
These results concur with findings that NPY
modulates GABA release in BNST via activation
of presynaptic Y2Rs (Kash and Winder 2006)
The amygdala contains abundant NPY fibers and suggest that Y2Rs function as autoreceptors
and receptors (Allen et al. 1984; de Quidt and regulating NPY release (Chen et al. 1997), and
Emson 1986; Dumont et al. 1993; Gustafson also as heteroceptors regulating release of other
et al. 1997). NPY anxiolytic effects may involve neurotransmitters (Greber et al. 1994). NPYac-
both the CeA (Heilig et al. 1993) and BLA (Saj- tions at postsynaptic Y1Rs appear to function
dyk et al. 1999). Rats selectively bred for high as a “brake” on presynaptic Y2R-mediated re-
alcohol preference express low levels of NPYand ductions in GABA release, a result that may ex-
NPY mRNA in CeA that are restored by volun- plain previous findings that intra-amygdala in-
tary alcohol intake (Pandey et al. 2005). Alco- fusion of a Y1R antagonist decreases alcohol
hol-withdrawn rats show increases in anxiety- drinking in rats (Schroeder et al. 2003). These
like behavior and decreased amygdalar NPY, combined results support the hypothesis that
possibly owing to changes in histone acetylation NPY blocks stress-induced reinstatement of al-
(Roy and Pandey 2002; Zhao et al. 2007; Pandey cohol-seeking behavior via activation of inhib-
et al. 2008). itory neurons in CeA (Cippitelli et al. 2010).
NPY microinjection into the CeA sup-
presses alcohol consumption in alcohol-depen-
dent and abstinent P rats (Gilpin et al. 2008a,b),
and also in rats showing innately high anxiety- As noted above, most neurons in the CeA are
like behavior (Primeaux et al. 2006). Both post- GABAergic inhibitory projection neurons or

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Central Amygdala and Alcohol

interneurons that cotransmit GABA and one or alter inhibitory transmission, and potentially
more neuropeptides. Peptides that promote also excitatory transmission. The ability of these
anxiety-like behavior and alcohol self-adminis- neuropeptides to affect neurotransmission in
tration (e.g., CRF) generally increase, whereas the CeA, either alone or in combination with
peptides that reduce anxiety-like behavior and alcohol, is often dysregulated in alcohol depen-
alcohol self-administration (e.g., nociceptin, dence. Although manipulation of many of these
NPY) decrease GABAergic transmission in peptides affects alcohol drinking in alcohol-
CeA. In our slice preparation, we stimulate and dependent but not nondependent animals, it
record locally in the medial portion of the is unsurprising that these neuropeptides affect
CeA, and recordings of GABAergic transmis- basal neurotransmission in CeA of alcohol-
sion reflect the activity of inhibitory inter- naı̈ve animals, especially because all these pep-
neurons or projection neurons (via collaterals) tides when microinjected into CeA modulate
within CeA. Therefore, increases in GABAergic anxiety-related behavior independent of alco-
transmission within CeA following application hol exposure history. This point also enhances
of acute alcohol or CRF will inhibit the acti- our understanding of why these neuropeptide
vity of GABAergic neurons projecting out of systems are recruited and/or up-regulated dur-
CeA. Conversely, decreases in GABAergic trans- ing the transition to alcohol dependence, a dy-
mission in CeA neurons (e.g., following noci- namic disease defined largely by a negative emo-
ceptin or NPY application) will reduce inhibi- tional state in the absence of the drug. Finally,
tion of GABAergic neurons projecting out of our electrophysiological data suggest that syn-
CeA, thereby facilitating release of GABA in aptic transmission and the special neuronal cir-
downstream targets (e.g., BNST, periaqueductal cuitry in the CeA may be an important point
gray). Thus, increases or decreases in inhibitory of convergence for the neuroadaptations that

output from the CeA to downstream effector occur during the transition to alcohol depen-
regions may decrease or increase anxiety-like dence. Our understanding of this pivotal system
behavior, respectively (Pare et al. 2004; Davis as a “bellwether” target for therapeutic testing
et al. 2010; Tye et al. 2011). Furthermore, alco- for anxiety and alcohol use disorders may be
hol markedly affects excitatory transmission in reliably predicted by drug effects on synaptic
CeA, particularly via NMDARs (Roberto et al. transmission in the CeA. Thus, we predict that
2004b, 2006), lending at least partial buffering most drugs that decrease GABAergic transmis-
of alcohol effects on inhibitory transmission. sion in CeA neurons will be logical candidates
Finally, alcohol may alter the release of local for treatment of anxiety and/or alcohol use dis-
opioids (Lam et al. 2008), endocannabinoids orders.
(Roberto et al. 2010a), and/or galanin (Bajo
et al. 2011) in CeA that in turn may increase
GABA-mediated inhibition of downstream tar- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
get areas. Other neuropeptides (e.g., substance This work is supported by the National Institute
P, vasopressin) are also likely to regulate the of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism grants
synaptic transmission within CeA. AA015566, AA06420, AA016985, AA017447,
AA018400, and AA13498. This is manuscript
CONCLUSIONS number 21515 from The Scripps Research In-
The data summarized here support the idea that
the CeA is a critical locus of neuroadaptation
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The Central Amygdala and Alcohol: Role of γ-Aminobutyric Acid,

Glutamate, and Neuropeptides
Marisa Roberto, Nicholas W. Gilpin and George R. Siggins

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012195 originally published online
October 19, 2012

Subject Collection Addiction

Developments from Bulk Optogenetics to The Persistent Challenge of Developing Addiction

Single-Cell Strategies to Dissect the Neural Pharmacotherapies
Circuits that Underlie Aberrant Motivational States Sarah E. Swinford-Jackson, Charles P. O'Brien,
Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera, Vijay M.K. Paul J. Kenny, et al.
Namboodiri, Marcus L. Basiri, et al.
Consequences of Parental Opioid Exposure on Opioid Modulation of the Gut−Brain Axis in
Neurophysiology, Behavior, and Health in the Opioid-Associated Comorbidities
Next Generations Li Zhang and Sabita Roy
Fair M. Vassoler and Mathieu E. Wimmer
Animal Models of the Behavioral Symptoms of Epigenetics of Drug Addiction
Substance Use Disorders Andrew F. Stewart, Sasha L. Fulton and Ian Maze
Louk J.M.J. Vanderschuren and Serge H. Ahmed
Translational Research in Nicotine Addiction Genetic Vulnerability to Opioid Addiction
Miranda L. Fisher, James R. Pauly, Brett Froeliger, Brian Reed and Mary Jeanne Kreek
et al.
Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS): A Glutamatergic Systems and Memory Mechanisms
Transgenerational Echo of the Opioid Crisis Underlying Opioid Addiction
Andrew E. Weller, Richard C. Crist, Benjamin C. Jasper A. Heinsbroek, Taco J. De Vries and Jamie
Reiner, et al. Peters
Impairment of Synaptic Plasticity by Cannabis, ∆9 Mechanisms of Nicotine Addiction
-THC, and Synthetic Cannabinoids Marina R. Picciotto and Paul J. Kenny
Alexander F. Hoffman, Eun-Kyung Hwang and Carl
R. Lupica
Drug-Evoked Synaptic Plasticity of Excitatory Neural Substrates and Circuits of Drug Addiction
Transmission in the Ventral Tegmental Area Matthew W. Feltenstein, Ronald E. See and Rita A.
Camilla Bellone, Michael Loureiro and Christian Fuchs
Opioid-Induced Molecular and Cellular Plasticity The Role of the Central Amygdala in Alcohol
of Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons Dependence
Marie A. Doyle and Michelle S. Mazei-Robison Marisa Roberto, Dean Kirson and Sophia Khom

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