List of Parables and Meanings PDF

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List of Parables and Their Meanings*

Jesus used the parables to convey messages to the people of His day, but the messages
still apply today. They teach us how to live a life pleasing to God.
This list of Parables and their meanings includes the initial Bible verses and a brief
description for the meaning. Some include a lesson that’s applicable for each of us
today. Those are marked with a ‘Yes’ and you can find the lessons using the link or QR
code. We’re still adding more lessons, so be sure to check back!

Bible References Meaning Lesson?

The Parable of the Gold Luke 19:11 God’s gifts are given freely with the expectation that we will use them Yes
Coins/Ten Minas/Talents/Bags of Matthew 25:14 for His goodness according to our ability. We will all account for our
Gold actions according to the gifts and advantages we’ve received.

The Parable of the Good Luke 10:25 A true Christian has the love of Jesus written in his heart. They act Yes
Samaritan upon Jesus' directive to love one another no matter the circumstances
or the inconvenience.

The Parable of the Great Banquet Luke 14:15 The poor and the lowly are as welcome to God's kingdom as the rich
and great. An invitation is extended to all and those who accept it
enjoy the reward.

The Parable of the Growing Seed Mark 4:26 The Kingdom of God expands within the world, beginning with the Word
of Christ that sprouts within a person's soul, gradually growing by grace
until it matures and springs outward and forward.

The Parable of the Hidden Matthew 13:44 Many people know the Word of God only at a surface level – a superficial Yes
Treasure relationship with God. Those who choose to dig deep into the Word
uncover the valuable treasure that a life lived in step with the Lord brings.

The Parable of the Lost Coin Luke 15:8 One lost coin is a lost soul that God will work endlessly to bring back to Yes
Him and rejoices in their return.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep Matthew 18:10 Christ is earnest in bringing lost sinners home, even when the lost Yes
(Luke)/Wandering Sheep Luke 15:1 aren’t interested in returning. Our Father wants all His children to be
(Matthew) saved.

The Parable of the Lost Son Luke 15:11 The Lord welcomes repentant sinners with open arms when they turn Yes
(Prodigal Son) back to Him.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed Mark 4:30 The Kingdom of God begins with the tiniest seed of faith that, Yes
Luke 13:18 when nurtured with care, grows into an enormous tree of life.

The Parable of the Net Matthew 13:47 The Gospel is the net thrown into the sea of people. Some will accept
The Word and those who don’t are sorted out and rejected.

The Parable of the Pearl Matthew 13:45 People are tempted with fake pearls that the world offers. When we Yes
search out the Kingdom of Heaven (a true pearl) and realize its priceless
value, everything else becomes worthless in our eyes.

The Parable of the Persistent Luke 18:1 The unjust judge relented after being pestered time and again by the Yes
Widow woman for justice. How much more will our faithful and just God grant
us when we come to Him regularly and faithfully?

The Parable of the Pharisee and Luke 18:9 God’s glory is to resist the proud and give grace to the humble. Yes
the Tax Collector

*Referenced Matthew Henry Concise Commentary Page 1/2

List of Parables and Their Meanings*

Bible References Meaning Lesson?

The Parable of the Rich Fool Luke 12:13 A fool prioritizes greed and wealth over his relationship with God. Yes
Eventually the time available to strengthen our relationship with God
will run out.

The Parable of the Shrewd Luke 16:1 What we have in life is from God and we’re liable to use these gifts for
Manager God’s honor and glory. We’re called to be shrewd stewards in sharing and
spreading God’s kingdom so that His gifts are not wasted.

The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1 God’s Word will only flourish and thrive when it reaches the hearts of Yes
Mark 4:1 faithful people who are willing to absorb and grow it. It withers and dies
Luke 8:1 on the hearts of the evil, the uncommitted, the worldly, and hypocrites.

The Parable of the Talents/Bags Matthew 25:14 God’s gifts are given freely with the expectation that we will use them for Yes
of Gold His goodness according to our ability. We will all account for our actions
according to the gifts and advantages we’ve received.

The Parable of the Tenants (Bad Matthew 21:33 As people treat others, they treat Christ. Christ’s followers should
Tenants, Wicked Husbandmen) Mark 12:1 expect ill treatment from those who oppose Him. God will judge the
Luke 20:9 opponents harshly. As for us, be generous with our fruits (gifts).

The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25:1 Be ready and prepared for the day of Christ’s coming. Ensure your Yes
lamp of faith is burning brightly with plenty of grace for fuel. Nurture
your soul for Christ and don’t let carelessness make you unprepared.

The Parable of the Two Sons Matthew 21:28 Both sons act poorly, but the first changed his mind and ultimately did Yes
the will of his father. The second paid only lip service with no repentance
and no action. Our repentance and turning to God is the key to salvation.

The Parable of the Unmerciful Matthew 18:21 We’re too sinful to atone for our sins, but through God’s grace, our
Servant debts/sins are forgiven. As our debts are forgiven, we must forgive.

The Parable of the Wedding Matthew 22:1 The first people invited to the feast represented the Jews, God’s chosen
Banquet people of the time. When they didn’t come, the doors were opened for
all the others, as God’s arms are open to all. Hypocrites (with improper
wedding clothing) will find themselves locked out of God’s Kingdom.

The Parable of the Weeds Matthew 13:24 God created the good in the world and the devil sows evil that sinful Yes
people tend and make grow.. We live in a world mixed with this good
and bad and God will separate them when His judgement is made.

The Parable of the Workers in Matthew 20:1 When God gives grace to others, it is kindness to them, not an injustice to Yes
the Vineyard us. God is fair and merciful, welcoming everyone.

The Parable of the Yeast Matthew 13:33 A small amount of God’s Word that is mixed into the soul, spreads and
Luke 13:20 grows slowly and unnoticeably, but with strength and without fail,
changing a person from within.

Parable Activities
Do you need parable-related activities for adults or children? We
have a selection in our shop. Please check back because we’ll be
adding more!

*Referenced Matthew Henry Concise Commentary Page 2/2

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