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TMP Skeleton Outline

❖ Context
Why is this an important topic to consider?
This topic is important because it affects the global community as well as the daily life of citizens.
How did this question come about?
This question came from the actions of the Japanese government who is currently in the midst of the
Fukushima Water Release.
Why should the audience care?
The audience should care about this because everyone is affected by this issue. Fukushima water release is
dumping the water including the high tritium into the ocean and ocean affects our daily life by regulating the
climate and generating most of the oxygen.

Be specific and when possible, include data.

❖ Team Research Question

To what extent will the Fukushima Water Release affect the global citizens and sphere, and the respective
solutions to this issue?

❖ Research Based Evidence leading to Conclusion

Briefly introduce reasons and evidence from team IRRs which leads to this conclusion.

❖ Conclusion
Answer the Question

It will greatly affect all global citizens, anyone that consumes seafood internationally as well as the workers
that provide and work in relation to the seafood industry that plays a big role in Japan's presence as a
country, Japanese citizens as an identity, and the unique biodiversity displayed in the pacific which is all
being harmed by the nucleic water release.

❖ Potential Solution 1
Write out the solution to be offered.
Putting nuclear water under the ground– direct disposal method.

⮚ Research Based Evidence to Support this Solution

Write out the evidence to be used and apply all appropriate parenthetical citations for all sources of
The World Nuclear Association is an accredited organization that researches all things concerning
nuclear power– their aim is to support nuclear companies in the international sphere; their
background in understanding nuclear power makes them an ideal source. In one of their articles,
What is nuclear waste, and what do we do with it?, they list and explain different methods of
dealing with radioactive waste– one of which is via the direct disposal method. Direct disposal
involves digging tunnels very deep underground, storing the radioactive waste in safe containers
down there, and then sealing up the tunnels with clay and debris.

- “What Is Nuclear Waste and What Do We Do with It?” What Is Nuclear Waste and What Do We Do with It? - World Nuclear

Association, World Nuclear Association,


- “Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste.” Storage and Disposal Options for Radioactive Waste - World Nuclear


⮚ Reasoning
Write out the reasoning as to how the evidence provides clear, logical support for the implementation
of the solution.
This method of disposal is ideal for making sure that wildlife and people are unable to be affected by
the negative effects of radionuclides, as it is placed at depths up to 5000 meters. The other positive of
this method is that previously used infrastructure such as mines, tunnels, and bore holes that are
now unused can be repurposed for nuclear disposal– thus minimizing the digging required. This
solution would ultimately completely put a stop to the rest of the undumped waste water negatively
affecting the environment, making this solution a very attractive option.

⮚ Implications and Limitations of Solution*

Earthquakes, expenses

Japan’s disagreement

❖ Potential Solution 2

Solidifying the wastewater in concrete

⮚ Research Based Evidence to Support this Solution

Write out the evidence to be used and apply all appropriate parenthetical citations for all sources
of evidence.
It would allow all the water to be processed and removed from the tanks in as little as 5 years, considerably
faster than the 30+ year timeframe for ocean disposal(Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress 23).

The tritium (which along with carbon-14 is not removed from the water) would remain trapped inside the
concrete with negligible dose outside or on its surface since tritium betas cannot penetrate the skin, resulting in
minimal external exposure(Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress 23).

Essentially no harmful particles would exit the concrete and no Geiger counter could measure it(Ferenc
Dalnoki-Veress 23).

Jessica Kreger 2022

⮚ Reasoning
Write out the reasoning as to how the evidence provides clear, logical support for the implementation
of the solution.

Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress has expertise in high-energy physics and astroparticle physics, particularly in the
field of ultra-low radioactivity background detectors and neutrino physics. His educational qualifications,
including a PhD and MSc in high-energy physics from Carleton University, Canada, provide a strong
foundation for understanding complex issues related to nuclear and radiation.

⮚ Implications and Limitations of Solution*

Japan’s rejection of this solution, claiming that “heat generated evaporates tritium”. It is true that water
bleeding from concrete during curing is a known issue but because water globally is such a precious commodity
there are known methods of dealing with this(Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress 23).

❖ Potential Solution 3
Another potential solution is to continue to release water into the ocean but to also increase transparency
and further consider the environment.
⮚ Research Based Evidence to Support this Solution
The nuclear water release is the most cost effective solution for Japan. (Yonglong 21)
IAEA monitors the water live and says it is in compliance with international safety standards.

⮚ Reasoning
The current solution already calls for a large monetary cost for displacement and decontamination, it is
unsure if Japan could theoretically use a different solution.
There is already monitoring in place from an impartial source that says the level of radiation is safe.

⮚ Implications and Limitations of Solution*

The limitations of this solution is that many other countries are unhappy with it due to potential pollution
and are boycotting Japan. There is also opposition from fishing groups who are worried about the said

❖ Best Solution
This should be the solution that the team agrees (based on the evidence) is the best/ most plausible way to
address the problem/issue presented in their question.

⮚ Research Based Evidence to Support this Solution

Write out the evidence to be used and apply all appropriate parenthetical citations for all sources
of evidence.

⮚ Reasoning
Write out the reasoning as to how the evidence provides clear, logical support for the implementation
of the solution.

⮚ Implications and Limitations of Solution*

Be sure to indicate why this is the “best” solution.

Jessica Kreger 2022

❖ Wrap Up
▪ Briefly summarize the key points of the presentation.
▪ Brief statement that closes your presentation. (So you don’t stand there staring at us and have to
say “That’s it.”)

❖ Works Cited

Dalnoki-Veress, Ferenc. “Concrete Alternative: A Better Solution for Fukushima’s Contaminated Water
than Ocean Dumping.” Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, 16 June 2023,

“Production, Sales, Consumption.” Japan Cement Association, Accessed 8 Nov. 2023.

*Things to think about when addressing implications and limitations.

Screen shot taken from:

Performance Task 1 Video 8: Evaluating S

Jessica Kreger 2022

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