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Top ic : Str o n g

Fam ily: F o u nd at io n
of Strong S o ci et y

Presented By: John Carlo O. Reyes

Help children feel safe, and
Strong families secure. Warmth and care,
Good communication,
Predictability, and Strong
connections to others
Outside the family.
C h ild r e n f e e l s e c u r e a n d lo v e d
when they have strong and
posit iv e f a m ily r e la t io n s h ip s . Why is a strong
Pos it iv e f a m ily r e la t io n s h ip s h e lp family is
f a m ily m e m b e r s s o lv e
r o
work a s a t e a m a n d
other's company.
Family st ro ng
and ha p py
s h a v e t h e a b il it y t o
Strong, happy familie d h a v e a
a n g in g c ir c u m s t a n c e s a n
adapt t o c h
t o w a r d s a n y c h a ll e n g e s
pos it iv e a t t it u d e
a p p y f a m il ie s t a lk t h in g s
that a r is e . S t r o n g , h
t h e r 's h o p e s u p , a n d p u ll
thr o u g h , k e e p e a c h o
, le a r n in g a s a f a m il y a s
to g e t h e r in a c r is is
they go.
Strengthen Family
Be a source of comfort, guidance, and strength to draw from in times of

-Creating and maintaining strong healthy family relationships takes time,

effort, and patience. With the daily pressures of work, children, and chores, it
can be easy to neglect your relationships and take your loved ones for

-Work on good communication skills. Focus on listening and understanding

what your family member is trying to say.
-Establish traditions, values, and goals together. If you have already
developed some family traditions, do your best to continue what you started.
-Connect with distant family members. Make time to connect with long
distance family members by phone, email, or video calls.
-Stay active. Physical activity can help reduce stress.
-Laugh together. Find things to do that will make you laugh.
Quality time and family relationships
-Use everyday time together to talk and
Positive share a laugh

relationsh ips for -Have time together when devices are

turned off and out of sight.
families -Do regular, fun things together as a
-Have regular family meals together, and
give everyone a role.
-Be ready for spontaneous conversations. Positive
-Let everyone in the family know that you communication and
love and appreciate them. family relationships
-Encourage your children with praise.
-Be open to talking about difficult things –
like mistakes – and all kinds of feelings,
including anger, joy, frustration, fear and
Positive non-verbal
communication -it’s important to pay
attention to the feelings
that your children and
partner express non-
Teamwork and
family relationships

Appreciation for each other

and family relationships
-Acknowledge each other’s
differences, talents and
abilities, and use each other’s
-Share family stories and
Family Strengths

-All families have strengths. All families have

challenges and all families have areas of potential
-Strengths develop over time.
-Good things take time
-Families are about strong emotion.

Encourage all family members to share their

thoughts and feelings.

-Everyone should be expected to express

themselves in appropriate ways
-Families are central to God’s
plan,They are the fundamental
building block of strong
Purpose of societies. Families are where
Family we can feel love and learn how
to love others. Life is tough,
and we need people we can
lean on. Home is a safe haven
where we can get love, advice,
and support.
God is our Heavenly Father
-organized like our family in heaven.
Much like we can go to our parents for
advice, our Heavenly Father is always
there to give us help. When we pray, He
listens and He answers.

If you can learn to love the imperfect

people in your family then it's possible
that someone can learn to love an
imperfect you.

Family is forever.
-support; love and caring for
other family members;
Normal providing security and a
Functioning sense of belonging; open
communication; making each
Family person within the family feel
important, valued, respected
and esteemed.
Health Benefits of
Spending Time with

--Improves Mental Health

-Helps Children Perform Well
-Lowers Risk Of Behavioral Problems
-Boosts Self-Confidence
-Helps Kids Learn Future Parenting
-Teaches Effective Conflict Resolution
-Enhances Physical Health

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