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Which is true about Philippine literature? Philippine literature existed even during pre-colonial period.

What is the best definition of literature? . Literature covers both oral and written forms of works for
expressive and imaginative purposes

Which genre of literature observes sounds and rhythms for aesthetic purpose in expressing one's feelings,
ideas, and beliefs? Poetry

What element of a story is depicted in this text: “Her name is Ella, 26 years old. Her neighbors think she’s
feisty.”? CHARACTER

What element of a story is depicted in this text: “The hero faces the fiercest enemy of all- his monstrous
other self”? CONFLICT

In which type of literature do legends, folktales, short stories, and any novels belong? Fiction

. Which literary form refers to verses that depict extraordinary strength, adventure, and heroism? EPIC

Which cannot be found in poetry?

. In which period did chants, proverbs, songs, and folk narratives first emerge? PRE-COLONIAL

What element of story is depicted in this given statement: "The King is very ill and his sons rival each
other in catching a bird"? Conflict

. What is called as the turning point in a story? . Climax

The famous work written by Dr. Jose P. Rizal entitled "El Filibusterismo" reflects the daily experiences
and struggles of our Filipinos during his time. In which genre does it belong? Prose fiction

. What is most likely the theme of literary text during early Spanish period?
Religion and morality

Which period in the history of Philippine literature did the Spanish, American, and Japanese come to our
country? Colonial Period

What element of plot is depicted in this given statement: "Everything changed when she showed
unparalleled strength and courage."? Rising action
____C___1. sense of nationalism; oppression A. Pre-colonial Period

_____A___2. heroic deeds; nature; supernatural B. Early Spanish Period

______B__3. morality; religion C. Revolutionary Period

_______F_4. poverty; injustice; activism; social issues D. American Period

___D_5. longing for independence; E. Japanese Period social justice

and consciousness

F. Post-colonial Period

A. Myth C. Short Story E. Drama

B. Essay D. Novel F. Epic

____F__ "Biag ni Lam-ang" anonymous

___D___ "Noli me Tangere" by Jose Rizal
____B__ What Is an Educated Filipino" by Francisco Benitez
___C___ Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa
____A__ "How the World Began" anonymous
____F__ The Darangen
____F__ Florante at Laura
___A___ Ang Tikbalang
____E__ . Esperanza
____D__ . Elfilibusterismo

FICTION 1. Earliest Philippine literature before the colonization period was rich in written literary
FICTION. Christianity is the first religion known to ancient Filipinos.
FACT. Islam emerged first before Catholicism faith.
FACT . Philippine literature can be divided into three major periods.
FICTION..The two major classifications of poetry are fiction and non-fiction.
FICTION. Spanish were the ones who introduced Protestantism in the Philippines.
FACT. The Filipino is a unique blend of both Eastern and Western influences.
FACT. Biography is a non-fiction literary work.
FICTION. Sounds and rhythm give a musical effect to any prose.
FACT Philippine history and cultures are associated to the country's literature.

. Hindi hayop, hindi tao, pumapalupot. ( SINTURON)

Sa maling kalabit, my buhay na kapalit.( BARIL)

. Kung kelan ko pa pinatay saka pa humaba ang buhay. ( KANDILA)

. Isang pamalo punong-puno ng ginto. ( MAIS)

Nakatago na nababasa pa. (DILA)

. Heto na si Buboy, bubulong-bulong. (BUBUYOG)

Baston ni Kapitan, hindi mahawakan. ( AHAS)

Dalawang bolang sinulid abot hanggang langit. ( MATA)

Isda ko sa Maribeles, Nasa luob ang kaliskis.(SILI)

Pagbalik-baliktarin man din, may butas parin (DOUNUT)

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