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You’ve been feeling lousy, and you just want to

5 Things to Do When cry and get off work. You haven’t felt like this in
You Feel Depressed years. You’re frazzled, overstressed, and
depressed. What can you do?

Many people experience depression at some

D o you feel depressed? It’s not your fault.

point in their life. Feeling depressed can impact
your thoughts, behavior, moods, and your
Do you know what the worst thing about physical well-being. While feeling down once or
depression is? It's when you're passing by at twice is fairly common, if you are feeling
normal times, but then you get to that low, and depressed on a daily basis or for an extended
there's nothing you can do. Depression doesn't period of time (say, two weeks or more), this
go away on its own. In fact, it can get worse could be something to consider getting treated.
without specific help. Here are 5 things you can
1. Number one is Exercise
do to feel better.
Exercise is a beneficial habit and can help
Depression is a disease that affects millions of
reduce the symptoms of depression. It
people every year. If you’re feeling hopeless, or
increases your energy level, promotes sleep,
lack the energy and enthusiasm to care for
helps you control your weight, and releases
yourself or others, it’s likely because of
tension and stress. Start with small steps like
depression. Here are five ways you can help
taking brisk walks during breaks, playing a sport,
yourself get out of this dark state.
or going to dance class. Increase these activities
Depression doesn’t mean that you have to stop gradually until you are active for at least 30
doing all the things you love. Feeling uplifted minutes a day.
after a good workout, eating healthily, or
Feel better faster by exercising regularly. If you
arranging to meet friends are all great ways to
don’t like to run or play sports, try brisk
get your mind off the blues.
walking, swimming, cycling — whatever you
There are tons of things you can do to combat enjoy.
depression. Just getting up and getting out of
the house can work wonder. If you feel nervous
about going to an event or some other social
gathering, start by sitting with a friend after
work at a coffee shop or at home. As for 2. Nourish yourself with healthy food.
exercise, it’s been shown to be an effective
One way to help yourself is to improve your
method of fighting depression.
diet. Be extra mindful of getting the right
DO something. And DO it now! Even if you nourishment if depression has affected your
don’t feel like doing anything, get up and do as appetite. Improving the quality of the foods you
much as possible. eat can influence your mood and energy level.

Depression can influence you’re eating. One

person may not feel like eating at all, but
another might overeat. If depression has 4. Do some creative activities
affected you’re eating, you need to be extra
mindful of getting enough energy, even if it No matter how tough the depression is, writing
means eating healthier foods than you normally a little poem or drawing a picture, or making a
would. clay doll can help break some of the tension.
Hang out with friends, play ball or listen to
3. Keep a list of your worries and music. Whenever you do something that you
figure out really enjoy, it boosts your mood and helps you
get through this rough time.
It’s normal to feel sad when faced with major
life changes. Maybe you’ve been through the Laughter is the best medicine, so lighten up
death of a spouse or a loved one, lost your job and smile. Play with friends or pets, take
or an important relationship. It can help to talk yourself on a mini-vacation with all the
with someone who cares about you and trimmings, go for a hike or a bike ride,
understands your feelings—someone likes a daydream, and sing along to your favorite
family member, friend, or professional music.
Find something you enjoy doing for fun.
Depression can be a miserable condition to live Creative thinkers have fun by writing, drawing,
with, but with the right support, you can feel singing, dancing, or playing a musical
better. Your friends and family are there for you instrument. If you are feeling down, let some
so pick up the phone and talk to somebody. fun into your life and remember to take time
out of the day for relaxation.
Keep a list of your worries and figure out which
ones you can do something about. For the ones
you can't change, talk to someone about them.
You'd be surprised how much easier it can be
5. Do not over think
with a friend who's willing to listen. It is important to not over-think and scrutinizes
When you’re in a dark place, it’s nice to have a you. Don't allow you to become trapped in your
shoulder to lean on. Even though friends and thoughts and feelings; take time out for yourself
but don't isolate and force yourself to be alone.
family can’t take away your sadness and pain,
they might be able to help lift you out of it… Consider your strengths, gifts, or blessings.
sort of like how a crane lifts a big load. When Most of all, ask someone you trust for help
you don't feel heavy, it can be easier to laugh or when you are feeling overwhelmed to make
sure that you know there is a way out of
smile or even do things you enjoy doing.
The first step is trying to understand what's
triggering your depression. After that, it's In depression, it’s easy to spot the negative
important to not hide or bottle up your things in life. Find some way to shift your
perspective and make positive changes in your
negative feelings but to talk about them with
someone you trust. If you have the chance to life. Think of things you are grateful for or gifts
make positive changes in your life, go ahead you’ve been given. At the end of the day,
remind yourself that change takes time.
and do it.
Hang in there. Depression takes a while to get
over, but eventually, it does lift. Hang in there!

If you’re feeling down, don’t forget to take care

of yourself. You deserve it. Relax, go for a walk,
or do something you enjoy. Keep reminding
yourself that there is plenty to be thankful for in
your life.

Breaking through a negative spiral of thoughts

can be a challenge. But right now, there’s
something you can do at once to rebalance your
mood and lift your spirits. It’s difficult to cause a
significant emotional shift. However, changing
your physical activity could boost your mood
enough for you to feel like taking your first step
toward recovery.

Feelings of hopelessness and anxiety are

common. Taking a short walk to exercise can
help you feel better.

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