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The Role of Family

in Children's Ethics Education

Fantastic Four
Dea Andriani 1221713029
Dina Resti Agustin 1221713027
Erisa Nurfalah 1221713064
Eva Nuryandini 1221713075
Home is the best place to practice good etiquette
and good manners before children go straight into
society with various situations and characters of
other people outside.
The character of a child is formed from their
closest environment, which is family. Children are
easy to imitate and modify what they see and hear
from the environment in which they live.
Lately, In Indonesia many children have started
behaving impolitely, disrespecting others, being
disrespectful to their parents, and even raising
their middle finger easily and swearing loudly to say
harsh words.
If we hear a child talking rudely, don't get angry right away.

First, ask what the spoken word means. Maybe they just imitated and didn't really
know what it meant.

Then, ask again how did he know the word and why did he have to say it?

Keep in mind, in some cases, children say rude things on purpose because they don't
respect their parents at all. Maybe it happen because he is too pampered, so, we must
reflect on ourselves first.

So, what parents or family should do?

6 Basic Etiquettes During Activities at Home
Teach to say magic words:
excuse me, sorry, please, and thank you

Teach to immediately answer and come

when called by parents

Practice being responsible for what they do

Teach to always speak kind, gentle, and polite

Directing when the child's actions are


Teach honesty and respect to others

They are great imitators, so give them
something great to imitate.
An important key in training children to have
ethical manners and respect is discipline and

Don't wait when children becomes an adult to

teach ethics, so they don't feel a crisis of ethics and
manners when meeting other people.

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon
and infographics & images by Freepik

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