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Dear Principal,

We are writing to you in order to express our dissatisfaction with the performance of
Mr. Thompson, who teaches math subject at 11th grade. We have been students of Mr.
Thompson for the past 3 years, and we have encountered several issues that have negatively
affected our learning experience.
1. Mr. Thompson does not follow the curriculum or the syllabus, and he teaches topics
that are irrelevant. He often teaches us outdated information and we , obviously, don’t
2.He is also rude and disrespectful to the students, and he does not listen to our
questions or concerns. For example, when we ask for additional information , he either
ignores us or he simply refuses to explain,
3. Mr. Thompson uses inappropriate language or behavior in the classroom, and he
creates a hostile and uncomfortable environment for the students. Sometimes he crosses off
our personal boundaries.
Mr. Thompson could be a great teacher but he needs to improve some of these flaws.
For example , he could try to listen to our feedback and teach according to the textbook.
Moreover, he should respect our personal space and use an appropriate language.
We hope that you will take this matter seriously, and that you will respond to our
complaint as soon as possible. We appreciate your attention and your support.
With sincerity,
11th grade.

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