Week 1 Planner

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Week 1 Planner

Circle Time- Introduction to the kids, get to know each other. Using this wheel (
https://wordwall.net/resource/8176799/all-about-me ) for the questions.
REACH- Ask the kids for their books and to show the teacher what they have worked on, give
them a chance to show their accomplishments and observe their learning.
GAME- Paper Airplane Landing; each student gets to make their own airplane and color it as
they like, after we get a target for them to aim for. Trick is when they have to retrieve it it can
only do it as instructed (walking, skipping, hopping on one foot, etc.).
Circle Time with Miss Cecy- Participate in circle time with Miss Cecy and observe.

All about me- using one of the bean bags in the classroom make a game of passing it to each
other while in a circle (to make it more fun they can pass it to anyone not only the person next to
them) when they have the bean bag they have to talk about themselves (name, age, favorite
activity) and at the end do their best dance move.
GAME- Paper dance; give each student a piece of paper for them to put on the floor and dance
on. After some time they have to pick it up and fold it and put it back down where they have to
try and dance without stepping out of it.
If finished early, get them started on a drawing for us to put up in our classroom. The theme is
open for them to choose.
Sing the Goodbye song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQfvAlmr5g0

ART- Portrait; The teacher will explain what a portrait is, including picture examples. Then gets
the students to describe themselves (it would help if they could have a mirror in front of them, if
not maybe using the computer's camera) describing every detail they can: what color is their
eyes? Their hair? How would they describe their nose? What shape is their head? Do they have
freckles? After that we get started in doing a simple drawing of themselves using only shapes
with a pencil. Then they color them in with colored pencils or crayons.

Circle Time- Hello song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M followed by our
Worksheet- We are going to be working on this worksheet ( https://www.printabulls.com/wp-
content/uploads/2021/08/Printable-All-About-Me-Worksheet-Page-3-768x994.jpg ) to get to
know the students better.
Craft- Origami; let’s look for a video of an origami figure they want to make and try to do it
together, then give them the time so they can color it as they like.
GAME- Let’s play a board game that we have in the classroom, they get to choose it and if they
know it give them the chance for them to explain the rules.

Circle Time with Miss Cecy- Participate in circle time with Miss Cecy and observe.

Sitting in a circle- Introduce them to our attention grabber; “Hands on top” “Everybody stop”. The
teacher says the phrase “Hands on top” while putting her hands on the top of her head and lets
them know that when they do it they have to stop whatever they are doing and repeat the
phrase and action. Then we put one hand out and say together “Everybody stop”. Explain how
when we do that it means that they have to turn to look at the teacher in silence and listen. We
then practice it a couple times before moving on.
GAME- Flashcard Game “Stop”; The teacher will have a group of flashcards in her hands and
will give out a word and then will flip through them, the students have to say “Stop” when the
one named is shown (If possible it would be something that is around the classroom so one
chosen students gets to go and point it out)
Classroom Rules- Using their Wow book we are going to make our classroom rules puppets. On
the last pages there are some animals we can use for representing our rules.
Frog- they have big eyes so when we use our frogs we are using our looking eyes.
Monkey- they have 5 fingers like we do so when we use our helping hands.
Elefant- they have big ears so we use our listening ears, which means we have to be quiet for
us to listen.
Parrot- they have wings so they walk slowly and we use our walking feet, we don’t run in the
The students will take out the animal instructed, write their names on one side and paste it on a
popsicle stick. We will take out time making each one and practicing each of the rules.

KIDE Science- “The Curious Colorful Rivers”, need to get the account to get the full experiment
but run with Activity A since it is simple enough to have the materials ready for Tuesday.

Hello song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M followed by our calendar.
GAME- Pass the drawing; a theme will be given for them to start a drawing, when the teacher
calls time they have to stop and exchange their drawing with another's students and continue it.
They will take turns choosing the theme.
Cuenta Cuentos en el salón de usos múltiples.
GAME- Jump the line; we are staying in the multipurpose room to play a game. A line will be
“drawn” on the floor for them to stand behind. Then using flashcards the teacher will give a rule
and when it becomes true the students must jump the line to the other side. For example, jump
when the words start with “s”.

Circle Time with Miss Cecy- Participate in circle time with Miss Cecy and observe.

SONG- Let’s try doing this song that starts with the normal heads shoulders knees and toes and
then goes for even more parts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSdeIhmv6v0
Play it once for the kids to do and watch the teacher do it.
Then introduce the students to the new parts that the song introduces and practice the moves
without the music.
To end, let's play the song again for all to do together.
NatGeo- we are going back to the pages they have done in their book for them to use stickers
on, both the ones given in the book and some colored dots for us to review some of the
previous content learned.

StoryTime- Read a book that can have student participation (I will check which one once I get
the chance to see which ones we have at the school).
Hello song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M followed by our calendar.
STORY- Let’s read a story together, the teacher will bring a book for them to read (Green Eggs
and Ham) with student participation. Then let’s talk about what happened in the book.
Activity- What is the weirdest food you can come up with? Pose that question for the kids to
discuss and then plan on how they would make it. Get them to do a drawing of it.
Craft- Once they have their drawing let’s try to make it with clay.

Circle Time with Miss Cecy- Participate in circle time with Miss Cecy and observe.

Storytime- Take the kids outside to the patio to read The Lorax. While we read we are going to
be moving around to different parts to represent different places.

Hello song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1Cyr0ZK9M followed by our calendar.
CRAFT- We are going to make bookmarks so they can put them in their workbooks so they can
open it easier in the future. They will write their names on one side and draw anything they like
on the other.
GAME- Bingo with letters; students will make a bingo card and then the teacher will call them
out, first by their word name and then by phonics.
Wrap-up- depending on where they left off on REACH do the wrap up recommended for them to
get ready for next week were we go back to working on the book.

K3 & Pre-First
KIDE SCIENCE- At the moment it might be that we do this with Miss Cecy, and if it does not
happen it will be filled in by an activity.

NEUROmotricidad- I’ll leave this for now so I can ask for ideas, since I’ve never worked on this
particular part in class.

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