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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture Fine Arts and Design

ASEAN Literature:Discovering Identity Amidst Diversity



DIRECTIONS: 1. Answer the following questions.

2. Answers should be in paragraph form.
3. Write your answers below the guided questions.
POEM 1 Borneo's Green Heart AUTHOR:

Understanding the Poem:

1. From your readings, does each moniker fit Brunei? Name proofs.
2. What is the intention of this of this piece? Why do you think it is created?
3. Does it serve its purpose?

1. According to my research, many visitors attest to the fact that Brunei Darussalam lives up to its name as an Abode
of peace or city of peace because the nation is very secured and peaceful with a low rate of crimes, much like what
the poem says where Brunei is seen as a kingdom of tranquility and an abode of peace. The locals are so kind and
friendly that they frequently welcome visitors into their homes to chat and have a good time. Brunei is one of the
wealthiest and most ecologically diverse regions in the world, thanks in large part to the fact that it has been able to
substantially maintain its forest and natural resources, as the poem assures readers. Green economic development is
a priority in this country. Brunei's reputation as an old monarchy stems, in part, from the country's abundance of
fascinating historical architecture. Taking all of this into account, it's clear that our nation is a priceless jewel,
teeming with cultural and natural riches. In contrast, the phrase "an old sultanate kingdom" (the poem's
second-to-last line) paints an accurate and detailed picture of the nation's current form of governance, in which the
Sultan serves as the head of state.
2. The poem's author hopes that sharing its praises for Brunei's natural splendor would inspire its readers to do the
same. The poem's purpose is to educate readers about the meaning of the term "Brunei Darussalam," which
translates to "City of Peace," and how the country has lived up to that moniker. By this poetry, the people of the land
were able to appreciate the natural beauty and historical significance of their surroundings. So, the book's content
both satisfies and motivates readers by highlighting the significance of conserving and cultivating one's own culture,
language, and resources, since they are the riches that retain the historical memories and pictures of one's nation.
3. Yes, because the poem is well-written and every line depicts the true image of Brunei in terms of its rich culture,
people, and environment, so it really inspired me as a citizen of my own country to also preserve our nature and
culture and improve it without forgetting the ancient values and memories it holds.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

1. Based on the poem, would you expound whether the people of Brunei are proud of their
country or not?
2. Should it be the case?

1. With this poetry, it's clear that the citizens of Brunei have great pride in their homeland. Just as the poet did when he
or she described the wonderful things America has to offer, so too may we do the same. You can tell how proud the
people of Brunei are of their country only by saying and concluding that their country is a living jewel and that its
residents and its nature are its treasure. It's easy to imagine how tranquil and secure these people's lives are after
reading the poem.
2. Well, I don't agree with that because the poem's central concern and theme—the conservation of natural resources
and biodiversity—seems to me to be of paramount importance. The book is meant to inspire its readers to take care
of our country's cultural heritage as well as its natural beauty.

Elements of Poetry:
1. Is there any element that makes the poem appreciative?
2. What rhythm is used? Is it effective?

1. The use of imagery in this poem is intentional and effective since it allows the reader to see the events described.
The use of phrases that encourage our minds to wander made the poetry more engaging. In this case, the poet's use
of imagery acts as a concrete depiction of emotions and ideas, prompting the reader to visualize and relive the
sensory experience described in the poem.
2. The poem's use of caesura gave it an offbeat rhythm, or more precisely, a rhythmical halt. I found the poem more
enjoyable to read because of the nice sound it now had. It also aids in the identification and perception of the mood
and impression the poetry is trying to express to us.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture Fine Arts and Design

ASEAN Literature:Discovering Identity Amidst Diversity

On A Personal Note
Write a short blog of what you feel for the Philippines compared to how they feel in Brunei.

From the poem "Borneo's Green Heart," I gather that the people of Brunei hold a deep
sense of national pride. How enthusiastically they share the news of their country's natural
wonders reveals how proud of and satisfied with their country's citizens they are. In the same
way, as a Filipino, I take great pride in my country and everything it has to offer, from its
beautiful landscapes to its illustrious past. That we, the Filipino people, are still one and,
thanks to the brave men and women who gave their lives for our nation through times of war
and colonial oppression, we have won the independence we have fought for for so long despite
everything that the Filipino people have been through, our nation remains unified, and we have
won the independence we have fought for for so long because of the brave men and women
who gave their lives for ours. At times of need and disaster, it is easy to observe how every
citizen of our country is prepared to aid merely for the sake of their fellow Filipinos, and for
this reason, I respect the bravery of every Filipino. We all know that the Philippines is one of
the world's top tourist destinations, thanks in large part to its many ancient and architecturally
significant churches and other religious buildings. Our own culture and heritage is, like that of
Brunei, a precious jewel of our country. It makes me glad and proud to learn that the Filipino
people have a reputation for hospitality and warmth among those of other nations. Even
though I sometimes envy other nations with good economies because the Philippines
experiences great corruption and poverty, crimes, and wars that are still traumatizing many, I
still find myself admiring the beauty and greatness of this country. Compare and contrast the
tranquility of Brunei with that of the Philippines. If given the option, I would always want to
be a Filipino, perhaps because of the rich culture, history, and landscape of the Philippines.


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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