Home Learning 02.10.20

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For home learning this week, we would like you to help your child to find objects around your
house beginning with the sounds we have learnt this week (s,a,t,p). Please take a photo of them
matching the objects they have found to the sound cards we have sent home this week (and
upload to Tapestry please). For any support with phonics/sounds, please look at the
information provided in the documents section on Tapestry or on the website.
Please upload the observation to Tapestry by Wednesday at the latest please.
Next week in Maths we will be: ordering numbers to 10 or 20.
Next week in Literacy we will be: looking at information books about people who help us and
discussing the differences between fiction and non fiction texts.
Next week the sounds we will learn are:
i (e.g. igloo), n (e.g. net), m (e.g. mat), d (e.g. dog)
Next week in RE we will: continue to learn about Creation and the ways in which we can look
after God’s world. We will look at examples of how people have harmed the world (e.g. littering
and plastic pollution) and will do a litter pick around school to try to help look after our
environment (taking necessary safety precautions).

General notices:
The children are now eating their lunches at the tables in the hall. As there is limited space, if
you are sending additional food to go with their school lunches (1 or 2 items at most!), please
can you put it in a small clearly named tub and not a large lunchbox. Can you also check that all
lunchboxes/tubs/pots/water bottles etc are very clearly named, as there are 60 children eating
at the same time!
Could we also please ask that if your child is bringing in a packed lunch from home, you do not
order a school lunch as well. There is a lot of food wastage and due to current coronavirus
restrictions, once food has been given to a child, if they don’t want it/need it, it cannot be given
to anyone else and is therefore thrown away. It is sad to see how much food goes to waste!
We now have plenty of fruit in the classroom which the government provides daily, so there is
no need to send any extra fruit for the morning snack (they can become confused about what is
snack and what is lunch!)
We hope you enjoy sharing a school reading book with your child this weekend. Please use the
sound cards to reinforce the sounds we have learnt at school.

Thank you as always for your support.

Year R teachers

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