Brainy kl7 Progress Test 5-8 A

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5-8 Progress Test A Imię i nazwisko:


Listening Vocabulary
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć tekstów.
3.57 2 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C i zakreśl ją.
W zadaniach 1–5, na podstawie informacji
1 My brother and I some exercise every weekend
zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych
in order to keep fit and healthy.
odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą: A, B albo C.
A make B do C go
1 What is Sean going to do during 2 My family often eat on Fridays. We usually

the competition? choose the Greek restaurant near my school.
A in B off C out
3 If you keep playing the guitar every day, your skills
A will soon .
2m3 A improve B invent C exhibit
4 Why don’t you up for the coding classes? They
might be interesting.
B A join B go C sign

5 Our football team have a good chance of winning
the this year.
C A trophy B score C record

2 What is the girl’s opinion of the exhibition? 6 The of plastics changed our way of life, but not
always for the best.
A It was what she had expected.
A discovery B invention C installation
2m3 B It made her feel bad.

C It wasn’t interesting.

3 What school club has Mary chosen to attend? 3 Połącz wyrazy z ramek A i B, tak aby powstały
poprawne wyrażenia. Następnie uzupełnij nimi

leave work hand in
prevent head
B my homework of art
teacher injury a tip

1 You should remember to choose a good quality

C helmet before going horse riding in order to

4 Andy says he got hurt while running
because he 2 This photograph is a real . It was
taken by Annie Leibovitz.
A didn’t warm up.
3 My science teacher told me to
B had an accident.
tomorrow, so I’ll have to finish my presentation about
C overtrained. space exploration tonight.
5 Why is Liam calling Maggie? 4 The decided to cancel the last
A To give his opinion about a restaurant. three lessons on Friday, so we went home earlier.
B To tell her what he ordered at a restaurant. 5 I think we should for
C To explain why his wi-fi connection the waiters. Both the food and service were very good.
doesn’t work. /5

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5-8 Progress Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Grammar Use of English
4 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie 6 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C i zakreśl ją.
uzupełniają zdania.
1 X: Are there any / some / a little lemons
for the lemon tart?
Y: Yes, but only one or two.

2 If he didn’t / won’t / doesn’t train more,
he won’t win the next tournament.
3 We can’t / couldn’t / shouldn’t play last
week because our coach was ill.
4 Catherine’s bag made / is made /
is making of denim and plastic.
5 I’m not sure yet, but I might go / will go /

am going climbing next weekend.
6 It’s so boring here! There’s anything /
nothing / everything interesting
to do in this place!


5 Uzupełnij zdania z luką, stosując podane

2m3 1 A in B from C for
wyrazy w niezmienionej formie, tak aby 2 A some B no C any

zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. 3 A is organised B is organising C has organised


W każdą lukę możesz wpisać 4 A take B make C have

maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. /4

1 They didn’t invite us to their wedding Functions

ceremony. INVITED
We to their 7 Uzupełnij luki w minidialogach 1–5, tak aby otrzymać
wedding ceremony. logiczne i spójne wypowiedzi.

2 Without training more, you won’t ever 1 X: The practice session is on Friday at 4.00 p.m.
break the record. TRAIN Oh, Friday’s no good for me.

You won’t ever break the record if you go on Tuesday or Wednesday.

more. X: That’s not possible, I’m afraid.
3 Tina was good at swimming when she 2 X: Would you like anything else?

was younger. SWIM

Y: No, . Thank you.
Tina when she
was younger. 3 X: Bob, borrow your bicycle
this afternoon?
4 We’ve got no cold drinks, so I will make
you some tea instead. ANYTHING Y: Sure. I don’t need it today.
There cold 4 X: My friends and I are going to build a device like this
to drink, so I will make you some tea for the science competition.
instead. Y: interesting idea! Good luck!
5 It’s really important for her to see 5 X: Can I get you anything else?
a doctor. HAS Y: Yes, milkshake, please.
She a doctor.

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5-8 Progress Test A Imię i nazwisko:

Reading Writing
8 Przeczytaj informację o konkursie naukowym. 9 Niedawno dowiedziałeś/dowiedziałaś się
Na podstawie tekstu odpowiedz na pytania 1–4. o zajęciach dodatkowych poświęconych
zdrowemu stylowi życia. Napisz wiadomość
Breakthrough Junior Challenge
do koleżanki z Anglii.
The contest
W wiadomości:

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge · napisz, dlaczego chcesz zapisać się na te zajęcia
is a competition organised to inspire young i kiedy będą się one odbywać;
people to think more creatively about science.
· opisz, co powinieneś/powinnaś zmienić w swoim
It is held every year by the Breakthrough Prize
stylu życia, aby żyć zdrowiej;
Foundation and hopes to encourage young
people to become interested in science and think · zachęć koleżankę do udziału w zajęciach.
about a future job as a scientist. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów.
The contestants

The competition is open to students aged 13–18
from anywhere in the world. Contestants are
expected to present their understanding

of an important scientific idea. This can be taken,
for example, from the life sciences, physics
or mathematics.
2m3The entry

Participants have to prepare a short video, with


a maximum length of 3 minutes, which shows an

important scientific concept in an interesting and
creative way. The video can include animations,
simulations or physical demonstrations. Fill
in the online application form (click the link below)
and send the video no later than 19th July.

1 How often is the Breakthrough Junior Challenge


It is organised  .
2 How old do you have to be to take part in
the competition?

You have to be  .
3 How long should your entry video be?
It should be  .
4 When do you have to send the video
to the organisers?
You have to send it  . / 10

/4 Total: / 50

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5-8 Progress Test A
UNITS Imię i nazwisko:

Extra task
10 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
1 Excuse me, could you (zrobić zdjęcie) of me in front of the monument?
2 The classroom was completely empty – there (nie było nikogo) inside!

3 The exam starts in just a few minutes. If Mia (nie przyjdzie) soon, they
won’t let her write it.
4 I’m sorry, but I really (nie mogłem zadzwonić) you earlier. I was very busy.
5 All the paintings in this exhibition (zostały namalowane przez)
local artists.
2m3 /5

Total : / 55




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