11class Model Paper of Half Yearly Exam P.Ed

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MS Super International School

Class XI
Half Yearly Exam
Subject- Physical Education

M.M. 70 M.T. 3hr


1) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All
questions are compulsory.
2) Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and
should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any five questions in this section.
3) Sections C consist of Question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and
should not exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any five questions in this section.
4) Sections D consist of Question 31-34 carrying 4 marks each answer should not exceed 150-200
words. Attempt any five questions in this section.
5) Section E consists of Question 35-38 carrying 5 marks each and are short answer types and
should not exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any two questions in this section.

Section A
Q.1- What should we the body fat percentage in men?

(A) 5 to 10 (B) 10 to 15 (C) 15 to 18 (D) 18 to 25

Q.2- Which one of the following muscle fibres help in speed?

(A) White muscle fibres (B) Red muscle fibres (C) Yellow muscle fibres (D) none of these

Q.3- Percentage of lean body mass is called

(A) Endurance (B) Body Composition (C) Speed (D) none of these

Q.4- Which one of the following is the 5th element of yoga?

(A) Pratyahara (B) Dharna (C) Asana (D) Pranayama

Q.5- Which one of the following is not a component of physical fitness?

(A) Speed (B) Cardiovascular Endurance (C) Strength (D) Flexibility

Q.6- Which day is celebrated as “International Yoga Day”?

(A) June 19 (B) June 20 (C) June 21 (D) June 22

Q.7- Pranayam means:

(A) Regulation of breath (B) Posture (C) Sleep (D) Dharana

Q.8- The word ‘Altius’ in Olympic motto means:

(A) Faster (B) Higher (C) Stronger (D) Heavier

Q.9- The ability of overcome resistance for longer duration is called.

(A) Speed (B) Strength (C) Flexibility (D) Endurance

Q.10- The Ancient Olympic Games were started in:

(A) 776 BCE (B) 394 AD (C) 1896 AD (D) 796 BCE

Q.11- The word ‘yoga’ is drived from Sanskrit word ?

(A) Yog (B) Yuj (C) Yoj (D) Yug

Q.12- Occupational Therapist helps a child in:

(A) Fine Motor skills (B) Gross motor skills (C) Communication (D) none of these

Q.13- Which one of the following is a component of Pranayam?

(A) Purka (B) Rechaka (C) Kumbhaka (D) all of these

Q14- which one of the following is a niyama?

(A) Swadhyay (B) Santosh (C) Ishwara Pranidhana (D) all of these

Q.15- How many components are in Pranayam?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

Q.16- Out of the following which one is not the element of astanga yoga?

(A) Yama (B) Niyama (C) Neti (D) Pranayama

Q.17- Disability is developed by

(A) Genetic (B) Injury (C) Balance diet (D) A and C

Q.18- Which the percentage of bone, muscles, water, ligaments, organs, etc in comparison to body fat is

(A) Muscular strength (B) Muscular Endurance (C) Body Composition (D) none of these

Section B
Q.19- What is do you mean by health?

Q.20- What do you mean by Fitness Pledge.

Q.21- What is the role of Physiotherapy therapist?

Q.22- What do you mean by flexibility?

Q.23- Elaborate about health.

Q.24- Explain any 2 Components of Skill Related Fitness.

Section C
Q.25- What do means by Body Composition?

Q.26- What do you mean by Pranayam?

Q.27- Discuss about Niyama.

Q.28- Explain in brief about Yama.

Q.29- Elaborate any three components of health.

Q.30- Discuss about types of Disability.

Section D
Q.31- Elaborate about Fit India Movement.

Q.32- Elucidate the components of health.

Q.33- Discuss about First Aid with there Aims and objective with PRICE.

Q.34- Value Based Question

Ramesh is a new student of 11th class in a reputed public School. His Physical Education teacher observed
his behaviour. He is different from other students. He faces difficulties in fine motor skills and
communicate with others. His class teacher suggested his parents to take him to a physiotherapist for
proper treatment.

Based on the above passage answer the following questions:

I) What kind of problem does Ramesh Have?

II) What kind of Therapist can help Ramesh?
III) What is the fine motor skills?
IV) What is the role of occupational therapist?

Section E
Q.35- Elaborate about Changing Trends in sports in brief.

Q.36- Explain in brief Importance of health.

Q.37- Discuss about the objective of adaptive physical education in brief

Q.38- What do you mean by wellness?

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