Distributed Optimization Framework For Energy Management of Multiple Smart Homes With Distributed Energy Resources

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE

Distributed Optimization Framework for Energy

Management of Multiple Smart Homes with
Distributed Energy Resources
Il-Young Joo, Student Member, IEEE and Dae-Hyun Choi, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a distributed optimization al-
gorithm for scheduling the energy consumption of multiple )*'/5
smart homes with distributed energy resources. In the proposed
approach, the centralized optimization problem for home energy
management is decomposed into a two-level optimization prob- 5EJGFWNKPI
lem, corresponding to the local home energy management system
(LHEMS) at the first level and the global home energy man-
agement system (GHEMS) at the second level. The controllable
28 28 28
household appliances (e.g., air conditioner, washing machine) are .*'/5 .*'/5 .*'/5
scheduled in the LHEMS within consumer’s preferred appliance
scheduling and comfort level while the energy storage system
(ESS) and power trading between households are scheduled in 5OCTV '55
the GHEMS. In the simulation study, the proposed distributed OGVGT

algorithm shows almost equivalent performance to the centralized $KFKTGEVKQPCN2QYGT(NQY

algorithm in terms of the electricity cost and the consumer’s $KFKTGEVKQPCN%QOOWPKECVKQP(NQY

comfort level. The impact of different network topologies on

the proposed algorithm is also analyzed, and the result provides Fig. 1. Conceptual architecture of the distributed HEMS (DHEMS).
insight into the selection of the optimal network configuration in
view of the consumer’s electricity cost saving.
Index Terms—Home energy management system (HEMS),
energy consumption scheduling, demand side management, dis- consumers’ electricity costs in the consumers’ comfortable
tributed algorithm. and preferred environments. According to a report on [1],
the global HEMS market is expected to grow from USD
864.2 million in 2015 to USD 3.15 billion by 2022 due
to factors such as increasing real-time energy conservation
As home energy consumption has increased considerably approach, cloud computing technologies and data analytics,
due to population growth and housing expansion along with and increased device interconnectivity. It is worth noting that
the deployment of smart home appliances (e.g., air condition- this market forecast would be correct when HEMS has com-
ers, washing machines, and refrigerators), home energy man- putational capability to efficiently process very large amounts
agement is becoming increasingly important for consumers of heterogeneous data from various sources such as DERs,
to reduce their electricity costs and maintain the efficiency of smart meters, smart home appliances, consumer preferences,
their home appliances. With an increasing energy consumption and weather centers.
in the residential sector, the emerging smart grid technologies One approach to reduce the increasing computational com-
including distributed energy resources (DERs) (e.g., rooftop plexity due to overwhelming data is to distribute the central-
solar photovoltaic (PV) and residential energy storage system ized computation to decentralized entities that are capable of
(ESS)), advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) with smart managing the energy consumption of the corresponding house-
meters, and demand side management (DSM), have rendered holds. The aim of this paper is to develop a distributed two-
home energy management more complex. level optimization framework, where the energy consumption
A home energy management system (HEMS) is the key scheduling for individual households is conducted at the local
solution to the efficient and economical management of the level and the control of energy trade between neighboring
residential energy usage of the future smart grid. The main households is coordinated at the global level. Fig. 1 illus-
functions of HEMS are to monitor the real-time energy usage trates the system model for the proposed distributed HEMS
of consumers using a smart meter and to schedule the op- (DHEMS) that comprises the local home energy management
timal energy consumption of home appliances for reducing system (LHEMS) and the global home energy management
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of system (GHEMS).
Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. A core technology in HEMS is the optimization method
2015R1C1A1A01051890). for an economic load reduction and load shifting. A consider-
I.-Y. Joo and D.-H. Choi (corresponding author) are with the School of Elec-
trical and Electronics Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Dongjak-gu, Seoul able amount of literature has been published recently on the
156-756, Korea wndlfdud@cau.ac.kr, dhchoi@cau.ac.kr development of the HEMS optimization algorithm, including

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE

the scheduling of electric vehicles (EVs) and various types of of only ESS, the operation of which does not reveal the
residential loads using linear programming (LP) [2], [3], the consumer’s energy usage patterns to attackers. Specifically,
load scheduling within consumer comfort level using mixed the three main contributions of the proposed approach are as
integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) [4], the efficient follows.
calculation of load scheduling using relaxed MINLP method • We present a two-level distributed system model con-
with an L1 regularization term [5], community load scheduling sisting of the local home energy management system
for a neighborhood with multiple consumers using mixed (LHEMS) and global home energy management system
integer linear programming (MILP) [6], [7], the MILP method- (GHEMS), where the computation time can be signifi-
based DR aggregation framework in wholesale electricity cantly reduced by distributing the centralized computation
markets [8], and an interdisciplinary approach between op- to local systems as shown in Fig. 1.
timization and machine learning [9], [10]. Joint optimization • We propose a distributed home energy management op-
approaches have been developed for HEMS and the building timization algorithm with the following two schedul-
energy management system (BEMS) [11]. A new HEMS ing steps: i) the controllable household appliances are
algorithm with voltage control was proposed for minimizing scheduled at the LHEMS, while the consumer’s preferred
the load shifting operation [12]. A method for the prediction appliance scheduling and comfort level are maintained
of the energy consumption of appliances was presented based through the participation of the consumer and ii) each
on a stochastic approach [13]. The HEMS was designed with consumer’s ESS and power trade between neighboring
the Internet of things (IoT) technology [14] and load dis- households are scheduled at the GHEMS, consequently
aggregation algorithm, namely non intrusive load monitoring leading to the optimal electricity cost for all households.
(NILM) [15], in order to improve the accuracy of the load • Simulation results confirm that the proposed distributed
scheduling. A data sensitivity analysis framework was devel- algorithm shows almost equivalent performance to the
oped to quantify the impact of erroneous data on the HEMS centralized algorithm in terms of the electricity cost and
using the perturbed Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions the consumer’s comfort level under various comfort level
from the HEMS optimization formulation [16]. The general settings. In addition, we analyze the impact of different
optimization problem and the architecture of the HEMS are network topologies (e.g., radial, ring, and mesh networks)
summarized in [17], [18]. While much work has focused on with varying line flow limits on the proposed algorithm,
the development of centralized HEMS (CHEMS) optimization and verify that the mesh network yields the maximum
algorithms, several studies have been conducted recently to electricity cost saving among the three networks.
develop distributed HEMS (DHEMS) optimization algorithms This paper is organized as follows. Section II defines the
to reduce the computational complexity of CHEMS. In gen- various types of smart home appliances and introduces the
eral, these DHEMS optimization algorithms were designed optimization formulation for the centralized home energy
in a two-level architecture, where each consumer’s energy management. Section III presents the proposed distributed
scheduling obtained at the local level is coordinated at the home energy management optimization algorithm using MILP
global level with a focus on (i) sharing a single community in the TOU pricing tariff. Section IV presents the simulation
ESS among consumers in a cooperative manner [19] and of the proposed optimization algorithm with four households
(ii) tracing the desired aggregate scheduled load [20], [21]. equipped with smart home appliances and DERs. Finally,
However, these works have not explicitly considered consumer concluding remarks are presented in Section V.
comfort level and power trade between households in the
distributed optimization framework.
In comparison with existing DHEMS optimization algo- II. BACKGROUND
rithms, our proposed approach provides a two-level opti- The notations used in this paper are summarized in Table I.
mization framework, where each consumer’s preferred home Other undefined symbols are explained within the text.
appliance scheduling is executed and the consumer comfort
level is adjusted at the local level (LHEMS), while the
A. Type of smart household appliances
scheduling of each consumer’s ESS operation and power
transactions between consumers are conducted at the global Automatic energy management is conducted by HEMS,
level (GHEMS), subsequently reducing the total electricity which schedules and controls the following types of household
cost. Compared to the CHEMS optimization algorithm, the appliances.
proposed DHEMS optimization algorithm is beneficial in sev- • Uncontrollable appliance (Au ): An uncontrollable appli-
eral ways as follows. The computation complexity of DHEMS ance such as a TV, PC, or lighting cannot be scheduled
can be reduced significantly by decentralizing the computation and operated by the HEMS. Auc u thus follows the fixed
burden to multiple LHEMSs. In addition, the proposed algo- energy consumption scheduling.
rithm is developed based on an efficient data exchange scheme • Controllable appliance (Au ): A controllable appliance
that requires minimum communication between GHEMS and includes an appliance of which the operation is sched-
LHEMSs. In terms of smart grid cyber security, a single point uled and controlled by the HEMS. Their operation
of failure due to a cyber attack on CHEMS can be eliminated. characteristic categorizes controllable appliances into
Furthermore, a strong privacy protection of each consumer incentive-based reducible appliances (Acu,r ) and price-
can be ensured because the GHEMS schedules the operation based shiftable appliances (Acu,s ). An example of a

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE

min J(x, a) = J1 (x, a) + J2 (x, a) (1)
U Set of households s.t.
Au Set of appliances in household u (Au = Acu ∪ Auc u )
Acu Set of controllable appliances in household u (Acu = Acu,r ∪ Acu,s )
Acu,r Set of reducible appliances in household u Fx = a (2)
Acu,s Set of shiftable appliances in household u (Acu,s = Ac,NI c,I
u,s ∪ Au,s )
Gx ≤ a. (3)
u,s Set of shiftable appliances with non-interruptible load in household u
u,s Set of shiftable appliances with interruptible load in household u
Auc u Set of uncontrollable appliances in household u The goal of this optimization problem is to compute the
T Set of time slots optimal operating schedule x of home appliances (e.g., con-
TDR Set of DR time slots (TDR ⊂ T )
L Set of distribution lines tinuous energy consumption, the on/off status of a washing
Pu,tnet Net power consumption in household u at time slot t
Pu,a,t Power consumption of appliance a in household u at time slot t
machine) and DERs (e.g., the binary charging/discharging sta-
Pu,a Maximum(Minimum) power consumption of appliance a in household u tus of ESS) by minimizing the electricity cost (J1 (x, a)) and
Pu,a,t Charging power of ESS a in household u at time slot t
Pu,a,t Discharging power of ESS a in household u at time slot t
the consumer’s discomfort (J2 (x, a)) in (1) while satisfying
Pu,t Import power of household u from neighbors at time slot t the operating constraints of appliances, network, and consumer
Export power of household u to neighbors at time slot t comfort preference in (2) and (3). a represents the data
Pu,a Maximum(Minimum) charging power of ESS a in household u
Pu,a Maximum(Minimum) discharging power of ESS a in household u
vector that includes the operation parameter of the appliance,
State of charge of ESS a in household u at time slot t consumer’s comfort setting, weather information, etc. From
SOCu,a Maximum(Minimum) state of charge of ESS a in household u
ηu,a Charging efficiency of ESS a in household u
the aforementioned optimization formulation, the optimization
Discharging efficiency of ESS a in household u problem for the centralized home energy management system
Eu,a Maximum energy capacity of ESS a in household u
Tu,t Indoor temperature in household u at time slot t
(CHEMS) is formulated in the following subsections.
Tumax(min) Maximum(Minimum) comfortable temperature in household u 1) Objective function: The objective function (1) for the
αu , βu Thermal characteristics for air conditioner in household u
Fl,t lth line power flow at time slot t CHEMS optimization problem consists of two parts, each of
Flmax(min) cost
Maximum(Minimum) capacity of line l which has different decision variables (Pu,t , δu,t ):
bs,I Binary charging and discharging state of ESS a
in household u at time slot t, “1” for charging, “0” for discharging
bs,NI Binary consumption state of non-interruptible shiftable appliance a
πt Pu,t + ǫu δu,t . (4)
u,a,t Pu,t ,δu,t
in household u at time slot t, “1” for consumption, “0” otherwise u∈U t∈T u∈U t∈T
u,t Binary power exchange state of household u at time slot t, | {z } | {z }
“1” for power import, “0” for power export J1 (Pu,t
) J2 (δu,t )
Pbu,a Predicted daily energy consumption of appliance a ∈ Ac,NI
solar Predicted solar power at time slot t

out Predicted outdoor temperature in household u at time slot t
In (4), J1 Pu,t is the total electricity cost that is computed
cost cost
πt Electricity price at time slot t using the TOU price πt and Pu,t . Pu,t consists of two types
δu,t Temperature relaxation variable in household u at time slot t net
ǫu Penalty for the relaxation variable in household u of power consumptions: 1) the net consumption Pu,t (the total
energy purchased from the grid) and 2) the trade consumption
imp exp
(the total energy purchased Pu,t or sold Pu,t from or to
the neighborhood, respectively). J2 (δu,t ) is the total amount
reducible appliance is an air conditioner in which the of penalty that involves the consumer’s discomfort cost. The
energy consumption can be curtailed during the DR discomfort implies the deviation of the consumer’s preferred
period. On the other hand, under the TOU pricing scheme, temperature from the indoor temperature. δu,t is a relaxation
the energy consumption of a shiftable appliance can shift variable to ensure the feasibility of the CHEMS optimization
from one time slot to another time slot to minimize problem. ǫu is a penalty for the relaxation variable. A smaller
the total electricity cost. A shiftable appliance has two ǫu yields a larger δu,t and hence burdens the consumer with
types of loads: (1) a non-interruptible load (Ac,N I
u,s ); increasing discomfort, yet prevents the optimization problem
and (2) an interruptible load (Ac,I u,s ). The operation of from becoming infeasible due to more relaxed constraints.
shiftable appliances with non-interruptible loads must not The value of ǫu can be determined by the HEMS operator to
be stopped by the HEMS control during the task period satisfy the consumer’s preferred comfort level. The following
of the appliance. For example, a washing machine must subsections illustrate equality/inequality constraints (2) and (3)
perform a washing cycle prior to drying. A shiftable for the CHEMS optimization problem.
appliance with interruptible load can be allowed to be
2) Net power consumption and power trade constraints:
interrupted at any time. For example, the HEMS should
Equation (5) is the constraint on the energy consumption
be able to terminate the discharging process of ESS and
for the total electricity cost, i.e. the sum of the net energy
initiate the charging process instantly when the PV power
consumption and the gap between the energy purchased from
generation is greater than the load demand.
the neighborhood and sold to the neighborhood. Equation (6)
is the constraint on the net energy consumption, i.e. the
B. Centralized home energy optimization problem difference between the total consumption for all appliances
In general, an algorithm for HEMS that solves the op- and the generated solar output along with the energy purchased
timal operating schedule of home appliances and DERs is from neighborhood. In (7), the total consumption for all
formulated as a MILP optimization problem with the follow- appliances in (6) is decomposed into four different types of
ing linear objective function (J(x, a)) and the linear equal- reducible appliances (a ∈ Acu,r ), for shiftable appliances with
ity/inequality constraints (Fx = a, Gx ≤ a): non-interruptible load (a ∈ Ac,N I
u,s ), shiftable appliances with

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE

interruptible load (a ∈ Ac,I

u,s ), and uncontrollable appliances period Lu,a hours in (18).
(a ∈ Auc
u ). X
bsu,a,t = Lu,a (16)
cost net imp exp
Pu,t = Pu,t + Pu,t − Pu,t (5) t∈T
Pu,t = Pu,a,t − Pbu,t
solar imp
− Pu,t (6) vu,a,τ = 1 (17)
a∈Au τ ∈T
Pu,a,t = Pu,a,t + Pu,a,t bsu,a,t = vu,a,τ , Tτ = [t − Lu,a + 1, t] (18)
a∈Au a∈Acu,r τ ∈Tτ

X   X
c d,home The capacity of power consumption for the shiftable appli-
+ Pu,a,t − Pu,a,t + Pu,a,t (7)
ances with non-interruptible load and reducible appliances is
described by
The energy trade balance of all households is described min max
Pu,a ≤ Pu,a,t ≤ Pu,a (19)
by (8). Equation (9) ensures that the energy from only shiftable
appliances with interruptible load can be sold to neighbors. Equation (20) defines the operational dynamics of the state
Constraints (10) and (11) limit the energy trade between of charge (SOC) for ESS at the current time t in terms of
households, where bflow
u,t represents the binary decision variable the SOC at the previous time t-1, battery capacity Eu,a ,
c d
that determines the status of the energy import and export. charging and discharging efficiency, ηu,a and ηu,a , charg-
Without the energy trade limit, the parameter N is set to be a c
ing and discharging power for the consumer u, Pu,a,t and
very large number. d,home
Pu,a,t , respectively, and discharging power for his or her
neighbor households, Pu,a,t . Equation (21) gives the capacity
X X constraint of SOC for ESS. Equations (22) and (23) present
imp exp c
Pu,t = Pu,t (8) the constraints on charging (Pu,a,t ) and discharging power
u∈U u∈U (Pu,a,t + Pu,a,t ) of the ESS, respectively, where bs,I
d,home exp
u,a,t rep-
Pu,t = exp
Pu,a,t (9) resents the binary decision variable that determines the on/off
status of ESS.
d,home exp
0 ≤ Pu,t ≤ N bflow (10) c c
ηu,a Pu,a,t Pu,a,t + P u,a,t
exp SOCu,a,t = SOCu,a,t−1 + max
− d E max
0≤ Pu,t ≤ N (1 − bflow
u,t ) (11) Eu,a ηu,a u,a
∀a ∈ Ac,I
u,s (20)
3) Controllable appliance constraints: Equation (12) is the min
SOCu,a max
≤SOCu,a,t ≤ SOCu,a (21)
constraint for temperature dynamics of the reducible appliance c,min s,I c c,max s,I
in Pu,a bu,a,t ≤Pu,a,t ≤ Pu,a bu,a,t (22)
(e.g., air conditioner) at time t (Tu,t ), which is expressed
in terms of Tu,t−1 at time t − 1, the predicted outdoor Pu,a (1 − bs,I
u,a,t )
d,home exp
≤Pu,a,t + Pu,a,t ≤ Pu,a d,max
(1 − bs,I
u,a,t )
temperature at time t − 1 (Tbu,t−1
), the power consumption (23)
of the reducible appliances (Pu,a,t ), and the environmental
4) DR constraints: Consumers who participate in a DR
parameters (αu , βu ) that specify the indoor thermal condition.
program receive a DR signal from a utility via the smart meter
Equation (13) presents the range of relaxed indoor tempera-
and curtail their energy demand based on the signal. This could
tures. The relaxation variable δu,t in (13) is limited by δumax
help to reduce peak demand, thus resulting in the alleviation of
in (14).
power system stress conditions. The DR constraint is described
Tu,t in
= Tu,t−1 + αu (Tbu,t−1
out in
− Tu,t−1 ) + βu Pu,a,t (12) by
Tumin − δu,t ≤ Tu,t
≤ Tumax + δu,t (13) net
Pu,t ≤DR(Qu , Du ) (24)
0 ≤ δu,t ≤ δumax (14) t∈TDR

where the DR signal (DR(Qu , Du )) consists of a demand

Equation (15) is the constraint on the predicted daily energy reduction request Qu (kW) and DR period Du (hours).
consumption for controllable appliances with non-interruptible
5) Power flow constraints: Equation (25) gives the rela-
X tionship between the power associated with consumer u’s
Pu,a,t = Pbu,a , ∀a ∈ Ac,N
(15) electricity cost and power flows to his/her neighbors under
t∈T different types of network topologies (e.g., radial, ring, and
mesh). In (25), au,l is the element of a node-branch matrix
Equations (16), (17), and (18) guarantee the desired oper- A: au,l = ±1 if node u is the receiving or sending terminal
ation of shiftable appliances with non-interruptible load (e.g., of branch l; otherwise au,l = 0. Equation (26) simply states
washing machine): i) for the operation period Lu,a hours that the total power flow from the grid is the sum of the net
during a day in (16), ii) for the starting time with the binary consumption of all consumers. The constraint (27) ensures that
value once a day in (17); and iii) a consecutive operation the power flow between households remains within the line

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE


)*'/5 .GXGN
&4'XGPV • Obtain day-ahead DHEMS input data from
• '55QRGTCVKQPUEJGFWNKPI a utility, weather center, and consumers
Acceptance of
local HEMS
0GVYQTM6QRQNQI[ • Formulate the optimization problems for No solutions ?
local HEMS and global HEMS
ࢉ‫ככ‬ ࢊ,‫ככ܍ܕܗܐ‬ ‫ככܘܠ܍‬
ࡼ࢛,ࢇ,࢚ /ࡼ࢛,ࢇ,࢚  ࡼ࢛,ࢇ,࢚ 
ࡼ࢛,࢚ /ࡼ࢛,࢚ • Send local HEMS solution to global HEMS
 'NGEVTKEKV[DKNN ࡼ‫ככܔܔܑ܊‬
࢛,࢚ • Set consumer-defined data
• Execute local HEMS algorithm for each
household 5VGR)NQDCN*'/5
6176CTKHH • Draw (ࢿ, σ ࢾ) plot for each household
.*'/5 .GXGN .*'/5 .GXGN Using local HEMS solution along with input
• Perform the classification of comfort levels
in (ࢿ, σ ࢾ) plot
data obtained in preliminary step 1,
• Execute global HEMS algorithm for all the
(QTGECUV • Send global HEMS solution to local HEMS
• Consumers select their preferred ࢿ
according to the classified comfort levels
Fig. 2. Conceptual system model for HEMS. • Re-execute local HEMS algorithm using
the selected ࢿ
• Appliance scheduling process is finalized

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the procedure of the DHEMS algorithm.

capacity limit.
Pu,t = au,l Fl,t (25)
X s.t.
F1,t = net
Pu,t (26) X
Pu,t = Pu,a,t − Pbu,t
−Flmax ≤ Fl,t ≤ Flmax , l 6= 1 (27) X X X X
Pu,a,t = Pu,a,t + Pu,a,t + Pu,a,t
a∈Au a∈Acu,r a∈Ac,N
I a∈Auc


MANAGEMENT ALGORITHM Eqn. (12) − (19). (31)

In this section, we propose a distributed optimization algo- In the LHEMS formulation, the net power constraint (6) and
rithm to schedule the energy consumption of home appliances the total power consumption constraint for all appliances (7)
with ESSs and power trades in multiple smart households. in the CHEMS formulation are modified to constraints (29)
As shown in Fig. 2, in the proposed algorithm, the CHEMS and (30), where the power trade and ESS operation are
optimization problem illustrated in subsection II-B is de- excluded, respectively. All the constraints of controllable ap-
composed into a two-level hierarchical optimization problem pliances (air conditioner, washing machine) (12) − (19) are
that consists of local optimization problem for LHEMS and added to the LHEMS problem.
a coordinator problem for GHEMS, corresponding to sub-
sections III-A and III-B, respectively. In the first level, the B. Global HEMS optimization model: Level 2
LHEMS problem for each household is optimized indepen- In the second level, the GHEMS optimization algorithm
dently to schedule the consumption of appliances, given the computes the optimal electricity cost of each household in
consumer’s preferred appliance scheduling and comfort level. the following optimization problem:
In the second level, using the solution obtained from LHEMS XX
and the additional information such as DR signal from a min
πt Pu,t (32)
u∈U t∈T
utility, GHEMS schedules the charge/discharge of ESSs for all
households, coordinates the power trade between neighboring s.t.
households, and calculates their electricity costs, which are cost net imp exp
Pu,t = Pu,t + Pu,t − Pu,t (33)
finally returned to the households. More detailed formulations imp
net net∗ c d,home
for LHEMS and GHEMS optimization problems are illustrated Pu,t = Pu,t + Pu,a,t − Pu,a,t − Pu,t (34)
in the following two subsections. imp net∗ d,home
0≤ Pu,t ≤ Pu,t − Pu,a,t (35)
Eqn. (8) − (11) (36)
Eqn. (20) − (27). (37)
A. Local HEMS optimization model: Level 1
Compared to constraints (5) and (6) in the CHEMS formu-
The goal of the LHEMS optimization problem is to find lation, the constraints of electricity cost (33) and net power
the optimal net power consumption and deviation of the consumption (34) in the GHEMS formulation involve the
consumer’s preferred indoor temperature by minimizing the scheduling of only the ESS operation and power trade with
following electricity cost and consumer discomfort: net∗
Pu,t obtained from LHEMS. Constraint (35) illustrates the
min net
πt Pu,t + ǫu δu,t (28) limit of import power from consumer u’s neighbors. Finally,
Pu,t ,δu,t the constraints for power trade (8) − (11) and the constraints
t∈T t∈T

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE

0.14 2000 32
TOU PV Outdoor Temperature
Electricity price ($/kWh)

0.12 1500

Solar power (W)

0.1 1000

0.08 500

0.06 0 22
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (hour) Time (hour) Time (hour)

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. Profiles of electricity price and weather. (a) TOU price. (b) Solar power. (c) Outdoor temperature.


A. Simulation setup

Rated Power (W)

Under the TOU tariffs shown in Fig. 4(a), we consider four
Appliance type smart households where the proposed DHEMS optimization
House A House B House C House D
Air conditioner 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 algorithm schedules the operation of two tasks: i) two major
Washing machine 500 500 500 500 controllable appliances (air conditioner and washing machine)
Uncontrollable appliance 1,700 1,500 1,000 700 at the local level (LHEMS); and ii) the residential ESS and the
power trade between households at the global level (GHEMS).
The simulations are carried out for 24 hours with one hour
scheduling resolution. Table II shows the maximum power
consumption of an air conditioner, washing machine, and
for ESS operation, DR, and power flow (20)−(27) in CHEMS aggregated uncontrollable appliances. It is assumed that the
are also included in the GHEMS formulation. predicted PV generation output Pbu,tsolar
and the outdoor tempera-
Finally, as shown in Fig. 3, the procedures of the proposed ture Tbu,t−1 in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c) as well as the predicted daily

DHEMS algorithm at the local level and the global level consumption of appliances Pbu,a , can be accurately obtained.
involve the following three steps. For each household, the comfortable temperature range prior
to the relaxation is assumed to be [22◦ C,24◦ C] with the
Step 1): Before the recursive step, in this preliminary step, all maximum relaxed temperature δumax = 3◦ C. The parameters
input data that are required for the DHEMS operation α and β, which illustrate the thermal characteristics of the air
are prepared, and the optimization problems for the conditioner, are set as 0.9 and -0.012, respectively. For ESS,
LHEMS and the GHEMS are formulated. the battery capacity Eu,a is 10 kWh, the maximum charging
Step 2): Each consumer u sets their own data such as pre- and discharging powers are both 2 kW, the initial, minimum,
ferred indoor temperature range and the correspond- and maximum SOC are 0.5, 0, and 1.0, respectively, and the
c d
ing LHEMS performs the scheduling of energy con- charging and discharging efficiencies ηu,a and ηu,a are both
sumption of home appliances. Then, using the 95%. The capacity limits of all lines between households Flmax
P solu-
tion obtained from LHEMS, the plot of (ǫu , δu,t ) are set to be identical at 9 kW. For simplicity, all houses are
can be obtained (e.g., Fig. 8(b) in Section IV). equipped with appliances that have the same specifications,
According to the value of ǫu , the consumer’s thermal and the preferred indoor temperature ranges of all consumers
discomfort is classified into several levels in the plot. are also the same under identical temperature relaxation.
Each consumer u chooses their preferred ǫu in the
classified discomfort levels, and the LHEMS algo- B. Case 1: No relaxed temperature condition
rithm is executed again with the selected ǫu . If the
consumer is satisfied with the indoor temperature and In Case 1, the algorithms for CHEMS and DHEMS are
the schedule of appliances calculated by LHEMS, the simulated and compared when no relaxation of the consumer
procedure moves to Step 3). Otherwise, the procedure preferred temperature constraint is allowed with a large value
returns to the initial stage in Step 2) of ǫ. Through a comparison between Figs. 5 and 6, we observe
Step 3): Using the optimal solution from LHEMS with addi- that the operating schedules of ESS and net power trade
net,trade imp exp
tional data such as DR information, the GHEMS al- (Pu,t = Pu,t − Pu,t ) in each household differ between
gorithm is carried out. The solution calculated by the CHEMS and DHEMS, whereas the operations of the air con-
GHEMS is returned to all LHEMSs, which provide ditioner and washing machine are scheduled identically. This
the final operation schedules of home appliances, implies that without the relaxed indoor temperature constraint,
ESSs, power trade, and the total electricity cost to the proposed DHEMS algorithm maintains the same operating
all consumers. schedules of the air conditioner and washing machine of each
house as those of the CHEMS algorithm. However, Figs. 5

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE

4000 4000 4000 4000

Air Conditioner Air Conditioner Air Conditioner Air Conditioner
3500 ESS Charging 3500 ESS Charging 3500 ESS Charging 3500 ESS Charging
Power consumption (W)

Power consumption (W)

Power consumption (W)

Power consumption (W)

ESS Discharging (Home) ESS Discharging (Home) ESS Discharging (Home) 3000 ESS Discharging (Home)
3000 Washer 3000 Washer 3000 Washer Washer
P trade P trade P trade 2500 P trade
net net 2500 net net
2500 2500 2000
2000 2000 1500
1500 1500 1000
1000 1000 500 0
500 500 0 -500
0 0 -500 -1000
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (hour) Time (hour) Time (hour) Time (hour)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5. CHEMS-based optimized appliance schedules of four households throughout the day. (a) Household A. (b) Household B. (c) Household C. (d)
Household B.

4000 4000 4000 4000

Air Conditioner Air Conditioner Air Conditioner Air Conditioner
3500 ESS Charging 3500 ESS Charging 3500 ESS Charging 3500 ESS Charging

Power consumption (W)

Power consumption (W)

Power consumption (W)

Power consumption (W)

ESS Discharging (Home) ESS Discharging (Home) ESS Discharging (Home) 3000 ESS Discharging (Home)
3000 Washer 3000 Washer 3000 Washer Washer
P trade P trade P trade 2500 P trade
2500 net 2500 net 2500 net net
2000 2000 2000
1500 1500 1500
1000 1000 1000
500 500 500 0
0 0 0 -500
-500 -500 -500 -1000
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (hour) Time (hour) Time (hour) Time (hour)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 6. DHEMS-based optimized appliance schedules of four households throughout the day. (a) Household A. (b) Household B. (c) Household C. (d)
Household B.

and 6 show that the scheduling of the operations of the ESS I MPACT OF DIFFERENT TOPOLOGIES ON DHEMS.
and net power trade differs in both algorithms. This is be-
cause, in CHEMS, all appliances, ESSs, and power trades are Total electricity cost during a day ($)
scheduled considering all operating constraints simultaneously, Line capacity limit (W)
Radial Ring Mesh
whereas in DHEMS, the scheduling of ESS and the power 9,000 12.104 12.104 12.104
trade at GHEMS are carried out separately with the scheduling 7,000 12.309 12.104 12.104
of appliances at LHEMS. In general, ESS is charged when the 3,000 Infeasible 12.533 12.104
TOU price is low during off-peak periods and is discharged 2,000 Infeasible 13.473 12.533
when the TOU price is high during high peak periods in
order to reduce the electricity cost. In this simulation, the
ESS of each household u becomes fully charged at 8 am
(i.e., SOCu,a,8 = 1) in both algorithms because ESS charges although the proposed distributed approach achieves the same
the maximum possible power during the low price period value as that of the objective function in the centralized
(1 ∼ 8 am), as shown in Fig. 4(a). Therefore, we can observe approach. This conclusion is also verified under fully relaxed
from Figs. 5 and 6 that charge of all ESSs finishes at 8 indoor temperature conditions.
am with different and irregular charging patterns between
Next, we study the impact of different network topologies
households. On the other hand, we verify that the amount
on the performance of the proposed DHEMS algorithm. In
of fully discharged status of ESS decreases from house A
this study, three network topologies (radial, ring, and mesh)
with the largest load to house D with the smallest load from
are considered, as shown in Fig. 7. The radial, ring, and
9 am to 22 pm. This is expected because a higher (or lower)
mesh topologies have three, four, and five interconnected lines
load demand requires more (or less) discharging power of
among neighboring households, respectively. Table III shows
ESS. It is noted that the remaining electricity of ESS after
the total electricity cost of each network topology with varying
discharging ends can be exported to neighboring households
line flow capacity limit (2, 000W ∼ 9, 000W). From this table,
of which the energy demand is higher than the energy supply,
we first observe that as the limit of the line flow decreases,
which are illustrated in Figs. 5(c), 5(d) and 6(d).
the electricity cost increases in all network topologies due
Finally, the simulation results show that even though the to the tighter restriction of power trade between neighboring
scheduling of ESS and the net power trade differ in each households. In particular, when the line limit decreases to
household between the aforementioned CHEMS and DHEMS 3,000W, the proposed algorithm becomes infeasible in only
algorithms, the optimal electricity cost of each house in both a radial topology. In addition, in Table III, comparing the
algorithms becomes identical: the optimal electricity costs of values in the columns for each row, the mesh, ring, and radial
houses A, B, C, and D are listed in decreasing order of $4.15, topologies are listed in ascending order of the total electricity
$3.65, $2.51, and $1.78, respectively. In summary, under the cost. This is because an increasing number of interconnections
scenario without indoor temperature relaxation, the scheduling among neighboring households provide additional operation
of the ESS and power trade yielded by the proposed distributed flexibilities to households by exchanging power in order
approach differs from that yielded by the centralized approach, to reduce the electricity cost. Based on the aforementioned

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE


7  7  

ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૚,࢚
ࡲ૚,࢚ ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૚,࢚ ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૝,࢚
ࡲ૜,࢚  ࡲ૚,࢚ ࡲ૛,࢚
ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૜,࢚
7     ࡲ૛,࢚ ࡲ૞,࢚ ࡲ૜,࢚ ࡲ૝,࢚

ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૚,࢚ ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૛,࢚ ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૜,࢚ ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૝,࢚
ࡲ૝,࢚  ࡲ૞,࢚ 
ࡲ૚,࢚ ࡲ૛,࢚ ࡲ૜,࢚ ࡲ૝,࢚

ࡼ‫ ܔܔܑ܊‬૛,࢚
ࡼ‫ܔܔܑ܊‬ ૝,࢚ ࡼ‫ܔܔܑ܊‬ ૛,࢚ ࡼ‫ܔܔܑ܊‬ ૜,࢚

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7. Three types of network topology. (a) Radial. (b) Ring. (c) Mesh

5 in Case 1, as illustrated in the previous subsection, and (2)

CHEMS B ǫ = [37, 43] in Case 2. As expected, we observe that for houses
CHEMS D A, B, C, and D (with total load in descending order), both the
Electricity cost ($)

DHEMS B electricity cost and the discomfort cost in CHEMS appear in

descending order. That is, as the electricity load of the house
increases, the electricity cost increases and the violation of
preferred indoor temperature range also increases. Fig. 8(b)
also verifies that the discomfort costs of all households in
Case 1 Case 2 Case 1 DHEMS reaches the same value. This is expected because
0 the preferred indoor temperature range of each consumer is
30 35 40 45 50
epsilon (ǫ) assumed to be identical. If this range is set differently for each
(a) consumer, the plots of the discomfort costs for all consumers
35 CHEMS B It is noted that the plots in DHEMS have constant am-
plitudes, while the plots in CHEMS generally have fluctu-
ating amplitudes. We conclude from this observation that the
operator in the DHEMS can adjust the individual consumer
Sum of δ

comfort level more easily than in the CHEMS because in the
15 DHEMS, the change of ǫ in one house does not affect that of
10 another house. We also observe that, in Case 2, at the same
Case 1 Case 2 Case 1
ǫ, the electricity cost of DHEMS is less than that of CHEMS,
0 whereas the discomfort cost of DHEMS is larger than that of
30 35 40 45 50
epsilon (ǫ) CHEMS. This is because the LHEMS problem in DHEMS
(b) is formulated without considering the scheduling of the ESSs
and energy trade, consequently leading to further reduction of
Fig. 8. Comparison of the performance between CHEMS and DHEMS with the electricity cost than GHEMS at the expense of a larger ǫ.
varying ǫ. (a) Electricity cost. (b) Discomfort cost.
Next, we investigate the impact of different ǫ in each
household on the performance of the DHEMS. Table IV shows
observations, we can conclude that in view of electricity cost the result of the comparison of the performance between the
saving for consumers, the mesh network is more effective CHEMS and the DHEMS when they have an identical and
than the ring and radial networks. As the LV network size different setup of ǫu , respectively. In this simulation, ǫu for
increases with more deployed ESSs, the electricity cost saving houses A and B in the DHEMS is smaller than that in the
for consumers becomes more significant in the mesh network. CHEMS, whereas ǫu for houses C and D in the DHEMS is
larger than that in the CHEMS. From this table, we observe
C. Case 2: Partially relaxed temperature condition that the DHEMS achieves an equivalent performance to that
In Case 2, the performance of both the CHEMS and of the CHEMS by setting different ǫu for each household u.
DHEMS algorithms is compared under a partially relaxed We can conclude from this observation that delicate tuning of
temperature condition with some value of ǫ. Figs 8 (a) and 8(b) the parameter ǫu could decrease the performance gap between
show the impact of varying ǫ on the performance of both the CHEMS and the DHEMS mentioned in the previous
algorithms for all four households in terms of the electricity paragraph. The optimal ǫu could be selected by the operator
cost and the discomfort cost. In these figures, the plots heuristically, using Fig. 8. A theoretical analysis for calculating
appear to be step functions, which are divided into two cases ǫu is beyond the scope of this paper and will be considered
according to the interval of ǫ: (1) ǫ = [30, 36] and [44, 50] in future work.

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE


House(ǫu ) PNt ◦
House(ǫu ) PNt
t=1 δu,t ( C) Cost ($) t=1 δu,t (◦ C) Cost ($)
A(35.85) 37 2.71 A(35) 37 2.71
B(35.85) 37 2.23 B(35) 37 2.23
C(35.85) 30 1.39 C(36) 31 1.35
D(35.85) 19 1.08 D(38) 18 1.12
Total 123 7.41 Total 123 7.41

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2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2734911, IEEE


Il-Young Joo (S’17) received received his B.S. in Dae-Hyun Choi (S’10-M’17) received the B.S. de-
Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Chung- gree in electrical engineering from Korea University,
Ang University, Seoul, Korea, in 2015. He is cur- Seoul, Korea in 2002, and the M.Sc. degree and a
rently an M.S. candidate at Chung-Ang University. Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering
His current research interests include home energy from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
management systems. in 2008 and 2014. He is currently an Assistant
Professor in the school of electrical and electronics
engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
He received the Best Paper Award at 2012 IEEE
Third International Conference on Smart Grid Com-
munications (SmartGridComm) in Tainan City, Tai-
wan. From 2002 to 2006, he was a researcher with Korea Telecom (KT),
Seoul, Korea where he worked on designing and implementing home network
systems. From 2014 to 2015, he was a senior researcher with LG Electronics,
Seoul, Korea where he developed home energy management systems. His
research interests include power system state estimation, electricity markets,
the cyber-physical security of smart grids, and the theory and application of
cyber-physical energy systems.

2169-3536 (c) 2017 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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