La Research

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Lok adalats:

The greatest challenge that the justice delivery system faces today is the delay in
disposal of cases and prohibitive cost of litigation. Alternative dispute resolution was
thought of as a weapon to meet this challenge. Justice Malimath Committee in 1990
stressed the importance of alternate dispute resolution mechanism to supplement
the legal forum with a view to relieve law courts of the burden of overflowing dockets.
In December 1993, the conference of Hon'ble Chief Ministers of the States and the
Hon'ble Chief Justices of the High Courts adopted a resolution emphasising its
importance. The resolution reads:

“The Chief Ministers and Chief Justices were of the opinion that courts were not in a
position to bear the entire burden of justice system and that a number of disputes
lent themselves to resolutions by alternative modes such as arbitration, mediation
and negotiation

The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 envisages constitution of Legal

Services Authorities to provide free and competent legal service to the weaker
sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied
to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities and to organise Lok Adalats
(LA) to see that operation of the legal system promotes justice on the basis of equal

Free legal aid is a right of the needy, so that opportunities for securing justice are
not denied to any citizen on account of economic, social or other disabilities. . The
LAs aim at taking justice to the doorsteps of the poor and needy and at enabling
quicker dispensation of justice at lesser costs.

The Act is being implemented and administered successfully for the last few
years providing legal aid and conduct of LAs and organising legal literacy projects.
The entire society including the lawyer community has welcomed these activities of
the Legal Services Authorities nationwide. Several thousands of cases pending in
courts have been settled and crores of rupees have been distributed as
compensation in motor accident cases avoiding the inconveniences of trials in court.
Nobody did have any objection; and everyone encouraged the activities of the Legal
Services Authorities nationwide.

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