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UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre

February 2009

Description* of World Heritage Cultural Landscapes with a Bibliography based

on documents available at the
UNESCO‐ICOMOS Documentation Centre

49-51, Rue de la Fédération,

75015 Paris, France
Tel. 33 (0) 1 45 67 67 70
Fax. 33 (0) 1 45 66 06 22
* The introduction and the descriptions of the sites have been taken from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre website.
For further information about cultural landscapes:
* L'introduction et les descriptions des sites ont été prises du site web du Centre du Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO. Pour
plus d’information sur les paysages culturels:

Table of Contents
- Introduction to Cultural Landscapes 7

History and Terminology
Inscription of Cultural Landscapes on the World Heritage List

- UNESCO World heritage cultural landscapes 11

Afghanistan 12
2003 Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley

Andorra 16
2004 Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley

Argentina 18
2003 Quebrada de Humahuaca

Australia 22
1987-1994 Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Austria 25
1997 Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape
2000 Wachau Cultural Landscape

Austria/Hungary 33
2001 Fertö/ Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape

Azerbaijan 35
2007 Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape

2006 Sewell Mining Town 38

Croatia 40
2008 Stari Grad Plain

Cuba 41
1999 Viñales Valley
2000 Archaeological Landscape of the First Coffee Plantations in the Southeast of Cuba

Czech Republic 44
1996 Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape

France 47
1999 Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion
2000 The Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes

France / Spain 54
1997-1999 Pyrénées - Mont Perdu

Gabon 57
2007 Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda

Germany 62
2000 Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz
2002 Upper Middle Rhine Valley

2004 Dresden Elbe Valley

Germany/ Poland 74
2004 Muskauer Park/Park Muzakowski

Hungary 76
1999 Hortobágy National Park - the Puszta
2002 Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape

Hungary/Austria 33
2001 Fertö/ Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape

Iceland 82
2004 Þingvellir National Park

India 84
2003 Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka

Iran 86
2004 Bam and its Cultural Landscape

Israel 89
2005 Incense Route-- Desert Cities in the Negev

Italy 91
1997 Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto)
1997 Costiera Amalfitana
1998 Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological sites of Paestum and Velia, and the
Certosa di Padula
2003 Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy
2004 Val d'Orcia

Japan 99
2004 Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range
2007 Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape

Kazakhstan 105
2004 Petroglyphs within the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly

Lao People's Democratic Republic 107

2001 Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape

Lebanon 109
1998 Ouadi Qadisha (the Holy Valley) and the Forest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab)

Lithuania 111
2004 Kernave Archaeological Site (Cultural Reserve of Kernave)

Lithuania / Russian Federation 113

2000 Curonian Spit

Madagascar 116
2001 Royal Hill of Ambohimanga

2008 Le Morne Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel du Morne 119

2006 Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities of Tequila 120

Mongolia 123
2004- Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape

New Zealand 126

1990-993 Tongariro National Park
Nigeria 128
1998 Sukur Cultural Landscape
2005 Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove

Norway 133
2004 Vegaøyan -- The Vega Archipelago

Papua New Guinea 135

2008 Kuk Early Agricultural Site

Philippines 138
1995 Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras

Poland 140
1999 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and
Pilgrimage Park

Poland / Germany 74
2004 Muskauer Park/Park Muzakowski

Portugal 142
1995 Cultural Landscape of Sintra
2001 Alto Douro Wine Region
2004 Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture

Russian Federation / Lithuania 113

2000 Curonian Spit

South Africa 148

2003 Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape
2007 Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape
Spain 153
2001 Aranjuez Cultural Landscape
Spain / France 54
1997-1999 Pyrénées - Mont Perdu

Sweden 157
2000 Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland

Switzerland 159
2007 Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces

Togo 163
2004 Koutammoukou, the Land of the Batammariba

United Kingdom 165

2000 Blaenavon Industrial Landscape

2003 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
2005 St. Kilda
2006 Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape

Zimbabwe 173
2001 Matobo Hills

- Additional Bibliography 175

Cultural Landscape Concept and Definition 175

Management 183

Regions 192

Africa 192

Americas 194

Asia 197

Australia 199

Europe 200

Types 203

Forests 203

Gardens 204

Mountains 204

Oases 205

Routes 205

Vineyards 208

Cultural Landscape Bibliographies 213

There exist a great variety of Landscapes that are representative of the different regions of the world.
Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and intimate relationship between
peoples and their natural environment. Certain sites reflect specific techniques of land use that guarantee
and sustain biological diversity. Others, associated in the minds of the communities with powerful beliefs
and artistic and traditional customs, embody an exceptional spiritual relationship of people with nature.
To reveal and sustain the great diversity of the interactions between humans and their environment, to
protect living traditional cultures and preserve the traces of those which have disappeared, these sites,
called cultural landscapes, have been inscribed on the World Heritage List. Cultural landscapes --
cultivated terraces on lofty mountains, gardens, sacred places ... -- testify to the creative genius, social
development and the imaginative and spiritual vitality of humanity. They are part of our collective identity.


According to the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention,
cultural landscapes are cultural properties that represent the "combined works of nature and man"
designated in Article I of the Convention. They are illustrative of the evolution of human society and
settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by
their natural environment and of successive social, economic, and cultural forces, both external and

History and Terminology

In 1992 the World Heritage Convention became the first international legal instrument to recognise and
protect cultural landscapes. The Committee at its 16th session adopted guidelines concerning their
inclusion in the World Heritage List. The term "cultural landscape" embraces a diversity of manifestations
of the interaction between humankind and its natural environment. Cultural landscapes often reflect
specific techniques of sustainable land-use, considering the characteristics and limits of the natural
environment they are established in, and a specific spiritual relation to nature. Protection of cultural
landscapes can contribute to modern techniques of sustainable land-use and can maintain or enhance
natural values in the landscape. The continued existence of traditional forms of land-use supports
biological diversity in many regions of the world. The protection of traditional cultural landscapes is
therefore helpful in maintaining biological diversity.


The most easily identifiable is the clearly defined landscape designed and created intentionally by
man. This embraces garden and parkland landscapes constructed for aesthetic reasons which are often
(but not always) associated with religious or other monumental buildings and ensembles.

The second category is the organically evolved landscape. This results from an initial social,
economic, administrative, and/or religious imperative and has developed its present form by association
with and in response to its natural environment. Such landscapes reflect that process of evolution in their
form and component features.

They fall into two sub-categories:

• a relict (or fossil) landscape is one in which an evolutionary process came to an end at some
time in the past, either abruptly or over a period.
Its significant distinguishing features are, however, still visible in material form.
• continuing landscape is one which retains an active social role in contemporary society closely
associated with the traditional way of life, and in which the evolutionary process is still in
progress. At the same time it exhibits significant material evidence of its evolution over time.

The final category is the associative cultural landscape. The inclusion of such landscapes on the
World Heritage List is justifiable by virtue of the powerful religious, artistic or cultural associations of the
natural element rather than material cultural evidence, which may be insignificant or even absent.

Inscription of Cultural Landscapes on the World Heritage List

The extent of a cultural landscape for inscription on the World Heritage List is relative to its functionality
and intelligibility. In any case, the sample selected must be substantial enough to adequately respresent
the totality of the cultural landscape that it illustrates. The possibility of designating long linear areas that
represent culturally significant transport and communication networks should not be excluded.

General criteria for protection and management are equally applicable to cultural landscapes. It is
important that due attention be paid to the full range of values represented in the landscape, both cultural
and natural. The nominations should be prepared in collaboration with and the full approval of local

The existence of a category of "cultural landscape," included on the World Heritage List on the basis of
the criteria set out in Paragraph 77 of the Operational Guidelines, does not exclude the possibility of
properties of exceptional importance in relation to both cultural and natural criteria continuing to be
inscribed. In such cases, their outstanding universal value must be justified under both sets of criteria.

Il existe une grande variété de paysages représentatifs des différentes régions du monde. Oeuvres
conjuguées de l'être humain et de la nature, ils expriment une longue et intime relation des peuples avec
leur environnement.
Certains sites renvoient à des techniques spécifiques d'utilisation des terres qui assurent et maintiennent
la diversité biologique. D'autres, associés dans l'esprit des populations à des croyances, des pratiques
artistiques et coutumières très fortes, témoignent d'une exceptionnelle relation spirituelle entre l'homme
et la nature.
Pour faire connaître et maintenir la grande diversité des interactions entre les humains et leur
environnement, pour protéger les cultures traditionnelles toujours vivantes, ou conserver les traces de
celles qui ont disparu, ces sites ont été inclus dans la liste du patrimoine mondial en tant que paysages
Les paysages culturels - cultures en terrasses, jardins ou lieux sacrés, etc. - témoignent du génie
créateur de l'être humain, de l'évolution sociale, du dynamisme spirituel et imaginaire de l'humanité. Ils
font partie de notre identité collective.


Selon l'Orientation devant guider la mise en œuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, les
paysages culturels sont des biens culturels et représentent les "œuvres conjugées de l'homme et de la
nature" mentionnées à l'article 1 de la Convention. Ils illustrent l'évolution de la société humaine et son
établissement au cours du temps, sous l'influence des contraintes physiques et/ou des possibilités
présentées par leur environnement naturel et des forces sociales, économiques et culturelles
successive, externes aussi bien qu'internes.

Histoire et Terminologie

En 1992, la Convention du patrimoine mondial est devenue le premier instrument juridique international à
reconnaître et à protéger les paysages culturels. Lors de sa 16ème session, le Comité a adopté des
orientations devant conduire à leur inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial. Le terme "paysage
culturel" recouvre une grande variété de manifestations interactives entre l'homme et son environnement
naturel. Les paysages culturels reflètent souvent des techniques spécifiques d'utilisation viable des
terres, prenant en considération les caractéristiques et les limites de l'environnement naturel dans lequel
ils sont établis ainsi qu'une relation spirituelle spécifique avec la nature. La protection des paysages
culturels peut contribuer aux techniques modernes d'utilisation viable et de développement des terres
tout en conservant ou en améliorant les valeurs naturelles du paysage. L'existence permanente de
formes traditionnelles d'utilisation des terres soutient la diversité biologique dans de nombreuses régions
du monde. La protection des paysages culturels traditionnels est par conséquent utile pour le maintien
d'une diversité biologique.


Les paysages culturels se divisent en trois catégories majeures :

Le plus facilement identifiable est le paysage clairement défini, conçu et créé intentionnellement par
l'homme, ce qui comprend les paysages de jardins et de parcs créés pour des raisons esthétiques qui
sont souvent (mais pas toujours) associés à des constructions ou des ensembles religieux.

La deuxième catégorie est le paysage essentiellement évolutif. Il résulte d'une exigence à l'origine
sociale, économique, administrative et/ou religieuse et atteint sa forme actuelle par association et en
réponse à son environnement naturel. Ces paysages reflètent ce processus evolutif dans leur forme et

leur composition.

Ils se subdivisent en deux catégories:

• un paysage relique (ou fossile) est un paysage qui a connu un processus évolutif qui s'est arrêté,
soit brutalement soit sur une période à un certain moment dans le passé. Ses caractéristiques
essentielles restent cependant matériellement visibles;
• un paysage vivant est un paysage qui conserve un rôle social actif dans la société
contemporaine étroitement associé au mode de vie traditionnel et dans lequel le processus
évolutif continue. En même temps, il montre des preuves manifestes des son évolution au cours
des temps.

La dernière catégorie comprend le paysage culturel associatif. L'inclusion de ce type de paysage sur la
Liste du patrimoine mondial se justifie par la force d'association des phénomènes religieux, artistiques ou
culturels de l'élément naturel plutôt que par des traces culturelles tangibles qui peuvent être
insignifiantes ou même inexistantes.

Inscription de paysages culturels sur la liste du patrimoine mondial

Le champ pour l'inscription du paysage culturel sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial est délimité par ses
aspects fonctionnel et intelligible. En tout cas, l'exemple choisi doit être assez substantiel pour
représenter la totalité du paysage culturel qu'il illustre. La possibilité de désigner de longues aires
linéaires représentent des réseaux significatifs de transport et de communication ne doit pas être

Les critères généraux pour la protection et la gestion sont également applicables aux paysages culturels.
Il est également important de porter une attention particulière aux valeurs culturelles et naturelles des
paysages concernés et de préparer les propositions d'inscription en collaboration et en complet accord
avec les communautés locales.

L'existence d'une catégorie de "paysage culturel," incluse dans la Liste du patrimoine mondial sur la
base du critère défini au paragraphe 77 des Orientations, n'exclut pas la possibilité de continuer à
inscrire des biens d'importance exceptionelle selon des critères naturels aussi bien que culturels (voir la
définition des biens mixtes décrite au paragraphe 46). Dans de tels cas, leur valeur universelle
exceptionelle doit être justifiée dans les deux catégoriess de critères.




2003 - Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley /

Paysage culturel et vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan
- Criteria (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

The cultural landscape and archaeological remains of the Bamiyan Valley represent
the artistic and religious developments which from the 1st to the 13th centuries
characterized ancient Bakhtria, integrating various cultural influences into the
Gandhara school of Buddhist art. The area contains numerous Buddhist monastic
ensembles and sanctuaries, as well as fortified edifices from the Islamic period. The
site is also testimony to the tragic destruction by the Taliban of the two standing
Buddha statues, which shook the world in March 2001.

Le paysage culturel et les vestiges archéologiques de la vallée de Bamiyan illustrent

les développements artistiques et religieux qui, du Ier au XIIIe siècle, ont caractérisé
l’ancienne Bactriane, intégrant diverses influences culturelles pour former l’école d’art
bouddhique du Gandhara. Le site contient plusieurs ensembles monastiques et
sanctuaires bouddhistes, ainsi que des édifices fortifiés de la période islamique. Il
témoigne également de la tragique destruction des deux bouddhas debout par les
taliban, qui ébranla le monde en mars 2001.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (i): The Buddha statues and the cave art in Bamiyan Valley are an
outstanding representation of the Gandharan school in Buddhist art in the Central
Asian region.

Criterion (ii): The artistic and architectural remains of Bamiyan Valley, and an
important Buddhist centre on the Silk Road, are an exceptional testimony to the
interchange of Indian, Hellenistic, Roman, Sasanian influences as the basis for the

development of a particular artistic expression in the Gandharan school. To this can
be added the Islamic influence in a later period.
Criterion (iii): The Bamiyan Valley bears an exceptional testimony to a cultural
tradition in the Central Asian region, which has disappeared.

Criterion (iv): The Bamiyan Valley is an outstanding example of a cultural landscape

which illustrates a significant period in Buddhism.

Criterion (vi): The Bamiyan Valley is the most monumental expression of the western
Buddhism. It was an important centre of pilgrimage over many centuries. Due to their
symbolic values, the monuments have suffered at different times of their existence,
including the deliberate destruction in 2001, which shook the whole world.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (i): Les statues de Bouddha et l’art rupestre de la vallée de Bamyan sont une
représentation exceptionnelle de l’école du Gandhara dans l’art bouddhique de la
région d’Asie centrale.

Critère (ii): Les vestiges artistiques et architecturaux de la vallée de Bamyan,

important centre bouddhiste sur la Route de la Soie, sont un témoignage exceptionnel
de l’échange des influences indiennes, hellénistiques, romaines et sassanides qui ont
servi de fondations à une expression artistique particulière de l’école du Gandhara. À
cela s’ajoute une influence islamique ultérieure.

Critère (iii): La vallée de Bamyan est un témoignage exceptionnel d’une tradition

culturelle d’Asie centrale aujourd’hui disparue.

Critère (iv): La vallée de Bamyan est un exemple exceptionnel de paysage culturel

illustrant une période significative du bouddhisme.

Critère (vi): La vallée de Bamyan est l’expression monumentale la plus importante du

Bouddhisme occidental. Ce fut un centre de pèlerinage essentiel sur plusieurs siècles.
Les monuments, en raison de leurs valeurs symboliques, ont souffert à différentes
périodes de leur histoire, notamment lors de la destruction délibérée de 2001, qui
secoua le monde entier.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

002600 - The Restoration of the small Buddha at Bamiyan. Sengupta, R. York, ICOMOS, 1984. p. 31-46, illus.
(Monumentum. 27, 1) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: shrines; rock cut reliefs; archaeological sites; buddhas;
earthquake damage; restoration works; adobe; walls; cracks; consolidation of materials; conservation of wall
paintings; Afghanistan. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: pdf. // ICOMOS // Bamiyan (Afghanistan) ACCESSION
NO: K-130. ISSN: URL:
006874 - Bamiyan. Rahel, Shafie; Sengupta, R.; Miyaji, Akira; Higuchi, Takayasu; Yoshikawa, Itsuji. Tokyo, ACCU,
1976. 36 p, illus. (eng). Asian Culture. 5. Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: shrines; monumental sculpture;
buddhas; wall paintings; deterioration; conservation; restoration; Afghanistan. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: rock
cut architecture; historical surveys. // The Small Buddha Bamiyan (Afghanistan) // The Big Buddha, Bamiyan
(Afghanistan) ACCESSION NO: 8907.

011993 - Rock cut buddhas and monasteries, Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Andrine. Unesco. [s.l.], [s.n.], [s.d.]. 2 slides
:col. (eng). Mounts: ICOMOS Duplicata. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: monumental sculpture; buddhist architecture;
buddhas; rock cut architecture; monasteries; Afghanistan. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: slides; general views.
// Bamiyan (Afghanistan) CALL NO: AF.BAM.03:1-2.

016625 - Sauvons nos trésors contre les pilleurs et les vandales. Bessières, Michel; Choulean, Ang; Doole, Jenny;
Barry, Michel; Sidibé, Samuel; Kinzer, Stephen; Isman, Fabio; Rose, Mark; Lopez, Asbel. Paris, UNESCO, 2001.
p. 16-37, illus. (Le Courier de l'UNESCO. Avril 2001) (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; world
heritage in danger; looting; illicit traffic; archaeological finds; legislation; Turkey; Peru; Afghanistan; Mali. // J.
Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California (USA) // Sipan, Peru // Bamiyan, Afghanistan ACCESSION NO: K-054.

017886 - A chronicle of destruction. Despite an all out international effort, the giant Buddhas of Bamiyan have been
destroyed. Why?. L'Homme, Cristina. Paris, UNESCO, 2001. p. 20-21, illus. (Sources UNESCO. 133) (same text in
eng, fre). Chronique d'une mort annoncé. fre. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; destruction of
cultural heritage; buddhas; sculptures; Afghanistan. // UNESCO // Bamiyan, Afghanistan

017915 - The lost treasures of the Afghans. Hatch Dupree, Nancy; Lafrance, Pierre; L'Homme, Cristina; Tarzi,
Zémaryalaï; Matsuura, Koïchiro; Williams, Sue. Paris, UNESCO, 2001. p. 4-9, illus. (Sources UNESCO. 134)
(same text in eng, fre). Une mémoire meurtrie. fre. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; destruction
of cultural heritage; religious architecture; historic towns; buddhist architecture; buddhas; looting; Afghanistan.
// Society for the Preservation of Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage (SPACH) // Ay Khânum, Afghanistan // Bagrâm,
Afghanistan // Hadda, Afghanistan // Bamiyan, Afghanistan // Ghazni, Afghanistan // Herat, Afghanistan
ACCESSION NO: K-289. ISSN: 1014-5494.

018635 - The destruction of Bamyan. Barry, Michael. Madrid, UNESCO, 2001. p. 4-13, illus., maps. (World
Heritage Review. 20, 2001) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: destruction of cultural heritage; cultural heritage at
risk; sculptures; Afghanistan. // Giant Statues of the Buddha in the Valley of Bamiyan, Afghanistan
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

019089 - World heritage: shield or target? Gamboni, Dario. Los Angeles, GCI, 2001. p. 5-11, illus. (Conservation:
The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter. 16, 2) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world
heritage in danger; cultural heritage at risk; case studies.
International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS) // Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan

021020 - Oltre il restauro: architecture tra conservazione e riuso. Progetti e realizzazioni di Andrea Bruno (1960-
1995). Bruno, Andrea; Mastropietro, Mario (ed.). Milano, Lybra Immagine, 1996. 251 p., illus. (Architettura e
Desingn) (same text in eng, ita). Restoration and beyond: architecture from conservation to conversion. Projects
and works by Andrea Bruno (1960-1995). eng. Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic monuments;
architects; conservation; restoration projects; world heritage list; case studies. // Bruno, andrea // Mausoleum of
Abdur-Razaq, Ghazni, Afghanistan // Minaret of Jam, Afghanistan (WHC 211) // The Valley of Bamiyan and the
Wall of the Buddhas, Afghanistan (WHC 208) // The monuments of Herat, Afghanistan // The Minaret Al-Hadba,
Mosul, Irak // Taq-Kisra or the arch of Ctsiphon, Irak // The Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, Italy

021204 - The reconstruction of the great Buddha of Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Gruen, A.; Remondino, F.; Zhang, L.
Madrid, ICOMOS, 2002. p. 49-55, illus., maps. (eng). In: "XIII Asamblea General del ICOMOS. Actas". PRIMARY
KEYWORDS: world heritage list; reconstruction; buddhas; Afghanistan. // Buddha of Bamiyan, Afghanistan

021239 - Anastylosis or reconstruction: the conservation concept for the remains of the Buddhas or Bamiyan.
Petzet, Michael. Madrid, ICOMOS, 2002. p. 189-192. (eng). In: "XIII Asamblea General del ICOMOS. Actas".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: buddhas; reconstruction; anastylosis; Afghanistan. // Buddhas or Bamiyan,
Afghanistan ACCESSION NO: 14328.

026663 - Afghanistan: ICOMOS actions in Afghanistan. ICOMOS. München, K.G. Saur, 2005. p.26-31, illus. In:
"Heritage at risk 2004/2005: ICOMOS world report on monuments and sites in danger" (eng). PRIMARY
KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; buddhas; conservation; restoration works; consolidation; wall paintings;
// UNESCO/ICOMOS. Expert Working Group on the Preservation of the Bamiyan site. 2nd. Munich, Germany, 18-
20 December 2003 // Bamiyan site, Afghanistan ACCESSION NO: 14878. CALL NO: Ri. 095(3). ISBN: 3-598-
24243-3. URL:

028390 - The obligation to present and avoid destruction of cultural heritage: from Bamiyan to Iraq. Francioni,
Francesco; Lenzerini, Federico. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006. p. 28-40. In: "Art and cultural
heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: destruction of cultural heritage; cultural heritage at risk; legal protection; international
level; armed conflict; war damage; terrorism; international conventions.
// Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

033305 - Photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science for heritage documentation. Kraus,
Karl. Instanbul, CIPA, 2003. p. 17-24, illus. In: "Proceedings of the XIXth International Symposium CIPA 2003. New
perspectives to save cultural heritage, Antalya, Turkey, 30 September - 4 October, 2003" (eng). Incl. bibl. and
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: documentation; photogrammetry; telemetry; cultural heritage.
// Schloss Schönbrunn, Austria (WHC 786) // Historic Centre of Vienna, Austria (WHC 1033) // Buddha Statues of
Bamiyan, Afghanistan (WHC 208 rev) // National Park Neudsielder See // Ephesos, Turkey
ACCESSION NO: 14875. CALL NO: Ph. 253. ISBN: 975-561-245-9.

033388 - Computer reconstruction and modeling of the great Buddah Statue in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Gruen, A.;
Remondino, F.; Zhang, L. Instanbul, CIPA, 2003. p. 440-445, illus. In: "Proceedings of the XIXth International
Symposium CIPA 2003. New perspectives to save cultural heritage, Antalya, Turkey, 30 September - 4 October,
2003" (eng). Incl. abstract and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: computer techniques; computer applications; reconstruction; statues; buddhas; cultural
heritage; photogrammetry; close range; 3D; Afghanistan.
// Buddha Statue in Bamiyan, Afghanistan (WHC 208 rev)
ACCESSION NO: 14875. CALL NO: Ph. 253. ISBN: 975-561-245-9.


2004 - Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley / La Vallée du Madriu-Perafita-Claror

- Criteria (v)

The Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley offers a microcosmic perspective of the way people

have harvested the resources of the high Pyrenees over millennia. Its dramatic glacial
landscapes of craggy cliffs and glaciers, with high open pastures and steep wooded
valleys covers an area of 4,247-ha., 9% of the total area of Andorra. It reflects past
changes in climate, economic fortune and social systems, as well as the persistence
of pastoralism and a strong mountain culture. The site features houses, notably
summer settlements, terraced fields, stone tracks, and evidence of iron smelting.

Le paysage culturel de la Vallée du Madriu-Claror-Perafita est un microcosme qui

témoigne du génie déployé par les populations des Pyrénées au cours du millénaire
pour exploiter les ressources locales. Ses paysages spectaculaires de montagnes
déchiquetées et de glaciers, avec ses alpages et ses profondes vallées boisées,
couvrent une zone de 4 247 ha, soit 9% de la superficie totale de l’Andorre. La vallée
reflète les mutations du climat, des conditions économiques et des systèmes sociaux,
ainsi que la permanence du pastoralisme et d’une forte culture montagnarde, illustrée
notamment par la permanence d’un système de gestion communale des terrains
datant du XIIIe siècle. Le site, dernier endroit du pays à ne pas disposer de route,
comprend des habitations notamment des cabanes d’été pour les bergers, des
champs en terrasse, des sentiers empierrés et des vestiges de fonderie.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (v): The Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley is a microcosm of the way its

inhabitants have harvested the scarce resources of the high Pyrenees over the past
millennia to create a sustainable living environment in harmony with the mountain
landscape. The Valley is a reflection of an ancient communal system of land
management that has survived for over 700 years.
Justification d'inscription
Critère (v) : La Vallée du Madriu-Perafita-Claror est un microcosme de la manière
dont ses habitants ont recueilli les rares ressources des hautes Pyrénées au cours
des derniers millénaires pour créer un environnement vivant durable, en harmonie

avec le paysage de montagne. La Vallée rappelle un ancien système communal de
gestion des terres qui subsiste depuis plus de 700 ans.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

019049 - Andorre: pays de cultures. Oerlemans, Micheline, ed. Ambassade de la Principauté d'Andorre, France.
Paris, Ambassade de la Principauté d'Andorre , 2001. 66p. , illus. (L'Oeil. Hors-série de L'Oeil) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: roman architecture; baroque architecture; cultural landscapes; contemporary art;
// Madriu, Andorra
ACCESSION NO: 14149. ISSN: 0029-862X.

022041 - La Vall del Madriu: Un patrimoni per a tots. Govern d'Andorra; Banc Internacional d'Andorra; Banca
Mora. Andorra, Banc Internacional d'Andorra, 2000. 78 p., illus. (cat).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; cultural heritage; Andorra.
// Vall del Madriu, Andorra
ACCESSION NO: 14585. CALL NO: P.C.55. ISBN: 99920-1-338-9.

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.


2003 Quebrada de Humahuaca - Criteria (ii) (iv) (v)

Quebrada de Humahuaca follows the line of a major cultural route, the Camino Inca,
along the spectacular valley of the Rio Grande, from its source in the cold high desert
plateau of the High Andean lands to its confluence with the Rio Leone some 150 km
to the south. The valley shows substantial evidence of its use as a major trade
routeover the past 10,000 years. It features visible traces of prehistoric hunter-
gatherer communities, of the Inca Empire (15th to 16th centuries) and of the fight for
independence in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Quebrada de Humahuaca suit un itinéraire culturel important, le Camino Inca, le long
de la spectaculaire vallée du Rio Grande, depuis sa source dans les hauts plateaux
désertiques et froids des Hautes Andes à sa confluence avec le Rio Leone, quelque
150 kilomètres plus au sud. La vallée offre des indices importants de son utilisation
comme grande voie commerciale depuis 10,000 ans, et notamment des traces de
chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques, de l'Empire inca (XVe-XVIe siècle) et des
combats pour l'indépendance pendant les XIXeme et XXeme siecles.
La Quebrada de Huamahuaca sigue la traza del Camino Inca, importante ruta
cultural, a lo largo del espectacular valle del Rio Grande, desde su origen en la
elevada y fría planicie desrtica de las tierras Altas Andinas hasta su confluencia con
el Rio Leone, aproximadamente 150 kilómetros al sur. En el valle aún se puede
observar una gran cantidad de indicios de su utilización como importante ruta
comercial durante los últimos 10,000 anos. Cuenta con vestigios evidentes de
comunidades de cazadores-recolectores, del Imperio Inca (siglos XV a XVI) y de la
lucha por la independencia en los siglos XIX y XX.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The Quebrada de Humahuaca valley has been used over the past
10,000 years as a crucial passage for the transport of people and ideas from the high
Andean lands to the plains.

Criteria (iv) and (v): The Quebrada de Humahuaca valley reflects the way its strategic
position has engendered settlement, agriculture and trade. Its distinctive pre-Hispanic

and pre-Incan settlements, as a group with their associated field systems, form a
dramatic addition to the landscape and one that can certainly be called outstanding.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii): La vallée Quebrada de Humahuaca a été utilisée sur plus de 10 000 ans
en tant que passage essentiel pour le transport des populations et la transmission des
idées depuis les hautes terres des Andes jusqu’aux plaines.

Critères (iv) et (v): La vallée Quebrada de Humahuaca reflète la façon dont sa

position stratégique a favorisé les peuplements, l’agriculture et le commerce. Ses
peuplements pré-hispaniques et pré-incas, en tant que groupe avec leurs systèmes
de champs associés, renforcent de façon spectaculaire le caractère du paysage que
l’on peut qualifier de remarquable.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

020667 - 10.000 años de Paisaje Cultural Continuo: Investigación arqueológica, gestión e interpretación para el
público: Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina. Hernández Llosas, María Isabel. Buenos Aires, UNESCO,
CICOP, 1999. p. 99-129. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales: un enfoque para la salvaguarda del patrimonio"; Incl. Bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; archaeological surveys; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina
ACCESSION NO: 14389. CALL NO: P.C. 48.

020668 - Tilcara: un paisaje cultural en la Quebrada de Humahuaca: Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina. Tinte,
Francisco. Buenos Aires, UNESCO, CICOP, 1999. p. 131-134, illus. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales: un enfoque
para la salvaguarda del patrimonio".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina
ACCESSION NO: 14389. CALL NO: P.C. 48.

021122 - Quebrada de Humahuaca. 37 slides: col. (spa). From WHC 1116 listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; world heritage list; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
CALL NO: AR.QUE.06.1-37 (WHC 1116).

021390 - Paisajes culturales en el contexto de America Latina y el Cambe: Conceptos, tipologías, casos
implicancias y retos. Mujica B., Elias. San José, UNESCO, 2002. p. 23-42. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales en
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; Latin America; Caribbean; case studies.
// Chuao, Venezuela // "Ciudad Perdida" and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia // Atiquipa, Peru // Parque
Nacional Sajama, Bolivia // Oasis de San Pedro de Alcantara, Chile // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (Whc
ACCESSION NO: 14391. CALL NO: P.C. 49. ISBN: 9968-9424-1-3.

022058 - Cultural landscapes and the challenges of conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean Mujica, Elias
J. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.82-88, illus. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the
challenges of conservation"
Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; Latin America; Caribbean; case studies.
// Chuao, Venezuela // Ciudad Perdida and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia // Colca Valley, Peru //
Antiquipa, Peru // Sajama National Park, Bolivia
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

023521 - Ñawpamanta Kunanman: desde antes a hoy, de Guaranies y Kolias. Investigación y recopilación sobre
cultura indígina, desarrollado por estudiantes indigenas secundarios y universitarios - becados 1999. Instituto
Qheshwa Jujuymanta (Argentina); Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indiginas (INAI), Argentina. San Salvador de
Jujuy, Aylluyachaywasi, 2000. 106 p., illus. (Kunanpacha) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: aboriginal cultures; intangible heritage; oral tradition; customs and traditions; Argentina.
// Provincia de Jujuy, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)

023522 - Quebrada de Humahuaca, mas de 10000 años de historia. Albeck, Maria Esther; González, Ana Maria.
Salta, Argentina, Plan Social de la Nación, 1999. 134 p., illus. (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)

023523 - Los caminos de la lengua en la Quebrada de Humahuaca. Mamani, Estela del Carmen; González, Ana
Maria; Soldan, Alba Maria Paz. Tilcara, Argentina, Escuela Normal "Dr. Eduardo Casanova", 2000. 131 p., illus.
(spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: intangible heritage; oral tradition; children; languages; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)

025690 - Proposed world heritage cultural landscape in the Argentinian Andes and the involvement of local
communities : Pintoscayoc, a case study in Quebrada de Humahuaca. Hernández Llosas, María Isabel. Paris,
UNESCO WHC, 2004. p.147-153, illus., maps. (World Heritage Papers. 13) In: "Linking universal and local values :
managing a sustainable future for world heritage" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; management; local communities; community
participation; Argentina.
// Pintoscayoc, Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 14553-13.

026452 - Quebrada de Humahuaca. 10.000 years of Unifying Cultures. Díaz Formentí, José María. Madrid, San
Marcos, UNESCO, 2004. p. 68-79, illus., map. (World Heritage Review. 35) (also in eng, fre, spa). Quebrada de
Humahuaca. Diez mil años uniendo cultura. spa. Quebrada de Humahuaca. Lien entre les cultures depuis 10.000
ans. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: mountains; cultural landscapes; natural heritage; world heritage list; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

026585 - Cultural routes: tangible and intangible dimensions of cultural heritage. Martorell Carreño, Alberto. [Paris],
[ICOMOS], [2005]. p.45-51. In: "ICOMOS Scientific Symposium: Place-memory-meaning: preserving intangible
values in monuments and sites" (also in eng). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; intangible heritage; cultural landscapes; world heritage list.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // The route of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (WHC 669) //
Routes of Santiago de Compostela, France (WHC 868) ACCESSION NO:14852.
URL: - Prats - Thibault.pdf.

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.

029170 - Ibero-Amérique et les itineraires culturels. Pernaut, Carlos. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p.
863-872, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (fre).
Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; Latin America; cultural landscapes; management; world heritage list;
Andean Region; intangible heritage.
// Qhapap Nan // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

032573 - Ficha de identificación de un itinerario cultural: Quebrada de Humahuaca. Pernaut, Carlos; José, Nestor;
Carrafancq, Alejandro; Gómez, Julián. Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 451-479, illus. (Monuments and Sites.
X) In: "Encuentro Científico Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los
itinerarios culturales" (spa). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; cultural routes; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; intangible heritage;
conservation; legal protection; historical surveys; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

1987- Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park / Parc national d'Uluru-Kata Tjuta
- Criteria (v) (vi) (vii) (ix)

This park, formerly called Uluru (Ayers Rock – Mount Olga) National Park, features
spectacular geological formations that dominate the vast red sandy plain of central
Australia. Uluru, an immense monolith, and Kata Tjuta, the rock domes located west
of Uluru, form part of the traditional belief system of one of the oldest human societies
in the world. The traditional owners of Uluru-Kata Tjuta are the Anangu Aboriginal

Ce parc, qui s'appelait autrefois parc national d'Uluru (Ayers Rock-Mont Olga),
présente des formations géologiques spectaculaires qui dominent la vaste plaine
sableuse du centre de l'Australie. L'immense monolithe d'Uluru et les dômes rocheux
de Kata Tjuta, à l'ouest d'Uluru, font partie intégrante du système de croyances
traditionnelles de l'une des plus anciennes sociétés humaines du monde. Les
propriétaires traditionnels d'Uluru-Kata Tjuta appartiennent au peuple aborigène des

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

016021 - Australie. Parc National d'Uluru-Kata Tjuta. Slides. 39 slides: col. (fre). Listed as WHC 447 rev. in 1994.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: World heritage list; natural heritage; natural sites; national parks; Australia. SECONDARY
KEYWORDS: natural parks; parks; animals; trees.
// Parc National d'Uluru-Kata Tjuta (Australia)
ACCESSION NO: AU.ULU.04:1-39 (WHC 447 rev.).

016524 - "Intangible values" as heritage in Australia. Truscott, Marilyn. Paris, ICOMOS, 2000. p. 4-11. (ICOMOS
News/Nouvelles de l'ICOMOS. 10, N°1) (same text in fre, eng). "Valeurs immatérielles": patrimoine d'Australie. fre.
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: intangible heritage; cultural heritage; aboriginal cultures; sacred places; cultural
significance; Australia.
// Australia ICOMOS // Uluru Kata-Tjuta, Australia (WHC 447 rev) // The Burra Charter

016667 - The interaction between biological and cultural diversity. Mc Neely, Jeffrey A.; Keeton, William S. Jena;
Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 25-37. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; cultural diversity; natural heritage; cultural heritage; aboriginal
// IUCN // Uluru National Park // Kakadu National Park // Nitmiluk National Park
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016761 - Operationalising joint management. A case study from Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC
447 rev). Holden, Annie; Josif, Paul. Paris, UNESCO, 1999. p. 89-96. (eng). In: "World Natural Heritage and the
local community", Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural sites; human environment; local communities; management;
aboriginal sites; community participation; Australia.
// Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447 rev)

018511 - Including cultural landscapes on the World's Heritage List. Titchen, Sarah M. Madrid, Unesco, 1996.
p.34-39, illus. (World Heritage Review. 2, 1996) (same text in eng, spa, fre). Paisajes culturales del patrimonio
mundial. spa. Inclusion des paysages culturels dans la liste du Patrimoine Mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; national parks; world heritage list.
// The rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722) // Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
(WHC 421) // Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018605 - World heritage and biosphere reserves: two sides on the same coin. Bridgewater, Peter. Madrid,
UNESCO, 1999. p. 40-49, illus., maps (World Heritage Review. 13, 1999) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Patrimoine
mondial et réserves de la biosphére: deux faces de la même monnaie. fre. Patrimonio mundial y reservas de la
biosfera: dos caras de la misma moneda. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural heritage; natural sites; biosphere; national parks; forests. //
Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447) // Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, Italy (WHC 842) //
Sian Ka'an, Mexico (WHC 410) // Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka (WHC 405)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018803 - Cultural Landscapes and the Natural Environment. Blair, Sandy; Titchen, Sarah; McCann, Joy. Colombo,
ICOMOS, 1996. p. 146-153, illus. (Central Cultural Fund Publication. 201) (eng). In: "Monuments and Sites:
Australia". PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural environment; case studies; Australia. // Uluru-Kata
Tjuta Cultural Landscape, NT // Melbourne's Water Supply, Central Highlands, Vic
ACCESSION NO: 13884. ISBN: 0-646-28360-X. ISSN:

020466 - Tourism tracks and sacred places: Pashupatinath and Uluru. Case studies from Nepal and Australia.
Cros, Hilary du; Johnston, Chris. Burwood, Australia ICOMOS, 2002. p. 38-42, illus. (Historic environment. 16, 2)
(eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; cultural routes; intangible heritage; pilgrimage; Australia; Nepal.
// Pashupatinath Temple Complex, Nepal // Uluru-Kata. Tjuta Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: k-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

022060 - Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park: sustainable management and development. Calma, Graeme; Liddle,
Lynette. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.104-119. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the
challenges of conservation" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: national parks; world heritage list; cultural landscapes; management; conservation;
// Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022089 - "Nganana Tatintja Wiya" "we never climb" Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park sustainable management and
development. Beazley, Olwen; Calma, Graeme; Liddle, Lynette. Tokyo, UNESCO WHC, 2001. p. 231-256, illus.
(eng). In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on Asia-Pacific sacred mountains. Final report" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sacred places; mountains; management; sustainable development;
legal protection. // Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

025450 - Virtual reality, multimedia and archaeological sites: recent developments and applications. Ogleby,
Clifford. Paris, UNESCO, 2003. p. 153-164, illus. In: "Proceedings of the International Congress: More than two
thousand years in the history of architecture" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological sites; new technologies; recording techniques; virtual reality; multimedia;
documentation; photogrammetry; internet; case studies.
// Ayutthaya, Thailand // Ned Kelly's Armour, Australia // Uluru, Australia (WHC 447) // Olimpia, Greece

026575 - The interdependency of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Communication inaugurale/Keynote
address.. Bouchenaki, Mounir. [Paris], [ICOMOS], [2005]. p.13-17. In: "ICOMOS Scientific Symposium: Place-
memory-meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; intangible heritage; world heritage convention; world cultural heritage.
// UNESCO // Robben Island, South Africa (WHC 916) // Tombs of the Buganda Kings at Kasubi, Uganda (WHC
1022) // Uluru, Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
URL: - Allocution Bouchenaki.pdf.

027021 - Periodic Report: Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. The Heritage Management Branch of Environment and
Heritage, Australia; Parks Australian. [Paris], [UNESCO], [2003]. 37p. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage convention; world heritage list; periodic reports; national parks; natural
heritage; natural sites; cultural landscapes; conservation; management; monitoring; authenticity; Australia.
// Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)

033338 - Between a rock and a data base: a cultural site management system for the rock paintings of Uluru,
Central Australia. Ogleby, C.L.; MacLaren, G.; Starkey, M. Instanbul, CIPA, 2003. p. 187-190, illus. In:
"Proceedings of the XIXth International Symposium CIPA 2003. New perspectives to save cultural heritage,
Antalya, Turkey, 30 September - 4 October, 2003" (eng). Incl. abstract and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation; management; photographs; rock art; rock paintings; documentation;
cultural landscapes; software; photogrammetry; world heritage list; Australia.
// Uluru, Kata Tjuto, Australia (WHC 447 rev.)
ACCESSION NO: 14875. CALL NO: Ph. 253. ISBN: 975-561-245-9.


1997 – Cultural Landscape of Dachstein/Salzkammergut / Paysage culturel de

Hallstatt- Dachstein/Salzkammergut - Criteria (iii) (iv)

Human activity in the magnificent natural landscape of the Salzkammergut began in

prehistoric times, with the salt deposits being exploited as early as the 2nd millennium
B.C. This resource formed the basis of the area's prosperity up to the middle of the
20th century, a prosperity that is reflected in the fine architecture of the town of

L'activité humaine dans le splendide paysage naturel du Salzkammergut a commencé

à l'époque préhistorique avec l'exploitation de ses dépôts de sel dès le IIe millénaire
av. J.-C. Cette ressource a constitué la base de la prospérité de la région jusqu'au
milieu du XXe siècle, prospérité que reflète la belle architecture de la ville de Hallstatt.
Justification for Inscription
The Committee decided to inscribe this site on the basis of criteria (iii) and (iv),
considering that the Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut alpine region is an
outstanding example of a natural landscape of great beauty and scientific interest
which also contains evidence of a fundamental human economic activity, the whole
integrated in a harmonious and mutually beneficial manner.
Justification d'inscription
Le Comité a décidé d'inscrire ce site sur la base des critères (iii) et (iv). La région
alpine du Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut est un exemple exceptionnel de
paysage culturel caractérisé par une immense beauté et un grand intérêt scientifique
et renfermant également les témoignages d'une activité économique humaine
fondamentale, le tout s'intégrant sur un mode harmonieux et réciproquement

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
017251 - The "Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut historic cultural landscape" in Austria. Reference to UNESCO
instruments for the protection of historic cultural landscape of great universal importance. Jeschke,Hans Peter. 10
p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; world heritage convention; Austria.
// UNESCO // International Symposium ICOMOS-IFLA 1997 : landscape heritage. Prague, 1997 // Hallstatt-
Darstein Salzkammergut cultural landscape, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: 13927. CALL NO: P.C. 21.

017252 - Der Kern des Inneren Salzkammergutes in der "Arche Noah" der Kulturdenkmäler und Naturparadiese
der Welt von morgen. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Linz, (s.n.), 1998. 8 p., illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria; salt mines.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: 13924. CALL NO: P.C. 020.

017253 - Kulturgut und Kulturlandschaft im oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut (Teil 1). Erste Hinweise zur
Grundlagenforschung für die Inventarisierung der Historischen Kulturlandschaft am Beispiel des
Oberösterreichischen Salzkammergutes, der "Osterreichischen Schweiz". Jeschke, Hans Peter. (s.l.), OGL, 1996.
p. 182-204. (OGL. 40,3) (ger). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; inventory systems; definitions; Austria.
// UNESCO // Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut cultural landscape, Austria (WHC 806)

023229 - Photo: Documentation for the Nomination of the Cultural Landscape Hallstatt - Dachstein /
Salzkammergut. Bundesdenkmalamt. Wien, Bundesdenkmalamt, 1996. 16 p., A4, 14 images: col. (eng). incl.
summary description of the site.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria; maps; historical surveys.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 806)

023230 - Plan: Cultural Landscape Hallstatt - Dachstein / Salzkammergut. (s.l.), (s.n.), (s.d.). 2 plans: col, A4, 2 p
accompanying letter. (eng). incl. letter: Supplement to Cultural Landscape [...], 2 copies; 3 photocopies bw.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 806)

024010 - Struktur eines Pflegewerkes für die Historische Kulturlandschaft Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut

(Schutzkategorie "fortbestehende Kulturlandschaft"). Jeschke, Hans Peter. Oö. Kulturinformationssystem. Linz,
Amt der Oö. Landesregierung, 1998 44 p; 22 p. (same text in ger, eng). incl. copy of eng/ger text "Proposals for a
preservation, conservation and planning system for UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscapes [...]".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Austria; cultural landscapes; preservation; conservation; planning;
organizations; methods.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: management plans.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: 14793. CALL NO: P.C. 66.

029741 - Das Kulturgüterinformationssystem Oberösterreich. Grundlagen für die städtebauliche und planerische
Identifikation, die Pflege, den Schutz und die Weiterentwicklung des kulturellen Erbes bzw. der Kulturlandschaft
aus der Sicht der historischen Raumwissenschaften. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Hannover, Die Verantwortung für die
einzelnen Beiträge liegt bei den jeweiligen Autoren, 2001. 8 p., illus. (ger). It is part of the documentation included
in the WHC 806 file as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISBN: 0175-5951.

029742 - The Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut Site as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape (UNESCO
Protection Category "Continuing Cultural Landscape"). Supplementary information to the field trip guide. Jeschke,
Hans Peter. (ger). It is part of the documentation included in the WHC 806 file as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschstein / Salzkammergut, Austria (WHC 806)

029743 - Struktur eines Pflegewerkes für die Historische Kulturlandschaft Hallstein-Dachstein/Salzkammergut

(Schulzkategorie "fortbestehende kulturlandschaft"). Jeschke, Hans Peter. Linz, 1998. 36 p. (ger). It is part of the
documentation included in the WHC 806 file as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)

029744 - Occasional Monitoring Managementmechanismus und "Kulturlandschafspflegewerk". Jeschke, Hans

Peter; de Jong, Rob. Linz, 2003. 121 p. (ger). It is part of the documentation included in the WHC 806 file as an
UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)

029745 - Das Salzkammergut und die Weltkulturerbelandschaft Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut.

Grundlagenforschung, Kulturlandschaftspflegewerk und Monitoring. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Linz, Gesellschaft für
Landeskunde - OÖ. Musealverein, 2002. 392 p. (ger). It is part of the documentation included in the WHC 806 file
as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)

029746 - Kulturgut und Kulturlandschaft im oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut (Teil 2). Jeschke, Hans Peter.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 2000. p. 334-389. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 5-6, Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez. 2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029747 - Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 1996.
(Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996; Heft 5-6, Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez.
2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Herausgeber: Institut für Österreichkunde (ed.) // Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029748 - Prof. Dr. Karl Lugmayer (1892-1972). Pionier der Erwachsenenbildung, Socialphilosoph,
Unterstaatssekretär für Unterricht (1945), Zweiter Präsident des Bundesrates (1945-1959). Lugmayer, Franz.
Herausgeber: Institut für Österreichkunde, 1996. p. 139-156. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029749 - Zur Geschichte des Aluminiums in Salzburg und Oberösterreich. Otruba, Gustav; König, Martina.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 1996. p. 157-181. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029750 - Kulturgut und Kulturlandschaft im oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut (Teil 1). Jeschke, Hans Peter.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 1996. p. 182-204. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029751 - Die Baiern im österreichischen Donauraum. Koller, Heinrich. Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde,
2000. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Heft 5-6, Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez. 2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029752 - War Wittgenstein Hitlers "Jude aus Linz", wie Kimberley Cornish aus antipodischer Sicht meint?
Biographische Korrekturen zum Schüler Adolf und Gedanken zu einem krausen Buch. Möcker, Hermann.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 2000. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Heft 5-6,
Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez. 2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

1999- Wachau Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel de la Wachau - Criteria (ii)


The Wachau is a stretch of the Danube Valley between Melk and Krems, a landscape
of high visual quality. It preserves in an intact and visible form many traces - in terms
of architecture, (monasteries, castles, ruins), urban design, (towns and villages), and
agricultural use, principally for the cultivation of vines - of its evolution since prehistoric

La Wachau est une partie de la vallée du Danube, entre Melk et Krems, dont le
paysage, particulièrement beau, conserve intactes de nombreuses traces de son
évolution depuis les temps préhistoriques : traces architecturales (monastères,
châteaux, ruines), urbanistiques (villes et villages) et enfin agricoles, notamment liées
à la culture de la vigne.

Justification for Inscription
Criterion (ii): The Wachau is an outstanding example of a riverine landscape bordered
by mountains in which material evidence of its long historical evolution has survived to
a remarkable degree.

Criterion (iv): The architecture, the human settlements, and the agricultural use of the
land in the Wachau vividly illustrate a basically medieval landscape which has evolved
organically and harmoniously over time.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii): La Wachau est un exemple exceptionnel de paysage fluvial bordé de

montagnes dans lequel les témoignages matériels de sa longue évolution historique
ont remarquablement survécu.
Critère (iv): L’architecture, l’habitat humain et l’utilisation agricole des terres de la
Wachau illustrent de façon vivante un paysage essentiellement médiéval qui a évolué
naturellement et harmonieusement à travers les âges.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
016561 - Monument-Site-Cultural Landscape exemplified by the Wachau. Dürnstein, Austria, 1998. Hajós, Géza,
ed. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. 260 p., illus. (various texts in eng, fre, ger). Denkmal-Ensemble-Kulturlandschaft
am Beispiel Wachau. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; natural heritage; protection of cultural heritage; Austria.
// UNESCO // ICOMOS // Bundesdenkmalamt // The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002. ISBN: 3-85028-321-6.

016639 - Charakteristik der Kulturlandschaft Wachau. Pescher, Friedrich. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 149-154.
(ger). Characteristics of the Cultural Landscape Wachau. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified
by the Wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; descriptions; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016641 - Kultur - Wirtschaft - Natur: Konflikte und Chacen. Hirtzberger, Hannes. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p.
155-160. (ger). Culture - Economy - Nature: Conflicts and Opportunities. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape
exemplified by the Wachau".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; economy; conservation; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016642 - Die Wachau als historischer Begriff. Knittler, Herbert. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 161-166. (ger). The
Wachau as a Historical Term. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the Wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historical surveys; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016644 - Archäologische Kulturlandschaft Wachau. Farka, Christa. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 167-174, illus.
(ger). The Wachau as an archaeological cultural landscape. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape
exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; archaeological heritage; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016645 - Die volkskundliche kulturlandschaft Wachau. Bockhorn, Olaf. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 175-181.
(ger).Theethnological cultural landscape Wachau. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the
wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; ethnology; cultural identity; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016646 - Wachau als künstlerlandschaft. Egger, Hanna. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 182-186. (ger). The
Wachau as a landscape for artists. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016647 - Die Erschließung der Wachau für den Tourismus. Englisch, Ernst. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 187-
194, illus. (ger).The growth of tourism in the Wachau. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by
the Wachau".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historical surveys; cultural tourism; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016648 - Die Wachau und die Heimatschutzbewegung. Posch, Wilfried. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 195-204,
illus. (ger). The Wachau and the Heimatschutz Movement. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified
by the Wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; protection of cultural heritage; historical surveys; Austria.
// Heinatschutz Movement, Austria // The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016649 - Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege in der Wachau. Kitlitschka, Werner. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p.
205-209. (ger). The care and protection of monuments in the Wachau. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape
exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; protection of cultural heritage; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016650 - Denkmalinventar zwischen Kulturlandschaft und Einzeldenkmal. Holzschuh-Hofer, Renate. Wien, Verlag
Berger, 1999. p. 210-213. (ger). The monuments inventory between cultural landscape and individual sites. eng.
In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the Wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; inventories; inventory systems; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016651 - Ziele der Raumordnung in der Wachau. Silberbauer, Gerhard. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 217-225,
maps. (ger). Goals of regional planning in the Wachau. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by
the wachau".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; regional planning; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016653 - Naturschutz in der Wachau. Wurzian, Erich. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 226-235, illus. (ger). Nature
protection in the Wachau. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the Wachau".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; protection of cultural heritage; financing; Austria.
// Nature Protection Department of the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government, Austria // The Wachau
Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

017689 - The Wachau cultural landscape. 6 slides : col. (eng). From WHC 970 listed in 2000.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; aerial photography; abbeys; castles; world heritage list; Austria.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
CALL NO: AT.WAC.06 : 1-06 (WHC 970).

023237 - Wachau - Natur- und Kulturlandschaft. Wagner, Christoph; Lammerhuber, Lois (phot.); Schaumberger,
Hans (ed). Wien, Christian Brandstätter, 1995. 191 p, illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; aerial photography; abbeys; castles; world heritage list; Austria;
cultural facilities; historical surveys; tradition; wineries; terraces; traditional techniques; natural heritage;
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 970 (1). ISBN: 3-85447-566-7.

023238 - Management Plan Wachau (Detailed description). Dry Grassland Programme Wachau. (s.l.), (s.n.), (s.d.).
5 p transcript, 1 map, A3: col. (eng). Addentum to the dossier on the Wachau Cutural Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: management plans.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)

023239 - Monument Protection Act No. 167/1978

No. 473/1990. (s.l.), (s.n.), (s.d.). 18 p. transcript. (Bundesgesetzblatt (Federal Law Gazette)) (eng). Supplement to
nomination file.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria; legislation; legal protection; conservation.
// The Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970)

023712 - International Conference Monument - Site -Cultural Landscape Examplified by the Wachau from 12th to
15th October 1998 in Dürnstein (Austria). Denkmal - Monument, Ensemble - Site, Kulurlandschaft - Cultural
Landscape: Beiträge/ Proceedings. Hajós, Géza (ed); Cleere, Henry; Rössler, Mechtild; Priore, Riccardo; O'Keefe,
Patrick J.; Fowler, Peter; Jong, Robert de; et al. Bundesdenkmalamt (Austria). Horn, Verlag Berger, 1999. 260 p,
illus. (same text in ger, eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: Austria; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; definitions; legislation; landscape
gardens; economic aspects; tourism; inventory systems; regional planning; protection of natural heritage; surveys.
// Monument - Site - Cultural Landscape exemplified by the Wachau. 998 // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria
(WHC 970)

026653 - World heritage vineyard landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Den Haag, Europa Nostra, 2005. p. 10-19, illus.
(Europa Nostra: European Cultural Heritage Review. 1, 2005) (eng). Les vignobles, un patrimoine mondia. fre. Incl.
abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands, Italy (WHC 826) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830) // Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Upper Middle Rhine
Walley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Loire Valley,France (WHC 933) // Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // Alto Douro
Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

027151 - World Heritage Wachau and its wines. Bodentstein, Anton. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p.81-83. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; wine; Austria.
// Wachau cultural landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

033731 - Austria. Petzet, Michael. ICOMOS Austria. Altenburg, E.Reinhold Verlag, 2008. p. 33-36, illus. In:
"Heritage at risk: ICOMOS World Report 2006/2007 on Monuments and Sites in Danger" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; urban development; town planning; speculative building;
skyscrapers; historic town centres; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria.
// Belvedere Palace, Vienna, Austria // Historic Centre of Vienna, Austria (WHC 1033) // Historic Centre of the City
of Graz, Austria (WHC 931) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Fertö / Neudsiedler Lake, Austria
ACCESSION NO: 15684. CALL NO: Ri. 095 (5). ISBN: 978-3-937940-47-2.


2001 - Fertö/Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel de

Fertö/Neusiedlersee - Criteria (v)
The Fertö/Neusiedler Lake area has been the meeting place of different cultures for
eight millennia. This is graphically demonstrated by its varied landscape, the result of
an evolutionary symbiosis between human activity and the physical environment. The
remarkable rural architecture of the villages surrounding the lake and several 18th-
and 19th-century palaces adds to the area's considerable cultural interest.

Carrefour culturel depuis huit millénaires comme en atteste la variété de son paysage,
le paysage culturel de Fertö/Neusiedlersee est né d'un processus évolutif et
symbiotique d'interaction entre l'homme et son environnement physique. La
remarquable architecture rurale des villages du pourtour du lac et plusieurs palais
datant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles ajoutent au grand intérêt culturel de ce site.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (v): The Fertö-Neusiedler Lake has been the meeting place of different
cultures for eight millennia, and this is graphically demonstrated by its varied
landscape, the result of an evolutionary and symbiotic process of human interaction
with the physical environment.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (v): Le lac de Neusiedl-Fertö est un carrefour culturel depuis huit millénaires,
comme en atteste son paysage varié, résultat d’un processus évolutif et symbiotique
d’interaction entre l’homme et son environnement physique.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

019129 - Cultural Landscape of Fertö/ Neusiedlersee. 57 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 772 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; lakes; Hungary; Austria.
// Cultural Landscape of Fertö/ Neusiedlersee, Austria - Hungary (WHC 772)
CALL NO: AT.NEU.08:1-57 (WHC 772).

023220 - Supplement to nomination of the Cultural Landscape of Fertö/ Neusiedler Lake. Budapest/Vienna,
Bundesdenkmalamt/ VATI KHT, 2001. 26 p. (eng). From WHC 772 listed in 2001, incl. several maps and plans.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; lakes; Hungary; Austria; historical surveys; plans;
// Cultural Landscape of Fertö/ Neusiedlersee, Austria - Hungary (WHN/C 772)

023221 - Management Plan: The Fertö-Hansag National Park - Nature Protection Management Plan. Seregélyes,
Tibor (ed.). (s.l.), (s.n.), 1997. 52 p, A 4. (eng). exerpt of the Fertö Region for the Planning Period January 1997 to
December 2006. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; lakes; Hungary; Austria;
historical surveys; management plans; legal protection; visitor surveys; natural heritage.
// Cultural Landscape of Fertö/ Neusiedlersee, Austria - Hungary (WHN/C 772)

023222 - Maps: Fertö-Neusiedler lake (map2); Conservation zone Waasen (Hansag); Conservation zone Sandeck-
Neudegg; Conservation Zone Zitzmannsdorfer Wiesen; Conservation Zone Ilmitz - Hölle 1:5000, Nature zone
Sandeck - Neudegg, Conservation Zone Ilmitz-Hölle 1:4000. Seregélyes, Tibor (ed.). (s.l.), (s.n.), (s.d.). 8 maps.
(eng). Conservation Zone Ilmitz-Hölle 1:4000 (2 copies).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; lakes; Hungary; Austria; natural heritage; maps;
protected areas.
// Cultural Landscape of Fertö/ Neusiedlersee, Austria - Hungary (WHN/C 772)

033731 - Austria. Petzet, Michael. ICOMOS Austria. Altenburg, E.Reinhold Verlag, 2008. p. 33-36, illus. In:
"Heritage at risk: ICOMOS World Report 2006/2007 on Monuments and Sites in Danger" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; urban development; town planning; speculative building;
skyscrapers; historic town centres; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Austria.
// Belvedere Palace, Vienna, Austria // Historic Centre of Vienna, Austria (WHC 1033) // Historic Centre of the City
of Graz, Austria (WHC 931) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Fertö / Neudsiedler Lake, Austria
ACCESSION NO: 15684. CALL NO: Ri. 095 (5). ISBN: 978-3-937940-47-2.


2007 - Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel d’art rupestre
de Gobustan – Criteria (iii)

Rising out of the semi-desert of central Azerbaijan, above shattered cliffs bordering
the Caspian Sea, is a plateau of rocky boulders hosting an extensive collection of
some 6,000 rock engravings, which are a testimony to a warm, wet period after the
last ice-age when people lived in caves, harvest food from the savannah grasslands
of the plains, and fished in the greater Caspian Sea, then linked to the Arial and Black

S’élevant dans la région semi désertique du centre de l’Azerbaïdjan, un plateau

rocheux abritant un vaste corpus d’art rupestre surplombe des falaises escarpées au
bord de la mer Caspienne. Fort de quelque 6 000 gravures, il témoigne de l’existence
d’une période chaude et humide après la dernière ère glaciaire, à une époque où les
hommes vivaient dans des grottes, subsistant de la cueillette dans les prairies des
plaines et de la pêche dans la mer Caspienne, alors reliée à la mer d’Aral et à la mer

Justification for Inscription

Gobustan has outstanding universal value for the quality and density of its rock art
engravings, for the substantial evidence the collection of rock art images presents for
hunting, fauna, flora and lifestyles in pre-historic times and for the cultural continuity
between prehistoric and mediaeval times that the site reflects.

Criterion (iii): The rock engravings are an exceptional testimony to a way of life that
has disappeared in the way they represent so graphically activities connected with
hunting and fishing at a time when the climate and vegetation of the area were
warmer and wetter than today. The most remote and undisturbed landscapes are the
Jinghirdag Moutain-Yazylytepe hill and Kichikdash Mountain. These areas need to be
fully protected in order to ensure they keep their authenticity. The most visited site,
Boyukdash, has more disturbances in the form of installations such as a prison and
stone quarry, which should be managed as part of the Management Plan. The
knowledge of the site does not extend evenly across the whole rock art reservation. It
would be desirable for a large-scale survey of the wider environment to be carried out

to ensure the extent of protection needed to ensure the overall integrity of the rock art
corpus. The legal protective measures for the property are adequate. There is a need
to complete the documentation, put in place active conservation measures and
improve the technical competence of staff to carry out necessary urgent conservation

Justification d'inscription

Gobustan a une valeur universelle exceptionnelle due à la qualité et à la densité de

ses gravures d’art rupestre, à l’important témoignage que présente son ensemble
d’images d’art rupestre pour la chasse, la faune, la flore et le mode de vie à l’époque
préhistorique et à la continuité culturelle entre les époques préhistorique et médiévale
que reflète le site.

Critère (iii) : Les gravures rupestres sont un témoignage exceptionnel d’un mode de
vie disparu dans la mesure où elles représentent graphiquement des activités
associées à la pêche et à la chasse à une époque où le climat et la végétation de la
région étaient plus chauds et plus humide qu’aujourd’hui. Les paysages les plus
isolés et les plus intacts sont ceux du mont Jinghirdag, de la colline de Yazylytepe et
du mont Kichikdash. Ces zones doivent être tout à fait protégées pour faire en sorte
qu’elles conservent leur authenticité. Le site le plus visité, Boyukdash, a été plus
perturbé, avec des installations telles qu’une prison et une carrière de pierre qu’il
faudra gérer dans le cadre du plan de gestion. La connaissance de ce site est inégale
selon les parties de la réserve d’art rupestre. Il serait souhaitable d’effectuer un levé à
grande échelle de l’environnement du site en vue d’assurer la protection nécessaire
garantissant l’intégrité d’ensemble du corpus rupestre.Les mesures juridiques de
protection du bien sont adaptées. Il conviendrait de compléter la documentation, der
mettre en place des mesures actives de conservation et d’améliorer les compétences
techniques du personnel pour mener à bien les travaux de conservation urgents.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

015081 - The rock engravings of Gobystan. Baku, ^c1996. (same text in ). 3 booklets.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock art; rock engravings; palaeolithic; Azerbaijan.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: animal representations.
// Gobustan (Azerbaijan)
ACCESSION NO: 13381. CALL NO: A.R. 290.

019045 - Gobustan Azerbaijan. Anati, Emmanuel. Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici. Capo di Ponte, Edizioni Del
Centro, 2001. 96p. , illus., maps. (same text in aze, rus, ita, eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: prehistoric art; rock art; rock art sites; rock engravings; Azerbaijan.
// Gobustan, Azerbaijan
ACCESSION NO: 14151. CALL NO: A.R. 196. ISBN: 88-86621-14-0.

031602 - Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape. UNESCO. 47 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1076 rev listed in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; rock art; rock art sites; prehistoric art; Azerbaijan.
// Gobustan, Azerbaidjan
CALL NO: AZ.GOB.02:1-47 (WHC 1076 rev).

031605 - Gobustan. Azerbaijan. s.l., Wara Archives Edicioni del Centro, 2001. 96 p., illus. (same text in eng, ita,
rus). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Azerbaijan; cultural landscapes; rock art; rock art sites; prehistoric art.
// Gobustan, Azerbaijan
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1076 rev. CALL NO: 15385. ISBN: 88-86621-14-0.

032696 - Gobustan. anon. Baki, Isig, 1991. 24 p., illus. (same text in rus, eng). Incl. list of captions.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock art; rock art sites; rock engravings; world heritage list; archaeological excavations.
// Gobustan, Azerbajan (WHC 1076)
ACCESSION NO: 15607. CALL NO: A.R.325.


2006- Sewell Mining Town - Criteria (ii)

Situated 85 km south of the capital, Santiago in an environment marked by extreme

climate more than 2,000 m up the Andes, Sewell Mining Town was built by the Braden
Copper company in the early 20th century to house workers at what was the world’s
largest underground copper mine, El Teniente. It is an outstanding example of the
company towns that were born in many remote parts of the world from the fusion of
local labour and resources from an industrialized nation, to mine and process high-
value natural resources. At its peak Sewell numbered 15,000 inhabitants, but was
largely abandoned in the 1970s. The town was built on a terrain too steep for wheeled
vehicles around a large central staircase rising from the railway station. Along its route
formal squares of irregular shape with ornamental trees and plants constituted the
main public spaces or squares of the town. Off the central staircase, paths ran along
the contours leading to smaller squares and secondary staircases linking the town’s
different levels. The buildings lining the streets are timber, often painted in vivid green,
yellow, red and blue. Designed in the U.S.A., most of them were built on a 19th
century American model, but the design of the Industrial School (1936), for example,
is of modernist inspiration. Sewell is the only mountain industrial mining settlement of
considerable size of the 20th century to have been built for year-round use.

Située à 85 km au sud de la capitale, Santiago, dans un environnement marqué par

un climat extrême à plus de 2 000 m d’altitude dans les Andes, la ville minière de
Sewell a été construite par la société Bradden Copper au début du XXe siècle pour
héberger les mineurs travaillant dans ce qui était la plus grande mine souterraine de
cuivre du monde, El Teniente. C’est un exemple exceptionnel de ces villes qui ont été
« implantées » dans de nombreuses parties reculées du monde pour exploiter une
mine et transformer des ressources naturelles de grande valeur, en utilisant à la fois
une main d’œuvre locale et les moyens financiers et techniques d’un pays
industrialisé. A son apogée, Sewell a compté jusqu’à 15 000 habitants mais elle a été
largement abandonnée dans les années 1970. Installée sur un terrain trop abrupt

pour les véhicules à roues, la ville a été construite autour d’un grand escalier central
partant de la gare. Le long de la pente, des places de forme irrégulière, embellies par
des arbres et des plantes, constituaient les principaux espaces publics de la ville.
Partant de l’escalier central, des allées couraient le long du relief vers ces places et
des escaliers secondaires reliant les différents niveaux de la ville. Les immeubles
construits le long des rues sont en bois, souvent peints dans des tons vifs de vert,
jaune, rouge et bleu. Conçus aux Etats-Unis, la plupart d’entre eux ont été construits
sur un modèle américain du XIXe siècle, mais le plan de l’Ecole industrielle (1936),
par exemple, est d’inspiration moderniste. Sewell est la seule installation minière
industrielle de montagne de taille importante du XXe siècle à avoir été construite pour
une utilisation permanente.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

017066 - Lista tentativa de bienes culturales de Chile a ser postulados como sitios del patrimonio mundial en el
marco de la convention sobre la proteccion del patrimonio mundial cultural y natural de la UNESCO. Ministerio de
Education, Consejo de Monumentos Nationales, Chile. Santiago, Consejos de Monumentos Nationales, 2000. 66
p. (Cuadernos del Consejos de Monumentos Nationales. n°30) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world heritage list; historic monuments; historic towns;
archaeological sites; rock art sites; religious architecture; Chile.
// Iglesias del Altiplano, Tarapaca, Chile // Sitios arqueol1ógicos de la cultura Chinchoro, Chile // Calle Baquedano,
Inquique, Chile // Oficinas Salitrevas Humberstone y Santa Laura, Chile // San Pedro de Atacama, Chile // Ayquina
y Toconce, Chile // Valparaiso, Chile // Santuario de Altua de Cerro El Plomo, Chile // Palacio de la Moneda,
Santiago, Chile // Iglesia y Convento de San Fransisco, Chile // Campamento Sewell, Chile // Casas de la
Hacienda San Jose del Carmen el Huique, Chile // Viaducto del Malleco, Chile // Casa de Maquinas de Temuco,
Chile // Iglesias de Chiloé, Chile (WHC 971) // Complejo defensivo de Valdivia, Chile // Arte Rupestre de la
Patagonia, Chile, Argentina // Cuevas de Fell y de Pali Aike, Chile

029759 - Sewell mining town. UNESCO. 47 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1214 listed in 2006.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: mining towns; industrial heritage; mining equipment; workers' housing; cultural
landscapes; world heritage list; Chile.
// Ville minièere de Sewell, Chili (WHC 1214)
ACCESSION NO: CL.SEW.04: 1-47 (WHC 1214).


2008 – Stari Grad Plain / Plaine de Stari Grad - Criteria (ii)(iii)(v)

Stari Grad Plain on the Adriatic island of Hvar is a cultural landscape that has
remained practically intact since it was first colonized by Ionian Greeks from Paros in
the 4th century BC. The original agricultural activity of this fertile plain, mainly centring
on grapes and olives, has been maintained since Greek times to the present. The site
is also a natural reserve. The landscape features ancient stone walls and trims, or
small stone shelters, and bears testimony to the ancient geometrical system of land
division used by the ancient Greeks, the chora which has remained virtually intact
over 24 centuries.

La plaine de Stari Grad, en Croatie, située sur l'île adriatique de Hvar, est un espace
culturel qui est resté pratiquement intact depuis sa première colonisation par des
Grecs venus de l'île égéenne de Paros au IVème siècle avant J.C. L'activité agricole
originelle - basée sur la vigne et l'olivier - de cette plaine fertile s'est maintenue depuis
les origines jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Le site est aussi une réserve naturelle. Le paysage,
qui comprend des parcelles et des chemins délimités par des murs de pierres sèches,
ainsi que des petites constructions en pierre, témoigne de l'ancien système
d'organisation agricole en lots réguliers utilisé par les Grecs, la chora, qui est restée
pratiquement intacte au cours de 24 siècles.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

033542 - The Stari Grad Plain. UNESCO. 41 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1240 listed in 2008.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; agriculture; vernacular architecture; Croatia.
// Stari Grad Plain, Croatia (WHC 1240)
ACCESSION NO: HR.STA.05: 1-41 (WHC 1240).


1999 - Viñales Valley / Vallée de Viñales/ Valle de Vinales - Criteria C (iv)

The Viñales valley is encircled by mountains and its

landscape is interspersed with dramatic rocky outcrops.
Traditional techniques are still in use for agricultural
production, particularly of tobacco. The quality of this
cultural landscape is enhanced by the vernacular
architecture of its farms and villages, where a rich multi-
ethnic society survives, illustrating the cultural
development of the islands of the Caribbean, and of

La vallée fertile de Viñales est encerclée de montagnes et son paysage est parsemé
d'affleurements rocheux spectaculaires. Les techniques agricoles traditionnelles y
sont toujours utilisées, en particulier pour la production de tabac. C'est un paysage
culturel enrichi par l'architecture traditionnelle de ses fermes et villages. Une riche
société pluriethnique s'y perpétue, illustrant le développement culturel des îles
caraïbes et de Cuba.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iv):The Viñales valley is an outstanding karst landscape in which traditional
methods of agriculture (notably tobacco growing) have survived unchanged for
several centuries. The region also preserves a rich vernacular tradition in its
architecture, its crafts, and its music

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iv): La vallée de Vinales est un paysage de karst exceptionnel dans laquelle
les méthodes traditionnelles d’agriculture (en particulier la culture du tabac) sont
restées inchangées pendant des siècles. La région a également conservé une
tradition vernaculaire riche dans son architecture, son artisanat et sa musique.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016843 - Vallée de Viñales. 16 slides: col. (spa). From WHC 840 listed in 1999.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vernacular architecture; agriculture; colonial
architecture; Cuba.
// Viñales Valley, Cuba (WHC 840)
CALL NO: CU.VIN.05:1-16 (WHC 840).

019218 - Viñales Valley. [1999]. 11 min. 34 seconds. (spa). From WHC 840 listed in 1999; VHS. PRIMARY
KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; Cuba.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: video-cassettes.
// Viñales Valley, Cuba (WHC 840)

2000 - Archaeological Landscape of the First Coffee Plantations in the South-

East of Cuba / Paysage archéologique des premières plantations de café du
sud-est de Cuba/ Paisaje Cultural de las Primeras Plantaciones de Cafe del
Sudeste de Cuba - Criteria (iii) (iv)

The remains of the 19th-century coffee plantations in the foothills of the Sierra
Maestra are unique evidence of a pioneer form of agriculture in a difficult terrain. They
throw considerable light on the economic, social, and technological history of the
Caribbean and Latin American region.
Les vestiges des plantations de café du XIXe siècle, au pied de la Sierra Maestra,
constituent un témoignage unique d'une forme novatrice d'agriculture en terrain
difficile. Ils éclairent l'histoire économique, sociale et technologique de la région
Caraïbes-Amérique latine.
Los vestigios de las plantaciones de café del siglo XIX al pie de la Sierra Maestra son
un testimonio único de una forma de agricultura precursora en un terreno dificil.
Ilustran de manera importante la historia economica, social y tecnologica de la region
del Caribe y de America Latina.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion ( iii): The remains of the 19th and early 20th century coffee plantations in
eastern Cuba are unique and eloquent testimony to a form of agricultural exploitation
of virgin forest, the traces of which have disappeared elsewhere in the world.

Criterion (iv): The production of coffee in eastern Cuba during the 19th and early 20th
centuries resulted in the creation of a unique cultural landscape, illustrating a
significant stage in the development of this form of agriculture
Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : Les vestiges des plantations de café du XIXe et du début du XXe siècle
dans l’est de Cuba sont les témoignages uniques et éloquents d’une forme

d’exploitation agricole de la forêt vierge, dont les traces ont disparu dans les autres
parties du monde.
Critère (iv) : La production caféières dans l’est de Cuba au XIXe et au début du XXe
siècle a créé un paysage culturel unique, illustrant un stade important du
développement de cette agriculture.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

017714 - Archaeological landscape of the first coffee plantations in the south-east of Cuba. 11 slides : col (spa).
From WHC 1008 listed in 2000 ; legends on the slides.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological remains; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; agriculture; plantations;
19th; Cuba.
// Archaeological landscape of the first coffee plantations in the south-east of Cuba, Cuba (WHC 1008)
CALL NO: CU.CAF.06 : 1-11 (WHC 1008).


1996 - Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel de Lednice-Valtice

- Criteria (i) (ii) (iv)

Between the 17th and 20th centuries, the ruling dukes of Liechtenstein transformed
their domains in southern Moravia into a striking landscape. It married Baroque
architecture (mainly the work of Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach) and the
classical and neo-Gothic style of the castles of Lednice and Valtice with countryside
fashioned according to English romantic principles of landscape architecture. At 200
sq. km, it is one of the largest artificial landscapes in Europe.

Entre le XVIIe et le XXe siècle, la famille ducale de Liechtenstein a fait de ses

domaines du sud de la Moravie un paysage exceptionnel. À l'architecture baroque ?
œuvre principalement de Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach ? classique et
néogothique des châteaux de Lednice et Valtice, répond une nature travaillée selon
les conceptions romantiques anglaises de l'art paysager. S'étendant sur 200 km2,
c'est un des paysages les plus vastes créés par l'homme en Europe.

Justification for Inscription

The Committee decided to inscribe the nominated property on the basis of cultural
criteria (i),(ii) and (iv) considering that the site is of outstanding universal value being a
cultural landscape which is an exceptional example of the designed landscape that
evolved in the Enlightenment and afterwards under the care of a single family. It
succeeds in bringing together in harmony cultural monuments from successive
periods and both indigenous and exotic natural elements to create an outstanding
work of human creativity. The Committee decided to include criterion (i) to the
proposed criteria since the ensemble is an outstanding example of human creativity.

Justification d'inscription

Le Comité a décidé d'inscrire le bien proposé sur la base des critères culturels (i), (ii)
et (iv), considérant que le site possède une valeur universelle exceptionnelle en tant
qu'exemple exceptionnel de paysage culturel conçu pendant le Siècle des Lumières
et au-delà par une seule famille. Il parvient à harmoniser les monuments culturels

datant de différentes périodes avec des éléments naturels indigènes et exotiques
pour donner naissance à un chef d'oeuvre de créativité humaine.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
017761 - Paysage culturel de Lednice-Valtice. 49 slides : col. (eng). From WHC 763 listed in 1996 ; 1 page
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; aerial photography; castles; parks; churches;
Czech Republic.
// Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czech Republic (WHC 763)
CALL NO: CZ.LED.07: 1-49 (WHC 763).

017839 - Cultural Landscapes in Czech Republic. Baseova, Olga. Warszawa, UNESCO, 2000. p. 35-38, illus.
(eng). In : "The Regional Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Eastern Europe" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; historic gardens; castles; Czech Republic.
// Lednice-Valtice, Czech Republic (WHC 763) // Gardens and Castle at Kromeriz, Czech Republic (WHC 860)
ACCESSION NO: 13918. CALL NO: P.C. 17. ISBN: 83-85548-85-8.

018175 - Compte-rendu du colloque: "Les jardins historiques à notre époque". .Prague, .16-20 Sptembre 1977.
Klusak, Milan; Suobodova, Odile; Pechère, René; Mikulina, Jelena M.; Koukal, Vitezslav; Baseova, Olga; Kurial,
Antonin; Simkovic, Pavol; Horsak, Zdenek; Kuca, Otakar; Petru, Joroslav; Pavelkova, Bozena; Kriz, Zdenek;
Svoboda, Antonin M. ICOMOS-IFLA. Prague, 1978. 192p., illus. (Pamatky a Priroda. 3, 1978) (cze). O
Mezinarodnim Symposiu "Historické Zahrady v Soucasnosti Jsme Prinesli Zpravu v 1". cze.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; parks and gardens; conservation of historic gardens; restoration;
definitions; landscaping; landscape architecture; horticulture; public awareness; environmental deterioration;
inventories; 20th; Czech Republic; USSR; documentation; plants; re-use; case studies.
// Conférence de Helsinki // Musée agricole de Lednice, Moravie, Czech Republic // Historic Centre of Prague,
Czech Republic (WHC 616)

018316 - Zahrady a parky jihomoravského kraje. Petru, Jaroslav. 1971. 15 p. + 11 photographs. (cze). Gardens
and parks of South Moravia. eng.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; parks and gardens; palaces; restoration; Czech Republic.
// Moravia, Czechoslovakia // Historic Centre of Telc, Czech Republic (WHC 621) // Bucovice, Czechoslovakia //
Krometiz, Czechoslovakia // Holesov, Czechoslovakia // Buchlovice, Czechoslovakia // Jaromerice,
Czechoslovakia // Milotice, Czechoslovakia // Vizovice, Czechoslovakia // Boskovice, Czechoslovakia // Lysice,
Czechoslovakia // Cechy pod Kosirem, Czechoslovakia // Lednice, Czechoslovakia // Brno, Czechoslovakia
CALL NO: J.H. 018.

018554 - Lednice - Valtice Novák, Zdenik. Madrid, UNESCO, 1998. p.24-35, illus., maps. (World Heritage Review.
9, 1998)
(same text in eng, fre). Lednice - Valtice. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; parks and gardens; historic monuments; palaces;
historic gardens; Czech Republic.
// Lednice - Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czech Republic, (WHC 763)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

020186 - Weathering of limestone cladding above the waterproofing layer : salt actin due to previous restoration of
the Colonnade (Lednice-Valtice area, Czech Republic). Prikryl, Richard; Svobodová, Jirina; Siegl, Petr; Chvátal,
Marek; Novotná, Miroslava; Andrade Sanchez, Rebecca; Mézlová, Markéta; Mysková, Katerina; Faltus, Josef;
Korecky, Jan. Prague, Charles University, 2002. p. 209-221, illus. (eng). In : "Understanding and managing of
stone decay (SWAPNET 2001)" ; Incl. bibl. and abstract. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: limestone; weathering; stone;
waterproofing; Czech Republic.
// Lednice-Valtice, Czech Republic
ACCESSION NO: 14341. CALL NO: Pi.091. ISBN: 80-246-0453-1.

022994 - Lednice-Valtice Photographic Documentation. [s.l.], [s.n.], [s.d.]. 29p., format A4. (eng). 28photos: col/ b
w, 1p. list.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; aerial photography; castles; parks; churches;
Czech Republic.
// Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czech Republic (WHC 763)

022998 - Lednice-Valtice Comparative Study. Kuca, Otakar. [s.l.], [s.n.], 1995. 7p.+ 21 tables of illus., format A3.
(eng). incl. intro by Olga Baseova
Ales Vosahlik "Nature and Landscape Protection in the Czech Republic"; maps, plans, historic views.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; aerial photography; castles; parks; churches;
Czech Republic; laws; protection of cultural heritage; architecture.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: comparative analysis.
// Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czech Republic (WHC 763)

025647 - "Leithakalk" limestones in the Lednice-Valtice area (Southeast Moravia, Czech Republic): their
ocurrences and properties. Prikryl, Richard; Prikrylová, Jirina. Prague, Charles Universtity, The Karolinum Press,
2004. p. 149-156, illus., maps. In: "Architectural and sculptural stone in cultural landscape" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: stone; limestone; quarries; properties of materials; Czech Republic.
// The Lednice-Valtice area, (southeast Moravia), Czech Republic
ACCESSION NO: 14848. CALL NO: Pi. 381. ISBN: 80-246-0918-5.

028238 - Defining architectural conservation project boundaries; Lessons from four examples. Stubbs, John H.
Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 103-109, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General
Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 1" (eng). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of architecture; conservation projects; setting; surroundings of historic
monuments; historic monuments; cultural landscapes; historic towns; case studies; world heritage list.
// Phnom, Bakheng, Historic City of Angkor Cambodia (WHC 668) // The Brancussi Endless Column Ensemble,
Romania // The Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, Czech Republic (WHC 763) // Royal Monastery of Guadalupe,
Extremadura, Spain (WHC 665)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

034138 - International Symposium ICOMOS-IFLA 1997. Prague, Lednice-Valtice, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic,
September 7-12, 1997. Landscape heritage. ICOMOS-IFLA. Prague, ICOMOS-IFLA, 1997. 169 p. (eng). Incl.
resolution and list of participants.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; historic gardens; world heritage list;
conservation; natural heritage; parks; conservation of historic monuments; surroundings of historic monuments;
vernacular architecture; castles.
ACCESSION NO: 15738. CALL NO: J.H. 347.


1999 Jurisdiction of Saint-Emillon / Juridiction de Saint-Emillon - Criteria (iii) (iv)

Viticulture was introduced to this fertile region of Aquitaine by the Romans, and
intensified in the Middle Ages. The Saint-Emilion area benefited from its location on
the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela and many churches, monasteries and
hospices were built there from the 11th century onwards. It was granted the special
status of a 'jurisdiction' during the period of English rule in the 12th century. It is an
exceptional landscape devoted entirely to wine-growing, with many fine historic
monuments in its towns and villages.

La viticulture a été introduite dans cette région fertile d'Aquitaine par les Romains et
s'est intensifiée au Moyen Âge. Le territoire de Saint-Émilion a bénéficié de sa
situation sur la route de pèlerinage vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle et plusieurs
églises, monastères et hospices y ont été construits à partir du XIe siècle. Le statut
particulier de juridiction lui a été accordé au cours de la période du gouvernement
anglais au XIIe siècle. Il s'agit d'un paysage exceptionnel, entièrement consacré à la
viticulture, dont les villes et villages comptent de nombreux monuments historiques de

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): The Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion is an outstanding example of an historic

vineyard landscape that has survived intact and in activity to the present day.

Criterion (iv): The intensive cultivation of grapes for wine production in a precisely
defined region and the resulting landscape is illustrated in an exceptional way by the
historic Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : La Juridiction de Saint-Emilion est un exemple remarquable d’un paysage

viticole historique qui a survécu intact et est en activité de nos jours.

Critère (iv) : La Juridiction historique de Saint-Emilion illustre de manière
exceptionnelle la culture intensive de la vigne à vin dans une région délimitée avec

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
016952 - Juridiction de Saint-Emilion. 125 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 932 listed in 1999. 2 copies.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; agriculture; religious architecture;
castles; maps; France.
// Juridiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932)
CALL NO: FR.EMI.46:1- 125 (WHC 932).

017675 - Le sacre de Saint-Emilion. Guigon, Catherine. 2000. p. 36-45, illus. (Reader's Digest Selection. Août
2000) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; castles; France.
// UNESCO // ICOMOS // Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932)
ACCESSION NO: 13851. CALL NO: P. C. 011.

018643 - Saint-Emilion: witness to a secret past. De Givry, Jacques. Madrid, UNESCO, 2001. p. 36-49, illus.,
maps. (World Heritage Review. 21, 2001) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Erase una vez...Saint-Emilion. spa. Saint-
Emilion témoin d'un passé secret. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; religious architecture; France.
// Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

024961 - Les paysages viticoles de Saint-Emilion (France). Oulès, Stéphanie; Peyrussie, Elodie. Paris, ICOMOS,
2004. p.107-111, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; France.
// Saint Emilion, France (WHC 932)
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

026448 - World Heritage Vineyard Landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO, 2004. p. 4-19, illus.
(World Heritage Review. 35) (also in eng, fre, spa). Paisajes de viñedos del Patrimonio Mundial. spa. Paysages de
vignobles du patrimoine mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Germany; Hungary; Portugal; Austria;
France; Italy.
// Alto Douro, Portugal (WHC 1046) // Cinque Terre, Italy (WHC 824) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 824) //
Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Loire Valley, France (WHC 933) // The Tokaj Wine Region,
Hungary (WHC 1063) // The Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

026653 - World heritage vineyard landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Den Haag, Europa Nostra, 2005. p. 10-19, illus.
(Europa Nostra: European Cultural Heritage Review. 1, 2005) (eng). Les vignobles, un patrimoine mondia. fre. Incl.
abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands, Italy (WHC 826) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830) // Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Upper Middle Rhine
Walley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Loire Valley,France (WHC 933) // Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // Alto Douro
Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

027149 - Vineyard Cultural Landscapes of World Heritage in France. Luginbuhl, Yves. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.60-63. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; world heritage list; world cultural heritage; France.
// Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Vineyards of Champagne, France // Côte de Beaune,
France // Côte de Nuits, France
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

029326 - Saint-Emilion ou les paradoxes de la réussite économique. Borjon, Michel. Paris, ICOMOS France, 2006.
p. 119-122, illus. (Les Cahiers de la Section Française de l'ICOMOS. 22) In: "Vivre dans un grand site : le pari du
développement durable" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; cultural tourism; town and country
planning; vineyards; economic aspects; sustainable development; France.
// Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932)
ACCESSION NO: 15190. CALL NO: To. 267-2.

1999 The Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes/ Val de Loire
entre Sully-sur-Loire et Chalonnes - Criteria (i) (ii) (iv)

The Loire Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape of great beauty, containing

historic towns and villages, great architectural monuments (the châteaux), and
cultivated lands formed by many centuries of interaction between their population and
the physical environment, primarily the river Loire itself.

Le Val de Loire est un paysage culturel exceptionnel, comprenant des villes et villages
historiques, de grands monuments architecturaux - les châteaux - et des terres
cultivées, façonnées par des siècles d'interaction entre les populations et leur
environnement physique, dont la Loire elle-même.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (i): The Loire Valley is noteworthy for the quality of its architectural heritage,
in its historic towns such as Blois, Chinon, Orléans, Saumur, and Tours, but in
particular in its world-famous castles, such as the Château de Chambord.

Criterion (ii): The Loire Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape along a major river
which bears witness to an interchange of human values and to a harmonious
development of interactions between human beings and their environment over two

Criterion (iv): The landscape of the Loire Valley, and more particularly its many
cultural monuments, illustrate to an exceptional degree the ideals of the Renaissance
and the Age of the Enlightenment on western European thought and design.

Justification d'inscription

Le Comité a décidé d'inscrire ce site sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial sur la base
des critères (i) (ii) et (iv):

Critère (ii) : Le Val de Loire est un paysage culturel exceptionnel le long d'un grand
fleuve. Il porte témoignage sur un échange d'influences de valeurs humaines et sur le
développement harmonieux d'interactions entre les hommes et leur environnement
sur deux mille ans d'histoire.

Critère (iv) : Le paysage du Val de Loire, et plus particulièrement ses nombreux

monuments culturels, illustre à un degré exceptionnel les idéaux de la Renaissance et
du siècle des Lumières sur la pensée et la création de l'Europe occidentale.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
003322 - De la permanence de certains types de constructions en bois et de leur origine. Berry, Maurice. Ovre
Ervik, Alvheim
and Eide, 1984. p. 109-114, illus. In: "Compte-rendu V. Colloque International, Norvège, 1983" (fre). The Problem
of the origin of some special half-timbered constructions in the Loire valley. eng.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: wooden architecture; half-timberings; France; descriptions; building techniques; barns;
stylistic influences.
// Vallée de la Loire (France)
ACCESSION NO: 8056. CALL NO: Bo. 195. ISBN: 82-90359-19-5.

012894 - Les jardins en pays de Loire. Le Nevez, Nicole. Paris, Editions Bres, 1990. p. 21-22, illus. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; policy; parks; inventories; France; protection; 18th; 19th.
// Mansard, J. H. // Choulot // André // D.R.A.E., D.A.U. (France) // Maulévrier (France) // Champtocé, Maine et
Loire (France)
ACCESSION NO: k-316. CALL NO: J.H. 270.

016605 - Dossier: Les Pays de la Loire. Naveau, J.; Joussaume, R.; L'Helgouach, J.; Briard, J.; Lambert, C.;
Rioufreyt, J.; Gruel, K.; Pirault, L. Paris, Editions Errance, 2000. p. 4-33, illus. (L'Archéologue: Archéologie
Nouvelle. 48) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; archaeological remains; roman architecture; megaliths; dolmens;
tumulus; monasteries; churches; France.
// Mayenne, France // Sarthe, France // Loire-Atlantique, France // Maine-et-Loire, France // Vendée, France
ACCESSION NO: K-393. ISSN: 1255-5932.

016981 - Le Loiret, entre étangs et forêts. Colignon, Marie-Claire; Seydoux, Philippe; Gaumont, Robert; Guillemin,
Denis; Toulier, Bernard; Ribaldone, Thierry; Mauret-Cribellier, Valérie; André, Pierre; De Rubercy, Eryck; Souliez,
Gaston; Sauger, Gérard; Bauchy, Jacques-Henri; Jantzen, Michel; Bertrand, Frère. Paris, VMF, 2000. p. 10-64,
illus. (Vieilles Maisons Françaises. 184, 2000) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; castles; donjons; gardens; canals; canal bridges; rural areas; villages;
vernacular architecture; markets; wooden architecture; religious architecture; churches; abbeys; France.
// Loiret, France // Val de Loire, France // Giennois, France // Sologne, France // Orléans, France // Montargis,
France // Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, France // Gâtinais, France

017549 - La corniche angevine (extension du périmètre en aval). 20 slides : col. (fre). From WHC 933 listed in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; chateaux; France.
// The Loire Valley between Maine and Sully-sur-Loire, France (WHC 933)
CALL NO: FR. LOI. 48 : 1-20 (WHC 933).

017550 - Le Val de Loire entre le Maine et Sully-sur-Loire. 150 slides : col. (fre). From WHC 933 listed in 2000.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; villages; chateaux; France.
// The Loire Valley between Le Maine and Sully-sur-Loire, France (WHC 933)
CALL NO: FR. LOI. 47 : 1-150 (WHC 933).

017683 - Maisons taillées dans la roche. Saletta, Patrick. Paris, VMF, 2001. p. 42-47, illus. (VMF: Vieilles Maisons
186) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock cut architecture; rocks; houses; vernacular architecture; troglodytes; chateaux;
// Maine-et-Loire, France

017830 - les enceintes urbaines à la fin du Moyen Age en Anjou. Mester de Parajd, Grabor. The Hague, Europa
Nostra, 2000. p. 86-88. (Europa Nostra. 53, 2000) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic towns; world heritage list; citadels; fortifications; case studies; France.
// Saumur, Val de Loire, France (WHC 933) // Angers, France // Baugé, France // Montreuil-Bellay, France

019525 - The Loire Valley, an authentic cultural landscape. Tremblay, Dominique. Madrid, UNESCO, 2002. p. 54-
65, illus. (World Heritage Review. 26) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Le Val de Loire, un paysage culturel
authentique. fre. El Valle del Loira, un
auténtico paisaje cultural. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; chateaux; religious architecture; France.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)
ACCESSION NO: K-382b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

020973 - Attentes et effects de l'inscription du Val de Loire sur la Liste du Patrimoine mondial: memorie de
recherche. Huyghues Despointes, Franck. 2002. 190 p. (fre). Incl. bibl. and anexes; Memoire de recherche.
Université François-Rabelais Tours, D.E.A. Villes et Territoires-Option Géographie.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; chateaux; impact; social changes; France.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)

024560 - Le réseau des villes de France et l'intercommunalité, relais essentiels pour une politique du patrimoine
mondial. Dauge, Yves. Paris, Sénat, [2003]. p. 47-49. (fre). In: "Les Colloques du Sénat: Politiques du patrimoine,
du mondial au local".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; management; cooperation; decentralization; France; Lao DPR.
// Le patrimoine mondial, enjeu de la décentralisation, 16 octobre 2001 // Luang Prabang, Lao PDR (WHC 479) //
Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)
ACCESSION NO: 14805. ISBN: 2-11-111957-1. ISSN: 1295-6694.

024576 - Quelles nouvelles stratégies d'exploitation, de gestion et de promotion du patrimoine? Tremblay,

Dominique. Paris, Sénat, [2003]. p. 153-154. (fre). In: "Les Colloques du Sénat: Politiques du patrimoine, du
mondial au local".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; conservation policy; management; public awareness; France.
// Les nouveaux territoires du patrimoine, 9 avril 2003 // Val-de-Loire, France (WHC 933)
ACCESSION NO: 14805. ISBN: 2-11-111957-1. ISSN: 1295-6694.

026448 - World Heritage Vineyard Landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO, 2004. p. 4-19, illus.
(World Heritage Review. 35) (also in eng, fre, spa). Paisajes de viñedos del Patrimonio Mundial. spa. Paysages de
vignobles du patrimoine mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Germany; Hungary; Portugal; Austria;
France; Italy. // Alto Douro, Portugal (WHC 1046) // Cinque Terre, Italy (WHC 824) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy
(WHC 824) // Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Loire Valley, France (WHC 933) // The Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // The Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

026650 - World heritage vineyard landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Den Haag, Europa Nostra, 2005. p. 10-19, illus.
(Europa Nostra: European Cultural Heritage Review. 1, 2005) (eng). Les vignobles, un patrimoine mondia. fre. Incl.
abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands, Italy (WHC 826) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830) // Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Upper Middle Rhine
Walley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Loire Valley,France (WHC 933) // Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // Alto Douro
Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

027468 - Des paysages vécus. Le Nevez, Nicole. Paris, SPPEF, 2005. p. 3-7, illus. (Sites et Monuments. 191)
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; France.
// Conservatoire Régional des Rives de la Loire et de ses Affluents, France // Loire, France
ACCESSION NO: K-174. ISSN: 0489-0280.

027469 - Val de Loire, Patrimoine Mondial. Bonnin, Martine; Bach, François Régis. Paris, SPPEF, 2005. p. 8-9,
illus. (Sites et Monuments. 191) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; France.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)

028825 - Séminaire inter académique sur les fondamentaux de la pédagogie du patrimoine. Abbaye royale de
Fontevraud, 24 Novembre 2004. Compte rendu du séminaire inter académique sur les fondamentaux de la
pédagogie du patrimoine, Abbaye royale de Fontevraud / Centre Culturel de l'Ouest, 24 novembre 2004. Val de
Loire Patrimoine Mondial. [Tours], Val de Loire Patrimoine Mondial, 2006. 43p., illus. (fre). From
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; world cultural heritage; training; public awareness; education;
educational activities; youth participation.
ACCESSION NO: 15117. CALL NO: F.228.

028827 - Le volet culturel du Plan Loire Grandeur Nature. Deguilly, Francis. [Tours], Val de Loire Patrimoine
Mondial, 2006. p. 12. In: "Compte rendu du séminaire inter académique sur les fondamentaux de la pédagogie du
patrimoine, Abbaye royale de Fontevraud / Centre Culturel de l'Ouest, 24 novembre 2004" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage; enhancement; public awareness; youth participation; France.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933) // Plan Loire Grandeur Nature
ACCESSION NO: 15117. CALL NO: F. 228.

028829 - Val de Loire Patrimoine mondial et éducation. Deleplancque, Rémi. [Tours], Val de Loire Patrimoine
Mondial, 2006. p. 13-15. In: "Compte rendu du séminaire inter académique sur les fondamentaux de la pédagogie
du patrimoine, Abbaye royale de Fontevraud / Centre Culturel de l'Ouest, 24 novembre 2004" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; world heritage convention; cultural landscapes; education; France.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)
ACCESSION NO: 15117. CALL NO: F. 228.

032184 - Université Européenne d'été 2002 Val de Loire Patrimoine Mondial. Tours, 21-24 Octobre 2002. Les
grands fleuves du patrimoine mondial: de la crise à la culture du risque. Université François-Rabelais de Tours.
Tours, Université François-Rabelais, 2002. 165 p., illus. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rivers; world heritage list; landscapes; cultural landscapes; natural heritage; natural
disasters; cultural heritage at risk; risk preparedness; risk management; floods; flood damage; flood control;
climate change; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 15280. CALL NO: PC. 084.

033189 - Val de Loire - World Heritage and Education Action. Deleplancque, Rémi. Bonn, German Commission for
UNESCO, 2007. p. 100-103. In: "Training strategies for World Heritage Management" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; education; public awareness; training; France.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)
ACCESSION NO: 15384. ISBN: 3-927907-93-6.

033633 - Paysages de vignes et de vins: patrimoine-enjeux-valorisation. Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, 2-4 juillet
2003. Paysages de vignes et de vins: patrimoine-enjeux-valorisation: Colloque international, Abbaye Royale de
Fontevraud, 2,3 et 4 Juillet 2003. InterLoire. Angers, InterLoire, 2003. 316 p., illus. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; wine; vineyards; conservation; enhancement; world heritage list;
case studies.
// Val de Loire, France (WHC 933)
ACCESSION NO: 15370. CALL NO: P.C.085.


1997-1999 Pyrénées-Mont Perdu - Criteria (iii) (iv) (v) (vii) (viii)

This outstanding mountain landscape, which spans the contemporary national borders
of France and Spain, is centred around the peak of Mount Perdu, a calcareous massif
that rises to 3,352 m. The site, with a total area of 30,639 ha, includes two of Europe's
largest and deepest canyons on the Spanish side and three major cirque walls on the
more abrupt northern slopes with France, classic presentations of these geological
landforms. The site is also a pastoral landscape reflecting an agricultural way of life
that was once widespread in the upland regions of Europe but now survives only in
this part of the Pyrénées. Thus it provides exceptional insights into past European
society through its landscape of villages, farms, fields, upland pastures and mountain

Ce paysage de montagne exceptionnel, qui rayonne des deux côtés des frontières
nationales actuelles de France et d'Espagne, est centré sur le pic du Mont-Perdu,
massif calcaire qui culmine à 3 352 m. Le site, d'une superficie totale de 30 639 ha,
comprend deux des canyons les plus grands et les plus profonds d'Europe sur le
versant sud, du côté espagnol, et trois cirques importants sur le versant nord, plus
abrupt, du côté français – formes géologiques terrestres classiques. Ce site est
également un paysage pastoral qui reflète un mode de vie agricole autrefois répandu
dans les régions montagneuses d'Europe. Il est resté inchangé au XXe siècle en ce
seul endroit des Pyrénées, et présente des témoignages inestimables sur la société
européenne d'autrefois à travers son paysage de villages, de fermes, de champs, de
hauts pâturages et de routes de montagne.

Justification for Inscription

The Committee inscribed the site under natural criteria (vii) and (viii). The calcareous
massif of the Mount Perdu displays classic geological land forms, including deep
canyons and spectacular cirque walls. It is also an outstanding scenic landscape with
meadows, lakes, caves and forests on mountain slopes. In addition, the area is of
high interest to science and conservation. Concerning cultural values, the Committee
inscribed the property on the basis of criteria (iii), (iv) and (v): The Pyrénées-Mont
Perdu area between France and Spain is an outstanding cultural landscape which

combines scenic beauty with a socio-economic structure that has its roots in the past
and illustrates a mountain way of life that has become rare in Europe.
Justification d'inscription
Le Comité a inscrit le site sur la base des critères naturels (vii) et (viii). Le massif
calcaire du Mont Perdu présente un certain nombre de formations géologiques
classiques telles que des canyons profondément creusés et des cirques
spectaculaires. C'est également un paysage exceptionnel avec des prairies, des lacs,
des grottes, des montagnes et des forêts. De plus, la région présente un grand intérêt
pour la science et la conservation. En ce qui concerne les valeurs culturelles, le
Comité a inscrit le bien au titre des critères (iii), (iv) et (v) : la zone Pyrénées - Mont
Perdu entre la France et l’Espagne offre un paysage culturel exceptionnel qui allie la
beauté panoramique à une structure socio-économique qui a ses racines dans le
passé et illustre un mode de vie montagnard devenu rare en Europe.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
016579 - Le Mont Perdu. Clin, Michel. Paris, ANABF, 1999. p. 26-27, illus. (La pierre d'angle. 25) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; natural heritage; cultural heritage; Spain; France.
// Pyrénées - Mont Perdu, Spain and France (WHC 773)
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

016838 - Pyrénées-Mont Perdu. 13 slides: col. (spa). From WHC 773 listed in 1997-1999. 1 page typescript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural heritage; bridges; chapels; Spain; France.
// Pyrénées, Mont Perdu, Spain (WHC 773)
CALL NO: ES.PYB.47:1-13 (WHC 773).

016887 - La Vallée d'Ordesa (Aragón). Marquina, Murlanch, Luis. Paris, ICOMOS France , 2000. p. 129-132.
(fre). In : "Accueil, aménagement et gestion dans les grands sites".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; protection of natural heritage; traffic control; car-
parking; natural sites; cultural tourism; tourism management; tourists; overvisiting; visitor flow; Spain.
// Ordesa, Mont Perdu, Spain
ACCESSION NO: 13843. CALL NO: To. 267.

017015 - Patrimoine quotidien et aménagement durable du territoire. Section Française de l'ICOMOS. Paris,
ICOMOS France, 2000. 80 p. (Les enquêtes de la Section Française de l'ICOMOS: Enquêtes de terrain 1998-
1999. 1) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of cultural heritage; conservation of cultural heritage; natural heritage; town
and country planning; cultural policy; local level; enhancement; sustainable development; France.
// Perche, France // Anjou, France // Seine-et-Marne, France // Le Pays des bastides, Gironde, Lot-et-Garonne,
France // Mont-Perdu, France (WHC 773 bis)

017753 - Pyrénées, Mont Perdu. 34 slides : col ; B

W. (fre). From WHC 773 listed in 1997-1999 ; 4 pages typescript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural sites; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; geological features; drawings; maps;
19th; France; Spain.
// Pyrénées, Mont Perdu, France (WHC 773)
CALL NO: ES.PYR.39: 1-34 (WHC 773).

018118 - Mont-Perdu, pays de cirques et canyons. Bellefon, Patrice de. Paris, LUR, 2001. p.38-43, illus. (Les
Cahiers de la Ligue Urbaine et Rurale. 151) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural heritage; cultural landscapes; Spain; France.
// Pyrennées, Mont-Perdu, Spain and France (WHC 773)
ACCESSION NO: K-036. ISSN: 1255-3034.

018636 - Tres Serol, Mont Perdu, a land of cirques and canyons. De Bellefon, Patrice. Madrid, UNESCO, 2001. p.
30-43, illus., maps. (World Heritage Review. 20, 2001) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; natural heritage; Spain; France.
// Pyrénées - Mont Perdu, France and Spain (WHC 773)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

023207 - Massif Mont Perdu / Tres serols. Association Mont Perdu Patrimoine Mondial. Association Mont Perdu
Patrimoine Mondial, 199? 77 p., illus. (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; mountains; world heritage list; Spain; France.
// Pyrenees - Mount Perdu, France and Spain (WHC 773)

2007 - Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda /
Ecosystème et paysage culturel relique de Lopé-Okanda – Criteria (iii) (iv) (ix) (x)

Just below the Equator and to the north of Central Africa’s dense rain forests, the
east-west Middle Ogooué Valley has been an important route for trade, cultural
migrations and settlement, since pre-historic times.
The river valley, with its hills rising above the vegetation, is now emerging as an
important archaeological centre for Central Africa with extensive remains of Neolithic
and Iron Age sites and large numbers of petroglyphs, both associated with the spread
of Bantu peoples from the southern Sahara into central, east and southern Africa.
The River Ogooué forms the northern boundary of the Lopé-Okanda National Park.
Related archaeological sites are found spread along river valleys running north-south
in the park.

Située au sud de la ligne de l’Équateur et au nord des grandes forêts pluviales

d’Afrique Centrale, la vallée du moyen Ogooué, orientée est-ouest, est une route
importante pour le commerce, les migrations culturelles et l’installation des hommes
depuis les temps préhistoriques.
La vallée du fleuve, avec ses collines s’élevant au-dessus de la végétation, est
reconnue désormais comme une aire archéologique importante pour l’Afrique
Centrale. Elle recèle d’importants vestiges de sites datant du Néolithique et de l’âge
du fer et un grand nombre de pétroglyphes associés à la migration des populations
bantoues, originaires du sud du Sahara, vers l’Afrique Centrale, de l’Est et du Sud.
Le fleuve Ogooué constitue la limite septentrionale du parc national de Lopé-Okanda.
Des sites archéologiques associés sont répartis le long des vallées orientées nord-
sud dans le parc.

Justification for Inscription

The Ecosystem and Relic Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda represents an unusual
interface between dense and well conserved tropical rainforest and relict savannah
environments. A greater number of threatened species of large mammals find their
last refuge in Lopé-Okanda than in any other comparable rainforest area in the Congo
Rainforest Biogeographical Province. The property also preserves a record of
biological evolution over the last 15,000 years of the still extant rainforest-savannah
transition zone.

The Lopé-Okanda National Park displays remarkable evidence for settlement
stretching over 400,000 years from the Palaeolithic, through the Neolithic and Iron
Age, to the present day Bantu and Pygmy peoples. The National Park includes the
River Ogooué valley, one of the principle migration routes for the diffusion of people
and languages, including the Bantu, to Central and Southern Africa, in the Neolithic
and Iron Age, as evidenced in extraordinary number of substantial settlements sites
and an extensive collection of rock art petroglyphs.

The Lopé-Okanda National Park provides the oldest dates for the extension of the
Tshitolien culture towards the Atlantic and it has revealed evidence of the early
domestication of plants and animals and the use of forest resources.

Criterion (iii): the rich archaeological ensembles of the middle stretches of the River
Ogooué Valley demonstrate 400,000 years of almost continuous history. The
archaeological sites have revealed the earliest date for the extension of Tshitolien
culture towards the Atlantic, as well as detailed evidence for the early use of forest
produce, cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals.
Criterion (iv): the collection of Neolithic and Iron Age sites together with the rock art
remains appear to reflect a major migration route of Bantu and other peoples along
the River Ogooué valley to the north of the dense evergreen Congo forests from West
Africa to central east and southern Africa, that has shaped the development of the
whole of sub-Saharan Africa. The subsidiary Iron Age sites within the forest provide
evidence for the development of forest communities and their relationship with present
day peoples.

Criterion (ix): The nominated property demonstrates an unusual interface between

forest and savannah environments, and a very important manifestation of evolutionary
processes in terms of species and habitat adaptation to post-glacial climatic changes.
The diversity of species and habitats present are the result of natural processes and
also the long-term interaction between man and nature.

Criterion (x): The diversity of habitats and the complex relationship between forest and
savannah ecosystems have contributed to a high biological diversity particularly in
relation to the property's flora, making it one of the most outstanding areas in relation
to floristic diversity and complexity in the Congo Rainforest Biogeographical Province.
Over 1,550 plant species have been recorded, including 40 never recorded before in
Gabon, and it is anticipated that once all the floristic surveys and research are
completed the number of plant species could reach over 3,000.

The property is of sufficient size to maintain the long-term ecological viability of its
habitats and ecosystems. The conservation and management of the property is
guided by a management plan for the period 2006-2011 which is supported by
international cooperation, particularly through a number of international and national
NGOs. Conservation and management of the property also benefits from a number of
transboundary cooperation initiatives. Key management issues include the need to
resolve conflicts from competing interests, and to raise awareness amongst local
people on the importance of conserving this property and to involve them in its
management. Control and regulation of commercial poaching is of priority as well as
the need to fully enforce regulations banning commercial logging within the property.
Additional financial, logistical and human resources need to be obtained to ensure the
effective management of the property and its buffer zone.

The authenticity of the archaeological sites and rock art site is intact. There is a need
for consolidation of the excavated sites to be carried out to ensure that they are not
eroded by natural or human processes.

The integrity of the cultural sites lies mainly in their relationship to one another along
the River Ogooué Valley corridor which facilitated waves of migrations and subsidiary,
later archaeological sites which fan out along the lesser river valleys within the forest.
It would be desirable if at some point in the future that part of the river valley between
the north-west corner of the National Park and the historic ensemble to the north-west
could be included so that the integrity of the river corridor as a whole could be
The legal protective measures for the property are adequate to protect the cultural
attributes of the landscape. Without a mission to the main archaeological sites in the
River Ogooué Valley, details of the state of conservation of the cultural property
cannot be recorded. Currently there are no active conservation measures undertaken
on the archaeological sites. Although many of the sites are remote and this
remoteness will help provide good protection, it would appear that over time
consolidation and remedial work will be needed. High priority should be given to
putting in place one or more staff with appropriate training for archaeological sites and
cultural landscapes.

Justification d'inscription

L'Écosystème et paysage culturel relique de Lopé-Okanda représente une interface

inhabituelle entre une forêt tropicale humide dense et bien conservée et des milieux
de savane reliques. Les espèces menacées de grand mammifères trouvent
davantage un dernier refuge à Lopé-Okanda que dans toute autre zone comparable
de forêts pluviales de la Province biogéographique des forêts ombrophiles du Congo.
Le bien préserve aussi des archives de l'évolution biologique - depuis 15 000 ans -
de la zone de transition forêts pluviales-savane qui subsiste encore.

Le Parc national de Lopé-Okanda présente un témoignage remarquable de

peuplement sur plus de 400 000 ans - depuis le Paléolithique, le Néolithique et l'Âge
du Fer, jusqu'aux populations bantoues et pygmées actuelles. Le Parc national
comprend la vallée du fleuve Ogooué, l'un des principaux itinéraires migratoires de
diffusion des populations et des langues - dont le bantou - vers l'Afrique centrale et
australe, au Néolithique et à l'Âge de Fer, comme en témoigne le nombre
extraordinaire d'importants sites de peuplement et un imposant ensemble de
pétroglyphes rupestres.

Le Parc national de Lopé-Okanda abrite les plus anciens témoignages de l'extension

de la culture tshitolienne vers l'Atlantique et il a révélé des traces de domestication de
plantes et d'animaux et d'utilisation des ressources forestières.

Critère (iii) : Les riches ensembles archéologiques de la partie médiane de la vallée

du fleuve Ogooué témoignent de 400 000 années d'une histoire quasiment
ininterrompue. Les sites archéologiques témoignent de la plus ancienne date
d'extension de la culture tshitolienne vers l'Atlantique, et attestent de manière

détaillée d'une utilisation très ancienne de produits de la forêt, de pratiques culturales
et de domestication d'animaux.

Critère (iv) : L'ensemble de sites du Néolithique et de l'Âge du Fer, ainsi que les
vestiges d'art rupestre semblent attester d'un important itinéraire migratoire de
populations bantoues et autres le long de la vallée du fleuve Ogooué vers le nord des
forêts denses persistantes du Congo, d'Afrique de l'Ouest en direction du centre de
l'Afrique de l'Est et de l'Afrique australe. Cette migration a forgé l'évolution de
l'ensemble de l'Afrique subsaharienne. Les sites secondaires de l'Âge du Fer
découverts en forêt témoignent de l'évolution de communautés forestières et de leurs
relations avec les populations actuelles.

Critère (ix) : Le bien proposé présente une interface inhabituelle entre des milieux de
savane et de forêt, ainsi qu'un témoignage très important de processus d'évolution
sous forme d'adaptation des espèces et des habitats à des changements climatiques
post-glaciaires. La diversité des espèces et des habitats que l'on y trouve est le
résultat de processus naturels ainsi que de l'interaction à long terme entre l'homme et
la nature.
Critère (x) : La diversité des habitats et les relations complexes entre les écosystèmes
de forêt et de savane ont donné une diversité biologique élevée, en particulier
floristique, qui fait du bien l'une des zones les plus exceptionnelles du point de vue de
la diversité et de la complexité de la flore dans la Province biogéographique des forêts
ombrophiles du Congo. Plus de 1 550 espèces de plantes ont été décrites, parmi
lesquelles 40 n'avaient jamais encore été recensées au Gabon et l'on pense que,
lorsque les recensements et les travaux de recherche sur la flore seront terminés, le
nombre de plantes pourrait atteindre 3 000.

Le bien est de taille suffisante pour maintenir la viabilité écologique à long terme des
habitats et des écosystèmes. La conservation et la gestion du bien sont guidées par
un plan d'aménagement couvrant la période 2006-2011 qui bénéficie de la
coopération internationale et en particulier de l'appui de plusieurs ONG nationales et
internationales. La conservation et la gestion du bien bénéficient en outre de plusieurs
initiatives de coopération transfrontalière. Les problèmes de gestion clés sont,
notamment, la nécessité de résoudre les conflits entre des intérêts concurrents, de
sensibiliser la population locale à l'importance de la conservation de ce bien et de la
faire participer à sa gestion. Il faut, en priorité, contrôler et réglementer le braconnage
commercial et appliquer intégralement les règlements qui interdisent l'exploitation
commerciale du bois dans le bien. Il faudra aussi obtenir des ressources financières,
logistiques et humaines supplémentaires pour garantir une gestion efficace du bien et
de sa zone tampon.

L'authenticité des sites archéologiques et du site d'art rupestre est intacte. Il

conviendrait de consolider les sites fouillés pour veiller à empêcher leur érosion par
des processus naturels ou humains.

L'intégrité des sites culturels réside essentiellement dans leurs relations mutuelles le
long du couloir de la vallée de l'Ogooué, qui a facilité les vagues migratoires, et dans
des sites archéologiques plus tardifs et secondaires répartis dans des vallées fluviales
de moindre importance dans la forêt. Il serait souhaitable de pouvoir inclure
ultérieurement cette partie de la vallée fluviale entre le coin nord-ouest du Parc

national et l'ensemble historique vers le nord-ouest, de manière à pouvoir protéger
l'intégrité de l'ensemble du couloir fluvial.

Les mesures juridiques de protection conviennent pour protéger les éléments

culturels du paysage. En l'absence de mission sur les principaux sites archéologiques
de la vallée du fleuve Ogooué, il n'est pas possible d'enregistrer en détail l'état de
conservation du bien culturel. Actuellement, aucune mesure active de conservation
n'est entreprise sur les sites archéologiques. Malgré l'isolement de nombre de ces
sites - et cet isolement contribuera à assurer une bonne protection - il semblerait qu'il
faille effectuer des travaux de consolidation et de redressement au cours du temps. Il
faudrait, en toute première priorité, affecter sur le site une ou deux personnes
correctement formées en matière de sites archéologiques et de paysages culturels.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

031595 - Ecosystem and relict cultural landscape of Lopé-Okanda. UNESCO. 10 slides: col. (eng). From WHC
1147 listed in 2007.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; Gabon.
// Lopé-Okanda, Gabon
CALL NO: GA.LOP.01:1-10 (WHC 1147).

031613 - Séminaire de planification des activités du futur "Parc National de la Lopé". Lopé, 2002. Parc National de
La Lope. Rapport final. Ministere de l'Economie forestiere, des Eaux de laPeche, Charge de l'environnement et de
la Protection de la nature du Gabon (ed.). Lopé, Ministere de l'Economie Forestiere du Gabon, 2002. 70 p. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: Gabon; world heritage list; environment; cultural landscapes; natural parks; meetings.
// Lopé-Okanda, Gabon
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1147 rev. CALL NO: 15387.

031614 - Textes jurídiques sur la protection des forêts, de l'environnement et de la faune au Gabon. Projet Forêts
et Environnment. Ministere des Eaux et Forêts et du Reboisement du Gabon (ed.). Libreville, Cellule de
coordination du P.F.E., s.d. 2 v. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: Gabon; world heritage list; environment; cultural landscapes; natural parks; legislation;
protection of environment; protection of natural heritage.
// Lopé-Okanda, Gabon
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1147 rev. CALL NO: 15386.

032247 - Lopé-Okanda: A true natural museum with a threatened earthen architecture. Angoue, Claudine-Augée.
Paris, UNESCO, 2008. p. 28-35, illus. (World Heritage. 48) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; national parks; forests; threats; building materials;
earth architecture; wood; cob; Gabon.
// Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda, Gabon (WHC 1147)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

032248 - Lopé-Okanda: Véritable musée naturel avec une architecture en terre menacée. Angoue, Claudine-
Augée. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. p. 28-35, illus. (Patrimoine Mondial. 48) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; national parks; forests; threats; building materials;
earth architecture; wood; cob; Gabon.
// Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda, Gabon (WHC 1147)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.


2000 - Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz / Le royaume des jardins de Dessau-

Wörlitz - Criteria (ii) (iv)

The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz is an exceptional example of landscape

design and planning of the Age of the Enlightenment, the 18th century. Its diverse
components - outstanding buildings, landscaped parks and gardens in the English
style, and subtly modified expanses of agricultural land - serve aesthetic, educational,
and economic purposes in an exemplary manner.
Le royaume des jardins de Dessau-Wörlitz est un exemple exceptionnel de
conception paysagère et d'urbanisme du XVIIIe siècle, le Siècle des Lumières. Ses
divers composants – édifices remarquables, parcs paysagers, jardins à l'anglaise et
pans de terres agricoles subtilement modifiés – remplissent de manière exemplaire
des fonctions esthétiques, éducatives et économiques.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz is an outstanding example of the
application of the philosophical principles of the Age of the Enlightenment to the
design of a landscape that integrates art, education, and economy in a harmonious

Criterion (iv): The 18th century was a seminal period for landscape design, of which
the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz is an exceptional and wide-ranging illustration.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Le royaume des jardins de Dessau-Wörlitz est un exemple exceptionnel

de l’application des principes philosophiques du siècle des Lumières à la conception
d’un paysage intégrant harmonieusement art, éducation et économie.

Critère (iv) : Le XVIIIe siècle fut une époque déterminante pour la conception
paysagère, et le royaume des jardins de Dessau-Wörlitz en est une illustration
exceptionnelle et majeure.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
009122 - Denkmalpflege an Bauten und Gärten des Dessau-Wörlitzer Reformwerkes. Schelenz, Reinhard;
Findeisen, Peter. Halle, Institut für Denkmalpflege, 1986. 13 p, illus. (ger). Matériel d'accompagnement, exposition
Wörlitz, Gotisches Haus.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: restorers; history of conservation; German DR.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: historic monuments and sites; historic gardens.
// Erdmannsdorff, Friedrich Wilhelm von - restorer

010020 - Die Wörlitzer Anlagen und der Beginn ihrer Rekonstruktion. [The Wörlitz gardens and the start of their
reconstructions] (eng). Trauzettel, Ludwig. Helsinborg, Föreningen för dendrologi och parkvård, 1987. p. 51-62,
illus. (Lustgården. 66, 67) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; landscape gardens; 18th; descriptions; 19th; overvisiting; neglect; over
restoration; reconstitution; German DR.
// Schoch, Johann (senior) - gardener // Schoch, Johann (junior) - gardener // Anhalt-Dessau (German DR) //
Wörlitz (German DR) // Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: 9733. CALL NO: J.H. 237.

016536 - Dessau-Wörlitz im Wandel. Trauzettel, Ludwig. München, DGGL, 1992. p. 39-43, illus. (Garden +
Landschaft. 6,92)
(ger). Reflections on the landscapes of Dessau-Wörlitz. eng. Abstract in English.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation policy; national parks; Germany.
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: 13788. CALL NO: P.C. 001. ISSN: 0016-4720.

019532 - Le royaume des jardins de Dessau-Wörlitz. Quilitzsch, Uwe. Madrid, UNESCO, 2002. p. 70-79, illus.
(World Heritage Review. 25) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; landscape gardens; world heritage list; Germany.
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: K-382b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

020341 - Denkmalpflege an Bauten und Gärten des Dessau-Wörlitzer Reformwerkes. Schelenz, Reinhard;
Findeisen, Peter. Germany DR, Institut für Denkmalpflege der DDR. Weißenfels, Fachbuchdruck Naumburg, 1986.
12 p., illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscape gardens; conservation of historic sites; World Cultural Heritage; conservation
of historic gardens; World Heritage List; Germany.
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: 10945. CALL NO: J.H. 076.

023713 - Das Dessau-Wörlitzer Gartenreich: Inventarisation und Entwicklungspotentiale der historischen

Infrastruktur. Stadt Wörlitz (ed); Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz (ed). Wörlitz, Kulturstiftung Dessau Wörlitz, 2000. 54
p, illus. (Kataloge und Schriften
der Kulturstiftung Dessau-Wörlitz. Band 7) (same text in ger, eng). incl. bib.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; inventories; historic gardens; parks and gardens;
infrastructure; evaluations; reconstruction; proposals; roads; structural elements; maps; garden ornamental
buildings; ditches; dykes; surveys; development; revitalization; legislation.
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 534 (1). ISBN: 3-86107-017-0.

023714 - Denkmalverzeichnis Sachsen-Anhalt - Sonderband - Dessau-Wörlitzer Gartenreich. Kleinschmidt,
Harald; Bufe, Thomas; Schelenz, Reinhard; Stahl, Andreas; Steinecke, Uwe; Weber, Bettina (maps). Landesamt
für Denkmalpflege Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany (ed). Special ed. Halle, fliegenkopf verlag, 1997. 262 p, illus, 1 map.
(Denkmalverzeichnis Sachsen-Anhalt) (ger). incl. bib.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; inventories; historic gardens; parks and gardens;
evaluations; roads; structural elements; maps; garden ornamental buildings; ditches; dykes; legislation; villages;
historic landscapes; historic monuments and sites; descriptions.
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 534 (2). ISBN: 3-910147-65-8.

024697 - Der Dessau-Wörlitzer Kulturkreis- Initiator und Quelle der landschaftlichen Gartenkunst im
deutschsprachigen Raum. Günther, Harri. Frankfurt am Main, IFLA-IOMOS, 1995. p.78-88. In: "Der Wandel vom
Barockgarten zum englischen Landschaftsgarten= The transition from the Baroque garden to the English landsape
garden. Vorträge des Internationalen Kongresses in Fulda 1994" (ger). Incl. abstract in English.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; landscape gardens; World Heritage list; 18th; Germany.
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WC 534)
ACCESSION NO: 13217. CALL NO: J.H. 318.

025189 - Gedanken zur Bewahrung des Dessa-Wörlitzer Gartenreichs. Trauzettel, Ludwig. München, ICOMOS
Germany, 1995. p.7-10, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XVI) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; historic landscapes; conservation; castles.
ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-628-0.

026506 - The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz: The Elbe River as the lifeline of Germany's new world heritage
site. Trauzettel, Ludwig. Cottbus, Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, 2002. p.73-82, illus. In: "Nature and culture:
ambivalent dimensions of our heritage. Change of perspective" (same text in eng). Das Gartenreich Dessau-
W"rlitz: Die elbe als lebensader f_r ein junges deutsches weltkulturerbe. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic landscapes; historic gardens; world heritage list; rivers; historical surveys;
// Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: 14881. ISBN: 3-927907-84-7.

026512 - Dessau-Wörlitz for children and young people world heritage in young hands. Kirsten, Cornelia. Cottbus,
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, 2002. p.153-166, illus. In: "Nature and culture: ambivalent dimensions of our
heritage. Change of perspective" (same text in eng). Dessau-Wörlitz für kinder und Jugendliche Welterbe in
"Young hands". ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; world cultural heritage; public awareness; educational activities; youth
participation; children.
// Dessau-wörlitz, Germany (WHC 534)
ACCESSION NO: 14881. ISBN: 3-927907-84-7.

2002 Upper Middle Rhine Valley / Vallée du Haut-Rhin moyen
-Criteria (ii) (iv) (v)

The 65km-stretch of the Middle Rhine Valley, with its castles, historic towns and
vineyards, graphically illustrates the long history of human involvement with a
dramatic and varied natural landscape. It is intimately associated with history and
legend and for centuries has exercised a powerful influence on writers, artists and

Les 65 km de la vallée du Rhin moyen, avec ses châteaux, ses villes historiques et
ses vignobles, illustrent de manière vivante la pérennité de l'implication humaine dans
un paysage naturel spectaculaire et bigarré. Ce paysage est intimement lié à l'histoire
et à la légende et exerce, depuis des siècles, une puissante influence sur les
écrivains, les peintres et les compositeurs.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): As one of the most important transport routes in Europe, the Middle
Rhine Valley has for two millennia facilitated the exchange of culture between the
Mediterranean region and the north.

Criterion (iv): The Middle Rhine Valley is an outstanding organic cultural landscape,
the present-day character of which is determined both by its geomorphological and
geological setting and by the human interventions, such as settlements, transport
infrastructure, and land-use, that it has undergone over two thousand years.

Criterion (v): The Middle Rhine Valley is an outstanding example of an evolving

traditional way of life and means of communication in a narrow river valley. The
terracing of its steep slopes in particular has shaped the landscape in many ways for
more than two millennia. However, this form of land-use is under threat from the
socio-economic pressures of the present day.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : En sa qualité de voie de transport parmi les plus importantes en Europe,
la vallée du Rhin moyen a facilité depuis deux millénaires les échanges culturels entre
la région méditerranéenne et le Nord de l'Europe.

Critère (iv) : La vallée du Rhin moyen est un paysage culturel organique exceptionnel,
dont le caractère actuel est déterminé à la fois par son cadre géomorphologique et
géologique et par les interventions humaines, comme les peuplements, la mise en
place d'infrastructures de transport et l'occupation des sols, qu'il a connues pendant
deux mille ans.

Critère (v) : La vallée du Rhin moyen est un exemple exceptionnel d'évolution du

mode de vie traditionnel et de mode de communication dans une étroite vallée
fluviale. Le creusement de terrasses sur ses flancs abrupts, en particulier, a façonné
bien des facettes du paysage pendant plus de deux millénaires. Cependant, les
pressions socio-économiques actuelles mettent en péril cette forme d'occupation des

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
023751 - Bundesrecht - Landesrecht Hessen Rheinland-Pfalz - Liste der hessischen und rheinland-pfälzischen
Verordnungen über die Naturschutzgebiete am Mittelrhein - Rheintal-Charta Federal Laws - Provincial Laws
Hesse Rhineland-Palatinate - List of the Provincial Regulations (Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate) on Nature
Preserves on the Middle Rhine - Rhine Valley Charta. district Rheinland-Pfalz; district Hessen. (s.l.), Federal
Republic of Germany, (s.d.). 708 p. (same text in ger, eng). Appendix to nomination file
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; protection of cultural heritage;
protection of sites; protection of natural heritage; monuments; rural planning; legislation; legal protection; legal
aspects; construction; lists.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1066 (10).

020073 - Vallée du Haut Rhin moyen. UNESCO. 74 slides. (ger). From WHC 1066 listed in 2002; 3 p. transcript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; historic monuments; Germany; rivers.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
CALL NO: DE.RHI.43:1-74 (WHC 1066).

023713 - Das Rheintal von Bingen und Rüdesheim bis Koblenz - eine europäische Kulturlandschaft. Band 1.
Schüler-Beigang, Christian; Straeter, Heinz (phot); Jeiter, Michael (phot); Meyer, Wilhelm; Stets, Johannes; et al.
Landesamt fûr Denkmalpflege Rheinland-Pfalz (ed). Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2001. 506 p, illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; descriptions; historical surveys;
economic and social development; art history; tourism; natural landscape; architecture history; trading posts;
settlements; 19th; middle ages; castles; vineyards.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1066 (1). ISBN: 3-8053-2753-6.

023714 - Der Rhein Gestern, Heute, Morgen 1947-1997. Ministerium für Umwelt und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz,
Germany (ed). Mainz, Ministerium für Umwelt und Forsten, (s.d.). 88 p, illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; natural landscape;
fishing; forests; floods; pollution; pollution control; protection of environment; protection of natural sites; fauna.
/ Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1066 (2). ISBN: 3-00-00-1815-8.

023715 - Pfalzgrafenstein Castle. Backes, Magnus. Mainz, Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz,
1980. 54 p, illus. (Guides published by the Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz. No.11) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; castles; islands;
rivers; architectural drawings; courtyards; descriptions.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: tourist guidebooks.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Pfalzgrafenstein Castle, Kaub am Rhein, Germany

023717 - Stolzenfels Castle. Schloss Stolzenfels. Bornheim gen. Schilling, Werner. Mainz, Verwaltung der
staatlichen Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz, 1981. 102 p, illus. (Guides published by the Verwaltung der staatlichen
Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz. No. 4) (same text in eng, ger). incl. plans; 2 copies: /1: eng, /2: ger.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; castles; islands; rivers;
architectural drawings; courtyards; descriptions; gardens; tourist guidebooks; Germany.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Stolzenfels Castle, Koblenz, Germany
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1066 (4) /1 /2.

023718 - Sooneck Castle. Rathke, Ursula. Mainz, Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz, 1979. 38
p, illus. (Guides published by the Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz. No. 8) (eng). incl. plan,
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; castles; islands;
rivers; architectural drawings; courtyards; descriptions; gardens; interiors; tapestries.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: tourist guidebooks.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Sooneck Castle, near Niederheimbach, Germany

023719 - Rheinland Pfalz - Burgen, Schlösser, Altertümer. Rhineland-Palatinate Castles, stately homes and
ancient monuments. Vanovitch, Katherine (transl. eng). exerpt from complete ed. Regensburg, Schnell + Steiner
GmbH, 1999. p. 154-176, illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; castles; islands;
rivers; descriptions; gardens; interiors; villas.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: tourist guidebooks.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of
Our Lady in Trier, Germany (WHC 367) // Roman Villa, Otrang // Sterrenberg Castle Ruins, Kamp-Bornhofen //
Fort Ehrenbreitstein, Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein // Kastel Hermitage, Kastel-Staadt // Schloss Bürresheim, Mayen //
Kasselburg Castle Ruins, near Gerolstein // Nürburg Castle Ruins, Nürburg // Engers Palace, Neuwied-Engers //
Nassau Castle Ruins // Schwalbach Castle Ruins, Burgschwalbach // Altenbaumburg Castle Ruins, Altenbaumburg
// Trifels Castle, Annweiler // Hardenburg Castle Ruins, Bad Dürkheim // Landeck Castle Ruins, near Gleiszellen //
Nannstein Castle Ruins, near Landstuhl // The Ruined Castles of Dahn // Villa Ludwigshöhe, Edenkoben, Germany

023926 - Conservare Necesse Est. anon. [s.l.], [s.n.], [s.d.]. 11 p, illus. (same text in ger, eng, fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: Germany; historic monuments and sites; historic houses; conservation; restoration;
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // The Leistisches Haus, Hameln // Kornelimünster Abbey,
Aachen // Town Hall of Groß-Ulmstadt, Hesse // Dikasterialgebäude (Baroqe Municipal Library), Koblenz

024020 - Schloss "Villa Ludwigshöhe". Bornheim gen. Schilling, Werner. Mainz, Verwaltung der staatlichen
Schlösser Rheinland-Pfalz, 1981. 68 p, illus. (Guides published by the Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser
Rheinland-Pfalz. No. 13) (ger). incl. plans.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; Germany; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; castles; rivers;
descriptions; vineyards; interior design.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: tourist guidebooks.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Castle "Villa Ludwigshöhe", near Landau, Germany

024029 - Staatiche Burgen und Schlösser in Rheinland-Pfalz. Bornheim gen. Schilling, Werner; Caspary, Hans.
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Rheinland-Pfalz (ed). Mainz, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Rheinland-Pfalz -
Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser, 1976. 96 p, 1 map, illus. (Führer der Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser.
Heft 7) (ger). incl. 1 map.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: castles; monuments and sites; palaces; religious architecture; fortified architecture;
descriptions; historical surveys; Germany.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: tourist guidebooks.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of
Our Lady in Trier, Germany (WHC 367)

024328 - Role of individual citizen, here: environmental preservation associations. Precht von Taboritzki, Barbara.
Sofia, BNC/ICOMOS, 1996. p. 379-384, illus. In: "11th ICOMOS General Assembly and International symposium:
The heritage and social changes - symposium papers" (eng). Incl. abstract in french.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of cultural heritage; associations; Germany.
// Rhine association

026650 - World heritage vineyard landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Den Haag, Europa Nostra, 2005. p. 10-19, illus.
(Europa Nostra: European Cultural Heritage Review. 1, 2005) (eng). Les vignobles, un patrimoine mondia. fre. Incl.
abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands, Italy (WHC 826) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830) // Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Upper Middle Rhine
Walley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Loire Valley,France (WHC 933) // Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // Alto Douro
Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

027147 - Terraced Vineyards in the Middle Rhine Valley. Shüler-Beigang, Christian. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis
Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.64-67. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14
July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; world heritage list; Germany.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

032360 - Castles of the 19th Century in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. Liessem, Udo. The Hague, Europa Nostra,
2007. p. 7-14, illus. (Europa Nostra Scientific Bulletin. 61) (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; castles; 19th; reconstruction; medieval architecture; Germany.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: K-027. ISSN: 1875-2896.

033746 - Germany. Petzet, Michael; Michel, Jeffrey H. ICOMOS Germany. Altenburg, E.Reinhold Verlag, 2008. p.
62-73, illus. In: "Heritage at risk: ICOMOS World Report 2006/2007 on Monuments and Sites in Danger" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; cultural landscapes; bridges; architectural projects; world heritage
list; museums; reconstruction; war damage; historic town centres; urban development; garages; man made
deterioration; Germany.
// Waldschlösschen Brigde, Dresden, Germany // Museum Island, Berlin, Germany // Historic Centre of Stralsund
(WHC 1067) // Upper Middle Rhine Valley (WHC 1066) // Bauhaus and its Sites in Dessau (WHC 729) //
Telephone Cable Factory in Oberschöneweide, Berlin, Germany // Emmaus Church, Heuersdorf, Germany
ACCESSION NO: 15684. CALL NO: Ri. 095 (5). ISBN: 978-3-937940-47-2.

2004 Dresden Elbe Valley / Vallée de l’Elbe à Dresde - Criteria(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

The 18th and 19th century cultural landscape of Dresden Elbe Valley extends some
18-km along the river from Übigau Palace and Ostragehege fields in the northwest to
the Pillnitz Palace and the Elbe River Island in the southeast. It features low
meadows, and is crowned by the Pillnitz Palace and the centre of Dresden with its
numerous monuments and parks from the 16th to the 20th centuries. The landscape
also features 19th and 20th century suburban villas and gardens and valuable natural
features. Some terraced slopes along the river are still used for viticulture and some
old villages have retained their historic structure and elements from the industrial
revolution: notably the 147-m Blue Wonder steel bridge (1891-1893), the single-rail
suspension cable railway (1898-1901), and the funicular (1894-1895). The passenger
steamships (the oldest from 1879) and shipyard (ca 1900) are still in use.

Le paysage culturel des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles de la vallée de l’Elbe à Dresde s’étend
sur quelque 18 km le long du fleuve, du palais d’Übigau et des champs
d’Ostragehege au nord-ouest jusqu’au Château de Pillnitz et à l’île sur l’Elbe au sud-
est. Ses prairies basses servent d’écrin au Château de Pillnitz et au centre de Dresde,
où abondent parcs et monuments surgis entre le XVIe et le XXe siècle. Le site
comprend également des villas et des jardins des XIXe et XXe siècles. Les terrasses
sur les coteaux sont toujours en partie consacrées à la viticulture, et certains villages
anciens ont conservé leur structure d’époque, et des éléments datant de la révolution
industrielle, notamment la « Merveille Bleue », un pont en acier de 147 m. de long
(1891-1893), le monorail funiculaire suspendu (1898-1901) et le funiculaire (1894-
1895). Les bateaux à vapeur (le plus ancien remonte à 1879) et le chantier naval
(vers 1900) sont toujours en activité.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The Dresden Elbe Valley has been the crossroads in Europe, in culture,
science and technology. Its art collections, architecture, gardens, and landscape
features have been an important reference for Central European developments in the
18th and 19th centuries.

Criterion (iii): The Dresden Elbe Valley contains exceptional testimonies of court
architecture and festivities, as well as renowned examples of middle-class

architecture and industrial heritage representing European urban development into
the modern industrial era.

Criterion (iv): The Dresden Elbe Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape, an

ensemble that integrates the celebrated baroque setting and suburban garden city
into an artistic whole within the river valley.

Criterion (v): The Dresden Elbe Valley is an outstanding example of land use,
representing an exceptional development of a major Central-European city. The value
of this cultural landscape has long been recognized, but it is now under new
pressures for change.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : La vallée de l’Elbe à Dresde fut à la croisée des chemins en Europe, pour
la culture, la science et la technologie. Ses collections d’art, son architecture, ses
jardins et les caractéristiques de son paysage ont été une référence importante pour
le développement de l’Europe centrale aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.

Critère (iii) : La vallée de l’Elbe à Dresde recèle des témoignages exceptionnels de

l’architecture et des festivités de cour, tout comme des exemples célèbres
d’architecture bourgeoise et de patrimoine industriel qui représentent le
développement urbain en Europe et son passage à l’ère industrielle moderne.

Critère (iv) : La vallée de l’Elbe à Dresde est un paysage culturel exceptionnel, qui
réunit le célèbre décor baroque et la ville jardin des environs en un ensemble
artistique intégré au paysage fluvial.

Critère (v) : La vallée de l’Elbe à Dresde est un exemple remarquable d’occupation du

territoire qui représente le développement exceptionnel d’une grande ville d’Europe
centrale. La valeur de ce paysage culturel est reconnue depuis longtemps, mais il est
aujourd’hui soumis à de nouvelles pressions en faveur de changements.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
000326 - Der Wideraufbau der Stadtsoper in Dresden als denkmalpflegerische Aufgabe. The Reconstruction of the
State Opera House in Dresden as part of the preservation of monuments (eng). Magirius, Henrich. Berlin, VEB
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1981. p. 173-180, illus. (Neue Museumskunde . 3) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: restoration; opera houses; German DR.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: reconstruction; restoration of wall paintings.
// Opera National, Dresden (German DR)

001096 - Conservation in action : the reconstruction of the Dresden State Opera House. Magirius, Heinrich. York,
ICOMOS, 1983. p. 165-174, illus. (Monumentum. 26,3) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: opera houses; reconstruction; restoration works; architecture history; interior architecture;
decorations and ornaments; rendering; wall paintings; German DR.
// Semper, Gottfried - architect // State Opera House, Dresden (Germany DR)

005210 - Die Semperoper in Dresden. Schölzel, Dieter; Berger, Dietrich. Berlin, Verlag für Bauwesen, 1985. p. 54-
59, illus. (Farbe und Raum. 2) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: opera houses; reconstruction; German DR.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: bomb damage; conservation of historic monuments; infill buildings; contemporary
architecture; destruction of cultural heritage; technological changes; interior architecture; wall paintings.
// Semperoper, Dresden (German DR)
ACCESSION NO: K-84. ISSN: 0014-7702.

005769 - Der Wiederaufbau des Stallhofes in Dresden. Glaser, Gerhard. Berlin, Veb Verlag fur Bauwesen, 1982.
p. 32-36, illus. (Architektur der DDR. 31, 10) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: stables; reconstruction; German DR.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: architecture history; museums; urban renewal; war damage; castles; conservation of
historic monuments; conversion of buildings.
// Schinkel, Karl Friedrich - architect // Stallhof, Dresden (German DR)
ACCESSION NO: K-14. ISSN: 0323-3413.

023980 - Merkblätter des Instituts für Denkmalpflege Dresden. Institut für Denkmalpflege Dresden, German DR.
Dresden, Institut für Denkmalpflege, 1961. 103 p, illus. (Merkblätter des Instituts für Denkmalpflege Dresden.
August 1961) (ger). incl. legislative texts, questionnaires, manuals.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: German DR; restoration; conservation; reconstruction; questionnaires; techical drawings;
inventory systems; historic monuments and sites; rural architecture; financial aspects; settlements; roofs; building
materials; architectural details.
// Institut für Denkmalpflege Dresden, German DR

024319 - Erhaltungssatzung für historische Dorfkerne im Stadtgebiet von Dresden. Landeshauptstadt Dresden,
Germany. Dresden, Dresdner Amtsblatt 14/93, 1993. p. 15-18. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: legal protection; legislation; laws.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)

024322 - Verzeichnis der Bodendenkmale im Antragsgebiet. Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen, Germany. [s.l.],
Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen, 2002. 8 p. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: legal protection; descriptions; archaeological sites; inventories.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)

024325 - Aufstellung der Einzeldenkmale und Sachgesamtheiten im Antragsgebiet. [s.n.], Germany. [s.l.], [s.n.],
(s.d.]. 20 p. (ger). list of monuments.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: legal protection; listing of historic monuments; inventories.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)

024330 - Städtbaulicher Rahmenplan Nr. 753 Dresden-Pillnitz Begründung zur Vorlage. Landeshauptstadt
Dresden, Germany. Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1999. 4 p, 2 maps, scale 1: 5000. (ger). incl. 2 maps
"Rahmenplan Nr. 753 Pillnitz - Gesamtplan Anlage 3.1"
"Pillnitz - Karte der Schutzgebiete und Restriktionsflächen - Entwurf zum Satzungbeschluss Anlage 3.2".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: town planning schemes; protection of natural sites.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)

024332 - Erhaltungssatzung H-05 der Landeshauptstadt Dresden für das Villengebiet "Preußisces Viertel".
Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Germany. Dresden, Dresdner Amtsblatt 12/ 19, 1998. 13 p, 1 map, scale 1: 5000.
(ger). incl. 1 map "Erhaltungssatzung Nr. H-05 für das Villengebiet "Preußisches Viertel".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: legal protection; legislation; maps; laws.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)

024338 - Begründung zur Erhaltungssatzung H-30 - Innere Neustadt. Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Germany.
Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1993. 17 p, 7 maps, scale 1: 5000. (ger). incl. 7 maps "Übersichtsplan des
Geltungsbereiches Anlage 3"; "Anlage 2"; "Anlage 3" (col); "Anlage 4"; Anlage 5"; "Anlage 6"; "Gebietsgrenzen
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of historic towns; town planning; historical surveys; legislation.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (10).

024342 - Landschaftsschutzgebiet Dresdner Elbwiesen und -talarme: Entwurf Pflege- und Entwicklungsplan Teil 1:
Analyse und Bewertung. Böhnert, Wolfgang; Walter, Sabine; Reichardt, Ines. Landeshauptstadt Dresden,
Grünflächenamt (Germany). Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1999. 118 p, illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of natural sites; town and country planning; legal protection; analysis.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (11).

024347 - Landschaftspflegeplan für das Landschaftsschutzgebiet "Elbhänge Dresden-Pirna und Schönfelder

Hochland". Schimack, G.; Uhlich, H.; Wächter, A. Rat des Kreises Dresden/ Rat des Kreises Pirna/ Rat des
Kreises Sebnitz/ Rat des Stadtbezirkes Dresden-Ost (German DR). Dresden, Rat des Kreises Dresden, Rat des
Kreises Pirna, Rat des Kreises Sebnitz, Rat des Stadtbezirkes Dresden-Ost, 1987. 36 p. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of natural sites; town and country planning; legal protection; analysis; natural
heritage; economic aspects; tourist industry; historic monuments and sites.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: management plans.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (12).

024352 - Landschaftsplan - Teillandschaftsplan in den Stadtgrenzen vom 31.12.1996. Landehauptstadt Dresden,

Dezernat Umwelt und Kommunalwirtschaft, Germany (ed). Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1996. 2 booklets,
20 maps, scale 1: 50000, scale 1: 25000. (ger). Incl. booklets: Landsaftsplan Teil 1
Teil 2.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of natural sites; town and country planning; legal protection; analysis; natural
heritage; concepts; inventories.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (13).

024358 - Städtebaulicher Rahmenplan Großes Ostragehege und Umfeld: Dokumentation zum Stadtratsbeschluss.
Emmrich, Peter; Friedrich, Annette; Walter, Jörn. Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Dezernat für Stadtentwicklung und
Baut, Germany (ed). Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1998. 57 p, illus, format A3. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: town and country planning; legal protection; analysis; concepts.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: documentation.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (14).

024363 - Cultural Landscape "Dresden Elbe Valley" Infuences on the world emanating from the Dresden Elbe
Valley - Additional eplanations of the figures. Kulturlandschaft "Elbtal Dresden" Impulse aus dem Elbtal Dresden in
die Welt - Ergänzende Erläuterungen zu den Abbildungen. Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Germany. [s.l.], [s.n.],
2003. 57 p., illus., format A3. (same text in ger, eng). incl. photos, 2 copies.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: analysis; photographs; desriptions; historical surveys.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (15).

024371 - Maps: Übersicht Teil 1. Übersicht Teil 2. Übersicht Teil 3. Kulturlandschaft "Elbtal Dresden" scale 1:
29000. Eigentumsverhältnisse. Fachlich ermitteltes Überschwemmungsgebiet der Elbe [...]. Flächennutzungsplan
scale 1: 40000. Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Germany. Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 2002. 7 maps, col.,
scale 1: 10000, scale 1: 29000,
scale 1: 25000, scale 1: 50000, scale 1: 40000. (ger). incl. indication of core and buffer zones.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: analysis; protection of natural heritage; protection of cultural heritage.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (16).

024374 - Denkmalpflegeplan Dresdner Elbhänge und Elbauen. Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Denkmalshutzamt,

Germany. Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1995. 100 p, maps. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of cultural heritage; legislation; descriptions; concepts; protection of natural
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: management plans; maps.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (17).

024377 - Denkmalpflegeplan Dresden-Friedrichstadt. Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Denkmalshutzamt, Germany.

Dresden, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, 1993. 22 p, 30 p annex illus. (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of cultural heritage; legislation; descriptions; concepts; protection of natural
heritage; town planning schemes.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: management plans; maps; photographs.
// Dresden Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1156 (18).

024453 - Vallée de l'Elbe à Dresde. 51 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1156 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; palaces; rivers; Germany.
// Dresde Elbe Valley, Germany (WHC 1156)
CALL NO: DE.ELB.47.1-51 (WHC 1156).


Park Muzakowski / Parc de Muskau / Parc Muzakowski - Criteria (i) (iv)

A landscaped park of 559.90-ha astride the Neisse river and the border between
Poland and Germany, it was created by Prince Hermann von Puckler-Muskau from
1815 to 1844. Blending seamlessly with the surrounding farmed landscape, the park
pioneered new approaches to landscape design and influenced the development of
landscape architecture in Europe and America. Designed as a ‘painting with plants’, it
did not seek to evoke classical landscapes, paradise, or some lost perfection, instead
it used local plants to enhance the inherent qualities of the existing landscape. This
integrated landscape extends into the town of Muskau with green passages that
formed urban parks framing areas for development. The town thus became a design
component in a utopian landscape. The site also features a reconstructed castle,
bridges and an arboretum.

Ce parc paysager de 559,90 ha, situé de part et d’autre de la Neisse et de la frontière

germano-polonaise, a été créé par le Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau entre
1815 et 1844. S’inscrivant harmonieusement dans le paysage agricole environnant,
ce parc inaugura de nouvelles conceptions paysagères et influença le développement
de l’architecture paysagère en Europe et en Amérique. Conçu comme un « tableau de
verdure », il ne cherchait pas à évoquer un paysage classique, une image de l’Eden
ou quelque perfection perdue, mais exploitait la flore locale pour exalter les qualités
intrinsèques du paysage existant. Ce paysage intégré se prolonge jusqu’à la ville de
Muskau, avec des zones de verdure constituant des parcs urbains qui encadraient les
zones urbanisées. La ville devenait ainsi une des composantes d’un paysage
utopique. Le site comprend également un château reconstruit, des ponts et un

Justification for Inscription

The World Heritage Committee inscribed Muskauer Park/Park Muzakowski,

Germany/Poland, on the World Heritage List as cultural landscape on the basis
criteria (i) and (iv):

Criterion (i): Muskauer Park is an exceptional example of a European landscape park

that broke new ground in terms of development towards an ideal human-made

Criterion (iv): Muskauer Park was the forerunner for new approaches to landscape
design in cities, and influenced the development of ‘landscape architecture' as a

Justification d'inscription

Critère (i) : Considéré comme une oeuvre paysagère majeure, le parc de Muskau est
l’un des plus beaux exemples de grand parc paysager européen ; à la lumière des
normes et des préceptes de son époque, il se distingue comme une oeuvre
exceptionnelle « d’amélioration » du paysage, une oeuvre novatrice en termes de
développement vers un idéal de paysage façonné par l’homme.

Critère (iv) : Le parc de Muskau est le précurseur des nouvelles approches du

paysagisme urbain et rural, et a influencé le développement de l’architecture
paysagère en tant que discipline. Il a ainsi marqué une étape significative dans
l’évolution de la théorie et de la pratique paysagère.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
007438 - Des Jardins à l'allemande : l'influence du prince Pückler-Muskau. Jarrassé, Dominique. Paris, CNMHS,
1986. p. 60, illus. (Monuments Historiques. 142) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscape gardens; stylistic influences; France; German DR.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: landscape architects; biographies.
// Pückler-Muskau, prince Louis-Henri-Hermann - landscape architect // Parc de Muskau (German DR)
ACCESSION NO: K-129. ISSN: 0242-830 X.

024455 - Parc Muzakowski / Parc de Muskau. 45 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1127 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; parks; historic landscapes; landscape architecture; Germany; Poland.
// Muskauer Park / Park Muzakowski, Germany/Poland (WHC 1127)
CALL NO: DE.MUZ.46.1-45 (WHC 1127).

026207 - Bad Muskau/Leknica Park: a Good Example of Cooperation and Restoration Between Tow Nations.
Werner, Barbara. Warsaw, Educatio, 2003. p. 71-77, illus. In: "Common heritage Europe-Poland" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: international cooperation; Poland; Germany; parks; restoration; world heritage list.
// Puckler, Hermann Von // Muskau/Leknica Park, Muskauer Park/Park Muzakowski, Germany/Poland (WHC 1127)
ACCESSION NO: 14867. ISBN: 83-916691-8-1.

027402 - The landscape gardening of Prince von Pückler in Muskau. Stachanczyk, Renatta. Warsawa, Krajowy
Osrodek Badan i Dokumentacji Zabytków, 2005. p.223-234, illus; (Monument: Studies and materials of National
Center for Historical Monument Studies and Documentation. 1) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: parks; landscape gardens; world heritage list; landscape architecture; garden lay out;
// Pückler, Prince von // Muskauer Park / Park Muzakowski, Poland, Germany (WHC 1127)
ACCESSION NO: K-553. ISBN: 83-921638-4-2.

027403 - The process of restoring a large landscape park: Muzakowski - Muskauer Park in Lekinca / Bad Muskau.
Stachanczyk, Renatta; Rymkiewicz, Maciej. Warsawa, Krajowy Osrodek Badan i Dokumentacji Zabytków, 2005.
p.235-261, illus; plans. (Monument: Studies and materials of National Center for Historical Monument Studies and
Documentation. 1) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: parks; landscape gardens; world heritage list; historical surveys; garden lay
out>archaeological excavations; legal protection; restoration; Poland>Germany.
// Muskauer Park / Park Muzakowski, Poland, Germany (WHC 1127)
ACCESSION NO: K-553. ISBN: 83-921638-4-2

1999 Hortobágy National Park- the Puszta/ Parc National de Hortobágy- la
Puszta - Criteria (iv) (v)

The cultural landscape of the Hortobágy Puszta consists of a vast area of plains and
wetlands in eastern Hungary. Traditional forms of land use, such as the grazing of
domestic animals, have been present in this pastoral society for more than two

Le paysage culturel de la puszta de l'Hortobágy est une vaste étendue de plaines et

de marécages dans l'est de la Hongrie. L'utilisation traditionnelle des terres à des fins
telles que le pâturage des animaux domestiques y a été perpétuée par une société
pastorale pendant plus de deux mille ans.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iv): The Hungarian Puszta is an outstanding example of a cultural landscape
shaped by a pastoral human society.
Criterion (v): The landscape of the Hortobágy National Park preserves intact and
visible the evidence of its traditional use over more than two millennia and represents
the harmonious interaction between human beings and nature.

Justification d’inscription

Critère (iv) : La Puszta hongroise est un exemple exceptionnel de paysage culturel

constitué par une societé pastorale.

Critère (v) : Le paysage du parc national de l’Hortobagy conserve intactes et visibles
les traces de son utilisation traditionelle sur une durée de plus de deux mille annes et
illustre l’interaction harmonieuse entre l’homme et la nature.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016920 - Parc National de l'Hortobágy. 31 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 474 listed in 1999.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; cultural landscapes; flora; fauna; Hungary.
// Hortobágy National Park, Hungary (WHC 474)
CALL NO: HU.HOR. 08: 1-31 (WHC 474).

017840 - Hortobágy. Landscape with eminent cultural and natural values. Mocsenyi, Mihály. Warszawa, UNESCO,
2000. p. 47-52. (eng). In : "The Regional Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Eastern Europe"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; national parks; Hungary.
// Hortobágy National Park, Hungary (WHC 474 rev.)
ACCESSION NO: 13918. CALL NO: P.C. 17. ISBN: 83-85548-85-8.

019052 - Technical Workshop: World Heritage and Mining. Gland, Switzerland, 21-23 September 2000.
Proceedings of the technical workshop on world heritage and mining, Gland, Switzerland. UNESCO World
Heritage Centre; IUCN; ICME. [Paris], UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2001. 14p. (eng). Incl. annexes and CD-
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; mines; world heritage in danger; cultural heritage at risk; case
studies; biosphere.
// Yellowstone National Park, USA (WHC 28) // Kakadu National Park, Australia (WHC 147) // Hortobagy National
Park, Hungary (WHC 474) // Lorentz National Park, Indonesia (WHC 955) // Aznalcóllar mine, Spain // Doñana
National Park, Spain (WHC 685) // St. Lucia Wetlands Park, South Africa (WHC 914)
ACCESSION NO: 14155. ISBN: 1-895720-38-9.

2002 Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel

historique de la région viticole de Tokaj - Criteria (iii) (v)

The cultural landscape of Tokaj graphically demonstrates the long tradition of wine
production in this region of low hills and river valleys. The intricate pattern of
vineyards, farms, villages and small towns, with their historic networks of deep wine
cellars, illustrates every facet of the production of the famous Tokaj wines, the quality
and management of which have been strictly regulated for nearly three centuries.

Le paysage culturel de Tokaj témoigne de façon vivante de la longue tradition de

production viticole dans cette région de collines, rivières et vallées. Ce réseau

complexe de vignobles, fermes, villages et petites villes avec son labyrinthe historique
de caves à vin, illustre toutes les facettes de la production des fameux vins de Tokaj,
dont la qualité et la gestion sont strictement contrôlées depuis presque trois siècles.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii) : The Tokaji wine region represents a distinct viticultural tradition that has
existed for at least a thousand years and which has survived intact up to the present.

Criterion (v) :The entire landscape of the Tokaji wine region, including both vineyards
and long established settlements, vividly illustrates the specialized form of traditional
land-use that it represents.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : La région du vin de Tokay est le reflet d’une tradition viticole unique,
existant depuis au moins mille ans et qui est, à ce jour, restée intacte.

Critère (v) : L’intégralité du paysage culturel de la région viticole de Tokay,

comprenant les vignobles ainsi que des établissements humains installés de longue
date, illustre de manière vivante la forme particulière d’occupation traditionnelle du sol
qu’il représente.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
012266 - Tokaj: the wine of freedom. László, Alkonyi; Tibor, Dékány, phot.; László, Juhász, phot.; Béla, Motkó,
phot. , AMC, 2000. 240p., illus., plans, maps. (same text in hun, eng). Tokaj: a szabadság bora. hun.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Hungary.
ACCESSION NO: 14170. CALL NO: P.C. 030. ISBN: 963-00-3926-5.

019171 - Tokaj- Hegyalja varázsa: Csutkai Csaba fotói. Tibor, Papp D. [s.l.), Agrármarketing Centrum, 2001. 95p.,
illus. (same text in hun, eng). Incl. comments of pictures.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; architectural heritage; vineyards; customs and traditions;
photographs; Hungary.
// Tokaj- Hegyalja, Hungary
ACCESSION NO: 14200. CALL NO: P.C. 039. ISBN: 963-00-5429-9.

024963 - Le paysage culturel viticole de la région de Tokaj (Hongrie). Kárpáti, Zsuzsa Cros. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004.
p.117-121, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Hungary.
// Tokaj, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

026448 - World Heritage Vineyard Landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO, 2004. p. 4-19, illus.
(World Heritage Review. 35) (also in eng, fre, spa). Paisajes de viñedos del Patrimonio Mundial. spa. Paysages de
vignobles du patrimoine mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Germany; Hungary; Portugal; Austria;
France; Italy.
// Alto Douro, Portugal (WHC 1046) // Cinque Terre, Italy (WHC 824) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 824) //
Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Loire Valley, France (WHC 933) // The Tokaj Wine Region,
Hungary (WHC 1063) // The Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

026653 - World heritage vineyard landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Den Haag, Europa Nostra, 2005. p. 10-19, illus.
(Europa Nostra: European Cultural Heritage Review. 1, 2005) (eng). Les vignobles, un patrimoine mondia. fre. Incl.
abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands, Italy (WHC 826) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830) // Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Upper Middle Rhine
Walley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Loire Valley,France (WHC 933) // Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // Alto Douro
Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

027134 - World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes. Tokaj, Hungary, 11-14 July 2001. World
heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes. Hungarian World Heritage Committee; UNESCO World
Heritage Centre. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. 95 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027135 - World Heritage Cultural Landscapes : Concept and Implementation. Regional Thematic Expert Meeting
on Vineyard Landscapes. Rössler, Mechtild. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 13-18.
In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng). Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027139 - Vineyard Landscapes and the World Heritage Global Strategy. Cleere, Henry. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 19-20. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; vineyards.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027140 - Cultural Landscapes and IUCN. Pasini, Olivia; Sheppard, David. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 21-22. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; natural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027141 - Of some criteria for Evaluation of Continuing Evolving Cultural Landscapes. The example of Alto Douro
Wine Region (Portugal). Tricaud, Pierre-Marie. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 23-
29. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list; authenticity; criteria;
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027142 - Geological Structure and Natural Treasures of Tokaj-Hegyalja (extended abstract). Nagymarossy,
András. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 30-32, illus. In: "World Heritage expert
meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; geological features; soil surveys;
// The Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027143 - The Historical values of Tokaj-Hegyalja. Zelenák, István. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 33-37. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; world heritage list; Hungary.
// Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027144 - GIS Presentation. Frankó, Akos; Máté, Zsolt. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002.
p. 38-40. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; new technologies; cartography;
// Tokaj wine region, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027145 - The Conservation of Built Landscape and the Maintenance of a Collective Architecture. Besio, Mariolina.
Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 41-42, illus. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on
vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscapes; national parks; conservation; architectural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.
027146 - Architectural Treasures of the Historical Vineries in Tokaj-Hegyalja. Arnóth, Adám. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 43-45. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; architectural heritage; Hungary.
// Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027143 - Architectural Treasures of the Historical Vineries in Tokaj-Hegyalja. Arnóth, Adám. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 43-45. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; architectural heritage; Hungary.
// Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027144 - Tokaj-Oremus. Vignoble et caves. Tolcsua, Tokaj-Hegyalja. Oremus, le berceau des vins nobles. Bacsó,
András. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 46-47. In: "World Heritage expert meeting
on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; caves; world heritage list; Hungary.
// Oremus // Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027145 - World Heritage Status of the Cultural Itinerary of the vine and wine Among the People of the
Mediterranean. Elías, Luis Vicente. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 48-59. In:
"World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; mediterranean countries; cultural routes; religions;
world cultural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027146 - Vineyard Cultural Landscapes of World Heritage in France. Luginbuhl, Yves. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.60-63. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; world heritage list; world cultural heritage; France.
// Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Vineyards of Champagne, France // Côte de Beaune,
France // Côte de Nuits, France
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027147 - Terraced Vineyards in the Middle Rhine Valley. Shüler-Beigang, Christian. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis
Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.64-67. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14
July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; world heritage list; Germany.
// Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027148 - Alta Douro Wine Region. Bianchi de Aguiar, Fernando. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p.68-70. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027149 - The Vineyards of the Pico Island. Avila, Maria Eduarda. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p.71-78. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; islands; wine; conservation; Portugal.
// Pico Island, Azores, Portugal
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027150 - The Disznókó Project. Mészáros, Lászlo. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002.
p.79-80. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Hungary.
// Disznókó, Tokaj-Hegialja, hungary (WHC 1063)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027151 - World Heritage Wachau and its wines. Bodentstein, Anton. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p.81-83. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; wine; Austria.
// Wachau cultural landscape, Austria (WHC 970)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027152 - Report of the World Heritage Thematic Expert Meeting on Vineyard Cultural Landscapes. Budapest,
Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.84-88. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world cultural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

029086 - New architecture in historic context. Adám, Arnóth. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 534-
536. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: setting; contemporary architecture; cultural landscapes; Hungary.
// Tokaj Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Buda Castle District, Hungary
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.


2004 Þingvellir National Park/ Parc National de Þingvellir - Criteria (iii) (vi)

Þingvellir (Thingvellir) is the National Park where the Althing - an open-air assembly,
which represented the whole of Iceland - was established in 930 and continued to
meet until 1798. Over two weeks a year, the assembly set laws - seen as a covenant
between free men - and settled disputes. The Althing has deep historical and symbolic
associations for the people of Iceland. Located on an active volcanic site, the property
includes the Þingvellir National Park and the remains of the Althing itself: fragments of
around 50 booths built of turf and stone. Remains from the 10th century are thought to
be buried underground. The site also includes remains of agricultural use from 18th
and 19th centuries, the Thingvellir Church and adjacent farm, and the population of
arctic char in Lake Thingvallavatn. The park shows evidence of the way the landscape
was husbanded over 1,000 years.

Þingvellir (Thingvellir) est le site en plein air de l’Althing – assemblée plénière

représentant l’ensemble de l’Islande – qui s’est tenu à partir de 930 et jusqu’en 1798.
Durant une session annuelle qui durait une quinzaine de jours, l’assemblée élaborait
des lois – conçues comme des pactes entre hommes libres – et réglait les différends.
Pour la population islandaise, l’Althing est un lieu aux profondes résonances
historiques et symboliques. Situé sur une zone volcanique active, l’ensemble
comprend le Parc National du Þingvellir ainsi que les vestiges de l’Althing proprement
dit , soit des fragments de quelque 50 cabanes de tourbe et de pierre. Il devrait
subsister des vestiges du Xe siècle enfouis sous terre. Le site comprend également
des vestiges de l’activité agricole au cours des XVIIIe et XIXe siècle, ainsi que l’église
de Thingvellir et une ferme adjacente, et une population d’ombles chevaliers dans le
Lac Thingvallavatn. Le parc est un témoignage d’aménagement du paysage sur une
période d’un millénaire.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): The Althing and its hinterland, the Þingvellir National Park, represent,
through the remains of the assembly ground, the booths for those who attended, and
through landscape evidence of settlement extending back possibly to the time the

assembly was established, a unique reflection of mediaeval Norse/Germanic culture
and one that persisted in essence from its foundation in 980 AD until the 18th century.

Criterion (vi): Pride in the strong association of the Althing to mediaeval

Germanic/Norse governance, known through the 12th century Icelandic sagas, and
reinforced during the fight for independence in the 19th century, have, together with
the powerful natural setting of the assembly grounds, given the site iconic status as a
shrine for the national.

Justification d'inscription
Critère (iii) : L’Althing et son arrière-pays, le parc national de Þingvellir, représentent,
par les vestiges du lieu de l’assemblée, les cabanes des participants et les preuves
dans le paysage d’un peuplement remontant peut-être à l’époque de la constitution de
cette assemblée, une illustration unique de la culture nordique/germanique médiévale,
dont l’essence a perduré depuis sa fondation en 980 jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle.

Critère (vi) : La fierté de l’association entre l’Althing et le système de gouvernement

médiéval germanique/ nordique connue par les sagas islandaises du XIIe siècle,
renforcée pendant la lutte pour l’indépendance au XIXe siècle et, associée à la force
de l’environnement naturel de l’assemblée, a conféré au site le statut d’une icône en
tant que sanctuaire pour les Islandais.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC
1152) // Val d'Orcia, Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-
Perafita valley, Andorra (WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.


2003-Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka / Abris Sous-Roche de Bhimbetka - Criteria (iii)


The Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka are in the foothills of the Vindhyan Mountains on the
southern edge of the central Indian plateau. Within massive sandstone outcrops,
above comparatively dense forest, are five clusters of natural rock shelters, displaying
paintings that appear to date from the Mesolithic Period right through to the historical
period. The cultural traditions of the inhabitants of the twenty-one villages adjacent to
the site bear a strong resemblance to those represented in the rock paintings.

Les abris sous roche du Bhimbetka se trouvent au pied des monts Vindhyan, au sud
du plateau de l’Inde centrale. Cinq groupes d’abris sous roche naturels sont situés au
sein d’énormes affleurements de grès, au-dessus d’une forêt relativement dense, et
contiennent des peintures qui paraissent commencer au mésolithique et se poursuivre
sans interruption jusqu’à l’époque historique. Dans les vingt et un villages qui
entourent le site, vivent des populations dont les traditions culturelles contemporaines
rappellent celles dépeintes dans les peintures rupestres.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): Bhimbetka reflects a long interaction between people and the landscape,
as demonstrated in the quantity and quality of its rock art.

Criterion (v): Bhimbetka is closely associated with a hunting and gathering economy
as demonstrated in the rock art and in the relicts of this tradition in the local adivasi
villages on the periphery of this site.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii): Bhimbetka témoigne d’une longue interaction entre les peuples et le
paysage, comme le démontrent la quantité et la qualité de ses peintures rupestres.

Critère (v): Bhimbetka est étroitement lié à une économie de chasse et de cueillette
dont témoignent l’art rupestre et les vestiges de cette tradition des villages adivasi
locaux qui entourent ce site.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

021129 - Abris sans-roche du Bhimbetka. 125 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 925 listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock art sites; rock paintings; shelters; world heritage list; India.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: slides. // Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, India (WHC 925)
CALL NO: IN.BHI.44.1-125 (WHC 925).


2004- Bam and its Cultural Landscape / Bam et son paysage culturel - Criteria
(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Bam is situated in a desert environment on the southern edge of the Iranian high
plateau. The origins of Bam can be detected to the Achaemenid period (6 th to 4 th
cent. B.C.). Its heyday was from the 7 th to 11 th centuries, being at the crossroads of
important trade routes and known for the production of silk and cotton garments. The
existence of life in the oasis was based on the underground irrigation canals, the qan
ā ts, of which Bam has preserved some of the earliest evidence in Iran. Arg-e Bam is
the most representative example of a fortified medieval town built in vernacular
technique using mud layers (Chineh).

Bam et son paysage culturel s’inscrivent dans un environnement désertique, à la

lisière sud du haut plateau iranien. On peut retracer les origines de Bam jusqu’à la
période achéménide (VIe au IVe siècle avant J.-C.). Située au carrefour d’importantes
routes marchandes et réputée pour la production de soie et de vêtements de coton,
elle connut son apogée du VIIe au XIe siècle. La vie dans l’oasis reposait sur les
canaux d’irrigation souterrains, les qan ā ts, dont Bam a préservé quelques-uns des
plus anciens en Iran. Arg-e Bam est l’exemple le plus représentatif d’une ville
médiévale fortifiée construite selon une technique vernaculaire, à l’aide de couches
de terre (Chineh).

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): Bam developed at the crossroads of important trade routes at the
southern side of the Iranian high plateau, and it became an outstanding example of
the interaction of the various influences.

Criterion (iii): The Bam and its Cultural Landscape represents an exceptional
testimony to the development of a trading settlement in the desert environment of the
Central Asian region.

Criterion (iv): The city of Bam represents an outstanding example of a fortified

settlement and citadel in the Central Asian region, based on the use mud layer
technique (Chineh) combined with mud bricks (Khesht).

Criterion (v): The cultural landscape of Bam is an outstanding representation of the
interaction of man and nature in a desert environment, using the qanats. The system
is based on a strict social system with precise tasks and responsibilities, which have
been maintained in use until the present, but has now become vulnerable to
irreversible change.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Bam s’est développée au carrefour d’importantes routes marchandes à la

limite sud du haut plateau iranien, jusqu’à devenir un exemple exceptionnel de
l’interaction des diverses influences.

Critère (iii) : Bam et son paysage culturel représentent un témoignage exceptionnel du

développement d’un peuplement marchand dans un environnement désertique d’Asie

Critère (iv) : La Citadelle de Bam (Arg-e Bam)représente un exemple exceptionnel de

peuplement fortifié et de citadelle d’Asie Centrale, reposant sur la technique de
couches de terre (Chineh) combinées à des briques de terre (Khesht).

Critère (v) : Le paysage culturel de Bam est une représentation exceptionnelle de

l’interaction de l’homme et de la nature dans un environnement désertique, utilisant
les qanats, qui reposent sur un système social strict, aux tâches et aux
responsabilités précisément définies, et qui sont demeurés en usage jusqu’à nos
jours, mais qui sont désormais devenus vulnérables à un changement irréversible.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

024393 - Citadelle de Bam. 27 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1208 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; earth architecture; historic towns; citadels; cultural landscapes; world
heritage in danger; Iran.
// Bam and its cultural landscape, Iran (WHC 1208)
CALL NO: IR.BAM.05.1-27 (WHC 1208).

026871 - Iran: The Bam earthquake. ICOMOS. München, K.G. Saur, 2005. p.105-110, illus. In: "Heritage at risk
2004/2005: ICOMOS world report on monuments and sites in danger" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: earthquake damage; earth architecture; cultural heritage at risk; reconstruction;
recommendations; declarations; Iran.
// The Bam Declaration // Bam, Iran (WHC 1208)
ACCESSION NO: 14878. CALL NO: Ri. 095(3). ISBN: 3-598-24243-3.

029845 - Saving what we can of the past: the Bam photographic rescue project and Parisa Damandan.
Damandan, Parisa. The Hague, Prince Claus Fund, 2006. p. 66-81, illus. (Prince Claus Fund Journal. 14) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural disasters; earthquakes; photographs; Iran.
// Bam, Iran
ACCESSION NO: K-572. ISSN: 1388-5456.

032737 - Report on the intervention to Bam (Iran) in 2006. Binda, Luigia; Blasi, Carlo; Condoleo, Paola; Licciardi,
Guido; Marino, Luigi; Modena, Claudio; Petrini, Vincenzo. Napoli, Al Quds University, Institute of Islamic
Archaeology, 2007. p. 103-120, illus. (Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony. 1, 2007) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic towns; destruction of cultural heritage; natural disasters; earthquakes; earthquake
damage; earth architecture; ruins; assessment of damage; restoration projects; adobe; Iran.
// Bam, Iran
ACCESSION NO: K-566. ISSN: 1827-8868.

033068 - Bam citadel after the earthquake. Hejazi, Mehrdad. Delhi, MacMillan, 2007. p. 199-207, illus. In:
"Structural analysis of historical constructions: possibilities of numerical and experimental techniques: vol.1" (eng).
Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: earthquakes; citadels; earthquake damage; post-disaster situation; international
cooperation; emergency programs; reconstruction; restoration projects; conservation measures; Iran.
// Bam citadel, Iran
ACCESSION NO: 15517-1. ISBN: 978-1403-93155-9.

033753 - Iran. ICOMOS. Altenburg, E.Reinhold Verlag, 2008. p. 93, illus. In: "Heritage at risk: ICOMOS World
Report 2006/2007 on Monuments and Sites in Danger" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; historic towns; earthquake damage; natural disasters; mosques;
// Historic City of Bam, Iran (WHC 1208) // Borujerd City, Iran
ACCESSION NO: 15684. CALL NO: Ri. 095 (5). ISBN: 978-3-937940-47-2.


2005 - Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev / Route de l'Encens - villes du
desert du Néguev - Criteria: (iii) (v)

The four Nabatean towns of Haluza, Mamshit, Avdat and Shivta, along with
associated fortresses and agricultural landscapes in the Negev Desert, are spread
along routes linking them to the Mediterranean end of the Incense and Spice route.
Together they reflect the hugely profitable trade in frankincense and myrrh from south
Arabia to the Mediterranean, which flourished from the 3rd century B.C. until to 2nd
century A.D. With the vestiges of their sophisticated irrigation systems, urban
constructions, forts, and caravanserai they bear witness to the way in which the harsh
desert was settled for trade and agriculture.

Dans le désert du Néguev, les quatre anciennes villes nabatéennes d’Avdat, Haluza,
Mamshit et Shivta, ainsi qu’une série de forteresses et de paysages agricoles,
jalonnaient la route par laquelle transitaient l’encens et les épices. Tous ces sites
constituent un témoignage du commerce extrêmement rentable de l’encens et de la
myrrhe, entre le sud de la Péninsule Arabique et la Méditerranée, qui prospéra du IIIe
siècle avant J.-C. au IIe siècle après J.- C. Leurs vestiges de systèmes d’irrigation
extrêmement perfectionnés, de constructions urbaines, de fortins et de caravansérails
témoignent de la façon dont ce désert inhospitalier fut colonisé pour le commerce et

Justification for Inscription

The World Heritage Committee inscribed the Incense Route and Desert Cities in the
Negev (Israel) on the World Heritage List on the basis of cultural criteria (iii) and (v):

Criterion (iii): The Nabatean towns and their trade routes bear eloquent testimony to
the economic, social and cultural importance of frankincense to the Hellenistic-Roman
world. The routes also provided a means of passage not only for frankincense and
other trade goods but also for people and ideas.

Criterion (v): The almost fossilised remains of towns, forts, caravanserai and
sophisticated agricultural systems strung out along the Incense route in the Negev
desert, display an outstanding response to a hostile desert environment and one that
flourished for five centuries

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : Les villes nabatéennes et leurs routes marchandes apportent un

témoignage éloquent de l’importance économique, sociale et culturelle de l’encens
dans le monde hellénistique et romain. Les routes étaient également un moyen de
passage non seulement pour l’encens et d’autres marchandises mais aussi pour les
hommes et les idées.

Critère (v) : Les vestiges presque fossilisés des villes, des forteresses, des
caravansérails et des systèmes agricoles sophistiqués s’étendent le long de la Route
de l’encens dans le désert du Néguev. Ils témoignent de la réponse remarquable
apportée à un environnement désertique hostile qui s’est épanouie pendant cinq

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

020766 - Historical routes in the Middle-East. Shoket, Avi. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2002. p. 481-485. In:
"El patrimonio intangible y otros aspectos relativos a los itinerarios culturales" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; intangible heritage; Near and Middle East.
// The Route of Abraham // Via Maris // Incense Route
ACCESSION NO: 14339. ISBN: 84-235-2276-8.

027367 - Incense Route, Desert Cities in the Negev. UNESCO. 25 slides. (eng). From WHC 1107, listed in 2005.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; deserts; cultural routes; archaeological remains; Israel.
// La Route de l'Encens et les Villes du Désert du Nêgev, Israel (WHC 1107 rev)
ACCESSION NO: IL.NEG.06.1-25 (WHC 1107 rev).

032591 - Record for identification of a cultural route: The Incense and Spice Route and Desert Cities in the Negev.
Shoket, Avi. Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 603-610, illus.,maps. (Monuments and Sites. X) In: "Encuentro
Científico Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los itinerarios
culturales" (eng). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; cultural routes; world heritage list; historical surveys; deserts; trade; Israel.
// The Incense and Spice Route and the Desert Cities in the Negev, Israel (WHC 1107)
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

032592 - Inventory record for fortifications on a cultural route: The Incense and Spice Route and Desert Cities.
Shoket, Avi. Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 611-613. (Monuments and Sites. X) In: "Encuentro Científico
Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los itinerarios culturales" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; cultural routes; world heritage list; fortifications; conservation; citadels;
caravanserails; legal protection; Israel.
// The Incense and Spice Route and the Desert Cities, Israel (WHC 1107)
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.


1997 Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto) -
Criteria (ii) (iv) (v)

The Ligurian coast between Cinque Terre and Portovenere is a cultural landscape of
great scenic and cultural value. The layout and disposition of the small towns and the
shaping of the surrounding landscape, overcoming the disadvantages of a steep,
uneven terrain, encapsulate the continuous history of human settlement in this region
over the past millennium.

Ce territoire côtier ligurien qui s'étend des Cinque Terre à Portovenere est un paysage
culturel de grande valeur panoramique et culturelle. La forme et la disposition des
petites villes et le modèle du paysage environnant, surmontant les désavantages d'un
terrain escarpé et irrégulier, marquent les jalons d'une occupation humaine continue
dans cette région au cours du dernier millénaire.

Justification for Inscription

The Committee decided to inscribe this site on the basis of criteria (ii), (iv) and (v),
considering that the eastern Ligurian Riviera between Cinque Terre and Portovenere
is a cultural site of outstanding value, representing the harmonious interaction
between people and nature to produce a landscape of exceptional scenic quality that
illustrates a traditional way of life that has existed for a thousand years and continues
to play an important socio-economic role in the life of the community.

Justification d'inscription

Le Comité a décidé d'inscrire ce site sur la base des critères (ii), (iv) et (v). La Riviera
de Ligurie orientale, entre Cinque Terre et Portovenere, est un site culturel d’une
valeur exceptionnelle qui illustre l’interaction harmonieuse instaurée entre l’homme et
la nature, pour produire un paysage dont la qualité panoramique est absolument
remarquable et traduit un mode de vie traditionnel existant depuis un millier d’années
et qui continue à jouer un rôle socio-économique de premier plan dans la vie de la

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

01774 - Portovenere, Cinque Terre et les îles (Palmaria, Tino et Tinetto). 23 slides : col + 15 copies. (eng). From
WHC 826 listed in 1997
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; natural heritage; villages; islands; architectural
heritage; Italy.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto), Italy (WHC 826)
CALL NO: IT.POR.46: 1-23 (WHC 826).

026416 - Cinque Terre, un paysage taillé dans le roc. Marco, Luisa de; Stovel, Herb. Madrid, San Marcos,
UNESCO, 2003. p.54-65, illus., map. (World Heritage Review. 33) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; natural heritage; world heritage list; Italy.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto), Italy (WHC 826)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

1997 Costiera Amalfitana / Côte Amalfitaine - Criteria (ii) (iv) (v)

The Amalfi coast is an area of great physical beauty and natural diversity. It has been
intensively settled by human communities since the early Middle Ages. There are a
number of towns such as Amalfi and Ravello with architectural and artistic works of
great significance. The rural areas show the versatility of the inhabitants in adapting
their use of the land to the diverse nature of the terrain, which ranges from terraced
vineyards and orchards on the lower slopes to wide upland pastures.

La bande littorale d'Amalfi est d'une grande beauté naturelle. Elle a été intensivement
peuplée depuis le début du Moyen Âge. Elle comporte un certain nombre de villes
telles qu'Amalfi et Ravello qui abritent des œuvres architecturales et artistiques
particulièrement remarquables. Ses zones rurales témoignent de la faculté
d'adaptation de ses habitants qui ont su tirer parti de la diversité du terrain pour le
cultiver, depuis les vignobles et les vergers en terrasses sur les pentes basses,
jusqu'aux grands pâturages des hautes terres.

Justification for Inscription

The Committee decided to inscribe this site on the basis of criteria (ii), (iv) and (v),
considering that the Costiera Amalfitana is an outstanding example of a
Mediterranean landscape, with exceptional cultural and natural scenic values resulting
from its dramatic topography and historical evolution.

Justification d'inscription

Le Comité a décidé d'inscrire ce site sur la base des critères (ii), (iv) et (v). Avec ses
exceptionnelles valeurs culturelles et naturelles issues d’une topographie très
accidentée et de l’évolution historique, la côte amalfitaine constitue un exemple
exceptionnel de paysage méditerranéen.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016924 - Côte amalfitaine. 270 slides: col. (ita). From WHC 830 listed in 1997.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; historic sites; cultural landscapes; historic monuments; agriculture;
villas; coastal protection; museums; Italy.
// Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830)
CALL NO: IT.AMA. 38: 1-270 (WHC 830).

1998 Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological sites of
Paestum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula / Parc national du Cilento et du
Vallo Diano, avec les sites archéologiques de Paestum et Velia et la Chartreuse
de Padula - Criteria (iii) (iv)

The Cilento is an outstanding cultural landscape. The dramatic groups of sanctuaries

and settlements along its three east–west mountain ridges vividly portray the area's
historical evolution: it was a major route not only for trade, but also for cultural and
political interaction during the prehistoric and medieval periods. The Cilento was also
the boundary between the Greek colonies of Magna Graecia and the indigenous
Etruscan and Lucanian peoples. The remains of two major cities from classical times,
Paestum and Velia, are found there.

La zone du Cilento constitue un paysage culturel de qualité exceptionnelle. Ses
ensembles impressionnants de sanctuaires et d'établissements éparpillés le long de
trois chaînes de montagnes orientées est-ouest, reflètent de façon frappante
l'évolution historique de la région en tant que voie majeure de commerce, mais aussi
d'interface culturelle et politique durant la préhistoire et le Moyen Âge. C'était aussi la
frontière entre les colonies grecques de la Magna Grecia et les peuples indigènes
étrusques et lucaniens, et le site conserve les vestiges de deux importantes cités
classiques, Paestum et Velia.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii) : During the prehistoric period, and again in the Middle Ages, the Cilento
region served as a key route for cultural, political, and commercial communications in
an exceptional manner, utilizing the crests of the mountain chains running east-west
and thereby creating a cultural landscape of outstanding significance and quality.

Criterion (iv) : In two key episodes in the development of human societies in the
Mediterranean region, the Cilento area provided the only viable means of
communication between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian seas, in the central
Mediterranean region, and this is vividly illustrated by the relict cultural landscape of

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : durant la période préhistorique, et de nouveau pendant le moyen âge, la

région du Cilento se distingue de manière frappante en tant que voie indispensable
aux communications culturelles, politiques et commerciales, exploitant les crêtes des
chaînes de montagnes d’est en ouest et créant ainsi un paysage culturel d’importance
et de qualité exceptionnelles.

Critère (iv) : durant deux épisodes de l’évolution des sociétés humaines dans la
région méditerranéenne, la zone du Cilento a représenté l’unique moyen de
communication fiable entre la mer Adriatique et la mer Tyrrhénienne en Méditerranée
centrale, ce que le paysage culturel relique d’aujourd’hui illustre avec éclat.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016924- Parc national du Cilento et du Vallo Diano, avec les sites archéologiques de Paestum et Velia et la
Charteuse de Padula. 10 slides: col. (ita). From WHC 842 listed in 1998.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; archaeological sites; Italy.
// Cestosa di Padula, Italy (WHC 842)
CALL NO: IT.PAD. 39: 1-10 (WHC 842).

018479 - The MAB Network in the Mediterranean Area. The National Parks of Cilento-Vallo di Diano and Vesuvius.
Lucarelli, Franco, ed. MAB; UNESCO. UNESCO, 1999. 435p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; world heritage list; national parks; volcanoes; biosphere; protection of
environment; environmental planning legislation; legal protection; legislation; flora; fauna; Italy.
// Man and the Biosphere Network (MAB) // UNESCO // Cilento National Park, Italy // Vesuvius, Italy

018603 - World heritage and biosphere reserves: two sides on the same coin. Bridgewater, Peter. Madrid,
UNESCO, 1999. p. 40-49, illus., maps (World Heritage Review. 13, 1999) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Patrimoine
mondial et réserves de la biosphére: deux faces de la même monnaie. fre. Patrimonio mundial y reservas de la
biosfera: dos caras de la misma moneda. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural heritage; natural sites; biosphere; national parks; forests.
// Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447) // Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, Italy (WHC 842)
// Sian Ka'an, Mexico (WHC 410) // Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Sri Lanka (WHC 405)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

022107 - Cilento, natura e paesaggi del parco. Indelli, Giampiero; Pratesi, Fulco; Francescato, Grazia; Tassi,
Franco. Milan, Giorgio Mondadori, 1994. 127 p., illus. (ita).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; national parks; world heritage list; Italy.
// National Park of Cilento, Italy ( WHC 842)
ACCESSION NO: 14594. CALL NO: J.H. 259. ISBN: 88-374-1365-3.

022193 - The National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano. The MAB network in the Mediterranean area. Lucarelli,
Francesco (ed.). Banca Idea, [1999]. [120 p.], illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: national parks; biosphere; world heritage list; Italy.
// Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, Italy (WHC 842)
ACCESSION NO: 14613. CALL NO: J.H. 254.

2003 Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy / Sacri Monti du Piémont et de

Lombardie - Criteria (ii) (iv)

The nine Sacri Monti (Sacred Mountains) of northern Italy are groups of chapels and
other architectural features created in the late 16th and 17th centuries and dedicated
to different aspects of the Christian faith. In addition to their symbolic spiritual
meaning, they are of great beauty by virtue of the skill with which they have been
integrated into the surrounding natural landscape of hills, forests and lakes. They also
house much important artistic material in the form of wall paintings and statuary.

Les neuf monts sacrés d’Italie du Nord sont des groupes de chapelles et autres
éléments architecturaux créés à la fin des XVIe et XVIIe siècles et consacrés à
différents aspects de la foi chrétienne. Outre leur sens spirituel symbolique, ils sont
d’une grande beauté du fait de l’intégration habile des éléments architecturaux dans

les paysages naturels avoisinants – collines, forêts et lacs. Ils comptent quantité
d’importantes œuvres d’art, sous forme de peintures murales et statues.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii) : The implantation of architecture and sacred art into a natural landscape
for didactic and spiritual purposes achieved its most exceptional expression in the
Sacri Monti (“Sacred Mountains”)
of northern Italy and had a profound influence on subsequent developments
elsewhere in Europe.

Criterion (iv) : The Sacri Monti (“Sacred Mountains”) of northern Italy represent the
successful integration of architecture and fine art into a landscape of great beauty for
spiritual reasons at a critical period in the history of the Roman Catholic Church.

Justification d’Inscription

Critère (ii) : L’implantation de l’architecture et de l’art sacré dans un paysage naturel à

des fins didactiques et spirituelle a connu son expression la plus exceptionnelle avec
les monts sacrés d’Italie du nord, et a eu une profonde influence sur les
développements ultérieurs dans le reste de l’Europe.

Critère (iv) : Les Monts Sacrés de l’Italie du nord répresent l’intégration réussie de
l’architecture et de l’art dans un paysage d’une grande beauté, à des fins spirituelles,
à une époque décisive de l’histoire de l’Eglise catholique romaine.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

021132 - Sacri Monti du Piémont et de Lombardie. 25 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1068 listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; mountains; chapels; religious art; world heritage list; Italy.
// Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy, Italy (WHC 1068)
CALL NO: IT.PIE.52.1-25 (WHC 1068).

021133 - Sacri Monti du Piémont et de Lombardie. 42 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1068 listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; mountains; chapels; religious art; world heritage list; Italy.
// Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy, Italy (WHC 1068)
CALL NO: IT.PIE.53.1-42 (WHC 1068).

025358 - Religioni e sacri monti. Angelini, Carmen. Alba, Editore Periodici San Paolo, 2004. p. 10-18, illus. (Jesus.
10, Ottobre 2004) (ita).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; religions; intangible heritage.

2004 Val d'Orcia/ Vallée de l’Orcia - Criteria (iv) (vi)

The landscape of Val d’Orcia is part of the agricultural hinterland of Sienna, re-drawn
and developed when it was colonized by the city-state in the 14th and 15th centuries
to reflect an idealized model of good governance and to create an aesthetically
pleasing picture. The landscape’s distinctive aesthetics, flat chalk plains out of which
rise almost conical hills with fortified settlements on top, inspired many artists. Their
images have come to exemplify the beauty of well-managed Renaissance agricultural
landscapes. The inscription covers: a planned colonized agrarian and pastoral
landscape reflecting innovative land management systems; towns and villages;
farmhouses; and the Roman Via Francigena and its associated abbeys, inns, shrines,
bridges etc.

Le paysage de la vallée de l’Orcia fait partie de l’arrière-pays agricole de Sienne,

redessiné et aménagé lors de sa colonisation par la ville aux XIVe et XVe siècles de
façon à refléter un modèle idéalisé d’occupation des sols, tout en créant une image
esthétiquement agréable. Les qualités esthétiques du paysage, avec ses plaines de
craie d’où s’élèvent des collines presque coniques, au sommet desquelles se
regroupent des peuplements fortifiés, ont inspiré quantité d’artistes. Leurs oeuvres
illustrent la beauté des paysages agricoles gérés avec le génie de la Renaissance.
L’inscription comprend : un paysage agraire et pastoral colonisé et planifié qui reflète
des systèmes novateurs d’occupation des sols, plusieurs villes et villages, des fermes
et la Via Francigena, une voie romaine avec les abbayes, auberges, sanctuaires,
ponts, qui y sont associés.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iv): The Val d’Orcia is an exceptional reflection of the way the landscape
was re-written in Renaissance times to reflect the ideals of good governance and to
create an aesthetically pleasing pictures.

Criterion (vi): The landscape of the Val d’Orcia was celebrated by painters from the
Siennese School, which flourished during the Renaissance. Images of the Val d’Orcia,
and particularly depictions of landscapes where people are depicted as living in
harmony with nature, have come to be seen as icons of the Renaissance and have
profoundly influenced the development of landscape thinking.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iv) : La vallée de l’Orcia est un reflet exceptionnel de la réécriture du paysage

durant la Renaissance qui illustre les idéaux de bonne gouvernance et la recherche
esthétique qui a présidé à sa conception.

Critère (vi) : Le paysage de la vallée de l’Orcia a été célébré par des peintres de
l’école de Sienne, qui s’est épanouie à l’époque de la Renaissance. Des images de la
vallée de l’Orcia, images d’un paysage idéal où l’homme vit en harmonie avec la
nature, sont devenues des icônes de la Renaissance et ont eu une influence profonde
sur le développement du paysagisme.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

024458 - Vallée de l'Orcia. 54 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1026 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; agriculture; historic monuments; Italy.
// Val d'Orcia, Italy (WHC 1026)
CALL NO: IT.ORC.54.1-54 (WHC 1026).

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.


2004- Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range / Sites
sacrés et chemins de pèlerinage dans les monts Kii - Criteria (ii) (iii) (iv) (vi)

Set in the dense forests of the Kii Mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean, three
sacred sites - Yoshino and Omine, Kumano Sanzan, and Koyasan - linked by
pilgrimage routes to the ancient capital cities of Nara and Kyoto, reflect the fusion of
Shinto, rooted in the ancient tradition of nature worship in Japan, and Buddhism,
which was introduced to Japan from China and the Korean peninsula. The sites
(495.3-ha) and their surrounding forest landscape reflect a persistent and
extraordinarily well-documented tradition of sacred mountains over 1,200 years. The
area, with its abundance of streams, rivers and waterfalls, is still part of the living
culture of Japan and is much visited for ritual purposes and hiking, with up to 15
million visitors annually. Each of the three sites contains shrines, some of which were
founded as early as the 9th century.

Nichés au cœur de forêts denses, dans les monts Kii qui surplombent l’océan
Pacifique, trois sites sacrés, Yoshino et Omine, Kumano Sanzan et Koyasan, reliés
par des chemins de pèlerinage aux anciennes capitales de Nara et Kyoto, reflètent la
fusion entre le shinto, enraciné dans l’antique tradition japonaise du culte de la nature,
et le bouddhisme venu depuis la Chine et la péninsule coréenne s’implanter au
Japon. Les sites (495,3 ha) et la forêt qui les entoure reflètent une tradition pérenne et
extraordinairement bien documentée de sanctification des montagnes, vivante depuis
1200 ans. L’endroit, qui abonde en torrents, rivières et chutes d’eau, fait toujours
partie de la culture vivante du Japon et accueille jusqu’à 15 millions de visiteurs par
an, pèlerins ou randonneurs. Chacun des trois sites renferme des sanctuaires, dont
certains remontent au IXe siècle.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The monuments and sites that form the cultural landscape of the Kii
Mountains are a unique fusion between Shintoism and Buddhism that illustrates the
interchange and development of religious cultures in East Asia.

Criterion (iii): The Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in the Kii Mountains, and their
associated rituals, bear exceptional testimony to the development of Japan’s religious
culture over more than a thousand years.

Criterion (iv): The Kii Mountains have become the setting for the creation of unique
forms of shrine and temple buildings which have had a profound influence on the
building of temples and shrines elsewhere in Japan.

Criterion (vi): Together, the sites and the forest landscape of the Kii Mountains reflect
a persistent and extraordinarily well-documented tradition of sacred mountains over
the past 1200 years.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Les monuments et les sites qui composent le paysage culturel des monts
Kii forment une fusion unique entre le shintoïsme et le bouddhisme qui illustre
l’échange et le développement des cultures religieuses en Asie orientale.

Critère (iii) : Les sanctuaires shintoïstes et les temples bouddhistes des monts Kii, et
leurs rituels associés sont le témoignage exceptionnel du développement d’une
culture religieuse japonaise sur plus de mille ans.

Critère (iv) : Les monts Kii sont devenus le lieu de la création de formes uniques de
sanctuaires et de temples qui ont eu une influence profonde sur la construction des
temples et des sanctuaires ailleurs au Japon.

Critère (vi) : Ensemble, les sites et le paysage de forêt des monts Kii reflètent une
tradition continue et très bien documentée liée aux montagnes sacrées sur les 1200
dernières années.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre :

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

024465 - Sacred sites and pilgrinage routes in the Kii mountain Range, and the cultural landscape that surround
them. 229 slides: col. (eng). Sites sacrés et chemin de pélerinage dans les monts Kii. fre. From WHC 1142 listed in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; sacred places; forests; pilgrinage; cultural routes; shrines; Japan.
// Sacred sites and pilgrinage routes in the Kii mountain Range; Japan (WHC 1142)
CALL NO: JP.KII.10.1-229 (WHC 1142).

027824 - The Kii Mountains: harmony between spirit and nature. Oda, Seitaro. Paris, UNESCO, 2005. p. 56-65,
illus. (World Heritage Review. 41) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Les Monts Kii: harmonie de l'esprit et de la nature.
fre. Los Montes Kii: armonía del espíritu y la naturaleza. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; shrines; pilgrimage; forests; buddhist architecture; place of pilgrimage;
world heritage list; Japan.
// Sacred sites and pilgrimage routes in the Kii Mountain Range, Japan (WHC 1142)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

2007 - Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape / Mine d’argent
d'Iwami Ginzan et son paysage culturel

To the south-west of Honshu Island, just inland from the Sea of Japan, is a cluster of
silver-bearing mountains, rising to 600 metres and interspersed by deep river valleys.
The nominated sites include the archaeological remains of large-scale mines,
smelting and refining sites and mining settlements on Mount Sennoyama and Mount
Yôgaisan worked between the 16th and 20th centuries, parts of Kaidô transportation
routes across the undulating plain at the foot of the mountains used to transport silver
ore to the coast, and port towns from where the ore was shipped to Korea and China.
The high quality of the silver resulting from the use of advanced cupellation
techniques, and the quantity of silver mined, meant that at the height of their activity in
th th
the 16 and 17 centuries, the mines contributed substantially to the overall economic
development of Japan and south-east Asia, and prompted the mass production of
silver and gold in Japan. The mining area is now heavily wooded.

Dans le sud-ouest de l’île de Honshu, juste à l’intérieur des terres bordées par la mer
du Japon, un ensemble de montagnes riches en minerai d’argent s’élèvent à 600
mètres d’altitude et sont entrecoupées de profondes vallées fluviales. Les sites
proposés pour inscription abritent les vestiges archéologiques de vastes mines, de
sites de fonte et de raffinage et de peuplements miniers sur le mont Sennoyama et le
mont Yôgaisan, en usage du XVIe au XXe siècles, des tronçons des routes de
transport Kaidô traversant la plaine ondulante au pied des montagnes par lesquelles
on acheminait le minerai d’argent jusqu’à la côte, dans des villes portuaires d’où le
minerai partait vers la Corée et la Chine. Grâce à des techniques avancées de
coupellation offrant un argent de haute qualité et aux grandes quantités extraites, les
mines, à l’apogée de leur activité au XVIe et au XVIIe siècle, contribuèrent de façon
substantielle au développement économique global du Japon et de l’Asie du Sud-Est,
et donnèrent une impulsion à la production en masse d’argent et d’or au Japon. La
région minière est aujourd’hui très boisée.
Justification for Inscription

Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine pioneered the development of silver mines in pre-Modern
Asia. It had contributed to exchange of values between East and West by achieving
the large-scale production of high quality silver through the development of the Asian
cupellation techniques transferred from China through Korea and the Japanese

unique assemblage of numerous labor-intensive small businesses based upon
manual techniques in the 16th century. The exceptional ensemble, consisting of
mining archaeological sites, settlements, fortresses, transportation routes, and
shipping ports represents distinctive land use related to silver mining activities. As the
resource of silver ore was exhausted, its production came to an end, leaving behind,
in the characteristically rich nature, a cultural landscape that had been developed in
relation to the silver mine.

Criterion (ii): During the Age of Discovery, in the 16th and early 17th centuries, the
large production of silver by the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine resulted in significant
commercial and cultural exchanges between Japan and the trading countries of East
Asia and Europe.

Criterion (iii): Technological developments in metal mining and production in Japan

resulted in the evolution of a successful system based on small-scale, labor-intensive
units covering the entire range of skills from digging to refining. The political and
economic isolation of Japan during the Edo Period (1603 to 1868) impeded the
introduction of technologies developed in Europe during the Industrial Revolution and
this, coupled with the exhaustion of commercially viable silver-ore deposits, resulted in
the cessation of mining activities by traditional technologies in the area in the second
half of the 19th century, leaving the site with well-preserved archaeological traces of
those activities.

Criterion (v): The abundant traces of silver production, such as mines, smelting and
refining sites, transportation routes, and port facilities, that have survived virtually
intact in the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine Site, are now concealed to a large extent by the
mountain forests that have reclaimed the landscape. The resulting relict landscape,
which includes the surviving settlements of the people related to the silver production,
bears dramatic witness to historic land-uses of outstanding universal value.

The elements of the property showing the original mining land-use system remain
intact; the organic relationships among the individual elements exhibit the full
expression of the mechanism of the original land-use system. They are a living part of
the contemporary lives and livelihoods of the local society in unity with the abundant
mountain forests and hence the integrity as a cultural landscape is maintained. The
elements of the property that show the whole process ranging from silver production
to shipment, in a good state of preservation and retain a high level of authenticity. In
the mining settlements, there remains a group of traditional wooden buildings of 17th-
20th century with careful maintenance, treatment, and repairs, retaining authenticity in
terms of design, materials, techniques, functions, setting and environment.

The property and its buffer zone are adequately protected under the domestic laws
and a municipal ordinance. A comprehensive management system for the whole
property has been implemented under the strategic preservation and management
plan. Monitoring measures are carried out annually.
Justification d'inscription

La mine d'argent d'Iwami Ginzan a été la première à exploiter ce minerai dans l'Asie
pré-moderne. Elle a contribué à l'échange des valeurs entre l'Orient et l'Occident en

réalisant la production à grande échelle d'argent de haute qualité grâce à des
techniques avancées de coupellation venues de Chine en passant par la Corée ; elle
a utilisé l'association japonaise unique de nombreuses petites entreprises à forte
intensité de travail fondées sur des techniques manuelles du XVIe siècle. L'ensemble
exceptionnel, composé de vestiges archéologiques de l'extraction minière, de sites de
peuplement, de forteresses, de routes de transport et de ports marchands représente
une utilisation des terres caractéristique des activités d'extraction de l'argent. Une fois
le gisement d'argent épuisé, la production a pris fin, laissant place dans ce cadre
naturel d'une grande richesse, à un paysage culturel qui a évolué parallèlement à la
mine d'argent.

Critère (ii) : A l'époque des Grandes Découvertes, au XVIe siècle et au début du XVIIe
siècle, l'importante production d'argent de la mine d'Iwami Ginzan suscita d'importants
échanges commerciaux et culturels entre le Japon et les pays marchands d'Extrême-
Orient et d'Europe.

Critère (iii) : Les développements technologiques de l'extraction minière et de la

production de métal au Japon ont donné naissance à un système prospère fondé sur
de petites unités à forte main-d'œuvre couvrant tout l'éventail des compétences, du
creusement au raffinage. L'isolement politique et économique du Japon pendant la
période Edo (de 1603 à 1868) empêcha l'introduction de technologies mises au point
en Europe pendant la Révolution industrielle. Ceci fut concomitant à l'épuisement des
gisements de minerai d'argent commercialement viables, et entraîna la cessation des
activités minières par les technologies traditionnelles dans la zone à la seconde moitié
du XIXe siècle, laissant sur le site des traces archéologiques bien préservées de ces

Critère (v) : Les traces abondantes de production d'argent qui subsistent quasiment
intactes sur la mine d'argent d'Iwami Ginzan, telles que les mines, les sites de fonte et
de raffinage, les routes de transport et les infrastructures portuaires, sont désormais
dans une grande mesure cachées par les forêts de montagne qui ont envahi le
passage. Le paysage relique qui en résulte, avec ses vestiges de peuplement
associés à la production de l'argent, est un exemple éminent d'occupation
traditionnelle du territoire d'une valeur universelle exceptionnelle.

Les éléments constitutifs du bien témoignant du système initial d'occupation du

territoire sont restés intacts ; les relations organiques entre les différents éléments
illustrent de manière détaillée le mécanisme du système initial d'occupation du
territoire. Ils continuent à animer la vie contemporaine et le mode de vie de la société
locale en union avec les forêts de montagne abondantes. L'intégrité de ce paysage
culturel est donc maintenue. Les éléments constitutifs du bien qui illustrent le
processus - de la production à l'acheminement de l'argent en bon état de
conservation - conservent un haut degré d'authenticité. Dans les villages miniers, il
reste un groupe de bâtiments traditionnels en bois des XVIIe et XXe siècle bien
entretenus, conservés et réparés, qui garde son authenticité en termes de conception,
matériaux, techniques, fonctions, cadre et environnement.

Le bien et sa zone tampon sont bien protégés par la législation nationale et un arrêté
municipal. Un dispositif de gestion de l'ensemble du bien a été mis en œuvre dans le
cadre du plan de gestion et de conservation stratégique. Des mesures de suivi sont
mises en place annuellement.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

031594 - Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its cultural landscape. UNESCO. 163 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1246
listed in 2007.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; mines; mining towns; Japan.
// Iwami Ginzan, Japan
CALL NO: JP.IWA.11:1-163 (WHC 1246).

032594 - Historic Port Towns that are part of a cultural route: Historic Port Towns for Silver Shipping. Sugio, Kunie.
Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 621-625, illus.,maps. (Monuments and Sites. X) In: "Encuentro Científico
Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los itinerarios culturales" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; historic towns; cultural routes; ports; castles; legal protection; world heritage
list; cultural landscapes; Japan.
// Iwami Ginzan, Silver Mine, Japan (WHC 1246)
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.


2004- Petroglyphs within the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly /

Pétroglyphes du paysage archéologique de Tamgaly - Criteria (iii)
Set around the comparatively lush Tamgaly Gorge, amidst the vast, arid Chu-Ili
mountains, is a remarkable concentration of some 5,000 petroglyphs (rock carvings)
dating from the second half of the second millennium BC to the beginning of the 20th
century. Distributed among 48 complexes with associated settlements and burial
grounds, they are testimonies to the husbandry, social organization and rituals of
pastoral peoples. Human settlements in the site are often multi-layered and show
occupation through the ages. A huge number of ancient burials are also to be found
including stone enclosures with boxes and cists (middle and late Bronze Age), and
mounds (kurgans) of stone and earth built above tombs (early Iron Age to the
present). The central canyon contains the densest concentration of engravings and
what are believed to be altars, suggestsing that these places were used for sacrificial

Les environs de la gorge de Tamgaly, relativement luxuriante par rapport aux vastes
et arides monts Chu-Ili, recèlent une remarquable concentration de quelque 5000
pétroglyphes (gravures sur pierre) ; leur datation va de la seconde moitié du
deuxième millénaire avant J.C. au début du XXe siècle. Répartis en 48 ensembles
avec les sites funéraires et les peuplements associés, ils témoignent de l’élevage, de
l’organisation sociale et des rituels des peuplades de pasteurs. Les vestiges des
peuplements humains, souvent stratifiés en plusieurs couches, révèlent les activités à
travers les âges. On y trouve également une grande abondance de sites funéraires
antiques, dont des enceintes de pierres avec des urnes et des cistes (milieu et fin de
l’âge de bronze) et des tertres de pierre et de terre (kugans) érigés au-dessus des
tombes (des débuts de l’âge du fer jusqu’à l’époque actuelle). La gorge centrale
contient la plus forte concentration de gravures et ce qui est estimé être des autels,
suggérant que ces lieux étaient utilisés pour des offrandes sacrificielles.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): The dense and coherent group of petroglyphs, with sacred images,
altars and cult areas, together with their associated settlements and burial sites,
provide a substantial testimony to the lives and beliefs of pastoral peoples of the
central Asian steppes from the Bronze Age to the present day.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : L’ensemble dense et cohérent de pétroglyphes, avec les images sacrées,
les autels et les lieux de culte, ainsi que les établissements et sites associés,
constituent un témoignage important sur l’existence et les croyances des peuples de
pasteurs des steppes d’Asie centrale, depuis l’Age du Bronze jusqu’à nos jours.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

024385 - Pétroglyphes du paysage archéologique de Tamgaly. 25 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1145 listed in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock art sites; rock engravings; petroglyphs; world heritage list; Kazakhstan.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: slides. // Petroglyphs within the archaeological landscape of Tamgaly, Kazakhstan
CALL NO: KZ.TAM.02.1-25 (WHC 1145).

026882 - Kazakhstan: the petroglyph site of Tamgaly-Tas. Deom, Jean-Marc. München, K.G. Saur, 2005. p.157-
160, illus. In: "Heritage at risk 2004/2005: ICOMOS world report on monuments and sites in danger" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock art sites; rock engravings; petroglyphs; cultural heritage at risk; world heritage list;
// Petroglyphs within the archaeological landscape of Tamgaly, Kazakhstan (WHC 1145)
ACCESSION NO: 14878. CALL NO: Ri. 095(3). ISBN: 3-598-24243-3.


2001- Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak
Cultural Landscape / Vat Phou et les anciens établissements associés du
paysage culturel de Champassak - Criteria (iii) (iv) (vi)

The Champasak cultural landscape, including the Vat Phou Temple complex, is a
remarkably well-preserved planned landscape more than 1,000 years old. It was
shaped to express the Hindu vision of the relationship between nature and humanity,
using an axis from mountain top to river bank to lay out a geometric pattern of
temples, shrines and waterworks extending over some 10 km. Two planned cities on
the banks of the Mekong River are also part of the site, as well as Phou Kao
mountain. The whole represents a development ranging from the 5th to 15th
centuries, mainly associated with the Khmer Empire.

Le paysage culturel de Champassak, y compris l'ensemble du temple de Vat Phou,

représente une zone de paysage planifiée remontant à plus de mille ans et
remarquablement bien conservée. Afin d'exprimer la conception hindoue des rapports
entre la nature et l'homme, il a été façonné selon un axe compris entre le sommet de
la montagne et les rives du fleuve dans un entrelacs géométrique de temples, de
sanctuaires et d'ouvrages hydrauliques s'étendant sur quelque 10 km. Le site
comprend aussi deux villes anciennes, construites sur les rives du Mékong et la
montagne de Phou Kao, l'ensemble représentant un processus d'aménagement
s'étendant sur plus de mille ans, du Ve au XVe siècle, associé surtout à l'Empire

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii) :The Temple Complex of Vat Phou bears exceptional testimony to the
cultures of south-east Asia, and in particular to the Khmer Empire which dominated
the region in the 10th–14th centuries.

Criterion (iv) : The Vat Phou complex is an outstanding example of the integration of
symbolic landscape of great spiritual significance to its natural surroundings.

Criterion (vi) : Contrived to express the Hindu version of the relationship between
nature and humanity, Vat Phou exhibits a remarkable complex of monuments and
other structures over an extensive area between river and mountain, some of

outstanding architecture, many containing great works of art, and all expressing
intense religious conviction and commitment.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : L’ensemble du temple de Vat Phou est un témoignage exceptionnel des
cultures d’Asie du sud-est, et en particulier de l’empire khmer qui domina la région du
Xe au XIVe siècle.

Critère (iv) : L’ensemble de Vat Phou illustre remarquablement l’intégration d’un

paysage symbolique d’une grande valeur spirituelle dans son environnement naturel.

Critère (vi) : Illustration de l’interprétation hindoue de la relation entre la nature et

l’humanité, Vat Phou se targue d’un remarquable ensemble de monuments et autres
structures disséminées sur une vaste superficie entre fleuve et montagne, certains
dotés d’une architecture exceptionnelle, beaucoup abritant de magnifiques œuvres
d’art, et exprimant tous une conviction et un engagement religieux intenses.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

016441 - Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and cultural ressource management: a manual for heritage
managers. Box, Paul. UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok, UNESCO, 1999. 216
p., illus., maps, plans. (eng). Incl. bibl., glossary and appendix.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: protection of cultural heritage; world cultural heritage; GIS; information systems;
geographical data; data processing; computer techniques; computer applications; management plans; monitoring;
heritage managers; Cambodia; Thailand; Canada; UK; Viet Nam SR; Lao PDR; Nepal; Mexico.
// ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) // UNESCO // IUCN // Angkor, Cambodia (WHC 668) //
Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns, Thailand (WHC 574) // Banff National Park, Canadian
Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada (WHC 304) // Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites, UK (WHC 373) //
Complex of Hué Monuments, Viet Nam (WHC 678) // Vat Phou Champasak Heritage and Cultural Landscape
protection zone, Lao PDR (WHC 481) // Patan Durbar Square, kathmandu Valley, Nepal (WHC 121) // Santa Rosa
Xtampak, Campeche, Mexico

018878 - Vat Phou et les anciens établissements associés du paysage culturel de Champassak. 40 slides: col.
(fre). From WHC 481 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: temples; shrines; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; hindu architecture; Lao PDR.
// Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements, Lao P.D.R. (WHC 481)
CALL NO: LA.VAT.02:1-40 (WHC 481).

028229 - Chaotic boundaries in Khmer heritage. Davenport, Daniel R. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005.
p. 39. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 1" (eng). Incl.
bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; surroundings of historic monuments; landscapes; abstracts; Lao PDR.
// Wat Phou, Laos PDR
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.


1999- Ouadi Qadisha (the Holy Valley) and the Forest of the Cedars of God
(Horsh Arz el-Rab) / Ouadi Qadisha ou Vallée sainte et forêt des cèdres de Dieu
(Horsh Arz el-Rab) - Criteria (iii) (iv)

The Qadisha valley is one of the most important early Christian monastic settlements
in the world. Its monasteries, many of which are of a great age, stand in dramatic
positions in a rugged landscape. Nearby are the remains of the great forest of cedars
of Lebanon, highly prized in antiquity for the construction of great religious buildings.

La vallée de la Qadisha est l'un des plus importants sites d'établissement chrétien au
monde, et ses monastères, souvent très anciens, s'inscrivent dans un extraordinaire
paysage accidenté. On trouve non loin de là les vestiges de la grande forêt de cèdres
du Liban, très prisés jadis pour la construction de grands édifices religieux.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii) : The Qadisha Valley has been the site of monastic communities
continuously since the earliest years of Christianity. The trees in the Cedar Forest are
survivors of a sacred forest and of one of the most highly prized building materials of
the ancient world.

Criterion (iv) : The monasteries of the Qadisha Valley are the most significant
surviving examples of this fundamental demonstration of Christian faith.
Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : La vallée de la Qadisha accueille depuis les premiers pas de la chrétienté
les communautés monastiques. Quant aux arbres de la forêt de cèdres, ils sont les
survivants d'une forêt sacrée et de l'un des matériaux de construction jadis les plus

Critère (iv) :Les monastères de la Vallée de la Qadisha sont les exemples survivants
les plus significatifs de la force de la foi chrétienne.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016913 - Ouadi Qadisha ou Vallée Sainte et forêt des cèdres de Dieu (Horsh Arz el-Rab). 16 slides: col. (eng).
From WHC 943 listed in 1998.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; historic sites; sacred places; intangible heritage;
forests; trees; monasteries; rocks; grottoes; Lebanon.
// Ouadi Qadisha (the Holy Valley) and the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab), Lebanon (WHC 850)
CALL NO: LB.QAD.16: 1-16 (WHC 850).

016943 - Ouadi Qadisha ou Vallée sainte et forêt des cèdres de Dieu (Horsh Arz el-Rab). 20 slides: col. (eng).
From WHC 850 listed in 1998.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; natural sites; forests; cave dwellings; rock art
sites; monasteries; Lebanon.
// Oudi Qadisha ou vallée sainte (the Holly Valley) ad the Forest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab), Lebanon
(WHC 850)
CALL NO: LB.OUA.17: 1-20 (WHC 850).

018636 - The Qadisma Valley: heritage reclaimed. Moukarzel, Alexis. Madrid, UNESCO, 2001. p. 46-55, illus.,
maps. (World Heritage Review. 20, 2001) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; monasteries; forests; sacred places; Lebanon.
// Ouadi Qadisma (the Holly Valley) and the forest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz El-Rab), Lebanon (WHC 850)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

028414 - World Heritage- Linking Cultural and Biological Diversity. Rössler, Mechtild. New York, Cambridge
University Press, 2006. p. 201-205. In: "Art and cultural heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural heritage; natural heritage; cultural landscapes;
biodiversity; sacred places; intangible heritage; management; cultural heritage at risk.
// The Cinque Terre, Italy // The Quadisha Valley (Lebanon) // Sukur Cultural Landscape (Nigeria) // The
Philippines Rice Terraces (Philippines)
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

2004 Kernave Archaeological Site / Site Archéologique de Kernave - Criteria (iii)

The Kernave Archeological Site, in eastern Lithuania about 35 km northwest of

Vilnius, represents an exceptional testimony to some 10 millennia of human
settlements in this region. Situated in the valley of the River Neris, the site is a
complex ensemble of archaeological properties, encompassing the town of Kernavé,
forts, some unfortified settlements, burial sites and other archaeological monuments
from the late Paleolithic period to the Middle Ages. The site has preserved the traces
of ancient land use, as well as remains of five impressive hill forts, part of an
exceptionally large defence system. Kernave was an important feudal town in the
Middle Ages. Although the town was destroyed by the Teutonic Order in the late 14th
century, the site remained in use till the modern times.

Le site de Kernavé, dans l’est de la Lituanie à 35 km environ de Vilnius, représente le

témoignage exceptionnel d’établissements humains dans la région sur une période de
10 000 ans. Situé dans la vallée de la Neris, le site est un ensemble complexe de
biens archéologiques, englobant la ville de Kernavé, des forts, des installations non
fortifiées, des sites funéraires et d’autres monuments archéologiques depuis la fin du
paléolithique jusqu’au Moyen-Age. Le site conserve les traces d’anciennes
occupations des sols ainsi que les vestiges de cinq collines fortifiées qui faisaient
partie d’un système de défense d’une envergure exceptionnelle. Au Moyen-Age,
Kernavé était une ville féodale importante. Elle fut détruite par l’ordre Teutonique à la
fin du XIVe siècle, mais le site est resté en activité jusqu’à l’époque moderne.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): The archaeological site of Kernave presents an exceptional testimony to

the evolution of human settlements in the Baltic region in Europe over the period of
some 10 millennia. The site has exceptional evidence of the contact of Pagan and
Christian funeral traditions.

Criterion (iv): The settlement patterns and the impressive hill-forts represent
outstanding examples of the development of such types of structures and the history
of their use in the pre-Christian era.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : Le site archéologique de Kernave est un témoignage exceptionnel de

l’évolution des occupations humaines dans la région balte sur une période de quelque
10 000 ans. Le site renferme des preuves remarquables du contact entre les
traditions funéraires païenne et chrétienne.

Critère (iv) : Les modèles d’occupation et les impressionnantes collines fortifiées sont
des exemples remarquables du développement de ces types de structures et de
l’histoire de leur utilisation à l’ère pré-chrétienne.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
024396 - Site archéologique de Kernave (Réserve culturelle de Kernave). 40 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1137
listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; archaeological sites; human settlement sites; archaeological finds;
// Kernave archaeological site, Lithuania
CALL NO: LT.KER.04.1-40 (WHC 1137).

2000 Curonian Spit / Isthme de Courlande - Criteria (v)

Human habitation of this elongated sand dune peninsula, 98 km long and 0.4-4 km
wide, dates back to prehistoric times. Throughout this period it has been threatened
by the natural forces of wind and waves. Its survival to the present day has been
made possible only as a result of ceaseless human efforts to combat the erosion of
the Spit, dramatically illustrated by continuing stabilisation and reforestation projects.

L'occupation humaine de cette étroite péninsule de dunes de sable, longue de 98 km

et large de 0,4 à 4 km, remonte aux temps préhistoriques. Depuis cette période, elle a
été sous la menace des forces naturelles du vent et des vagues. Elle ne doit sa
préservation actuelle qu'aux efforts incessants des habitants pour combattre l'érosion
de l'isthme, efforts remarquablement illustrés par les projets continus de stabilisation
et de reboisement.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (v) : The Curonian Spit is an outstanding example of a landscape of sand

dunes that is under constant threat from natural forces (wind and tide). After
disastrous human interventions that menaced its survival the Spit was reclaimed by
massive protection and stabilization works begun in the 19th century and still
continuing to the present day.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (v) : L’isthme de Courlande est un exemple exceptionnel de paysage de dunes

de sable qui est sous la menace constante des forces naturelles (vents et marées).
Après des interventions humaines désastreuses qui ont menacé sa survie, l’isthme a
été reconquis grâce à une protection intense et aux travaux de stabilisation qui ont
commencé au XIXe siècle et continuent à ce jour.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016611 - The Lithuanian offshore and coast of the Baltic Sea. Gudelis, Vytautas. Vilnius, Academia Scientiarum
Lithuaniae, 1998. 442 p., illus. (lit). Lietuvos ijuris ir pajuris. lit.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; coastal protection; natural sites; sand; Lithuania; Russian
// Curonian Spit, Lithuania/Russian Federation
ACCESSION NO: 13805. CALL NO: P.C. 005. ISBN: 9986-795-01-X.

016612 - Neringa. Sutkus, Antanas. Vilnius, Ethnos'91, 1994. s.p., illus. (same text in lit, eng, ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural sites; world heritage list; coastal protection; sand; forests;
Lithuania; Russian Federation.
// Neringa, Curonian Spit, Lithuania/Russian Federation (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: 13812. CALL NO: P.C. 007.

017568 - L' isthme de Courlande. 31 slides : col. (eng). Isthme de Courlande, Lituanie. fre. From WHC 994 listed in
2000 ; 1 page typescript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural sites; world heritage list; coastal protection; sand; forests;
Lithuania; Russian Federation.
// The Curonian Spit, Lithuania / Russian Federation (WHC 994)
CALL NO: LT. COU. 02 : 1-31 (WHC 994).

017782 - Russian Natural Heritage. Greenpeace Russia. Greenpeace Russia, 2000. 215 p., illus., maps. (same
text in rus, eng). Incl. appendix.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; natural heritage; natural sites; protection of environment; world heritage
list; national parks; biosphere; forests; fauna; flora; lakes; volcanoes; coastal protection; islands; case studies;
Mongolia; Lithuania; Russian federation.
// UNESCO // Virgin Komi Forests, Russian Federation (WHC 719) // Lake Baikal, Russian Federation (WHC 754)
// Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation (WHC 765) // Golden Mountains of Altai, Russian Federation
(WHC 768 rev.) // Western Caucasus, Russian Federation (WHC 900) // The Vodlozero National Park, Russian
Federation // The Commander Islands, Russian Federation // The Valdai Upland, Russian Federation // The
Bashkirain Urals, Russian Federation // The Delta of the Lena, Russian Federation // The Ubsunur Hollow,
Russian Federation // The Curonian Spit, Russian Federation (WHC 994) // Central Sikhote, Alin, Russian
Federation // The Green Belt of Fennoscandia, Russian Federation // The Putorana Plateau, Russian Federation
// The Kuril Islands, Russian Federation
ACCESSION NO: 13982. ISBN: 5-88149-067-3.

017811 - Kuvshskaya Kosa, 1987-1997. 1997. 32 p., illus, maps. (rus).

PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Russian Federation; Lithuania.
// The Curonian Spit, Russian Federation / Lithuania (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: 13807. CALL NO: P.C. 06.

017842 - The originality and value of culturised Lithuanian landscape. Bucas, Jurgis. Warszawa, UNESCO, 2000.
p. 55-67, illus., maps. (eng). In : "The Regional Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Eastern Europe"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Lithuania.
// Curonian Spit, Lithuania (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: 13918. CALL NO: P.C. 17. ISBN: 83-85548-85-8.

018547 - The National Park of the Curonian Spit. Bucas, Jurgis. Vilnius, Savastis, 2001. 474 p., illus., plans.
(Cultural heritage in the National Parks of Lithuania. 1) (lit). Kursiu Nerijos Nacionalinis Parkas. lit.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; historic landscapes; architectural heritage;
protection of cultural heritage; coastal protection; sand; national parks; Lithuania.
// Curonian Spit, Lithuania (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: 14044. CALL NO: P.C. 23. ISBN: 9986-420-38-5.

020198 - Neringa. Neringos Miesto Savivaldybé; Tomo mano kulturos centras; Lietuvos Respublikos kulturos
ministerija. Vilnius, Zermaiciu Kulturos draugijos redakcija, 1998. 103 p. , illus. (lit).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural parks; world heritage list; Lithuania.
// Curonian Spit, Lithuania and Russian Federation (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: 14335. CALL NO: P.C.43. ISBN: 9986-9207-2-8.

022523 - International Conference, 6-7 May, 1998, Juodkrante, Lithuania. Inscription of the Curonian Spit National
Park on the World Heritage List. Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Vilnius, Public Information
and Publishing Unit, 1998. 44p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Lithuania; national parks.
// International Conference - Inscription of the Curonian Spit Natioanl Park on the World Heritage List, 6-7 May,
1998, Juodkrante, Lithuania // Curonian Spit, Lithuania (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: N/C 994 (1). CALL NO: WHC 994 (1). ISBN: 9986-566-.

022745 - Neringa. anon. 34 p., illus. (same text in eng, ger, rus, lit).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; natural parks; sand; Lithuania; Russian
// Curonian Spit, Lithuania and Russian Federation (WHC 994)
ACCESSION NO: 14621. CALL NO: P.C. 61.

029906 - The Curonian Spit, created by nature, rescued by people. Jomantiené, Irena. Paris, UNESO, 2006. p. 24-
29, illus. (World Heritage Review. 43) (same text in eng, fre, spa). L'isthme de Courlande. créé par la nature, sauvé
par les habitants. fre. El istmo de Courlandia. Creado por la naturaleza, rescatado por el hombre. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; sand; natural heritage;
conservation; Lithuania; Russian Federation.
// Curonian Spit, Lithuania and Russian Federation (WHC 994)

2001 Royal Hill of Ambohimanga / Colline Royale d’Ambohimanga - Criteria (iii)
(iv) (vi)

The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga consists of a royal city and burial site, and an
ensemble of sacred places. It is associated with strong feelings of national identity,
and has maintained its spiritual and sacred character both in ritual practice and the
popular imagination for the past 500 years. It remains a place of worship to which
pilgrims come from Madagascar and elsewhere
La colline royale d'Ambohimanga se compose d'une cité royale, d'un site funéraire
royal et d'un ensemble de lieux sacrés. Associée à un fort sentiment d'identité
nationale, elle conserve son atmosphère de spiritualité et son caractère sacré, dans la
pratique et dans l'esprit de la population, depuis quelque 500 ans. Elle demeure un
lieu de culte et de pèlerinage que l'on vient visiter de Madagascar et d'ailleurs

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii) : The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga is the most significant symbol of the
cultural identity of the people of Madagascar.
Criterion (iv) : The traditional design, materials, and layout of the Royal Hill of
Ambohimanga are representative of the social and political structure of Malagasy
society from at least the 16th century.

Criterion (vi) : The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga an exceptional example of a place

where, over centuries, common human experience has been focused in memory,
ritual, and prayer.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : La colline royale d’Ambohimanga est le symbole le plus significatif de

l’identité culturelle du peuple malgache.

Critère (iv) : La conception, les matériaux et la disposition traditionnelle de la colline

royale d’Ambohimanga sont représentatifs de la structure politique et sociale de
Madagascar depuis au moins le XVIe siècle.

Critère (vi) : La colline royale d’Ambohimanga est un exemple exceptionnel de lieu
où, pendant des siècles, la mémoire, le rituel et la prière ont façonné une expérience
humaine collective.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

012185 - Historic monuments and sites in Madagascar. Haas, R. ICOMOS. [s.l.], [s.n.], [s.d.]. 61 slides : col. (fre).
Convention du Patrimoine Mondial Mission by R. Haas in May 1986. See: doc 9191. Legends on mounts.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vernacular architecture; wooden architecture; natural landscape; forts; ramparts; church
towers; thatch; houses; galleries; paintings; facades; museums; interior spaces; wall paintings; balustrades;
porches; gables; pillars; terraces; Madagascar.
// Antananarivo (Madagascar) // Ambohimanga (Madagascar) // Tsinjoarivo (Madagascar) // Fort de Mahavelona
(Madagascar) // le pays Zafimaniry (Madagascar)
CALL NO: MG.AAA.01:1-61.

014994 - Rova d'Antananarivo-Rova d'Ambohimanga. Preservation; restauration et mise en valeur. Hyvert, Giselle.
UNESCO. Paris, UNESCO, 1994. 81p., illus. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic towns; public and civic architecture; palaces; 19th; Madagascar; funerary
architecture; restoration projects; enhancement.
// Antananarivo (Madagascar) // Ambohimanga(Madagascar)
ACCESSION NO: 13239. CALL NO: V.H. 1301. (e).

017091 - Cité royale, bois sacrés et arbres royaux d'Ambohimanga : un exemple de paysage cultuel associatif
malgache des hautes terres. Rafolo,Andrianaivoarinovy. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p.70-73. (fre). Royal city, royal
sacred woods and trees of Madagascar. eng. In:"The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in
Africa"; Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; archaeological remains; sacred places; intangible
heritage; forests; trees; Madagascar.
// Ambohimanga, Madagascar
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017995 - Authenticity and integrity of the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga (Madagascar), an associative cultural
landscape. Rafolo, Andrianaivoarivony, Dr. Paris, UNESCO, 2001. p.98-107. (same text in eng, fre). De
l'authenticité et de l'intégrité de la colline royale d'Ambihimanga (Madagascar), paysage culturel associatif. fre. In:
"Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; authenticity; integrity; Madagascar.
// Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, Madagascar
ACCESSION NO: 14030. ISBN: 2-906901-29-6..

018887 - La colline royale d'Ambohimanga. 54 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 950 listed in 2001; 2 pages typescript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; sacred places; tombs; Madagascar.
// Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, Madagascar (WHC 950)
CALL NO: MG.AMB.02:1-54 (WHC 950).

029316 - La colline royale d'Ambohimanga, paysage culturel et patrimoine immatériel. Le Berre, Michel. Paris,
ICOMOS France, 2006. p. 51-56, illus. (Les Cahiers de la Section Française de l'ICOMOS. 22) In: "Vivre dans un
grand site : le pari du développement durable" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; management; cultural tourism;
tourists; overvisiting; tourism management; intangible heritage; Madagascar.
// Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, Madagascar (WHC 950)
ACCESSION NO: 15190. CALL NO: To. 267-2.

033515 - Colline royale d'Ambohimanga. Razafimandimby, Anselme; Rabemanantsoa, Rintsamanefa. Madrid, San
Marcos, UNESCO, 2005. p. 50-61, illus. (Patrimoine Mondial. 39) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; historic sites; historic monuments; cultural landscapes; Madagascar.
// Royal hill of Ambohimanga, Madagascar (WHC 950)
ACCESSION NO: k-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4520.

2008 - Le Morne Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel du Morne (Criteria (iii)(vi))

Le Morne Cultural Landscape, a rugged mountain that juts into the Indian Ocean in
the southwest of Mauritius was used as a shelter by runaway slaves, maroons,
through the 18th and early years of the 19th centuries. Protected by the mountain’s
isolated, wooded and almost inaccessible cliffs, the escaped slaves formed small
settlements in the caves and on the summit of Le Morne. The oral traditions
associated with the maroons, have made Le Morne a symbol of the slaves’ fight for
freedom, their suffering, and their sacrifice, all of which have relevance to the
countries from which the slaves came - the African mainland, Madagascar, India, and
South-east Asia. Indeed, Mauritius, an important stopover in the eastern slave trade,
also came to be known as the “Maroon republic” because of the large number of
escaped slaves who lived in Le Morne.

Le Paysage culturel du Morne est une montagne accidentée qui s’avance dans
l’océan Indien au sud-ouest de l’île Maurice a été utilisée comme refuge par les
esclaves en fuite, les marrons, pendant le XVIIIème siècle et les premières années du
XIXème. Protégés par les versants abrupts de la montagne, quasi-inaccessibles et
couverts de forêts, les esclaves évadés ont formé des petits peuplements dans des
grottes et au sommet du Morne. La tradition orale autour des marrons a fait de cette
montagne le symbole de la souffrance des esclaves, de leur lutte pour la liberté et de
leur sacrifice, des drames qui ont trouvé un écho jusque dans les pays d’où venaient
les esclaves : le continent africain, Madagascar, l’Inde et le sud-est de l’Asie. L’île de
Maurice, une grande escale du commerce des esclaves, a même été connue comme
la « République des marrons » à cause du nombre important d’esclaves échappés qui
se sont installés dans la montagne.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

033560 - Le Morne Cultural Landscape. UNESCO. 10 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1259 listed in 2008.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; Mauritius.
// Paysage Culturel du Morne, Maurice (WHC 1259)
ACCESSION NO: MU.MOR.02:1-10 (WHC 1259).

2006- Agave Landscape and Ancient Industrial Facilities of Tequila-Volcano
Criteria (ii) (iv) (v) (vi)

A 34,658 ha site, between the foothills of the Tequila Volcano and the deep valley of
the Rio Grande River, is part of an expansive landscape of blue agave, shaped by the
culture of the plant which has been used since the 16th century to produce tequila
spirit and over at least 2,000 years to make fermented drinks and cloth. Within the
landscape are working distilleries reflecting the growth in the international
consumption of tequila in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Today, the agave culture is seen as part of national identity. The area encloses a
living, working landscape of blue agave fields and the urban settlements of Tequila,
Arenal, and Amatitan with large distilleries where the agave ‘pineapple' is fermented
and distilled. The listed property includes fields, distilleries and factories (both active
and not), tabernas (distilleries that were illegal under Spanish rule), towns and
Teuchitlan archaeological sites. The property numbers numerous haciendas, or
estates, some of which date back to the 18th century. The architecture of both
factories and haciendas is characterized by brick and adobe construction, plastered
walls with ochre lime-wash, stone arches, quoins and window dressings, and formal,
neo-classical or baroque ornamentation. It reflects both the fusion of pre-Hispanic
traditions of fermenting mescal juice with the European distillation processes and of
local technologies and those imported from Europe and the U.S.A.
The property also covers archaeological sites which bear testimony to the Teuchitlan
culture which shaped the Tequila area from 200 to 900 A.D., notably through the
creation of terraces for agriculture, housing, temples, ceremonial mounds and ball

Le site de 34 658 ha s’étend du pied du volcan Tequila jusqu’au canyon du Rio

Grande. Il comprend de vastes paysages d’agaves bleues, façonnés par la culture de
cette plante qui est utilisée depuis le XVIe siècle pour produire la tequila et depuis au
moins 2 000 ans pour fabriquer des boissons fermentées et des textiles. On trouve
dans ce paysage des distilleries en activité qui reflètent l’essor de la consommation
internationale de tequila au XIX e et XX e siècle.
Aujourd’hui, la culture de l’agave est considérée comme un élément intrinsèque de
l’identité nationale mexicaine. La zone englobe un paysage vivant et exploité de

champs d’agaves bleues et les peuplements urbains de Tequila, El Arenal et
Amatitan, abritant de grandes distilleries où le cœur de l’agave (l’ananas) est
fermenté et distillé. La zone inscrite inclut des champs d’agaves, des distilleries et
fabriques (en activité ou désaffectées), des tabernas (distilleries illégales), des villes,
les sites archéologiques de Teuchitlan. La zone contient de nombreuses haciendas,
ou propriétés foncière, dont certaines datent du XVIIIe siècle. L’architecture des
fabriques et des haciendas se caractérise par une construction en briques et en
adobe, des murs recouverts d’enduit et peints en ton ocre à la chaux, des arcades,
des claveaux et des encadrements de fenêtre en pierre, des ornements néo-
classiques ou baroques. La zone reflète d’une part le mélange culturel des processus
de fermentation pré-hispaniques et de la distillation européenne, d’autre part des
styles architecturaux autochtones et espagnols. La zone comprend également des
sites archéologiques qui contiennent des témoignages de la culture Teuchitlan qui a
façonné la zone de Tequila de 200 à 900 après JC, notamment à travers la création
de terrasses pour l’agriculture, d’habitations, de temples, de tertres cérémoniels et de
terrains de jeu de balle.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography :

024977 - El paisaje agavero y las antiguas instalaciones industriales de Tequila, Jalisco. Una propuesta de paisaje
cultural mexicano. Gómez Arrido, Ignacio. Mexico, CONACULTA-INAH, 2004. p.81-86, illus. (Monuments and
sites. IX) In: "La representatividad en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial: Memorias. Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico,
Diciembre 12-16, 2003" (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Mexico.
// Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico

028208 - Paisaje agavero y las antiguas instalaciones industriales de tequila. Se realizó la misión de evaluación.
Gómez Arriola, Ignacio. Mexico, INAH, 2005. p. 4-7, illus. (Hereditas. 13) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; industrial architecture; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Mexico.
// Paisaje agavero, Mexico

028417 - The Cultural Landscape of the Agave and the production of Tequila. Gómez Arriola, Ignacio; López
Morales, Francisco Javier. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006. p. 216-219. In: "Art and cultural heritage:
law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; industrial heritage; world heritage list; world heritage convention;
conservation areas; conservation; Mexico.
// Cultural landscape of the Agave, Mexico
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

028725 - El Paisaje Agavero y las antiguas instalaciones industriales de Tequila. Propuesta para su inscripción en
la lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Gómez Arriola, Ignacio (coord.). Cámara Nacional de la Industria
Tequilera; CONACULTA-INAH; Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco. Guadalajara, Cámara
Nacional de la Industria Tequilera, 2004. 164 p. + 156 p., illus. (same text in spa, eng). The Agave landscape and
the ancient industrial facilities of Tequila. eng. Incl. glossary and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; factories; industrial
architecture; world heritage list; Mexico.
// The Agave landscape, Mexico
ACCESSION NO: 15098. CALL NO: P.C. 079. ISBN: 970-624-392-5.

029760 - The Agave landscape and ancient industrial facilities of Tequila. UNESCO. 24 slides: col. (eng). From
WHC 1209 listed in 2006.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; industrial heritage; world heritage list; Mexico.
// Paysage d'agaves et anciennes installacions industrielles del Tequila, Mexico (WHC 1209)
ACCESSION NO: MX.TEQ.31: 1-27 (WHC 1209).


2004- Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape/ Paysage culturel de la vallée de

l’Orkhon - Criteria (ii) (iii) (iv)

The 121,967-ha Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape encompasses an extensive area

of pastureland on both banks of the Orkhon River and includes numerous
archaeological remains dating back to the 6th century. The site also includes
Kharkhorum, the 13th and 14th century capital of Chinggis (Genghis) Khan’s vast
Empire. Collectively the remains in the site reflect the symbiotic links between
nomadic, pastoral societies and their administrative and religious centres, and the
importance of the Orkhon valley in the history of central Asia. The grassland is still
grazed by Mongolian nomadic pastoralists.

Le paysage culturel de la vallée de l’Orkhon, d’environ 121 967 ha, couvre une vaste
zone de pâturages sur les deux rives de l’Orkhon et comprend de nombreux vestiges
archéologiques remontant au VIe siècle. Le site englobe également Karakorum,
capitale aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles du vaste empire de Chinggis (Genghis) Khan. Les
vestiges du site reflètent les liens symbiotiques entre les sociétés pastorales nomades
et leurs centres administratifs et religieux, et l’importance de la vallée de l’Orkhon
dans l’histoire de l’Asie centrale. Les herbages sont encore utilisés aujourd’hui par les
bergers nomades de Mongolie.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The Orkhon valley clearly demonstrates how a strong and persistent
nomadic culture, led to the development of extensive trade networks and the creation
of large administrative, commercial, military and religious centres. The empires that
these urban centres supported undoubtedly influenced societies across Asia and into
Europe and in turn absorbed influence from both east and west in a true interchange
of human values.

Criterion (iii): Underpinning all the development within the Orkhon valley for the past
two millennia has been a strong culture of nomadic pastoralism. This culture is still a

revered and indeed central part of Mongolian society and is highly respected as a
‘noble’ way to live in harmony with the landscape.

Criterion (iv): The Orkhon valley is an outstanding example of a valley that illustrates
several significant stages in human history. First and foremost it was the centre of the
Mongolian Empire; secondly it reflects a particular Mongolian variation of Turkish
power; thirdly, the Tuvkhun hermitage monastery was the setting for the development
of a Mongolian form of Buddhism; and fourthly, Khar Balgas, reflects the Uighur urban
culture in the capital of the Uighur Empire.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : La vallée de l’Orkhon démontre clairement la manière dont une culture
nomade forte et pérenne a conduit au développement de réseaux commerciaux
étendus et à la création de grands centres administratifs, marchands, militaires et
religieux. Les empires que ces centres urbains ont soutenus ont sans aucun doute
influencé des sociétés à travers l’Asie et en Europe et à leur tour ont absorbé des
influences à la fois de l’Orient et de l’Occident dans un véritable échange de valeurs

Critère (iii) : À la base de tout le développement de la vallée de l’Orkhon sur les deux
derniers millénaires se trouve une culture solide de pastoralisme nomade. Cette
culture est toujours une pièce maîtresse révérée de la société mongole et elle est
hautement respectée en tant que mode de vie « noble » en harmonie avec le

Critère (iv) : La vallée de l’Orkhon est un exemple exceptionnel de vallée illustrant

plusieurs étapes significatives de l’histoire humaine. Avant tout, elle était le centre de
l’empire mongol. En second lieu, elle reflète une variation du pouvoir turc propre à la
Mongolie. En troisième lieu, le monastère de l’ermitage de Tuvkhun fut le berceau du
développement d’une forme mongole du bouddhisme. Quatrièmement, Kharabalgas
reflète la culture urbaine ouïgoure de la capitale de l’empire ouïgour.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

007665 - Trésors de Mongolie. Ser-Odjav, Namsraïn. Paris, Unesco, 1986. p. 30-37, illus. (Le Courrier de
l'Unesco. 39, Mars) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological sites; historical surveys; Mongolia.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: buddhist architecture; funerary architecture; palaces.
// Orkhon (Mongolia)
ACCESSION NO: K-54. ISSN: 0304-3118.

024458 - Orkhon Valley cultural landscape. 24 slides: col. (eng). Paysage culturel de la vallé de l'Orkhon. fre. From
WHC 1081 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; archaeological remains; Mongolia. SECONDARY
KEYWORDS: slides. // Orkhon valley cultural landscape (WHC 1081)
CALL NO: MN.ORK.01.1-24 (WHC 1081).

026223 - Mongolia's Tentative List Cultural and Natural Heritage. Beijing Office; UNESCO Ministry of
Enlightenment Mongolia. Mongolia, UNESCO Beijing Office and Ministry of Enlightenment Mongolia, 1996. 53p.,
illus, maps. (same text in eng, mon).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world heritage list; historic monuments; natural sites; Mongolia;
// Khoit Tsenkher Cave // Tsagaan Salaa // Uvs nuur Basin // Khovsgol Lake Tsoatan // Amarbayasgalant
monastery // Great Gobe Desert // Godi Gurvandaikhan Desert Fossil site // Otgon Tenger Sacred Mountains //
Bogd Khan Mountain, Burkhan khaldun Mountain // Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape (1081rev)

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.


1993- Tongariro National Park / Parc national de Tongariro

Criteria: (vi) (vii) (viii)

In 1993 Tongariro became the first property to be inscribed on the World Heritage List
under the revised criteria describing cultural landscapes. The mountains at the heart
of the park have cultural and religious significance for the Maori people and symbolize
the spiritual links between this community and its environment. The park has active
and extinct volcanoes, a diverse range of ecosystems and some spectacular

En 1993, Tongariro est devenu le premier bien inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine
mondial au titre du critère culturel révisé concernant des paysages culturels. Les
montagnes situées au centre du parc ont une signification culturelle et religieuse pour
le peuple maori et symbolisent les liens spirituels entre cette communauté humaine et
son environnement. Le parc contient des volcans en activité et éteints, une gamme
variée d'écosystèmes et des paysages particulièrement spectaculaires.

Justification for Inscription

Property inscribed only for geological values under natural criterion N (ii) before 1994.
Criterion N (ii) was replaced with criterion N (i)

Justification d'inscription

Modification dans la numérotation des critères pour les biens inscrits uniquement pour
leur valeur géologique, sous le critère N (ii) avant 1994. Le critère N (i) a été remplacé
par le critère N(viii).

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

016678 - A sacred gift: Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. Te Heuheu, Tumu. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G.
Fischer, 1995. p. 170-173, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; national parks; sacred places; aboriginal cultures;
intangible heritage; New Zealand.
// Tongariro National Park, New Zealand (WHC 421 rev)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

018509 - Including cultural landscapes on the World's Heritage List. Titchen, Sarah M. Madrid, Unesco, 1996.
p.34-39, illus. (World Heritage Review. 2, 1996) (same text in eng, spa, fre). Paisajes culturales del patrimonio
mundial. spa. Inclusion des paysages culturels dans la liste du Patrimoine Mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; national parks; world heritage list.
// The rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722) // Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
(WHC 421) // Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018513 - World Heritage Volcanoes. Unesco, World Heritage Center. Madrid, Unesco, 1996. p.40-49, illus. (World
Heritage Review. 3, 1996) (same text in eng, spa, fre). Los Volcanes en el Patrimonio Mundial. spa. Les Volcans
dans le Patrimoine Mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural heritage; natural sites; volcanoes.
// Tatshenshini - Alsek / Kluane National Park / Wrangell - St.Elias National Park and Reserve and GlacierBay
National Park, Canada-USA (WHC72) // Sangay National Park, Ecuador (WHC 260) // Galapagos Islands,
Ecuador (WHC 1) // Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia (WHC 608) // Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
(WHC 421) // Rwenzori Mountains National Parks, Uganda (WHC 684) // Yellowstone, USA (WHC 28) // Hawaii
Volcanoes National Park, USA (WHC 409) // Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo (WHC 63)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018599 - The sacred peaks of Tongariro. Fraser, Lianne. Madrid, UNESCO, 1999. p. 68-79, illus., maps. (World
Heritage Review. 11, 1999) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Les pics sacrés de Tongariro. fre. Las montañas sagradas
de Tongariro. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: national parks; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; sacred places; aboriginal cultures;
New Zealand.
// Tongariro National Park, New Zealand (WHC 421)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

021608 - Extending the limits of the World Heritage List: Towards the identification, assessment and conservation
of cultural landscapes of outstanding universal value. Titchen, Sarah. Victoria, Australian Heritage Commission,
1995. p. 13-50. (eng). In: "Indigenous cultural landscapes and world heritage listing".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list; conservation. // Wuru-
Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447) // Tongariro National Park, New Zealand (WHC 421rev)
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

034103 - Parc National de Tongariro, un site naturel chargé de mythe. Fraser, Lianne. Paris, UNESCO; Valencia,
Pressgroup Holdings, 2007. p. 8-17, illus. (Patrimoine Mondial. 46) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; natural sites; mountains; sacred sites; aboriginal sites;
cultural landscapes; New Zealand.
// Tongariro National Park, New Zealand (WHC 421 bis)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4520.

034110 - Tongariro National Park: A myth-laden view of nature. Fraser, Lianne. Paris, UNESCO; Valencia,
Pressgroup Holdings, 2007. p. 8-17, illus. (World Heritage. 46) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; natural sites; mountains; sacred sites; aboriginal sites;
cultural landscapes; New Zealand.
// Tongariro National Park, New Zealand (WHC 421 bis)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

034117 - Parque Nacional Tongariro: una visión mítica del paisaje. Fraser, Lianne. Paris, UNESCO; Valencia,
Pressgroup Holdings, 2007. p. 8-17, illus. (Patrimonio Mundial. 46) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; natural sites; mountains; sacred sites; aboriginal sites;
cultural landscapes; New Zealand.
// Tongariro National Park, New Zealand (WHC 421 bis)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.


1999 – Sukur cultural landscape / Paysage culturel de Sukur

Criteria: (iii) (v) (vi)

The Sukur Cultural Landscape, with the Palace of the Hidi (Chief) on a hill dominating
the villages below, the terraced fields and their sacred symbols, and the extensive
remains of a former flourishing iron industry, is a remarkably intact physical
expression of a society and its spiritual and material culture

Le paysage culturel de Sukur - avec le palais du Hidi (chef) sur une colline dominant
les villages en contrebas, ses champs en terrasses et leurs symboles sacrés, ainsi
que les vestiges omniprésents de l'ancienne industrie florissante du fer - reflète
fidèlement la société qui l'a créé il y a des siècles et sa culture spirituelle et matérielle.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): Sukur is an exceptional landscape which graphically illustrates a form of

land-use that marks a critical stage in human settlement and its relationship with its

Criterion (v): The cultural landscape of Sukur has survived unchanged for many
centuries, and continues to do so at a period when this form of traditional human
settlement is under threat in many parts of the world.

Criterion (vi): The cultural landscape of Sukur is eloquent testimony to a strong and
continuing cultural tradition that has endured for many centuries.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : Sukur est un paysage exceptionnel qui illustre graphiquement une forme
d’occupation du territoire qui caractérise un stade critique de l’établissement humain
et sa relation à l’environnement.

Critère (v) : Le paysage culturel de Sukur est resté inchangé pendant des siècles et
demeure tel à une époque où cette forme d’établissement humain traditionnel est
menacée dans de nombreuses régions du monde.

Critère (vi) : Le paysage culturel de Sukur est le témoignage éloquent d’une tradition
spirituelle et culturelle forte et continue qui perdure depuis de nombreux siècles.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

017090 - The Sukur cultural landscape. Eboreime,Joseph. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p.64-69. (eng). Le paysage
culturel de Sukur. fre. In:"The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Nigeria.
// The Sukur cultural landscape, Nigeria (WHC938)
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017804 - Sukur Cultural Landscape. 29 slides : col (eng). From WHC 938 listed in 1999 ; 1 page typescript ; 2
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; human settlement sites; villages; archaeological
remains; fortified architecture; vernacular architecture; Nigeria.
// Sukur Cultural Landscape, Nigeria (WHC 938)
CALL NO: NG.SUK.01: 1-29 (WHC 938).

017993 - The Sukur and Benin cultural landscapes as case studies on current issues of authenticity and integrity.
Eboreime, O.J.Dr. Paris, UNESCO, 2001. p.90-94. (eng). In: "Authenticity and integrity in an African context.
Expert meeting"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; authenticity; integrity; Nigeria; Benin.
// Sukur cultural landscapes, Nigeria (WHC 938)
ACCESSION NO: 14030. ISBN: 2-906901-29-6.

022064 - Sukur cultural landscape of Nigeria: a challenge to conservation management Eboreime, Joseph. Paris,
UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.144-146. (World Heritage Papers. 7) In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of
conservation" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; management; world heritage list; Nigeria.
// Sukural cultural landscape, Nigeria (WHC 938)
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

025672 - Anchoring african cultural and natural heritage : the significance of local community awareness in the
context of capacity-building. Munjeri, Dawson. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2004. p.75-80, illus. (World Heritage Papers.
13) In: "Linking universal and local values : managing a sustainable future for world heritage" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world heritage list; public awareness; community participation;
case studies; Africa.
// Sukur Cultural Landscape, Nigeria (WHC 938) // Kasubi Tombs, Uganda (WHC 1022) // Great Zimbabwe,
Zimbabwe (WHC 364) // Robben Island, South Africa (WHC 916)
ACCESSION NO: 14553-13.

028414 - World Heritage- Linking Cultural and Biological Diversity. Rössler, Mechtild. New York, Cambridge
University Press, 2006. p. 201-205. In: "Art and cultural heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural heritage; natural heritage; cultural landscapes;
biodiversity; sacred places; intangible heritage; management; cultural heritage at risk.
// The Cinque Terre, Italy // The Quadisha Valley (Lebanon) // Sukur Cultural Landscape (Nigeria) // The
Philippines Rice Terraces (Philippines)
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

029838 - Heritage management and tourism in the Obudu Castle Ranch and Sukur Kingdom, Nigeria. Okpoko, Pat
Uche; Okonkwo, Emeka. Washington, National Park Service, 2005. p.79-89, illus. (CRM: The Journal of Heritage
Stweardship . 2, 2) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation; management; natural heritage; forests; conservation areas; cultural
tourism; tourism management; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; traditional techniques; Nigeria.
// Sukur Cultural Landscape, Nigeria (WHC 938)
ACCESSION NO: K-308. ISSN: 1068-4999.

2005 – Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove / Forêt sacrée d’Osun-Oshogbo

Criteria: (ii) (iii) (vi)

The dense forest of the Osun Sacred Grove, on the outskirts of the city of Osogbo, is
one of the last remnants of primary high forest in southern Nigeria. Regarded as the
abode of the goddess of fertility Osun, one of the pantheon of Yoruba gods, the
landscape of the grove and its meandering river is dotted with sanctuaries and
shrines, sculptures and art works in honour of Osun and other Yoruba deities. The
Grove, which is now seen as a symbol of identity for all Yoruba people, is probably the
last sacred grove in Yoruba culture. It testifies to the once widespread practice of
establishing sacred groves outside all settlements.

La dense forêt sacrée d’Osun, à la périphérie de la ville d’Oshogbo, est l’une des
dernières zones de la forêt primaire qui subsiste au sud du Nigeria. Elle est
considérée comme la demeure d’Osun, une des divinités du panthéon yoruba. La
forêt, sillonnée par la rivière Osun, abrite des sanctuaires, des sculptures et des
oeuvres d’art érigés en l’honneur d’Osun et d’autres divinités yorubas. La forêt,
désormais considérée par tout le peuple yoruba comme un symbole identitaire, est
probablement la dernière forêt sacrée de la culture yoruba. Elle témoigne de la
coutume, jadis très répandue, qui consistait à établir des lieux sacrés loin de toute
habitation humaine.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The development of the movement of New Sacred Artists and the
absorption of Suzanne Wenger, an Austrian artist, into the Yoruba community have
proved to be a fertile exchange of ideas that revived the sacred Osun Grove ;

Criterion (iii): The Osun Sacred Grove is the largest and perhaps the only remaining
example of a once widespread phenomenon that used to characterise every Yoruba
settlement. It now represents Yoruba sacred groves and their reflection of Yoruba

Criterion (vi): The Osun Grove is a tangible expression of Yoruba divinatory and
cosmological systems; its annual festival is a living thriving and evolving response to
Yoruba beliefs in the bond between people, their ruler and the Osun goddess

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Le développement du mouvement des artistes traditionnels du nouvel art

sacré et l’intégration de Suzanne Wenger, artiste autrichienne, à la communauté
yoruba, se sont révélés être le terrain d’un échange fertile d’idées qui ont ressuscité la
forêt sacrée d’Osun.

Critère (iii) : La forêt sacrée d’Osun est le plus grand exemple, et peut-être le seul
restant, d’un phénomène jadis largement répandu qui caractérisait tous les
peuplements yorubas. Elle représente aujourd’hui les forêts sacrées yorubas et leur
illustration de la cosmogonie yoruba.

Critère (vi) : La forêt d’Osun est l’expression tangible du système divinatoire et

cosmogonique yoruba ; son festival annuel est une réponse vivante, florissante et en
perpétuelle évolution aux croyances yorubas dans les liens qui unissent le peuple,
ses dirigeants et la déesse Osun.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

027370 - Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove. UNESCO. 40 slides. (eng). From WHC 1118, listed in 2005.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; forests; sacred places; customs and traditions; intangible heritage;
// Forêt sacrée d'Osun-Osogbo, Nigeria (WHC 1118)
ACCESSION NO: NG.OSU.02.1-40 (WHC 1118).

033101 - Osun Osogbo sacred grove. Funsho, Adebayo Oluremi; Joffroy, Thierry. Rome, Africa 2009, 2006. p. 12-
13, illus. (Africa 2009 Newsletter. 6) (same text in eng, fre). La forêt sacrée d'Osun Osogbo. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; forests; world heritage list; sacred places; customs and traditions;
intangible heritage; Nigeria.
// Forêt Sacrée d'Osun-Osogbo, Nigeria (WHC 1118)


2004 Vegaøyan -- The Vega Archipelago / Vegaøyan –Archipel de Vega

- Criteria: (v)

A cluster of dozens of islands centred on Vega, just south of the Arctic Circle, forms a
cultural landscape of 103,710-ha, of which 6,930 is land. The islands bear testimony
to a distinctive frugal way of life based on fishing and the harvesting of the down of
eider ducks, in an inhospitable environment. There are fishing villages, quays,
warehouses, eider houses (built for eider ducks to nest in), farming landscapes,
lighthouses and beacons. There is evidence of human settlement from the Stone Age
on. By the 9th century, the islands had become an important centre for the supply of
down which appears to have accounted for around a third of the islanders’ income.
The Vega Archipelago reflects the way fishermen/farmers have, over the past 1500
years, maintained a sustainable living and celebrates the contribution of women to
eiderdown harvesting.

Ce groupe d’une douzaine d’îles autour de Vega, au sud du cercle arctique, constitue
un paysage culturel de 103 710 ha dont 6 930 ha de terres. Les îles attestent d’un
mode de vie frugal basé sur la pêche et la collecte du duvet d’eider (une espèce de
canard) dans un environnement hostile. On y trouve des villages de pêcheurs avec
des quais, entrepôts et bâtiments servant de nichoirs pour les canards eider, ainsi que
d’un paysage agricole, des phares et des balises. Les traces de peuplement humain
remontent à l’âge de la pierre. Au IXe siècle, les îles étaient devenues un grand centre
d’approvisionnement du duvet, lequel représentait probablement un tiers des revenus
des îliens. L’archipel de Vega illustre la façon dont les pêcheurs/agriculteurs
subsistaient depuis 1500 ans et le rôle des femmes dans la collecte du duvet d’eider.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (v): The Vega archipelago reflects the way generations of fishermen/farmers
have, over the past 1500 years, maintained a sustainable living in an inhospitable
seascape near the Arctic Circle, based on the now unique practice of eider down
harvesting, and it also celebrate the contribution made by women to the eider down

Justification d'inscription

Critère (v) : L’archipel de Vega reflète la façon dont des générations de pêcheurs /
agriculteurs ont, depuis 1 500 ans, maintenu un mode de vie durable dans un
paysage maritime inhospitalier à proximité du Cercle arctique, grâce à la pratique
désormais unique de la collecte du duvet d’eider, et il célèbre aussi la contribution des
femmes à cette activité.

Documentation available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

024390 - Vegaoyan. Archipel de Vegaa. 100 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1143 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; islands; cultural landscapes; fishing; Norway.
// Vegaoyan. The Vega Archipelago, Norway
CALL NO: NO.VEG.12.1-100 (WHC 1143).

027054 - Historical introduction to nordic world heritage. Suul, Jon. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad, 2005. p. 27-
29. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens kultur og naturarv,
Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; Northern Europe.
// Vega archipelago, Norway (WHC 1143)
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.

027682 - Vega Archipielago. Riksantikvaren.Directorate for Cultural Heritage. slo, Riksantikvaren, 2005. Leaflet.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; islands; Norway.
// Vegaoyan-The Vega Archipielago, Norway (WHC 1143)


2008 Kuk Early Agricultural Site / Ancien site agricole de Kuk

- Criteria: (iii) (iv)

Kuk Early Agricultural Site consists of 116 ha of swamps in the western highlands of
New Guinea 1,500 metres above sea-level. Archaeological excavation has revealed
the landscape to be one of wetland reclamation worked almost continuously for 7,000,
and possibly for 10,000 years. It contains well-preserved archaeological remains
demonstrating the technological leap which transformed plant exploitation to
agriculture around 6,500 years ago. It is an excellent example of transformation of
agricultural practices over time, from cultivation mounds to draining the wetlands
through the digging of ditches with wooden tools. Kuk is one of the few places in the
world where archaeological evidence suggests independent agricultural development
and changes in agricultural practice over such a long period of time.

Outstanding Universal Value

The Kuk Early Agricultural Site, a well-preserved buried archaeological testimony,

demonstrates an independent technological leap which transformed plant exploitation
to agriculture around 7,000-6,400 years ago, based on vegetative propagation of
bananas, taro and yam. It is an excellent example of transformation of agricultural
practices over time from mounds on wetland margins around 7,000-6,400 years ago
to drainage of the wetlands through digging of ditches with wooden tools from 4,000
BP to the present. The archaeological evidence reveals remarkably persistent but
episodic traditional land-use and practices where the genesis of that land-use can be
established and changes in practice over time demonstrated from possibly as early as
10,000 BP to the present day.
Criterion (iii): The extent of the evidence of early agriculture on the Kuk site can be
seen as an exceptional testimony to a type of exploitation of the land which reflects
the culture of early man in the region.
Criterion (iv): Kuk is one of the few places in the world where archaeological evidence
suggests independent agricultural development and changes in agricultural practice
over a 7,000 and possibly a 10,000 year time span.
Archaeological investigations have been intensive rather than extensive and
excavations have affected only a minor proportion of the core area of the site. Modern
farming activities at Kuk remain relatively low-key and do not intrude upon the
archaeological features of the site. The integrity of the site is thus maintained. The
excavations and scientific work that have been done at the site are of the highest
international professional standard and thus the excavated remains retain their
authenticity. Contemporary land-use has been restricted to modern versions of
traditional activities and is supportive to the authenticity of the core evidence on the
The legal protection in place is adequate, but customary protection needs
confirmation as soon as possible through the designation of the property as a
Conservation Area and through the associated formal land management agreement
with the local community for aspects of site management. The Management Plan

should be completed as soon as possible and formally resourced and implemented,
and a formal memoranda of understanding established among relevant national,
provincial and local government authorities and other stakeholders concerning
management responsibilities on the ground and reporting lines.

L’ancien site agricole de Kuk, en Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée, comprend 116 ha de

marécages dans l’ouest de l’île de la Nouvelle-Guinée, à 1500 m d’altitude. Des
fouilles archéologiques ont révélé que ces marais ont été cultivés presque
continuellement depuis 7000, voire 10 000 ans. Le site présente des vestiges
archéologiques bien conservés montrant l’évolution technologique qui a transformé
l’exploitation des plantes en agriculture, il y a environ 6500 ans. C’est un excellent
exemple d’évolution des pratiques agricoles à travers les âges depuis la culture sur
des buttes jusqu’au drainage des marécages par le creusement de fossés avec des
outils en bois. Kuk est l’un des rares endroits au monde où des vestiges
archéologiques montrent un développement indépendant de l’agriculture sur sept à
dix millénaires.

Valeur universelle exceptionnelle

L'ancien site agricole de Kuk, par ses éléments archéologiques enfouis et bien
conservés, témoigne d’une avancée technologique indépendante, qui a transformé il y
a environ 7 000-6 400 ans l’exploitation des plantes en agriculture fondée sur la
propagation végétative de la banane, du taro et de l'igname. C’est un excellent
exemple de la transformation des pratiques agricoles au fil du temps, depuis des
buttes sur des rives marécageuses il y a 7 000-6 400 ans jusqu'au drainage des
marécages par le creusement de fossés avec des outils en bois de 4 000 BP à nos
jours. Les éléments archéologiques révèlent une occupation des sols et des pratiques
traditionnelles remarquablement durables mais épisodiques, où l'on peut établir la
genèse de l'occupation des sols et démontrer les changements dans la pratique au fil
du temps, peut-être depuis une époque aussi reculée que 10 000 BP, jusqu’à nos

Critère (iii) : L'importance des traces d’une agriculture ancienne sur le site de Kuk
peut être vue comme un témoignage exceptionnel d'un type d'exploitation de la terre
qui reflète la culture des premiers peuplements de la région.

Critère (iv) : Kuk est l'un des rares endroits au monde où les vestiges archéologiques
suggèrent un développement indépendant de l’agriculture et des changements dans
la pratique agricole sur plus de 7 000 ans, peut-être même 10 000 ans.

Les études archéologiques ont été plutôt intensives qu’extensives, et les fouilles n’ont
affecté qu’une proportion mineure de la zone principale du site. Les activités agricoles
modernes à Kuk restent relativement modestes et n'empiètent pas sur les
caractéristiques archéologiques du site. L’intégrité du site est donc maintenue. Les
fouilles et les travaux scientifiques réalisés sur le site sont conformes aux plus strictes
normes professionnelles internationales, et les vestiges mis au jour conservent donc
toute leur authenticité. L’occupation des sols contemporaine a été limitée à des
versions modernes des activités traditionnelles et appuie l'authenticité des principales
traces subsistant sur le site.

La protection juridique appropriée est en place, mais la protection coutumière doit être
confirmée dans les plus brefs délais par la désignation du bien comme zone de
conservation et par un accord formel associé de gestion du territoire avec la
communauté locale pour certains aspects de la gestion du site. Le plan de gestion
doit être achevé dès que possible, financé officiellement et mis en œuvre, et un
mémorandum d’accord formel doit être établi entre les autorités nationales,
provinciales et locales concernées et les autres parties prenantes au sujet des
responsabilités de gestion sur le terrain et des liens fonctionnels.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file


1995- Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras / Rizières en terrasses des

cordillères des Philippines -Criteria (iii) (iv) (v)

For 2,000 years, the high rice fields of the Ifugao have followed the contours of the
mountains. The fruit of knowledge handed down from one generation to the next, and
the expression of sacred traditions and a delicate social balance, they have helped to
create a landscape of great beauty that expresses the harmony between humankind
and the environment.
Depuis 2 000 ans, les rizières d'altitude des Ifugao épousent les courbes des
montagnes. Fruit d'un savoir-faire transmis de génération en génération, des
traditions sacrées et d'un équilibre social délicat, elles créent un paysage d'une
grande beauté où se lit l'harmonie conquise et préservée entre l'homme et

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file
2- Bibliography:

016055 - Philippines: rizières en terrasses des cordillères des Phippines. Slides. 10 slides: col. (fre). Listed as
WHC 722 in 1994.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural sites; natural heritage; terracing; Philippines.
// Cordillières de Philippines (Philippines)
ACCESSION NO: PH.COR.02:1-10 (WHC 722).

016672 - The cultural landscapes of the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. Villalon, Augusto F. Jena;
Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 108-113, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a
global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; ecology; agriculture; cultural heritage; Philippines.
// Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

017112 - On danse encore sur les escaliers du ciel. Yuson, Alfred A. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p.31-33, illus. (Le
courrier de l'UNESCO. Décembre 2000) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; agriculture; aboriginal cultures; Philippines.
// Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722)
ACCESSION NO: K-054. ISSN: 0304-3118.

018509 - Including cultural landscapes on the World's Heritage List. Titchen, Sarah M. Madrid, Unesco, 1996.
p.34-39, illus. (World Heritage Review. 2, 1996) (same text in eng, spa, fre). Paisajes culturales del patrimonio
mundial. spa. Inclusion des paysages culturels dans la liste du Patrimoine Mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; national parks; world heritage list.
// The rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722) // Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
(WHC 421) // Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

021612 - Report on the Regional Thematic Study Meeting on the Asian Rice Culture and its Terraced Landscapes.
Villalon, Augusto F. Victoria, Australian Heritage Commission, 1995. 3 p. (eng). In: "Indigenous cultural
landscapes and world heritage listing".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; agriculture; world heritage list; Philippines.
// The Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722)
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

022085 - Spiritual values versus the reality of physical survival ot the rice terraces of the philippine cordilleras.
Villalón, Augusto. Tokyo, UNESCO WHC, 2001. p. 189-203, illus. (eng). In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on
Asia-Pacific sacred mountains. Final report".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; sacred places; Philippines.
// Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722)
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

028414 - World Heritage- Linking Cultural and Biological Diversity. Rössler, Mechtild. New York, Cambridge
University Press, 2006. p. 201-205. In: "Art and cultural heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural heritage; natural heritage; cultural landscapes;
biodiversity; sacred places; intangible heritage; management; cultural heritage at risk.
// The Cinque Terre, Italy // The Quadisha Valley (Lebanon) // Sukur Cultural Landscape (Nigeria) // The
Philippines Rice Terraces (Philippines)
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.


1999 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape

Complex and Pilgrimage Park / Kalwaria Zebrzydowska : ensemble architectural
maniériste et paysager et parc de pèlerinage - Criteria (ii) (iv)

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is a breathtaking cultural landscape of great spiritual

significance. Its natural setting – in which a series of symbolic places of worship
relating to the Passion of Jesus Christ and the life of the Virgin Mary was laid out at
the beginning of the 17th century – has remained virtually unchanged. It is still today a
place of pilgrimage.

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska est un paysage culturel d'une grande beauté et d'une grande
importance spirituelle. Son cadre naturel, dans lequel s'inscrivent des lieux
symboliques de dévotion relatifs à la Passion de Jésus-Christ et à la vie de la Vierge
Marie, est resté quasi inchangé depuis le XVIIe siècle. C'est encore aujourd'hui un lieu
de pèlerinage.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is an exceptional cultural monument in which the

natural landscape was used as the setting for a symbolic representation in the form of
chapels and avenues of the events of the Passion of Christ. The result is a cultural
landscape of great beauty and spiritual quality in which natural and man-made
elements combine in a harmonious manner.

Criterion (iv): The Counter Reformation in the late 16th century led to a flowering in
the creation of Calvaries in Europe. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is an outstanding
example of this type of large-scale landscape design, which incorporates natural
beauty with spiritual objectives and the principles of Baroque park design.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Kalwaria Zebrzydowska est un monument culturel exceptionnel dans

lequel le paysage naturel a été utilisé comme cadre d’une représentation symbolique
de la Passion du Christ sous la forme de chapelles et d’avenues. C’est donc un
paysage culturel d’une grande beauté et d’une grande qualité spirituelle dans laquelle
les éléments naturels et ceux dus à l’homme se marient harmonieusement.

Critère (iv) : La Contre-Réforme à la fin du XVIe siècle conduisit à la multiplication des
calvaires en Europe. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska est un exemple exceptionnel de ce type
de paysage à grande échelle, qui intègre la beauté naturelle, les objectifs spirituels et
la conception d’un parc selon l’idéal baroque

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

017805 - Kalwaria Zebrzydowska : The Mannerist architectural and park landscape complex and pilgrimage park.
30 slides : col (eng). From WHC 905 listed in 1999
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: parks; historic gardens; world heritage list; monasteries; churches; cultural landscapes;
// Kalwaria Zebrzydowska : The Mannerist architectural and park landscape complex and pilgrimage park, Poland
(WHC 905)
CALL NO: PL.KAL.20: 1-30 (WHC 905).

022933 - Nomination form: Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and
Pilgrimage Park. Warsaw, Centre of the Protection of Historic Landscapes, 1998. 42 pages + photo album, A3
(eng). incl. 52 photos: col., maps, bib., illus.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: parks; historic gardens; world heritage list; monasteries; churches; cultural landscapes;
Poland; pilgrimage.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: nomination forms.
// Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park, Poland
(WHC 905)

022934 - ICOMOS evaluation: Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex
and Pilgrimage Park. ICOMOS int. Paris, ICOMOS, 1999. p. 152-164. (same text in eng, fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: parks; historic gardens; world heritage list; monasteries; churches; cultural landscapes;
Poland; pilgrimage.
// Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park, Poland
(WHC 905)

022935 - Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (Poland) Nr 905 - Spatial Development Plan. Mitkowska, Anna. Cracow -
Warsaw, Cracow Polytechnic Institute of Landscape Architecture, 1999. 7 p. text, 5 maps. (eng). maps: Plate1
(scale 1: 50 000); plate 2 (scale 1: 25 000); plate3 (scale about 1: 12 000); plate 4 (scale 1: 5 000); plate 4a (scale
1: 10 000)
plate 4a legend.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: parks; historic gardens; world heritage list; churches; cultural landscapes; Poland;
pilgrimage; development planning.
// Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park, Poland
(WHC 905)


1995 Cultural Landscape of Sintra / Paysage culturel de Sintra

- Criteria (ii) (iv) (v)

In the 19th century Sintra became the first centre of European Romantic architecture.
Ferdinand II turned a ruined monastery into a castle where this new sensitivity was
displayed in the use of Gothic, Egyptian, Moorish and Renaissance elements and in
the creation of a park blending local and exotic species of trees. Other fine dwellings,
built along the same lines in the surrounding serra, created a unique combination of
parks and gardens which influenced the development of landscape architecture
throughout Europe.

Sintra devint, au XIXe siècle, le premier haut lieu de l'architecture romantique

européenne. Ferdinand II y transforma les ruines d'un monastère en château où la
nouvelle sensibilité s'exprima par l'utilisation d'éléments gothiques, égyptiens, maures
et de la Renaissance, et par la création d'un parc mêlant essences locales et
exotiques. D'autres résidences de prestige bâties sur le même modèle dans la serra
alentour firent de ce site un ensemble unique de parcs et de jardins qui influença
l'aménagement des paysages en Europe.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

013041 - The origins of the Patios and gardens of the islamic period in Spain and Portugal. Araujo, Ilidio A. De.
Colombo, Sri Lanka National Committee of ICOMOS, 1993. p. 63-70, maps, plans. (Central Cultural fund
Publication. 127) In: "Historic Gardens and Sites. ICOMOS 10th General Assembly, Sri Lanka, 1993" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: Historic Gardens; architecture; islamic architecture; historical surveys; Portugal;
mediterranean cultures; patios; peristyles; irrigation; case studies.
// Sintra (Portugal)
ACCESSION NO: 12523. CALL NO: J.H. 287. ISBN: 955-613-033-0.

014837 - Sintra. Património Mundial. Moreira, Rafael; Serrao, Vitor; Vieira da Silva, José. Câmara Municipal de
Sintra. Sintra, Câmara Municipal, 1995. 35 p., illus.,maps. (por).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: World cultural heritage; national parks; religious architecture; military architecture;
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; town centres; palaces; world heritage list.
// Sintra (Portugal) (C723)

016019 - Portugal. Le paysage culturel de Sintra. Slides. 358 slides: col. (fre). Listed as WHC 723 in 1994.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: World heritage list; historic monuments and sites; architectural details; religious
architecture; Portugal.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: aerial photography; maps; palaces; churches; convents.
// Sintra (Portugal)
ACCESSION NO: PT.SIN.15:1-358(WHC 723).

016492 - Patrimoine mondial. Investimentos, Comércio e Turismo de Portugal (ICEP). Lisboa, ICEP, 2000. 32 p.,
illus. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; tourist guidebooks; Portugal.
// Centre historique de Porto, Portugal (WHC 755) // Foz Côa, Portugal (WHC 866) // Mosteiro de Alcobaça,
Portugal (WHC 505) // Mosteiro da Batalha, Portugal (WHC 264) // Tomar, Portugal (WHC 265) // Torre de Belém
et Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Portugal (WHC 263) // Sintra, Portugal (WHC 723) // Evora, Portugal (WHC 361) //
Angra do Heroismo, Portugal (WHC 206)
ACCESSION NO: 13773. CALL NO: V.H. 1340.

018544 - Sintra, a royal oasis. Andresen, Teresa; Fortes, Mário; Barao, Teresa. Madrid, UNESCO, 1998. p.46-49,
illus. (World heritage Review. 8, 1998) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Sintra, une oasis royale. fre. Sintra, oasis real.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; historical surveys; Portugal.
// Sintra, Portugal (Whc 723)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018576 - L'art Roman dans le Patrimoine Mondial. Cobretos, Jaime. Madrid, UNESCO, 1999. p. 4-17, illus., maps.
(World Heritage Review. 12, 1999) (same text in fre, spa). El arte Románico en el Patrimonio Mundial. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; romanesque architecture; religious architecture.
// Historical Complex of Split and the palace of Diocletian, Croatia (WHC 97) // Mont Saint-Michel and its Bay,
France (WHC 80) // Church of Saint-Savin sur Gartempe, France (WHC 230) // Vézelat, Church and Hill, France
(WHC 84) // Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay, France (WHC 165) // Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles,
France (WHC 164) // Speyer Cathedral, Germany (WHC 168) // Maul Bronn Monastery Complex, Germany (WHC
546) // St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Michael's Church at Hildesheim, Germany (WHC 187) // Urnes Stave Church,
Norway (WHC 58) // Monastery de Allobaça, Portugal (WHC 505) // Cultural Landscape of Sintra, Portugal (WHC
723) // Santiago de Compostela (Old Town), Spain (WHC 347) // Salamanca Cathedral, Spain (WHC 381) // Old
Town of Segovia, Spain (WHC 311) // Old Town of Avila with its Extra-Muros Churches, Spain (WHC 348) // Route
of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (WHC 669) // Poblet Monastery, Spain (WHC 518) // Durham Castle and
Cathedral, UK (WHC 370) // Ruins of Fountains Abbey, UK (WHC 372) // Tower of London, UK (WHC 488) //
Natural adn Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor, Serbia and Montenegro (WHC 125)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

022740 - Sintra. A landscape with villas. Cornélio da Silva, José; Luckhurst, Gerald; Homem Cardoso, Antonio
(phot). Portugal, Inapa, 1989. 134 p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; villas; world heritage list; Portugal.
// Sintra, Potugal (WHC 723)
ACCESSION NO: 14620. CALL NO: P.C. 60. ISBN: 972-8387-21-0.

026870 - Sintra World Heritage. Carlim Ribeiro, José. Municipality of Sintra. Sintra, Câmara Municipal, 1998. 294
p., illus. (eng). Incl bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; parks; forests; historic town centres; historic
monuments; palaces; churches; archaeological sites; archaeological remains; Portugal.
// Cultural landscape of Sintra, Portugal (WHC 723)
ACCESSION NO: 14910. CALL NO: P.C. 070.

030971 - Luigi Manini e o projecto da Vila Sassetti em Sintra. Pereira, Denise; Luckurst, Gerald. Lisboa, Direcçao-
Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, 2007. p. 236-249, illus. (Monumentos: Revista Semestral de
Edificios e Monumentos. 26) (por). Incl.bibl. and abstract in English.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic monuments; architectural projects; villas; Portugal.
// Manini, Luigi // Vila Sassetti, Sintra, Portugal
ACCESSION NO: k-348. ISSN: 0872-8747.

2000 Alto Douro Wine Region / Région viticole du Haut-Douro - Criteria (iii) (iv) (v)

Wine has been produced by traditional landholders in the Alto Douro region for some
2,000 years. Since the 18th century, its main product, port wine, has been world
famous for its quality. This long tradition of viticulture has produced a cultural
landscape of outstanding beauty that reflects its technological, social and economic

Le Haut-Douro produit du vin depuis quelque deux mille ans et sa principale

production, le vin de Porto, est célèbre dans le monde entier depuis le XVIIIe siècle.
Cette longue tradition a façonné un paysage culturel d'une beauté exceptionnelle qui
reflète en même temps son évolution technique, sociale et économique. Ce paysage
culturel impressionnant est toujours exploité avec profit par des propriétaires
respectueux des traditions.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

018865- Région viticole du Haut-Douro. 39 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1046 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
CALL NO: PT.ALT.18:1-39 (WHC 1046).

018868 Région viticole du Haut-Douro. 17 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1046 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
CALL NO: PT.ALT.19:1-17 (WHC 1046).

018931- Le vin de Porto: notes sur son histoire, sa production et sa technologie. Moreira da Fonseca, A.; Galhano,
A.; Serpa Pimentel, E.; Rosas, J. R. P. Porto, Instituto do Vinho do Porto, 1998. 177p. , illus.,plans. (por). 5th ed.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

018932- A Fonte Adriano Ramos Pinto. O vinho do Porto e a arte da Belle Epoque no Rio de Janeiro. Correia, Ana
Filipa. Vila Nova de Gaia, Adriano Ramos Pinto Vinhos S.A., 2000. 119p. , illus.,plans,maps. (Colecção Adriano. 2)
(por). Incl. appendix, indexes and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sculptures; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1046 (2). ISBN: 972-95713-4-5.

018933- As Demarcações Pombalinas no Douro vinhateiro. Moreira Da Fonseca, Alvaro. Porto, Instituto do Vinho
do Porto, 1949. 3v., maps. (por).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

018934- O Douro: principaes quintas, navegação, culturas, paisagens e costumes. Monteiro, Manuel. Porto, Livro
Branco, 1998. 212p., illus. (por). Facsimile of the 1911 edition.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1046 (4). ISBN: 972-8317-21-2.

020898 The Alto Douro Wine Region. Aguial, Bianchi de. Porto, Camara Municipal da Cidade do Porto, 2002. p.
115-125, illus. (same text in eng, por). O Alto Douro Vinhateiro. por. In: "Porto, a dimensão intangível na cidade
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14385. CALL NO: V.H. 1403.

024964 - La région viticole du Haut-Douro (Alto Douro) (Portugal). Andresen, Teresa. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004.
p.135-138, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

026445 - World Heritage Vineyard Landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO, 2004. p. 4-19, illus.
(World Heritage Review. 35) (also in eng, fre, spa). Paisajes de viñedos del Patrimonio Mundial. spa. Paysages de
vignobles du patrimoine mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Germany; Hungary; Portugal; Austria;
France; Italy.
// Alto Douro, Portugal (WHC 1046) // Cinque Terre, Italy (WHC 824) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 824) //
Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Loire Valley, France (WHC 933) // The Tokaj Wine Region,
Hungary (WHC 1063) // The Upper Middle Rhine Valley, Germany (WHC 1066)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

026650 - World heritage vineyard landscapes. Cleere, Henry. Den Haag, Europa Nostra, 2005. p. 10-19, illus.
(Europa Nostra: European Cultural Heritage Review. 1, 2005) (eng). Les vignobles, un patrimoine mondia. fre. Incl.
abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list.
// Portovenere, Cinque Terre and the Islands, Italy (WHC 826) // Costiera Amalfitana, Italy (WHC 830) // Tokaj
Wine Region, Hungary (WHC 1063) // Wachau Cultural Landscape, Austria (WHC 970) // Upper Middle Rhine
Walley, Germany (WHC 1066) // Loire Valley,France (WHC 933) // Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // Alto Douro
Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

027138 - Of some criteria for Evaluation of Continuing Evolving Cultural Landscapes. The example of Alto Douro
Wine Region (Portugal). Tricaud, Pierre-Marie. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 23-
29. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list; authenticity; criteria;
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027148 - Alta Douro Wine Region. Bianchi de Aguiar, Fernando. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p.68-70. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

2004 Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture / Paysage viticole de l’île du
Pico - Criteria (iii) (v)

The 987-ha site on the volcanic island of Pico, the second largest in Azores
archipelago, consists of a remarkable pattern of spaced-out, long linear walls running
inland from, and parallel to, the rocky shore. The walls were built to protect the
thousands of small, contiguous, rectangular, plots (‘crrais’) from wind and salt sea
water . Evidence of this viniculture, whose origins date back to the 15th century is
manifest in the extraordinary assembly of the fields, in houses and early 19th century
manor houses, in wine-cellars, churches and ports. The extraordinarily beautiful man-
made landscape of the site is the best remaining area of a once much more
widespread practice.

Le site de 987 ha situé sur l’île volcanique de Pico, la deuxième de l’archipel des
Açores par la taille, consiste en un remarquable réseau de longs murs de pierre
largement espacés, courant parallèlement à la côte et remontant vers l’intérieur de
l’île. Ces murs ont été érigés pour protéger du vent et de l’eau de mer des milliers de
petits enclos (currais) rectangulaires, accolés les uns aux autres. La présence de
cette viniculture, dont les origines remontent au XVe siècle, est manifeste dans cet
extraordinaire assemblage de petits champs, dans les maisons et les manoirs du
début du XIXe siècle, ainsi que dans les caves, les églises et les ports. Ce paysage
modelé par l’homme, d’une beauté extraordinaire, est le meilleur témoignage qui
subsiste d’une pratique autrefois beaucoup plus répandue.

Justification for Inscription

Criteria (iii) and (v): The Pico Island landscape reflects a unique response to
viniculture on a small volcanic island and one that has been evolving since the arrival
of the first settlers in the 15th century. The extraordinarily beautiful man-made
landscape of small, stone walled fields is testimony to generations of small-scale
farmers who, in a hostile environment, created a sustainable living and much-prized

Justification d'inscription

Critères (iii) et (v) : Le paysage de l’île du Pico reflète une réponse unique à la
viniculture sur une petite île volcanique, qui évolue depuis l’arrivée des premiers
colons sur l’île, au XVe siècle. L’extraordinaire paysage de petits champs ceints de
murs de pierre façonné par l’homme témoigne du travail de générations de petits
paysans qui, dans un environnement hostile, sont parvenus à créer un mode de vie
durable et un vin de grande valeur.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

024392 - Paysage viticole de l'île du Pico. 40 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1117 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; islands; vineyards; cultural landscapes; Portugal.
// Landscape of the Pico island Vineyard culture, Portugal
CALL NO: PT.PIC.21.1-40 (WHC 1117).

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.

027149 - The Vineyards of the Pico Island. Avila, Maria Eduarda. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség
Minisztériuma, 2002. p.71-78. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July
2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; islands; wine; conservation; Portugal.
// Pico Island, Azores, Portugal
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.


2003 Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel de Mapungubwe -

Criteria (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Mapungubwe is set hard against the northern border of South Africa, joining
Zimbabwe and Botswana. It is an open, expansive savannah landscape at the
confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers. Mapungubwe developed into the
largest kingdom in the sub-continent before it was abandoned in the fourteenth
century. What survives are the almost untouched remains of the palace sites and also
the entire settlement area dependent upon them, as well as two earlier capital sites,
the whole presenting an unrivalled picture of the development of social and political
structures over some 400 years.

Mapungubwe est adossé à la frontière nord qui sépare l'Afrique du Sud du Zimbabwe
et du Botswana. C'est un vaste paysage de savane parsemé d'arbres, de quelques
épineux, de baobabs colossaux, autour de terrasses de grès s'élevant au-dessus de
la plaine. Au confluent du Limpopo et de la Shashe et enjambant les routes nord/sud
et est/ouest dans le sud de Afrique, Mapungubwe fut le plus grand royaume du sous-
continent avant son abandon au XVIe siècle. Il en survit des vestiges quasi intacts des
sites des palais, avec toute la zone de peuplement qui en dépend, et deux capitales
antérieures. L'ensemble offre un panorama inégalé du développement de structures
sociales et politiques sur quelque 400 ans.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii): The Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape contains evidence for an

important interchange of human values that led to far-reaching cultural and social
changes in Southern Africa between AD 900 and 1300.

Criterion (iii): The remains in the Mapungubwe cultural landscape are a remarkably
complete testimony to the growth and subsequent decline of the Mapungubwe state
which at its height was the largest kingdom in the African sub-continent.

Criterion (iv): The establishment of Mapungubwe as a powerful state trading through

the East African ports with Arabia and India was a significant stage in the history of
the African sub-continent.

Criterion (v): The remains in the Mapungubwe cultural landscape graphically illustrate
the impact of climate change and record the growth and then decline of the kingdom

of Mapungubwe as a clear record of a culture that became vulnerable to irreversible

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Le paysage culturel de Mapungubwe abrite des preuves d’importants

échanges de valeurs humaines qui ont conduit à des changements culturels et
sociaux aux influences énormes dans le sud de l’Afrique entre 900 et 1300 après J.-

Critère (iii) : Les vestiges du paysage culturel de Mapungubwe offrent un témoignage

remarquablement complet de l’essor puis du déclin de l’Etat de Mapungubwe qui fut,
à son apogée, le plus grand royaume du sous-continent africain.

Critère (iv) : La fondation du royaume de Mapungubwe qui devait sa puissance au

commerce des ports d’Afrique de l’Est avec l’Arabie et l’Inde fut une période
marquante de l’Histoire du sous-continent africain.
Critère (v) : Les vestiges du paysage culturel de Mapungubwe illustrent de manière
vivante l’impact du changement climatique et témoignent de l’essor puis du déclin du
royaume de Mapungubwe, illustrant clairement l’histoire d’une culture devenue
vulnérable à un changement irréversible.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

021119 - Paysage culturel de Mapungubwe. 20 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1099 listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; rock art; rock paintings; world heritage list; South Africa.
// Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape, South Africa (WHC 1099)
CALL NO: ZA.MAP.04.1-20 (WHC 1099).

025701 - The heritage of african settlement in South Africa. Davison, Patricia. Harare, The National Museums and
Monuments of Zimbabwe, UNESCO, 1995. p.90-95. In: "African cultural heritage and the world heritage
convention. First global strategy meeting, Harare 1995" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: human settlement sites; South Africa.
// Mgungundlovu, Mapungubwe, Dzata, Modjaji, South Africa
ACCESSION NO: 13342(1).

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.

028291 - The cultural landscape of the Shashe-Limpopo confluence zone: threats and challenges of preserving a
world heritage setting. Pikirayi, Innocent. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p.427-433. In: "Proceedings of
the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 1" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; archaeological heritage; conservation; local
communities; community participation; management; South Africa; Zimbabwe.
// Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape, Shashe-Limpopo (WHC 1099)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

030678 - Building capacity to conserve Southern African rock art. Deacon, Jeanette; Agnew, Neville. Los Angeles,
GCI, 2006. p. 20-23, illus. (Conservation: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter. 21, 3) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rock art; national parks; conservation; international cooperation; training; training courses;
// Mapungubwe National Park, South Africa // Cederberg Wilderness Area, South Africa

2007 Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape / Paysage culturel et

botanique du Richtersveld – Criteria (iv) (v)

The Richtersveld Community Conservancy covers 160,000 hectares of dramatic

mountainous desert in the north-west part of South Africa. Communally owned and
managed, this harsh, dry landscape, with extremes of temperature, affords a semi-
nomadic pastoral livelihood for the Nama people, reflecting seasonal patterns that
may have persisted for as much as two millennia in Southern Africa. It is the only area
where the Nama still construct portable rush-covered, domed houses, |haru oms.

La zone de conservation de la communauté du Richtersveld couvre une superficie de

160 000 hectares de déserts montagneux spectaculaires dans le nord-ouest de
l’Afrique du Sud. Propriété de gestion communale, ce paysage au climat aride et
rigoureux, avec des extrêmes de température, offre au peuple Nama un mode de vie
pastoral semi-nomade, témoignant de schémas saisonniers qui peuvent avoir persisté
pas moins de deux millénaires en Afrique australe. C’est le seul endroit où les Nama
construisent encore leurs maisons portables couvertes de joncs, en forme de dôme :
|haru oms.

Justification for Inscription

The extensive communal grazed lands of the Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical
Landscape are a testimony to land management processes which have ensured the
protection of the succulent Karoo vegetation and thus demonstrates a harmonious
interaction between people and nature. Furthermore, the seasonal migrations of
graziers between stockposts with traditional demountable mat-roofed houses, |haru
oms, reflect a practice that was once much more widespread over Southern Africa,
and which has persisted for at least two millennia; the Nama are now its last

Criterion (iv): The rich diverse botanical landscape of the Richtersveld, shaped by the
pastoral grazing of the Nama, represents and demonstrates a way of life that
persisted for many millennia over a considerable part of southern Africa and was a
significant stage in the history of this area.

Criterion (v): The Richtersveld is one of the few areas in southern Africa where
transhumance pastoralism is still practised; as a cultural landscape it reflects long-
standing and persistent traditions of the Nama, the indigenous community. Their
seasonal pastoral grazing regimes, which sustain the extensive bio-diversity of the
area, were once much more widespread and are now vulnerable.
The cultural landscape comprises all the elements linked to the transhumance lifestyle
of the Nama pastoralists. The authenticity of the grazing areas and stockposts is
incontrovertible. The authenticity of the traditional domed houses is mainly intact,
despite the incorporation of some new materials along with the finely braided
traditional mats. There are increasing numbers of young people interested in
continuing the traditions.

The Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape has full legal protection. The
process of declaring the property as a Heritage Area was completed in early 2007.
The traditional land-use system of the Nama should be seen as part of the protection
system. A buffer zone has been established. The two key areas for conservation
measures are sustaining the grazing areas and sustaining the tradition of building
portable mat-roofed houses. The Richtersveld Community Conservancy (RCC) is
managed by a Communal Property Association (CPA) with a Management Committee
(company without profit) and a participative Management Plan is in place to manage
the identified Heritage Area. The Management Plan, addresses management
structures, infrastructure development, awareness raising, tourism development and
monitoring and evaluation. It should provide support to the traditional management
system rather than replacing it.

Justification d'inscription

Les vastes terres de pâturage communales du Paysage culturel et botanique du

Richtersveld témoignent des processus de gestion de la terre qui ont assuré la
protection de la végétation de plantes grasses du Karoo, démontrant ainsi l'interaction
harmonieuse entre l'homme et la nature. Aussi, les migrations saisonnières des
bergers d'un campement temporaire à un autre avec leurs maisons traditionnelles
démontables à toit de nattes tressées, les |haru oms, reflètent une pratique qui fut
jadis beaucoup plus répandue en Afrique australe et qui a persisté pendant au moins
deux millénaires, et dont les Nama sont aujourd'hui les derniers représentants.

Critère (iv) : Le paysage botanique riche et varié du Richtersveld, modelé par les
pratiques pastorales des Nama, présente un mode de vie qui a persisté pendant
plusieurs millénaires dans une grande partie de l'Afrique australe et constitue une
étape importante de l'histoire de la région.

Critère (v) : Le Richtersveld est l'une des rares zones d'Afrique australe où le
pastoralisme transhumant est encore pratiqué ; en tant que paysage culturel, il reflète
les traditions anciennes et persistantes de la communauté indigène des Nama. Leur
mode pastoral de pacage saisonnier, qui entretient la grande biodiversité de la région,
fut autrefois plus répandu et est aujourd'hui vulnérable.
Le paysage culturel comprend tous les éléments liés à la transhumance et au mode
de vie pastoral des Nama. L'authenticité des zones de pâturage et des campements
est indéniable. L'authenticité des maisons traditionnelles en forme de dôme est pour
l'essentiel intacte en dépit de l'incorporation de certains matériaux nouveaux aux
traditionnelles nattes finement tressées. Un nombre croissant de jeunes s'intéresse à
la perpétuation des traditions.

Le paysage culturel et botanique du Richtersveld dispose d'une protection légale

complète. Le processus de déclaration du bien comme zone patrimoniale a été
amorcé par les autorités provinciales et la municipalité du Richtersveld, et il a été
achevé au tout début de l'année 2007. L'utilisation traditionnelle des terres
développée par les Nama devrait être considérée comme faisant partie intégrante du
système de protection. Une zone tampon a été établie. Les deux domaines clés pour
les mesures de conservation sont le maintien des zones de pacage et le soutien de la
tradition de la construction des maisons portables à toits de nattes. La zone de
conservation de la communauté du Richtersveld (RCC) est gérée par une Association
de propriété communale (CPA) dotée d'un comité de gestion (société sans but
lucratif), et un plan de gestion participatif gère la zone patrimoniale identifiée. Le plan
de gestion traite la structure de gestion, le développement de l'infrastructure, la prise
de conscience des enjeux, le développement du tourisme ainsi que le suivi et
l'évaluation. Le plan devrait soutenir le système de gestion traditionnel plutôt que de
chercher à le remplacer.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

031603 - Richtersveld cultural and botanical landscape. UNESCO. 20 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1265 listed in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; South Africa.
// Richtersveld, South Africa
CALL NO: ZA.RIC.06:1-20 (WHC 1265).


2001 Aranjuez Cultural Landscape / Paysage culturel d’Aranjuez - Criteria (ii) (iv)

The Aranjuez cultural landscape is an entity of complex relationships: between nature

and human activity, between sinuous watercourses and geometric landscape design,
between the rural and the urban, between forest landscape and the delicately
modulated architecture of its palatial buildings. Three hundred years of royal attention
to the development and care of this landscape have seen it express an evolution of
concepts from humanism and political centralization, to characteristics such as those
found in its 18th century French-style Baroque garden, to the urban lifestyle which
developed alongside the sciences of plant acclimatization and stock-breeding during
the Age of Enlightenment.

Avec ses voies d'eau sinueuses qui s'opposent aux lignes droites d'un paysage
géométrique, rural et urbain, ses paysages arboricoles et l'architecture délicatement
modulée de ses édifices palatiaux, le paysage culturel d'Aranjuez témoigne des
relations complexes qui se tissent entre l'homme et la nature. Pendant trois cent ans,
la famille royale s'est attachée à développer et à entretenir ce paysage qui a réussi à
intégrer les caractéristiques du jardin baroque de style français du XVIIIe siècle mais
aussi celles d'un mode de vie urbain allant de pair avec la pratique scientifique de
l'acclimatation botanique et de l'élevage au siècle des Lumières. L'apparition de
concepts tels que l'humanisme et la centralisation politique ont également influencé à
leur façon ce paysage.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii):Aranjuez represents the coming together of diverse cultural influences to

create a cultural landscape that had a formative influence on further developments in
this field.

Criterion (iv):The complex designed cultural landscape of Aranjuez, derived from a
variety of sources, mark a seminal stage in the development of landscape design

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Aranjuez représente la réunion d’influences culturelles diverses pour

donner naissance à un paysage culturel qui a eu une influence formatrice sur les
évolutions ultérieures dans ce domaine.

Critère (iv) : Le complexe paysage culturel d’Aranjuez conçu par l’homme, fruit de
diverses influences, marque une étape déterminante dans le développement du

Documentation available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

009570 - International updating course on the conservation of historic gardens. Leuven, 1987. La Restauration du
"jardin du roi" de Aranjuez (Espagne). Serredi, Lucia. Leuven, Katolieke Universiteit, 1987. 23 p. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of historic gardens; restoration works; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: historical surveys; training courses.
// Jardin du roi, Aranjuez (Spain)

013639 - Plaza de San Antonio: Arte, Historia, Ciudad: la plaza de la Mariblanca. Apuntes para una historia
urbana. Echeverría, Juan José. Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1989. p. 7-14, illus., plans. (Riada: estudios sobre Aranjuez
1) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: squares; palaces; historical surveys; urban fabric; world heritage list; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; churches; chapels.
// Carlos III, Fernando VI,Carlos V // Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013640 - Plaza de San Antonio: Arte, Historia, Ciudad: el paisaje arquitectónico de la Plaza de la Mariblanca.
Atienza, Javier M. Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1989. p. 15-21, illus., plans. (Riada: estudios sobre Aranjuez 1) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: squares; architectural heritage; fountains; arches; world heritage list; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: descriptions; balustrades; chapels; facades; statues; gardens; churches; domes.
// Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013641 - Plaza de San Antonio: Arte, Historia, Ciudad: la Iglesia de San Antonio en el Real Sitio de Aranjuez.
Tovar Martín, Virginia. Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1989. p. 23-49, illus., plans. (Riada: estudios sobre Aranjuez 1)
(spa). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: architectural heritage; baroque architecture; 18th; world heritage list; Italy; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: churches; descriptions; architectural plans; urban fabric; squares; facades;
altarpieces; chapels; restoration projects; case studies.
// Bonavia, Santiago // Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013642 - Plaza de San Antonio : Arte, Historia, Ciudad: Casa de oficios y Casa de Infantes. Verdú Ruiz, Matilde.
Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1989. p. 51-73, illus., plans. (Riada : estudios sobre Aranjuez 1) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: architectural heritage; historical surveys; 17th; 18th; world heritage list; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: architectural projects; case studies; architects; descriptions; facades; galleries;
courtyards; porches.
// Herrera, Juan de // Bonavía, Santiago // Serrano, Manuel // Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044) // Casa de oficios
(Spain) // Casa de Infantes (Spain)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013643 - Plaza de San Antonio: Arte, Historia, Ciudad: la fuente del Rey. Tárraga Baldó, M Luisa. Aranjuez, Doce
calles, 1989. p. 75-101, illus. (Riada: estudios sobre Aranjuez 1) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: fountains; architectural projects; historical surveys; 18th; world heritage list; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: costing; sculptures; marble; decorations and ornaments; case studies.
// Fernando VI // Bonavía, Santiago // Domenico Olivieri, Giovan // Carlos III // Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013644 - Plaza de San Antonio: Arte, Historia, Ciudad: los tillones de la Plaza de San Antonio. Sancho, Jose Luís.
Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1989. p. 103-117, illus., plans. (Riada: estudios sobre Aranjuez 1) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: allees; squares; gardens; 18th; world heritage list; Spain.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: historical surveys; case studies; urban fabric.
// Felipe V // Fernando VI // Carlos III // Bonavía, Santiago // Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013645 - Plaza de San Antonio: Arte, Historia, Ciudad: textos e imágenes de la Plaza de San Antonio. Sánchez
Moreno, Pedro. Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1989. p. 119-126. (Riada: estudios sobre Aranjuez 1) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: bibliographies.
// Aranjuez, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 10996. ISBN: 84-8711-03-3.

013646 - La gloria de Niquea: una invención en la Corte de Felipe IV. Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe de; Tassis, Juan
de; Chaves Montoya, María Teresa. Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1991. 132 p., illus., maps. (Riada: estudios sobre
Aranjuez 2) (spa). Incl. bibl., gloss.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: theatres; gardens; literature; 17th; Spain.
// Fontana, Capitan Julio Cesar // Aranjuez teatro (Spain) // Jardín de los negros , Aranjuez (Spain) // Teatro del
jardín de la Isla, Aranjuez (Spain)
ACCESSION NO: 10997. ISBN: 84-8711-08-4.

015167- Jardines españoles: 10 paraísos perdidos. Aznárez, Malén; Silva Delgado, Leandro. Madrid, El País,
1997. p. 54-64. (El País Semanal. 1072) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; landscape architecture; historical surveys; Spain.
// El Capricho, Alameda de Osuna, Madrid (Spain) // La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia (Spain) // La Alhambra y
el Generalife, Granada (Spain) // Las Fraguas, Cantabria (Spain) // Pazo de Oca, Pontevedra (Spain) // Alfabia,
Buñola, Mallorca (Spain) // Reales Alcázares de Sevilla (Spain) // Aranjuez, Madrid (Spain) // Cala Ratjada,
Mallorca (Spain) // Botánico de Madrid (Spain)
CALL NO: J.H. 323.

016546- Les jardins royaux d'Espagne, héritiers de plusieurs civilisations. Fernández-Villaverde y Silva, Alvaro. La
Haye, Europa Nostra, 2000. p. 36-37, illus. (Europa Nostra. 2, 2000) (fre). Royal gardens of Spain, heirs of many
civilisations. eng.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; Spain.
// Jardin de la Alhambra, Granada, Spain // Alcazar de Sevilla, Spain // Monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial,
Madrid, Spain // Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain // La Granja, Segovia, Spain

016687- Aranjuez: nature, agriculture and the art of landscape. Añon Feliu, Carmen. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G.
Fischer, 1995. p. 295-306, plans. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; agriculture; legislation; Spain.
// Aranjuez, Spain
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

018863 - Paysage culturel d'Aranjuez. 42 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1044 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; historic gardens; palaces; Spain.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)
CALL NO: ES.ARA.54:1-42 (WHC 1044).

018929 - Cartografía histórica de Aranjuez: cinco siglos de ordenación del territorio. Sancho, José Luis; M.-
Atienza, Javier. Aranjuez, Doce Calles, 1991. 47p. , illus., plans. (Riada. Estudios sobre Aranjuez. 3) (spa). Incl.
bibl. and plans.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: palaces; historic gardens; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; town planning; urban
development; plans; Spain.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1044(2). ISBN: 84-87111-11-4.

020581 - Aranjuez, paisaje cultural: patrimonio de la humanidad. Merlos Romero, María Magdalena; Masats,
Oscar; Masats, Ramón; Lorrio, Felix-Patrimonio Nacional. Barcelona, Lunwerg Editores, Ayuntamiento del Real
Sitio y Villa de Aranjuez, 2001. 243 p., illus. (same text in spa, eng, fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; palaces; historic gardens; Spain.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 14388. CALL NO: P.C. 47. ISBN: 84-7782-855-5. ISSN:

022716 - Aranjuez. Paisaje cultural. Fundación Puente Barcas. Aranjuez, 1993. pg. var., illus., plan. (same text in
fre, spa). Aranjuez. Paysage Culturel. fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Spain.
// Aranjuez, Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: 14635. CALL NO: P.C. 62.

023192 - Guia de Aranjuez. El real sitio, la ciudad, el paisaje. Atienza, Javier M. Aranjuez, Doce Calles, Fundacion
Puente Barcas, 1999. 194 p., illus. (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; palaces; Spain; world heritage list.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1044. ISBN: 84-89796-47-5.

023193 - Aranjuez paysage culturel. Patrimoine de l'humanité. El real sitio, la ciudad, el paisaje. Aranjuez,
Ayuntamiento, 199? illus. (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Spain; world heritage list.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)

023194 - Descripcion historica del real bosque y casa de Aranjuez. Alvarez de Quindos y Baena, Juan Antonio.
Aranjuez, Doce calles, 1993. 472 p. (spa). Ed. facs.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historical surveys; facsimiles; Spain; world heritage list.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1044. ISBN: 84-87111-23-8.

023206 - Aranjuez Paisaje cultural. Informe complementario relativo al plan y organo de gestion para la defensa,
conservacion, ciudadano y uso del bien a proteger. Aranjuez. Ayuntamiento. Aranjuez, Ayuntamiento, 2001. 32 p.
(same text in eng, spa). Aranjuez Cultural landscape. Additional report relating to plan and management body for
the defence, conservation, care and use of the assets to protect. eng.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management plans; legal protection; legislation; Spain; world
heritage list.
// Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, Spain (WHC 1044)

2000 Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland / Paysage agricole du sud
d’Öland - Criteria (iv) (v)

The southern part of the island of Öland in the Baltic Sea is dominated by a vast
limestone plateau. Human beings have lived here for some five thousand years and
adapted their way of life to the physical constraints of the island. As a consequence,
the landscape is unique, with abundant evidence of continuous human settlement
from prehistoric times to the present day.

La partie sud de l'île d'Öland, dans la mer Baltique, est dominée par un grand plateau
calcaire. Les hommes vivent ici depuis quelque cinq mille ans et adaptent leur mode
de vie aux contraintes physiques de l'île. Le paysage est, de ce fait, unique et
témoigne abondamment d'une occupation humaine continue depuis la préhistoire
jusqu'à nos jours.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iv):The landscape of Southern Öland takes its contemporary form from its
long cultural history, adapting to the physical constraints of the geology and

Criterion (v): Södra Öland is an outstanding example of human settlement, making the
optimum use of diverse landscape types on a single island.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iv) : Le paysage du sud d’Öland tient ses formes contemporaines de sa

longue histoire culturelle, s’adaptant aux contraintes physiques de la géologie et de la

Critère (v) : Södra Ölands est un exemple exceptionnel d’établissement humain

utilisant de façon optimale les types de paysages divers sur une seule île.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

000139 - La résurrection d'Eketorp, village fortifié de l'île d'Öland : Eketorp, nouvelle attraction archéologique de
l'île d'Öland. Why we banked on Eketorp. Eketorp : a new attraction for Öland (eng). Darum setzten wir auf
Eketorp. Eketorp : eine neue Sehenswürdigkeit auf der Insel Öland (ger). Cnattingins, Lars; Pålsson, Roland.
ICOMOS. Stockholm, ICOMOS, 1981. (Bulletin ICOMOS. 81,6) (frealso in eng, ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological sites; reconstruction; Sweden.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: archaeological excavations; villages; descriptions.
// Eketorp, Ile d'Öland

004716 - Ölands medeltida kyrktorn. Boström, Ragnhild. Hojbjerg, Forlaget hikuin, 1983. p. 163-188, illus. (Hikuin.
9) (various texts in dan). The Medieval church towers of Öland. eng. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: religious architecture; medieval art; military architecture; fortified churches; architecture
history; Sweden.
ACCESSION NO: 8433. ISBN: 87-87270-32-3. ISSN: 0105-8118.

017482 - Eketorp : the fortified village in Oland. Edgren, Bengt. Stockolm, Central Board of National Antiquities,
1979. 24 p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological excavations; archaeological finds; fortified architecture; villages; historical
surveys; Sweden.
// Eketorp, Oland, Sweden
ACCESSION NO: 6369. CALL NO: Arch. 477. ISBN: 91-7192-457-4.

017572 - Le paysage agricole du Sud d' Oland. 104 slides : col. (eng). From WHC 968 listed in 2000
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; agriculture; agricultural buildings; farmhouses;
vernacular architecture; Sweden.
// The agricultural landscape of South Oland, Sweden (WHC 968)
CALL NO: SU. OLA. 07 : 1-104 (WHC 968).

021169 - Welcome to Stora Alvaret. Janson, Thorsten; Forslund, Susanne (ed.). Kalmar, Lenanders Tryckeri AB,
1999. 32 p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; world heritage list; cultural landscapes; Sweden.
// Oland, Sweden (WHC 968)
ACCESSION NO: 14490. CALL NO: P.C.53. ISBN: 91-973802-0-2.

2007 Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces / Lavaux, vignoble en terrasses
- Criteria (iii) (iv) (v)

The Lavaux wine terraces stretch for about 30km along the south-facing northern
shores of Lake Geneva from the Chateau de Chillon, just south of Montreux, to the
eastern outskirts of Lausanne in the heart of the Vaud Region. The steep, narrow
stone walled terraces cover the lower slopes of the mountain side between the
villages and the lake’s edge. Above are forests and pasture and across the Lake, the
high peaks of the Alps. The chalky limestone soils and benevolent climate, improved
by the sun reflecting off the Lake and stone terrace walls, are ideal for the production
of Chasselas grapes.
Although there is some evidence that vines were grown in the areas in Roman times,
the origins of the present vine terraces can be traced back to the 11 century, when
Benedictine and Cistercian Monasteries controlled this area.
The Lavaux has always been a highly prized area for wine and one that has been
controlled and developed to optimize its returns to monasteries, cantons or wealthy
owners. Its landscape of villages, small towns and intensively planted vines reflect the
changing system of production and patronage over ten centuries. It is now a
functioning and thriving landscape that has been adapted to allow partly mechanised
production. Extensive remains of houses, mills, fortified towers, and much of the
landscape structure, provide an expansive reflection of the way wine production has
evolved during that time.

Les vignobles en terrasses de Lavaux s’étendent sur une trentaine de kilomètres sur
le versant orienté au sud des berges du lac Léman, du château de Chillon, au sud de
Montreux, aux limites est de la banlieue de Lausanne au coeur du canton de Vaud.
Les étroites terrasses soutenues par des murs couvrent le bas des pentes fortement
inclinées entre les villages et le bord du lac. Au-dessus s’étendent des forêts et des
pâturages et de l’autre côté du lac culmine la haute chaîne des Alpes. Les sols
calcaires et cayeux, la clémence du climat, le soleil qui se reflète dans les eaux du lac
et les terrasses à murs et murets sont idéaux pour la production du chasselas.
Bien qu’il y ait quelques traces de cultures de la vigne dans la région à l’époque
romaine, l’origine du vignoble en terrasses remonte au XIe siècle, lorsque les
monastères bénédictins et cisterciens dominèrent la région.

De tout temps, Lavaux a été une région hautement appréciée pour son vin qui a été
mis en valeur et développé au bénéfice des monastères, des cantons et de riches
propriétaires. Son paysage de petites villes, de villages et d’exploitation intensive de
la vigne reflète l’évolution sur dix siècles d’un système de production et de propriété.
C’est aujourd’hui un paysage vivant et prospère qui a été aménagé pour permettre
une production en partie mécanisée. D’importants vestiges de maisons, moulins,
tours fortifiées et une grande partie de la structure du paysage offrent un vaste
panorama de l’évolution de la production du vin au cours de cette période.

Justification for Inscription

The Lavaux vineyard landscape is a thriving cultural landscape that demonstrates in a

highly visible way its evolution and development over almost a millennia, through the
well preserved landscape and buildings, and also the continuation and adaptation of
longstanding cultural traditions, specific to its locality. It also illustrates very graphically
the story of patronage, control and protection of this highly valued wine growing area,
all of which contributed substantially to the development of Lausanne and its Region
and played a significant role in the history of the geo-cultural region; and, has
prompted, in response to its vulnerability next to fast-growing settlements, exceptional
popular protection.
Criterion (iii): The Lavaux vineyard landscape demonstrates in a highly visible way its
evolution and development over almost a millennium, through the well preserved
landscape and buildings that demonstrate a continuation and evolution of
longstanding cultural traditions, specific to its locality.

Criterion (iv): The evolution of the Lavaux vineyard landscape, as evidenced on the
ground, illustrates very graphically the story of patronage, control and protection of
this highly valued wine growing area, all of which contributed substantially to the
development of Lausanne and its Region and played a significant role in the history of
the geo-cultural region.

Criterion (v): The Lavaux vineyard landscape is an outstanding example that displays
centuries of interaction between people and their environment in a very specific and
productive way, optimising the local resources to produce a highly valued wine that
was a significant part of the local economy. Its vulnerability in the face of fast-growing
urban settlements has prompted protection measures strongly supported by local
The nominated boundaries include all the elements of the wine growing process, and
the extent of the traditional wine growing area since at least the 12th century. The
terraces are in continuous use and well maintained. They have evolved over several
centuries to their present form; there is now agreement that change needs to be
tempered by respect for local traditions.

Strong protection has evolved as a reaction to the creeping urbanization from the
growing towns of Lausanne to the west and the Vevey-Montreux conurbation to the
east. This Protection is provided by: the Federal Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire
(LAT), the Inventaire fédéral des paysages, sites et monuments naturels (IFP)
resulting from the LAT, its Inventaire fédéral des sites construits (ISOS), the cantonal
Loi sur le plan de protection de Lavaux (LPPL), the cantonal Inventaire des
monuments naturels et des sites (IMNS), and the cantonal land-use plan (Plan
général d'affectation - PGA) and its building regulations (RPGA). A buffer zone has

been established. The state of conservation of the villages, individual buildings, roads
and footpaths, and vineyard plots within the nominated area is high. A Management
Plan has been approved for the property. It provides an analysis of socio-economic
data, and a series of management strategies for research and culture, economy, land-
use planning and tourism.

Justification d'inscription

Le vignoble en terrasses de Lavaux est un paysage culturel qui montre de manière

éclatante son évolution et son développement sur près de mille ans au travers d'un
paysage et de bâtiments bien préservés, ainsi que la continuité et l'adaptation
d'anciennes traditions culturelles, spécifiques à sa localisation. Aussi, ce paysage
illustre de manière très vivante l'autorité, le contrôle et la protection de cette région
viticole hautement appréciée, qui contribua pour une large part au développement de
Lausanne et sa région et joua un rôle important dans l'histoire géoculturelle de la
région et a suscité, en réponse à sa vulnérabilité face à des agglomérations en forte
croissance, une protection populaire exceptionnelle.

Critère (iii) : Le paysage viticole de Lavaux présente d'une manière très visible son
évolution et son développement sur près de mille ans, à travers un paysage et des
bâtiments bien préservés et la continuité et l'évolution de traditions culturelles
anciennes spécifiques à cette région.

Critère (iv) : L'évolution du paysage de Lavaux illustre de manière très vivante

l'autorité, le suivi et la protection de cette région viticole hautement appréciée qui
contribua pour une large part au développement de Lausanne et sa région et a joué
un rôle important dans l'histoire géoculturelle de la région.

Critère (v) : Le paysage de vignoble de Lavaux est un exemple exceptionnel

témoignant de siècles d'interaction entre la population et son environnement d'une
nature très spécifique et très productive, optimisant les ressources locales pour
produire un vin hautement prisé qui fut une ressource importante de l'économie
locale. Sa vulnérabilité face aux centres urbains au développement rapide a suscité
des mesures de protection fortement soutenues par les communautés locales.
Les délimitations de la zone proposée pour inscription comprennent tous les éléments
du processus viticole et l'étendue de la région viticole traditionnelle depuis au moins le
XIIe siècle. Les terrasses sont constamment utilisées et bien entretenues. Comme on
l'a déjà expliqué, les terrasses ont évolué au fil des siècles jusqu'à leur forme actuelle.

Une protection forte a été mise en place en réaction à l'urbanisation rampante des
villes en expansion de Lausanne à l'ouest et de Vevey-Montreux à l'est. Cette
protection est fourni par : la loi fédérale sur l'aménagement du territoire (LAT) ;
l'Inventaire fédéral des paysages, sites et monuments naturels (IFP) tiré de la LAT,
son Inventaire fédéral des sites construits (ISOS), la loi cantonal sur le plan de
protection de Lavaux (LPPL), l'inventaire cantonal des monuments naturels et des
sites (IMNS), et le plan cantonal d'utilisation du sol (Plan général d'affectation - PGA)
et les réglementations de la construction (RPGA). Une zone tampon a été établie.
L'état de conservation des villages, des bâtiments individuels, des routes, des
chemins, des parcelles dans la zone principale est excellent. Un plan de gestion a été
approuvé pour le bien. Il fournit une analyse des données socioéconomiques et une

série de stratégies de gestion pour la recherche et la culture, l'économie, l'utilisation
des sols et le tourisme.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

031601 - Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces. UNESCO. 20 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1243 listed in 2007.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; vineyards; Switzerland.
// Lavaux, Switzerland
CALL NO: CH.LAV.06:1-20 (WHC 1243).

032350 - Lavaux, vignoble en terrasses. Association pour l'inscription de Lavaux au Patrimoine Mondial de
l'UNESCO (AILU). Lausanne, Editions Fauvre, 2007. 247 p., illus. (fre). Incl. annexes and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; natural heritage; architectural heritage;
ethnography; historic monuments; economic aspects; legal protection; legislation; Switzerland.
// Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces, Switzerland (WHC 1243)
ACCESSION NO: 15535. CALL NO: P.C.091. ISBN: 978-2-8289-0959-8.


2004 Koutammakou, the Land of the Batammariba / Koutammakou, le pays des

Batammariba - Criteria (v) (vi)

The Koutammakou landscape in northeastern Togo, which extends into neighbouring

Benin, is home to the Batammariba whose remarkable mud Takienta tower-houses
have come to be seen as a symbol of Togo. In this landscape, nature is strongly
associated with the rituals and beliefs of society. The 50,000-ha cultural landscape is
remarkable due to the architecture of its of Takienta tower-houses which are a
reflection of social structure; its farmland and forest; and the associations between
people and landscape. Many of the buildings are two stories high and those with
granaries feature an almost spherical form above a cylindrical base. Some of the
buildings have flat roofs, others have conical thatched roofs. They are grouped in
villages, which also include ceremonial spaces, springs, rocks and sites reserved for
initiation ceremonies.

Le paysage du Koutammakou, situé dans le nord-est du Togo et s’étendant par-delà

la frontière jusqu’au Bénin, abrite les Batammariba dont les remarquables maisons à
tourelles en terre sont devenues un symbole du Togo. Dans ce paysage, la nature est
étroitement associée aux rituels et aux croyances de la société. Le paysage culturel
de 50 000 ha doit son aspect remarquable à ses Takienta, maisons à tourelles qui
sont le reflet de la structure sociale, ainsi qu’à ses terres agricoles et ses forêts, et à
l’association entre le peuple et le paysage. De nombreux édifices sont à deux étages,
et ceux dotés d’un grenier sont caractérisés par une forme quasi-sphérique
surmontant une base cylindrique. Certains bâtiments possèdent des toits plats,
d’autres des toits de chaume coniques. Les maisons sont regroupées en villages qui
comprennent également des espaces cérémoniels, des sources, des rochers et des
sites réservés aux cérémonies d’initiation.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (v): The Koutammakou is an outstanding example of a system of traditional

settlement that is still living and dynamic, and subject to traditional and sustainable

systems and practices, and which reflects the singular culture of the Batammariba,
particularly the Takienta tower houses.

Criterion (vi): The Koutammakou is an eloquent testimony to the strength of spiritual

association between people and landscape, as manifested in the harmony between
the Batammariba and their natural surroundings.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (v) : Le Koutammakou est un exemple exceptionnel de système de

peuplement traditionnel qui est toujours vivant et dynamique, soumis à des systèmes
et pratiques traditionnels et durables, et qui reflète la culture singulière des
Batammariba, notamment les maisons à tourelles Takienta.

Critère (vi) : Le Koutammakou est un témoignage éloquent de la force de l’association

spirituelle entre les peuples et le paysage, tel qu’il se manifeste dans l’harmonie entre
les Batammariba et les ressources naturelles environnantes.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

024387 - Koutammakou, le pays des Batammariba. 40 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1140 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; earth architecture; earth; cultural landscapes; rituals; Togo.
// Koutammakou, the land of the Batammariba, Togo
CALL NO: TG.KOU.01.1-40 (WHC 1140).

027057 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC
1152) // Val d'Orcia, Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-
Perafita valley, Andorra (WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.


2000 Blaenavon Industrial Landscape / Paysage industriel de Blaenavon

- Criteria (iii) (iv)

The area around Blaenavon is evidence of the pre-eminence of South Wales as the
world's major producer of iron and coal in the 19th century. All the necessary
elements can still be seen - coal and ore mines, quarries, a primitive railway system,
furnaces, workers' homes, and the social infrastructure of their community.

La zone qui environne Blaenavon témoigne de façon éloquente du rôle prépondérant

du Sud du Pays de Galles dans la production mondiale de fer et de charbon au XIXe
siècle. Tous les éléments liés à cette production peuvent être vus in situ : mines de
houille et de fer, carrières, système primitif de chemin de fer, fourneaux, logements
des ouvriers, infrastructure sociale de leur communauté.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii) :The Blaenavon landscape constitutes an exceptional illustration in

material form of the social and economic structure of 19th century industry.

Criterion (iv) :The components of the Blaenavon industrial landscape together make
up an outstanding and remarkably complete example of a 19th century industrial

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii) : Le paysage de Blaenavon constitue une illustration exceptionnelle, sous

une forme physique, de la structure sociale et économique de l’industrie du XIXe

Critère (iv) : Les composants du paysage industriel de Blaenavon, pris dans leur
ensemble, représentent un exemple exceptionnel et remarquablement complet d’un
paysage industriel du XIXe siècle.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

017415 - Rusty memories. Bardon, Agnès; Bruxelles, Simon de; Dhar, Sujoy; Barron, Amalia. Paris, UNESCO,
2000. p. 4-9, illus. (Sources UNESCO. 131) (same text in eng, fre). Une mémoire en friche. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; world heritage list; industrial architecture; industrial areas; industrial
equipment; factories; industrial towns; UK; India; Bolivia.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: railways; mining buildings; mining equipment; mining towns; blast furnaces.
// ICOMOS // UNESCO // Blaenavon, UK (WHC 984) // Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, India (WHC 944) // Potosi,
Bolivia (WHC 420)

017566 - Le paysage industriel de Blaenavon. 21 slides : col. (eng). From WHC 984 listed in 2000 ; legend on the
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; industrial landscape; industrial towns; industrial architecture;
ironworks; world heritage list; UK.
// The Blaenavon industrial landscape, United Kingdom (WHC 984)
CALL NO: GB. BLA. 23 : 1-21 (WHC 984).

020694 - Industrial Monuments in Guardianship in Wales. Rees, D. Morgan. Bochum, Deutsches Bergbau-
Museum, 1978. p. 263-267. (eng). In: "SICCIM: Second International Congress on the Conservation of Industrial
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial architecture; ironworks; world heritage list; blast furnaces; UK.
// Dyfi Furnace, Wales, UK // Blaenavon Ironworks, UK (WHC 984)
CALL NO: A.I.059. ISBN: 3-921533-12-0.

026130 - Housing as a Source for Industrial History: A Case Study of Blaenavon, A Welsh Ironworks Settlement,
from 1788 to c1845. Lowe, Jeremy. Houghton, SIA, 1982. p. 13-36, illus., maps. (IA:The Journal of the Society for
Industrial Archeology. 8,1) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; ironworks; 19th; UK; workers' housing.
// Blaenavon, South Wales, UK
ACCESSION NO: K-535. ISSN: 0160-1040.

026518 - Industrial World Heritage sites in the United Kingdom. Rodwell, Dennis. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO,
2003. p.4-23, illus., map. (World Heritage Review. 28) (same text in eng, fre, spa). El Patrimonio industrial en el
Reino Unido. spa. Le Patrimoine industriel en Grande-Bretagne. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; industrial sites; world heritage list; industrial architecture; iron
architecture; ironworks; mills; mining buildings; factories; UK.
// Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, UK (WHC 984) // Derwent Valley Mills, UK (WHC 1030) // Ironbridge Gorge, UK
(WHC 371) // New Lanark, UK ( WHC 429) // Saltaire, UK (WHC 1028)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

032626 - Blaenavon Industrial Landscape World Heritage Site. Regeneration benefits. Rodger, John. Paris,
TICCIH, 2007. p. 33-35, illus. (Patrimoine de l'industrie: resources, pratiques, cultures. 18) (eng). Incl. abstract in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; industrial landscape; industrial towns; ironworks; rehabilitation; cultural
tourism; tourism management; partnerships; world heritage list; UK.
// Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, UK (WHC 984)

033712 - Du paysage industriel au paysage culturel évolutif. Preite, Massimo. Paris, TICCIH, 2008. p. 53-59, illus.
(Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures. 19) (fre). Incl.abstract in English.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; industrial landscape; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; UK;
// Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Bassin, France // Blaenavon Industrial landscape, UK // Cornwall and West Devon
Mining Landscape, U.K.

2003 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew / Jardins botaniques royaux de Kew

- Criteria (ii)(iii)(iv)

This historic landscape garden features elements that illustrate significant periods of
the art of gardens from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The gardens house botanic
collections (conserved plants, living plants and documents) that have been
considerably enriched through the centuries. Since their creation in 1759, the gardens
have made a significant and uninterrupted contribution to the study of plant diversity
and economic botany.

Les jardins botaniques royaux de Kew composent un jardin paysager historique dont
les éléments illustrent des périodes caractéristiques de l’art des jardins du XVIIIe au
XXe siècle. Ils abritent des collections botaniques (plantes conservées, vivantes et
documents) qui ont été enrichies de manière considérable au cours des siècles.
Depuis leur création, en 1759, ces jardins ont contribué de manière significative et
continue à l’étude de la diversité des plantes et de la botanique économique.

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (ii) : Since the 18th century, the Botanic Gardens of Kew have been closely
associated with scientific and economic exchanges established throughout the world
in the field of botany, and this is reflected in the richness of its collections. The
landscape features and architectural features of the gardens reflect considerable
artistic influences both with regard to the European continent and to more distant

Criterion (iii) : Kew Gardens have largely contributed to advances in many scientific
disciplines, particularly botany and ecology.

Criterion (iv) : The landscape gardens and the edifices created by celebrated artists
such as Charles Bridgeman, William Kent, Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown and William
Chambers reflect the beginning of movements which were to have international

Justification d'inscription

Critère (ii) : Depuis le XVIIIème siècle, les jardins botaniques royaux de Kew sont
étroitement associés aux échanges scientifiques et économiques qui ont été établis à
travers le monde en matière de botanique comme en témoignent les riches
collections. Les éléments paysagers et d’architecture des jardins témoignent
d’influences artistiques considérables avec le continent et au-delà.

Critère (iii) : Les jardins de Kew ont largement contribué à l’essor de nombreuses
disciplines scientifiques, notamment la botanique et l’écologie.

Critère (iv) : Les jardins paysagers et les édifices créés par des artistes de grand
renom tels Charles Bridgeman, William Kent, Lancelot « Capability » Brown ou
William Chambers témoignent du début de mouvements qui ont eu une portée

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:
000107 - Joseph Paxton: dalla Great Stove al Crystal Palace. Acocella, Alfonso. Firenze, Colleggio Ingegneri della
Toscana, 1980. p. 16-22, illus. (Bollettino Ingegneri. 28,11) (ita). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: iron architecture; glassworks; greenhouses; exhibition palaces; architecture history; UK.
// Crystal Palace (UK) // Chatsworth (UK) // Great stove (UK) // Kew Gardens (UK)

009733 - PSA at Kew: the Property Services Agency at Work. [s.l.], PSA, 1987. 9 p, illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: greenhouses; orangerie; iron architecture; glass; botanical gardens; UK.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: restoration works.
// PSA - Property Services Agency (UK) // Kew gardens (UK)

018166 - Le jardin dans la ville de la fin du XVIIIè siècle à nos jours. Soulier, Louis. paris, Caisse Nationale des
Monuments Historiques, 1976. p.20-27, illus. (Les monuments historiques de la France. 5, 1976) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; parks and gardens; formal gardens; landscape gardens; garden
ornamental buildings; planting; public gardens; green spaces; town planning; France; UK; Sweden; Germany;
USA; Netherlands; Switzerland.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: temples; pavilions; grottoes; ruins; cascades; ornamental lakes.
// Kent, William // Parc Monceau, Paris, France // Parc Floral de Vincennes, France // Jardin Royal de Kew //
Bagatelle, France // Parc Montsouris, Paris, France // Buttes-Chaumont, Paris, France // Palais et jardin du
Luxembourg, Paris, France // Trame verte d'Oslo, Sweden // Central Park, New-York, USA // Parc de la Tête d'Or,
Lyon, France // Charte d'Athènes, 1933

021452 - Jardins botaniques royaux de Kew. 20 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1084 listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: botanical gardens; greenhouses; world heritage list; UK.
// Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom (WHC 1084)
CALL NO: GB.KEW.28.1-20 (WHC 1084).

021459 - Annual Report and Acconts for the year ented 31 march 2003. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Surrey,
TSO, 2003. 96 p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: botanical gardens; annual reports; greenhouses; world heritage list; UK.
// Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (WHC 1084)
ACCESSION NO: 14460. CALL NO: J.H. 335.

024691 - Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew: Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2004. Royal
Botanical Gardens, Kew. London, The Stationery Office, 2004. 96p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: World heritage list; botanical gardens; annual reports; greenhouses; UK.
// Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, UK (H 1084)
CALL NO: J.H. 335 (2).

026434 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Crane, Peter R; Saltmarsh, Anna. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO, 2004.
p.54-65, illus., map. (World Heritage Review. 34) (same text in eng, fre, spa). Jardines Botánicos Reales de Kew.
spa. Jardins Botaniques Royaux de Kew. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; botanical gardens; greenhouses; world heritage list; UK.
// Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK (WHC 1084)
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

1986/2005 St. Kilda / Ile de St. Kilda - Criteria (iii) (v) (vii) (ix) (x)

Initially inscribed on the World Heritage List for its outstanding natural features and
wildlife in 1986, the site’s inscription was extended today to cover its cultural value,
thus becoming a mixed site. This volcanic archipelago, comprising the islands of Hirta,
Dun, Soay and Boreray, uninhabited since 1930, bears the evidence of more than
2,000 years of human occupation in the extreme conditions prevalent in the Hebrides.
Human vestiges include built structures and field systems, the cleits and the traditional
Highland stone houses. They feature the vulnerable remains of a subsistence
economy based on the products of birds, agriculture and sheep farming.

Cet archipel volcanique, qui comprend les îles Hirta, Dun, Soay et Boreray, déjà
inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial en 1986 pour ses paysages naturels
spectaculaires et sa vie sauvage, est désormais reconnu comme un paysage culturel,
ce qui en fait désormais un site mixte. Inhabitée depuis 1930, St Kilda conserve des
traces de la présence de l’homme pendant plus de 2 000 ans dans les conditions
extrêmes qui sont celles des Hébrides, en particulier des vestiges de structures bâties
et de systèmes d’exploitation des terres agricoles, les cleits, ainsi que les
traditionnelles maisons en pierre caractéristiques des Highlands. Ils représentent les
traces fragiles d’une économie de subsistance basée sur les produits avicoles et
agricoles et l’élevage d’ovins.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:
1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

018528 - Islands: living laboratories of evolution. Unesco, World Heritage Center. Madrid, Unesco, 1997. p.40-49,
illus. (World Heritage Review. 6, 1997) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; natural sites; world heritage list; islands.
// Lord Howe Island Group, Australia (WHC 186) // Galapagos islands, Ecuador (WHC 1) // Aldabra Atoll,
Seychelles (WHC 185) // Gough island Wildlife Reserve, UK (WHC 740) // Henderson island, UK (WHC 487) // St.
kilda, UK (WHC 387)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018632 - St. Kilda Archipelago. Croft, Roger; Love, John. Madrid, UNESCO, 2000. p. 66-79, illus., maps. (World
Heritage Review. 18, 2000) (same text in eng, fre, spa). L'archipel de Saint Kilda. fre. El archipiélago de Santa
Kilda. spa.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; natural sites; world heritage list; islands; UK.
// St. Kilda, UK (WHC 387)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

024388 - Ile de St. Kilda (Hirta). 36 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 387 listed in 2004.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; islands; natural sites; historic landscapes; UK.
// St. Kilda, UK
CALL NO: GB.KIL.30.1-36 (WHC 387).

027316 - St. Kilda. Melville, Ian. 44 slides. (eng). From WHC 387, listed in 2005.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vernacular architecture; wildlife; flora; fauna; UK.
// Ile de St. Kilda, UK (WHC 387)
ACCESSION NO: GB.KIL.31.1-44 (WHC 387).

2006- Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape - Criteria (ii) (iii) (iv)

Much of the landscape of Cornwall and West Devon was transformed in the 18th and
early 19th centuries as a result of the rapid growth of pioneering copper and tin
mining. Its deep underground mines, engine houses, foundries, new towns,
smallholdings, ports and harbours, and ancillary industries together reflect prolific
innovation which, in the early 19th century, enabled the region to produce two thirds of
the world’s supply of copper. The substantial remains are a testimony to the
contribution Cornwall and West Devon made to the industrial revolution in the rest of
Britain and to the fundamental influence the area had on the mining world at large.
Cornish technology embodied in engines, engine houses and mining equipment were
exported around the world. Cornwall and West Devon were the heartland from which
mining technology rapidly spread. When Cornish and West Devon mining declined in
the 1860s, large numbers of miners emigrated to work and live in mining communities

based on Cornish traditions, in for instance South Africa, Australia, and Central and
South America, where Cornish engine houses still survive.

Le paysage des Cornouailles et de l’ouest du Devon s’est en grande partie transformé

au XVIII et au début du XIXe siècle dans le sillage de l’essor rapide de l’exploitation
minière du cuivre et de l’étain. Les profondes mines souterraines, les bâtiments des
machines, les fonderies, les villes nouvelles, les petites propriétés, les ports et les
industries associées reflètent le prolifique esprit d’innovation qui fut le moteur de ce
développement industriel, qui produisait au début du XIXe siècle les deux tiers du
cuivre mondial. Les nombreux vestiges attestent de la contribution des Cornouailles et
de l’ouest du Devon à la Révolution industrielle dans le reste de la Grande-Bretagne,
et de l’influence fondamentale de cette région sur l’ensemble du monde minier. La
technologie des Cornouailles qu’incarnent les machines, les bâtiments qui les abritent
et l’équipement minier fut exportée dans le monde entier. Les Cornouailles et l’ouest
du Devon furent au cœur de la diffusion rapide de la technologie minière. Lorsque
l’activité minière des Cornouailles et de l’ouest du Devon déclinèrent dans les années
1860, les mineurs émigrèrent en grand nombre vers des communautés minières
fondées d’après les traditions de des Cornouailles, par exemple en Afrique du Sud,
Australie, Amérique centrale, Amérique du Sud, où subsistent encore aujourd’hui des
bâtiments qui abritent des machines de Cornouailles.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

015915 - Cornwall land reclamation strategy : 1997-2000. The strategy and programme of works for the
county'slocal authorities. 1997-2000 : the strategy and programme of works for the county's local authorities.
Cornwall County Council. ^bCornwall County Council, 1997. 57 p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; archaeological heritage; industrial heritage; development projects; UK.

016610 - Terra britannica: a celebration of earthen structures in Great Britain and Ireland. Hurd, John, ed.;
Gourley, Ben, ed. ICOMOS UK Earth Structures Committee. London, ICOMOS-UK, English Heritage, 2000. 59 p.,
illus., plans. (eng). Incl. bbl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: earth architecture; vernacular architecture; adobe; building techniques; UK; Ireland.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: cob; earthworks.
// ICOMOS // Wales, UK // East Midlands, UK // Scotland, UK // East Anglia, UK // Wessex, UK // Devon, UK //
Cornwall, UK
ACCESSION NO: 13811. CALL NO: Br.C. 106. ISBN: 1-902916-13-1.

024874 - The last ten years of the Trevithick Trust. Smith, Stuart B. Paris, TICCIH, 2004. p. 31-35, illus.
(Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures. 11) (eng). Incl. abstract in French.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; mining buildings; mines; UK.
// The Trevithick Trust // Cornwall, UK

029770 - Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape. UNESCO. 90 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1215 listed in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: mining towns; industrial heritage; industrial landscape; mining buildings; historic
monuments; cottages; world heritage list; UK.
// Paysage minier des Cornuailles et de l'ouest du Devon, Royaume Uni (WHC 1215)
ACCESSION NO: GB.COR.32: 1-90 (WHC 1215).

033712 - Du paysage industriel au paysage culturel évolutif. Preite, Massimo. Paris, TICCIH, 2008. p. 53-59, illus.
(Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures. 19) (fre). Incl.abstract in English.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: industrial heritage; industrial landscape; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; UK;
// Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Bassin, France // Blaenavon Industrial landscape, UK // Cornwall and West Devon
Mining Landscape, U.K.


2003 – Matobo Hills / Monts Matobo - Criteria (iii) (v) (vi)

The area exhibits a profusion of distinctive rock landforms rising above the granite
shield that covers much of Zimbabwe. The large boulders provide abundant natural
shelters and have been associated with human occupation from the early Stone Age
right through to early historical times, and intermittently since. They also feature an
outstanding collection of rock paintings. The Matobo Hills continue to provide a strong
focus for the local community, which still uses shrines and sacred places closely
linked to traditional, social and economic activities

Le site présente une profusion de formes rocheuses remarquables s'élevant au-

dessus du bouclier de granit qui couvre la plus grande partie du Zimbabwe. Les
grands blocs de roche offrent des abris naturels en abondance et sont associés à
l'occupation humaine depuis le début de l'âge de pierre jusqu'au début des temps
historiques, et de façon intermittente depuis lors. Ils abritent une collection de
peintures rupestres exceptionnelles. Les monts Matobo demeurent un centre
important pour la communauté locale qui utilise toujours les lieux sacrés et les
sanctuaires en étroite liaison avec leurs activités traditionnelles, sociales et

Justification for Inscription

Criterion (iii): The Matobo Hills has one of the highest concentrations of rock art in
Southern Africa. The rich evidence from archaeology and from the rock paintings at
Matobo provide a very full picture of the lives of foraging societies in the Stone Age
and the way agricultural societies came to replace them.

Criterion (v): The interaction between communities and the landscape, manifest in the
rock art and also in the long standing religious traditions still associated with the rocks,
are community responses to a landscape.

Criterion (vi): The Mwari religion, centred on Matoba, which may date back to the Iron
Age, is the most powerful oracular tradition in southern Africa.

Justification d'inscription

Critère (iii): Les monts Matobo abritent l’une des plus grandes concentrations d’art
rupestre de l’Afrique australe. Les riches témoignages apportés par les fouilles
archéologiques et les peintures rupestres de Matobo illustrent parfaitement la vie des
sociétés de cueilleurs-chasseurs de l’âge de la pierre et la manière dont les sociétés
rurales leur ont succédé.

Critère (v): L’interaction entre les communautés et le paysage se manifeste par l’art
rupestre mais aussi par les traditions religieuses qui restent associées aux roches et
sont des réponses communautaires à un paysage.

Critère (vi): La religion Mwari, centrée à Matobo, qui remonte probablement à l’âge du
fer, compte parmi les traditions divinatoires les plus puissantes du sud de l’Afrique.

Documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre:

1- Nomination file

2- Bibliography:

011992 - Matobo Hills, rock art site, Zimbabwe. Holm, Erich. Rock Art World Inventory and Data Bank, Centro
Camuno di Studi Preistorici. [s.l.], [s.n.], [s.d.]. 10 slides :col. (eng). From dossier WHC 306 (refused).
Accompanying material: legends. Copyright: 1984, Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, Italy. PRIMARY
KEYWORDS: rock art sites; rock paintings; prehistoric art; caves; Zimbabwe.
// Matobo Hills (Zimbabwe)
CALL NO: ZM.MOT.01:1-10 (WHC 306). (restricted).

021451 - Monts Matobo. 19 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 306 rev listed in 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; world heritage list; Zimbabwe.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: slides.// Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe (WHC 306 rev)
CALL NO: ZI.MAT.08.1-19 (WHC 306 rev)

Additional Bibliography
Concept and Definition
000138 - Les Biens archéologiques immobiliers : lecture de l'histoire dans le paysage culturel. Selinge, K.G.
ICOMOS. Stockholm, ICOMOS, 1981. p. 140-142, illus. (Bulletin ICOMOS. 81,6) (frealso in eng, ger). Permanent
archaeological remains : reading history in the landscape. eng. Feste Altertümer : ein offenes geschichtsbuch in
der Landschaft. ger.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological remains; inventories; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; typological
analysis; Sweden.

009958 - Byggeskikk og kulturlandskap. [Building traditions and cultural landscapes] (eng). Brekke, Nils Georg.
Oslo, Foreningen til norske Fortidsminnesmerkers Bevaring, 1987. p. 7-11, 3, illus. (Fortidsvern. 3) (nor). Special
issue: Man made landscapes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: man made landscapes; architectural heritage; agricultural buildings; cultural landscapes;
// Oygarden (Norway) // Havråtunet (Norway)
ACCESSION NO: K-224. ISSN: 0332-7205.

014175 - ICOMOS UK seminar on cultural landscapes. London, 1994. World heritage cultural criteria and
guidelines. Jacques, David. ICOMOS UK. London, ICOMOS UK, 1994. p. 2-5. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; world heritage convention; criteria; guidelines;
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: evaluations; descriptions.
// IFLA, ICOMOS, Australian national university; Canadian park service, institute of archeology. Sri Lanka, world
heritage committee // Meeting on Cultural Landscapes. La Petite Pierre
ACCESSION NO: 12882. CALL NO: P.C. 013. ISBN: 0-9517677-6-3

014176 - ICOMOS UK seminar on cultural landscapes. London, 1994. The welsh experience compiling a register
of historic landscapes. Kelly, Richard S. ICOMOS UK. London, ICOMOS UK, 1994. p. 7-16. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; parks; regional level; inventories; UK.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: criteria; methodology; evaluations; sample records.
// Icomos // Countryside Council of Wales (UK) // World Heritage Committee
ACCESSION NO: 12882. CALL NO: P.C. 013.

014182 - ICOMOS UK seminar on cultural landscapes. London, 1994. ICOMOS seminar on historic landscapes.
The national trust and cultural landscapes. Past, present and future. Thackray,, David. ICOMOS UK. London,
ICOMOS UK, 1994. p. 47-55. (Seminar on cultural landscapes) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; landscaping; values; management; threats; criteria;
surveys; vernacular architecture; archaeology; industrial areas.
// National trust
ACCESSION NO: 12882. CALL NO: P.C. 013.

014468 - Cultural landscapes as World Heritage. Cleere, Henry. London, James

James Science publishers Ltd, 1995. p.63-68. (Conservation and Management of archaeological sites. 1,1) (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; definitions; world heritage list; concepts.
// 1972 Unesco World Heritage Convention
ACCESSION NO: 13112. ISSN: 1350-5033.

015647 - The cultural landscape concept in Unesco biosphere reserves. Hay-Edie, T. Oxford, Linacre College,
1995. 63 p., graphs. (eng). Incl. bibl., list of biosphere reserves.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; cultural heritage; biosphere; international organizations; ecology.
// IUCN // UNESCO // Yasuni Biosphere Reserve (Ecuador) // 1972 Unesco world heritage convention
ACCESSION NO: 13443. CALL NO: P.C. 008.

016404 - Seminar on cultural landscapes held in Longmore House. Edinburgh, 1998. Assessing cultural
landscapes: progress and potential Macinnes, Lesley, editor; Brooke, David; Fairclough, Graham; Herring, Peter;
Johnston, Nicholas; Hughes, Rebecca; Dixon, Piers; Bruce, Lynn Dyson; Hingley, Richard; Stevenson, Jack; Kelly,
Richard; Walshe, Paul; Priore, Riccardo. ICOMOS UK, Gardens and Landscapes Committee. London, ICOMOS
UK, 1999. 48 p. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; landscaping; natural heritage; cultural heritage;
conventions; UK.
ACCESSION NO: 13704. CALL NO: P.C. 009. ISBN: 0-9535350-02.

016458 - Cultural landscapes of universal value. Components of a global strategy. Droste, Bern von, editor;
Plachter, Harald, editor; Rössler, Mechtild, editor. Jena; Stutgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. 464 p., illus., maps,
plans. (eng). In cooperation with UNESCO, with contributions of 42 scientists.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; cultural heritage; natural heritage; case studies;
protection of cultural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5; 1-56081-434-9.

016533 - Bewertung historischer Kulturlandschaften. Bruns, Diedrich. München, DGGL, 1992. p. 28-32, illus.
(Garden + Landschaft. 6,92) (ger). Evaluation of historic cultural landscapes. eng. Abstract in English; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation policy; protection of natural heritage; Germany.
ACCESSION NO: 13788. CALL NO: P.C. 001. ISSN: 0016-4720.

016624 - Cultural Landscapes and the World Heritage List: development, definitions, and problems. Cleere, Henry.
Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 17-24, illus. (eng). kulturlandschaften und die Welterbeliste: Entwicklung, Begriffe
und Probleme. ger. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; world heritage list; world heritage convention; case
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016626 - Cultural Landscapes in the Framework of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural
and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention, 1972). Rössler, Mechtild. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 25-32.
(eng). kulturlandschaften im Rahmen der Konvention zum Schutz von Kultur- und Naturerber der Welt (World
Heritage Convention, 1972). In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list.
// UNESCO // ICOMOS // IUCN // UNESCO World Heritage Convention, 1972
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016630 - Die Landschaft als Gedächtnis. Erinnerung, Metapher und ...? Jong, Robert de. Wien, Verlag Berger,
1999. p. 43-55, illus. (ger). Landscape as Memory, Recollection, Methaphor and...?. eng. In: "Monument-site-
cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; authenticity; memory.
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016631 - Cultural landscape. Archaeology, ancestors and archive. Fowler, Peter. Wien, Verlag Berger,
1999. p. 56-63, illus. (eng). kulturlandschaft: Archäologie, Vorfahren und Archiv. In: "Monument-site-cultural
landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; archaeology; concepts; intangible heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016634 - Its der Denkmalbergriff bis zur kulturlandschaft erweiterbar? Lipp, Wilfried. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p.
73-83. (ger). Is the term "monument" extendable to cultural landscapes?. eng. In: "Monument-site-cultural
landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; monuments; definitions.
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016636 - Denkmallandschaft- Entwicklung und Leistungsfähigkeit eines Begriffes. Breuer, Tilmann. Wien, Verlag
Berger, 1999. p. 85-92, illus. (ger). Monumental landscape: evolution and serviceability of a term. In: "Monument-
site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016665 - Cultural Landscapes: reconnecting culture and nature. Plachter, Harald; Rössler, Mechtild. Jena;
Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 15-18. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; cultural heritage; natural heritage; definitions.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016666 - Cultural Landscapes in a global world heritage strategy. Droste, Bernd von. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G.
Fischer, 1995. p. 20-24. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; authenticity
// ICOMOS // IUCN // UNESCO // ICCROM // The Nara Conference on Authenticity
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016667 - The interaction between biological and cultural diversity. Mc Neely, Jeffrey A.; Keeton, William S. Jena;
Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 25-37. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; cultural diversity; natural heritage; cultural heritage; aboriginal
// IUCN // Uluru National Park // Kakadu National Park // Nitmiluk National Pa
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016669 - Concept, origin and meaning of "landscapes". Haber, Wolfgang. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer,
1995. p. 38-41. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016671 - The evaluation of Cultural Landscapes: the role of ICOMOS. Cleere, Henry. Jena; Stuttgart; New York,
G. Fischer, 1995. p. 51-59. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; world heritage list; world heritage convention.
// ICOMOS // Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention (UNESCO)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.
016697 - Cultural landscapes: an IUCN perspective. Phillips, Adrian. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995.
p. 380-392. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; definitions; world heritage list.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016698 - Functional criteria for the assessment of cultural landscapes. Plachter, Harald. Jena; Stuttgart; New York,
G. Fischer, 1995. p. 393-404. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; criteria; evaluations.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016701 - Tentative lists as a tool for landscape classification and protection. Titchen, Sarah M.; Rössler, Mechtild.
Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 420-427. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of
a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016705 - The Oxford Declaration on Landscapes. Oxford University; ICOMOS-UK; IUCN; Council of Europe.
London, ICOMOS UK, 2000. 4 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; international declarations.
// ICOMOS // IUCN // UNESCO // Europe: a common heritage. The cultural landscapes. Oxford, UK, 2000
ACCESSION NO: 13797. CALL NO: P.C 004.

016833 - A müemlékek és müemléki helyszínek immatérialis dimenziói. Luxen, Jean-Louis. Budapest, ETK, 2000.
p. 231-233, illus. (Müemlékvédelem. 4, 2000) (hun). Immaterial dimensions of historical monuments and historical
locations and their relation to the World Heritage List. eng.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: intangible heritage; conservation of cultural heritage; cultural identity; cultural landscapes;
cultural routes; world heritage list; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: K-336. ISSN: 0541-2439.

016968 - The implementation of the World Heritage Cultural Landscapes Categories. Rossler, Mechtild. Paris,
UNESCO, 2000. p. 7-15. (eng). La categorie des paysages culturels dans le cadre de la convention du patrimoine
mondial. fre. In: "The World Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes in Africa"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; concepts; definitions.
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

016991 - El paisaje como patrimonio etnológico: aportaciones a su análisis desde la antropología. Palenzuela,
Pablo. Sevilla, IAPH, 2000. p. 88-93, illus. (Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico: PH. 32, 2000)
(spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; anthropology; ethnology; definitions.
ACCESSION NO: K-388. ISSN: 1136-1867.

017043 - A Guide to Cultural Landscape Reports. Page, Robert R.; Gilbert, Cathy A.; Dolan, Susan A. National
Park Service, USA. Washington, NPS, 1998. 3 Vol., illus. (eng). Incl: 1.Contents, process and techniques; 2.
Landscape lines; 3. Appendices.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; management; national parks; USA.
// National Park Service, USA
ACCESSION NO: 13906. CALL NO: P.C. 014.

017109 - La mémoire n'est pas de pierres. Pressouyre, Léon. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p.18-19, illus. (Le courrier de
l'UNESCO. Décembre 2000) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world heritage convention; world heritage list; cultural landscapes;
intangible heritage.
ACCESSION NO: K-054. ISSN: 0304-3118.

017149 - Methodological studies on inventorying the cultural heritage within cultural landscapes. Jeschke, Hans
Peter. Paris, ICOMOS, 1995. p.113-118. (Scientific Journal: Ethics, principles and methodology / Journal
Scientifique: Ethique, principes et méthodologie. 6) (eng). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; definitions; methodology; inventories; inventory systems;
ACCESSION NO: 13696. ISBN: 955-613-054-3.

017988 - The intangible dimension of monuments and sites with reference to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Luxen, Jean-Louis. Paris, UNESCO, 2001. p.20-29. (same text in eng, fre). La dimension immatérielle des
monuments et des sites avec références à la liste du patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO. fre. In: "Authenticity and
integrity in an African context. Expert meeting".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: intangible heritage; conservation of cultural heritage; cultural identity; cultural landscapes;
cultural routes; world heritage list.
ACCESSION NO: 14030. ISBN: 2-906901-29-6.

017990 - The notion of integrity for natural properties and cultural landscapes. Edroma, Eric L. Paris, UNESCO,
2001. p.40-58. (same text in eng, fre). La notion d'intégrité pour les biens naturels et les paysages culturels. fre. In:
"Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting"; Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; authenticity; natural heritage; integrity; intangible heritage; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 14030. ISBN: 2-906901-29-6.

018145 - Culture and nature, reflections on landscape. Añon Feliu, Carmen. 5p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; natural heritage; landscapes; cultural landscapes; concepts.
// Global strategy expert meeting on cultural and natural heritage; Amsterdam, 25-29 March 1998
ACCESSION NO: 14038. CALL NO: P.C. 22.

018238 - Criteria for defining the historic and cultural landscape. Galbreath, Carol J. National Trust for Historic
Preservation in the United States. Washington, National Trust for Historic Preservation in the US, 1975. p.1-9, illus.
(eng). In: "Conference on Conserving the Historic and Cultural Landscape".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; conservation; definitions; classification; criteria;
// National Park of Grand Tetons, USA // Taos County Courthouse, USA // Waipio valley, USA
CALL NO: J.H. 108. ISBN: 0-89133-043-7.

018475 -CHIP Cultural Heritage in Planning. Identifying valuable cultural environments through planning. Danish
Forest and Nature Agency, Denmark. Copenhagen, Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2001. 61p., illus., maps.
(eng). Incl. a glossary.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; town and country planning; environment; environmental planning;
case studies; Denmark.
ACCESSION NO: 14032. CALL NO: P.C.24. ISBN: 87-7279-297-3.

018511 - Including cultural landscapes on the World's Heritage List. Titchen, Sarah M. Madrid, Unesco, 1996.
p.34-39, illus. (World Heritage Review. 2, 1996) (same text in eng, spa, fre). Paisajes culturales del patrimonio
mundial. spa. Inclusion des paysages culturels dans la liste du Patrimoine Mondial. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; national parks; world heritage list.
// The rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Philippines (WHC 722) // Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
(WHC 421) // Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447)
ACCESSION NO: K-382 b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

018718 - IUCN experience in world heritage cultural landscapes. Hogan, Rolf. 25 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list; natural heritage. //
Seminar on Cultural Landscapes: concept and implementation, 8-12 March 2000, Catania, Sicily, Italy
CALL NO: P.C.28.

019127 - Meeting on "Cultural Landscapes: concept and implementation". Catania, Italy, 8-11 March 2000.
Synthesis Report of the Meeting on "Cultural Landscapes: concept and implementation". UNESCO. 46p. (same
text in eng, fre). Rapport de synthèse de la Réunion sur "Les paysages culturels: concept et mise en oeuvre". fre.
Incl. annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: 14173. CALL NO: P.C. 031.

019476 - Evaluating authenticity of cultural landscapes: a perspective from the U.S. Mitchell, Nora J. Trondheim,
Tapir Publisher, 1995. p. 375-381. (eng). In: "Nara conference on authenticity in relation to the World Heritage
Convention. Proceedings"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; cultural landscapes; definitions; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 13174. ISBN: 82-519-1416-7.

020662 - El paisaje cultural: una nueva categoría del patrimonio mundial. Arias Incollá, María de las Nieves.
Buenos Aires, UNESCO, CICOP, 1999. p. 11-15. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales: un enfoque para la salvaguarda
del patrimonio".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention.
ACCESSION NO: 14389. CALL NO: P.C. 48.

021393 - Paisaje Cultural. Añón, Carmen. San José, UNESCO, 2002. p. 53-60. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales en
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: 14391. CALL NO: P.C. 49. ISBN: 9968-9424-1-3.
021608 - Australia ICOMOS Workshop. Canberra, 1995. Indigenous cultural Landscapes and World Heritage
Listing. Draft. Australian Heritage Commission; Australia ICOMOS. Victoria, Australian Heritage Commission,
1995. 200 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list; aboriginal sites; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

021609 - Cultural Landscapes, Categories and Criteria: the situation to 1992. McBryde, Isabel. Victoria, Australian
Heritage Commission, 1995. p. 9-11. (eng). In: "Indigenous cultural landscapes and world heritage listing".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention.
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

021949 - Recognition of landscape values workshop: a summary. Armstrong, Helen. Kingston, Australia ICOMOS,
1997. p. 63-64. (Historic Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

022073 - Sacred landscapes: new perspectives in the implementation of the cultural landscape concept in the
framework of the Unesco world heritage convention. Rössler, Metchtild. Tokyo, UNESCO WHC, 2001. p. 27-41,
map. (eng). In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on Asia-Pacific sacred mountains. Final report" ; Incl. abstract
in english and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sacred places; world heritage convention; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

022734 - World Heritage Cultural Landscapes 1992-2002. Fowler, P.J. Paris, UNESCO, Worl Heritage Centre,
2003. 140 p., illus. (World Heritage papers. 6) (eng). Incl. bibl. and annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; definitions; world heritage list; world heritage
ACCESSION NO: 14645. CALL NO: P.C. 63.

025311 - Les paysages sont à la mode... les sites aussi! Bergeal, Catherine. Courcouronnes, Association
Nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de France, 2004. p. 4-5, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 37) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; historic landscapes; cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

025312 - Paysages, entre nature et culture? Seguin, Jean-François. Courcouronnes, Association Nationale des
Architectes des Bâtiments de France, 2004. p. 6-7, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 37) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic landscapes; cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

026209 - The Cultural Landscapes and Its Identification. Myczkowski, Zbigniew. Warsaw, Educatio, 2003. p. 53-67,
illus. In: "Common heritage Europe-Poland" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation of historic monuments; landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: 14867. ISBN: 83-916691-8-1.

026468 - Landscapes for the world: conserving a global heritage. Fowler, Peter. Cheshire, Windgather Press,
2004. 235p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list; world
heritage convention.
ACCESSION NO: 14877. CALL NO: P.C. 068. ISBN: 0-9545575-9-X.

026502 - Linking nature and culture, 30 years UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Rössler, Mechtild. Cottbus,
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, 2002. p.27-42, illus. In: "Nature and culture: ambivalent dimensions of our
heritage. Change of perspective" (same text in eng). Verbindung von Natur und Kultur 30 Jahre UNESCO-
Welterbeconvention. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage convention; world cultural heritage; monitoring; cultural landscapes;
conservation; partnerships.
// Budapest Declaration of World Heritage
ACCESSION NO: 14881. ISBN: 3-927907-84-7.

027060 - Outstanding universal values in cultural landscapes. Denyer, Susan. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerrad,
2005. p. 41-47, maps. In: "Verdensarv i Norden 2004 : Oppfolging av UNESCO's konvensjon for vern av verdens
kultur og naturarv, Vega 30-31 august 2004" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; criteria; world heritage list.
// Mapungubwe, South Africa (WHC 1099) // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // Purnululu,
Australia (WHC 1094) // Orkhon Valley, Mongolia (WHC 1081rev) // Pingvellir, Iceland (WHC 1152) // Val d'Orcia,
Italy (WHC 1026rev) // The land of the Batammariba, Togo (WHC 1140) // Madriu-claror-Perafita valley, Andorra
(WHC 1160) // Pico island, Azores, Portugal (WHC 1117rev) // The Lake District, UK
ACCESSION NO: 14905. ISBN: 92-893-1148-7.

027138 - World Heritage Cultural Landscapes : Concept and Implementation. Regional Thematic Expert Meeting
on Vineyard Landscapes. Rössler, Mechtild. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 13-18.
In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng). Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

028289 - The evolving concept of universal values in cultural landscapes: from the Athens and Venice charters to
the 2004 combined world heritage criteria. [abstract]. O'Donnell, Patricia M. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation,
2005. p.425. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 1" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage convention; concepts; cultural landscapes; charters; abstracts.
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.
URL: .

028841 - Paisajes culturales en el contexto de América Latina y el Caribe, nuevos conceptos, nuevos retos y
nueva posibilidades. Mujica, Elías. [Caracas], IPC, 2001. 33 p. (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; concepts; Latin America; Caribbean.
ACCESSION NO: 14987. CALL NO: P.C. 082.

029741 - Das Kulturgüterinformationssystem Oberösterreich. Grundlagen für die städtebauliche und planerische
Identifikation, die Pflege, den Schutz und die Weiterentwicklung des kulturellen Erbes bzw. der Kulturlandschaft
aus der Sicht der historischen Raumwissenschaften. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Hannover, Die Verantwortung für die
einzelnen Beiträge liegt bei den jeweiligen Autoren, 2001. 8 p., illus. (ger). It is part of the documentation included
in the WHC 806 file as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISBN: 0175-5951.

029742 - The Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut Site as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape (UNESCO

Protection Category "Continuing Cultural Landscape"). Supplementary information to the field trip guide. Jeschke,
Hans Peter. (ger). It is part of the documentation included in the WHC 806 file as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschstein / Salzkammergut, Austria (WHC 806)

029743 - Struktur eines Pflegewerkes für die Historische Kulturlandschaft Hallstein-Dachstein/Salzkammergut
(Schulzkategorie "fortbestehende kulturlandschaft"). Jeschke, Hans Peter. Linz, 1998. 36 p. (ger). It is part of the
documentation included in the WHC 806 file as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)

029744 - Occasional Monitoring Managementmechanismus und "Kulturlandschafspflegewerk". Jeschke, Hans

Peter; de Jong, Rob. Linz, 2003. 121 p. (ger). It is part of the documentation included in the WHC 806 file as an
UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)

029745 - Das Salzkammergut und die Weltkulturerbelandschaft Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut.

Grundlagenforschung, Kulturlandschaftspflegewerk und Monitoring. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Linz, Gesellschaft für
Landeskunde - OÖ. Musealverein, 2002. 392 p. (ger). It is part of the documentation included in the WHC 806 file
as an UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscape.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)

029746 - Kulturgut und Kulturlandschaft im oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut (Teil 2). Jeschke, Hans Peter.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 2000. p. 334-389. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 5-6, Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez. 2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029747 - Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 1996.
(Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996; Heft 5-6, Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez.
2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Herausgeber: Institut für Österreichkunde (ed.) // Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029748 - Prof. Dr. Karl Lugmayer (1892-1972). Pionier der Erwachsenenbildung, Socialphilosoph,
Unterstaatssekretär für Unterricht (1945), Zweiter Präsident des Bundesrates (1945-1959). Lugmayer, Franz.
Herausgeber: Institut für Österreichkunde, 1996. p. 139-156. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Dachstein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029749 - Zur Geschichte des Aluminiums in Salzburg und Oberösterreich. Otruba, Gustav; König, Martina.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 1996. p. 157-181. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029750 - Kulturgut und Kulturlandschaft im oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut (Teil 1). Jeschke, Hans Peter.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 1996. p. 182-204. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit
Geographie. Heft 3, Mai/Juni 1996) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029751 - Die Baiern im österreichischen Donauraum. Koller, Heinrich. Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde,
2000. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Heft 5-6, Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez. 2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

029752 - War Wittgenstein Hitlers "Jude aus Linz", wie Kimberley Cornish aus antipodischer Sicht meint?
Biographische Korrekturen zum Schüler Adolf und Gedanken zu einem krausen Buch. Möcker, Hermann.
Herausgeber: Institut für österreichkunde, 2000. (Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur, mit Geographie. Heft 5-6,
Sept./Okt.-Nov./Dez. 2000) (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; concepts; Austria.
// Hallstatt-Daschtein, Austria (WHC 806)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 806. ISSN: 0029-8743.

031711 - Cultural landscapes of the Pacific Islands. ICOMOS Thematic Study - December 2007. Smith, Anita;
Jones, Kevin L. Paris, ICOMOS, 2007. 131 p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; world heritage convention; world heritage list; case
studies; agriculture; horticulture; conservation; management; Pacific Islands.
ACCESSION NO: 15405. CALL NO: P.C. 087.

031847 - Botanic gardens as exemplary cultural landscapes. Heyd, Thomas. Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. p. 163-171. In:
"Perspektiven des Welterbes / Constructing World Heritage" (same text in eng, ger). Botanische Gärten als
exemplarische kulturlandschaften. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; definitions; historic gardens; botanical gardens.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031926 - Qu'est-ce que le paysage? Nourry, Louis-Michel; Fortier-Kriegel, Anne; Caillard, Emmanuelle; Davasse,
Bernard; Seguin, Jean François; Joliet, Fabienne; De Marco, Rosa; Laffage, Arnaud; Dard, Charles; Donadieu,
Pierre. Clamecy, Direction de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine de France, 2006. p. 13-105, vol. 2. In: Enseigner le
paysage: Les enseignements du paysage dans les ecoles d'architecture et les ecoles de paysage (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; town planning; theory; sustainable development; France.
ACCESSION NO: P.C.089. CALL NO: 15435. ISSN: 2-912261-26-0.

032683 - Genius of the place: (Re) presenting cultural landscapes, World Heritage Listing and intangible values.
Making spaces into places in Asia. Taylor, Ken; Altenburg, Kirsty. [Siem Reap], [Centre for Khmer Studies], 2005.
12 p. (eng). Incl. bibl.
Angkor, Cambodia (WHC 668).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; world heritage convention; world cultural heritage;
authenticity; intangible heritage; case studies; Asia.
// Contemporary research // Bagan, Myanmar // Borobudur, Indonesia (WHC 592)
ACCESSION NO: 15610. CALL NO: P.C.043.

032738 - Reunion de expertos = Meeting of experts = Réunion d'experts: Los itinerarios como patrimonio cultural.
Madrid, 24-25 November 1994. Los itinerarios como patrimonio cultural = Routes as part of our cultural heritage =
Les itinéraires comme patrimoine culturel. Icomos International; Ministerio de Cultura, Spain. Madrid, Ministerio de
Cultura, Icomos International, 1994. 156 p. (various texts in eng, spa, fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; cultural routes; definitions; evolution; cultural landscapes; concepts.

033932 - Considering the authenticity of cultural landscapes. Mitchel, Nora. Albany, APTI, 2008. p. 25-31, illus.
(APT Bulletin. XXXIX, 2-3) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; conservation; management;
sustainable development; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: K-024. ISSN: 0044-9466.

Management of Cultural Landscapes
014181 - ICOMOS UK seminar on cultural landscapes. London, 1994. Council of Europe: draft recommendations
on the integrated conservation of cultural landscapes areas. Johansson, Bengt.O.H. ICOMOS UK. London,
ICOMOS UK, 1994. p. 39-46. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; landscaping; integrated conservation; guidelines.
// Council of Europe // Cultural heritage committee // ECOVAST, ICOMOS // ICCROM // English heritage // Historic
ACCESSION NO: 12882. CALL NO: P.C. 013.

016455 - Managing the historic rural landscape. Grenville, Jane, ed. London; New York, Routledge, English
Heritage, 1999. 179 p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: rural areas; rural landscapes; management; historic sites; conservation of cultural
heritage; management plans; cultural policy; cultural landscapes; landscaping; enhancement; sustainable
development; forests; UK.
ACCESSION NO: 13753. ISBN: 0-415-20790-8; 0-415-20791-6.

016529 - Historische kulturlandschaften. Wöbse, Hans Hermann. München, DGGL, 1992. p. 9-13, illus. (Garden +
Landschaft. 6,92) (ger). Significance and treatment of cultural landscapes. eng. Incl. bibl.; Abstract in English.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural heritage; Germany.
ACCESSION NO: 13788. CALL NO: P.C. 001. ISSN: 0016-4720.

016535 - Landschaftsökologische Leitbilder. Schwineköper, Katrin; Seiffert, Peter; Konold, Werner. München,
DGGL, 1992. p. 33-38, illus., plans. (Garden + Landschaft. 6,92) (ger). Landscape ecology principles. eng.
Abstract in English; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; protection of environment; ecology; protection of natural heritage;
// Wolfegger Ach, Germany
ACCESSION NO: 13788. CALL NO: P.C. 001. ISSN: 0016-4720.

016550 -The Benetton Foundation: the landscape supervision scheme. Europa Nostra. La Haye, Europa Nostra,
2000. p. 44-45, illus. (Europa Nostra. 2, 2000) (eng). La Fondation Benetton: le programme de supervision des
paysages. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscaping; Europe.
// Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Italy // Fresneda, Escorial, Spain // Dessau-Wörlitzer Gartenreich,
Germany // Cerco do Mosteiro de Tibães, Portugal // Cave di Cusa, Italy // Sissinghurst, UK // Premio
Internazionale Carlo Scarpa per il Giardino

016628 - Legislation and cultural landscapes. O'Keefe, Patrick J. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 39-42. (eng).
Gesetzgebung und kulturlandschaften. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; legislation.
// The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016638 - Entwurf der Struktur eines Pflegewerks für Cultural Heritage Landscapes (UNESCO-Schutwkategorie
"forbestehende kulturlandschaft") in föderalistisch organisierten Staaten in Europa. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Wien,
Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 116-146, illus. (ger). Proposals for a Preservation, Conservation and Planning System for
UNESCO Cultural Heritage Landscapes. In: "Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau"; Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; conservation.
// UNESCO // UNESCO World Heritage Convention, 1972
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016662 - Le paysage aménagé, une plus-value. Interlaken, 1999. L' Europe, un patrimoine commun. Une
campagne du Conseil de l'Europe. Office Fédéral de la Culture (OFC); Office Fédéral de l'environnement, des
forêts et du paysage (OFEFP); Office Fédéral de l'Aménagement du Territoire (OFAT); Commission Fédérale des
Monuments Historigues (CFMH); Commission Fédérale pour le Protection de la Nature et du Paysage (CFNP);
Centre National d'information pour la Conservation des Biens Culturels (NIKE). Bern, NIKE, 1999. 60 p., illus.
(ger). Mehr-Wert kulturlandschaft. ger. Abstract in fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: town and country planning; landscaping; cultural landscapes; environmental planning

016668 - UNESCO and cultural landscape protection. Rössler, Mechtild. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer,
1995. p. 42-49. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; historical surveys.
// UNESCO // ICOMOS // IUCN // IFLA // Expert meeting. La Petite Pierre, France, 1992 // Expert meeting.
Schorfheide // Templin, Germany, 1993
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016698 - Functional criteria for the assessment of cultural landscapes. Plachter, Harald. Jena; Stuttgart; New York,
G. Fischer, 1995. p. 393-404. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; criteria; evaluations.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016699 - Principles for protecting endangered landscapes: the work of the IUCN-CESP. Working Group on
landscape conservation Green, Bryn H. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 405-411. (Cultural
Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; cultural heritage at risk; conservation policy; definitions.
// IUCN-CESP Working Group
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016700 - Conservation of landscapes in post-industrial countries. Jacques, David; Fowler, Peter. Jena; Stuttgart;
New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 412-419. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; industrial areas; conservation policy; tourism.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016701 - Tentative lists as a tool for landscape classification and protection. Titchen, Sarah M.; Rössler, Mechtild.
Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 420-427. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of
a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world heritage list.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

017089 - Ochrona krajobrazu Kulturowego,miedzy documentacja a realizacja. Kornecki,Marian; Siwek,Lucyna;

Litwin,Malgorzata; Jagodzinski,Zbigniew S.; Kornecki,Mikolaj M. Warszawa, PKZ, 1984. 109 p., illus. (pol).
Protection of the cultural landscape, between documentation and implementation. eng. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; rural areas; vernacular architecture; villages; ethnography;
conservation; Poland.
ACCESSION NO: 13882. CALL NO: P.C. 12.

018237 - Conference on Conserving the historic and Cultural Landscape. .Denver, Colorado, .May 2-3, 1975.
Selected papers. National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States. Washington, National Trust for
Historic Preservation in the US, 1975. 41p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; protection of natural heritage; urban
development; financial aspects; USA.
CALL NO: J.H. 108. ISBN: 0-89133-043-7.

019123 - Expert Meeting on "Management Guidelines for Cultural Landscapes". Banská Stiavnica, Slovak
Republic, 1-4 June 1999. Synthesis Report of the Expert Meeting on "Management Guidelines for Cultural
Landscapes". UNESCO. 16p. (eng). Incl. annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14177. CALL NO: P.C. 035.

019715 - Treatment of cultural landscapes in the United States. Birnbaum, Charles A. Washington, The World
Bank, 2001. p. 218-230, illus. (eng). In: "Historic cities and sacred sites. Cultural roots for urban futures".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; rehabilitation; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 14241. ISBN: 0-8213-4904-X.

019715 - Treatment of cultural landscapes in the United States. Birnbaum, Charles A. Washington, The World
Bank, 2001. p. 218-230, illus. (eng). In: "Historic cities and sacred sites. Cultural roots for urban futures".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; rehabilitation; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 14241. ISBN: 0-8213-4904-X.

021169 - The Role of Modern City Development in Historic Landscapes. Potsdam, 1996. World Heritage and town
develpment: the Example of Potsdam. Dyroff, Hans-Dieter (ed.). German Commission for UNESCO. Bonn,
German Commission for UNESCO, 1997. 83 p. (Series on Architecture and Conservation. 37) (eng). Translated
from German by Brigitte R. Puhl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; urban development; waterways; cultural landscapes; Germany;
historic monuments and sites.
// Potsdam, Germany
ACCESSION NO: 14492. CALL NO: UR. 184. ISBN: 3-927907-64-2.

021203 -Cultural landscapes in contemporary planning framework. Mohindru, Suneet. Madrid, ICOMOS, 2002. p.
45-48. (eng). In: "XIII Asamblea General del ICOMOS. Actas".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; inventory systems.

021274 - Negotiating shifting landscapes: public a wareness - building in the face of contested cultural heritage.
Hou, Jeffrey. Madrid, ICOMOS, 2002. p. 322-325. (eng). In: "XIII Asamblea General del ICOMOS. Actas"; Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; public awareness; Taiwan.

021392 - La mejor práctica de manejo para conservación es la categoria V. Sarmiento, Fausto O. San José,
UNESCO, 2002. p. 43-51. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales en Mesoamerica"; Incl. Bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; protected areas.
ACCESSION NO: 14391. CALL NO: P.C. 49. ISBN: 9968-9424-1-3.

021607 - Heritage Advocacy in the Cultural Landscape. Pollock-Ellwand, Nancy. New York, APT, 1992. p. 71-77.
(APT Bulletin. XXIV, 3-4) (eng). Incl. Bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; trees.
ACCESSION NO: K-024. ISBN: 0044-9466.

021948 - Community values in cultural landscape decision making: developing recommendations for ensuring
planning processes include differing expectations of communities of interest. Kaufman, Pamela. Kingston, Australia
ICOMOS, 1997. p. 57-62. (Historic Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; community participation; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

022047 - World heritage 2002, Shared legacy, common responsibility, Associated Workshops. Ferrara, Italy, 11-12
November 2002. Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Paris,
UNESCO WHC, 2003. 191 p., illus. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). Incl. conclusions and recommendations of
the International Workshop.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; conservation; legal protection.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022063 - Values as the basis for management of world heritage cultural landscapes. Lennon, Jane. Paris,
UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.120-126. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of
conservation" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; management; Australia.
// Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia (WHC 181)
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022067 - Cultural landscapes: is the world bank a revelant funding partner? Lessons learned by the Nordic World
Heritage Foundation (NWHF) in Sub-Sahara Africa. Vinsrygg, Synnøve. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.147-148.
(World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sponsorship; funding.
// World Bank // Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF)
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022073 - Sacred landscapes: new perspectives in the implementation of the cultural landscape concept in the
framework of the Unesco world heritage convention. Rössler, Metchtild. Tokyo, UNESCO WHC, 2001. p. 27-41,
map. (eng). In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on Asia-Pacific sacred mountains. Final report" ; Incl. abstract
in english and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sacred places; world heritage convention; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

022133 - Cultural landscape, sustainability and living with change? Fairclough, Graham. Los Angeles, GCI, 2003.
p. 23-46, maps. (eng). In: "Managing change: sustainable approaches to the conservation of the built environment.
4th US/ICOMOS international symposium, April 2001" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sustainable development; historic landscapes; management;
Europe; UK.
ACCESSION NO: 14600. ISBN: 0-89236-692-3.

023599 - Listening to the voices of the cultural landscape. Logan, Eva. Australia, ICOMOS, 2003. p. 41-43.
(Historic Environment. 17,2) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; local level; community participation. // Wales, Australia
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

023621 - Pour maintenir l'identité des paysages culturels. Larochelle, Pierre. Québec, Conseil des monuments et
sites du Québec, 2004. p. 23-25, illus. (Continuité. 100) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Canada.
// Québec, Canada
ACCESSION NO: K-53. ISSN: 0714-9476.

023905 - Conserving the cultural values of natural areas: a discussion paper. Lennon, Jane; Egloff, Brian; Davey,
Adrian; Taylor, Ken. Camberra, University, 1999. 53p. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; natural heritage; conservation; natural sites; case studies; cultural
landscapes; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 14734. CALL NO: P.C. 64.

024711 - Paisajes culturales: reflexiones para su valoración en el marco de la gestión cultural Amores Carredano,
Fernando; Rodríguez-Bobada y Gil, Maria Carmen. Sevilla, IAPH; Granada, Comares, 2003. p. 76-107, illus.
(Cuadernos. XV) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscapes; legislation; legal protection; town and country planning;
ACCESSION NO: K-451. ISBN: 84-8266-389-5.

025146 - Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation. UNESCO. Paris, World Heritage Centre/UNESCO,
2003. p.138-141, illus. In: World Heritage 2002: Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility (same text in fre, eng).
Paysages culturels - les enjeux de la conservation. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes.
// UNESCO // Ferrara

025670 - Managing world heritage cultural landscapes and sacred sites. Rössler, Mechtild. Paris, UNESCO WHC,
2004. p.45-48, illus. (World Heritage Papers. 13) In: "Linking universal and local values : managing a sustainable
future for world heritage" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; sacred places; management; world heritage
convention; intangible heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14553-13.

025995 - Protecting the cultural landscape : national designation and local character. Fairclough, Graham. London,
Routledge, 1999. p.27-39. In: "Managing the historic rural landscape" (eng). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS:
historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; legislation; rural areas; historic monuments; management; UK.
ACCESSION NO: 13753. ISBN: 0-415-20790-8.

027145 - The Conservation of Built Landscape and the Maintenance of a Collective Architecture. Besio, Mariolina.
Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 41-42, illus. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on
vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscapes; national parks; conservation; architectural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027174 - Joint management : Kakadu National Park and its art sites. Domicelj, Joan. Hildesheim, City of
Hidelsheim, 1997. p.60-65, illus. p. 122-123. In: "International Symposium : World cultural heritage, a global
challenge. Hildesheim, Germany, 23/02 - 01/03 1997" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; management; national parks; cultural landscapes; aboriginal sites;
// Kakadu National Park, Australia (WHC 147 bis)

027176 - Kakadu National Park. Cooper, Victor. Hildesheim, City of Hidelsheim, 1997. p.67-70, illus. p. 122-123.
In: "International Symposium : World cultural heritage, a global challenge. Hildesheim, Germany, 23/02 - 01/03
1997" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; aboriginal sites; cultural landscapes; natural heritage;
wildlife; tourism management; management; Australia.
// Kakadu National Park, Australia (WHC 147 bis)

027512 - The preservation of Great Zimbabwe.Your monument, our shrine. Ndoro, Webber. Rome, ICCROM,
2005. 90p., illus. (ICCROM Conservation Studies. 4) (eng). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic monuments; archaeological heritage; world heritage list; conservation;
management; cultural landscapes; dry stone; Zimbabwe.
// Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe (WHC 364)
ACCESSION NO: 14644 (4). ISBN: 92-9077-199-2.

027557 - The sacred Mijikenda Kaya forest of coastal Kenya. Traditional conservation and management practices.
Githitho, Anthony. Rome, ICCROM, 2005. p. 60-67, illus. (ICCROM Conservation Studies. 2) In: "Traditional
conservation practices in Africa" (eng). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: forests; sacred places; cultural landscapes; conservation; management; intangible
heritage; huts; rituals; traditional techniques; Kenya.
// Mijikenda Kaya forest, Kenya
ACCESSION NO: 14644(2). CALL NO: A.T.598. ISBN: 92-9077-191-7.

028291 - The cultural landscape of the Shashe-Limpopo confluence zone: threats and challenges of preserving a
world heritage setting. Pikirayi, Innocent. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p.427-433. In: "Proceedings of
the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 1" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; archaeological heritage; conservation; local
communities; community participation; management; South Africa; Zimbabwe.
// Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape, Shashe-Limpopo (WHC 1099)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

028316 - Muskauer Park, Cultural World Heritage Site. Ringbeck, Birgitta. Bonn, Bundesamt für Naturschutz,
2005. p. 96-99, illus. (BfN-Skripten. 149) In: "World natural heritage and cultural landscapes in Europe: The
potential of Europe's World Natural Heritage" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; parks; historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; world heritage list;
landscape gardens; management; international cooperation; Poland; Germany.
// Muslauer Park/ Park Muzalowski, Germany/ Poland (WHC 1127)
ACCESSION NO: 14984. CALL NO: P.C. 076.

028414 - World Heritage- Linking Cultural and Biological Diversity. Rössler, Mechtild. New York, Cambridge
University Press, 2006. p. 201-205. In: "Art and cultural heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; cultural heritage; natural heritage; cultural landscapes;
biodiversity; sacred places; intangible heritage; management; cultural heritage at risk.
// The Cinque Terre, Italy // The Quadisha Valley (Lebanon) // Sukur Cultural Landscape (Nigeria) // The
Philippines Rice Terraces (Philippines)
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

028416 - Paris Down Under-World Heritage Impacts in Australia. Lennon, Jane J. New York, Cambridge University
Press, 2006. p. 210-215. In: "Art and cultural heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage convention; legislation; world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes;
management; cultural tourism; legislation; charters; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI. 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

028550 - Le site classé des Côtes de Beaune. Godet, Olivier. Paris, Association Nationale des Architectes des
Bâtiments de France, 2006. p. 28-29, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 41) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; cultural landscapes; legal protection; management plans; France.
// Côtes de Beaune, France
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

028930 - A paisagem cultural enquanto patrimonio e a sua adequada gestão. Mestre, Victor; Aleixo, Sofia. Lisboa,
Argumentum, 2005. p.180-183, illus. In: "Terra em Seminário" (por). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; earth architecture; interpretation; public awareness;
building techniques; Portugal.
// Herdade do Montinho, Beja, Portugal
ACCESSION NO: 15051. CALL NO: Br.C.122. ISSN: 972-8479-37-9.

029095 - Managing cultural landscapes : a case study of Stirling, Alberta. Buckle, Robert. Xi'an, World Publishing
Corporation, 2005. p. 550-558, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific
Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; inventories; conservation; Canada.
// Stirling, Alberta, Canada
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029131 - Spatial planning and sustainable development in Slovenia. Bratina Jurkovic, Natasa. Strasbourg, Council
of Europe, 2006. p. 49-55. (European Spatial Planning and Landscape. 74) In: "First meeting of the Workshops for
the implementation of the European Lanscape Convention" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; cultural landscapes; land use plans; protection of environment;
environmental impact statements; management; cultural policy; sustainable development; Slovenia.
ACCESSION NO: 15079. CALL NO: P.C. 078.

029170 - Ibero-Amérique et les itineraires culturels. Pernaut, Carlos. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p.
863-872, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (fre).
Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; Latin America; cultural landscapes; management; world heritage list;
Andean Region; intangible heritage.
// Qhapap Nan // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029179 - Cultural route and the heritage management challenge : the Klondike Gold Rush : a case study. Masson,
Guy. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 925-931, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General
Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; management; authenticity; integrity; Canada.
// Klondike Gold Rush
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029195 - The route of Santiago in Spain (Camino Frances) as WHS : its conservation and management. Martorell
Carreño, Alberto. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 1034-1044, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS
15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; historic monuments; world heritage list; conservation; management;
intangible heritage; historic towns; cultural landscapes; Spain.
// Camino de Santiago, Spain (WHC 669)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1

029316 - La colline royale d'Ambohimanga, paysage culturel et patrimoine immatériel. Le Berre, Michel. Paris,
ICOMOS France, 2006. p. 51-56, illus. (Les Cahiers de la Section Française de l'ICOMOS. 22) In: "Vivre dans un
grand site : le pari du développement durable" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; management; cultural tourism;
tourists; overvisiting; tourism management; intangible heritage; Madagascar.
// Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, Madagascar (WHC 950)
ACCESSION NO: 15190. CALL NO: To. 267-2.

029838 - Heritage management and tourism in the Obudu Castle Ranch and Sukur Kingdom, Nigeria. Okpoko, Pat
Uche; Okonkwo, Emeka. Washington, National Park Service, 2005. p.79-89, illus. (CRM: The Journal of Heritage
Stweardship . 2, 2) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation; management; natural heritage; forests; conservation areas; cultural
tourism; tourism management; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; traditional techniques; Nigeria.
// Sukur Cultural Landscape, Nigeria (WHC 938)
ACCESSION NO: K-308. ISSN: 1068-4999.

029943 - Mapungube National park. 'Reinstating national pride and identity'. Neluvhalani, Edgar Fulufhelo; Van
Lente, Bernard. Madrid, San Marcos, UNESCO, 2005. p. 22-29, illus., map. (World Heritage Review. 40) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; national parks; cultural landscapes; natural sites; conservation;
management; South Africa.
ACCESSION NO: K-382-b. ISSN: 1020-4202.

031188 - Heritage economics: challenges for heritage conservation and sustainable development in the 21st
Century. Canberra, 4 July 2000. Conserving cultural heritage values in natural areas: the Australian experience.
Lennon, Jane. Canberra, Australian Heritage Commision, 2001. p. 183-194. In: "Heritage economics: challenges
for heritage conservation and sustainable development in the 21st Century: Conference proceedings 2000" (eng).
Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; economic aspects; conservation economics; management; natural
heritage; national parks; cultural landscapes; Australia; monitoring.
ACCESSION NO: 15247. ISSN: 0-642-547-408.

031261 - Preservation and Maintenace for Cultural Landscape of Royal Tombs Area Pivoting on Seoul in the
Joseon Dynasty. Lee, Chang-Hwan. Seoul, ICOMOS-Korea, 2007. p. 97-111, illus. In: "2007 ICOMOS Asia and
the Pacific Regional Meeting : Heritage and metropolis in Asia and the Pacific" (eng). Incl.abstract and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: tombs; cultural landscapes; conservation; maintenance; management; conservation
policy; Korea R.
// Royal Tombs. Area, Seoul, Republic of Korea
ACCESSION NO: 15362. CALL NO: V.H.1470.

031711 - Cultural landscapes of the Pacific Islands. ICOMOS Thematic Study - December 2007. Smith, Anita;
Jones, Kevin L. Paris, ICOMOS, 2007. 131 p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; world heritage convention; world heritage list; case
studies; agriculture; horticulture; conservation; management; Pacific Islands.
ACCESSION NO: 15405. CALL NO: P.C. 087.

031727 - The conservation of cultural landscapes. Agnoletti, Mauro (ed;). Chathan, CABI, 2006. 267p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; environment; economic aspects; conservation of
natural heritage; conservation; Europe; USA; sustainable development.
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031729 - The development of historical and cultural evaluation approach in landscape assessment: the Dynamic of
Tuscan lanscape between. Agnoletti, M. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 3-29, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural
landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; development areas; sustainable development; management;
evaluations; Italy.
// Tuscany, Italy
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031734 - Long-term vegetation dynamics in Southern Scandinavia and their use in managing landscapes for
biodiversity. Bradshaw, R.H.W.; Mannon, G.E. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 94-107, illus. In: "The conservation of
cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; biodiversity; management; Scandinavia; Sweden; forests; natural
// Swedish Forest Meadows, Sweeden
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031735 - Mountain landscape, pastoral management and traditional practices in the Nortern Pyrenees (France).
Métailié, J.P. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 108-124, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; mountains; management; cultural diversity; France; development;
sustainable development.
// Northern Pyrenees, France
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031736 - Maintaining cultural and natural biodiversity in Europe's economic centre and periphery. Angelstam, P.
Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 125-143. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; biodiversity; management; preservation; Europe; economic aspects.
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031737 - Rethinking traditional preservation approaches for managing a forested cultural landscape: the case of
Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park's Mount Tom Forest. Diamant, R.; Marts, C.; Mitchell, N.
Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 144-156, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; national parks; management; preservation; historic landscapes;
USA; conservation; conservation of natural heritage.
// Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park's Mount Tom Forest, USA
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031742 - Cultural landscape management in Europe and Germany. Werzenegger, S.; Schenk, W. Chathan, CABI,
2006. p. 183-196. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; preservation; protection of natural heritage; Europe;
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031744 - Comparative international research on agricultural land-use history and forest management practices: the
Tuscan Estate of Castello di Spannocchia and Vermont's Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park. Latz,
G. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 227-241, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; USA; case studies; Italy; management; forests;
conservation of natural heritage.
// Vermont's Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller Nartional Historical Park, USA // Castello di Spannocchia, Tuscany, Italy
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031763 - Perspektiven des Welterbes / Constructing World Heritage. Albert, Marie-Theres (ed.); Gauer-Lietz,
Sieglinde (ed.). Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. 276 p. (same text in eng, ger). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world heritage convention; management; education; cultural
identity; intangible heritage; cultural diversity; cultural landscapes; mobility; cultural tourism; world heritage list;
historic towns; Germany.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031845 - World heritage cultural landscape: A global perspective. Rössler, Mechtild. Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. p. 142-
152. In: "Perspektiven des Welterbes / Constructing World Heritage" (same text in eng, ger). Welterbe
kulturlandschanften: eine globale perspektive. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; management; conservation; case studies;
world heritage list.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031846 - Participation and perception in the cultural landscape. Howard, Peter. Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. p. 153-162.
In: "Perspektiven des Welterbes / Constructing World Heritage" (same text in eng, ger). Partizipation und
wahrnehmung in kulturlandschaften. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; conservation; community participation.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031847 - Botanic gardens as exemplary cultural landscapes. Heyd, Thomas. Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. p. 163-171. In:
"Perspektiven des Welterbes / Constructing World Heritage" (same text in eng, ger). Botanische Gärten als
exemplarische kulturlandschaften. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; definitions; historic gardens; botanical gardens.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031848 - A plea for the protection of industrial cultural landscapes. Meyer, Torsten. Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. p. 172-
179. In: "Perspektiven des Welterbes / Constructing World Heritage" (same text in eng, ger). Plädoyer für den
Schurtz von industriekulturlandschaften. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; industrial landscape; management; conservation.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031849 - The New Lusatia - A contribution of Vattenfall Europe to a changing landscape due to lignite mining.
Wüstenhagen, Doris; Dähnert, Detlev. Frankfurt, IKO, 2006. p. 180-187. In: "Perspektiven des Welterbes /
Constructing World Heritage" (same text in eng, ger). Neue Lausitz - Ein beitrag von Vattenfall europe
zumlandschaftswandel durch Braunkohlengewinnung. ger. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; industrial landscape; management; conservation; Germany; mines.
// UNESCO // Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus
ACCESSION NO: 15413. ISBN: 3-88939-795-6.

031902 - Heritage and identity: A case of Local ommunity connections with historic relics of an Angkorean Past.
Kasiannan, Senthilpavai. Melbourne, ICOMOS Australia, 2007. 11 p. In: "ICOMOS 2007 Extreme Heritage:
Conference handbook" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural identity; management; archaeological remains; archaeology; cultural landscapes;
tourism; cultural heritage; local communities; Cambodia.
// Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia
ACCESSION NO: 15433. CALL NO: CC. 005.

031913 - Chief Roi Mata's Domain: Challenges facing a world heritage - nominated property in Vanuatu. Wilson,
Meredith; Ballard, Chris; Kalotiti, Douglas. Melbourne, ICOMOS Australia, 2007. 10 p. In: "ICOMOS 2007
Extreme Heritage: Conference handbook" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; economic aspects; cultural landscapes; management; aboriginal
cultures; Vanuatu.
ACCESSION NO: 15433. CALL NO: CC. 005.

031914 - Postcards from the Edge. Broderick, Kathleen; Ferguson, Kathryn. Melbourne, ICOMOS Australia, 2007.
17 p. In: "ICOMOS 2007 Extreme Heritage: Conference handbook" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural landscape; pollution; environment; conservation; preservation; coral; cultural
landscapes; management; coastal protection; Australia.
// Great Barrier Reef, Australia
ACCESSION NO: 15433. CALL NO: CC. 005.

031915 - Reading and riding the waves: the sea as a known universe in Torres Strait. Fuary, Maureen. Melbourne,
ICOMOS Australia, 2007. 17 p. In: "ICOMOS 2007 Extreme Heritage: Conference handbook" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural landscape; coastal protection; environment; conservation; preservation; coral;
cultural landscapes; management; Papua New Guinea; Australia.
// Torres Strait, Australia // Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea
ACCESSION NO: 15433. CALL NO: CC. 005.

031916 - Sites and portals on a watery coast: heritage sites as places where past, present and future collide.
Greer, Shelley. Melbourne, ICOMOS Australia, 2007. 11 p. In: "ICOMOS 2007 Extreme Heritage: Conference
handbook" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural landscape; conservation; preservation; cultural landscapes; management;
archaeology; aboriginal cultures; intangible heritage; ethnography; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 15433. CALL NO: CC. 005.

031927 - Quelle demande en matière de paysage? Benhis, Isabelle; Lyon-Caen, Jean François; Belmont, Yves;
Daniel-Lacombe, Eric; Gros, Serge; Anthoine, Rachel; Derouineau, Catherine; Faye, Jacques; Biffraud, Serge;
Speissmann, Christian; Novarina, Gilles. Clamecy, Direction de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine de France, 2006. p.
108-181, vol. 2. In: Enseigner le paysage: Les enseignements du paysage dans les ecoles d'architecture et les
ecoles de paysage (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; town planning; theory; sustainable development;
ACCESSION NO: P.C.089. CALL NO: 15435. ISSN: 2-912261-26-0.

032104 - Een verleden landschap? Erfgoedzorg vandaag en morgen, nieuwe uitdagingen. Capenberghs, Joris
(ed.); De Dijn, Clemens Guido (ed.); Laenen, Marc (ed.). Hasselt, Provincie Limburg, 2006. 143 p., illus. (fle). Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscapes; conservation; management; management plans;
ACCESSION NO: 15480. CALL NO: PC. 090.

032126 - From Caracas to Montreal and beyond. Lucas, P.H.C. (Bing). Newbury, IUCN, 1997. p. 15-26, illus.
(Parks: The International Journal for Protected Area Managers. 7, 2) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage; natural heritage; world heritage convention; world heritage list; natural
sites; protected areas; national parks; cultural landscapes; international cooperation; monitoring; management.
ACCESSION NO: 15490. ISSN: 0960-233X.

032877 - Cultural landscape of Buenos Aires: The river, the pampa and the inmigration. Gobierno de la Ciudad de
Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2007. 416 p., illus., plans. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: nomination forms; cultural landscapes; historic towns; urban areas; world heritage
convention; world cultural heritage; criteria; legal protection; management plans; conservation; monitoring;
// Cultural landscape of Buenos Aires, Argentina
ACCESSION NO: 15626. CALL NO: P.C.094. ISBN: 978-987-1037-64-3.

033338 - Between a rock and a data base: a cultural site management system for the rock paintings of Uluru,
Central Australia. Ogleby, C.L.; MacLaren, G.; Starkey, M. Instanbul, CIPA, 2003. p. 187-190, illus. In:
"Proceedings of the XIXth International Symposium CIPA 2003. New perspectives to save cultural heritage,
Antalya, Turkey, 30 September - 4 October, 2003" (eng). Incl. abstract and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation; management; photographs; rock art; rock paintings; documentation;
cultural landscapes; software; photogrammetry; world heritage list; Australia.
// Uluru, Kata Tjuto, Australia (WHC 447 rev.)
ACCESSION NO: 14875. CALL NO: Ph. 253. ISBN: 975-561-245-9.

033805 - Scientific Seminar on 2 Decades of ICOMOS Thailand: Cultural heritage conservation towards Thailand
Charter on Conservation. Thailand, 25-26 November 2005. Proceedings Scientific Seminar on '2 Decades of
ICOMOS Thailand: Cultural heritage conservation towards Thailand Charter on Conservation' and ICOMOS
Thailand Annual Meeting 2005, 25-26 November 2005. ICOMOS Thailand. Bangkok, ICOMOS Thailand, [2005].
313 p., illus. (same text in eng, tha).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of cultural heritage; conservation of historic monuments; management;
charters; Venice Charter; setting; cultural landscapes; vernacular architecture; Thailand.
// Thailand Charter on Cultural Heritage Conservation
ACCESSION NO: 15719(2). ISBN: 974-9985-40-0.

033932 - Considering the authenticity of cultural landscapes. Mitchel, Nora. Albany, APTI, 2008. p. 25-31, illus.
(APT Bulletin. XXXIX, 2-3) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; conservation; management;
sustainable development; concepts.
ACCESSION NO: K-024. ISSN: 0044-9466.

034265 - Conferenza Nazionale. 5th. Firenze, 15-16 December 2007. I siti italiani iscritti nella Lista del Patrimonio
Mondiale UNESCO. Tutela e conservazione dei beni culturali e naturali e del paesaggio. Atti della V Conferenza
Nazionale. Guido, Manuel Roberto (ed.); Palombi, Maria Rosaria (ed.). Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
[Firenze], Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, 2008. 193 p., illus. (ita).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world cultural heritage; world heritage list; world heritage convention; conservation;
management; cultural landscapes; historic town centres; town planning; landscapes; natural heritage; Italy.



016672 - Sacred groves in Ghana. Amoako-Atta, Boakye. Jena; Stuttgart ; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 80-95.
(Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural heritage; aboriginal cultures; sacred places; intangible
heritage; conservation policy; Ghana.
// UNESCO // The Cooperative Integrated Project on Savanna Ecosystens in Ghana (IPSEG)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016673 - Cultural landscapes: Maraboutic sites in Morocco. Verdugo, Dominique; Kadiri Fakir, Jalila. Jena;
Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 96-105. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; religious architecture; natural heritage; Morocco.
// Maraboutic sites, Morocco
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016936 - The World Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes in Africa. Tiwi, Kenya, 1999. Rössler, Mechtild;
Saouma-Forero, Galia. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p139, illus. (same text in eng, fre). La Convention du Patrimoine
Mondial et les paysages culturels en Afrique. fre. Regional Thematic expert meeting on cultural landscapes in
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; recommendations; Africa.
// UNESCO // World Heritage Convention
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 10. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

016966 - The implementation of the World Heritage Cultural Landscapes Categories. Rossler, Mechtild. Paris,
UNESCO, 2000. p. 7-15. In: "The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (eng). La
categorie des paysages culturels dans le cadre de la convention du patrimoine mondial. fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; concepts; definitions.
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

016968 - Legal aspects of cultural landscape protection in Africa. Mumma, Albert. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p. 30-34.
(same text in eng, fre). Aspects juridiques de la protection des paysages culturels d'Afrique. fre. In: "The World
Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes in Africa"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; legal protection; legislation; management; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

016969 - Cultural landscapes in Africa: an overview. Munjeri, Dawson. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p. 35-43. (eng).
Revue des paysages culturels en Afrique. fre. In: "The World Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes in
Africa"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; local communities; management; authenticity; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

016970 - La genèse des paysages culturels africains. Le Berre, Michel. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p. 44-58. (fre).
Genesis of African cultural landscapes, ng. In: "The World Heritage Convention and cultural landscapes in Africa";
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; cultural routes; agriculture; fossils; Africa. SECONDARY
KEYWORDS: case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017089 - Introduction to the visits of selected Kaya forests. Abungu, George; Githitho, Anthony. Paris, UNESCO,
2000. p.60-63. In: "The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (eng). Introduction aux
visites des forêts sélectionnées de Kaya. fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; forests; sacred places; aboriginal sites; aboriginal cultures; intangible
heritage; conservation; Kenya.
// Kaya Forest, Kenya
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017093 - The salt gardens of Kibiro. Kamuhangerie, Ephraïm. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p.79-86. In: "The World
heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (eng). les jardins de sel. fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; gardens; saltworks; Uganda.
// Kibiro, Uganda
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017095 - La route du sel. Bida, Ali. Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p.93-96. In: "The World heritage Convention and
Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (fre). The salt route. eng. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; salts; Niger.
// The salt route, Niger
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017096 - Konso-Gardula : an archaeological site and cultural landscape witness of a living culture. Beyene, Yonas.
Paris, UNESCO, 2000. p. 97-102. In: "The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (eng).
Konso-Gardula, site archéologique et paysage culturel témoin d'une culture vivante . fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological sites; cultural landscapes; local communities; Ethiopia.
// Kongo-gardula, Ethiopia
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017097 - Synthesis report of the expert meeting on African cultural landscapes. UNESCO. Paris, UNESCO, 2000.
p.107-137. In: "The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (same text in fre, eng). Rapport
synthétique de la réunion d'experts sur les paysages culturels africains. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; recommendations; case studies; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C. 010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

017984 - Authenticity and integrity in an African context. Expert meeting. Great Zimbabwe, May 2000. Saouma-
Forero, Galia, ed. Paris, UNESCO, 2001. 204 p. (various texts in eng, fre). Authenticité et intégrité dans un
contexte africain. fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; authenticity; integrity; world heritage convention; world heritage list;
world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; intangible heritage ; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 14030. ISBN: 2-906901-29-6.

018703 - Places of cultural memory: African reflections on the American landscape. Atlanta, Georgia, May 9-12,
2001. National Park Service. Washington, NPS, 2001. 152 p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural identity; cultural landscapes; customs and traditions; case studies; Africa;

021422 - Cultural landscapes and the nature - culture links in Africa. Thiaw, Ibrahim. Porto-Novo, UNESCO, 1998.
p. 85-88. (same text in eng, fre). Paysages culturels et liens nature - culture en Afrique. fre. In: "African Cultural
Heritage and the World Heritage Convention".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 13342(4). ISSN: 99919-900-0-3.

022063 - Smart partnerships: cultural landscape issues in Africa. Munjeri, Dawson. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003.
p.134-143, illus. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation" ; Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022067 - Legal aspects of cultural landscape protection in Africa. Mumma, Albert. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003.
p.156-157. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; legal protection; Africa.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

024950 - Idas Valley as an example of the cultural landscape of the cape Winelands (South Africa). Pistorius,
Penny; Todeschini, Fabio. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.67-71, illus.,plans. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; South Africa.
// Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, South Africa
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

026629 - Cultural shifting-sands: changing meanings of Zimbabwe sites in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Botswana.
Sinamai, Ashton. [Paris], [ICOMOS], [2005]. p.399-401. In: "ICOMOS Scientific Symposium: Place-memory-
meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites" (eng). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; management; intangible heritage; cultural landscapes; South Africa;
Botswana; Zimbabwe.
// Great Zimbabwe and Manyanga, Zimbabwe // Domboshaba, Botswana // Dzata, South Africa
ACCESSION NO: 14852. URL: - Sinamai.pdf.

027156 - Guinea, cultural landscapes related to slavery. Soumah, Abou; Kourouma, Sékou Kobani. Rome, Africa
2009, 2004. p. 14, illus. (Africa 2009 Newsletter. 4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; slaves; slave route.

027552 - The cultural landscape of Tongo-Tenzuk. Traditional conservation practices. Kanpeyeng, Benjamin
Warinsie. Rome, ICCROM, 2005. p. 14-21, illus. (ICCROM Conservation Studies. 2) In: "Traditional conservation
practices in Africa" (eng). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; shrines; caves; building techniques; adobe; building materials;
conservation; traditional techniques; legal protection; Ghana.
// Tongo-Tenzuk, Ghana
ACCESSION NO: 14644(2). CALL NO: A.T.598. ISBN: 92-9077-191-7.

The Americas

011122 - La Montagne en question. Groupe d'intervention urbaine de Montréal. Montréal, Groupe d'Intervention
urbaine de Montréal, 1988. 2 v. (I, 111 p.; II, 77 p.) , illus., figs., plans, 43 cm. (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: green spaces; natural landscape; natural heritage; natural parks; cultural landscapes;
landscaping; urban development; town and country planning; enhancement; rehabilitation; Canada.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: redesigning projects; landscape architecture; case studies; demographic surveys.
// Law Olmsted, Frederick- town planner // Mont Royal, Montréal (Canada)
ACCESSION NO: 9872. ISBN: 2-920641-10-7.

016683 - Cultural landscapes in Honduras: the Mosquitia. Chalukian, Silvia C.; Bentley, Jeffrey W. Jena; Stuttgart;
New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 202-209. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural sites; aboriginal sites; world heritage list; Honduras. // Rio
Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras (WHC 196)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016684 - Cultural landscapes in the United States Mitchell, Nova J. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995.
p. 234-251, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; definitions; authenticity; USA.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: case studies. // UNESCO // ICOMOS // Mesa Verde, USA (WHC 27) // Chaco
Culture National Historical Park, USA (WHC 353) // Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, USA (WHC 198)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016685 - Cultural landscapes of North America: an overview of status in the United States and Canada. O'Donnell,
Patricia M. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 210-233, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value:
components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; legislation; USA; Canada.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016688 - Cultural landscapes in Canada. Buggey, Susan. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 252-269,
illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Canada.// ICOMOS // UNESCO // World Heritage Convention
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

018703 - Places of cultural memory: African reflections on the American landscape. Atlanta, Georgia, May 9-12,
2001. National Park Service. Washington, NPS, 2001. 152 p., illus. (eng). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS:
cultural identity; cultural landscapes; customs and traditions; case studies; Africa; America.

019122 - Regional Thematic Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Central America. San José, Costa Rica, 26-29
September 2000. Report of the Regional Thematic Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Central America. UNESCO.
21p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; case studies; Central America.
ACCESSION NO: 14178. CALL NO: P.C. 036.

019125 - Regional Thematic Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in The Andes. Arequipa/Chiray, Perú, 17-28
May 1998. Report of the Regional Thematic Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in The Andes. UNESCO. 16p. (eng).
Incl. annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; case studies // The Andes
ACCESSION NO: 14175. CALL NO: P.C. 033.

019455 - Authenticity and heritage diversity: archaeological sites and cultural landscapes in the Andean countries.
Mujica, Elías. Trondheim, Tapir Publisher, 1995. p. 233-250. (eng). In: "Nara conference on authenticity in relation
to the World Heritage Convention. Proceedings"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; world heritage convention; archaeological sites; cultural landscapes; world
heritage list; monitoring; Peru.
ACCESSION NO: 13174. ISBN: 82-519-1416-7.

019476 - Evaluating authenticity of cultural landscapes: a perspective from the U.S. Mitchell, Nora J. Trondheim,
Tapir Publisher, 1995. p. 375-381. (eng). In: "Nara conference on authenticity in relation to the World Heritage
Convention. Proceedings"; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; cultural landscapes; definitions; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 13174. ISBN: 82-519-1416-7.

019715 - Treatment of cultural landscapes in the United States. Birnbaum, Charles A. Washington, The World
Bank, 2001. p. 218-230, illus. (eng). In: "Historic cities and sacred sites. Cultural roots for urban futures".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; rehabilitation; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 14241. ISBN: 0-8213-4904-X.

020008 - Paisajes culturales en los Andes: Reunión de expertos. Arequipa y Chivay, Perú, 1998. Paisajes
culturales en los Andes: Memoria narrativa, casos de estudio, conclusiones y recomendaciones de la reunión de
expertos. Arequipa y Chivay, Perú, mayo de 1998. Mujica Barreda, Elías (ed.). San Borja, UNESCO, 2002. 244 p.,
illus. (spa). Incl. annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; case studies; South America; Andean
// Los Andes, South America
ACCESSION NO: 14334. CALL NO: P.C. 44. ISBN: 9972-841-01-4.

020521 - Reunión temática de trabajo "Paisajes culturales del cono sur". Buenos Aires, 19-20 July 1999. Paisajes
culturales: un enfoque para la salvaguarda del patrimonio. Centro Internacional para la Conservación del
Patrimonio. Argentina. Buenos Aires, UNESCO, CICOP, 1999. 167 p., illus. (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; case studies; South America.
ACCESSION NO: 14389. CALL NO: P.C. 48.

020585 - Reunión de expertos sobre los paisajes culturales en Mesoamérica. San José, Costa Rica, 2000.
Paisajes culturales en Mesoamérica: memoria. Rios, Mayra (ed.). Centro Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. San
José, Costa Rica, UNESCO, 2002. 203 p., illus. (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Central America; Belize; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico;

021388 - Paisajes culturales en el contexto de America Latina y el Cambe: Conceptos, tipologías, casos
implicancias y retos. Mujica B., Elias. San José, UNESCO, 2002. p. 23-42. (spa). In: "Paisajes culturales en
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; Latin America; Caribbean; case studies.
// Chuao, Venezuela // "Ciudad Perdida" and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia // Atiquipa, Peru // Parque
Nacional Sajama, Bolivia // Oasis de San Pedro de Alcantara, Chile // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (Whc
ACCESSION NO: 14391. CALL NO: P.C. 49. ISBN: 9968-9424-1-3.

022056 - Cultural landscapes and the challenges of conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean Mujica, Elias
J. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.82-88, illus. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the
challenges of conservation"
Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; Latin America; Caribbean; case studies.
// Chuao, Venezuela // Ciudad Perdida and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia // Colca Valley, Peru //
Antiquipa, Peru // Sajama National Park, Bolivia
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022059 - Use and management of cultural landscapes in Mexico. Alcántara Onofre, Saúl. Paris, UNESCO WHC,
2003. p.89-91. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; Mexico.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022060 - Cultural landscape management challenges and promising new directions in the United States and
Canada. Buggey, Susan; Mitchell, Nora. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.92-100, illus. (World Heritage Papers. 7)
(eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; intangible heritage; community participation; USA; Canada.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022061 - Cultural landscape conservation experiences in Canada. Olivier, Meryl. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003.
p.101-103. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Canada.
// Montreal Declaration May 13, 1993-Cultural Landscapes Colloquium
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022076 - Worshipping the sacred in nature and culture protected landscapes of The Andes. Sarmiento, Fausto.
Tokyo, UNESCO WHC, 2001. p. 63-66. (eng). In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on Asia-Pacific sacred
mountains. Final report" ; Incl. abstract in english and bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; cultural landscapes; Andean region.
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

022143 - Agricultural landscapes as world heritage: Raised field agriculture in Bolivia and Peru. Erickson, Clark L.
Los Angeles, GCI, 2003. p.181-204, illus. (eng). In: "Managing change: sustainable approaches to the
conservation of the built environment. 4th US/ICOMOS international symposium, April 2001" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; agriculture; world cultural heritage; Bolivia; Peru
ACCESSION NO: 14600. ISBN: 0-89236-692-3.

024976 - Reflexión sobre la categoría de paisaje cultural en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de las Américas.
Contribución para un debate. Amendoeira, Ana Paula. Mexico, CONACULTA-INAH, 2004. p.77-80, illus.
(Monuments and sites. IX) In: "La representatividad en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial: Memorias. Santiago de
Querétaro, Mexico, Diciembre 12-16, 2003" (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; America.

028841 - Paisajes culturales en el contexto de América Latina y el Caribe, nuevos conceptos, nuevos retos y
nueva posibilidades. Mujica, Elías. [Caracas], IPC, 2001. 33 p. (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; concepts; Latin America; Caribbean.
ACCESSION NO: 14987. CALL NO: P.C. 082.

029170 - Ibero-Amérique et les itineraires culturels. Pernaut, Carlos. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p.
863-872, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (fre).
Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; Latin America; cultural landscapes; management; world heritage list;
Andean Region; intangible heritage.
// Qhapap Nan // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

031625 - Authenticity in world heritage cultural landscapes: continuity and change. Denyer, Susan. s.l., ICOMOS,
2007. p. 57-60, illus. (Monuments and Sites. XIII) In: "Nuevas miradas sobre la autenticidad e integridad en el
Patrimonio Mundial de las Américas" (eng). Incl. abst.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes; conservation.


016673 - Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Taishan, outstanding cultural landscapes in China. Yang, Ying. Jena; Stuttgart;
New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 114-127, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; natural heritage; China.
// Mont Taishan, China (WHC 437) // Mont Huangshan, China (WHC 547)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016676 - Cultural landscapes of Angkor region, Cambodia. A case study of planning for a world heritage site: the
Zoning and Environmental Management Plan for Angkor (ZEMP). Wager, Jonathan.
Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 139-153, plans. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value:
components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; protection of cultural heritage; management
plans; environmental planning; Cambodia.
// Zoning and Environmental Management Planning Project (ZEMP) // Angkor, Cambodia (WHC 668)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016677 - Changing cultural landscapes in Japan. Nagagoshi, Nobukazu. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer,
1995. p. 128-38, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; farmhouses; forests; Japan.
// Minamikata, Japan // Shimokamagari, Japan // Hiwa, Japan
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016678 - The cultural landscape of Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. Caspary, Hans. Jena; Stuttgart; New York,
G. Fischer, 1995. p. 154-160. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; national parks; Nepal.
// Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal (WHC 120)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016860 - Mont Wuyi. 64 slides: col. (same text in chi, eng). From WHC 911 listed in 1999. 4 pages typescript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural sites; cultural landscapes; vegetation; animals; China.
// Mont Wuyi, China (WHC 911)
CALL NO: CH.WUY.18:1-64 (WHC 911).

018696 - Culture and landscapes of Western Fujian. 2000. 56 p., illus. (same text in eng, chi).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural heritage; earth architecture; mountains; China.
// Western Fujian, China
ACCESSION NO: 14094. CALL NO: P.C. 029. ISBN: 7-80597-313-X.

019118 - UNESCO Thematic Expert Meeting on Asia- Pacific Sacred Mountains. Wakayama City,
Japan, 5-10 September 2001. Final report. UNESCO World Heritage Centre; Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan;
Wakayama Prefectural Government. Tokyo, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2001. 310 p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; intangible heritage; sacred places; mountains; world cultural
heritage; management; recommendations; Asia; Pacific Islands.
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 037.

021162 - Report on the ARC China Sacred Mountains Project. January-October 1996. Covering: Initial visits to
seven selected sacred mountains and detailed surveys on Hua Shan and Qingcheng Shan. Oswald, Philip; Min,
Zhao Xiao; Palmer, Martin; Halbertsma, Tjalling. ARC China Rerearch Team.
1996. 28 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; mountains; protection of environment; cultural landscapes; China.
ACCESSION NO: 14476. CALL NO: P.C. 050.

022062 - Conservation of cultural landscapes in Asia and the Pacific Region. Terraced rice fields and sacred
mountains. Motonaka, Makoto. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.127-133, illus. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In:
"Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation; Asia; sacred places; Pacific Islands.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022080 - Sacred/cultural landscapes in the Indian Himalaya. Ramakrishnan, P.S. Tokyo, UNESCO WHC, 2001. p.
129-146, illus. In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on Asia-Pacific sacred mountains. Final report" (eng). Incl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sacred places; India.
// Himalaya, India
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

030138 - Towards the prepation of the Hoi An Protocols for best conservation practice in Asia. Professional
guidelines for assuring and preserving the authenticity of heritage sites in the context of the cultures of Asia.
UNESCO. Bangkok, UNESCO, 2003. 23 p. (eng). Draft November 2003.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation; authenticity; world heritage list; world cultural heritage; international
conventions; international cooperation; cultural landscapes; international declarations; archaeological sites; historic
towns; historic monuments; consolidation; professional standards; guidelines; Asia.
// Conserving the past- An Asian perspective of authenticity in the consolidation, restoration and reconstruction of
historic monuments and sites. Hoi An, IS February- 3 March 2001 // Hoi An Protocols

032683 - Genius of the place: (Re) presenting cultural landscapes, World Heritage Listing and intangible values.
Making spaces into places in Asia. Taylor, Ken; Altenburg, Kirsty. [Siem Reap], [Centre for Khmer Studies], 2005.
12 p. (eng). Incl. bibl.
Angkor, Cambodia (WHC 668).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; world heritage convention; world cultural heritage;
authenticity; intangible heritage; case studies; Asia.
// Contemporary research // Bagan, Myanmar // Borobudur, Indonesia (WHC 592)
ACCESSION NO: 15610. CALL NO: P.C.043.

033269 - International Experts Meeting. 4th. Borobudur, 4-8July 2003. Historical landscape planning. Taylor, Ken.
[s.l.], [s.d.], 2003. 13 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; planning; intangible heritage; case studies;
// Borobudur, Indonesia
ACCESSION NO: 15068. CALL NO: P.C.092.

016677 - Outstanding cultural landscapes in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific: the footprint of man in
wilderness. Bridgewater, Peter; Hooy, Theo. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 162-169, illus.
(Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; Pacific cultures; wildlife; national parks; natural
sites; Australia; New Zealand.
// Kakadu National Park, Australia (WHC 147) // Willandra Lakes Region, Australia (WHC 167) // Tasmanian
Wilderuen, Australia (WHC 181 rev) // Uluni-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447 rev)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016679 - Uluru: an outstanding australian aboriginal cultural landscape. Layton, Robert; Titchen, Sarah. Jena;
Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 174-181. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a
global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; national parks; sacred places; aboriginal sites;
aboriginal cultures; Australia.
// Muru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia (WHC 447 rev)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016680 - Australian colonial landscapes. Taylor, Ken. Jena; Stuttgart; New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 182-199.
(Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; 19th; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

019591 - Case study of the cultural landscapes of the Central Victorian Goldfields. Lennon, Jane. Canberra,
Environment Australia, 1997. 53 p., illus., maps, plans. (Australia: State of the environment technical paper series.
Natural and cultural heritage) (eng). Incl. bibl. and annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Australia.
// Central Victorian Goldfields, Australia
ACCESSION NO: 14303. CALL NO: P.C. 42. ISBN: 0-642-25290-4.

021606 - Australia ICOMOS Workshop. Canberra, 1995. Indigenous cultural Landscapes and World Heritage
Listing. Draft. Australian Heritage Commission; Australia ICOMOS. Victoria, Australian Heritage Commission,
1995. 200 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list; aboriginal sites; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

021609 - Arafura Wetlands and surrounds: the search for the meaning(s) of "cultural landscape". White, Neville.
Victoria, Australian Heritage Commission, 1995. p. 81-100, maps. In: "Indigenous cultural landscapes and world
heritage listing" (eng). Incl. Bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; wetlands; Australia.
// Arafura Wetlands, Australia
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

021610 - Storied Landscapes: the long-distance exchange network as cultural landscape. McBryde, Isabel.
Victoria, Australian Heritage Commission, 1995. p. 101-111, maps. In: "Indigenous cultural landscapes and world
heritage listing" (eng). Incl. Bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; aboriginal cultures; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 14497. CALL NO: P.C. 51.

021936 - The cultural landscapes of aboriginal long distance exchange systems: can they be confined within our
heritage registers? McBryde, Isabel. Kingston, Australia ICOMOS, 1997. p. 6-14, maps. (Historic Environment. 13,
3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; aboriginal cultures; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

021942 - Wingecarribee Shire heritage study and the thematic history. Jack, R. Ian. Kingston, Australia ICOMOS,
1997. p. 36-41. (Historic Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; industrial heritage; Australia.
// Bong Bong, Australia
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

021944 - Identifying, assessing, conserving and managing elements of a cultural landscape: a case study of the
Alstonville Plateau,north-eastern New South Wales. Gardiner, Jane; Knox, Stephanie. Kingston, Australia
ICOMOS, 1997. p. 45-53, illus. (Historic Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; Australia.
// Alstonville Plateau,NSW, Australia
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

021946 - Community values in cultural landscape decision making: developing recommendations for ensuring
planning processes include differing expectations of communities of interest. Kaufman, Pamela. Kingston, Australia
ICOMOS, 1997. p. 57-62. (Historic Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; community participation; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

023596 - Preserving historic trails. Brown, Margie Coffin. Australia, ICOMOS, 2003. p. 37-40, illus. (Historic
Environment. 17,2) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: corridors; cultural landscapes; mountains; Australia.
// Acadia National Park, Australia
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

023903 - Conserving the cultural values of natural areas: a discussion paper. Lennon, Jane; Egloff, Brian; Davey,
Adrian; Taylor, Ken. Camberra, University, 1999. 53p. (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; natural heritage; conservation; natural sites; case studies; cultural
landscapes; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 14734. CALL NO: P.C. 64.

028416 - Paris Down Under-World Heritage Impacts in Australia. Lennon, Jane J. New York, Cambridge University
Press, 2006. p. 210-215. In: "Art and cultural heritage: law, policy and practice" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage convention; legislation; world cultural heritage; cultural landscapes;
management; cultural tourism; legislation; charters; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 15005. CALL NO: LOI. 138. ISBN: 0-521-85764-3.

031188 - Heritage economics: challenges for heritage conservation and sustainable development in the 21st
Century. Canberra, 4 July 2000. Conserving cultural heritage values in natural areas: the Australian experience.
Lennon, Jane. Canberra, Australian Heritage Commision, 2001. p. 183-194. In: "Heritage economics: challenges
for heritage conservation and sustainable development in the 21st Century: Conference proceedings 2000" (eng).
Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; economic aspects; conservation economics; management; natural
heritage; national parks; cultural landscapes; Australia; monitoring.
ACCESSION NO: 15247. ISSN: 0-642-547-408.

031916 - Sites and portals on a watery coast: heritage sites as places where past, present and future collide.
Greer, Shelley. Melbourne, ICOMOS Australia, 2007. 11 p. In: "ICOMOS 2007 Extreme Heritage: Conference
handbook" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural landscape; conservation; preservation; cultural landscapes; management;
archaeology; aboriginal cultures; intangible heritage; ethnography; Australia.
ACCESSION NO: 15433. CALL NO: CC. 005.

014178 - ICOMOS UK seminar on cultural landscapes. London, 1994. Recent work in England countryside
commission. Lloyd, Richard. ICOMOS UK. London, ICOMOS UK, 1994. p. 17-23. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; administrative structures; descriptions; Europe; UK.
SECONDARY KEYWORDS: evaluations; regional level; pilot projects; data bases; programmes.
ACCESSION NO: 12882. CALL NO: P.C. 013. (Nongovernmental international organization).

016345 - Sustaining the cultural heritage of Europe. London, 1998 Sustaining the traditions of European Rural Life
through heritage tourism. Achieving the balanced development of tourism. Increasing public awareness and
community benefit. Dower, Michael, Prof. London, ICOMOS UK, 1998. p. 67-72, illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural tourism; rural areas; customs and traditions; cultural landscapes; Europe.
// European Council for the Village and Small Town (ECOVAST)
ACCESSION NO: 13703. ISBN: 0 9517677 9 8.

016549 - The Benetton Foundation: the landscape supervision scheme. Europa Nostra. La Haye, Europa Nostra,
2000. p. 44-45, illus. (Europa Nostra. 2, 2000) (eng). La Fondation Benetton: le programme de supervision des
paysages. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscaping; Europe.
// Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Italy // Fresneda, Escorial, Spain // Dessau-Wörlitzer Gartenreich,
Germany // Cerco do Mosteiro de Tibães, Portugal // Cave di Cusa, Italy // Sissinghurst, UK // Premio
Internazionale Carlo Scarpa per il Giardino

016626 - Le projet de Convention européenne du paysage. Priore, Riccardo. Wien, Verlag Berger, 1999. p. 33-38.
In: Monument-site-cultural landscape exemplified by the wachau (fre). The Project of the European Landscape
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; international conventions; Europe.
// Conseil de l'Europe // ICOMOS // ECOVAST // UNESCO // Europa Nostra // UNESCO World Heritage
Convention, 1972
ACCESSION NO: 13789. CALL NO: P.C. 002.

016684 - Cultural landscapes in Europe: a geographical perspective. Aitchison, John. Jena; Stuttgart; New York,
G. Fischer, 1995. p. 272-288, maps. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global strategy)
(eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; geography; definitions; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

017512 - Convención Europea del Paisaje. Council of Europe, France. Sevilla, IAPH, 2000. p. 6-9. (Boletin del
Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico : PH. 33, 2000 december) (spa).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscaping; cultural landscapes; international conventions; Europe.
// European landscape convention

019122 - Regional Thematic Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Eastern Europe. Bialystok, Poland, 29
September - 3 October 1999. Report of the Regional Thematic Expert Meeting on Cultural Landscapes in Eastern
Europe. UNESCO. 19p. (eng). Incl. annexes.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; case studies; legal aspects; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 14176. CALL NO: P.C. 034.

019431 - Cultural landscapes in Europe. A geographical perspective. Aitchison, John. 1993. 15 p., maps. (eng).
Incl. bibl.; Paper presented at the International Expert Meeting, Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve, Germany,
October 1993.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; concepts; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 14257. CALL NO: P.C. 41.

020523 - Jardines históricos y paisajes culturales: nuestro patrimonio ambiental. La experiencia de Europa del
Norte. Jong, Robert de. Buenos Aires, ICOMOS, 2001. 14 p. In: "Seminario Internacional: Los jardines históricos -
aproximación multidisciplinaria" (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic gardens; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 14379. CALL NO: J.H. 294.

022066 - Legal provisions for cultural landscape protection in Europe. Prieur, Michel. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003.
p.150-155. (World Heritage Papers. 7) In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; legal protection; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

022131 - Cultural landscape, sustainability and living with change? Fairclough, Graham. Los Angeles, GCI, 2003.
p. 23-46, maps. In: "Managing change: sustainable approaches to the conservation of the built environment. 4th
US/ICOMOS international symposium, April 2001" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; sustainable development; historic landscapes; management;
Europe; UK.
ACCESSION NO: 14600. ISBN: 0-89236-692-3.

024014 - Kulturlandschaften in Europa; Hannover. Kulturlandschaften in Europa - Regionale und Internationale

Konzepte zur Bestandserfassung und Management. Region Hannover, Germany (ed). Hannover, Region
Hannover, 2002. 238 p., illus. (Beiträge zur Regionalen Entwicklung. Heft Nr. 92) (ger). Incl. list of participants.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; inventories; information systems; management;
concepts; cultural identity; town and country planning; Europe.
// Declaration of Hanover concerning the European cultural landscape heritage
ACCESSION NO: 14795. CALL NO: P.C. 65. ISSN: 0175-5951.

024437 - The Council of Europe's European Landscape Convention. A key-instrument for a democratic and
balanced management of the our everyday environment. Priore, Riccardo. Hannover, Region Hannover, 2002. p.
125-130. (Beiträge zur Regionalen Hannover. 92) In: "Kulturlandschaften in Europa: Regionale und internationale
Konzept zu bestandserfassung und management" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: Europe; cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: 14795. CALL NO: P.C. 65. ISSN: 0175-5951.

024439 - Landschaftsgeschichte Mitteleuropas Rück - und Ausblick. Küster, Hansjörg. Hannover, Region
Hannover, 2002. p. 131-137, illus. (Beiträge zur Regionalen Hannover. 92) In: "Kulturlandschaften in Europa:
Regionale und internationale Konzept zu bestandserfassung und management" (ger). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historical surveys; Europe; cultural landscapes; development; protection of natural
ACCESSION NO: 14795. CALL NO: P.C. 65. ISSN: 0175-5951.

024440 - Stellenwert und Behandlung des Natur- und Kulturerbes bei der Operationalisierung des Europäischen
Raumentwicklungskonzeptes. Job, Hubert. Hannover, Region Hannover, 2002. p. 139-152, illus., map. (Beiträge
zur Regionalen Hannover. 92) In: "Kulturlandschaften in Europa: Regionale und internationale Konzept zu
bestandserfassung und management" (ger). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: regional planning; cultural landscapes; cultural heritage; natural heritage; natural parks;
ACCESSION NO: 14795. CALL NO: P.C. 65. ISSN: 0175-5951.

024444 - Vorschläge für ein europäisches Konzept "Kulturlandschaft". Ein Instrument der umfassenden
Kulturlandschaftspflege aus der Sicht der Historischen Raumwissenschaft. Jeschke, Hans Peter. Hannover,
Region Hannover, 2002. p. 181-224. (Beiträge zur Regionalen Hannover. 92) In: "Kulturlandschaften in Europa:
Regionale und internationale Konzept zu bestandserfassung und management" (ger). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: concepts; doctrine; cultural landscapes; Europe; protection of cultural heritage; regional
planning; recommendations.
ACCESSION NO: 14795. CALL NO: P.C. 65. ISSN: 0175-5951.

024445 - Ziele und Aufgaben der "Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape", ein
internationales Netzwerk europäischer Kulturlandschaftsforscher. Spek, Theo. Hannover, Region Hannover, 2002.
p. 225-232. (Beiträge zur Regionalen Hannover. 92) In: "Kulturlandschaften in Europa: Regionale und
internationale Konzept zu bestandserfassung und management" (ger).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: network; cultural landscapes; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 14795. CALL NO: P.C. 65. ISSN: 0175-5951.

028308 - World natural heritage and cultural landscapes in Europe. Isle of Vilm, Germany, June 18-21. 2005.
World natural heritage and cultural landscapes in Europe: The potential of Europe's World Natural Heritage. Report
of Workshop at International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany, june 18-21, 2005.
Burmester, Andrea (ed.); Engels, Barbara (ed.); Schenerbrandt, Birgit (ed.). Bonn, Bundesamt für Naturschutz,
2005. 121 p., illus. (BfN-Skripten. 149) (eng). Incl. appendix.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: natural heritage; natural sites; cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; world
cultural heritage; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 14984. CALL NO: P.C. 076.

031727 - The conservation of cultural landscapes. Agnoletti, Mauro (ed;). Chathan, CABI, 2006. 267p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; environment; economic aspects; conservation of
natural heritage; conservation; Europe; USA; sustainable development.
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031742 - Cultural landscape management in Europe and Germany. Werzenegger, S.; Schenk, W. Chathan, CABI,
2006. p. 183-196. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; management; preservation; protection of natural heritage; Europe;
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031774 - Conference of the Council of Europe on "The European landscape convention". Strasbourg, 22-23 March
2007. European landscape convention -Convention of Florence-. Conclusions of the meetings ofthe workshops for
the implementation of the European landscape convention. Council of Europe. Strasbourg, Council of Europe,
2007. 23 p. (eng). Conference du Conseil de l'Europe sur "La convention Europeenne du paysage"
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; international conventions; Europe.
ACCESSION NO: 15427. CALL NO: P.C. 088.

033536 - Meeting of the workshops of the Council of Europe for the implementation of the European Landscape
Convention. 5th. Girona, Spain, 28-29 September 2006. Fifth meeting of the workshops of the Council of Europe
for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention: Landscape quality objectives: from theory to
practice. Proceedings/Actes. Council of Europe. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing , 2007. 436 p., illus.
(European spatial planning and landscape. 84) (various texts in eng, fre). Cinquième réunion des Atéliers du
Conseil de l'Europe pour la mise en oeuvre de la Convention européenne du paysage: Les objectifs de qualité
paysagère: de la théorie à la pratique. fre.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; international conventions; protection of environment; town and country
planning; conservation policy; legal protection; cultural landscapes; Europe.
// European Landscape Convention
ACCESSION NO: 15702. CALL NO: P.C. 78 (5).


017089 - Introduction to the visits of selected Kaya forests. Abungu, George; Githitho, Anthony. Paris, UNESCO,
2000. p.60-63. In: "The World heritage Convention and Cultural Landscapes in Africa" (eng). Introduction aux
visites des forêts sélectionnées de Kaya. fre. Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; forests; sacred places; aboriginal sites; aboriginal cultures; intangible
heritage; conservation; Kenya.
// Kaya Forest, Kenya
ACCESSION NO: 13813. CALL NO: P.C.010. ISBN: 2-906901-24-5.

021940 - Seeing the woods and the trees: cultural landscapes in forests. Blair, Sandy; McCann, Joy. Kingston,
Australia ICOMOS, 1997. p. 29-31. (Historic Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; forests.
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

021941 - Trees as heritage items. Mayne-Wilson, Warwick. Kingston, Australia ICOMOS, 1997. p. 32-35. (Historic
Environment. 13, 3-4) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; trees; forests.
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

031734 - Long-term vegetation dynamics in Southern Scandinavia and their use in managing landscapes for
biodiversity. Bradshaw, R.H.W.; Mannon, G.E. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 94-107, illus. In: "The conservation of
cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; biodiversity; management; Scandinavia; Sweden; forests; natural
// Swedish Forest Meadows, Sweeden
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031738 - Working forest landscapes: Two case studies from North Carolina. Blank, G.B. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p.
157-162. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; forests; case studies; development; USA.
// North Carolina, USA
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031739 - Restoration in the American National Forests: Ecological processes and cultural landscapes. Langston,
N. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 163-173. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; forests; restoration; national parks; USA.
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031741 - The restoration of forest landscapes through farmland afforestation measures in Spain. Montiel Molina,
C. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 197-210. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; forests; restoration; development; rural areas; Spain; rehabilitation;
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031744 - Comparative international research on agricultural land-use history and forest management practices: the
Tuscan Estate of Castello di Spannocchia and Vermont's Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park. Latz,
G. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 227-241, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; USA; case studies; Italy; management; forests;
conservation of natural heritage.
// Vermont's Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller Nartional Historical Park, USA // Castello di Spannocchia, Tuscany, Italy
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

031745 - Shaping the landscape: long-term effects of the historical controversy about the Viennese Forest
(Wienerwald). Johann, E. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 242-252, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes"
(eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; historic landscapes; Austria; national parks; restoration; forests.
// Wienerwald Forest, Vienna, Austria
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

019454 - Authenticité, jardin et paysage. Añón Feliú, Carmen. Trondheim, Tapir Publisher, 1995. p. 217-231, illus.
(fre). In: "Nara conference on authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention. Proceedings".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: authenticity; historic gardens; cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: 13174. ISBN: 82-519-1416-7.

020522 - Seminario Internacional. Buenos Aires, 17-20 October 2001. Los jardines históricos: aproximación
multidisciplinaria. ICOMOS-IFLA. Buenos Aires, ICOMOS, 2001. [151 p.]. (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic gardens; conservation of historic gardens; cultural landscapes; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14379. CALL NO: J.H. 294.

024981 - La praxis de la conservación de paisajes culturales y jardines históricos. La UNESCO y la salvaguardia

de los paisajes culturales. Alcántara Onofre, Saúl. Mexico, CONACULTA-INAH, 2004. p.87-91, illus. (Monuments
and sites. IX) In: "La representatividad en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial: Memorias. Santiago de Querétaro,
Mexico, Diciembre 12-16, 2003" (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; conservation of historic gardens; world heritage convention; Mexico.

032819 - The Accokeek Foundation and Piscataway Park. Meringolo, Denise D. Washington, NPS, 2008. p. 45-63,
illus. (CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship. 5, 1) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; cultural landscapes; protection of environment; agriculture; rural areas;
parks; foundations; USA.
// The Accokeek Foundation // Piscataway Park, USA
ACCESSION NO: K-308. ISSN: 1068-4999.

034138 - International Symposium ICOMOS-IFLA 1997. Prague, Lednice-Valtice, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic,
September 7-12, 1997. Landscape heritage. ICOMOS-IFLA. Prague, ICOMOS-IFLA, 1997. 169 p. (eng). Incl.
resolution and list of participants.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: landscapes; historic landscapes; cultural landscapes; historic gardens; world heritage list;
conservation; natural heritage; parks; conservation of historic monuments; surroundings of historic monuments;
vernacular architecture; castles.
ACCESSION NO: 15738. CALL NO: J.H. 347.

016675 - Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Taishan, outstanding cultural landscapes in China. Yang, Ying. Jena; Stuttgart;
New York, G. Fischer, 1995. p. 114-127, illus. (Cultural Landscapes of Universal Value: components of a global
strategy) (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; natural heritage; China.
// Mont Taishan, China (WHC 437) // Mont Huangshan, China (WHC 547)
ACCESSION NO: 13757. CALL NO: P.C. 003. ISBN: 3-334-61022-5.

016860 - Mont Wuyi. 64 slides: col. (same text in chi, eng). From WHC 911 listed in 1999. 4 pages typescript.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; natural sites; cultural landscapes; vegetation; animals; China.
// Mont Wuyi, China (WHC 911)
CALL NO: CH.WUY.18:1-64 (WHC 911).

018698 - Culture and landscapes of Western Fujian. 2000. 56 p., illus. (same text in eng, chi).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; natural heritage; earth architecture; mountains; China.
// Western Fujian, China
ACCESSION NO: 14094. CALL NO: P.C. 029. ISBN: 7-80597-313-X.

019120 - UNESCO Thematic Expert Meeting on Asia- Pacific Sacred Mountains. Wakayama City, Japan, 5-10
September 2001. Final report. UNESCO World Heritage Centre; Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan; Wakayama
Prefectural Government. Tokyo, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2001. 310 p., illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; intangible heritage; sacred places; mountains; world cultural
heritage; management; recommendations; Asia; Pacific Islands.
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 037.

021164 - Report on the ARC China Sacred Mountains Project. January-October 1996. Covering: Initial visits to
seven selected sacred mountains and detailed surveys on Hua Shan and Qingcheng Shan. Oswald, Philip; Min,
Zhao Xiao; Palmer, Martin; Halbertsma, Tjalling. ARC China Rerearch Team. 1996. 28 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; mountains; protection of environment; cultural landscapes; China.
ACCESSION NO: 14476. CALL NO: P.C. 050.

022077 - Sacred mountains: mountain themes and cultural landscapes. Bernbaum, Edwin. Tokyo, UNESCO WHC,
2001. p. 67-82, illus. (eng). In: "UNESCO thematic expert meeting on Asia-Pacific sacred mountains. Final report" ;
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sacred places; cultural landscapes; mountains.
ACCESSION NO: 14509. CALL NO: P.C. 37.

026499 - La gestión de los paisajes culturales de montaña. Impacto arqueológico en el Plan Eólico de Galicia.
Cacheda Pérez, María. Sevilla, IAPH, 2005. p. 83-93, illus. (PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio
Histórico. 53: Especial Criterios) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; mountains; management; environmental impact statements; Spain.
// Galicia, Spain
ACCESSION NO: K-388. ISSN: 1136-1867.

031735 - Mountain landscape, pastoral management and traditional practices in the Nortern Pyrenees (France).
Métailié, J.P. Chathan, CABI, 2006. p. 108-124, illus. In: "The conservation of cultural landscapes" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; mountains; management; cultural diversity; France; development;
sustainable development.
// Northern Pyrenees, France
ACCESSION NO: P.C.086. CALL NO: 15404. ISBN: 1-84593-074-6.

022057 - Oases and other forms of living cultural landscape. Laureano, Pietro. Paris, UNESCO WHC, 2003. p.71-
80. (World Heritage Papers. 7) (eng). In: "Cultural landscapes: the challenges of conservation" ; Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; oases.
ACCESSION NO: 14583. CALL NO: P.C. 54.

020719 - Afirmaciones y propuestas para generar un debate. Pernaut, Carlos. Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra,
2002. p. 87-89. (spa). In: "El patrimonio intangible y otros aspectos relativos a los itinerarios culturales".
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; intangible heritage; cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: 14339. ISBN: 84-235-2276-8.

022615 - Historic transportation corridors. National Park Service, U.S. Departament of Interior Washington, NPS,
1993. 59 p., illus. (CRM. 16,11) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; transportation; cultural landscapes; corridors.
// Historic Transportation Corridors Conference, Natchitoches, Louisiana, USA, 1992 (National Park Service,
US/ICOMOS and Northwestern State University of Louisiana)
ACCESSION NO: K-308. ISSN: 1068-4999.

022617 - US/ICOMOS and the Conference on Transportation Corridors as Cultural Landscapes. Morton, Terry B.
Washington, NPS, 1993. p. 4. (CRM. 16,11) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; corridors.
ACCESSION NO: K-308. ISSN: 1068-4999.

022629 - Corridors as cultural landscapes. Selma to Montgomery National Trail. Tagger, Barbara. Washington,
NPS, 1993. p. 34-35. (CRM. 16,11) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: corridors; cultural landscapes.
ACCESSION NO: K-308. ISSN: 1068-4999.

023598 - Preserving historic trails. Brown, Margie Coffin. Australia, ICOMOS, 2003. p. 37-40, illus. (Historic
Environment. 17,2) (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: corridors; cultural landscapes; mountains; Australia.
// Acadia National Park, Australia
ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715.

024985 - El Qhapaq Ñan (camino principal andino) como itinerario cultural. Martorell Carreño, Alberto. Mexico,
CONACULTA-INAH, 2004. p.115-122, illus.,maps. (Monuments and sites. IX) In: "La representatividad en la Lista
del Patrimonio Mundial: Memorias. Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico, Diciembre 12-16, 2003" (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; Andean Region; cultural landscapes.
// Qhapaq Ñan

026585 - Cultural routes: tangible and intangible dimensions of cultural heritage. Martorell Carreño, Alberto. [Paris],
[ICOMOS], [2005]. p.45-51. In: "ICOMOS Scientific Symposium: Place-memory-meaning: preserving intangible
values in monuments and sites" (also in eng). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; intangible heritage; cultural landscapes; world heritage list.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116) // The route of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (WHC 669) //
Routes of Santiago de Compostela, France (WHC 868)
URL: - Prats - Thibault.pdf.

028213 - El escenario de la Ruta Huichol. Fernández Borja, Humberto; Giménez de Azcárate, Joaquín. Mexico,
INAH, 2005. p. 40-49, illus. (Hereditas. 13) (spa). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; sacred places; cultural landscapes; natural sites; Mexico.
// Ruta Huichol, Mexico

029078 - ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. 15th. Xi'an, China, 17-21 October 2005.
Monuments and sites in their setting-conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes.
ICOMOS. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. 2 Vol. : 1128 p., illus. (various texts in eng, fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of historic monuments; conservation of historic sites; historic towns;
intangible heritage; vernacular architecture; archaeological heritage; legal protection; cultural routes; enhancement;
cultural landscapes; town planning; cultural tourism; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029170 - Ibero-Amérique et les itineraires culturels. Pernaut, Carlos. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p.
863-872, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (fre).
Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; Latin America; cultural landscapes; management; world heritage list;
Andean Region; intangible heritage.
// Qhapap Nan // Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029172 - Le chemin royal intercontinental dans le septentrión de la nouvelle Espagne (Mexique). Calderón Puente,
Cecilia. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 874-884, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General
Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (fre). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; conservation; authenticity; cultural diversity; Mexico; cultural landscapes.
//ntercontinental Royal Road, Mexico
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029176 - The route of the conquerons of the new world: Span at Taraparacá Ravine. Binda Campton, Edwin. Xi'an,
World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 903-913, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly
and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; intangible heritage; conservation; authenticity;
integrity; villages; rituals; legal protection; Andean region.
// Taraparacá Ravine
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029178 - The camino de la Costa (coastal route) in the eastern border of the Río de la Plata : a cultural link.
Miranda Ruben, García; Russi Podestá, Mariella. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 918-924. In:
"Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; historical surveys; trade; Uruguay.
// Camino de la Costa, Uruguay
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029179 - Cultural route and the heritage management challenge : the Klondike Gold Rush : a case study. Masson,
Guy. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 925-931, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General
Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; management; authenticity; integrity; Canada.
// Klondike Gold Rush
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029190 - La Guaira and its royal way to Caracas, an important point within the Hispanic colonial Carribean,
relevance of its continental connotation. Case presentation through histographic approach, space - urban -
constructive evolution. Primary description of the defensive system designed for the site. Román Fermín, Luis
Guillermo. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 1001-1006. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General
Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; military architecture; fortifications; forts; cultural landscapes; Venezuela.
// La Guaira, Venezuela
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029193 - Itinéraire culturel - la Route du Sucre à Bahia - Brésil. Castro, Maria Adriana Almeida Couto de. Xi'an,
World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 1026-1029. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly and
Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (fre). Incl. abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; cultural landscapes; agriculture; slaves; Brazil.
// Route du Sucre, Bahia, Brazil
ACCESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

029195 - The route of Santiago in Spain (Camino Frances) as WHS : its conservation and management. Martorell
Carreño, Alberto. Xi'an, World Publishing Corporation, 2005. p. 1034-1044, illus. In: "Proceedings of the ICOMOS
15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Volume 2" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural routes; historic monuments; world heritage list; conservation; management;
intangible heritage; historic towns; cultural landscapes; Spain.
// Camino de Santiago, Spain (WHC 669)
ACESSION NO: 15017. ISBN: 7-5062-7372-1.

032570 - Ficha de inventario de paisaje cultural: Litoral del Estado Aragua, o Ruta del cacao. Daly, Carmen.
Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 421-424, illus. (Monuments and Sites. X) In: "Encuentro Científico Internacional
sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los itinerarios culturales" (spa). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; cultural landscapes; cultural routes; conservation; Venezuela.
// Litoral del Estado Aragua- Ruta del Cacao, Venezuela
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

032573 - Ficha de identificación de un itinerario cultural: Quebrada de Humahuaca. Pernaut, Carlos; José, Nestor;
Carrafancq, Alejandro; Gómez, Julián. Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 451-479, illus. (Monuments and Sites.
X) In: "Encuentro Científico Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los
itinerarios culturales" (spa). Incl.bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; cultural routes; cultural landscapes; world heritage list; intangible heritage;
conservation; legal protection; historical surveys; Argentina.
// Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina (WHC 1116)
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

032582 - Record for identification of a cultural route: Historic Columbia River Highway. Marriot, Dan. Ferrol,
Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 535-548, illus.,maps. (Monuments and Sites. X) In: "Encuentro Científico Internacional
sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los itinerarios culturales" (eng). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; motorways; rivers; means of transport; cultural landscapes; legal protection;
conservation; cultural routes; USA.
// Historic Columbia River Highway, State of Oregon, USA
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

032593 - Record for identification of a cultural route: The route of communication missions from the Korean
dynasty to Japan. Sugio, Kunie. Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 615-619, illus. (Monuments and Sites. X) In:
"Encuentro Científico Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los
itinerarios culturales" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; cultural routes; conservation; legal protection; historical surveys; cultural
landscapes; Japan; Korea R.
// The route of communication missions from the Korean dynasty to Japan, Republic of Korea and Japan
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

032594 - Historic Port Towns that are part of a cultural route: Historic Port Towns for Silver Shipping. Sugio, Kunie.
Ferrol, Concello de Ferrol, 2005. p. 621-625, illus.,maps. (Monuments and Sites. X) In: "Encuentro Científico
Internacional sobre Itinerarios Culturales: Identificación, promoción e inventario de los itinerarios culturales" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: inventories; historic towns; cultural routes; ports; castles; legal protection; world heritage
list; cultural landscapes; Japan.
// Iwami Ginzan, Silver Mine, Japan (WHC 1246)
ACCESSION NO: 14994. ISBN: 84-88991-22-3.

032738 - Reunion de expertos = Meeting of experts = Réunion d'experts: Los itinerarios como patrimonio cultural.
Madrid, 24-25 November 1994. Los itinerarios como patrimonio cultural = Routes as part of our cultural heritage =
Les itinéraires comme patrimoine culturel. Icomos International; Ministerio de Cultura, Spain. Madrid, Ministerio de
Cultura, Icomos International, 1994. 156 p. (various texts in eng, spa, fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; cultural routes; definitions; evolution; cultural landscapes; concepts.


022044 - Vines and wines of Cyprus. 4000 years of tradition. Vickers, John (ed.). Vine Products Commission.
Limassol, Cyprus, Vine Products Commission, 1993. 160 p., illus., maps. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; Cyprus.
ACCESSION NO: 14586. CALL NO: P.C.56. ISBN: 9963-608-00-0.

012266 - Tokaj: the wine of freedom. László, Alkonyi; Tibor, Dékány, phot.; László, Juhász, phot.; Béla, Motkó,
phot. , AMC, 2000. 240p., illus., plans, maps. (same text in hun, eng). Tokaj: a szabadság bora. hun.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Hungary.
ACCESSION NO: 14170. CALL NO: P.C. 030. ISBN: 963-00-3926-5.

016950 - Juridiction de Saint-Emilion. 125 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 932 listed in 1999. 2 copies.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; agriculture; religious architecture;
castles; maps; France.
// Juridiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932)
CALL NO: FR.EMI.46:1- 125 (WHC 932).

017673 - Le sacre de Saint-Emilion. Guigon, Catherine. 2000. p. 36-45, illus. (Reader's Digest Selection. Août
2000) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; castles; France.
// UNESCO // ICOMOS // Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932)
ACCESSION NO: 13851. CALL NO: P. C. 011.

018865 - Région viticole du Haut-Douro. 39 slides: col. (eng). From WHC 1046 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
CALL NO: PT.ALT.18:1-39 (WHC 1046).

018868 - Région viticole du Haut-Douro. 17 slides: col. (fre). From WHC 1046 listed in 2001.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
CALL NO: PT.ALT.19:1-17 (WHC 1046).

018931 - Le vin de Porto: notes sur son histoire, sa production et sa technologie. Moreira da Fonseca, A.;
Galhano, A.; Serpa Pimentel, E.; Rosas, J. R. P. Porto, Instituto do Vinho do Porto, 1998. 177p. , illus.,plans. (por).
5th ed.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

018933 - As Demarcações Pombalinas no Douro vinhateiro. Moreira Da Fonseca, Alvaro. Porto, Instituto do Vinho
do Porto, 1949. 3v., maps. (por).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)

018934 - O Douro: principaes quintas, navegação, culturas, paisagens e costumes. Monteiro, Manuel. Porto, Livro
Branco, 1998. 212p., illus. (por). Facsimile of the 1911 edition.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage list; vineyards; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: WHC 1046 (4). ISBN: 972-8317-21-2.

019126 - Tokaj Hegyaljai Album. Szabó, Joseph, ed.; Török, Stephen, ed. Pest, Takaj Renaissance, 2001. 185p.,
illus. (same text in ger, hun, eng, fre). Incl. index and map; Facsimile of 1867.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Hungary.
ACCESSION NO: 14184. CALL NO: P.C. 038.

019171 - Tokaj- Hegyalja varázsa: Csutkai Csaba fotói. Tibor, Papp D. [s.l.), Agrármarketing Centrum, 2001. 95p.,
illus. (same text in hun, eng). Incl. comments of pictures.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; architectural heritage; vineyards; customs and traditions;
photographs; Hungary.
// Tokaj- Hegyalja, Hungary
ACCESSION NO: 14200. CALL NO: P.C. 039. ISBN: 963-00-5429-9.

020074 - Tokaji Wine Region Cultural Lanscape. UNESCO. 45 slides. (eng). From WHC 1063 listed in 2002.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; cultural landscapes; vineyards; Hungary.
// Paysage culturel de la région viticole de Tokay, Hongrie (WHC 1063)
CALL NO: HU.TOK.12:1-45(WHC 1063).

020898 - The Alto Douro Wine Region. Aguial, Bianchi de. Porto, Camara Municipal da Cidade do Porto, 2002. p.
115-125, illus. In: "Porto, a dimensão intangível na cidade histórica" (same text in eng, por). O Alto Douro
Vinhateiro. por.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; Portugal.
// Alto Douro Wine Region, Portugal (WHC 1046)
ACCESSION NO: 14385. CALL NO: V.H. 1403.

024942 - Les paysages culturels viticoles. Etude thématique dans le cadre de la Convention du Patrimoine
Mondial de l'UNESCO. Mars 2004. ICOMOS. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. 175p., illus. (various texts in fre, eng, ita).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; vineyards; wine; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024943 - Paysages viticoles. Luginbühl, Yves. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. 15-20, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels
viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024945 - Architecture de la vigne et paysage. Carbonneau, Alain. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. 31-40, illus. In: "Les
paysages culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; landscaping.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024946 - Typologie des vins et leurs rapports au terroir. Tinlot, Robert. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. 41-45. In: "Les
paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: wine; typological analysis; cultural landscapes; vineyards.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024948 - Les pressions et les enjeux paysagers concernant les sites viticoles. Ambroise, Régis. Paris, ICOMOS,
2004. 51-55. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; landscaping; vineyards; town and country planning.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024950 - Idas Valley as an example of the cultural landscape of the cape Winelands (South Africa). Pistorius,
Penny; Todeschini, Fabio. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.67-71, illus.,plans. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (eng).
Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; South Africa.
Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, South Africa
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024951 - Rutherglen vineyard cultural landscape (Australia). Taylor, Ken. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.73-77, illus. In:
"Les paysages culturels viticoles" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; South Africa.
// Rutherglen, Australia
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024952 - Le paysage viticole chilien. Faliet, Cécile. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.79-80. In: "Les paysages culturels
viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Chile.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024953 - Les paysages viticoles de Xeres. Luginbühl, Yves. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.81-85, illus. In: "Les
paysages culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Spain.
// Jerez, Andalucia, Spain
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024955 - Le paysage singulier du cru Banyuls dans les Pyrénées Orientales (France). Giorgis, Sébastien. Paris,
ICOMOS, 2004. p.93-98, illus.,maps. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; France.
// Cru Banyuls, France
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024956 - Le paysage de la côte viticole bourguignonne (France). Luginbühl, Yves. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.99-
102, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; France.
// Bourgogne, France
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024957 - Le vignoble de Champagne (France). Brechot, Aline. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.103-105. In: "Les
paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; France.
// Champagne, France
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024959 - Santorin: un patrimoine insulaire viticole d'exception (Grèce). Pangratiou, Eleni; Puech, Clara. Paris,
ICOMOS, 2004. p.113-116, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre). Incl. bibl.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Greece.
// Santorin, Greece
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024961 - Il paesaggio viticolo di Carema-Alto Canavese, Piemonte (Italia). Murtas, Donatella. Paris, ICOMOS,
2004. p.123-126, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (ita).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Italy.
// Carema, Piemonte, Italy
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024962 - Il Chianti, territorio viticolo e paesaggio viticolo (Italia). Mengoli, Stefano. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.127-
137, illus. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (ita).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Italy.
// Chanti, Italy
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024963 - Les vignobles de l'Oudaya de Marrakech (Maroc). El Faiz, Mohammed. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.133-
134. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Morocco.
// Oudaya, Marrakech, Morocco
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024965 - Le vignoble du Cap Bon (Tunisie). Abdelkafi, Jellal. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.139-141. In: "Les paysages
culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; Tunisia.
// Cap Bon, Tunisia
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

024966 - L'application aux paysages de vignobles des critères d'éligibilité au patrimoine mondial. Tricaud, Pierre-
Marie. Paris, ICOMOS, 2004. p.145-154. In: "Les paysages culturels viticoles" (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage convention; authenticity.
ACCESSION NO: 14816. CALL NO: P.C. 067.

026958 - Les terroirs du vin. Fanet, Jacques. Paris, Hachette, 2001. 239 p., illus., maps. (fre). Incl. glossary and
index of regions.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; wineries.
ACCESSION NO: 14922. CALL NO: P.C. 72. ISBN: 201-236-504-3.

026965 - L'atlas mondial du vin. Johnson, Hugh; Robinson, Jansis. Paris, Flammarion, 2002. 352 p., illus., maps.
(fre). Incl. glossary, index and geographic repertory; 5th ed.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; wine presses; wineries; maps.
ACCESSION NO: 14923. CALL NO: P.C. 73. ISBN: 2080 108409.

027134 - World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes. Tokaj, Hungary, 11-14 July 2001. World
heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes. Hungarian World Heritage Committee; UNESCO World
Heritage Centre. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. 95 p. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; cultural landscapes; world cultural heritage; world heritage list; case studies.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027136 - Vineyard Landscapes and the World Heritage Global Strategy. Cleere, Henry. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 19-20. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; world heritage convention; vineyards.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027145 - World Heritage Status of the Cultural Itinerary of the vine and wine Among the People of the
Mediterranean. Elías, Luis Vicente. Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p. 48-59. In:
"World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; mediterranean countries; cultural routes; religions;
world cultural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027146 - Vineyard Cultural Landscapes of World Heritage in France. Luginbuhl, Yves. Budapest, Nemzeti
Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.60-63. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on vineyard cultural
landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; world heritage list; world cultural heritage; France.
// Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, France (WHC 932) // The Vineyards of Champagne, France // Côte de Beaune,
France // Côte de Nuits, France
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027152 - Report of the World Heritage Thematic Expert Meeting on Vineyard Cultural Landscapes. UNESCO.
Budapest, Nemzeti Kulturalis Orokség Minisztériuma, 2002. p.84-88. In: "World Heritage expert meeting on
vineyard cultural landscapes, 11-14 July 2001, Tokaj, Hungary" (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world cultural heritage.
ACCESSION NO: 14908. CALL NO: P.C. 69.

027207 - Les paysages viticoles de Champagne. Rochard, Joël; Stevez, Laurence; Fourny, Nadège. Chaintré,
2003. p.61-63, illus. (Revue des oenologues. 107) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; vernacular architecture; dry stone; France.
// Champagne, France
ACCESSION NO: 14942. CALL NO: P.C. 75.

027208 - Le vignoble dans le paysage. ITV France. Paris, ITV France, 2002. . 23 p., illus. (Les cahiers itinéraires
d'ITV France. 5, novembre 2002) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; cultural landscapes; agriculture.
ACCESSION NO: 14941. CALL NO: P.C. 74.

028303 - Viticulteurs et paysage. Ambroise, Régis. Paris, Association Nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de
France, 2006. p. 4-7, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 41) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; wine; France.
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

028538 - 'In Vino Veritas': sauvergarde le patrimoine culturel de Bordeaux. Gondran, François. Paris, Section
Française de l'ICOMOS, 2005. p. 63-65, illus. (Bulletin de Liaison. 57 - Special Xi'an) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; historic monuments; France.
// Bordeaux, France

028546 - Le paysage viticole, un espace menacé. De Boismenu, Antoine. Paris, Association Nationale des
Architectes des Bâtiments de France, 2006. p. 21-23, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 41) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; cultural landscapes; cultural heritage at risk; landscapes; motorways; France.
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

028553 - Le vignoble bordelais. Prats, Michèle. Paris, Association Nationale des Architectes des Bâtiments de
France, 2006. p. 35-36, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 41) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: wine; vineyards; cultural landscapes; chateaux; France.
// Bordeaux, France
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

028554 - In vino veritas: Sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel. Gondran, François. Paris, Association Nationale des
Architectes des Bâtiments de France, 2006. p. 38-41, illus. (La Pierre d'Angle. 41) (fre).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; vineyards; world heritage list; legal protection; wine; conservation
areas; conservation policy; historic monuments; town planning; sustainable development; France.
// Bordeaux, France
ACCESSION NO: K-316. ISSN: 0753-5783.

028721 - Monuments of architecture: Wine landscapes of the world. Faber, Armin (phot.); Dominé, André. Berlin,
Feierabend, 2006. 254 p., illus. (same text in eng, spa). Paisajes vinicolas del mundo. spa. Incl. photo index.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; wineries; historic landscapes; photographs.
ACCESSION NO: 15106. CALL NO: P.C. 080. ISBN: 3-89985-186-2.

028772 - Adventurous wine architecture. Webb, Michael; Pfeiffer, Erhard (phot.). Victoria, Images Publishing,
2005. 204 p. , illus. (eng).
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vineyards; wine; cultural landscapes; architecture; industrial architecture; modern
architecture; architects.
ACCESSION NO: 15113. CALL NO: P.C. 81. ISBN: 1-920744-33-9.

Cultural Landscape Bibliographies
017044 - Cultural landscape bibliography: resources in the National Park System. Ahern, Katherine; Frost, Lynda
M.; Stuber, Melissa; Tolliver, Lori; Goetcheus, Cari; Page, Robert R. Washington, NPS, 2000. 352 p., illus. (eng).
Incl. author index.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; bibliographies; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 13905. CALL NO: P.C. 015.

017045 - Making educated decisions: a landscape preservation bibliography,2. Birnbaum, Charles A., ed.;
Shillinglaw, Ellen. National Park Service, USA. Washington, NPS, 2000. 170 p., illus. (eng). Incl. subject,
geographic and author index.
PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural landscapes; bibliographies; USA.
ACCESSION NO: 13907. CALL NO: P.C. 016. ISBN: 0-16-042786-X.


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