19-Lrit CTR

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Conformance Test Report

issued under the pmvisiom of MSC.lICirc.1307 on Guidance on the survey and certification of
compliance of s h i p with the requirements to bnasmit LRIT information

h u e d by Fukrum Maritime Systems Ltd

On behalf of the Government of Barbados

Name of ship: OBEDINARES

Port of registry: BRIDGETOWN
Distinaivenumbers or letters: 8PAS9
IMO Number: 9370367
Maritime Mobile ServiceIdentity: 314489000
Gross tonnage: 21192
Sea areas in wbich the ship is certified to operate: Al;A2;A3
Sea areas for which this report is valid: Al;A2,.43
Application ServiceProvider conductingthe test: Fulcnnn Mm+the SystemsLtd

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the shipborneequipment desigpated to trammit LRIT information and specified below:
1 has been found to meet the requirement of the provision of regulatiom V119-1.6 and VI19-1.7 and of the Revised
performance standards and ftnaional requirementsfor the long-rangeidentification and tracking of ship adopted by
resolution MSC.263i84) and:
.1 is of a type approved by the Administration in accordancewith the provisions of regulation V119-1; Ei Yes No
.2 is of a type approved by the Administration in accordance with the provisions of regulation IVll-4; Ei Yes No
3 has been certified by the Admhidmtion as meeting the requirementsof IEC 60945 (2002-08) El Yes No
and IEC 60945 Corr.l(2008-04) on Maritimenavigation and radiocommunicationequipment
and systems -General requirements-Methods of testing and required test results
.4 has been certified by the Administration as meting the requirementsof the provisions Yes El No
of regulation XI-W6; and of resolution MSC.136(76) on Performancestandardsfor a ship security
~ b rsystem
f rrr m l u t i o n MSC.147(77) on Adoption of tho Rovired prformnacaatondnrde for
a ship securityalert system;

3 has undergone conformancetesting in accordance with the procedures and provisions set out in MSC.lICirc.1307 and
has shown that it can operate within the toteranees of the acceptancecriteria stated in the aforesaid circular.

The conformancetest was satisfactorily completed on

Details of the shipborne equipment used to transmit LRIT information(e.g., maker model, serial numberand shipborneequipment
ShipborneEquipment Maker: JRC (JAPAN RADIO COMPANY)
ShipborneJ3pipmentModel: JUE-85
IShipborneEquipment Serial Number 4JR14017B66F
Issued at

\ maritime systems
(nmne andsignahre of anthorizedpemon k i n g the report)

Park Mews, 15 Park Lane, Hornchurch, Essex R M l l I B B

t +44 01708 788400 f +44 (0)1708 788402 info@ulcrununaritim.com w fulcrummaritimemm

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