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Managerial Studies in English

Dr. Firas Kashalo
Term: F19

Class:3 Group: Six

Abdulhadi Alia Abdulhadi_77512

Lena Hasna Lena _76582
Jozeph Banna Jozeph _79930
Maysoon Fayyad Maysoon _77693
One of the foundations of business success is how to manage employee
cadres, all employees must follow the leader’s policy because he is
delegated by senior management to develop the appropriate plan and how
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to implement it to reach the desired goal.
In this paper, we discuss what we can do about employees who felt that the
team leader's plan was useless in launching a marketing campaign for a
new product and they continued to complain about the uselessness of the
campaign and did not really contribute to the marketing plan after the
success of the marketing campaign.

1-Tell the General Manager that it was only you and one of the team
members who did the job and that the other three did not really
contribute to it.
The scenario is based on the principle of justice.
The director will be informed of the truth of what happened, and the
financial rewards and rewards will be given to the people concerned who
have made an effort in this success, and may be punished and dismissed
from the performance of his work.
The advantages of this scenario include:
• An attempt to achieve justice among all, so that no effort and fatigue
is lost from those who contributed to the success.
• This scenario may be a harsh lesson, but it is a catalyst for people
who have not contributed to the work, and may they learn from their
mistakes in the coming times.
• Honesty with management is considered welcome and required in
principle because it has a subsequent impact on the proper and fair
functioning of the work.
• This scenario will create an additional incentive for people who have
done the work to increase achievement and commitment as they
have received a reward and reaped the rewards of their efforts
• This scenario will increase staff commitment to career policies
drawn up by senior administrations, even if they do not conform to
their views.
Some of the disadvantages of this scenario are:
• This method may create a grudge against people who have not
contributed to the work. But it's misplaced and it's not right.
• This scenario may cause hatred in some people who have not
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contributed to the work. They try to thwart their colleagues in
subsequent actions, which may increase problems and raise
animosities between employees.
• The company may resort to punishing the defaulters and possibly
dismissing them from their work. Which could do a lot of harm to
them, they didn't realize its size when they failed to do their job.
• Some employees who have not contributed to the work and cannot
afford to be blamed may resort to a violent reaction such as
submitting their resignations. This will cause them to lose their jobs
and the company to them.

The application of this scenario may be appropriate if people who have not
contributed any real burden to the company as a whole. This is not the time
when they fail to do what is required of them (regardless of how things are
handled in previous times).


4 Pros
5 Cons

The first suggestion is fairly acceptable to all parties because of the

strength of the positives of the option.
2-Accept the fact that it does not matter who did the real job; at the
end the whole team should be rewarded equally for the result
regardless of each member’s contribution.
This idea is based on sacrifice and altruism, where hard-working
Page | 4 employees sacrifice their efforts for the rest of the group.
The advantages of this idea include:
• It may support team spirit and increase sense of benefits of team
• It may be a good incentive and a lesson for members who did not
provide what was required of them in the previous task. to change
their modus operandi and their way of cooperating with other
• Volunteer, may do some errands on he half of their teammates to
compensate for their failure.
One of the disadvantages of this idea is:
• This mechanism will cause injustice to people who have worked on
the team
• It may create a sense of anger among members who have contributed
to the work towards others who have not done any work.
• A member of the team who contributed to the work may make a
complaint to the administration and explain the truth of what
happened, which will increase and complicate the problems.
• It may contribute to the further neglect of the remaining team
members who did not contribute to the achievement. Where they got
the reward effortlessly.
• Hiding facts from administrations may not be desirable, even if it is
in good faith.
It may be appropriate to apply this scenario in just one case:
Being be with the consent of all the members who contributed to the work
to be directed to the rest of the team members that this time was a lesson
to benefit from it in subsequent work. This situation will not be repeated if
any member of the Team repeats the duties assigned to him.

Page | 5 Cons

The second suggestion is not very efficient because of the many

downsides of this option.

3- Suggest that the bonus should take into account each team
member’s input into the plan – the percentage of each member’s
contribution to the whole work. In the end, fairness guarantees each
one’s satisfaction:

This scenario seeks to apply the utmost justice, so that it tries to give
everyone the right.
The advantages of this idea include:
• An attempt to achieve absolute justice among staff.
• Creating a positive situation for employees when rights are realized.
• Staff will be more motivated to do more work in future tasks in order
to seek more incentives.
• It will create a sense of transparent ness between staff and
• The employee feels his importance in the facility.
• Makes employees love to work more.

Some of the disadvantages of this scenario:

• Difficulty in achieving absolute justice
• Perhaps the contributions of each employee will not be accurately
estimated and therefore some employees may be exposed to
injustice, which may create problems among employees, and this
may cause frustration for the employee if he feels injustice
• The team leader may take sides with a member of the team and
distinguish him from other employees. And that could be
problematic for the rest.
• The application of this scenario has bad disadvantages similar to the
Page | 6 disadvantages of the first scenario, such as creating a grudge among
the defaulters and their feeling of jealousy is not right and perhaps
to resort to them later to obstruct the march of their colleagues or to
punish the company on the grounds that the low achievement rate is
not an achievement in the first place, but a failure.
• The application of the best scenario is up to the nature of all
employees, the nature of the organization and the mechanism of
dealing with employees.



The third proposal is somewhat excellent because of the many

positives of this option.

The below chart, which compares the pros and cons for the three options
that we discussed before, indicates clearly that option third is the most
suitable one to be implemented.

Option Three Option Two Option One

Pros Cons
The most appropriate scenario might be a mixture of the above:

Since the right holder in this case are the employees who contributed to the
Page | 7 completion of this work and have the right to decide the most appropriate
scenario, so it is considered better to meet with them by the team leader to
explain the advantages that the whole team can gain in the event of their
excitement and when they agree to meet with the employees who did not
provide any achievement, and refute their failure in their work, and explain
the reason why their colleagues are so excited in this project. And take
promises from them to make the best in the coming times and that it will
be evaluated later ... Only then can a mixed scenario be applied as

• If the team members have already agreed on specific mechanisms to

evaluate their respective efforts, and determine the amount of work
done by all and these mechanisms proved their effectiveness in
practice then the reward is calculated as a percentage of their
contribution to the work and calculated low equal percentages of the
people who did not contribute to the completion of the work in order
to motivate them.

• If the team members are unable to establish specific evaluation

mechanisms or the nature of the work done imposes a significant
overlap that prevents the actual effort exerted for each work. Equal
ratios are then applied among the team members who contributed to
the work. Low rates were set for people who did not contribute to
the achievement.
4- Our Option:
We suggest that the manager request a report from each employee on
his role in the marketing campaign, to evaluate each employee
individually and find out who actually contributed to the campaign’s
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We did not think about the negative aspects of this idea, but we
expected the positives:
• Fair evaluation of the role of each employee.
• Knowing the people who did not participate in the new product
marketing plan.
• Communicating the correct image of each employee's work to try to
correct mistakes in the future.
• Punish employees who haven't really contributed to the marketing

Based on the analysis of the four cases, the group decided to

adopt the third case

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