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Gabuya, Clarence Mellie F.
Ganoy, Babelyn I.
Macabocsit, Rechille M.
Nieves, John Lexter M.
Rigodon, Given

The majority of the radiation occurs naturally from minerals and small fraction
comes from a man-made elements and to much exposure in technology. Naturally
occurring radioactive minerals in the ground, soil, water and use of gadgets produce a
radiations. Cell phones emit radiation in the radiofrequency region of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Second-, third-, and fourth-generation cell phones (2G, 3G,
4G) emit radiofrequency in the frequency range of 0.7–2.7 GHz. Fifth-generation (5G)
cell phones are anticipated to use the frequency spectrum up to 80 GHz. Children in
the 21st century are avid users of technology - more so than generations past. This rise
in use has led to much attention on the consequences of technology use, and how this
impacts children’s brains and their socio-emotional, cognitive and physical
development. Much of the research in these fields, especially brain-based research, is
in its infancy. Furthermore, it often shows very small correlations between technology
use and child outcomes; whether technology causes these outcomes is unclear, and
small effect sizes bring questions about real-life implications for children. Despite these
issues, policy-makers in various countries have set guidelines for technology use in
children, which are often restriction-focused. This paper explores some of the literature
on the effects of technology use on children in terms of their brain, cognitive, socio-
emotional and physical development, and summarises what is clearly demonstrated in
the literature. It also highlights where more quality research is needed to better
understand the impact of technology on children, and support the development of
effective, evidence-based guidelines.
Technological distractions may not seem to be important. However, distractions
can come with significant costs. Having nearly unlimited access to entertainment and
information can be too much for most people to withstand. A few distractions on a given
day can be a problem. Research demonstrates that when your attention is distracted
away from a primary task, it can take you as much as 23 minutes to fully return your
attention to the task following the distraction. This means that every time that you are
distracted at your job by a notification, social media, or an article, you could be losing
nearly 30 minutes when your focus is reduced. Distractions can be far more damaging
than simply causing lost productivity and attention at school or work. For example,
distracted driving has become a leading cause of motor vehicle accidents, including
pedestrian accidents. These accidents have resulted in thousands of injuries and
fatalities. It is difficult to keep the concentration of students at its maximum potential
during the entire time of the class, as there are many distractions that can have a
negative impact on students' concentration and learning. Various forms of technology,
such as laptops, cell phones, net books, tablets, and smart phones, have invaded the
classroom. There has been considerable discussion in recent literature about the
potential negative effects of various technologies on students' concentration in the
college classroom. In the present era, it is difficult to keep the concentration of college
students at its maximum potential during the class time, as there are many distractions
that negatively impact students' concentration and prevent optimal learning.
Technologies such as laptops and cell phones have invaded the classroom, raising
considerable concerns about their effects on college students' attention in the
classroom. Despite these concerns, no research has been done in Saudi Arabia on the
effects of technology and other types of classroom distractions on students'
concentration. In the current study, we have attempted to identify students' perceptions
of major distractions in the classroom based on seventeen internally (self-produced)
and twenty-four externally produced classroom situations. A lot of distractions for
students, using smartphones in learning is helpful. However, students might get easily
distracted because of several social media apps such a Facebook and Twitter. An
unstable net connection is also a challenge to many and it can hinder them from fully
learning online. Also, online classes these days are a challenge to many students. They
are at risk of developing screen fatigue and burnout. Many are also having a hard time
separating their school tasks from the personal duties at home.
Cyberbullying is a social disorder emanating from the development of technology
and wider access to the Internet. This study aims to assess the students’ profiles and
the prevalence of cyberbullying in the higher education institutions in Central Luzon,
Philippines. The study used a descriptive-correlational technique with the help of an
online survey to gather data. Using a convenience sampling technique, 319 higher
education students participated in the online survey, first semester of the academic year
2021–2022. In order to attain the objective of the study, the investigators used a
standardized instrument. Using SPSS 23, we analyzed the gathered data using the
following statistical tools: frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and non-parametrical
tests like Kruskall-Wallis and Spearman rho. Respondents revealed that they were
“never” cyberbullying victims or offenders. Furthermore, statistical inferences showed a
variation for cyberbullying offenders as to age and sponsorship/scholarship and a weak
indirect relationship between cyberbullying offenders and sponsorship/scholarship
characteristics of the students. From the results of the study, the investigators
recommended pertinent implications for the new normal of learning among students and
the institution.
We should limit of using a mobile devices and it it better to control using ang
online platform. Potential health risks can be minimized by the usage of cell phones,
discretion, and hands-free technology. Wearing sunscreen and protective gear is also
advised for defense against natural radiation from the sun. Regular observation and
observance of safety regulations.
Preventing distractions in technology can be challenging, but there are several
strategies and practices you can adopt to help you stay focused and minimize
Set Clear Goals and Priorities Define your tasks and goals for the day or work session
Prioritize your tasks based on importance and deadlines.
Use Productivity Apps
Utilize productivity apps and tools that can help you manage your time and tasks
effectively Consider using task management apps, like Todoist or Trello, to organize
your work.
Limit Notifications Turn off non-essential notifications on your devices. Use "Do Not
Disturb" or "Focus Mode" settings to block distractions during work hours.
Create a Distraction-Free Workspace Designate a workspace that is free from
distractions and clutter Ensure good lighting and comfortable ergonomics to support
Time Blocking Schedule specific blocks of time for focused work During these blocks,
avoid checking emails or social media
Remember that technology itself can also be a tool to help you manage distractions, so
use it wisely. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you, as
individual preferences and needs vary.
As a student in order to prevent cyberbullying we will give awareness or a simple
reminders to prevent a cyberbullying specially in the online form it is because most of
this generation addicted on technology, we encounter cyberbullying at anytime and to
those who are affected to cyberbullying may not handle being bullied and may cause
depression which lead to suicide, so we will remind and give awareness that they
should not let cyberbullying increase in the Philippines.
So we conclude that technology has become a crucial part of our society if we
use it in a right way .There are two types of using a technology the Advantage and
disadvantage, the Advantage is with the use of technology,we can easily access or
finish our task including online ,making calls ,sending emails and etc. Technology helps
us to improve our communication channel and disadvantage is overuse of social media
and mobile devices can affect our eyestrain and especially depression.Technology has
made our world a better place despite some drawbacks creates by peoples overusing.

Costales, J., Asio, J.M., Albino, M., Albino, F. and Dios, E.E.R.(2022) Students’ Profile

and Prevalence of Cyberbullying in Higher Education: Implications to the New Normal


Volkow ND, Tomasi D, Wang GJ, et al. Effects of cell phone radiofrequency signal

exposure on brain glucose metabolism. JAMA 2011; 305(8):808–813.

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