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Radha-Soami Religion: Part 1 Background.

When I was in Amritsar, I bought a book about Radha Soami Sect / religion. I am
going to describe key features of this religion. Neither I am attacking this religion
nor I am approving the religion. I am quoting from this book so that others can
understand the Radha Soami religion before they decide to join them.

Title of book is Radha Soami Mat Darpan. It was written by Giani Partap Singh. It
was published in 1969. However for the fourth time, the book has been republished
in 1997 by Singh Brothers, Bazaar Mai Sevain, Amritsar.Book is written in a
haphazard way but reading it two / three times one can get to the basics of the
Radha Soami religion . I have put it so that it is easy to follow. At the same time I
am omitting all the sarcastic remarks that may be there.

Author: At one time Giani Partap Singh was involved in the Preaching
Branch of the Shromni Committee (of SGPC ?).

In the years around 1937 some people from Shromni Committee were involved in
trying to understand Radha Soami faith. These people( they used to go into Radha
Soami gatherings etc and they also did some research work ) published a "Tract" so
that others can be informed about Radha Soami faith as it stood in comparison to
main stream sikh religion. Giani Partap Singh published his book based on the
information collected and published in that "Tract". Thus this book has been written
by a Non Radha Soami person. This book has many references from the Sar-Bachan
(there are two of these books and these are believed to be bible of the Radha
Soamies) quoting exactly the page and line etc.

Let us look first the personalities who were around in the beginning of the Radha
Soami religion.

Didar Singh: He was a mahant of the Gurdwara Mai Than (site visited by Guru Teg
Bhadur ji) in Agra.

Shiv Dayal Singh (1818-1878): Born in Lahore but settled in Agra. Very religious
person who believed in Guru Nank Dev Ji's teachings. He was married to Radha.
Shiv Dyal singh ,having lived in UP,acuquired the habit of smoking and
eating/chewing pan. He came acorss Didar singh and learnt from him about shabd
suret techniques. Shiv Dyal Singh also started doing Katha in the Gurdwara. In
hindu religion sadhu is called Swami, thus Shiv Dyal Singh was also known as
swami ji. His Guru was Naad (shabd / sound ?)

Around that time sikh army was stationed in Agra. A person, from that unit, Jaimal
Singh (1828-1898, of village Ghuman in Gurdaspur), used to visit Gurdwara and
was impressed by Shiv Dyal Singh's teachings. After retiring from army, Jaimal
Singh singh was the founder of dera of Radha soami's in Panjab.

Some of the sikh soldiers (who visited gurdwara in Agra) were upset that
their preacher Shiv Dyal singh smoked. So Shiv Dyal Singh started his preaching
from his home and Jaimal Singh used to go there. Shiv Dyal singh's sect was for "
Satnam and Anami" mat. But near his death he also said that Radha Somi mat has
been started by Salgram and let it flourish as well.

An other person Kasib (caste name) Rai Salgram of Agra met Shiv Dyal singh and
liked his teachings. Rai Salgram was in the postal service and later on became the
first postal master general of UP state. After retiring from his post he started the
Radha Somi religion.

Rai Brinda: One of the brothers of Shiv Dayal Singh. This person started his own
sect but would advise people to recite Waheguru as a mantar.

Basically Radha Somai mat is a mixture of bits and pieces from other religions as
we would discover later on. However briefly Radha soamis believe in Physical
Guru and doing his Bhagti, shabd suret excercises, Triquti, Sunh Guffa and Dasem
Duar ( through exercises of focussing attention and listening to anhad shabd one
reaches Radha Soami Dham if one is follower of Rai Salgram's path( Agra based
center). But through the excercises of mind one reaches Sach Khand if one follows
the teachings of Jaimal Singh or who ever is in his place as a Guru at Dera Beas in

Radha-Soami Religion : Part 2 - BASICS

One ( book does not mention age limits) must do three things to reach
Radha Soami Dham / Such Khand.
(a) Guru Bhagti
(b) Shabd suret Excercises.
(c) Sat Sang. It is of two kinds.
One is internal like focussing one's attention on Living Guru (could be Photo) and
doing of shabd suret excercises. The second kind of Sat sang is external like meeting
good people, listening to their talks/ sermon and taking part in seva.

Radha Soamies also believe in Parsadi which is a left over of Guru's food and eating
it is a pious act. Radha Soamis also believe in taking or drinking of Guru's kurli
(gargled water) or taking food which has been in contact with saliva ( it could be
touching food with toungue or spitting into /onto it) from guru's mouth.

These folks have two kind of Gurus: Sant-Guru and Sadh-Guru.
Sant-Guru will take the soul to Radha Soami Dham where as Sadh-Guru will take
one's soul to Braham or Parbraham's place. When a Guru dies then there is an other
who overtakes guruship. Then One should do the bhagti of this newer guru. Book
does not tell whether one need to have Parsadi from this Guru or the older Parsadi
is still valid ?

They donot believe in Guru Granth Sahib as a Guru, because they say one cannot
learn from books or pothies. Radha Soamies donot believe in Caste or shute
pat(becoming impure by physical touch), they believe in civil marriage. They are
supposed to be vegetarian. There may be some other ideas /traditions which may
be pleasing but:

The question which comes to mind is this: Is it an old philosophy/religion which is

presented as a new?
Perhaps old perhaps new, but we cannot call something new unless we are sure
that it did not exist before.

In the following sections we would look into NAAM, Five Dhunes and their
positions/places, Spiritual Journey leading one to Radha Soami
Dham or Sach Khand and Eating of Parsadi.

Radha-Soami Religion: Part 3 NAAM (Varnatmic Naam)

NAAM: Radha Soamies have two kind of Naam. One is called Dhuniatmic (sound
of which is played inside the body ? So it is the sound itself). The second is
Varnatmic( it is a word which can be
pronounced using lips , tounge and upper part of the mouth cavity).

Let us look first the word Radha Soami(Varnatmic):

As we have seen that Shiv Dyal Singh's mat was of 'Satnam- Anami'. Both words
from sikh religion. But the name, Radha Soami was given by Rai Salgram. Let us
look here this word Radha Soami:

Radha Soami is not a name for GOD because one does not find it in any Granth.
The only name found is for a Buddhist disciple of 5th century.
So radha soami is same as Sita Ram, Radha Krishanan, Radha Sham. Thus it is same
for Shiv Dyal singh because Radha was his wife. Swami is used by hindus for
upper caste brahmins (mostly in southern India) and word swami is also used for
hindu sadhus.

One finds the word swami in Gurbanee but it is used for GOD and Malik(owner).
In gurbanee there are numerous other names, such as madho, beethul etc, but these
are used by bhagats for God because these bhagats realised God in that particular
creation of GOD. These are called Kirtam names. The real name for GOD is
SATNAM and it appears in moole mantar.

Further on:
Satnam tera para purbla.....(Maru M5, p1083)
Jap Mun Satnam sadha Satnam... (Dhanasri M4, p670)
Namsakar Gurdev ko satnam jis mantar sunaiya (Vaar 1,Pauri1,Bhai Gurdas)
In Jaap Sahib GOD is called 'Anam Akam' (193) and also 'Aungjul Anamai' (197)
and also at many other places in Jaap sahib.

Also in Sar Bachan(Vaddi and Choti, Bible of Radha Soami faith) Shiv Dayal singh
is known as kul malik, puran dhani, sant guru AND radha Soami. Further on the
name Radha Soami is also used as Nij Naam, Dhuniatmic naam, sometime used for
shabd Suret,somewhere radhasoami is described smoking and eating pan so there
is a problem with the name it self.

NIJ NAAM and DHARA(watch this word Dhara).

Sar Bachan teaches:

Radha soami gaye kar janam safal kar lai,
jahee naam NIJ NAAM hai mun apana dhar lai.

Meaning Radha soami is Nij Name for God and let it reside in one's mind.
Sing this name and make success of your life.

In Sar Bachan, Radha Soami Name is used for shabd suret and following verse of
Kabir ji is presented for justification.

Kabir dhara agam ki, Satgur dhee lakhai,

ulat tahai sumran karo, swami sang milae.

Meaning Satgur has disclosed dhara of agam.

Here Radha Soamies teach: Kabir is saying that ulat(flip)the word DHARA and
along with it attach Swami and then do simran of it.

DHARA  RADHA, Now Attach SWAMI  Radha Swami

So do simran of the word Radha Swami. !!!

We are not sure what problem Kabir Ji had, that he didnot use a simple Radha
Swami word. We had to wait 400 years to find it. In general the word ulat or ulti
comes in Gurbanee and it means changing of thinking eg from manmat to gurmat

Radha Soami AND Shabd Suret:

Sar Bachan has verses: Shabd Suret aur Radha Swami dono naam aik kar jani.
Meaning shabd suret and radha swami both are one name.

Sar Bachan also has :

Huka bhar ka dasi liahee,
Radha Soami dhig bath pilaee,
Hukka hak hak boli bola.

This means Radha Soami smoking. GOD smoking !

Jaimal Singh and Sawan Singh of Dera Beas changed the last verse from Hukka hak
hak boli bola.
to: Satgur hak hak boli bola.

There are more verses which indicate that word Radha Soami is used for a person
because these verses from SAR BACHAN teaches that Swami had bath, eaten food,
smoked and gave Sheeth (left over) parsad and then gave away Kurli. All these can
be done by a person.

So to cut it short the name Radha Soami was used for Shiv Dyal Singh. Radha
soami is not Nij Naam, shabd suret or what ever else is being told.
So far we have considered Varnatmic NAAM

Radha-Soami Religion: Part 4 FIVE NAAM DHUNES (Dhuniatmic) AND THEIR

Now we consider the other form of Naam ie Dhuniatmic (sounds). Before we get
into five Naams let us consider some other things from Sar Bachan regarding shabd

Sar Bachan teaches:

Satjug Treta Duapar beeta,
Kahu na jani shabd ke reeta,
Kaljug mai Soami dya bichari,
pargat kar ka shabd pukari.

Meaning in all the other three jugs people did not know the excercise technique for
shabd or Nij Naam. In Kaljug Soami had mercy and he disclosed the technique for
Let us look at Gurbani:
Shabd Guru Suret Dhun Cheala. GGS p943 --- Sidh Ghoshat.
Shabd Gur Peera Ghahir Gambhira, Bin Shabda Jag baurana. Sorath M1 p635
Nanak Naam Niranjan Jano, Keeni Bhagat Prem liv laee, Tai tah Angad aung sang
bhagho saeer, Swayia M4 p1406
Tin SHABD SURET KEE Neeve Rakhaee.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Angad Dev ji were here 400 years before Radha
soami(shiv dyal singh) and Bhatts in Swayia are telling that these Gurus laid the
foundation of Shabd Suret.

So Radha Soamies are wrong in telling that no one knew about shabd or shabd
suret before Shiv Dyal Singh had mercy on poor kaljugi jeev.

Five Naams and Places:

Radha Soamies have five Dhuniatmic names and these are similar to what one find
in Jog mat.

Five Naams are:

1 Jote Niranjan: It is a copy of Alakh Niranjan, the word Jogies say while begging. It
is supposed to be at Sahansar dal kwal position. One hears ringing of bells and
playing of Conch(sankh)
2 Oankar: It comes from hindu granths. It is a state of GOD when GOD creates
creation. Guru Nanak Dev ji called: "Oankar Brahma utpat".

Radha Soamies position this Naam at Triquti. One hears playing of instrument
Mridhang and sound of clouds.

3 Rarnkar: It is at Dasem Duar and sound of Kingri(one string) being played is

heard. Rarnkar word is not there in Gurbani but Radha Soami try to use verses
(from GGS) with Rara to
explain it.

4 Soham: This word is from Vaidante and it is a Saneassi Mantar. Kabir ji

mentioned it in Rag Bhairo
"Soham Ja ko Ha Jaap". Radha Soamies places this at Bhawar Guffa and one hears
bansari being played.

5 Satnam: It is from Guru Granth sahib and part of moole mantar. Satnam also
comes in Kabir ji's bani.

Radha Soamies place this two finger widths above Bhawar Guffa. One hears Beena.

Thus none of these five names belong to Radha Somies. They have problem with
the third.

Jogies assume within a Jogi there are five kind of sounds(shabds) being played and
these are similar to sounds originating from five different kind of instruments:
1 Tat : Stringed Instrument.
2 Vrit: Instruments with leather .
3 Ghan: Metals striking and making sound.
4 Naad: Open and hollow vassel such as Pot.
5 Sukhar: Blowing of air.

Jogies say they hear five sounds in Dasem duar and these sounds are of Sankh,
Mridjang, Kingri, Murli, beena.

So all these Five Naams, Five shabds and five Places belong to Jog mat and is
nothing new.

Gurbanee teaches:
Jog Sidh assen chaurassi aih bhi kar kar rahia, Vaddi arja phir phir janamain har
siho sang na gahai.
GGS p 642
Gurbanee rejects the Jogi's way of reaching GOD.

Hath Kar Tant vajava jogi, thothar baaja bain, Gurmat Har Gune Bolo Jogi, Ihe
manua har rang bhain. Asa M4, p 368.

Listening to sounds of strings etc is useless you need to sing HIS praise.

Radha-Soami Religion: Part 5 ALTI PALTI ASSEN (Roohani Safar: Spirtual


Physically living Guru is very important for Radha Soamis. This could be one of the
reasons that these folks do not want to read gurbani other than to justify their
religion. Their bhagti also involves focussing one's attention on the physical body of
the guru or his photo.

But anything physical and living is sure to die. However Radha Soamis call their
Guru "Jinda Sat Saroop Hasti" i.e. living true body.

However it is the Truth which is going to remain in existence for ever in all times of
Past, Present and Future.

Ade Such Jugad Such , Habhee Such Nanak Ho See Bhee Such.

The word in sikh religion is " Sat Guru " and it is defined in Sukhmani Sahib:

Sat Purkh jin Jania Sat Gur tis ka Nau. Meaning satgur is a person who knows Sat
Purkh (GOD).

Further on focussing one's attention on Photo or body has problem. What about
those who are blind or have lost eye sight and have not seen photo or Guru???

Alti Palti Assen:

The posture is like: Sit on two feet. Put one finger of each hand into each ear to close
hearing anything. Close both eyes. Then put two fingers of each hand on to these
closed eyes.
Now focuss attention at (Triquti) at a place between eyes but a little above the
bridging gap of eye brows. I guess the place is exactly where Indian female sticks
her bindi. Now think about physical body of Radha Soami Guru or his photo and
repeat NAAM. According to Sar Bachan this is THE place where spirtual (Roohani)
journey begins.

"I guess it is not chanting of Naam because with fingers in ears one may not hear it.
It may be repeating of Naam in thoughts which in Gurbanee is called Ajapa Jaap
and is mentioned in GGS" JS.


When one's sight (meaning thoughts) flip ( may mean success in focussing attention
inwards) in brain then soul would leave the body and soul would rise. One would
then see sky. Further one will see " Thana Sahanser dal Kawal" and this has
thousands of petal. One would become happy. Here one would see Malik of three
loks. Most of people stop here and they think they have reached Kul Malik but they
are deceived.

Why should soul leave body when all Triquiti, Sun Guffa and other positions are
within body ??


Sar Bachan teaches:
Above the sky (you have reached) you will find a very narrow door (similar to a
hole in a needle). You need to let your soul go through it.

Further you will have triangular shaped way and it will go uphill. this way is called
'Bunk Naal'. You cross this and then you reach the second sky where you have
Triquiti, which is very expansive and strtches one lakh jojan( 1 jojan = 6 miles).

Here you see all kind of scences and hear the sound of OM OM as well as hu hu of


Then your soul will go on climbing and travels about 100 lakhs jojan and reach Sun.
At this place you will find other souls doing wonderfull dance etc. There will be
precious stones etc.

Giani Partap Singh writes second and third stages are that of heaven of hindus and
bahishith of muslims. However the problem is that Sun is a state where there is
nothing but Sar Bachan teaches that souls are having good time in Sun State ?


Then soul goes 50075 crore jojan upwards and then 1000 jojans downwards and
then upwards again.
["The whole thing is very funny and I leave it here." --JS]

Radha Soamies use Gurbani to justify their beliefs for example they use:
Akhi bajo dekhana vin kana sunana,
para bajo chalana vin hatha karna,
jeeba bajo bolana iv jeevat marana,
Nanak hukam pachan kai tau khasama millana. Sloak M 2 p139 Vaar Rag Maj

But they ignore

bhai ka charan, kar bahve ka, loin suret ka,
Nank kahai siania iv kant millawa hoi. Sloak M2 p139


Sar Bachan teaches that here there are four places which are very secret and these
had not been disclosed by any Saint. Here there are prisions for souls.

Giani Partap Singh had a sarcastic remarks here but nothing else.

However " Dheermalies, Vaadh Bhag Singh people have some thing in the spirtual
world, where they trap and lock up wandering maleen(bad) souls." JS.


Now soul reaches bhawar Guffa. here there is Handola ( Cradle ?) in which it takes
rest. Rai Salgram who is author of Sar Bachan used to have Handola in his house.

SEVETH STAGE OF ROOHANI JOURNEY: There are three places to go there. Sat
Lok, Alakh Lok and Agam Lok.

Radha Soami dham is in Agam Lok.

SIX CIRCLES (CHAKAR): Radha Soamies follow six chakars of Jogies.

1 Lilat Chakar: Between Eyes. Mun and soul reside here.
2 Kanth Chakar: Shakati resides here.
3 Hirda Chakar: Shiva resides here.
4 Nabhi Chakar: Vishnu resides here.
5 Ling Chakar: Brahma resides here.
6 Guddha(Mooladhar) Chakar: Ganesh resides here.

Radha Soamies believe that it is Triquti or Lilat chakar from where soul starts its
journey towards Radha Somi Dham ( Sach Khund for followers of Beas dera).


Sar Bachan teaches:

Aik janam guru bghati kar,... First life for Guru Baghti
janam dusare Naam,............Second life for Naam .
Janam teesara mukat gat, ...Third life lead to mukhti
chautha ko Nij Dham........ In Fourth life one reaches Nij Dham.

Giani Partap singh in passing mentions that Shiv Dayal Singh carried out Tantarics.


During Alti Palti Assen with eyes closed and these covered with fingers one will
see kinds of streaks of light. Radha Soami say these streaks are of Atmic
Parkash(enlightening of soul).

Baba Sawan Singh of Dera Beas have used shabds from Guru Granth Sahib ji and
written a book " Shabd Kee Mahima". In this book verses from Gurbani are used to
give credibility to what one finds in Sar Bachan book.

Sukhmani: 5/15 Jis vakhar ko lane tu ahia

Ram Naam santan ghar payia.
Radha Soami has: Sapat lok ka opur dhava,
alakh agam ki jab ghat pava,
Tis ka opur santan dham,

Nanak das keeai bisram.

The verses of Radha Soamies are not Gurbani even though these people use the
name Nanak.

" Most probably, some of the folks who are joining Radha Soami religion do not
know gurbani from GGS. Thus when they hear the word NANAK in verse being
described they assume it is a Gurbani shabd. I have not met any Radha Soami
person and thus have no chance of discussion and thus could
be wrong in assumptions" JS.

In sikh religion there are five stages for the progression of soul and these are
described as five khands( Dharm Khand, Gian Khand, Sarm Khand, Karm Khand,
Sach Khand) in the Japji sahib.

Radha Soamies Naam is secret but for sikhs Naam and GOD is not secret.
Nanak ka patshau disa jahura p397 of GGS.


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