Plot - Passages Set 3

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© Jennifer Findley

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Set 3
This set of passages focuses on
identifying the plot structure.
Students will read a passage, color
code the parts of the plot, and
then summarize each part in an
organizer. This can be optional.

© Jennifer Findley
Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure Summary

Directions: Summarize each part of the plot in the organizer below.





© Jennifer Findley
Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure #1
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
The village of Rainbow Glen was full of energetic, joyful people. One day, though,
the Gray Wizard passed through. He was foul and grumpy and couldn’t stand the
cheerful greetings and beaming smiles of everyone he passed. Due to this, he cast a
wicked spell over Rainbow Glen. All joy and good cheer vanished from the village. The
villagers, sapped of their energy and spirit, became soulless servants of the Gray Wizard.
One of the villagers, though, had been gathering nuts in a distant forest when the
spell was cast. Lem was the only villager whose joyful spirit was intact. He arrived home
and found his friends and family frowning and dragging themselves about. The Gray
Wizard was forcing them to cook for him and build him a giant hut to live in.
Lem knew it was up to him to defeat the Gray Wizard. He fled the village before
the spell took hold of him, too. He went off to search for the only thing that could defeat
an evil wizard. That, of course, was a good wizard. From tiny villages to huge kingdoms,
Lem sought out every good wizard for hundreds of miles. He went to wizard schools,
wizard clubs, and wizard conventions. Lem pleaded with dozens of wizards to help him
free Rainbow Glen. None would assist him. Lem was starting to feel just as miserable as
those he was trying to help.
On the long journey back to Rainbow Glen, Lem realized something. In his many
months of seeking out wizards, Lem had learned an awful lot. He hadn’t graduated from
any of the wizard schools he visited, but he might have picked up enough to fight the
Gray Wizard!
Arriving in Rainbow Glen, Lem called for the Gray Wizard to show himself. The
cackling old sorcerer appeared in a cloud of smoke. Lem cast a lightning spell. Then he
cast a flood spell, and then a wind spell.
The Gray Wizard fought back with spells of his own. However, the good in Lem
slowly overpowered the Gray Wizard’s evil. Finally, the Gray Wizard crumpled in defeat.
Immediately, the clouds above disappeared. The sun beamed down. Joy returned
to the villagers. The Gray Wizard skulked off toward the distant mountains. The villagers
cheered and raised Lem onto their shoulders. They now had a good wizard to protect

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure #1
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
The village of Rainbow Glen was full of energetic, joyful people. One day, though, the
Gray Wizard passed through. He was foul and grumpy and couldn’t stand the cheerful
greetings and beaming smiles of everyone he passed. Due to this, he cast a wicked spell over
Rainbow Glen. All joy and good cheer vanished from the village. The villagers, sapped of their
energy and spirit, became soulless servants of the Gray Wizard.
One of the villagers, though, had been gathering nuts in a distant forest when the spell
was cast. Lem was the only villager whose joyful spirit was intact. He arrived home and found
his friends and family frowning and dragging themselves about. The Gray Wizard was forcing
them to cook for him and build him a giant hut to live in.
Lem knew it was up to him to defeat the Gray Wizard. He fled the village before the spell
took hold of him, too. He went off to search for the only thing that could defeat an evil wizard.
That, of course, was a good wizard. From tiny villages to huge kingdoms, Lem sought out every
good wizard for hundreds of miles. He went to wizard schools, wizard clubs, and wizard
conventions. Lem pleaded with dozens of wizards to help him free Rainbow Glen. None would
assist him. Lem was starting to feel just as miserable as those he was trying to help.
On the long journey back to Rainbow Glen, Lem realized something. In his many months
of seeking out wizards, Lem had learned an awful lot. He hadn’t graduated from any of the
wizard schools he visited, but he might have picked up enough to fight the Gray Wizard!
Arriving in Rainbow Glen, Lem called for the Gray Wizard to show himself. The cackling
old sorcerer appeared in a cloud of smoke. Lem cast a lightning spell. Then he cast a flood
spell, and then a wind spell.
The Gray Wizard fought back with spells of his own. However, the good in Lem slowly
overpowered the Gray Wizard’s evil. Finally, the Gray Wizard crumpled in defeat.
Immediately, the clouds above disappeared. The sun beamed down. Joy returned to
the villagers. The Gray Wizard skulked off toward the distant mountains. The villagers cheered
and raised Lem onto their shoulders. They now had a good wizard to protect them.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure Summary
Directions: Summarize each part of the plot in the organizer below.

The once joyful Rainbow Glen turns gloomy

Exposition when the Gray Wizard casts a spell on the
villagers, stealing their happiness.

Lem, an unaffected villager, travels to find

a good wizard to help his village, but no
Rising one is willing to assist him. On his way back,
Action Lem realizes he's learned some magic from
his journey and decides to challenge the
Gray Wizard himself.

Lem returns to Rainbow Glen and faces

the Gray Wizard in a magical battle.

Lem defeats the Gray Wizard.

Happiness returns to the village, and Lem

© Jennifer Findley

becomes the village's guardian wizard.
Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure #2
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
Once a year, the tiny woodland village of Arrowdale swelled with visitors. That was the
weekend that the best archers in the nine kingdoms gathered to compete for the title of
“Best Archer in the Land.” Tens of thousands of spectators would pack the town on this
special weekend.
One of the biggest fans of the archery tournament, though, lived right there in
Arrowdale. Francine’s father was an expert archer. He taught her to use a bow and arrow as
soon as it was safe. From then on, every second that wasn’t dedicated to her studies or
chores was dedicated to archery.
Each day, Francine practiced for hours in the woods. She closely studied the experts
that arrived each year for the tournament. It was her dream to compete against them.
However, girls were not allowed to enter. It would have to remain just a dream.
By the time Francine turned 16, though, she knew she could win. It was ridiculous, she
thought, that one of the best archers around couldn’t compete to be the “Best Archer in the
Land.” Francine dug a big, hooded cloak out of her father’s trunk. She strode down to the
fairgrounds to enter “Francis” in the archery competition.
The tournament began. Before long, the crowd was abuzz at the performance of a
new, mysterious archer. “Francis,” face hidden in the shadows of a huge hood, defeated one
world-class archer after another. With every bullseye the crowd roared and chanted the
name of their new favorite competitor. Finally, the finals arrived. The score was incredibly
close. Prince Thomas, three-time champion, hit another bullseye. That meant “Francis”
needed a bullseye to win.
Francine decided to add some flair to her performance. She turned around and fired
the arrow over her head. It split the prince’s arrow in two! “Francis” had won the tournament!
In the process, the hood of the cloak fell. Francine was revealed. A gasp rang out from all in
The tournament judges argued long into the night about what to do. True, girls were not
allowed to enter the contest. However, Francine had won fair and square. Finally, a wise old
judge pointed out the wording on the golden winner’s trophy. It read, “Best Archer,” he
noted, not “Best Male Archer.”
After that, Francine was declared the winner. From then on, anyone who wished to
enter the tournament was welcomed.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure #2
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
Once a year, the tiny woodland village of Arrowdale swelled with visitors. That was the
weekend that the best archers in the nine kingdoms gathered to compete for the title of
“Best Archer in the Land.” Tens of thousands of spectators would pack the town on this
special weekend.
One of the biggest fans of the archery tournament, though, lived right there in
Arrowdale. Francine’s father was an expert archer. He taught her to use a bow and arrow as
soon as it was safe. From then on, every second that wasn’t dedicated to her studies or
chores was dedicated to archery.
Each day, Francine practiced for hours in the woods. She closely studied the experts
that arrived each year for the tournament. It was her dream to compete against them.
However, girls were not allowed to enter. It would have to remain just a dream.
By the time Francine turned 16, though, she knew she could win. It was ridiculous, she
thought, that one of the best archers around couldn’t compete to be the “Best Archer in the
Land.” Francine dug a big, hooded cloak out of her father’s trunk. She strode down to the
fairgrounds to enter “Francis” in the archery competition.
The tournament began. Before long, the crowd was abuzz at the performance of a
new, mysterious archer. “Francis,” face hidden in the shadows of a huge hood, defeated one
world-class archer after another. With every bullseye the crowd roared and chanted the
name of their new favorite competitor. Finally, the finals arrived. The score was incredibly
close. Prince Thomas, three-time champion, hit another bullseye. That meant “Francis”
needed a bullseye to win.
Francine decided to add some flair to her performance. She turned around and fired
the arrow over her head. It split the prince’s arrow in two! “Francis” had won the tournament!
In the process, the hood of the cloak fell. Francine was revealed. A gasp rang out from all in
The tournament judges argued long into the night about what to do. True, girls were not
allowed to enter the contest. However, Francine had won fair and square. Finally, a wise old
judge pointed out the wording on the golden winner’s trophy. It read, “Best Archer,” he
noted, not “Best Male Archer.”
After that, Francine was declared the winner. From then on, anyone who wished to
enter the tournament was welcomed.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure Summary
Directions: Summarize each part of the plot in the organizer below.

Arrowdale holds an annual archery

tournament. Francine, a local girl trained
Exposition by her expert archer father, is passionate
about archery but cannot compete, as
girls are not permitted.

When Francine turns 16 and feels confident

in her archery skills, she disguises herself as
"Francis" and enters the competition.

Francine, under her disguise, competes

against the best archers and, in a thrilling
Climax final round, she shoots a perfect bullseye,
splitting the prince's arrow, reveals her true
identity to the stunned crowd.

Falling The judges spend the night debating the

Action rules of the competition.

The judges decided to let Francine win

Resolution and to start letting girls enter the
© Jennifer Findley

Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure #3
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
Sammy Squirrel was a loner. He didn’t know much of his story, other than the fact
that he grew up without a family. Maybe it was because of a fire or logging. Whatever
the reason, the only company he really liked was his own. He was generally grumpy
and avoided any other forest creatures. When he found a hollow in a huge oak tree,
big enough for a nest, he was thrilled. “This tree will be my castle,” he proclaimed. “Any
annoying birds, bugs, or badgers that want to come around can just buzz off.”
One spring day, Sammy was awakened by rustling sounds. Immediately, he was
steaming. He stuck his head out of his hollow to tell the intruder to scram. When he did,
he spotted a hummingbird darting around a small nest she was building high up in the
tree. It was nearly finished.
“Oh, I don’t think so!” Sammy exclaimed. He scurried out of his hole and up the
tree. His tail twitched with rage. “How dare you!” he squeaked. “Clear that nest out by
morning, or I’ll do it for you!” Sammy swatted at the hummingbird with his twitchy tail.
The bird zipped off. Sammy marched back to his nest, satisfied at his success in
defending his castle.
The next day, Sammy poked his head out of his hollow to yell as some ants that
were scrambling by. He saw something very upsetting. The nest was still there! Enraged,
he stormed up the tree, prepared to rip it to shreds. As he got closer, though, he saw
two white eggs nestled in the nest. Each was no bigger than a jelly bean.
Sammy felt ashamed. In his anger, he had not thought of the consequences of
driving the hummingbird away. He was probably grumpy and alone, he realized,
because he was separated from his family when he was a baby squirrel. Now he was
doing that to others! He felt awful.
“Hello?” Sammy called into the forest. “Hummingbird, are you there? I’m sorry.
There’s plenty of room for all of us in this tree.” With a rustle and a flutter, the
hummingbird appeared and hovered in front of the squirrel. She had been hiding in the
shadows, hoping for the chance to return.
Sammy apologized sincerely. The two animals came to an understanding. From
that day forward, Sammy said any bird, bug, or badger who visited was welcome to
build a home in his tree.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure #3
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
Sammy Squirrel was a loner. He didn’t know much of his story, other than the fact
that he grew up without a family. Maybe it was because of a fire or logging. Whatever
the reason, the only company he really liked was his own. He was generally grumpy
and avoided any other forest creatures. When he found a hollow in a huge oak tree,
big enough for a nest, he was thrilled. “This tree will be my castle,” he proclaimed. “Any
annoying birds, bugs, or badgers that want to come around can just buzz off.”
One spring day, Sammy was awakened by rustling sounds. Immediately, he was
steaming. He stuck his head out of his hollow to tell the intruder to scram. When he did,
he spotted a hummingbird darting around a small nest she was building high up in the
tree. It was nearly finished.
“Oh, I don’t think so!” Sammy exclaimed. He scurried out of his hole and up the
tree. His tail twitched with rage. “How dare you!” he squeaked. “Clear that nest out by
morning, or I’ll do it for you!” Sammy swatted at the hummingbird with his twitchy tail.
The bird zipped off. Sammy marched back to his nest, satisfied at his success in
defending his castle.
The next day, Sammy poked his head out of his hollow to yell as some ants that
were scrambling by. He saw something very upsetting. The nest was still there! Enraged,
he stormed up the tree, prepared to rip it to shreds. As he got closer, though, he saw
two white eggs nestled in the nest. Each was no bigger than a jelly bean.
Sammy felt ashamed. In his anger, he had not thought of the consequences of
driving the hummingbird away. He was probably grumpy and alone, he realized,
because he was separated from his family when he was a baby squirrel. Now he was
doing that to others! He felt awful.
“Hello?” Sammy called into the forest. “Hummingbird, are you there? I’m sorry.
There’s plenty of room for all of us in this tree.” With a rustle and a flutter, the
hummingbird appeared and hovered in front of the squirrel. She had been hiding in the
shadows, hoping for the chance to return.
Sammy apologized sincerely. The two animals came to an understanding. From
that day forward, Sammy said any bird, bug, or badger who visited was welcome to
build a home in his tree.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure Summary
Directions: Summarize each part of the plot in the organizer below.

Sammy Squirrel lives alone in a big oak tree

Exposition and doesn't like other animals coming near
his home.

One day, Sammy sees a hummingbird

building a nest in his tree, and he scares
her away.

The next day, Sammy finds two small eggs

Climax in the nest, making him feel terrible for
scaring away the hummingbird.

Sammy feels sad and sorry because he

Falling understands he might have separated the
Action hummingbird from her eggs. Sammy
apologizes to the hummingbird.

The hummingbird and the squirrel share the

Resolution tree, and the squirrel starts letting other
© Jennifer Findley

animals build their nests there.

Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure #4
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
Millville was a small town full of honest, friendly people. In the middle of Millville was an
elementary school. Not surprisingly, it was full of honest, friendly students. Just like their
parents, the students got along very well and were honest citizens. There were no fights,
other than minor squabbles over unfair baseball card trades or about the best and worst Star
Wars characters. All small stuff. Until, that is, a big problem arrived.
It started in early October. One by one, things at the school started to go missing.
Clementine’s shiny new watch disappeared. Eddie couldn’t find his grandpa’s lucky silver
coin. This went on for weeks. As more and more possessions vanished, the students started to
turn on each other. Real arguments broke out. Heated accusations were made. Friendships
began to crumble.
One day, just after the morning bell, Miss Wilson realized her diamond engagement
ring had disappeared. That was the last straw for Principal Milton, who happened to be Miss
Wilson’s fiancé. That morning, his furious voice boomed over the loudspeaker. “Students will
not be attending class today,” he declared. “Instead, there will be a schoolwide search. I
want every student combing every hall, desk, and locker looking for that ring! No one’s
leaving until it's found!”
The students searched for hours, digging through every nook and cranny of the
building. As they did, they continued to accuse each other and spread rumors about
possible culprits. The bad energy in the halls grew and grew.
Finally, just when everyone was ready to give up, Angela gave a shout from the girls’
bathroom. Students and teachers crowded in to see what she had found. It was a magpie’s
nest, tucked into a corner of the roof just outside the bathroom window. Through the
scraggly twigs, you could just make out something sparkling inside. The janitor, Miss Loomis,
grabbed a stepladder and investigated. Inside were all the missing items, including Miss
Wilson’s ring.
Everyone was relieved to have their things returned. However, no one could look
anyone else in the eye. Everyone felt terrible for the accusations, the gossip, and the distrust
they had shown. Finally, Alicia turned to Stacey and apologized. Stacey then turned to
Arthur. Arthur turned to Pablo. Soon, everyone had expressed regrets for how they had
behaved. The students had all learned a valuable lesson. After that day, they never again
made accusations without any evidence. That, and they tried to remember to latch the
bathroom windows.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure #4
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
Millville was a small town full of honest, friendly people. In the middle of Millville was an
elementary school. Not surprisingly, it was full of honest, friendly students. Just like their
parents, the students got along very well and were honest citizens. There were no fights,
other than minor squabbles over unfair baseball card trades or about the best and worst Star
Wars characters. All small stuff. Until, that is, a big problem arrived.
It started in early October. One by one, things at the school started to go missing.
Clementine’s shiny new watch disappeared. Eddie couldn’t find his grandpa’s lucky silver
coin. This went on for weeks. As more and more possessions vanished, the students started to
turn on each other. Real arguments broke out. Heated accusations were made. Friendships
began to crumble.
One day, just after the morning bell, Miss Wilson realized her diamond engagement
ring had disappeared. That was the last straw for Principal Milton, who happened to be Miss
Wilson’s fiancé. That morning, his furious voice boomed over the loudspeaker. “Students will
not be attending class today,” he declared. “Instead, there will be a schoolwide search. I
want every student combing every hall, desk, and locker looking for that ring! No one’s
leaving untill it's found!”
The students searched for hours, digging through every nook and cranny of the
building. As they did, they continued to accuse each other and spread rumors about
possible culprits. The bad energy in the halls grew and grew.
Finally, just when everyone was ready to give up, Angela gave a shout from the girls’
bathroom. Students and teachers crowded in to see what she had found. It was a magpie’s
nest, tucked into a corner of the roof just outside the bathroom window. Through the
scraggly twigs, you could just make out something sparkling inside. The janitor, Miss Loomis,
grabbed a stepladder and investigated. Inside were all the missing items, including Miss
Wilson’s ring.
Everyone was relieved to have their things returned. However, no one could look
anyone else in the eye. Everyone felt terrible for the accusations, the gossip, and the distrust
they had shown. Finally, Alicia turned to Stacey and apologized. Stacey then turned to
Arthur. Arthur turned to Pablo. Soon, everyone had expressed regrets for how they had
behaved. The students had all learned a valuable lesson. After that day, they never again
made accusations without any evidence. That, and they tried to remember to latch the
bathroom windows.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure Summary
Directions: Summarize each part of the plot in the organizer below.

Millville, a friendly small town, has an

Exposition elementary school where everyone usually
gets along.

Items belonging to students and staff

Rising disappear over several weeks, leading to
Action accusations, arguments, and a breakdown
of friendships.

The principal, angry over his fiancé's

missing engagement ring, orders a school-
wide search, which heightens tensions and
suspicions among students.

The missing items, including the ring, are

Falling found in a magpie's nest, and the students
Action realize their mistakes in accusing each

The students apologize to each other and

learn the importance of not making
© Jennifer Findley

accusations without evidence and closing

the bathroom windows.
Name __________________________ Date ___________

Plot Structure #5
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
It was totally unfair, Kevin thought to himself. His parents had said no for what felt like
the 1000th time. His dad claimed he and Kevin’s mom were “reasonable” people. To Kevin,
these rejections was extremely unreasonable. After all, Kevin was a kind, hardworking boy.
He always did his homework on time. He helped his parents around the house. The only
thing he ever asked for was a dog. The “reasonable” thing would be to reward Kevin for
being so fantastic!
Kevin knew that the real issue was that his parents were kind of fussy. They liked to
keep things ordered, controlled, and neat. His mom was worried about fur on the furniture
and pawprints on the carpet. More than once, his father said, “This house is barely big
enough for the three of us,” as he waved his arm around the house that was, actually,
pretty big. Anyway, Kevin could translate that excuse easy enough: “I like things the way
they are, son.” These discussions always ended the same. Kevin would nod sadly, his hopes
One day, though, Kevin was walking to school when he heard a pitiful whining
coming from behind some trash cans. There, he saw a scruffy, underfed mutt gazing at him
with big soft eyes. Without hesitation, Kevin reached into his backpack and ripped off a
piece of bologna sandwich and gave it the grateful dog.
When he left school that afternoon, he was astonished to see the dog waiting for him,
wagging its tail adoringly. The dog followed Kevin home, and Kevin hid him in the backyard
shed. At night, Kevin snuck outside to feed the dog leftovers and refill his water.
A few weeks after Kevin brought the dog home, Kevin and his parents were
awakened in the night by a loud thump. Creeping downstairs, they saw a burglar
unplugging their TV! Suddenly, a low growl made everyone turn, including the burglar.
There was Kevin’s dog, snarling and barking at the robber. The thief screamed and fled into
the night.
Kevin’s parents were so grateful that they didn’t even scold Kevin for keeping the
dog a secret. They decided that having a dog around for protection was worth the added
Kevin named the dog Sentry, and just like that, they were a happy family of four.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure #5
Directions: Read the story. Identify and color code each part of the plot.
It was totally unfair, Kevin thought to himself. His parents had said no for what felt like
the 1000th time. His dad claimed he and Kevin’s mom were “reasonable” people. To Kevin,
these rejections was extremely unreasonable. After all, Kevin was a kind, hardworking boy.
He always did his homework on time. He helped his parents around the house. The only
thing he ever asked for was a dog. The “reasonable” thing would be to reward Kevin for
being so fantastic!
Kevin knew that the real issue was that his parents were kind of fussy. They liked to
keep things ordered, controlled, neat. His mom was worried about fur on the furniture and
pawprints on the carpet. More than once, his father said, “This house is barely big enough
for the three of us,” as he waved his arm around the house that was, actually, pretty big.
Anyway, Kevin could translate that excuse easy enough: “I like things the way they are,
son.” These discussions always ended the same. Kevin would nod sadly, his hopes crushed.
One day, though, Kevin was walking to school when he heard a pitiful whining
coming from behind some trash cans. There, he saw a scruffy, underfed mutt gazing at him
with big soft eyes. Without hesitation, Kevin reached into his backpack and ripped off a
piece of bologna sandwich and gave it the grateful dog.
When he left school that afternoon, he was astonished to see the dog waiting for him,
wagging its tail adoringly. The dog followed Kevin home, and Kevin hid him in the backyard
shed. At night, Kevin snuck outside to feed the dog leftovers and refill his water.
A few weeks after Kevin brought the dog home, Kevin and his parents were
awakened in the night by a loud thump. Creeping downstairs, they saw a burglar
unplugging their TV! Suddenly, a low growl made everyone turn, including the burglar.
There was Kevin’s dog, snarling and barking at the robber. The thief screamed and fled into
the night.
Kevin’s parents were so grateful that they didn’t even scold Kevin for keeping the
dog a secret. They decided that having a dog around for protection was worth the added
Kevin named the dog Sentry, and just like that, they were a happy family of four.

COLOR KEY After identifying

Climax Pink each part of the
© Jennifer Findley

Exposition Blue Falling Action Green plot, summarize

each part in the
Rising Action Yellow Resolution Orange
Plot Structure Summary
Directions: Summarize each part of the plot in the organizer below.

Kevin, a well-behaved and helpful boy,

desperately wants a dog, but his parents
constantly deny his requests because they
like order and being clean.

Kevin finds a stray dog, feeds it, and

secretly keeps it in his backyard, caring for
it every night.

A burglar breaks into Kevin's home, but the

Climax hidden dog scares the intruder away,
protecting the family.

Falling Kevin's parents decide that it's worth

Action having a dog around for protection.

Resolution Kevin is finally allowed to keep the dog.

© Jennifer Findley
This resource is part of Jennifer Findley’s
All-Access Reading Membership
For more information or to become a
member and access all of Jennifer
Findley’s reading resources (including
member-only bonuses), visit the link below.

This resource was created by Jennifer Findley.

• It may be used and assigned for single classroom use.

• It may be placed on secure learning management systems or
platforms such as Canvas and Google Classroom.

• It may not be put on the open, searchable, unsecure Internet, sold,

or distributed in any other form.

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