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When counseling/therapy can help

Counseling/therapy is past- and present-focussed. A

counselor/therapist's main focus is to ensure you can live a balanced
life. They can look into the past helping you to reconcile with past
events, enabling you to feel more grounded in the here and now. Plus,
they will help you to establish a base from which you can live life more
fully. Through the above-mentioned techniques, a counselor/therapist
can help you to come to peace with your past, enabling you to live
happily in the present.

When coaching can help

Coaching is more present- and

future-focussed. A coach's main focus is to help you grow towards the
life you want to live. They use techniques and tools like "the wheel of
life", personal values and mission statements that enable you to
develop towards your desired life. Your coach will also help you to gain
clarity, harness your strengths, and grow your capabilities. They will act
as a confidante, facilitator, and thought partner in maximizing your
potential. Coaching presents the opportunity to learn and grow.

The difference

In this simplified explanation of the

difference between the disciplines, the focus is on the future or the
past. Often counselors/therapists are very capable of helping you
reconcile with your past. Counselors/therapists are educated in using
the right techniques to let you process past events adequately.
Whereas coaches are trained to help you reach the next level in your
life. Encapsulating this all into two sentences: Coaching helps clients to
live their best lives by setting goals, determining the process towards
their goals, and coping with anxieties emerging on the way towards life
goals. Counselors/Therapists enable you to live in a balanced way and
will help you with issues like trauma, sexuality, family dynamics, and
mental health conditions.

We get that it can be confusing!

That said, there is a lot of overlap between the two disciplines. A coach
wants to enable clients to live a balanced life as well, but will most likely
use more of a future focus. A counselor/therapist wants to help clients
to grow and reach their goals as well, but will most likely use more a
reflective focus towards growth.
At Amplio Coaching, we
occasionally experience a coaching trajectory that develops such that
a counselor/therapist would be better suited for certain areas. In these
cases, we support our clients in finding the right support in these
particular areas. We believe that a coach and a counselor/therapist
should work in parallel to ensure optimal personal growth.

There are areas where a counselor/therapist and a coach can both

help. But the majority of questions are more suitable for one of the

Differences between Coaching and Counselling:

Psychotherapy (counselling) generally deals with emotional/behavioral problems, challenges, or

disruptive situations – and seeks to bring the client to their individual “optimal” functioning by
focusing on their “dysfunction” and augmenting a healing change process. Therapeutic goals are
developed collaboratively, and respectfully, during the first session. Therapy is usually done in-
person, although at times, it may be done over the telephone. Counsellors support and help their

Coaching and Counseling go hand in hand!

Coaching deals with “functional” persons who want to move toward “higher function” and achieve
excellence while creating an extraordinary life. Coaching is a process similar to brief solution-focused
therapy techniques that therapists use for less serious psycho-emotional problems and life stresses.
Coaching goes beyond problem solving. Coaching co-creates a life for the client that is purposeful
and focused. This is achieved through holding the client accountable to their own stated hopes and
goal actions. Coaching is frequently more directive than therapy, does not focus on the client’s
“feelings” so much as it addresses client’s desires and preferred behaviours (life actions). Coaching
pragmatically assists people to have more of what they want and less of what they don’t want.

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